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Health Crisis – 2023 Version

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Caldo Verde

Caldo Verde

Our healthcare system is in crisis and its causes have to be placed at the feet of those who manage the health structures, which is all of us. Sure we can point fingers at our governments for its management but the bottom line is that we elect the government with our votes and we have all been aware of the organizational deterioration for many years and have done nothing about it. Covid-19 was a wake up call to the structural crash which existed in the system’s foundations because we had allowed multiple governments to ignore the basic needs of the populations.

People have always died from sickness and will continue to die. Death comes as a result of many causes, but the reality is that it is accelerated by consequences which engulf each individual life and often we don’t take care of ourselves physically or mentally. Yes, the world took a dramatic turn the past 3 years humbling everyone on this planet with a pandemic that most did not understand and continues to create extensive discussions about the methods used to cure the illness.

The reaction of the world has been disastrous both economically and individually. This pandemic has caused health care systems to collapse and the Canadian system, once considered one of the best in the world, is a prime example. Governments are scrambling to find solutions but you can’t find a cure for problems overnight that have been brewing for many years. It will take years and a vision of reformative solutions to allow healthcare in this country to be the privilege it once was.

The Ontario Federation of Labour suggests this is about salaries, but is it? Admitting there is a shortage of nurses, why would it help to have more if there is no room in the hospitals or healthcare facilities? So the argument is more hospitals – they are being built, but from conception to opening doors could be as long as 10 years. If 76% of Ontarians believe that healthcare professionals’ wages should not be capped, how much more are citizens willing to pay for this type of indiscriminate spending?

Canada continues to increase the amount of immigrants with over 423,000 in 2023. They also need doctors and nurses which are already in short supply to take care of the new immigrants. Immigration is not an Ontario decision, it’s a government of Canada decision. If you don’t have workers to build hospitals and healthcare facilities, how is the population going to be taken care of?

The continuing fight between provincial and federal governments about transference of additional healthcare funds is a pointless exercise based on a broken system. The federalists want the provinces to be better at spending and taking care of a medical structure that has been managed by the government of Canada who is imposing greater challenges on the provinces. In a dysfunctional organization, the management systems fail all the way to the lowest rung of all institutions. Broken foundations in a broken country where political games and philosophies are bought and sold, as the NDP/Liberal coalition has shown, results in the common citizen being used as guinea pigs to accommodate misused power being bought by those who should be protecting the people of Canada.

As people get tired of waiting to be looked after medically, the number of deaths increases. The aging of a population as is the reality in most developing countries, including Canada, will only increase the requests for care and compassion to get over mental health hurdles. More money will be required but if competency is not inserted into the system no amount of funding will measure up to the needs.

North Americans are becoming passive, thus overweight and obese. While many will claim that these two problems are also mental health related, most will agree that it’s consumption related issue due to a glutenous and socially deprived world. Physical passiveness results in many diseases which further loads our medical system and governments do nothing to discourage people from adopting these apathetic ways.

People have a responsibility to look after themselves and not continually count on a medical system to cure their own indifference and stupidity. If politicians can’t look after themselves, how can they look after you?

Be happy to be healthy because loneliness is the biggest detriment to health. What is the purpose of longer life expectancies if many of your final years are going to be spent on a bed? It’s expensive to be old in this country as the requirements to keep you alive far exceed those of people under 50.

So there is a responsibility to take care of your body to ensure that the costs are reduced to prevent the system from collapsing.

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