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Working in Hospitality
from ACFE Program 2022
Overview The learning objective of this course is to expose students to an industrial kitchen where they can develop skills and knowledge in the area of food preparation, cooking techniques, safe hygiene practices and work expectation in this vocation. This course is the pathway into other formal qualifications such as Food Handling and Catering Course. Generic employability skills including the language, literacy and numeracy required for this industry will also be blended throughout the course. Locat ion Ebeneezer Village 10 Warrandyte Road, Langwarrin Days and Tim es Tuesday - 9am - 3:15pm Durat ion 12 months Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GSTexempt. Resources Nil