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Getting a Job
from ACFE Program 2022
Overview This course will explore a wide variety of work options that are available in different vocations. Focussing on learning skills required for each job, building on confidence and developing travel training skills. This course covers generic workplace employability skills including language, literacy and numeracy required for the industry. It is delivered in a hands?on approach getting out and visiting different communities and workplaces and interviewing people who work there to find out more about the different roles. Locat ion MiLife-Victoria Frankston Hub Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston Days and Tim es Friday - 9am - 3:15pm Durat ion 12 months Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GSTexempt. Resources Myki card 15


MiLife-Victoria is a member of Learn Local. A network of over 300 not-for-profit organisations across Victoria offering adult community education and training to people in our community.

Disability Provider | Reg No. A0025487A NDIS | Reg No. 4050004061
For more information visit www.milife-victoria.org.au or follow us
MiLife-Victoria Inc Head Office Level 1, Suite 1 108 - 120 Young Street Frankston, VIC ABN 36 405 794 753 Tel: 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 National Relay Service 1300 555 727
E milife@milife-victoria.org.au W www.milife-victoria.org.au