5 minute read

A subway to hell

Public transit moves millions of people each day. The basic expectation of a transit rider is to go from location A to B on a timely basis and without fearing for his/her safety along the way. The operators of the transit system expect travelers to pay a fee to use its transport system, plus governments fund the systems with our tax dollars.

In view of the amount of money, being invested by the citizens of this country in public transportation, should people not expect a service that is comfortable and safe? Apparently not. Our governors with their conglomerate of bureaucratic minions cannot seem to put together a plan that is going to give some comfort to their clients. Let’s look at some statistics:

In 2022 the TTC reported about 900 cases of violence in their transit systems, substantially higher than 2021. Overall, major crime is up 3% from 2019, according to Toronto Police. Violent crimes targeting transit operators are also on the rise. Several incidents in 2022 highlighted the increasing problems with a particularly heinous killing at the High Park subway station where a woman was killed. Toronto Police are increasing their presence on city transit because of recent violence but seem to not have answers on the resolution of the problem, which appears to be related to a deteriorating social diaspora around the city and by extension, the GTA. What is at the root of the increased criminality that has brought attention to Toronto from across the world? The growing uneasiness within the system is a microcosm of the street life of the City of Toronto.

In the early 60s and 70s, with a much smaller transit system and a city with neighbourhoods which respected law and order, people felt safe as we compared ourselves to other similar urban areas. Toronto is still a relatively safe city in 2022 even as it exploded in population growth. With 67 homicides in 2022 it’s less than in 20142015. If homicides are not increasing, why is such fear gripping our streets and by extension our transportation system? Because of the proliferation of cameras on our streets, the usage of guns in murders is less than half and arrests are being made on 80% of the cases, but the incidences of other weapons being used are increasing. Canadians are worried about attacks any time they go out.

There are 10,000 people sleeping on the streets of Toronto, many suffering from mental health issues. Homelessness is a societal issue which successive governments have been unable to resolve and get people off the streets and into shelters. Economic marginality has caused many to become disenfranchised and seek alternative methods of shelter and buses, subways and streetcars are an alternative. The encampments on parks due to lack of by-law enforcements create a problem for all who live in the city.

Mental health and addiction issues are not being addressed with proactive measures and the easing of drug enforcement combined with the availability of stronger narcotics are making people more aggressive in the streets. Child delinquency due to absent parents and social media are creating criminals at much younger ages. Toronto has become a vertically integrated city with millions of people living in high-rise condominiums. The neighbourhoods of yesteryears of single family homes with backyards now belong to privileged millionaires resulting in a separation of populations according to social status. Millionaires have a choice to use or not public transit and most are staying away as violence increases. Families on the lower spectrum need good public transit to carry on with their lives and need parks as a refuge from their square boxes in the sky. Parks cannot be allowed to become residential encampments and public toilets.

Policing decisions that allow permissive approaches to crime combined with courts allowing slackened prosecutions will not resolve the current safety issues in this city. Citizens have the right to be protected from violence. Deterioration of public order is a social issue promoted by left wing idiots who are not interested on the citizens who move within this city. Violent criminality engenders suspicion of your neighbours because our mind questions where the next violent act is coming from.

Toronto is a diverse and culturally pluralistic city which is being destroyed by special interest groups and starry-eyed governance. Countries are going so far left that society will go out of control by permissiveness of crime. The infusion of police in the transit system will do nothing to resolve the issues as cops are afraid to enforce laws. Society is making a big experiment, such as BC in decriminalizing the possession of hard drugs and this will not end well because the supply of drugs is unending and treatments will not be able to keep up with the usage. 10,000 people sleeping on the streets of Toronto. How many of them plus others who require mental health help are riding the transit systems and sitting next to you?

More cops? Really? “Man plans and God laughs.”

Manuel DaCosta/MS


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Às segundas-feiras, Vitor Silva, do Benfica,Carmo Monteiro, do Porto e Sergio Ruivo, do Sporting, entram em campo, fazem remates certeiros e defesas seguras. Francisco Pegado é o árbitro desta partida onde nada, nem ninguém ficará Fora de Jogo. Todas as segundas-feiras, às 6 da tarde, na Camões Rádio, Camões TV e ainda no Facebook da Camões Radio. Não fique Fora de Jogo.

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É a falar que a gente se entende!Manuel DaCosta e convidados nesta sexta-feira a partir das 6h00 pm (Toronto/time).

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