66 Vict oria St reet Hast ings VIC P. 9775 7333 E. m ilife@m ilife-vict oria.org.au W. m ilife-vict oria.org.au
10 PIN BOWLING AND SHOPPING Overview Participants will travel from Langwarrin on public bus to play two games of ten pin bowling at the Frankston Bowling Zone. They will enjoy lunch and shopping at Karingal Hub before making their way back to site.
Venue Meet at Mi Centre for the Arts, Langwarrin Travel to Zone Bowling - 228 Cranbourne Road, Frankston
Days and Times Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - 9am - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $14 for two games of bowling
Resources Myki Card with money on it. Hat, sunscreen, coat, drink bottle. Morning tea and lunch, or money to purchase food and drink.
MONASH GYM AND WALKING GROUP Overview Participants will travel by public bus from Langwarrin to Monash University in Frankston where they will undertake a gym program using treadmills, exercise bikes and other gym equipment.
Venue Meet at Mi Centre for the Arts, Langwarrin Travel to Monash University - Moorooduc Highway, Frankston
Days and Times Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - 9am - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $10
Resources Myki Card with money on it. Hat, sunscreen, coat, gym clothes. Drink bottle, packed morning tea and lunch, or money to purchase food and drink.
ALL ABILITIES GYMNASTICS Overview Participants will travel by public bus from Langwarrin to Monash University in Frankston where they will undertake an all ability gymnastics class with the focus on skills such as balance, stretch and body movement.
Venue Meet at Mi Centre for the Arts, Langwarrin Travel to Monash University - Moorooduc Highway, Frankston
Days and Times Tuesday - 9am - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $11.30
Resources Myki Card with money on it. Hat, sunscreen, coat, gym clothes. Drink bottle, packed morning tea and lunch, or money to purchase food and drink.
INDOOR SPORTS AND LIBRARY Overview Participants will leave from MiLife-Victoria Cranbourne site and will head to Indoor Casey Sports Centre where they can play cricket, netball, soccer and ball games. They will have lunch, head to the library and back to the Cranbourne site.
Venue Meet at Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne Travel to Casey Recreational
Days and Times Wednesday - 9am - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $14
Resources Myki Card with money on it. Comfortable sports clothes, hat sunscreen, coat. Drink bottle, packed morning tea and lunch.
BASKETBALL AT CASEY STADIUM Overview Participants will play basketball, a fun filled team sport. The MiLife-Victoria team will play against other teams each week whilst developing skills such as hand and eye coordination, working in a team, and spatial awareness.
Venue Meet at Business and Life Skills Hub, Cranbourne Travel to Casey Stadium
Days and Times Wednesday - 9am - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $5 per game
Resources Myki Card with money on it. Sports clothes, shorts, hat sunscreen, coat. Drink bottle, packed morning tea and lunch.
EXPLORE MELBOURNE Overview Participants will have the opportunity to travel to Melbourne on a public train and bus from Langwarrin. The group will explore different places of interest, attractions and sight seeing in and around the Melbourne area.
Venue Meet at Mi Centre for the Arts, Langwarrin Travel to Melbourne via public transport
Days and Times Friday - 9am - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Myki Card with money on it. Sports clothes, shorts, hat sunscreen, coat. Drink bottle, packed morning tea and lunch, or money to purchase food and drink.
EXPLORE MELBOURNE & SHOPPING WITH FRIENDS Overview Participants will meet at MiCentre for the Arts in Langwarrin and travel by public bus or taxi or train to to different shopping centes in and around Melbourne and South Eastern suburbs where the group can undertake some serious shopping.
Venue Meet at MiCentre for the Arts, Langwarrin Travel to shopping centres around Melbourne and suburbs.
Days and Times Saturday - 10am - 3:30pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Myki card with money on it. Hat, sunscreen, coat, drink bottle. Packed morning tea and lunch or money to purchase.
Disabilit y Provider | Reg No. A0025487A NDIS | Reg No. 4050004061
For m ore inform at ion visit www.m ilife-vict oria.org.au or follow us
MiLife-Victoria Inc Head Office 66 Victoria Street Hastings VIC 3915 ABN 36 405 794 753
Tel: 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 National Relay Service 1300 555 727 E. milife@milife-victoria.org.au W. w w w.milife-victoria.org.au