Movin' On Up - November 2013

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Raspy Balboa

exclusive interview +Album Release

Hanne-berit Hahnemann Exclusive Interview and insights Dj CellBlock

Exclusive Interview +Indie Artists mixtape contest +Mixtape Releases + International waters

Sidney Cole Tricia Royce Tammy Lim




News and Stories...

DJ CellBlock • Mixtapes and contests •Exclusive Interview

Duck Duck Goose!

- The Come Up - Mixtape Releases - International Waters


• How to get numbers from Multiple Girls in one night with out making it seem like you Are A player

• The MYTHS and Secrets ABOUT APPLES, SLEEP and Your Health?! - TRUE OR FALSE?

World renowned VIOLinist

Hanne Berit Hahnemann



• Exclusive Interview

R E S p e c t • Societal impact and neglect

Hip-Hop ARtist


The Game

•OKE Mixtape Review

Hood Clothing Inc.

•exclusive interview + Insights on upcoming projects and Moves!


SYDNEY COLE Tammy Lim Tricia Royce 2 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

• Their story - Brand - Lifestyle

thinkin out loud • Playing the victim

How to conquer extreme boredom Issue #2 | | Movin’ On Up | 3

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Age: 27

Location: Canada Genre/Style: Rap/Crunk Label: Lunch Money Entertainment

Influences: Fabolous, Rage Against The Machine, Salt & Pepper, B.I.G, Lil Jon How did you get your name Raspy Balboa? A Random chilling in the same studio as me was listening to my music while I was recording as ‘Hali Hollowman’ had said my voice had a raspy tone and that she really liked it , so I went with it . The Balboa came couple years later after my lyrics starting ‘hitting harder’ & I boxed haha. It really speaks for it self ‘Rocky Balboa’ Raspy Balboa’ I think yall get it !

an J s p o Dr

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How did you get introduced to music and the style of hip-hop? First rap I ever heard was Salt & Pepper ‘Lets talk about sex’ Haha & I was into Rage , Korn ect. Was a rocker screamo fan until I got my first Biggie CD, I believe it was the double Life After Death tape. Myself & my closest homie Tommy started messing around with a little ghetto blaster with a record button, dissed a few people we didnt like from school and from there just got nice with it & Rap became everyday. How many years have you been perfecting your art and when did you decide to pursue it as a career? Messed around battling local people that thought they were better then me, found out no one around was as nice. Did that for about 3 years just rapping for friends at school , then met fellow Lunch Money Ent Member Rated . Moved in next door to him in one of those subdivisions where your stuck together, hear him over in his basement free styling getting down just like me . We formed a 2 man duo Platinum Hood started making tracks with a chat mic and a laptop did that for about a year , lots of people were reaching out wanting more so we confirmed how serious we were by close friends , people we didn’t know became fans. So me perfecting was about 4 years & I got serious when the fans wanted more.

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RASPY BALBOACONtinued.. Who and what would you say has been your biggest influence in your writing style and content? Theres not really a who but battle rappers are my Favorited rappers by far and since I started as one , My style is in your face, cocky with mild humor haha . So yeah battle rap def influences me. Who would you say has been your biggest supporters? Im gunna go right ahead and say my Momma haha, she took our very first professional photoshoot pics on t shirts and handed them out ! She a big one & we gear our music to a younger crowd so all the highschool kids show mad support. What do you think sets you apart from the other Rappers within your industry? Our presents when we walk in Venues , we all have a good look. Our Lyrics & most groups have a weak link, my team don’t we all can rap and we all show respect outside and inside our group. What’s next? What direction do you hope to move towards for 2014 and the remainder of 2013? Right now were pushing to do more live shows trying to set up as much as we can . 2014 Id like to push our music over in the states to give them a taste of Lunch Money maby book shows in Buffalo sine its right across the boarder. Yeah we just going to continue to push our brand which is Lunch Money Entainment all day! Do you have any surprises or new projects you would like to inform our readers about? Im currently working on my second solo mixtape titled ‘INKED EGO’ dropping Jan 18th 2014 . Lunch Money is also working on Lunch Money Ent The Mixtape VOL 2. You can pick up VOL 1 on Are there any specific artists you hope to work with in the future? Of course , all Toronto dudes too . Hardbody , P Dollaz & not sure where he from Scotia or T.O but Luu Breeze definitely. Have you worked with any big named artists in your career? Not yet internationally, but locally we cooked up some music with Sese definitely shout him out he’s doing his thing.but yeah bigger names will come Any people you would like to give a shout out to? My team of course Rated, Tre, The Godfather & Hilly . Oh & shout out RockStar Vodka for keeping me going. Much love and Respect and thank you for doing this interview with us! It’s LME baby! Anytime 8 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

Mix tape Review The Game, recently just dropped his new mixtape titled “OKE,” featuring artists such as Clyde Carson, Elijah Blake, Too Short, Fred the Godson, Sam Hook, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, and many others. Simply put, this mixtape is definitely strapped with hard hitting beats that go BANG! The game did a phenominal job with this one and we’re happy to hear him bringing something new to the table! Known for being real with his lyrics on a “life-style” or “heartfelt” beat, he throws down hard on some “Pour Up” tracks that will hopefully hit clubs


Downloadable @ Issue #2 | | Movin’ On Up | 9

Living a life with close to no sleep has left me resorting to extreme measures to stay awake. Being a full-time university student and working two part-time jobs has forced me to become best friends with energy drinks and caffeine. With that being said, I went to see an old friend of mine, and it just so happened that I was exhausted by the time I reached her place. I, being the caffeine feign that I am, inevitably suggested that we go and get a “pick me up.” When we got to our local coffee dealers, Tim Hortons, I allowed her to place her order first, which turned out to be a medium hot chocolate. The second I heard that come out of her mouth I looked at her and giggled a little because I knew the drink I was about to order was going to make her look at me funny. Alrighty, my turn came up and I had ordered a large coffee with three sugar, three cream and four shots of espresso. As expected, the look on her face was priceless and better yet, the woman behind the counter refused to make my drink and stated “I’d die” if I drank that! I remarked with a snotty comment as I was exhausted and just wanted my damn coffee. I had said “I didn’t think what I put in my coffee was up for debate... I’ll take it to go...”

ANYWAYS, back to the whole point of this article... My friend looked at me and said “If you’re tired, you know that Apples energize you better than coffee does right?” I looked at her like she was on drugs. She had told me to look it up online if I didn’t believe her... and well... I didn’t believe her... ~True or False?~ THIS SHITS TRUE!

After doing my research, the saying we have all heard at one point or another in our lives that states, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” holds to be true. Who would have thought? If you say you did..well... quit lying to yourself and everybody else ok? Aside from the fact that there are over 7,500 different groups of apples around the world and majority of them taste fan-F*&$ing-tastic, they come with the kryptonite for sleep, as well as cancer. These very colorful, round and tasty things, are packed with You know you have a problem flavonoids and natural sugars, which when you turn into a mouth piece help to reduce the risk of many different because you haven’t had your coffee... types of cancers.

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The key aspect of Apples are the vitamins within them, more specifically the vitamins within the skin. The vitamins in the skin, when being digested, are released slowly throughout the body allowing you to feel more awake and do not have the same side effects as caffeinated drinks. No crash, no burn, no bi-polar disorder (mood swings). There are many other perks to apples in regards to the vitamins found within them, which help to lower cholesterol and reduce your risks of diabetes. The fiber found in this fruit does wonders in regards to getting rid of fat and aiding in the removal of plaque build up. Consider Apples to be more or less the unsung heros of the fruit world. They can do tons for your overall health and appearance, such as keeping your smile healthier, protecting you from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, stopping you from having irritable bowel syndrome, boosting up your immune system, among many other things.

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Born in St. Helena, California, this bombshell currently resides in Georgia and has the best of both worlds. Beauty and brains. Currently working towards getting her degeree, she is studying Pre-med at Georgia military college in Warner Robins, Georgia. Favorite Things: Colour: Green Artist/Band: Van Halen, RATT, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Quiet Riot, Middle Class Rut and Memphis May Fire. Food: B..A..C..O..N… <3 haha any kind of fruits and veggies Movie: The Lion King TV Series: Lost Place to Live: I would move to Australia. Its always been a dream of mine to move there. When I was a child I was convinced that I was going to become a zoologist and work at the Australia Zoo with Steve Irwin. Twitter: @TriciaRoyce

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a i c i r T s M

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“R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me” are the famous words sung by Aretha Franklin. But what does respect mean to a society that seems to be lacking it? We say that being respectful is a quality that we value in others but we don’t show it. The problem happened when the digital age begun.

It isn’t that hard to do people! And is it really going to take up too much extra time in your so-called busy life?

I have a friend who I regularly go to coffee with, who one time absolutely shocked me. We arrived at the coffee place and he opened the door to let me in (which he always does by the way) and I made my way over to The flow of information where the line started. I turned to say has increased at a rapid speed, something to him and was confused changing the way our daily lives run. when he wasn’t next to me. I looked back With instant communication and he was still holding the door open available between people we are for the people who had come after us. It constantly on the move, chasing the didn’t take any time out of what he was next opportunity. The problem with doing (we had to wait in line anyways) this is we don’t take the time anymore and showed how respectful he is to to follow some of the most traditional others. Clearly his momma raised him values: loyalty, honesty, and respect. right. One thing I have definitely taken notice to is that no one holds doors open for anyone anymore. When someone does ,it almost becomes a shock to the other person that they have taken the time to do it. I was at my local Tim Horton’s one time about to open the door and noticed an elderly man coming up behind me. So I did what any decent human being would do, I held the door open and let him enter first. The look on his face was absolutely priceless. He seemed so impressed that someone from my generation had done something so respectful for him. This right here is a very sad fact on our generation. What ever happened to respect your elders?

Now guys, here’s a tip:

Showing a girl some respect can go a long way. The worst I have seen and had to experience was being at a bar and having to run the other way because without even talking some guy would come up and start grinding up against me. Almost nothing is less attractive to me than that. If you really want something to happen at a bar try starting a conversation. Words go a long way. Also if the girl has gotten completely wasted show some respect and don’t try to make something happen, no one needs to taken advantage of. Instead of trying to hook up with a girl on a drunk night out at a bar, have a casual conversation then exchange phone We are known as the numbers, and if you are still interested digital generation because we have after the hangover then give her a call. grown up with computers and the internet, but in reality we are the lazy Now it’s time for the girls. Why generation one that lacks fundamental is it that girls are so ruthless towards values placed on society. Really how each other? We are all fighting the same hard is it to open the door for an older battles. Worrying about our weight and man who has trouble walking? Come on! looking good, its hard being a woman.

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It’s especially hard in the age of Photoshop and size zero models looking thin and beautiful toying with guys’ minds. It takes a toll on a girl’s self-esteem. So why the hell are we putting each other down. We berate women for looking or acting a certain way, instead of helping them or asking ourselves why we are behaving the way we are. Social media doesn’t help with this at all. We are able to judge and make comments about someone without even being face to face. I think its time for us to stop bringing each other down and start helping to empower each other to be as great as we can be. This is now more of a general statement to every reader. I get that we are living in a world where we are glued to our smart phones and can’t go anywhere without them, but here is some advice, don’t be fixated on your cell phone when you are out with a friend. Nothing looks more disrespectful than spending time with a friend and them seeing you spend more time on your phone. In my case I live 5 hours away from the people who mean the most to me, so when I do get back to visit I don’t spend the entire time on my phone. I know I only have so much time with them so I want to make the best of it. Technology makes us all move faster and we end up spending less quality time with the people we care about. They are taking time out of what’s going on in their lives to hang out with you, so do them a favour, show them some RESPECT.

R E n a h g a e By M d ir a L


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Visit us today! Subscribe to our mailing list and Receive 100 free beats! Act now before this offer ends!

g n i k n i Th Out





Dear people all over the world, One thing has been getting to me a lot lately and it is when people play the role of the victim. STAHP!!! I am done with listening to people blaming their problems on other shit because its easier than admitting they fucked up. When I see a person speed by me and get nailed by the fuzz, I always say, “bro you better not blame this shit on your skin colour, we both know you did this to yourself and it had nothin to do wit bein a brotha”. When I see a girl get denied something and a man gets it, I wanna grab her and say, “strong women lead just as strong men lead… don’t you dare say its because you were born with a vagina!” and the worst one is when I see a straight white male accuse affirmative action for him not being hirable. The most qualified person for the job gets it so make sure he is you! If two people are equally qualified for a job, the one who is gay, visible minority, female will get hired first because that person will have an in with other cultures and social groups! It makes fuckin sense! Stop being a victim about it and make sure you have more to offer than any of the others, god knows affirmative action doesn’t even work because 9/10 applicants are usually a straight white male. Be the best you can be and you will NEVER have to stoop so low as to blame your problems and shortcomings on everyone and everything you can’t control… and you could potentionally live a happier life!

By BlackGuy NoSwag 16 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

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y e n d i


e l o C

This one of a kind blonde goddess resides in Ontario Canada living her life to the fullest. With Ms. Sidney Cole you can always expect it to never be a dull moment as her personality and presence will liven any room no matter the occasion.

You can be sure to see much more of this upcoming model as she works her way to the top making appearances in music videos and magazines! 18 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

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Alrighty Gents, here comes the latest in picking a girl up in a social environment, particularly in clubs, house parties, and bars. No word of a lie, it works EVERY TIME if you know how to be a social butterfly. Don’t believe me? Well I’ve got my own girl friends I go out with from time to time to watch me in action and they could not believe just how many women this has worked on. Fact is, I’ve watched guys I’ve told about this, pull the exact same thing on my girl friends and well... they fell for it and were oblivious to what was really going down. I just... um... never mentioned it. I’m too young to die you know?! First things first! We’re going to do an inventory check.

Women have been complaining about it and guys like me get to capitalize on your mistakes. This is entirely your call of course. My suggestion would be to wear your pants in between your waist line and above your ass cheeks or get a pair that is longer in length and creates that baggy aspect. And if you manage to pick a girl up with my tips on how to dress yourself, you get to have the satisfaction of having her take them off the rest of the way. Savvy?

Hygiene: If you can smell yourself or something that relatively resembles the scent of fish or shit... What’s an inventory check? Time to shower. Be sure to get behind your ears, and under your Inventory consists of your nut sack because the girls in the club attire, your state of mind, and prefer that boss smell over the your main topics to run with. whole dead skunk in the club smell. You won’t be getting close to any Attire: of them girls unless she just so As I have grown up in happens to be born without a nose, a generation where the whole which I hear is a very rare breed. wearing your jeans below your ass PIT STICK AND COLOGNE (Do cheeks was in style, please do note, not over-do it... use your head). it is NOT ANYMORE! Pull that PSSST - Brush your damn teeth shit up and wear clothes that fit. I fool. Saving pieces of dinner for understand the whole concept of later is not a wise idea as you’ll “swag” or “style” but damn guys... probably smell like a garlic stick.

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State of mind: You need to be in a solid state of mind before going out and throwing down your “A game.” Get some boys over, put on some music with a solid bass line and crazy beat that will put you into a “time to get lucky mood.” Get a COUPLE drinks in you to make sure your confidence is in check. Note, the fact I put a COUPLE in bold. Being half in the bag by the time you get to where you’re headed is going to screw you over harsh. Not to mention the girls you could be going after with them beer goggles. Play smart. If you’re out to get hammered, then get hammered. If you’re looking to have a good time, keep the alcohol in check, and have some fun. Topics and words to use to your advantage: This part is all on you because you know what subjects you are capable of handling, but I suggest you create a “back up plan” in case your dumbass blanks out.. Looking smart is not a bad thing as long as you’re humble about it. Acting like a smart-ass is only going to get you a solid night with your left hand... My words of advice based on the different women at various venues

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Time to put in work with this step by step process: Bonus Points - ByPass security - If there’s a line up outside the venue you’re going to, you’ll make it look like you’re a “somebody” and catch their attention right off the bat.

3. If they aren’t don’t stress it there are plenty of opportunities. 3. Find one of the girls you “scoped out earlier” and make sure that you know for a fact that if she looks up or just so happens to look left or right, she will notice you. Watch her dance and chill out with your boys for a bit. If she looks up, casually lock eyes. If you’re looking at her and she notices, she’ll be looking at you pretty damn hard to make sure it’s really her you’re looking at. Try to maintain eye contact for

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1. Walk into the club with your friends, pay cover and do a quick walk/look around. I personally refer to this as scoping. Look for girls who catch your eye and may be interested in realistically getting to know. 2. Make your way to the bar and get a drink! Do some more scoping while waiting for the bartender. Once you have your drink make your way to a place you can post (just hang out with your boys). Do not go to a booth, it shuts down any and all possibilities of you getting any girls attention. I usually stand on the outside perimeter of the dance floor. The girls are usually dancing on the top of the bar or some sort of elevated stage, meaning it’s easier for step #3. If they aren’t don’t stress it there are plenty of opportunities.

5-10 seconds TOPS then look away. may have missed when you walked Anything more is just going to in but are interested in talking to worry her. and strike up a conversation. This is where the pre-planning comes 4. Pretend like the girl you in.. Get this girl to laugh as much as just eyed up doesn’t exist for the you can and have some fun dancing time being and scope out 2 or 3 (I would not recommend grinding more girls and do the same thing. as it may lose the interest of the Don’t be afraid to bust out a few girls you primarily scoped out). moves with your boys around you and have some fun. Fun is what 6. Piss break/Re-up/Refillyou’re there to have and believe Get away from that girl you just me, the girls you been eyeing up talked to and/or danced with and will be keeping their eyes on you to disappear with your boys for a make sure you’re not some sort of minute. Go for a smoke or spark a stalker. Make sure that the girls see spliff. It’s time to give them space that you’re looking around at other and allow them to “forget you.” girls. It implies the fact that you’re single and not in a relationship. 7. On your way back in, repeat number 5 and make your Why Are You Doing All This? way to where you the girls you’re Because when these girls really into are. Continue to pretend you’ve “hooked” by looking at like they don’t exist so you’re them for 5-10 seconds look at you, focusing on only the girl your its going to seem like you have with. Once the songs done, re-up very minimal interest in them, but with your boys and repeat #3. they do know you “noticed them.” Now when they see you talking to 8. If you did everything other women you’re going to play properly, have some fun and watch with their minds and get them to a couple of the girls come and start thinking one or two things. ask you to dance or grab a drink. Depending on how confident you • “This guy must be special are in yourself, you can skip the because every girl in this place whole dancing thing with other is talking to him.. MY TURN,” girls and move straight to getting creating the sense of competition numbers. Just make sure to make which she will feel entitled to being it noticable that there are an a part of because you “noticed” her. abundance of women that want you over all the other guys. It helps • Why does every girl if you roll up with a bunch of girl that talks to this guy seem to be friends and use them to your adhaving such a good time? I’m going vantage. With some practice, you’ll to go find out - creating curiosity be able to pick up 5/6 girls in the same night. This works, it just 5. Time to make sure your needs a certain amount of finesse. bottles full and you’re ready to go have fun... This step we begin Good luck gents! putting one of those two thoughts into their heads. Go up to a girl you

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Age: 28 Location: Bucharest, Romania Genre/Style: Hip Hop, Trap, R&B, Experimental Influences: Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Warren G, Nate Dogg Label: HaHaHa Production

A day in the life... 24 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

On his grind day in and day out, Dj Cellblock has produced some of the hottest tracks around. He has collaborated with artists like Smiley, Loredana Groza, Alex Velea, Grasu XXL, Don Baxter, Puya, Cabron, Shoby, Pacha Man, Doc, Sisu, Delia, Anda Adam, Stefan Stan, Anna Lesko, CRBL, Simplu, Sonny Flame, Wanda, Monica Anghel, and many others. For the past few years he has been working on a new project in support of independant artists and has just released his 7th indie mixtape featuring artists from around the globe titled, “Indie Hits 7.” Visit to download “Indie Hits 7” and vote on your favorite arists and help them get some radio time. As of right now he is working on “Indie Hits 8,” so contact him via email to become a part of that mixtape and be on the look out for its release! Go to www. DJCELLBLOCK .COM to download Now!

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playing and doing God knows what, but most of the time I was indoors making music. If you were to pick three major influences on your music, who would you say you have looked up to the throughout most of your career? Dr. Dre was definitely the first producer I was looking up to. Timbaland too, he was a innovator that didn’t play by the rules and made his own sound. Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, Nate Dogg, Warren G were just a few of the rappers I was admiring at that time. To be honest there are a lot of hip hop artists that influenced my career. Who would you say have been your biggest supporters? Definitely my family, my mom and dad. Without em I wouldn’t be where I am today. They have always helped me to do what I liked, not just what I had to and I thank em for that.

How did you come up with the alias of “DJ Cellblock?” I’m a very open person, but sometimes I close myself and all my feelings, like in a cellblock. It just came to me, it’s not like I was a convict or something... The government wants us to believe that we are free and we can do whatever we want, but that’s not true. We are all locked in a big cellblock, that we call world and we play by rules. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from and how were you introduced to music? I’m a producer, mixtape DJ, engineer and promoter that loves music, not just hip-hop from Bucharest, Romania (that’s in Europe for the ones that don’t know). I was introduced to music by my father, and he has supported me with everything. He bought my first keyboard, my first pc and so on. In 2003-2004 it started to be more than a hobby and I had joined a famous Romanian hip-hop group called Codu’ Penal (penal code), as DJ and producer. Overtime, as I continued to grow as an artist, I have worked with the most important artists from Romania and made a few many connections with major artists from the States. Besides making music, I am trying to help up and coming artists by releasing a monthly mixtape series called “Indie Hits.” This monthly mixtape is dedicated to and based around independent artists. When did you realized that music is what you wanted to pursue? As a little child I knew that making music was more than just a game to me. When others were outdoors wasting their time being “gangsters,” I was exercising. Now don’t get me wrong, I spent a lot of time outdoors 26 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

What do you think sets you apart from the other DJ’s and producers within your industry? I’m always trying not to do what everybody else does. For example: I’m hosting the “Indie Hits” mixtape series. I don’t do just that, besides promoting it, I created a contest where people can vote for their favorite track and get their track on real FM radio stations, magazine interviews and much more. As a producer I try to create my own sound. If it’s called Trap I don’t produce a Trap track like any other producer. I don’t set boundaries between genres. When and where was your love for hip-hop and RnB discovered? I think the first hip hop tracks I’ve heard were something from Mc Hammer, Salt’n’Pepa, Snow... Informer... hahaha, my biggest brother was a fan and then I started to look for more... What’s next? What direction do you hope to move towards for 2014 and the remainder of 2013? Any new projects? There is a lot to come in 2014. I have a lot of projects that I would like to bring to life, but there’s a lot of work to be done if you want to create something big and something to last. Hopefully God keeps me wealthy and I assure you, you’ll hear big things coming from me in the near future. I’m also preparing a new mixtape that I’m producing 100% and will be hosted by Billy Danze of M.O.P. Hopefully I’ll have it done by February. I’m always working on new tracks, but you never know when they’ll see the light... Are there any people you would like to make a shout out to? Shout out to all the people that keep music alive, no matter if it’s hip hop, reggae or trap, it’s music. Without music life would be gray. Bless!

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Gifted Since Birth Hanne-berit Hahnemann Hanne-berit Hahnemann, a phenomenal violinist, born in Copenhagen, Denmark, is taking the world by storm and making a lasting impression. Currently residing in Cleveland, Ohio, she is constantly on the go, hanging out with her two kids, working on new pieces or touring the globe. Needless to say, Hanne-berit Hahnemann is at the peak of her career, having performed alongside many incredible musicians some of which include Sir Elton John and Harry Connick Jr. With her undeniable amount of determination and strong love for music, Hanne-berit always has something new and refreshing to bring to all her fans. But how did she become such an extraordinary musician? Ever since she was a child, music has been her rock and those around her made her realize the apparent truth that she was naturally gifted. Throughout her teenage years she attended a high school that specialized within the fields of music and by the age of 13 she had gone on her first tour. As she continued to grow as a musician, more particularly as a violinist, she continued to expand her horizons and began to experiment with various styles and techniques in hopes that she could shape her exact thoughts and emotions. 28 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

Attempts at emulating voices and getting lost within her music allowing it to flow through her seamlessly, has allowed her to create many spectacular works of art. Some of which have yet to be released and are going to touch the hearts and souls of many. Questions we were given the privilege of asking Hanne-berit! Who have been your biggest supporters? My kids have been by far. If it wasn’t for them I wouldnt be able to continue doing what I have my own home studio and when I need to work my 10 and 13 year old are very mature and keep quiet. How was playing with Sir Elton John? It was incredible! He is an amazing musician who created such a great environment. The thing about meeting Sir Elton John was him actually asking me about my career, my violin and the equipment and functionalities. It was really unexpected but really cool! If you could work with anyone right now who would you pick? Macklemore and Machine Gun Kelly because of how they remain so grounded. Their music is real and you can feel the emotions within every song! Issue #2 | | Movin’ On Up | 29

We would like to introduce you to Tammy Lim! This self proclaimed Dragonball Z super fan, is a quirky, and intelligent woman, who will always keep you on your toes. Currently attending Ottawa University, she models whenever the opportunity arises as it is a career choice she highly intends on pursuing. B - E - A - UTIFUL ! 30 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

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I was fourteen when I first got involved with graffiti. I don’t remember exactly what first drew me to it, but I remember walking underneath a bridge one day and feeling the breath leave my body. The bridge painted a scene characterized by discarded beer bottles and rusted shopping carts overturned and abandoned. A hollow set where the grass was overgrown and potholes filled with the leftover rainfall dotted the ground. But in the midst of all this seemingly chaotic, unkempt scene stood a single man. He was holding a spray can putting the finishing touches on his work. And as I walked over, his piece seemed to illuminate the dull lifeless concrete. I remember being in a trance as the colours danced and darted along the wall, bleeding life into the scene around it. And it was then I realized that it wasn’t just the bridge that was being brought to life, it was me too. Shortly after I hit up my first spot. The following years were defined by graffiti. I wrote on my school breaks. I left school early

and snuck out Business owners see the writing at night just to get on the wall and their authors my name out as villainous characters who there more and look only to pervert and more. With my obsession came destroy their own hard work. How the crashing realization that ever, the essence of graffiti is graffiti had its consequences. It is a not only about destruction, but form of art clouded in controversy also about reconstruction. We and lawlessness. The distinction look to deconstruct the dreary, between what can be considered tiresome scenery and replace it art and vandalism is a question with personality. We look to break that entices controversy among down the ugliness of run down the public and haunts writers. cityscape with that of beautiful Writers accept the fact that the murals and pieces. We look to title of vandal will be tacked onto entice people’s imaginations and, them. But the difference between even if for only a second, bring a simple vandal and a true graffiti them into a different world writer comes with the realization than one they have become that any fool can pick up a can of trapped in, a world filled with paint and scribble his name on a colour, creativity, and possibility. wall. A true writer can scribble his name in a way that captivates his But the question of “why audience, animating the dull, graffiti?” persists into modern everyday street life. Colours flit society and comes to alienate those across their walls, working their outside graffiti’s sub culture. Why way into their canvas and not just draw in a sketch book? etching life into an otherwise Why not just paint traditionally monotonous city landscape. on canvas? The answers to these questions vary from writer to But the general public writer. Some never had the money views graffiti as a destructive for traditional art supplies. Some force rampaging through our simply wished to rebel the only streets.The government condemns way they knew how. What persists it as anarchistic acts that pollute in all writers is a need to express society with paint and ill intentions. oneself.

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A need to feel a sense of unspoken recognition for their work. A need to make a statement, and a need to feel a sense of accomplishment through the simple gesture of an approving glance from a stranger. It appears self-serving, but the appeal of graffiti comes from the simple knowledge that someone out there is appreciating your work, even if no one around knows it’s yours. Seeing your own work on a wall, seeing others acknowledge it is a high in and of itself that nothing can ever compare to.

The knowledge that others can see your work, that you got away with placing your work on a forbidden canvas only furthers this high. The high of not only getting your name up, but getting away with it. It’s a form of rebellion. Rebellion against the oppressive force of the police, of corporate monotony, but also against the stifling idea that you have to conform to social ideas and norms. Graffiti gives you the power to fight and suppress these ideas. It gives you power when you feel like everything in your life is out of order. So I look back on the time I spent with graffiti. I see a boy confused, searching for who he is, searching for something to believe in, simply looking to brighten a person’s day. Your views on graffiti may differ from mine. All I can do is ask that the next time you see a mural, a

tag, a piece, that you take a second out of your day to judge it for yourself. There is true vandalism out there, people simply looking to stain your city with a foul mark. It is up to you to formulate your own opinion. But take a second and try and understand its essence. You might be surprised when you let slip a smile.

e l y K y B n r i a N c M

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Hood Clothing Inc. designed by Rene Gagnon, was inspired back in 2008 as he was attempting to create a concept for a solo art show at a local gallery. As he was leaving his studio one night, he noticed two silhouette figures walking towards him and as these two figures became larger as they approached, he realized they were wearing hoods. When the two figures got closer they removed their hoods and revealed themselves as two, young, innocent women going to visit someone in the same building he was leaving. This experience of not being able to see their faces as they approached, struck a sense of mystery within him, and he began to expand his vision. He began to observe and question his experience with these hooded figures and then proceeded to correlate his experience with how others would react if it were them. His concept was then put into action with the use of people whom portrayed the image of innocence and then masked their appearances with hoods to recreate that sense of mystery. As he continued to work with his original concept, he began to look into the deeper meaning behind the word “hood,” and other words which consisted of it, such as “neighborhood” and the actions associated with being deemed as a “hood.” Once the brand had been developed, Samantha Gagnon, co-founder of Hood Clothing Inc, began to create the Hood Clothing movement by incorporating the people closest to her. She approached her friends from college and questioned them as to whether or not they would rep this clothing and through their love and support, it began to grow. Through their amazing efforts and creativity, both Rene and Samantha Gagnon have formed an incredible clothing brand, “Hood Clothing Inc.” which is not only producing high quality products, but has created the birth of a new movement. Be sure to check out w w w . h o o d c l o t h i n g i n c . c o m 34 | Movin’ On Up | | Issue #2

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Special Thanks To...

How To Conquer Extreme Boredom Ok guys & gals listen up. Did you ever have one of those days to where you are completely and utterly bored out of your mind? Or it is a snow day & there is absolutely nothing to do and you think you are too dang cool to go sledding or build a snowfort or snowman? Well here are 8 things you can do to keep yourself from going absolutely crazy! And yes these ideas do work because they come from my own experience. Some of them are good and some of them are...I guess not so bad. I am not a HUGE FAN of #3. I absolutely hate reading. But when you’reabout to go nuts because you are that fricken bored, a book does sound good. Believe it or not folks if you actually read a book you may get so caught up into it you could possibly get it done that day. I found that out reading “50 Shades of Grey”. I read all 3 books in 5 days; once I got over the initial “Ugh a book! I hate reading.” But it isn’t that bad once you put your nose into it. 1. Dive deep into your memory. What is a question that previously went unanswered in your mind? This is a great time to find out the answer. GOOGLE to get to the bottom of it. You’ll either feel a huge sense of satisfaction or disappointment depending on how obscure or just plain stupid your question is.

2. Listen to music. There’s nothing better to pass the time than to absorb yourself into your favorite songs. Who doesn’t love music? You can sing as loud as you want; or you can get up and dance as crazy so you want! No one will judge you if you are in the privacy of your own bedroom.

3. Read a book!

4. Begin to write short goodbye letters Once you get past the obvious contenders, like parents and friends, it becomes very interesting. You can write to someone you don’t know say someone at your local nursing home or just someone you never talk to in school or someone on the street who smiled at you for no reason. Really dig deep and you’ll probably be able to come up with a lot of people. 5. Practice being a living statue. Find a pose and try to keep it as long as you can. When you think you’ve mastered simply being still, think of things that make you laugh and see how straight you can keep your face. It’s harder than it sounds. 6. Play games. Don’t just think Monopoly, Clue or Snakes and Ladders. Try games from different countries. Not just PS3, Xbox, or Wii. Sit down and actually get out an old board game

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or look online for some off the grid type games or hell make up a game. You have an unlimited possibilities of games in your room. Example! Take a ball and see if you can bounce if off your dresser onto a night stand into a trash can. Anything beats being bored. 7. Spin around for as long as you possibly can without vomiting or passing out, and then sit down and close your eyes. You have the sensation of sitting on a record player. When you open your eyes, there is also the strange sensation of being very very still. It also makes you smile, simply because you know what a fool you would look like if anyone came into the room, and also because you’ve just spun around so much you’re dizzy and probably quite hysterical. 8. Pull the ugliest faces you can in the mirror. Giggle away, as childish as this seems, it is also very fun. Have you ever wondered what you would look like with a top a monocle and mustache etc. now is the time to find out. (You’vDraw them on a mirror and position yourself so that you are wearing them. (You’ve become Mr. Monopoly) Hope this helps!

By Mandi Derk

Writers: Meaghan Laird Kyle McNairn Blackguy No Swag Mandi Derk



Photographers: Christopher Eades Sean Crowley Kae Nhan Models: Tammy Lim Tricia Royce Sidney Cole Features: Hanne-berit Hahnehmann Dj Cellblock Raspy Balboa Hood Clothing Inc.

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