Architectural Thesis _ Space Observatory And Training Center

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The Thesis project comes as one of the most valuable phases in the making of an architect. The very concept accentuates to the co-relation of theoretical concepts with the practical dimensions of their application.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to start this thesis. I spent a long time engrossed in discussions and from these communications with professors who taught me during the 4 years, not only do I understand the process and the detail of building construction, but also can I control a project based on a macroscopic point of view. And so I took up a project that defines the acute details of the life we live in public.

Hereby I am deeply indebted to all tutors and teachers in Raman Bhakta School Of Architecture for their direct and indirect help to me. Their guidance and suggestion have again and again been of great value.

I acknowledge my indebtedness towards Professor /Guide Ar.Kashyap Bhuwa for his contributions in the implementation of this thesis. Without his help and counsel, always generously and unstintingly given, the completion of this project would have been immeasurably difficult. He has been a constant support and always put my confusions above all his works.

That being said, I would by no means overlook any opportunity to acknowledge t h e eff or t s of my c oll eg em ate s; Heta pate l, Meet s h a h, Ad i t i j ai n, & Ai s hw ar i ya kevat who pushed me through my hard times and helped me sail through it.Also big thank to my family members for tremendous support .

Last but not the least, I would like to thank my Professiors Ar.Sandeepsingh Sisodia, Ar. Saunak Desai, Anand Mehta who guided me in right direction for my project.


Astronomical discoveries captivate the human imagination by connecting to deep and long-standing questions about our origins and the nature of the universe in which we live. Awareness of the vastness of the universe, the extraordinary forms that other worlds can assume, and the place of our home planet in space and time inspires wonder in people of all ages. Most museums and planetariums, however, currently lack the scientific expertise to inform their visitors succinctly about advances in modern astronomy. The need to spread awareness about astronomy is required, and also to provide interactive spaces and open observation spaces for p racti cal experiences. Astronomy and architecture have traveled for thousands of years in close contact, and today we know that in ancient times, many people tailored their buildings according to specific astronomical alignments, following and analyzing the movements of the Sun and stars. The goal of the design will be to contribute to the education of the general public about physics and astronomy.


• What is space observatory

• Project definition

• The project


• Why is astronomy important?

• Why this project?

• Existing data collection

• Goals

• Objective



0 4.

• Why this site?

• Site analysis


0 5: 0 6: 07 :

Literature studies

Live studies



Space planning Activities DESIGN

Site Layout





The project is about providing Ground -based Astronomical Space Observatory for public reach and also the training center to encourage students toward astronomy and astrophysics.

The project also includes the museum that have exhibits that reflects what is space and physical phenomena of space.


A place or building equipped and used for making observations of astronomical, meteorological and other natural phenomena, especially a place equipped with a powerful telescope for observing the planets and stars.

A place or building equipped and used for making observations of astronomical, meteorological and other COSMIC phenomena, especially a place equipped with a powerful telescope for observing the planets and stars.


(i) Ground-based observatories

(ii) Space-based observatories

(iii) Airborne observatories

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Astronomical observation is the study of celestial objects space. and the physical universe as a whole lt is a thing that opens our eyes, gives context to our place in the Universe and that can reshape how we see the world. When Nicolaus Copernicus claimed that Earth was not the centre of the Universe , it triggered a revolution A revolution through which religion, science, and society had to adapt to this new world view Astronomy has always had a significant impact on our world view. We would now call this Astronomy, far removed from the human hand and expensive instruments of today astronomy,

But there are still hints from history. The discovery that the basic elements that we find in stars. and the gas and dust around them are the same elements that make up our bodies has further deepened the connection between us and the cosmos Astronomy has been a cornerstone of technological progress throughout history , has much to contribute in the future , and oilers all humans a fundamental sense of our place in an unimaginably vast and exciting universe Astronomy and related fields are at the forefront of science and technology.

Through out the history, learning and understanding the significant of astronomical observation, people have started documenting celestial stars and cosmic phenomena to put the Earth into perspective and promoting global citizenship and pride in our home planet.


In this fast grooving world as one of the future super power country we have to stand in space race and space research as space has much potential in terms of research.

To generate an intellectual future generation which is much aware about space and study filed related to it. As our government bodies ISRO and PRL are doing very result oriented and amazing work and projects, In near future we also need people who are interested in this filed of research and more toward innovation.

To provide platform to this kind of generation there should be facility that gave basic research faculty that deals with this kind of study.ln India there are more than nine observatory , but non of them are public.

Indian scientists at Ahmedabad's PRL discover EPIC new planet. 600 light years away Indian scientists have discovered a

new Rlanet. With mass of about 27 Earth

Mass and surface temfZerature of 600 degrees Celsius, the exofZlanet revolves around a star some 600 light years away


We can not deny that space observation is very disciplined and strict practice to be done ,although there are many people and space society working independently on this kind of research as there interest. "As a leading country in space programs the space observation should not be out of reach of the people who are really interested".

So these are the concerns that generates as one program which has a Observatory which is partially access by public, Training Institute (where interested people can enroll), and Museum which informate people about astronomy.





Astronomy has been a cornerstone of technological progress throughout history, has much to contribute in the future, and offers all humans a fundamental sense of our place in an unimaginably vast and exciting universe.

Astronomy and related fields are at the forefront of science and technology fruits of scientific and technological development in astronomy, especially in areas such as optics and electronics, have become essential to our day today life, with applications such as personal computers, communication satellites, mobile phones , Global Positioning Systems, solar panels and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners.

Although the study of astronomy has provided a wealth of tangible. monetary and technological gains, perhaps the most important aspect of astronomy is not one of economical measure . Astronomy has and continues to revolutionize our thinking on a worldwide scale. In the past, astronomy has been used to measure time, mark the seasons, and navigate the vast oceans.

As one of the oldest sciences astronomy is part of every culture's history and inspires us with beautiful images and promises answers to the big questions lt acts as a window into the immense size and complexity of space, putting Earth into perspective and promoting global citizenship and pride in our

home planet.

Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objeCts (such as stars, planets, comets , and galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere

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Indian Space Research Organisation doing very tremendous work on thier mission and programs . There are currently 50+ projects going on and ISRO to send human by 2022.

So this shows india is set up for space race and for sure they will need our future generation to be intellectual about this So currently there is no public observatory in india that will provide a platform for young astronomer and space enthusiasts . The training center also provide good educational programe to interested people. simultaneously museum will give knowledge about astronomy, astrophysics , and ISRO-PRL's work.

So the presence of astronomical observatory which will make it very important for the following reasons:

1- Sharing the observatories in monitoring the different astronomical events in India and dissemination it to the world.

2- Cooperation with the World International Astronomical centers and universities in astronomical observations The observatory can be outperforming the other astronomical observatories in the world at different events because of time different and g eo graphic location

3- Establish the platform to monitoring of some important events such as meteors and monitor solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse and new comets and other astronomical events


lsro to set up space museums across country,

Curren Trigger

i ncluding

Delhi: Agency chief Sivan

N EW DE LHI: Indian Space Resea rch Organ isati on (lsro) has d ec ided to set up space museums ac r oss the country, including De l hi and Thiruvananthapu ram, t o educate and info rm the masses about space techno logies and advancement in t h e space sec tor.

Talking to TOI, lsro chairman K Sivan sa d "We h ad recently discussed a p roposa l with the Ke rala government to set up a space museum in Thi ruvananthapuram. The state gove rn ment responded positively to our plan and even all ocated land for the purpose." Sivan said he also he ld ta lks on the pr oposed Or Kalam Knowledge Centre, named after former President A P J Abdul Kalam, in th e Kerala capital under the space muse u m prog r amme.

He sa id , " I had recently met Kerala CM Pina r ayi Vijayan to hand ove r a ch eque of 2.7 crore collected as flood relief from lsro employees. During the mee ting, t h e CM pu t fo rth a p roposal fo r setti ng up a space tech nology park in Thiruvananthapuram. We a re now studying their He said the th at will come up across the country will put on disp lay satellites , r ockets a nd models o f va rious space assets, an d also o rganise different programmes in o rder to educa t e and inform people

to set up Space Technology Park and Museums

ISRO plan s to set up Spa ce Gall eries in various location s in the country Th e Spa ce Gall eri es are exp ect ed to di sse minate th e knowledge abou t space scien ce and te chnology amongst th e citizen s of om· l"o nntrv ThP will l"nn c: ic:t of intPt':ll"ti v P mPthoil c:/ moil

ISRO to Set Up 6 Space Tech Incubation Centres, Will Provide Seed Money to Students

The S- TIC p roject is one-of-its-kind initiative conceived by ISRO to bring academia. industry and R&D institutions unde r one single platform. by lcks hm i Pr iyo S November


E ven as the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) gears up for its ambitious space mission 'Gaganyaan touted as the foundation of the Indian Human Spaceflight Prog r amme and en visioned to take flight by 2022, the nat onal space agency is also spearheading a stupendous initiati ve that w ill prov ide a platform for the youth in space research.

ISRO has already begun setting up six incubat on centres, each titled the Space Technology Incubation Centre ( S-TIC) No w the space agency also plans to institute six resea rch and devel opment centres across the countly in the next one year.

In fact, one of the incubation centres has already started functioning out of Agartala , following its inauguration at the 'Spacetronics' conclave in September

Jag r a n 1osh- M AY 20 , 20 19

ISRO m iss1ons for ne xt I 0 yea r s a n nounced; S l MBE X-19- Curren t Af fair s

Among the"'..e :even mega mi::ion: ha: defined a nd Ad tya ll mi::ion: only

Ambitiou: Chadrayaan-2 and : o rne other mega mi::ion::: will be conducted

GORKY BAKSHI MAY 20 20\9 10:20 1ST

ISRO mi ssion s f or 10

Story I - ISRO to cond uct :::even mega m i:::::: ion::: in next I 0 yea r:::

Ind i an Space Resea rch Organization (ISRO) recently an nounce d fo r its upcoming miss ion over ne xt 10 years Apa rt f ro m mu ch awa it ed and am biti ous Chadrayaan-2 so me oth er mega mi ss ions wi ll be conduc t ed

Among t hese seve n mega mi ssions ISAO has defined X P oSa t and Adit ya- L1 mi ssio ns on ly India's second moon mi ssion, Cha nd rayaa n- 2, will be flig h t r eady by May end

ISRO has recen t ly dec lar ed that the spacecraft will be launche d in J uly 2019

NEWS-LETTERS TO I - Updated: Nov 26, 20 18 Cu r rent Tr i gger- Ja nu ary 3 , 2019 0 0 0 • 0 India Maharashtra Delhi Kamataka TaiTIII Naclu Telangana Uttar Pradesh West Bengal GuJarat (9 THIS STORY IS FROM NOVEMBER 26. 20\8
Surendra Singh I TNN I Updated : Nov 26. 2018. 3:2 51ST 1111 A- A+
5, 2018.
Jassi Ja issi Ko i Nah in actor Ka ran Obero i sent to oolice custodv
Tech no ogy 0 Ja nu ary3 20 19 & ad m n Face book 1:1




-Creating an intellectual future generation

-Bring astronomy in public reach

-Awareness about ISRO-PRL.

-Providing platform to interested people for research

-Giving opportunity to student

-Preparation of informatically sound man force for Future

-Spread knowledge about space ,Astronomy and Astrophysics


-Choosing a site which has more potential and flexible in terms of space observation

-Formulation of program which has extensive impact on people of our country

-Developing a premise that has serious characteristic of space observation

-To encourage and enable astronomical community to take an active role in explaining what we do (and why) to our fellow citizens.

-To facilitate students and teachers at under graduate and graduate levels to carry out small observational projects in Astronomy & Astrophysics using small aperture telescopes.

-To give a glimpse of opportunities that are available for the young, enthusiastic and bright students who want to take up Astronomy & Astrophysics as their career.


-As ancient India has vast knowledge and deeper under standing in cosmic science ,they have developed certain kind of architecture that have called "Cosmic Architecture".

-This kind of architecture mainly has structure that are used to calculate cosmic pattern and Its frequency few buildings also represent the phenomena that occurred in cosmos.

-Bringing the essence cosmic phenomena in design will be the concern- which can be interpreted in terms of shape , size, color, form, orientation, positioning, ideology.




Guru Sikhar,Mt Abu - Rajasthan

Site Area_ 56,000 mtsqr

For Execution of this project there is need of high altitude land There is also need of weather condition which allows clear sky more.

The precipitation varies of Mt.abu is 639 mm between the driest month and the wettest month The variation in temperatures throughout the year is 12.8 °C.



Between the driest and wettest months , the difference in precipitation is 446 mm in Surat. Throughout the year, temperatures vary by 9.1C. Maximum rainfall 446mm in July Max temp 36 in May.

TUrkmenistan Tajiki stan :::!Afghani stan laobul !Qwalpu>di·_,l.;l. ·= Nepal Banglad esh Mt.Abu Rajasthan/India ltyde<•b&d Myanmar >WniLaoPDR ;.. _________,. MT ABU WEATHER BY MONTH Ll WEATHER AVERAGES "C Januar Febru March Apri l May June July Augus Septem Octob Nov em Decem y ary t ber er ber ber Avg. 14 3 16 5 20 7 24 9 2 7.1 25.1 22.1 20 8 2I.6 2 2 2 18 9 16 2 Temperature Min. 9 1 11.4 15·7 19·9 22.3 20 7 19·5 18 6 18.6 17·3 13 3 II Temperature Max. 19 6 21. 7 25.8 29 9 32 29·5 24 8 23 24·7 2 7 .1 24 5 21.5 Temperature Precipi tation / 4 96 572 641 266 12 Rainfall (rom)



For the function the astronomical observatories , mount Abu is provide perfect enviroment and climate so this site provide most suitable enviroment for the observatories. Also the tourist influx in Mt.Abu is high which also provide good reason for the leisure activity.

Key Points For Site weather

tourist influx


With the help of the Bhuwan(web mapping service which allows users to explore a 20/30 representation of the surface of the Earth) the contour drawing was extracted from thr TIFF satellite data

QGIS open source software was use in this process 30 terrein was generated after this the contour slicing was done at every 1 metere .

SITE ANALYSIS - <100-150% 150- 200 % - <200-330% - >330 and above %
REFERENCE https:/ /b huvan- appl.n rsc .qov i n/b huvan 2 d/b huva n/b huvan 2 d p hp http s :/ /www. q q i s o rq/ en/site/ https:/ /eart hdata .nasa .qov I 13


Maximum sunlight gaining face

15 SITE ANALYSIS Approch Nodes View deck point Guru- Shikhar Existing Building • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Circulation





Location Northumberland, United Kingdom

Architect: Charles Barclay Architects

Structural engineer: Michael Hadi Associates

Area: 222.0 sqm

Project Year: 2008

The design of this observatory was controversial because the conventional dome ideology of dome is broken.· Observatory has received so many critic and negative respond at first .but ultimately it have received many design awards.

• There is placement of two volume on top of each other that have created balanced form which serve as observatory.

-The astronomical observatory , won in competition in 2005 and has been acclaimed by architectural critics, the astronomical community and the public.

-The first observatory to use a 'land pier' form and all-timber construction, it houses two permanent telescopes and is designed to suit amateurs and professional astronomers alike.

-During the day, the observatory serves as a belvedere overlooking Kielder Forest.

-The observatory is an exemplar off-grid building, entirely selfpowered by means of a wind turbine and photo-voltaic panels and features as the 'mothership' for the renowned Kielder star camps.

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Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

Architecture style: Greek Revival

Area: 6000 sqm

Project Year: 1935

Colonel Griffith J. Griffith left funds in his will to build a public observatory in Los Angeles because he believed in the transformative power of observation. After looking through the research telescope at Mt. Wilson he said: "If all mankind could look through that telescope, it would change the world!" Since opening in 1935, Griffith Observatory has fulfilled his vision by offering public telescope viewing through the historic Zeiss telescope, historic coelostat (solar telescope), and portable telescopes on the lawn. More people have looked through the Zeiss telescope than any telescope in human history.

Southern California's gateway to the cosmos! Visitors can look through telescopes, explore exhibits, see live shows in the Samuel Oschin Planetarium, and enjoy spectacular views of Los Angeles and the Hollywood Sign. Griffith Observatory presents daily programs in the Samuel Oschin Planetarium and Leonard Nimoy Event Horizon theatre. Hearing assist devices are available upon request in both theatres. The Observatory also hosts monthly public star parties, daily talks and presentations, and periodic special events.

One Saturday a month, the Observatory hosts a public star party.Free public star parties are held monthly at Griffith Observatory from 2:00p.m. to 9:45p.m. with the assistance of volunteers from the Los Angeles Astronomical Society, the Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers, and The Planetary Society.They are a chance for the whole family to look at the Sun, Moon, visible planets and other objects, to try out a variety of telescopes, and to talk to knowledgeable amateur astronomers about the sky and their equipment. Free public telescopes are available each evening the Observatory is open and skies are clear. Knowledgeable telescope demonstrators are available to guide visitors in observing sky.

D MAINLEVEL(l) ROOF(R ) Observatory 6 IJ INFORMATION DESK em RE STROOMS TICKET BOOTH a. KIOSKS Exhibits L....-___, '------- Dec k /View ing ga ll ery



Location: Pune ,India

Architect: Charles correa

Area: 9000 sqm

Project Year: 1988

Theine-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics(IUCAAl is an autonomous institution set up by the University Grants Commission to promote nucleation and growth of active groups in astronomy and astrophysics in Indian universities. IUCAA is located in the University of Pun campus next to the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, which operates theGiant MetrewaveRadio Telescope.


IUCAA was created with the objective of serving the teaching, research and development in astronomy and astrophysics in the university section . It is planned with eight-fold objective.

At th e e nt rance t here i s a viole t g ro u n d cove r in s h ape o f 2 ova l s w it h sto n es, r ays r a d ia tin g f r o m th eir m e eti ng po int , sy m bol i zin g t he astronom i cal

!.Basic research

2.Advanced research school and workshops

3.Visitors and associate programmes ,,Refresher courses

5.Helping nucleation of astronomy and astrophysics

6.M.Sc. and Ph.D.programmes

7.Guest observer programmes

B.lnteraction with GMRT 17

L Entrance 2. Kund 0 10 30 50m 3. Black Hole 4 Roche Lobes 5 Fractal garden 6 Foucault Pendulum 7 Bhaskara 3 8 Computer Centre 9 . Library 10 Ballav a (C anteen) 1l.Dome 12 . Nalanda (Hostel) 13 Takshashila (Guest A partments) 14 Administration 15. Chandrasekhar Auditorium 16 . Science Park 1 7 Samrat Yantra 18. Seminar Room B2 19. Seminar Room B3 20 Seminar Room A3 • Administration & canteen Academic areas • Residentia l a reas Pub lic areas
16 15 19


Location: manorapeak, nainital

Type of observatories: solar, astronomical, meteorological

Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES) is aleading research institute in Nainital, Uttarakhand which specializes in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Atmospheric Sciences. An autonomous body under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India . Research activities at ARIES cover topics related to the sun , stars and galaxies. ARIES has made significant contributions particularly to the field of star clusters and Gamma-Ray Bursts.The Institute has in-house workshops to meet the requirements of electronic, mechanical, and optical maintenance of the instruments . ARIES has a modern computer center with internet facility.

-To avoid footstep vibration the design must take care the cancelation of these vibration

-For that the telescope is directly connected to foundation and floor is isolated from the main foundation

-To observe the surrounding the observatory building to roof should have characteristic to open its roof and it should have to move in al direction

-What design should use instead of conventional dome is to be conceptualize

-The observatory building required some supporting activity, which should taken care

• Equipment room

• Aluminizing chamber room

Communication room

Telescope area




In their quest for an answer, theologians , scientists have followed various paths at various times and their findings have varied widely. Only in the field of astronomy had laws already been empirically recognized in the oldest cultures. The apparent diurnal motion of the sun, the movements of the stars and the cycle of the seasons were seen as proof of universal order. The geometrical determination of the sunrise, meridian transit and sunset led to the four compass points and, with that , the shape of right-angled cross became the geometrical basis of spatial thinking. From the shape of the cross it was only a small step to the square and finally to the cube, one of the most important architectural forms for many epochs.

-it is easier to establish whether a line is straight and an angle right-angled then to check the accuracy of a circle and sphere . Thus there are at least two reasons why the cube plays such an important role in architecture. First, it is made up of Lines and angles which are visually clear. Second, it is a portrayal of the basic order which,thanks to our knowledge of astronomy, we consider to be a universal spatial law.

Gravity and Orbit simulation

form exploration with the help of different language of cosmic architecture derived from the ancient cosmic architecture.

·. '0); l .· ·l

Even in the theoretical writings of present day architects, one encounters the demand that a building should correspond to an extensive 'universal' order over and above functional and aesthetic considerations . This order occasionally differs significantly from the aforementioned traditional structure of space

Buckminster Fuller , for example ,talking about the propagation of hexagonal and tetrahedronal structures, observed how paradoxical it was for man to attempt to force his experience of his environment into the framework of cube.

For Fuller, the 'discovery' that many organic and inorganic structures use the 6Dangle in their construction was reason for assuming that nature -in the broadest sense- basically uses triangles, hexagons and tetrahedrons as its smallest modules.

In his architecture, Fuller rejected the traditional'trihedral'(X-Y-Z-plane),astronomically-orianted conception of space, in favour of the principle of the ' tetrahedron',in which the right -angle is replaced by the 60° angleC.

Form fusion

With the use of basic shape like sphere and cubes , you can generete balance between the mass that represent your design In the process the solid mass represented as a strong body within the space.

the more pure form , more weight you get in the space.the pure sphere in the space create gravity in human mind . The pure mass shown as strong power bending the space which shows immense power of it

formulative compostition

Different type of axial and liner c i r c u l at ion patterns is implemented in design.ln which Edges, Spaces, Ventilation and Approch play major role ., which gives space a good quality ambience

vertical division and mix use r _., i I : a I : I L. ·-·.. _ .. __.i circulation inside the building r ··--, jt=l I : I I : : .t:t 01 L ...._ __.i space within space
r-··-··-···· natural ventilation r .__, i i 1\ f..:_ \ I/'\. I i ." ' ,r ...... _:. single space different approch : I I : : I L. -.. _ .. __.i activities on the edges

concept visual that represt scale and light quality of the enviroment in side the building.the image on the right respectivly shows the distinct concept view of observatory

conection between to active spaces. and also arrangement of spaces which has disconnect order

channeling the circulation in to the built mass with the liner element that work as guide

invitation vs rejection
integration vs segregation
Museum observatory 26 ACTIVITIES Concept and planning Distribut ion of area & compasrision Classrooms Presentation room Teachers room Toilets Library Service room/storage Museum lobbies Planetarium Control room Mechanical room seiVlce room Toilets D Telescope area Instrument room Storage room Waiting area D formulation of program Sgace 0 Sgace Museum .......... Public obser v atory Museum Jill Obser v ation deck Planetarium Training Center Recreational Research center Space restaurant J6Jb- Laboratories Cafe Workshops Deck lounge •••• Library ---Park Accommodation


28 PROGRAM 1.0 rv ory OJ 02 0 OJ .on&Office0 0 0 0 0 OJ J. Pub ·c reab 0 0 ung 0 0201 01 01 rVlc r 02 0201 t a . n 01 01 gcen os 0 m 01 02 01 . erv1 r 02
r 0 01 0 01 01 01 0 os 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0 29 PROGRAM
1 ticket counter 2 curator 3 manager 4 staff room 5 planetarium incharge 6 toilets 7 outside deck 8 open air exhibition space 9 green spaces 10 telescope room 11 observation deck 1 interanal plaza 2 workshop 1 3 workshop 2 4 sitting space 5 exhibit area 1 6 exhibit area 2 7 data collection room 8 meeting room 9 admin 10 toward PRL observatory -31 PLAN
ment workshop luminization epqulp 1 a s 2 laboratorle workshop 3 s imulation s I\\ --:::::-\ area ' r' -/ 0 I 7 C 1 library ng area 2 serv l dinning 3 s itting and k tchen storage 4 1 · n area 5 a c o m o d a tll i t c h e n s p a c e 6 addltlona 32 PLANS I
00 05 33 30


Physical Research Laboratory: Home Page

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