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President’s Message
Shanāe Buffington, President, Sacramento County Bar Association. She can be reached at Shanae.Buffington@edd. ca.gov.
Dear Valued Members,
As we continue to navigate this year’s challenges, I’m hopeful that someday soon we will have the opportunity to reflect on how collaboration helped us overcome turbulent times, both personally and here at the Sacramento County Bar Association, to create a better and stronger community. I am particularly appreciative for the heroes who, supporting the bar association during our time of need, exhibit tremendous value by donating their time and expertise to ensure the longevity of the association and the programs we offer. And I continue to be inspired by the work of those who are dedicated to improving access to justice, locally and throughout the country.
Despite the many challenges we face, here is another edition of the Sacramento Lawyer magazine. In this issue, we highlight the accomplishments of our Judge of the Year, Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Stacy Boulware Eurie. We will recognize Judge Boulware Eurie on Thursday, October 29, 2020 at our reimagined and all-virtual BenchBar Reception and Annual Meeting (joined into a single powerhouse event) for her work in implementing profound changes in the delivery of resources to youth in the juvenile justice system. Thank you to Judge Christopher Krueger for writing the cover story featuring Judge Boulware Eurie.
Over the past few months, we have organized and co-hosted virtual town hall meetings with Sacramento County Superior Court Presiding Judge Russell Hom, Assistant Presiding Judge Michael Bowman, Supervising Civil Judge Richard Sueyoshi, and Supervising Family Law Judge Bunmi Awoniyi. These wouldn’t be possible without the active indulgence of our superior court leaders and association volunteers. A special thank you to moderators Karen Jacobsen of the Sacramento Superior Court Civil Law Advisory Committee, Jennifer Mouzis, Chair of our Criminal Law Section, and Ian McGlone, Secretary of our Civil Litigation Section, for facilitating these panel discussions. We remain committed to working with the judiciary to organize additional town hall sessions providing you, our members, with opportunities to inquire about changes to court operations, and to learn of the latest developments as court leaders plan for the transition back to in-person proceedings.
Like many of you, the Sacramento County Bar Association has suffered during the pandemic. The in-person services our association previously offered, such as luncheons, networking events and receptions, have been converted to a digital format. In addition, approximately 20 percent of our members found themselves unable to renew their membership this year. As a result, our association has seen a reduction of nearly 60 percent of our operating revenue, owing to the pandemic. Because of these economic changes, the board of directors made the incredibly difficult decision to lay off staff, including the executive director. We hope the association’s time without an executive director will be brief, and remain hopeful that our financial outlook will improve as infection rates in our region decline. During this time, we trust your engagement and support of the Sacramento County Bar Association will remain a professional priority. Please continue to join and support our sections, divisions, and affiliate bar associations, all of which are committed to advancing the scholarship, diversity, and inclusion of our profession.
In 1918, the Sacramento County Bar Association was born, created during the last century’s pandemic. While this may be unprecedented times for us, our bar association has weathered a similar storm. I’m confident we will survive this one but, to do so, your support is critical. Please support by registering for webinars, and attending this year’s combined Bench-Bar Reception and Annual Meeting. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. And, if you haven’t been able to renew your membership, please contact Martha Fenchen at mfenchen@sacbar.org. Thank you for your leadership, your membership, and support of our 102-year-old bar association.
Be Safe and Stay Well,