TCM Issue 6

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Trekkie Central Magazine Editor:

Richard Miles

Head Writer:

Alex Matthews

Contributing Writers This Issue Gerri Donaldson Alex Matthews Richard Miles Eugenia Stopyra Thomas Reynolds Creative Consultant: Michael Hudson



Background Designer and Picture Editor This Issue: Issue Richard Miles

14 Other Magazine Staff:





Gustavo Leao; Mike Slagenweit-Coffman; Slagenweit Christopher Lee Smith; James R.Terry Jr.; Alma Ames; CJ Sitter and Stephan; Michael Ford. Website Staff


Creator: Richard Miles

25 Website Admin: Thomas Reynolds


Forum Staff

28 Administrators



Richard Miles Thomas Reynolds Nick Cook



Special Thanks to;







Interviewees: Rick Alberton; Rob Caves; Manuel Detjen; David Pass; Proxima; CJ Sitter; Casey Sullivan and Tim Vining. Front Cover Designed by: Richard Miles Pictures taken from: Aurora Trek; Star Trek The Way Back; He Who Draws Dra The Sword and Star Trek Dark Frontier. Additional Pictures: Google Images TCM is produced by volunteers because of their love of Star Trek. No money is being made from this publication. This publication is free to download, if you find a publication on sale it is an illegal copy and please do not buy, and help fund pirates.



Welcome to the sixth issue of TCM. Firstly let me take this opportunity to apologise to the following people, firstly Rigil Kent, whose name was spelt incorrectly throughout Issue five and also to Rob Caves whose interview was cut short due to computer converting problems and was unfortunately not noticed. Rob’s interview has been reprinted within this issue, and I am working on correcting all the misspelled names within the last issue and rereleasing it once that has been done. Within this issue we have more interviews for you with the following, Tim Vining who is creator writer and CGI artist for the brilliant animation series Star Trek Aurora. We also have interviews from two of the people behind Star Trek Dark Frontier, a series currently in development which is set within the mirror universe that was established within Star Trek. As well as that we have interviews with Manuel Detjen the man behind Star Trek The Way Back, an interesting CGI series exploring what would happen if the original series and the next generation series come together. Finally we have an interview with Proxima one of the people behind He Who Holds the Sword another up and coming series set in the mirror universe. We also have another extract from another fan fiction series and an interview with the person behind that. Hope you enjoy this issue and I would like to say that you will look forward to the next issue that will be coming towards the end of May.

Live Long and Prosper Richard Miles TCM Editor.

Star Trek The Expedition has recently released two shorts. The first of these is called Loss and Redemption and gives some background on two female characters. The second of these is a remake and directors cut of Time Flies, this has been completely refilmed using a new actress in the role of Commander Zee. Following on from these releases are the announcements that two familiar names have joined the cast of Expedition. The first of these is Robin Hiert of Star Trek Dark Armada fame and he is going to play Expeditions villain. Whilst the second of these is Nick Cook from Intrepid. He is due to play the leader of the Vidians a race of beings in the Delta Quadrant. To find out more info visit their website at

Star Trek The Romulan Wars is back, after what looked like them disappearing from the fan film radar they have re-launched with a new website and a renewed cause. The producers and writers of the series have reiterated their commitment to releasing the episodes and have spent some time re-writing areas and investing time and money in improving sets and other areas of the production. To find out more about the series visit their site at

A new fan film is currently in the process of being made. Star Trek Cloak is going to be a standalone animated episode that follows on from the original series episode ‘The Enterprise Incident’. Using completely animated sequences this episode looks set to be a hit. Featuring the entire main cast albeit with different voices. For more information please visit their website at

Another new series that has recently come to our attention is Stonewater Production’s Star Trek Beyond, the show is about to release the first episode of its third season, entitled ‘For The Last Time Die’. This follows on from a previous thirteen episodes. Although the series is made on a budget you do get the impression that there is a lot of care and attention to detail within each episode. The series promises to carry on producing episodes with a Borg episode also in the pipeline. For more information or to watch the episodes please visit their website at

Darker Projects have released the ninth episode of their Star Trek Lost Frontier series. The episode entitled ‘By The Sword’ is set as the Enterprise prepares to leave spacedock. Meanwhile Commander Niles receives an interesting proposition. To download the episode visit their website at lo Pendant Audio have recently released Episode Twenty Four of their Star Trek Defiant series, the episode entitled The Far and Wonderous Distance Part Two is now available to download from de Coming soon is the third part of the episode and will be th released on the 4 June 2008.

Star Trek Era’s an audio series, has released parts one and two of their third episode ‘Yours, Mine and Ours’ they are soon going to release part three followed by the usual special features. To download this episode visit The series is set in all eras of Star Trek that have been established in the Official Star Trek Universe, but however focus’ on one man who is now an Admiral in Starfleet.

Starship Excelsior the audio series set aboard the newly relaunched Starship Excelsior are about to release their fourth episode in their first story arc ‘The Excelsior Returns’. The episode entitled ‘Down The Rabbit Hole’ will be available to listen to some point during June 2008. To listen or download visit their website at

Star Trek The Continuing Mission have released the first part of their second audiosode. Entitled ‘Integration’ follows on from the first episode when the ship and crew ended up in an unknown region of space. It is now available to download from their new look website at

Hidden Frontier productions have released the next episode in their Star Trek Odyssey series. Set in the Andromeda galaxy the series follows the crew of the USS Odyssey as they struggle to find a way home back to Federation space and their loved ones.

Recently launched on the Hidden Frontier forums was a rather unique writing contest. The contest entitled ‘Briar Patch Challenge’ is open to members of the forums only and is set during the timeframe of Star Trek Hidden Frontier.

Episode Four is entitled ‘Vile Gods’ and is the best to date. This episode is very much an ensemble piece and this reflects in the acting and story flow.

The current story line for people to write for is as follows, Munoz’s last moments sets the scene, writers have to write a story detailing Commander Munoz’ last moments during the conflict with the conflict with the Grey and the Tholians.

To download the episode visit and click on the picture.

The winner of the contest gets to pick the next story theme.

Writing Contest on Hidden Frontier Forums

Filming of Star Trek Hidden Frontiers feature length spin off Operation Beta Shield is moving forward. The feature has reached the half way point of filming and the cast and crew now await the second half that will happen in two weeks time prior to Excelsior Ball Three. Also at this time Star Trek Intrepid have begun filming parts for Operation Beta Shield whilst filming their latest short ‘The Stone Unturned’. For more information on OBS or Hidden Frontier visit and for more information on Star Trek Intrepid visit

Although featured in the last issue of TCM, we had a number of emails highlighting the fact that we had in fact cut the interview half way through, so firstly I am sorry for this and also apologise to Rob Caves, and secondly I have decided to re-print the interview within this issue. TC: What can you tell us about OBS and Federation One? RC: The four part mini-series was originally going to be a full series in its own right, but we just don't have enough time to do it justice so we decided to do it as a mini-series that will run concurrently producing one episode a season alongside Odyssey and The Helena Chronicles. This is possible because its story will tie in with Helena Chronicles and Odyssey freeing up time to focus on characters rather than back-story and plot. Much of the plot is either already established, or will be by the prelude to Federation One, "Operation Beta Shield".The mini-series focuses on the President of the United Federation of Planets, someone we've seen occasionally in Trek, but never explored in any detail. We'll see the day-to-day operation of the Federation and the inner workings of its government for the first time. In addition to the President, the show really stars the President's Secret Service Officer, Lt. Cmdr. Matt McCabe who was on Hidden Frontier for many years. Much of the relationship between these two will drive the show. But there will be a slew of new characters that will hopefully be compelling as well. With the USS Odyssey stranded in the Andromeda Galaxy (from Star Trek: Odyssey), and USS Helena a renegade starship (from The Helena Chronicles), much of the focus of Federation One will be McCabe's investigation into a conspiracy that threatens the peace with the Romulans. Federation One's first production episode, "Unity" will expand upon this plot. TC: How do OBS and Federation One link in with Odyssey and Helena? RC: All three shows will wrap up together in one epic adventure with casts from all three shows and more. TC: Why call the series Federation One? RC: Most of the show will be set aboard the Federation Diplomatic flagship, the ship the President travels around on, called Federation One. TC: You stated in the forum’s that all three series will finish in a big way, do you know how these stories will finish and if it will be another feature length project? RC: Most of the shows have been mapped out through their third season, and we have some rough outlines for how the final wrap up will go. But there is still a lot of different ways it can go at this point. TC: OBS is the feature length episode that kick starts Federation One, which is due to star Risha Denney and Nick Cook, are you excited about this upcoming project and working again with the Intrepid crew? RC: Absolutely. We had a blast last fall working with Intrepid on Orphans of War and I hope we have even more fun this time! TC: Lt Cmdr Matt McCabe is to be the main character in Federation One, was this a deliberate choice or something that just grew up over time as you developed the ideas for the series? RC: Back when the show was conceived McCabe was the obvious choice for the protagonist. He's a fantastic actor and will bring a lot to a lead role. TC: You are releasing more and more trek based shows, you also state that you are working on new original shows for the future, once Odyssey, Helena and Federation one are finished and the original show is underway will we see more trek from you and Hidden Frontier Productions? RC: This threesome is our last planned Trek project. We want to focus on our original science fiction project later this year and in the future. Our hope is that the original project will make it financially possible for us to keep making free Trek fan-films for years to come.~

INTERVIEW WITH RICK ALBRITTON, CREATOR OF CONVENTION ‘The wrath of con’. Taking place the end of may 2008.

TC: When did you first discover Star Trek? RA: I discovered Star Trek at the feet of my Grandfather, who was a huge fan of the show and introduced me to it at a very early age. We would watch re-runs of the show whenever they were on, and no one was allowed to interrupt the show when we were watching it! TC: How did the convention you run come into being? RA: I had run a few smaller shows back during the 1990's, mainly one and two-day affairs, and was asked to help a friend of mine organize a bellydancing event structured very similarly to a sci-fi convention. During my work on that event, I came to the conclusion that the Panhandle of Florida hadn't had a weekend-long sci-fi event, and that the market might support an annual show of that type, and so The Wrath of Con was born! TC: Why did you call it 'The Wrath of Con'? RA: Well, all the traditional names were taken <laugh>. Seriously, I had attended a number of other conventions in the past and was becoming very disillusioned with the whole thing because of the clinical detachment that had become the norm for a lot of these shows. Long lines characterized by people urging the fans to "move along", and not to "take up too much of the guest's time", etc. I remembered some of my earlier shows where you got to kind of "hang out" with the actors, and be as big of a geek as you wanted without some suit pushing you along and shooing you away from the guest. I wanted to bring back that spirit of community, the laid-back and non-rushed convention experience, in essence, bring back the con itself, hence, The Wrath of Con. TC: Can you tell us a bit about the convention, who's going to be there and what else is going on etc. RA: We've got an incredible line-up of guests from a broad range of Sci-Fi and related genres. We'll have a rare convention appearance by Jerry Doyle who played Security Chief Michael Garibaldi on the epic show Babylon 5, and who is now a nationally (in the US) syndicated talk radio host. We'll also have Richard Hatch, who played Apollo on the original Battlestar Galactica and who plays Tom Zarek on the new, remained show of the same name. Also appearing will be Aaron Douglas and Tahmoh Penikett, Chief Tyrol and Helo respectively, from the new Battlestar Galactica, Gigi Edgley and Virginia Hey, Chiana and Zhaan from Farscape, and Chase Masterson from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. We've got one of the Sci-Fi Channel's "Ghost Hunters", Brian Harnois, as well as a Ghost Hunting group from the local area, Richard Arnold, long-time assistant to Gene Roddenberry and expert on all things Star Trek, a number of scientists, authors, filmmakers, an Astronaut, and we'll even have Fox Military Analyst Colonel David Hunt on hand. We're also hosting our "Sci-Fi Sundance" independent film festival featuring around 30 independent sci-fi films, including "Free Enterprise" written and directed by Robert Meyer Burnett (who will be in attendance), "Yesterday Was A Lie", directed by James Kerwin and starring Chase Masterson (who also produced the film), "Racing Daylight", starring David Strathairn, "Stolen Life", featuring Claudia Black, "Jerome Bixby's The Man From Earth", and tons more. There will be parties galore, including our Saturday Night Party at Docking Bay 94, hosted by Aaron Douglas, Tahmoh Penikett, and Jerry Doyle, A Costume Contest, an Art Show, live music performances, a 24-hour gaming room featuring PC, Console, and table-top gaming, a vendor room and several VIP events. It's going to be more fun than humans should be allowed to have! TC: What is your favourite Star Trek series? RA: Although I'm a fan of all of the series (even the much-maligned "Enterprise"), I'm a big Original Series guy. There was something magical about the show, the writing, the characters, the chemistry between the actors, and it stands up well, even though it's been more than 40 years. You can't say that about many of the shows that aired back then. TC: Which character is your favourite? RA: Captain Kirk, hands down. I remember being a kid running around the yard with my homemade toy phaser and communicator blasting Klingons and shouting "Beam Me Up Scotty!” Plus, the guy got all the girls, and I mean ALL the girls. TC: Have you ever watch any of the fan films? RA: Yes I have, in fact we'll be running several of them during The Wrath of Con's "Sci-Fi Sundance" Film Festival. TC: If so which one is your favourite? RA: That's hard to say, I like different things about different fan-films. Obviously, James Cawley's "New Voyages" has garnered most of the publicity, and deservedly so I think, the sets, costumes and props are first-rate, and the production values of the series get better with each one they do. Another notably good one is "Starship Farragut", which (I believe) shoot on the "New Voyages" sets, but also do a lot of location shooting, which I find refreshing. We'll be showing their latest episode "For Want of a Nail" at The Wrath of Con. I also like how they tie two together in a kind of fused canon, and in fact the "New Voyages" main cast did a cameo on "Farragut"'s pilot episode. Pretty impressive work, for fan projects. TC: Is there going to be a 'Wrath of Con' convention next year? RA: We're definitely planning one, in fact I'm negotiating with some guests as we speak, however a lot will depend on how our inaugural show performs. If we get a respectable attendance, then we'll be back next year, bigger than ever. If not, we'll do something, but it might be more of a boutique show, with a smaller guest list and more intimate activities. Only time will tell!

1. When did you discover Star Trek? Well actually I'm part of the first generation, even though I was only 3 or 4? Yes I do remember the NBC Peacock coming on the screen. 2. didofyou become involved withSword DarkasFrontier? Here TCM talks to oneHow member fan series He Who Draws The to why We are not involved with Dark Frontier at all. Jeff Collinsworth came up with this it is set in the Mirror Universe. idea for Star Trek: Mirrorverse. At first it was suppose to be a project for him and Star his Trek? son. Both of us attended the filming of Star Trek: New Voyages episode TC: When did you discover "World Enough and Time". We were both excited afterwards about producing some of project.even A couple months Jeff asked me to be the coP: Well actually I'm part of thekind first generation, though Iof was only 3 orlater, 4? Executive Producer of "He Who Draws the Sword" which is the pilot episode for Yes I do remember the NBC Peacock coming on the screen. Star Trek: Mirrorverse. The episode story was written by Jean Prouvaire and Teleplay by Ethan Calk (of DS9 and Of Gods and Men fame). TC: How did you become involved with He Who Draws The Sword? 3. Could you tell us what the series is about? Theupstory takes years after Tiberius Kirk has become emperor. It P: Jeff Collinsworth came with this ideaplace for Starseveral Trek: Mirrorverse. At first it follows Captain Geoffrey White, played by Jeff Collinsworth, and his adventures. was suppose to be a project for him and his son. Both of us attended the filming 4. Can you tell us a bit about your character? of Star Trek: New Voyages episode "World I don't have one,Enough LOL. and Time". We were both excited afterwards5.about producing some kind project. couple of months How did you decide of what eraAto set your series? this is Jeff's idea and He wanted the series to happen after Tiberius later, Jeff asked me to Again, be the co-Executive Producer of "Hebaby. Who Draws the comes to for power. As this first episode came together it became apparent that it Sword" which is the pilot episode Star Trek: Mirrorverse. The episode story was at and least 10 years afterwards. was written by Jean Prouvaire Teleplay by Ethan Calk (of DS9 and Of Gods 6. Do you have an idea when the first episode is due to be released? and Men fame). I'm hoping by 2010 7. What ship is due to be used in the series? TC: Could you tell us what the series is about? Defiant-Class (Constitution Class TOS) ISS Excalibur (hence the sword) 8. The series is due to be set in the Mirror Universe, why did you decide to set it P: The story takes place several years after Tiberius Kirk has become emperor. It there? follows Captain Geoffrey White, Jeff Collinsworth, and his adventures. There is played alot ofbycanon to confine stories in the regular universe. Besides the premise of the story, it does allow us to go...well you know the rest, without TC: Can you tell us a bit about your character? bringing down the lords of canon. 9. Is there anything else that you can tell us about the series? P: I don't have one, LOL. Well there has been a production delay, but in the meantime James Avalos and I are producing a prequel series of comic books called Star Trek: Mirrorverse and TC: How did you decide what era to set your series? our first issue called "And the Red Fox Jumped" I wrote and it’s about the rise of Tiberius to power. That should be out this summer. P: Again, this is Jeff's idea and baby. He wanted the series to happen after Tiberius comes to power. As this first episode came together it became apparent that it was at least 10 years afterwards. TC: Do you have an idea when the first episode is due to be released? P: I'm hoping by 2010 TC: What ship is due to be used in the series? P: Defiant-Class (Constitution Class TOS) ISS Excalibur (hence the sword) TC: The series is due to be set in the Mirror Universe, why did you decide to set it there? P: There is a lot of canon to confine stories in the regular universe. Besides the premise of the story, it does allow us to go...well you know the rest, without bringing down the lords of canon. TC: Is there anything else that you can tell us about the series? P: Well there has been a production delay, but in the meantime James Avalos and I are producing a prequel series of comic books called Star Trek: Mirrorverse and our first issue called "And the Red Fox Jumped" I wrote and it’s about the rise of Tiberius to power. That should be out this summer.~

An ambitious project from the minds of both Jeff Collinsworth and Joseph Wagner, the premise of this fan-film is to take a look at the workings of the Mirror Universe seen for the first time in TOS episode, “Mirror, Mirror”. It will follow the crew of the ISS Excalibur, during the reign of Emperor Tiberius, Captain Kirk's mirror double in this parallel universe. The project is still in the very early stages of preproduction, with the script having been written by fellow project member Ethan Calk. The initial inspiration for the project was as an activity for Jeff to work on with his son, but has grown from that, after Jeff made various contacts and met associates after he helped on the set of “World Enough And Time”, the latest offering from Star Trek: Phase II (formerly New Voyages). There are four confirmed characters cast, according to their website,, including;

Captain Geoffrey White portrayed by Jeff Collinsworth Colonel Jackson portrayed by Mike K. Tavarez John Lincoln portrayed by Andy Grieb and Commander Pliades portrayed by Cali Ross The site also hosts several images of the Constitution-class Excalibur, as well as pictures of early test footage of two of the characters. They also have a series of downloadable banners in order to promote the fan-film on other sites, as well as links to the various other fan-film projects that are in production at the moment. The rest of the site is very much under construction, so there is not a lot to explore and see on the site as it stands at the minute. It is very much a work in progress, although they do have an up and running forum where people can keep up to date with the latest news and information regarding the development of the project.

TCM talks to Tim Vining creator of Star Trek Aurora about the series TC: When did you first discover Star Trek? TV: I watched the original Star Trek series with my brothers and sisters way back in the 1960's when we were kids. It was a pretty cool time, since it was around the same time as the Apollo missions and the first moon landing. I was pretty young at the time, so I actually remember Trek better in syndication in the 1970's--it was on after school, and we watched the episodes so many times over it became almost like background. The animated series was on around this time as well. I lived in a college town at that time, and Gene Roddenberry came and spoke at an event where he discussed the show and his desire for a new series. And, of course, showed the classic TOS blooper reel. TC: If you could create your own 'official' Star Trek series what would it be? TV: Well, not surprisingly, I'd make a series out of Aurora. I have a lot of storylines in mind--more than I could ever get to in my lifetime at this pace(!), but if Paramount decided to greenlight it as a series and I had a studio to work on it, I'd be more than happy to try. In any case, I think it would be cool to see a Trek series that focused on civilians, particularly merchanters, since they get around and see new things, but are in many ways more "ordinary" than your average Starfleet member. TC: What is your favourite Star Trek era/series and why? TV: My favourite Trek series/era? That's a tough one. It's hard not want to go with TOS, since it really had that making-it-up-as-we-go-along feel, and they were really trying to say something with almost every show--sometimes doing it a bit ham-handed and goofy--but there was a real sincerity. Next Generation was probably a better series in many ways--the acting, sets, effects etc. were certainly better and the stories a bit more sophisticated and subtle. I guess I'd have to split between the two: I liked Next Generation better as a series, but I have more affection for TOS, if that makes sense. The other series had some very good shows as well, but overall didn't match up with TOS and Next Gen. TC: How did you decide what era to set Aurora in? TV: I guess I set Aurora in the TOS era mostly because I feel like TOS was more visceral and less slick than later eras--the technology was a bit cruder, and subsequently space still seemed to be the unknown frontier. Much as I liked Next Generation, sometimes I felt like the ships were a bit too comfy and carpeted, like a nice hotel, and the galaxy often felt kind of settled.

TC: Could you tell us a bit about the two main characters? TV: I can't get into too much detail about the two main characters, since this first movie is really our introduction to them. We have a lot of background on Kara now, and later events will reveal T'ling's origins and solidify Kara and T'ling's relationship, so that by the end of this story, the viewer should have a pretty good idea of what the characters are like and what makes them tick. TC: Could you tell us a bit of background about the series? TV: The main events of this story take place in Xaneerian space, a quadrant of space dominated by a small nebula, just outside of Federation space. Kara suggests her reasons for leaving Federation space in Part 2 of this story, and the viewer will learn more about this sector and its inhabitants in future parts. Many of the familiar species are there as well--Andorians and Tellarites, for instance--and the attraction to this sector will be revealed as well in future parts. (I don't mean to be so tightlipped, but one Trek aspect I'm trying to emulate with this story is the "mystery" aspect that many Trek episodes had where the reasons for things seen early on are not revealed until later. Kara's revelation at the end of Part 2, for instance, is suggested a few times beforehand.)

TC: Aurora has been very well accepted by the fans, are you surprised by this? TV: I honestly wasn't sure how people would react to Aurora, since it was a bit of a departure from traditional Trek storylines--not to mention that it's animated--but I have been very pleased at the reaction I've gotten (Charles Root, who plays Scotty on Phase II [New Voyages], for example, says he thinks Aurora is "freaking awesome"), particularly from people who seem to like it because it's a little different. That said, I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten from people who confessed at being surprised how much they liked it since they really weren't expecting much when they first got to my site, or--like two emails I got this week--where they confessed to having been bribed/coerced/forced to watch it by a friend who was a fan, only to find that they really liked it after all. Though it has its following (and I thank all you Aurora fans for your support--it really makes it worth it!), Aurora hasn't been as popular as some of the other live-action Trek fan films like Phase II, Exeter, Hidden Frontier, etc., and I suspect that it's partially due to the fact that there really isn't a lot of good fan-made animation on the web, so I think that a lot of people who might actually enjoy Aurora if they watched it might be reluctant to give it a try. TC: The Vulcan character is the direct opposite of the very emotional captain, was this deliberate or something that has just evolved over time?

TC: In the second part of the series, the main focus is on the captain’s history, is this history due to feature in future episodes? TV: Kara's history will have direct bearing on subsequent events of this story. Like "real" television or movie plots, there's nothing accidental in this story. TC: Why did you use the genera that you have to create Aurora? TV: (If you mean "why did I use 3D animation") I have always really enjoyed animation. When I was a kid, there were a lot of cool animated shows like Johnny Quest, Spiderman, Fantastic Four, etc., and of course there were the Disney animated movies. When I would doodle characters myself, I would always have a story about them in mind, so I guess I always thought of art as a way to tell a story--I was never a bowl-of-fruit kind of artist, and that sensibility is still with me today as a professional artist. Early in my career worked at job creating computer graphics for instructional videos, and eventually creating simple animations. This job also taught me the basics of video production. As computers and software became more powerful and sophisticated, the tools to create character animation finally caught up with my lifelong desire to tell stories through pictures, and my skills with the hardware and software allowed me to put the two together.

TV: The human/Vulcan interplay is really at the heart of Trek--or more basically--Trek has always been about "head" and "heart", and how they always clash, but that you can't have one without the other. With Kara and T'ling, I think this interplay and conflict gets the added dimension of Kara and T'ling being female--and Kara a pretty damaged one at that—which allows me as a storyteller to explore some new emotional territory. (And, not to give anything away, but T'ling will be seen to have her own issues.) TC: If you could start over again is there anything that you would have changed? TV: My animation skills have grown as I've gone along, so I do look at some of the earlier scenes of Aurora and think "hm, I could to better now", but overall, I'm really pleased and proud of Aurora so far--and in particular the fine voice work by my family and friends--and I'm really looking forward to animating the next part, which I hope to have out this Spring.~

It’s Gerri and Eugenia again and this time we are looking at Star Trek Aurora see another fan fiction production. We thought we needed to delve further into the realms of fan fiction and tell you our thoughts on the works of more story tellers set in the world of Star Trek. ““Wow.” I thought when I saw the opening shots of this movie! This is a fan fiction production!!! This is fantastic and we haven’t even watched it yet. I have just run through the movie randomly looking at stills just to see. I did not want to watch it as E has not seen it yet. It is really hard for me not to sneak and do it before she gets here!” Says G Well E finally arrived and we sat down to watch Star Trek Aurora together. From the very first frame we were impressed. The CGI work is amazing and the main character hadn’t even turned round. When her face was shown both of us are blown away by the detail of the facial features. Things just got better from there! The script, animation and score are all the work of Tim Vining, someone who doesn’t class himself as a full on Star Trek fan till he did this production. Liar, Liar pants on fire!! This guy certainly knows his Trek from TOS to ENT and that was evident from what we saw. Lots of little in jokes or pointers to iconic visions from all the series’! When checking out his web site it was interesting to see that his motivation for this was his interest in “the others”. That is the people that we glimpsed in a Trek episode, given small amounts of information about them and then left to wonder “what they are doing now?” Only two episodes of a four part story have been released so far with each episode averaging nine minutes. The opening scenes introduces the two main characters, Kara, Captain of the Starship Aurora and T’Pling her Vulcan first mate (only crew member really, but that’s not a bad thing). We both commented that these women were well proportioned, believable characterizations. Not the usual Trek candy!! It is refreshing to see a Star Trek story line with the main characters being what seem to be, strong and independent women. The story to the end of episode two takes us on a journey on who Kara is and what made her into the women that she is today. Without giving too much of the story away, (Cus we think that you should watch it!), Kara as a teenager goes through a cataclysmic event that changes her life forever. This event and the subsequent actions taken by Kara are not something that you would generally see in a Trek story line. E says “I was touched by Kara’s story. She is an individual torn by an event that happened in her past, one that lives within her and affects who she is.”

Even with such a storyline, you still warm to Kara and you want to know more about her! By the way the voice acting is done by Jeanette Vining, who we presume is related to Tim. She also does a great job and she voices 4 of the characters in the first episode alone! Oh! She also sings the theme song written by Tim too! One of the really good things about this movie is that it also has many flashes of humour, which were very clever and both of us having many a quiet chuckle. E says “However, it is the actual story that makes me want to watch more. In the 18 mins I could identify with Kara and T’Pling.” The animation is in our opinion, quite brilliant and the quality of the rendering was, well, let’s say again, brilliant. The colours were vivid and crisp and the edges sharp. G says “There was so much attention to detail that you could watch it not only for the story but just to say. “Look at that!”” Although we watched it on a computer screen, watching it in HD and on a bigger screen would be even more memorable. You get the feeling that you are watching 3D characters and not just a 2D everyday cartoon! “The animation that I see in this is just as good as anything that I have seen from the big studios” Says E Well I think that you have got it by now that we think that this is dare we say it again “Brilliant”. Star Trek Aurora, blew us away from the first frame and with episode three to be released in Summer 2008 (northern hemisphere, cus it has finished down in Os, (“the land down under” that is)), we have put it in our task lists to keep checking for the next release. Tim Vining should be congratulated for his work and really, we both said that if this was released as a commercial venture we probably would buy it! There you go, that is how much we think of it. We can’t recommend this highly enough. It is definitely worth watching! Even if you are not a Trek fan you would find the story engaging, the animation believable, the humour laughable and the characters watchable and you don’t even need to have a background in Star Trek to “get” this very good movie. So take a hint from us, seek out Star Trek Aurora, watch it and then set a task in your calendar to keep going back to catch the upcoming episodes when they are released. The only slightly bad thing that we could say about this movie is that it may have spoilt others fan fiction animation for us cus it was just so damn good!~

Here TCM talks to the man behind Star Trek The Way Back about how he came up with a story that features so many from Star Trek’s past. TC: When did you first discover Star Trek? MD: I don’t remember the exact year, but it was around 1990 when TNG was in Germany on TV for the first time. I knew a few TOS episodes before, but I never watched them on a regular basis, of course this has changed meanwhile. TC: MD: Star Trek Titan. Shortly after I wrote the first version of STTWB I also started writing a whole season Star Trek Titan which is still online on my other website I still plan to continue with a second season after STTWB has been finished (the first episodes for season two are already written). Before someone starts to read it now, I have to say that I would write many things a little different today. When I was beginning to write, it wasn’t as easy for me as it is today. TC: MD: A very difficult question, I like each of the series. All of them have good and bad episodes. But if I had to name one I wouldn’t be able to decide between TNG and DS9. TC: MD: Like many other fans I don’t like the death of Data in Nemesis, first I thought about a story in which the Titan had big trouble somewhere near Romulus and the Enterprise would have to help. Q would have been in this story as well and Data would have been found in something similar to the Voyager armor from its last two episodes. But because I also don’t like the end of Generations I decided to try it with a story that can also include TOS characters. In the first version Picard was still Captain of the Enterprise and Spock and Scotty came aboard for the same thing Spock wants to do alone now, bringing the mortal remnants of Captain Kirk back to Earth. The first version also included a different ending than STTWB will have now, in the first end two Enterprises left the Veridian system, it looked like a good idea to me when I wrote it, but I think the new very different and unexpected ending will work much better. Sulu, Chekov and Uhura will have their first appearing in part three which I don’t want to spoil by writing how to bring them in; I can only say it was very easy.

TC: MD: Like many other fans I also think Star Trek should always move forward and not back to earlier times TC: MD: I started to build the Enterprise-E Bridge model and tried to keep my movie plans top secret as long as I was still doing the planing. After about six month learning, planning and testing I started to search for the first Voice Actors.

TC: DM: It all started with a voice actor search in one of the bigger Star Trek Forums (Meanwhile I left it). In the beginning I was not getting much feedback there but I found a few voice actors there, some of them soon wrote in other Forums about STTWB and that we were still searching for voice actors, it didn’t take long and the most parts had their voice actors. I think the most of them came through the Forum of New Voyages (Phase II now); this included probably all of the well known persons. It’s great to work with them, many things would have looked different without them, it’s good to have persons in the team who already have worked on other fan films before. But just to be fair, everybody else in the team was a great help as well, there is always someone who can help. TC: DM: After the release of part one I was mostly just seeing the downloadstats and I got very less Feedback, for some time I was asking myself is everybody happy with it or don’t they want to tell me it’s bad. Meanwhile I’m getting more Feedback, and it’s always nice to read it, it’s a great motivation to continue. TC: DM: Yes, it’s easy for everyone to see the development from part one to part two. A new program made it possible for part two to get the "Actors" really on the sets and not just putting them in front of a greenscreen. Also the lightning for the ships has changed after I got a very good hint in a Forum. But the yes is not only a yes would I do it, after part nine has been released I plan to redo part one with the same look as part two already has look.~

Star Trek the Way Back is a CGI series set after the events depicted in the last movie Nemesis. Following the events in Nemesis Picard is promoted to the rank of Admiral and is put in charge of Starfleet Academy. Meanwhile Doctor Crusher has accepted promotion to become the head of Starfleet Medical. The Story It starts one month after Star Trek Nemesis at the Starfleet Academy where Doctor Crusher from Starfleet Medical is visiting the new Academy Admiral, Jean-Luc Picard. She tells him that through a new sensor prototype unusual information was found on B4's memories. The memories came from Doctor Soogn and were meant for Data. They also found out that B4 is not a prototype as originally thought. Doctor Soong built B4 later than Data and only for the purpose of protecting Data, at any cost. B4 received much information from Data and it seemed that he integrated Picard in his protection program too, or he knew what Data would do in that situation and that there was only one way to fulfill his mission to protect Data, sacrifice himself. It was not found out how or when B4 changed position with Data, but one thing is sure, B4 and not Data was destroyed with the Scimitar. After the danger was over, B4 should have sent a signal to Data to reactivate his personality, but through the big explosion this signal never reached Data, so his personality is still deactivated and he is working with the B4 transferred personality. Only two devices are able to reactivate Data, one of them was destroyed with B4. The other one Data owned a long time ago, but it was forgotten on board of the Enterprise-D. Admiral Janeway from Starfleet headquarters transfers the command of the Enterprise-E back to Admiral Picard for this special mission: To fly back to his old ship on Veridian 3 to find the device. Unfortunately the Veridian System is owned by the Breen since the Dominion war, and now a very dangerous area. Ambassador Spock heard about this mission through some special ways and wants to use this unique chance to bring the mortal remnants of Captain Kirk back to Earth. Because the Enterprise isn't completely repaired and only has a full crew with the addition of several cadets, three other ships escort them; one of them is the Titan of Captain Riker. On the way to the Veridian system a distress call is received and the Titan has to find out where it is coming from. They discover some sort of temporal anomaly where Captain Sulu’s Excelsior is caught. Because of different reasons Commander Uhura and Commander Chekov are aboard the Excelsior also. After they heard that Kirk was found and Spock wants to bring his mortal remnants back to Earth, they decided to join this mission, but they have to leave the damaged Excelsior behind for now and fly with the Titan.

Parts One and Two have currently been released with more parts due this and next year. The CGI is good but occasionally seems to be a bit jumpy. However I would recommend that you watch this for what it is a fan making and showing his version of the Star Trek universe and he does this very well. To watch go to their website at

Here TCM talks to Dark Frontier creator Casey Sullivan about the series. TC: Why this setting? Well for starters, where I live and the people who are in my area of the country had a huge influence on my decision. For instance, when you watch Star Trek, the show always seems to portray the Federation as rich/majestic. I myself come from a lower middle class family, raised to make ends meet and taught to live within my means. There are people of all different color, race, sex and sexual preference where I live. And we all don't always get along. Star Trek has often shown that violence is dealt with differently in the future, "A more evolved sensibility" - Captain Picard. However, I guess you can say I disagree with that. I don't believe that every race would be so nice as to step down and just let morals and justice run their course. I think the future, especially in a darker scenario, would be full of conflicting species. Each with their own moral guidelines and issues, that don't always flow easily. TC: Why this time frame? I chose the late 24th century, sometime in the early 2380's, mostly because I wanted to follow the time line left by Star Trek Deep Space Nine. The last mention of the Mirror Universe is about 2375. So my series will pick up a few years after that point. TC: What influences are you taking from canon Trek? As I said, I am trying to follow along the DS9 timeline where they left off with the Mirror Universe. There are many things that appear the same in our series. For instance, the appearance of the starships will not change much. Terok Nor, will appear exactly as it does in DS9, with the exception of the interior modelling. The words and phrases will most likely be the same; we will add a few of our own as well though. The galactic map, (if we decide to show it) will be the same, only the borders of the major powers will be changed. I took the biggest influence from the episode "Living Witness" - ST:VOY I think you will notice a lot of similarities. TC: What influences are you taking from non-Trek shows and literature? We've taken a few things from other shows, and a few books. There is also the Wiccan Religion that will be playing a part with a few characters. Some names and ideas, came from a few Terry Brooks stories. Not to mention an entire alien race we made up, which came simply from the mind of a young gothic kid we know, (Noctorians).

TC: What personal touches are you adding to it to differentiate it even further? We are following Hidden Frontier's belief that Gay's do exist in Star Trek. In fact our show will cast mostly Gay's and Lesbian's. However, we didn't want to stop there. My brother is a Furry, and thus we wanted to add a Furry character. I too have, I guess you could say, a Furry fetish (Depending on who it is) So in the series the main character will have a gay relationship with a Caitian. Caitian's of course being those cat creatures from the Animated Star Trek series. He hope that Furry fans will take a liking to him. Still having a hard time casting for that role though. There will also be another Caitain, who is female and will appear every once in a while as a 'Bar Fly'. We also have the intention of showing, partial nudity. Mostly with females, but there is an idea for a somewhat graphic scene between three men as well. Terok Nor's bar, (Ma'dam Mirak's) Is run by a nude Ferengi woman. Who will appear nude in all her scenes. TC: What kind of production schedule are you maintaining? Well, can't really say we have been maintaining it very well, since we have been working on this project for 4 years. But then again, it's been just me and my best friend for most of that time. Only just recently have we gotten others to join in on our venture. I'd say 90% of the sets are complete and all the starship models are done as well. Costumes have been arriving over the last few months and in early '08 we started shooting some of the first scenes. Our biggest hold up, is casting. But we are working on that. We hope to have the first episode released by the end of this year. TC: What plans have you after the initial project is complete? I'd say our plans after the first episode are to keep making episodes. I mean, the story has only just begun. There are also a few groups in my area who want to work on other films and projects and are just waiting for us to get this first episode running. To see whether we sink or swim. (I'm a real good swimmer and always dive in head first.) TC: What have you learned so far from the experience? I've learned that film making takes money and lots of patience. Luckily I have a nice job and the people who are involved in the making of the show aren't afraid to help out financially either. My best friend and co-director (David) has spent a lot of money and is not about to let us give up on this. I owe a lot to him, he's amazing.

TC: Could you tell us what the series is about? TC: How much of your free time does it take up? Free time, what's that? :) Let's face it, I work 50+ hours a week, and every second that I'm not sleeping I'm filming or animating. This project has taken all my free time. Sadly I've missed out on a few dates because of it too. I'm determined to make this show happen. TC: How many of your friends and family have become involved? Well, my dad is an extremely talented person. He helped us setup the green screen room we now use for filming. He also built several props. From light up neuro-stablizers to compression phaser rifles, the man can do it all. He also plays a role in the beginning of the first episode. My younger brother also has a role in the in show. He's the Chief of Security. My boss at work and a few of our co-workers are also going to be playing stand-in roles. A few of my friends from high school are huge Trek fans and we are hoping to get them in on some of the action. TC: When did you discover Star Trek?

The series is about the crew and their families of the ISS Arkangel. An Intrepid-X Class Imperial Warship, serving under the flag of the Terran Empire. The show is based in the early 2380's and centers around a somewhat large cast. However, the show will not be presented as most Trek series have before it. Each episode will involve 3 main stories. Each story lasting a certain amount of time. When one story ends another will pick up in its place. Like a soap opera of sorts. I took this idea from "Undressed" - MTV, which I use to watch a lot. A main plot will carry through each episode and end at the season finally, with at least 2 or more side stories running per episode. TC: Can you tell us a bit about your character? My character is Christopher Mathis, son of Captain Jonathan Mathis. He is the Arkangel's first officer. During events in the first episode, Chris's father is killed. Chris is promoted to the rank of Captain and thus his story evolves. Trying to deal with the pressure of command, while also forced to control his friends who are also his crew. In this universe, it's an eye for an eye. And promotions are not given, they are taken. So he must sleep with one eye open and still make time for his lover "Lynx" a Caitain boy. (Can you sense the drama yet?) TC: How did you decide what era to set your series? Star Trek: Voyager was by far my favorite Trek series. I loved the uniforms and characters. That was probably the biggest reason I chose the class of ship and uniform for the crew. I chose this era, because I noticed that most trekkies like looking into the future, newer uniforms and newer ships. But I wanted to stick with the older a bit longer. The Mirror Universe is a bit under developed and thus I could get away with a slower timeline. Changes are less progressive. The ships are built to take a beating, and the uniforms are designed for intimidation. TC: Do you have an idea when the first episode is due to be released? I'm shooting for the end of '08 if not sooner. Just depends on how soon we can get the cast together. TC: What ship is due to be used in the series?

I first started watching Star Trek when I was about 10-11yrs old. My grandfather loved TNG and so everyday after school I would come over to his house and we would watch it together. TC: How did you become involved with Dark Frontier? After watching Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, I realised that making a fan series would be amazing. I grew up flying my toy starships around my yard, orbiting planets and beaming down to new worlds (In reality, big oak trees in my yard.) By the time I first started watching Hidden Frontier, I had already purchased Lightwave 3D 7.5 and had a strong desire to work with CGI animation. But once I saw how Rob and his crew were able to bring the animation and live-action together. I knew I just had to make a series of my own.

The ship is called the I.S.S. ARKANGEL NX-73814. She's an Intrepid-X Class Imperial Warship. Weapons include: 5 Pulse Phaser Canons, 14 Photon Launchers, 1 Plasma Canon, Advanced Hull Armor, Exterior Mounted Shield Generators, and 14 Phaser Banks. She also has a fully operational flight deck. Where several small fighters are housed. She has 3 warp nacelles, 2 of them pivot. TC: The series is due to be set in the Mirror Universe, why did you decide to set it there? No other series has yet to focus on the Mirror Universe. Also the universe in our series is not exactly like the one seen in the canon series. Some would say, it’s a dimension other than the one we're use to seeing. Which gives me more to play on and many more possibilities. TC: Is there anything else that you can tell us about the series? We hope to bring to the screen a mutated rebirth of this science fiction legend. But for those who may be concerned that we want to change Gene Roddenberry's vision, don't get upset. Star Trek is my favorite show of all time. I love it immensely. However, in these hard times it is difficult to envision a future as wonderful as Gene would like for us to believe will come true. The series will portray a more here and now sort of vision. Which will in no way change my hopes for a better future for us all. Besides, the series is set in a mirror universe, not the same one that Star Trek is famous for. So you should expect things to be different. In the words of Spock, "You must have faith, that the universe will unfold as it should."~

Star Trek Dark Frontier, what can I write about a show that has not yet been released, well actually quite a lot. The brain child of Casey Sullivan and David Pass Dark Frontier looks like it will break a lot of the pre-misconceptions that early fan films are always lacking in the graphics department, Dark Frontier is the complete reverse of this. Having watched the three trailers that they have released, I am very impressed, they look like they have all the basics there are more. Set in the Mirror Universe and featuring Space Station Terok Nor, and an original Starship the ISS Arkangel the series looks set to show us the fans what really happens on the other side of the coin. The Story

The series is set in a universe where the Earth as we know it is no longer there. An enemy attack has left the Earth a barren rock and also left the Empire in tatters. In the early 2380's the Terran Empire has managed to retake ground with help from the most interesting of races. The mysterious and powerful Romulan Star Empire has merged with the Terran Empire. Forming the second largest of the two warring super powers of the alpha quadrant. The other is the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, a ruthless and vindictive power that will stop at nothing short of complete domination. Over the last few years, the Terran Empire and Romulan Star Empire have managed to push back the Alliance and reclaim some of their fallen territories. The war has been long, bloody, and seemingly endless. With every race basically fighting for its very survival, there have been many friendships forged and alliances made. The Crew The series has a seven man crew, and features a wide variety of races and sexes. The Captain of the Arkangel is Captain Christopher Mathis, who has a troubled past and this will become evident through the series. Through the crew there is a Doctor, a Deltan, a Trill, a new species Noctprian, and multiple Humans. Over all the series looks like it will be a hit and for more info please visit their website at

Here are some stills taken from Star Trek Dark Frontier.

Here TCM talks to Dark Frontiers co-director David Pass on life aboard the ISS Arkangel. TC: When did you discover Star Trek? DP: A good friend got me watching the show, I was a late comer to the Trek universe but I was hooked. TC: How did you become involved with Dark Frontier? DP: My best friend and I wanted to make a fan film after watching Hidden Frontier so I did all the research I could find and found out no one has done one in the mirror universe we wanted something no one has done. TC: Could you tell us what the series is about? DP: Well I think once you have seen it, it will have a different meaning to everyone. To me it's about finding who you are in an extremely stressful time and surviving the best way you know how. TC: Can you tell us a bit about your character? DP: To play Dr. Davidious he is like no other being you have seen he is shrouded in mystery even to himself that’s all I can say right now. TC: How did you decide what era to set your series? DP: Basically by the uniforms sounds funny but it's true. TC: Do you have an idea when the first episode is due to be released? DP: Hopefully late 2008. TC: What ship is due to be used in the series? DP: There are a number of them ours is called the I.S.S. Arkangel. TC: The series is due to be set in the Mirror Universe, why there? DP: We wanted to show people the dark side of trek, what people can do when pushed to the wall not that their evil just trying to make it from day to day to reclaim what was taken. TC: Is there anything else that you can tell us about the series? DP: It will be like nothing any of the other treks have done before, it will be dark and at times will look evil but with a heart we hope to show that in all of us there is good and evil and sometimes it is hard to tell which is which.~

TCM talks to CJ Sitter creator of Fan Fiction series Star Trek Foundations a series set on a re-make of Star Trek Enterprise. TC: When did you discover Star Trek? CS: I was first introduced to Star Trek through reruns of the original series sometime during the late '80s. I'm not sure when I started watching TNG, but it was after the first two seasons had already aired. I was pretty much hooked on the ST universe from that point on, though DS9 remains my favorite incarnation. TC: Could you explain what your fan series is about

TC: Could you tell us a bit about Star Trek Endeavour

CS: .Star Trek: Foundations is essentially a reboot of Enterprise. It uses much of the same original concepts that Rick Berman and Brannon Braga came up with for the show, as well as input from other fans. The project itself actually started out as completely public for that reason, and it wasn't until I drafted the writer's bible that it was closed to the public. Basically, myself and the people involved felt that while ENT had potential, much of it was lost through poor execution. Our aim is to exploit the original potential and to better fit this series in with the rest of the Star Trek universe.

CS: If you mean my Endeavour series, it was a post-DS9 series that took place on a new ship with a mostly new crew. It was set during a new cold war between the Romulan Empire and pretty much everyone else. Unfortunately it only lasted about 16 episodes. If you mean Rigil Kent's series, he basically started out with an alternate finale to ENT, and has started his own series based off of that and featuring almost all of the original ENT crew (because not all of them survived the destruction of Enterprise). If I had to sum it up, I'd say that it was a Romulan War series that does a very good job at reconciling ENT with the rest of the franchise.

TC: Can you explain the main characters of the series to us CS: The main characters are essentially the same as on Enterprise. The main difference is that there is no Starfleet, and that while most of the characters and the ship are part of the United Earth Space Probe Agency, Major Reed and his security people are part of the United Earth Military, because politics have forced Enterprise to become a joint mission. Similarly, SubCommander T'Pol is present as the ship's first officer and senior science officer because the Vulcans threatened to end an exchange program that was benefitting UESPA officers. TC: You also do some work on Star Trek Endeavour, how did that partnership come about? CS: I'm unsure what you're referring to here. I have helped Rigil Kent out a little on his series, but I simply helped him to brainstorm on one of his stories. If you mean the series I created some time ago, that was a post-DS9 series that I also created and wrote for. As to the partnership between Rigil Kent and myself on Foundations, when I first started writing the pilot miniseries, I posted it at various message boards to try to drum up interest, and Rigil started making various suggestions. I then asked him to join the creative staff and he accepted.

TC: You obviously enjoy writing the stories, what is your favourite bit about it? CS: I guess my favorite part about writing is the creative process. The writing itself isn't always fun, and can actually be a bit tedious, but I really enjoy the brainstorming sessions where we plot out episodes and story arcs. It gets e excited about what's to come, and about how the fans might react to our plans. TC: Where do the ideas for the stories come from? CS: Some of our ideas come from ENT's original episodes, some of them come from potential tie-ins with the other series, some is inspiration from history, but most of it comes from myself and the creative staff. TC: Have you get further projects in store for the future and can you tell us about them? CS: Nothing is certain, but I'd like to revamp my original Endeavour series into something new, using the experience I've gained over the years. I'm also somewhat tempted to do a reboot of Voyager, but my concern there is that I would become known only for rebooting canon series. TC: Why did you choose this way of producing a Star Trek series? CS: I chose to start writing in script because I was inspired by the work of others, namely Star Trek: Renaissance. I happened upon their website one day, and I liked what they had done with their series and decided that I wanted to do the same with my own ideas.~

Most people who know me on HF boards know how I started watching Trek, which was through a bet for a book "Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise� I wanted to buy it & didn't have the cash; I was in love with the architecture. Little did I know I would get hooked hooked on the series & end up making my own. I like the idea that Star Trek is able to send a message in an ENTERTAINING way. It could be about global warming or something more poignant like war or racism and it will be able to give you a viewpoint that you ou may not have seen before.

Trek has always made me feel hopeful, especially with humanity... I share Roddenberry's dream where people won't judge people by their looks or from where they came from, but on their merit. I think one day we'll get there & be a better place for it. I know its clichĂŠ (spelling?) to say, but if people would look beyond judging books by their covers we might all be able to get along better and get to the point that we all earn for, Roddenberry's dream of humanity.

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