london market broking
High Hazard Products facility Miles Smith focus on PL and Products risks which have potential catastrophic risk exposures, i.e. those which have a low claims frequency but high severity third party liability risk profile.
Risks we will typically underwrite
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Pharmaceutical and invasive medical device products UK Clinical Trials Aviation products (including safety critical parts manufacture) Automotive products (including safety critical parts manufacture) Other safety critical products (e.g. fall arrest systems) Marine products Military products (including firearms and ammunition) US exports (includes risks where the US exports make up a high percentage of the overall turnover) Offshore products Heavy machinery products Inherently dangerous products (e.g. explosives) Products which have a structural or integrity exposure (e.g. adhesives, wire, rope materials and construction products) Chemical products including bulk storage Rail products, plus rail and subway operation Open cast mines, quarries and other resource extraction companies
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Public and Product Liability (up to £10m LOI) Excess Liability (XS EL up to £10m LOI, XS PL/Prods up to £30m LOI) Worldwide coverage and jurisdiction for UK domiciled policyholders Efficacy
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