Salute Fall 2009

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Dear Friends of the Archdiocese for the Military Services,


n this Year of the Priest, proclaimed by our Holy Father, this Archdiocese has been engaged both in planning for the future and sustaining the spiritual life of the active duty chaplains and those who serve in the Veterans’ Administration Hospitals. You will be able to read about the Labor Day gathering held here in Washington for the co-sponsored seminarians. They represent our best hope for the future. At this writing the Archdiocese is actively preparing for and celebrating the convocations organized for the chaplains in various cities in the United States and in Rome. These are good occasions both for important on-going formation and for priestly fraternity. In addition to the usual venues, Seattle will host the annual National Conference of Veterans Affairs Catholic Chaplain [NCVACC] conference. I am so grateful for all of the efforts made by Father James Burnett and his staff to assure the success of that significant annual meeting. The heroic lives of two chaplains, Fathers Emil Kapuan and Vincent Capodanno continue to inspire the selfless dedication of all the current chaplains. Two annual celebrations recall the commitment of these faithful priests: one in Washington for Father Capodanno and another on Veterans’ Day for Father Kapuan. This year for the first time I will be privileged to assist in Pilsen, Kansas at the second event. It is another way to give thanks for the lives and ministry of our current active-duty and VA chaplains and to redouble our efforts to increase their number so that Catholics in the Armed Forces and in hospitals might be able to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their faith. At the same time, Bishops Estabrook and Higgins and I have begun the autumn cycle of installation and hospital visitation. The pastoral visits provide welcome opportunities to encourage the Catholic communities entrusted to our care, support the chaplains, and respond to any concerns that have arisen. They are truly moments of grace. Of course, there is still great concern for the lack of Catholic chaplains. Their numbers have decreased, which means that the Archdiocese struggles to meet the needs of the Catholics in the Armed Forces. Please continue to pray for vocations and for an ever greater willingness on the part of priests to serve those on active duty. For those who are deployed the war is not a news item, but an ever present and life-threatening reality. I hope that you will enjoy this issue. Thanking you for your continued support, I wish you an abundance of divine blessings. . Sincerely in Christ,

(Most Reverend) Timothy P. Broglio Archbishop for the Military Services

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1 Alexander B. Scott 2 Matthew S. Soto 3 Michael R. Hofer 4 Michael E. Creavey 5 Thomas P. Gallagher 6 Daniel A. Zeiss 7 Ryan C. Boyle 8 Thomas C. Wills 9 Nicholas J. Reid 10 Daniel J. Czajak 11 Anthony N. Lezcano 12 Kenneth Malley For all Seminarians that are not numberd please see our Spring 2009 Iusse of SALUTE.



Table of Contents

12 Ask the Arch! 14 Labor Day Weekend 2009 16 Meet Our Seminarians 42 Sergeant Randolph Kloos 44 Living the Beatitudes: 46 Youth Video Thank Yous

Catholic Youth Conference, Q&A with Archbishop Broglio

Father John shares the highlights of the weekend with the Seminarians

The harvest continues, 12 new members

Recipient of Award of Service & Valor

Las Vegas Catholic War Vets

You to could have the next featured video!




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The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA publishes SALUTE for the nation’s Bishops, active and retired military chaplains, and financial supporters of the Archdiocese.



ADDRESS CHANGES AND NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please send title, name, address, and phone number to: or call: 202-719-3600 or write: Development Office, Archdiocese for

the Military Services, P.O. Box 4469, Washington, D.C. 20017-0469 Feedback, letters to the editor, & advertising inquiries: Website: ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY P. BROGLIO President





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Summer is over but the Memories Endure! sually we think about summer time as a good moment to rest, visit places of interest, or re-connect with family and friends. I did enjoy a few of those opportunities, but also spent some fascinating moments with the world-wide flock entrusted to my care. You might find three of those moments interesting.


The first was a visit to the Pearl of the Caribbean, the Island of Cuba. The thriving Catholic Community on Guantanamo with its dynamic chaplain, Father Gabriel Mensah welcomed me on Saturday June 20th. The warmth of their welcome quickly made me forget that I had begun my voyage by leaving archdiocesan headquarters at 3:30 a.m. Luckily, AMS General Counsel John Schlageter, who kindly drove me to the Baltimore Airport, did not fail to be ready at the appointed hour. After the Sunday Vigil Mass the parish held a magnificent buffet supper of roasted suckling pig and a number of other delicacies. Many of the faithful participated and I enjoyed meeting them and speaking with the families, as well as the young service men and women and others who serve on the base. An assignment there is challenging, because there is no opportunity to leave the installation. While the spot is a tropical paradise, it is still limited by the fence line. After confirmation at the Sunday Mass the next morning, a young Marine from the Cleveland area gave me a tour of the fence line. I was able to look over into Cuba and to hear the history of the isolation. There are still two or three older Cubans who work on the base and cross over the line many days a week. In the afternoon there was a celebration at

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the Cuban Community Center on base. Since 1961, a number of Cubans have made their homes here. They are generally retired, but lively. The Navy Commanding Officer joined in the celebration. The next day I was briefed at the detention facility and learned about the three levels of confinement there. A prisoner determines how much freedom he will have by how willing he is to follow the procedures and be respectful of the guards and professors who come to teach each week day. There is a clear commitment on the part of the military to respect the religious and cultural sensibilities of the detainees. Weather prevented the Catholic community picnic from taking place on the Gitmo Queen, but family members offered their home instead. This very positive visit afforded me the pleasure of spending some time with the faithful at Guantanamo and learning about the challenges they face every day. In order to complete my visit, I left Cuba and then flew from Grand Cayman back to Havana. The young ChargÊ d’Affaires, a.i. of the Apostolic Nunciature, Monsignor Ruben Dario Ruiz, met me and showed me some of the churches and other buildings of the residential area close the Nunciature. Very early the next morning I flew to Santiago de Cuba where the Archbishop and the Bishop of Guantanamo

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took me to the cemetery where Felix Varela and Many houses and buildings are in disrepair. many sailors from the USS Virginia had been Even the museums in the capital are kept in buried in the first attempt to liberate Cuba from semi-darkness, because electricity is costly. We Spanish rule in the 1870’s. can only hope that new policies and a new spirit We also visited the battle sites from of dialogue will allow, to quote the Servant the Spanish American War and the shrine of God, Pope John Paul II, “the world to open to of Our Lady of Charity of Cobre. Having Cuba and Cuba to open to the world.” celebrated her feast (September Another interesting visit 8th) on many occasions with over the summer was the “We can only Cuban communities in Santo ECYC (European Catholic Youth hope that new Conference) at the Schoenstatt Domingo and in San Juan, policies and Shrine in Germany. While Dr. Puerto Rico, I was very pleased a new spirit Mark Moitoza’s article presents to pray for all Cubans at the of dialogue a more complete report on original shrine. I asked Our the event, I cannot fail to menBlessed Mother for the grace will allow, tion how much I enjoyed being of reconciliation and peace. to quote the with the young people from That evening I celebrated Servant of God, the military installations in the Solemnity of St. John Pope John Europe. I wished that I had the Baptist in the Cathedral Paul II, “the been able to stay an extra day of Guantanamo and from world to open with them. Their participation the Bishop’s house was able to Cuba and and enthusiasm were inspiring to see the lights of the Naval Cuba to open and their friendliness contaStation. He had tried to obtain to the world.” gious. Their commitment to all permission for me to walk of the events of the weekend through the gate, but the could not fail to impress those Cuban Authorities were not willing to make an exception. However, I was who observed them. Particularly touching pleased to visit my brothers in the Cuban was the conviction with which they prayed and spoke during the Eucharistic adoration Episcopate and enjoy some of the sights. Certainly, the natural beauty of Cuba is with confessions. The musicians and animators breath-taking and her people are friendly and from Adore made a tremendously positive conoutgoing. The ocean, the vibrant shades of tribution to the weekend. The depth of their green, the flowers, and the hills are magnificent. spirituality and their ability to communicate However, the poverty is very evident. The with the young people inspired everyone automobiles reminded me of the 1950’s— present. Continued on page 11 although you do see more modern ones, as well. fall

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Bishop on the Move


he family had gathered in Saint Patrick’s Church in Monkstown, Dublin to celebrate the wedding of my niece Judy to her delightful husband David. It was that period of silence following Communion, the string quartet had finished their selection and I was reflecting on the great gift of the Eucharist when a tiny voice came from the third pew on my right…“what do bishops do anyway?” I glanced up to see my niece Elizabeth, somewhat embarrassed, reach over in a vain attempt to silence my six-year old grand nephew Richard!


o, what do bishops do anyway? Fair enough question…so here’s what the six year old’s granduncle has been doing over the summer months. Late June found the bishop attending the bi-annual reunion of the 525 “Bulldogs” in Colorado Springs. During his tour of duty at Bitburg Air Base, Germany in the early 1980s Bishop Higgins had been assigned to the 525 as their squadron chaplain and he stays in touch with many of the aging (reluctantly) fighter pilots and their families.


n addition to officiating at his niece’s wedding in Ireland Bishop Higgins visited the grave of one of his long-time heroes, Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty, known as “The Pimpernel of the Vatican” whose wartime exploits are recounted in the movie “The Scarlet and the Black.” During the Nazi occupation of Rome Monsignor O’Flaherty ran an escape organiza-


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tion for Allied POWs, Jews and civilians that saved the lives of over 6,500 people. Monsignor O’Flaherty is buried in a simple grave adjacent to the Daniel O’Connell Memorial Church in Cahersiveen, County Kerry.


hile home in Ireland Bishop Higgins discovered that Father Des Reid, a Holy Ghost priest who had been a family friend and early mentor to the bishop had retired from 30 years of missionary work in the deserts of Western Australia. Father “Des” was on temporary duty hearing confessions at the Marian Shrine in Knock, County Mayo. Bishop Higgins had not seen Father “Des” in well over 30 years, so an unscheduled trip to Knock was a must. Both Bishop Higgins and Father “Des” were thrilled at this real gift of reunion.


pon his return from his vacation to Ireland Bishop Higgins traveled to Las Vegas to attend the 74th Annual Convention of the Catholic War Veterans of America. This exemplary group of veterans provides a vast array of services to men and women who have served their country over the years. To learn more about the Catholic War Veterans of America visit their website at

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hile in Las Vegas Bishop Higgins, representing the AMS, attended a special recognition ceremony for Father Gerry McNulty who retired after 30 years of dedicated service in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Father McNulty and Bishop Higgins grew up together in Longford, Ireland and are lifetime friends.

excellent faith formation programs available to them through the ministry of the superb Catholic priests assigned to the Academy.

ith summer almost over the bishop concelebrated the anniversary Mass in honor of Father Vincent Capodanno, MM in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and then spent the weekend he bishop returned to Colorado Springs of 4-6 September in the company of 23 and the Air Force Academy July 12th to seminarians who are actively discerning the celebrate Sunday Mass for the incoming possibility of careers as military chaplains. freshmen cadets at the Academy. Basic Cadet aving enjoyed a somewhat relaxed schedTraining (BCT) is a tough time for cadets and ule over the summer Bishop Higgins looks the “Doolies” were marching to Jack’s Valley the forward to the AMS convocations and to following day. Bishop Higgins (a former USAFA resuming his visits to the priest-chaplains who cadet chaplain) encouraged the members of the serve in the Department of Veterans Affairs.> class of 2013 to take advantage of the many





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Bishop on the Move


his week the parish I grew up in closed. All through my school years St. Teresa’s was packed every Sunday. It was among the premier parishes in the Diocese of Albany. The thought that it would ever close was inconceivable. But it happened this week. Population shifts and changes in the Church have brought about a restructuring no one could have anticipated. Responding with faith and wisdom is essential for a Church that must continue to be alive and dynamic in today’s world. Such changes are apparent, everywhere across the globe, to those involved in military ministry.


The shortage of priests in the military is certainly one of those apparent changes. Fewer priests make it very challenging to meet the needs. Many communities, with no priest assigned, are just trying to stay afloat. The Why Catholic? training has become very important in our effort to approach this challenge in a constructive way. The August 14-16 training in San Diego began the fourth quarter series on “Prayer” and helped over 30 new leaders learn how to lead small groups and to guide them in various ways of praying. Why Catholic? is a tremendous experience that helps installations, especially those without priests, to develop new lay leadership and provide a way to keep the community spiritually

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alive and vibrant. It’s an excellent tool for evangelizing former Catholics and many active duty members that have been through the Catholics Seeking Christ series. It’s also a wonderful follow up for RCIA. Grounded in solid teaching and guidance from the Catechism, Why Catholic? is an enriching and empowering program that can foster spiritual growth in a time when priests are scarce. Future training dates are: • October 1-3, Hawaii • January 8-10, San Diego • February 12-14, South Korea Call Sister Maureen Colleary at 908-256-5557 or email, for further information.

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Another way to recognize change in the Church may be found by taking the time to understand the culture of young adults today. Pastoral ministry, to those serving in the military, demands that we continually consider the needs and experiences of young adults. I invite you to read an outstanding study which was recently released and described in the book, “Souls in Transition, the Religious and Spiritual Lives of “Emerging Adults”, 2009, by Christian Smith and Patricia Snell. It’s a follow up to another study conducted five years ago on teenagers, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers, 2005, by Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton. Both are a ‘must read’ for anyone working with young adults today. They mirror my experience with the young adults in the military and even help to interpret behaviors and attitudes not immediately understood. As I ventured out on Pastoral Visitations throughout the Northwest, over the past several months, I was impressed with the tremendously dedicated young adults I met. The young Sailors on the Ships in Everett were truly inspiring in Continued on page 10




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Bishop on the Move


their dedication to their Faith. One young Sailor Soldiers in the Warrior Transition Unit. There who came from a very dysfunctional family had are over 34 of these division-sized units in the a mother whose behavior was endangering the Army ranging between 600-800 soldiers. These health and welfare of the rest of his siblings so units train and care for all warriors afflicted in any way by the war. Their full much so that he had to time chaplains are extremely call Social Services himIn this Year helpful to them and their families self. The children now are For Priests, in the spiritual challenges that safe in foster care but, Father Carney often are side-effects of the working with Social Servis one of tragedies they’ve experienced. ices, he joined the Navy to my heroes. Everyone involved goes through stabilize himself and earn Hopefully one a comprehensive transition plan enough money to eventuthat stresses the renewal of hope ally bring the family back day I can for a decent future. Many were together under one roof. become half there because of their reluctance Many of today’s emerging the priest he is. to admit their injuries. One adults are very hopeful soldier related how he deployed about their future in spite of some of the harsh challenges of their present with three bulging discs before finally admitting realities. Everett was a heart-warming and very that he couldn’t continue. He didn’t want to hope-filled experience. Truly, we have the finest let down the others in his unit. Misguided perhaps but also an indication of the deep young men and women in our Services today. At Fort Lewis, WA I spoke with over 450 dedication these men and women in today’s

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Army have for one another. This summer I also spent six weeks in Puebla, Mexico. I was at a convent with 21 diocesan seminarians and another priest to learn Spanish. It was blessing to be able to celebrate Mass every day, pray the Liturgy of the Hours and the rosary daily- all in Spanish, while also attending classes. Learning a new language, for someone 65 years old, can be a challenge but the appreciation from the Hispanic communities for any genuine effort to connect with them is both overwhelming and humbling. It doesn’t take much to show concern and let people know how important they really are. Many of our priests are impressive in their dedication and service. They exhibit a keen sense of compassion and concern to our young adults. One in particular, Father Ralph Carney at Madigan Medical Center, Fort Lewis, is 86

years old and has been a priest for 56 years. He is one of the most astute, spiritually grounded and alive priests I’ve met. Having been in the Army himself, a former parachute jumper, he has a dramatic impact on everyone he meets. He puts to rest any argument that age can be a deterrent to connecting with our young people. He shares how he would love to spend some time in retirement in Florida but there’s no one to take his place and the young people there need a priest. So without hesitation — he continues. Such faith is impressive. In this Year For Priests, Father Carney is one of my heroes. Hopefully one day I can become half the priest he is. There are not many heroes like him around and he was a joy to be with. As for me, the Pastoral Visitations continue as I move on to be present to the dynamic and changing realities of the military in the Southwest. >

Summer is over but the Memories Endure!


Continued from page 5 It was also very moving to celebrate Mass in the original Schoenstatt chapel. Having visited many replicas of the shrine in Rome, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, I was indeed ready to pray at the first shrine inspired by the spirituality of Father Kentenich. Of course, the Religious women at the Shrine showed wonderful hospitality and great kindness. Finally, the summer closed with the visit of ARCHBISHOP BROGLIO IN FRONT OF CATHEDRAL IN HAVANA, CUBA all of the archdiocesan co-sponsored seminarians over the Labor Day weekend. It was truly a joy numbers even include two pilots! Now summer is over, but the memories and a source of great hope to see such a fine group of young men who are preparing to serve the endure. There are always many reasons to give Church and the faithful of this archdiocese. Their thanks to Almighty God. > fall

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Ask the Arch!


his past August over 180 youth and their adult leaders had the opportunity to ask Archbishop Broglio questions during the European Catholic Youth Conference in Schoenstatt, Germany. The youth, who came from 15 military installations in five different countries, had both serious and humorous inquiries.


rchbishop Broglio began his session by showing two video clips from the National Geographic presentation “Inside the Vatican.� These clips highlighted several interviews of the Archbishop who was featured because of his ministry of service in the Vatican and the preparations being made for his Episcopal ordination with the Servant of God, Pope John Paul II. The significant rites of the ordination were shown which allowed the Archbishop to refer to that experience throughout his discussion.

highlighted the fact that a priest he knew invited him to consider becoming a priest. He also spoke about his journey of education, parish ministry, additional education and what it was like to serve in the Vatican and later as a Papal Nuncio.


his biography helped all who attended to know their archbishop better. It also helped them to realize the various ministries in the church and the need for all people to share their gifts. After these prepared comments Archbishop Broglio turned to the questions fter the video, the Archbishop spoke that young people had for him. Each question about his vocation to the priesthood. He was written on an index card.


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he Archbishop interacted with all gathered by answering questions such as:

• What is your favorite type of an animal? A dog • What is your favorite color? Blue • Who is your favorite saint and why? My favorite saint is St. Andrew. It is the saint’s name that I chose for confirmation. Tradition has it that he is the first apostle to celebrate Mass after the Ascension and the first one Jesus called in John’s Gospel. In my coat of arms you will see a big X in the center which is the way that St. Andrew was crucified. It is also on the Broglio family coat of arms. • Who is your favorite NFL team? Of course, the Cleveland Browns (Archbishop Broglio grew up in Cleveland, OH.) • Why did you want to become a Bishop? Well, actually I did not. I wanted to be a priest It was only through the long process of my life journey that led up to the request from the Church. He then spoke about what it was like to be asked to serve the universal church. When Monsignor Rigali (now the Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia) called him into his office in 1979 to ask him to study for service to the Papal diplomatic corps, he was given 24 hours to consider the request. During that time he talked with his bishop, his parents and one of the priests he knew since 8th grade who had extended the invitation to consider becoming a priest. After these 24 hours, which he considered a great grace, the Archbishop said ‘yes.’ • What is the most difficult transition to the military that you have encountered? Probably the most difficult transition is the constant motion. One of the biggest challenges is that this is a diocese spread around the world. The other challenge is that I do not assign my priests. They are assigned by the Chief of Chaplains Office for each branch.


rchbishop Broglio went on to answer questions about politics and church teaching. At the end of the Q+A session he received a standing ovation. The young people were grateful that their shepherd had made the time in his busy schedule to be with them.


ater that evening Archbishop Broglio joined the group and participated in a pilgrimage to the Schoenstatt Shrine. The following day the Archbishop presided at the Sunday liturgy and encouraged all present to remain close to Christ.


t the conclusion of Mass Archbishop Broglio awarded Mrs. Marlo Dowdy the Companions on the Journey award. The award, conferred by a diocese, recognizes an adult leader who has made a significant difference in the lives of young Catholics. Marlo, who serves with Military Community Youth Ministries, is a Catholic youth ministry leader who leads pilgrimages to Lourdes, coordinates the European Catholic Youth Conferences, and represents the needs of Catholic faith communities in ecumenical settings.


rchbishop Broglio, keeping true to the theory of constant motion, departed the conference after lunch on Sunday in order to make it to his next scheduled activity. His presence and his frequent interaction with the youth of his archdiocese made a lasting impression on him as well as the youth. >


19 NOVEMBER 2009 For more info contact: or call

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Labor Day Weekend 2009 PHOTO: © MARY SCHWALM


o it’s Labor Day weekend and no Jimmy Buffet tickets, what do you do? You bring in all the Co-Sponsored seminarians for the weekend! That’s what the AMS did. We brought in 23 of our 24 seminarians from all over the country and Rome (one still in Iraq) for a get-together with the Archbishop.


he idea of the weekend was to allow the men an opportunity to get to know one another and the Archbishop. It was a weekend of dinners, sightseeing and of course prayer. The men flew in, or drove from their various places of study and formation to Washington, DC. They all stayed at Trinity University on Friday and Saturday nights. Friday began with evening prayer and a buffet at the AMS. Saturday morning we assembled at the National Shrine for Mass & Morning Prayer with Archbishop Broglio at 8:15 am. This was followed by breakfast in the Shrine. At 9:30 a bus took our seminarians on a 3 hour tour of Washington, DC. After the tour, they were able to go around DC with each other and met back at AMS at 5 pm. We had a barbecue, put on by Colonel Chuck Gallina and the Knights of Columbus. It was an awesome feast. On Sunday we all met at the Bolling Air Force Base Chapel to have Mass with the congregation at 9:30 am. The folks at Bolling, led by Fr. Norbert and Luba Munter put on a great breakfast feast for the men. The seminarians will yearn for these meals after a month back in their respective seminaries. The idea for this weekend came from the convocations last year. I met earlier co-sponsored Chaplains that said they wished they had known other men that were in the program.They thought it would have given them more support and fraternity. So this weekend was born out of their concerns. We do listen. I believe that we have assembled a truly inspirational group of young men studying for

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the Priesthood. This issue will give an overview of more of our seminarians that were not featured in our past SALUTE magazine. We will soon have our new brochure and postcards which will feature all of our seminarians. I hope to have our new vocational website in operation by October. In attendance for our event were the recruiters, Chaplain Paul Halladay – Army, Chaplain Peter Uhde – Army, Chaplain Kerry Abbott – Air Force, Chaplain Michael Mueller – Navy, Chaplain Jim Hamel and Chaplain Gerry McManus. From the staff: Archbishop Broglio, Bishop Higgins, Monsignor Tom Olszyk, Monsignor Frank Pugliese, the Vicar General, Dr. Mark Moitoza, John Schlageter and Bill Kirst. Former under secretary of the Air Force, Mr. Greg Duering and his wife Terri also graced us with their presence. Colonel Charles Gallina and the Knights of Council #11302 / Assembly 2435, Faithful Navigator Richard Branson, Council 11302/Assembly 2435, Immediate Past State Deputy Peter Gervais, 11302/Assembly 2435, DC State Secretary and Faithful Pilot Peter Gabauer, 11302/2534 and Colonel and Mrs. James “Greg” Jolissaint, son Josef. Resurrection of Our Lord Council #14099, Laurel, MD, and Archbishop Curley Assembly #383, College Park, MD. Our next big event will be a Discernment Retreat to be held for the first time at St. Mary’s in Houston, Texas on Nov. 12-15th. We have enlisted the aid of the Serran’s from the Houston/ Galveston area for the pickup of the men and they will sponsor a Texas style barbecue on the weekend. It should be a great event. >

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Labor Day Weekend 2009

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for Priests 19 June 2009 — 19 June 2010


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The Harvest Ryan C. Boyle DIOCESE: Diocese of St. Petersburg, FL RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Major, Air Force HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Bloomingdale Senior High School, Valrico, FL COLLEGE ATTENDED: US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO HOBBIES: Racquetball, Bicycle Riding, Traveling. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? Around 16. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? Pope John Paul II. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I have traveled to over 65 countries on 6 continents. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? MATTHEW 25:31-46 31 When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats,33 and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. 34 Then the King will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, `Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? 38 And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? 39 And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?’ 40 And the King will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’ 41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, `Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, `Lord, when did we see thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to thee?’ 45 Then he will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.’ 46 And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

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t Continues HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Through friends and going to church. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Basic Training and the Fourth class Year at the Air Force Academy, going through life’s difficulties and helping others do the same. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? Pope John Paul II set the example of holy leadership guiding the Church through this ever changing world. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I grew up in a military family, graduated from the Air Force Academy, spent 11 years on active duty and flew cargo aircraft for the Air Force. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “The Lamb’s Supper.” WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “Rome Sweet Home.” WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? Pope John Paul II.

“Pope John Paul II set the example of holy leadership guiding the Church through the world.”


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The Harvest Michael E. Creavey DIOCESE: Diocese of Harrisburg, PA RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: 1st Lieutenant, Army HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Northern York High School, Dillsburg, PA COLLEGE ATTENDED: Catholic University of America, Washington, DC HOBBIES: Reading, Writing, Amateur Film-making/ Editing, Golf, Volleyball, Movies, etc. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? Spring 2004. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? John Paul II, the Early Church Fathers, my pastor, and many wonderful priests in the DC area. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I am very outgoing and extroverted, but there are times when I need almost hermetical seclusion and silence. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? EXODUS 14:14 “The Lord himself will fight for you, and you have only to be still.”

HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Through my family’s strong Christian example. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Daily Mass, adoration, and several retreats where I deepened my relationship with Christ.

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Continues WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? He stood before the world as a man who sought not to conquer others, but himself first – a man of true holiness. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? College, US Army since 2006 with a deployment to Iraq in 2008. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “An Exorcist Tells His Story,” by Fr. Amorth. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “The Confessions of St. Augustine.” WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My Dad is my hero for his ceaseless dedication to our family, and his determination to set the best example for us that he can.

“He [Pope John Paul II] stood before the world as a man who sought not to conquer others, but himself first – a man of true holiness.”


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The Harvest Daniel J. Czajak DIOCESE: Diocese of Syracuse, NY RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Captain, United States Army HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: West Genesee Senior High School, Camillus, NY COLLEGE ATTENDED: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY HOBBIES: Reading, Golf, Snowboarding, Learning Guitar, Running, etc. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? Childhood - around 8 years old. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? Several people: my mother, Rev. Richard P. Prior, Jr. - Pastor of Holy Family Church in Syracuse; NY, Rev. Joseph O’Connor - Vocations Director of Syracuse Diocese; Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) Jack B. Herron, U.S. Army; Chaplain (Captain) Dennis DeGuzman, U.S. Air Force; Chaplain (Captain) Henryk Lorenc, U.S. Army. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? That I have a twin brother; usually they are surprised by that fact, except for the folks I grew up with, of course. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? GALATIANS 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Eucharistic Adoration and prayer. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? During daily Mass, altar serving, teaching RCIA, friendships with other Catholics, frequent confession, discernment retreats, etc.

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t Continues WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? His papacy, life, and vocation story have been profoundly inspirational and encouraging, and helped me to not be afraid to follow Christ. I think the fact that he was Pope during my childhood is partly responsible for my vocation. We were so blessed to have such a wonderful man leading the Church, and I think his papacy provided a nourishing environment for vocations. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? Active duty military service. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The Attack on ‘Romanism’ by ‘Bible Christians’,” by Karl Keating. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “The Confessions of St. Augustine”. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? Servant of God Terence Cardinal Cooke.

“His [Pope John Paul II] papacy, life, and vocation story have been profoundly inspirational and encouraging, and helped me to not be afraid to follow Christ. I think the fact that he was Pope during my childhood is partly responsible for my vocation. We were so blessed to have such a wonderful man leading the Church, and I think his papacy provided a nourishing environment for vocations.” fall

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The Harvest Thomas p. Gallagher DIOCESE: Diocese of Arlington, VA RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Army (Unofficial) HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Grafton High School, Yorktown, VA COLLEGE ATTENDED: George Mason University, Fairfax, VA HOBBIES: Soccer, Football, Rock Climbing, Hiking, Guitar, Ping Pong, Fire Arms, Running WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? The first time I seriously thought of the priesthood was in my sophomore year of college after I began developing my prayer life. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? The chaplain at George Mason, Fr. Peter Nassetta has been an inspirational example of a priest who loves his Vocation. Another great inspiration was a FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionary by the name of Matthew Marcheschi, who showed me how to be a young man of faith, striving for virtue. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I was in Navy JROTC in high school, Air Force ROTC for a semester in college, Army ROTC for another semester and finally an officer candidate in the Marine Corps for two years. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? EPHESIANS 4:1-6 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope which belongs to your call, 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all. 1

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t Continues HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? I began to come to know Jesus through my parents and their encouragement to learn the faith. When I went away to college, I began to make my faith my own. Through the encouragement of friends, I began to take my prayer life seriously. Setting aside time every day, I came to know Jesus personally and develop a desire for His will. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? I was blessed to be a part of the organization FOCUS in college and the discipleship model it follows. Through this model I began a mentorship of sorts under a missionary only a few years older than me. We met once a week to talk about my faith life and generally lived out our faith together. This discipleship opened my eyes to many aspects of the faith, such as Eucharistic Adoration and a consistent prayer life that challenged me to be the man I was created to be. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? John Paul II called for the New Evangelization, of which I am a direct result. He called for Catholics to open their eyes to the truth they were a part of and to take hold of it. Being a cradle Catholic, I have been evangelized by Catholics who were answering that call and I now want to turn around and open the eyes of others. JPII also reiterated our Lord’s command to “Be not afraid.” I hold onto these words as I confidently set out on this journey. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I attended George Mason University for four years immediately after high school. My desire out of high school was to be a fighter pilot. I held an Air Contract with the United States Marine Corps for two years, completed the six week PLC Juniors course at OCS in Quantico, VA. I left the Air Contract before returning for the seniors’ portion of the PLC program to further my discernment and apply for Seminary. I have since graduated GMU with a BS in Information Technology. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “The World’s First Love,” by Archbishop Fulton Sheen. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “Radiating Christ,” by Fr. Raul Plus. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? Saint Joseph. Because he accepted Our Lord’s will though he did not feel worthy nor did it match with his at the time. He accepted his mission and watched over our Blessed Mother as a true man of virtue, with courageous love.


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The Harvest Michael R. Hofer DIOCESE: Diocese of Rapid City, SD RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: 2nd Lieutenant, Air Force HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: St. Thomas More High School, Rapid City, SD, 57701 COLLEGE ATTENDED: US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO HOBBIES: Hiking, Hunting, Camping, Fishing, Skiing. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? Elementary school but the first significant consideration was leaving high school and hoping to go to seminary if the Academy didn’t work out. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? I grew up with several priests as close family friends so they were my original introduction to the priesthood. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I spent a semester in France so I’m somewhat fluent in French. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? HEBREWS 12:11 “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Through my family in the beginning. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? I visited Rome in 2008 which was super powerful, and was pretty involved in FOCUS throughout college which gave me an opportunity to grow in my own faith and help others to do the same.

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Continues WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? I’ve read several of his books which have really inspired me, but his example of bringing Christ to the world is the most inspiring. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I spent four years at the US Air Force Academy. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “The Face of Battle ” for a school report. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “The Journey Towards God” by Fr. Benedict Groeschel. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My dad.

“I visited Rome in 2008 which was super powerful, and was pretty involved in FOCUS throughout college which gave me an opportunity to grow in my own faith and help others to do the same.”


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The Harvest Anthony N. Lezcano DIOCESE: Archdiocese of Seattle, WA RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Navy HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Federal Way High School, Federal Way, WA COLLEGE ATTENDED: Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, OR HOBBIES: Reading about History, Working on Cars, Interior Design. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? At the age of 17, when I was attending Confirmation classes. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? My father has been a great influence in my life. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I write piano compositions. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? MATTHEW 19:26 “For God all things are possible.”

HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Through the leadership of my retired pastor, Fr. Tom Vandenberg. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Being a member of the Knights of Columbus and volunteering with the youth programs in my home parish. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? His motto, “Be Not Afraid,” the same words spoken by Jesus Himself has inspired me to rise above the false teachings of our culture and be a positive influence and a leader to those looking for integrity in their leaders.

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Continues WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I was a youth minister at Holy Name Parish in Ketchikan, Alaska as well as P.E. teacher in the Parish’s Catholic School. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “A Travel Guide to Heaven,” by Anthony DeStefano. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “Finding Happiness: Monastic Steps for a Fulfilling Life,” by Abbot Christopher Jamison. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My father is a hero to me because he has never lost hope in me. After leaving the seminary for three years, and finally obtaining my undergraduate degree by means of a lot of prayer and discipline. My father reminded me of the truth that if we never take the time to step out of ourselves and reflect on the direction our life is going and identify God’s influential presence in our choices, we will run the risk of living a lonely existence. He has challenged me not to rely on myself, but to rely on the grace of God.

“His [Pope John Paul II] motto, “Be Not Afraid,” the same words spoken by Jesus Himself has inspired me to rise above the false teachings of our culture and be a positive influence and a leader to those looking for integrity in their leaders.” fall

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The Harvest Kenneth Malley DIOCESE: Diocese Altoona-Johnstown, PA RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: 2d Lt, Air Force HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Somerset Area, Somerset, PA COLLEGE ATTENDED: California University of PA. California, PA HOBBIES: Violin, Tennis, Hiking, Kayaking, Astronomy, Biking. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? During my first deployment overseas while in the Air Force. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? There are many that have influenced me in one way or another, many that I will never even know. As for my calling though, I believe that came straight from God. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? For two seasons I was a first violinist for the Washington Symphony Orchestra. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? 1 CORINTHIANS 13:8 “Love never fails.”

HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? I actually found that defending my faith has been most helpful in learning about the faith, which in turn brought me close to Jesus. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Too numerous to mention. I have found silent retreats, painful though they be for a personality such as mine, to be tremendously beneficial. Also, if one have the benefit of seeing someone that while suffering from so many ailments still has such a profound faith; you can not help but be inspired.

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Continues WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? Pope John Paul II was a man worthy of emulation. His very actions exuded the love of Christ, and it was evident. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? After graduating high school and dabbling with a few random jobs and a road trip across the country, I entered the Air Force. While I can say that for those four years my job was the Air Force, many can attest that your one job can easily become 20. Those four years have been the most beneficial to developing myself as a human being. It was while in the Air Force I received my calling to be a priest, and I left the Air Force to pursue seminary training. After receiving my bachelor’s degree in psychology, I am currently studying at the Pontifical College Josephinum working one year at a time towards the priesthood. The rest is history in the making. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life,” by Fr. Robert Spitzer. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? I haven’t been able to narrow it down to just one. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? One who can maintain love through the worst of adversities.

“There are many that have influenced me in one way or another, many that I will never even know. As for my calling though, I believe that came straight from God.”


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The Harvest Nicholas J. Reid DIOCESE: Diocese Jefferson City, MO RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: 1st Lt, Army Reserves HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Waynesville High School, Waynesville MO COLLEGE ATTENDED: BA (Liberal Arts) from Conception Seminary College, Conception, MO and an M.A. from Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO HOBBIES: Reading (mostly History), working out (Cross-fit), spending entirely too much time keeping up with the ins and outs of Notre Dame Football and lamenting the current political situation (I do live in DC!) WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? The Lord first placed the call to the priesthood in my heart during Middle School. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? I have been blessed with numerous influential and inspirational people in my life. Among them are my parents, my twin brother and my sister; all for their steadfast support, advice, encouragement and unconditional love. In my high school years I was heavily influenced by my friendship with CH (Col) Vince Inghilterra who was stationed at Fort Leonard Wood at the time. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I have an identical twin brother (he’s a Captain in the USAF and flies KC-135’s). I have worked as a house sitter and chauffer. I also made an under-appreciated hip-hop album while living in Atlanta in 2004 (I guess the world just wasn’t ready). WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? This one changes regularly. Right now I’d select MATTHEW 11: 28-29: Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your selves.

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Continues HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Through my family, CCD classes, regular attendance at Mass as well as the sacrament of Confession. Also, at various times in my life I have felt the overpowering sense of the Holy Spirit which has strengthened both my personal vocation and my relationship with Christ and His Church. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? I am always profoundly affected by ministry, whether in a hospital setting, at Mass, or in a classroom. That is where the rubber hits the road for me, and where I can see the Holy Spirit at work in my life. I also have a strong devotion to Our Lady and pray the rosary daily. It is a beautiful way to meditate on the life of Christ while storming the gates of heaven with prayers. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? He seemed to have a strong sense of Catholic identity which was readily visible. This was helpful to me at a time when I was attempting to form my own identity in a culture which is not interested in making it an easy endeavor. He was a source of pride and encouragement. The only time my twin brother and I were ever able to skip a day of classes was the occasion of JP II’s visit to St. Louis in 1999. It was an amazing road trip! WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I entered seminary right out of High School, but in between my undergraduate seminary and my graduate seminary I spent some time in Florida as a substitute teacher, worked in the music business in Atlanta and earned an M.A. in Historical Theology from Saint Louis University. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “The Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era,” by James McPherson. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? This might not be traditionally regarded as a ‘spiritual book’ per se, but I highly recommend “Priests for the Third Millennium” by Archbishop of NYC Timothy Dolan for anyone considering a priestly vocation. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? Emil Kapaun, Catholic priest and Army Chaplain. His cause for canonization was opened in 2008.


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The Harvest Alexander B. Scott DIOCESE: Archdiocese of Washington, DC RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: 2nd Lieutenant, Army HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Hayfield Secondary School, Alexandria, VA COLLEGE ATTENDED: The College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA HOBBIES: Sports, particularly Redskins Football, but I follow everything. I’ve played tennis since high school, and I like to cook. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? I was a sophomore in High School, I think I was sixteen years old. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? My parents and siblings, first and foremost, have always been models for me to emulate, I wouldn’t be where I am without them. Other than them, Frs. Gary Studniewski (CH LTC), Ed Vodoklys, SJ and Anthony Kuzniewski, SJ have been tremendously influential in my discernment process. There are so many others, I simply can’t name them all here. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I have five siblings serving in the active duty military, four in the Army and one in the Air Force. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? MK 14: 3-9 3 And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. 4 But there were some who said to themselves indignantly, "Why was the ointment thus wasted? 5 For this ointment might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii, and given to the poor." And they reproached her. 6 But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7 For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you will, you can do good to them; but you will not always have me. 8 She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burying. 9 And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.”

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t Continues HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? When I was young, I came to understand the value of the Church through the example of my parents. It wasn’t until I was older and I began to experience and appreciate the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist that I came to know Christ on my own accord. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Retreats throughout my life have been important; adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is crucial when available, as is regular participation in all of the Sacraments; daily Mass also helped me a great deal. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? His pastoral skills always astounded me, as did his willingness to sacrifice for the Church. His was the ideal priesthood and that constant example helped me to understand what the fruits of a true life of service as a priest were. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I was an undergraduate student at Holy Cross and a member of the Army ROTC program. I was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant before being placed on educational delay to pursue seminary studies. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “Catch-22,” by Joseph Heller. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? Anything by Augustine is wonderful, I’m particularly fond of his “Confessions.” WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My mother and my father for the sacrifices they made to raise me and my five siblings. I don’t think I could create a better model of loving service.

“When I was young, I came to understand the value of the Church through the example of my parents. It wasn’t until I was older and I began to experience and appreciate the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist that I came to know Christ on my own accord.” fall

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The Harvest Matthew S. Soto DIOCESE: Diocese of Victoria, TX RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Army (Unofficial) HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Saint Paul High School, Shiner, TX COLLEGE ATTENDED: Texas A&M University HOBBIES: Judo, Reading, Fishing, Working Out.

WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? I remember in Kindergarten being asked to draw 3 things I wanted to be when I grew up; I drew a pilot, a firefighter, and a priest. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? My grandma, who was the most religious person I have ever met. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I had a job lined up with a top 15 Civil Engineering firm before I turned them down to join the seminary. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? EPHESIANS 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. 20


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Continues WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? He was a man that reached out to the youth of the world and asked them to make sacrifices for Christ. This gave me the courage to actually join the seminary knowing that it might not be popular among some of my friends. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “I Will Give You Shepherds,” by Pope John Paul II. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “The Imitation of Christ,” by Thomas à Kempis. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My heroes are the ones who are fighting for what’s right even though it might not be the most popular. Someone is not afraid to stand up against the world.

“He was a man that reached out to the youth of the world and ask them to make sacrifices for Christ. This gave me the courage to actually join the seminary knowing that it might not be popular among some of my friends.”


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The Harvest Thomas C. Wills DIOCESE: Diocese of Arlington, VA RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: 2nd Lt, Army HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Lake Braddock Secondary, Burke, VA COLLEGE ATTENDED: Catholic University of America, Washington, DC HOBBIES: Playing and Listening to Music, Cooking, Weight-Training, Playing Videogames, Exploration, Reading, Philosophy, Motorcycles. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? Farther back than I can remember. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? Jesus Christ. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I have so many surprises that it’s not very surprising when people stop being surprised by me. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? My younger brother pointed me to SIRACH 2 when I was having a difficult time, and it has really stuck with me. My son, if you come forward to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for temptation. Set your heart right and be steadfast, and do not be hasty in time of calamity. 3 Cleave to Him and do not depart, that you may be honored at the end of your life. 4 Accept whatever is brought upon you, and in changes that humble you be patient. 5 For gold is tested in the fire, and acceptable men in the furnace of humiliation. 6 Trust in Him, and He will help you; make your ways straight, and hope in Him. 7 You who fear the Lord, wait for His mercy; and turn not aside, lest you fall. 8 You who fear the Lord, trust in Him, and your reward will not fail; 9 you who fear the Lord, hope for good things, for everlasting joy and mercy. 10 Consider the ancient generations and see: who ever trusted in the Lord and was put to shame? Or who ever persevered in the fear of the Lord and was forsaken? Or who ever called upon Him and was overlooked? 11 For the Lord is compassionate and merciful; He forgives sins and saves in time of affliction. 12 Woe to timid hearts and to slack hands, and to the sinner who walks along two ways! 13 Woe to the faint heart, for it has no trust! Therefore it will not be sheltered. 14 Woe to you who have lost your endurance! What will you do when the Lord punishes you? 15 Those who 1 2

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Continues fear the Lord will not disobey His words, and those who love Him will keep His ways. 16 Those who fear the Lord will seek His approval, and those who love Him will be filled with the law. 17 Those who fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and will humble themselves before Him. 18 Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, but not into the hands of men; for as His majesty is, so also is His mercy.

HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? By trying to be more like Him, which my parents have shown me through their consistent and beautiful witness. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? My mission trips to Mexico were very eye-opening for me and a big step towards understanding myself and others in the world. They definitely contributed to a greater piety in me and a desire to be more Christ-like. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? His work and example has had incalculable influence on me, and everyone in my family, growing up. He’s probably the closest thing to a saint I’ll see in this lifetime. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? After college, I joined the Army, and thought that God was calling me to come here, so I pursued it and hopefully He will be pleased. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” by Philip K. Dick. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “The Better Part.” WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My dad, and my mom.

“My mission trips to Mexico were very eye-opening for me and a big step towards understanding myself and others in the world. They definitely contributed to a greater piety in me and a desire to be more Christ like.” fall

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The Harvest Daniel A. Zeiss DIOCESE: Diocese of Paterson, NJ RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Hackettstown High School, Hackettstown, NJ COLLEGE ATTENDED: William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ HOBBIES: Playing Sports, Fishing, Hunting, Hiking, Reading. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? About three years ago, when I started getting involved at the chapel at the Marine base where I was stationed. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? My Chaplain, Father Doug Smith and many of the other lay people I got to know at MCAS Yuma. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I got to shake hands with President Bush while stationed at MCAS Yuma a few years ago. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? JOHN 12:9-10 but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong.


HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Attending Mass with my mother and learning to pray the Rosary at a young age.

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Continues WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? The most significant was being able to live a Cursillo retreat in 2006. The Holy Spirit really filled me with a great sense of God’s love for me and my responsibility to share my faith with others. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? A big one. More specifically the coverage of his death brought me back to the Church after having fallen away for several months. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I served in the Marine Corps for 4 years active duty and worked for the Marines in an administrative role for an additional year as a civilian. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “Biography of St. John Bosco,” by F. A. Forbes. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “The Glories of Mary,” by St. Alphonsus Liguori. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? All the men and women of the military who serve our country without recognition or fanfare so the rest of us can live in peace.

“The most significant was being able to live a Cursillo retreat in 2006. The Holy Spirit really filled me with a great sense of God’s love for me and my responsibility to share my faith with others.” fall

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Sergeant Randolph Kloos Recipient of Award of Service & Valor (Reprinted with permission from the Cleveland Catholic Forum)


On August 22nd, at the Center for Pastoral Leadership, the Cleveland Catholic Forum presented the Cleveland Catholic Forum Award of Service & Valor to Sergeant Randolph Kloos. Here is his amazing story:

Sergeant Randolph Thomas Kloos is an American hero, right from our own backyard in Cleveland. He serves his country and God with love, courage, and strength throughout his enlistment in the United States Army.


andy volunteered for the United States Army after the September 11th terrorist attacks. He loved his country and he wanted to defend it. He talked a lot about this decision with his family, in particular his mom, Janet. She feared terribly for her son and was resistant to the idea of him enlisting, but given his drive to serve, she was moved to bless her son’s enlistment. Randy Kloos’ family fell to their knees to beg for God’s protection of their son. In his first tour of duty in Iraq, he served in the 1st Infantry Division. He saw some of the bloodiest fighting in the war, going house to house, looking for terrorists with orders to capture or kill them. He was shot at and threatened with death from rockets, suicide bombers, or roadside bombs on a daily basis. He exercised extreme restraint and courage; not firing shots at

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the enemy if there was a very real possibility of harming innocent civilians. He saw the worst of war: murdered innocent Iraqi citizens and children, dead friends, killed brothers in arms. He used his faith and his love of God and country to get through these difficult times. In LCpl Andrew S. Kloos’, US Marine Corps (Ret.), Randy’s brother, words: “He always carried himself as a representative for our culture to the Iraqi people. He proved his loyalty to helping the Iraqi people by defending their neighborhoods, training Iraqi soldiers and giving medical treatment to wounded Iraqis. He also cared for the needy in Iraq by giving them food and water. He even reached out to the Iraqi children giving them candy and soccer balls. Before Randy left for Iraq my father told him that no matter what happens in Iraq - God

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will decide when you will meet him and nothing else. I believe these words of wisdom enabled Randy to show courage under fire and the ability to save his fellow soldiers when by doing so put himself in peril.” Yet, his love of country FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: FR. MICHAEL GURNICK, SPIRITUAL ADVISOR, CLEVELAND CATHOLIC FORUM, and his courage to serve it and DOUG KELLER, BOARD MEMBER, CLEVELAND CATHOLIC FORUM, JIM KLOOS, FATHER OF protect the men under his SERGEANT RANDOLPH KLOOS, ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY P. BROGLIO, JAN KLOOS, MOTHER OF SERGEANT RANDOLPH KLOOS, JOE SOLTIS, CHAIRMAN, CLEVELAND CATHOLIC FORUM, command is only one-half of AMY SABATH, BOARD MEMBER, CLEVELAND CATHOLIC FORUM the story. His faith, personal sacrifice, and character is the rest of the story. faith, he would correct them. While serving in Randy trained at a U.S. base in Germany Iraq, Randy has carried a small pocket-sized Bible for his fighting in Iraq. During this time he met with him into combat. He has read from it in the a woman by the name of Chantel and he fell midst of war, giving himself courage and giving deeply in love with her. He then served his 1st courage to the men around him. On Sundays he tour of duty in Iraq, and afterward, got engaged. often had to go into combat and wasn’t able to go Then before returning to Iraq, he got married at to church, his pocket-sized Bible was the next an old Catholic Church in Bavaria that escaped best thing. He read from it for courage, love and the ravages of World War II. His son, Dean, inspiration. He often talks with his brothers in arms was born on December 27, 2008. He got to see his wife and newborn son for 2 weeks, and about faith and God’s love. There is a young man then he headed back to Iraq. He never really in Randy’s unit who does not believe in God. complained about this, despite the drag on his The soldier was spared on six occasions coming heart of not being able to physically be there for within inches from death. The sixth time the solhis wife and son. He is also deeply missed his dier dodged death, Randy screamed to him shortly after, “Do you believe in God NOW?!” family back home in America. Randy served his 1st tour of duty in the First Amidst all of this, Randy went into combat zones daily. His father, Jim Kloos, told us Infantry Division. Today he is serving his second a story how when out on a mission, his son saw tour of duty in Iraq in the Alpha Company 1-2, that an Iraqi woman was bleeding to death. Task Force 366, in the 174th Brigade. He is a man of tremendous courage, faith, Randy then put his life at risk to administer first and love. He embodies what a United States aid to her and he saved her life. Had he not done so she would be dead. He risked his life to save solider is and should be. He gives hope to all of hers. It is acts of love such as this that show the us for a better America through his sacrifice and the magnitude of his character. For his service, true magnitude of his character. Faith is what has sustained Randy through leadership and sacrifice, he is highly deserving these difficult times. He takes his Catholic faith of the Cleveland Catholic Forum Award of seriously. He is a graduate of St. Edward High Service and Valor. The Cleveland Catholic School and a member of St. Mark’s Parish. Even Forum presented him this award, through his as a kid, if his classmates were goofing off during family, while he is still valiantly serving our Mass or saying negative comments about the country in Iraq. > fall

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Living the Beatitudes:

From the Mountain to the Valley



he Sermon on the Mount begins with Jesus going away from the crowds to climb a mountain with his disciples. Once they arrive Jesus sits down and began to teach them. In the Gospel of Matthew 5:1-11, we discover the beatitudes. In praying these verses we slowly begin to understand the call of discipleship. The beatitudes highlight ways to live and care for others. True discipleship involves being present with and caring for one another. Recently, the Catholic War Veterans in Las Vegas reflected upon the many ways that they have strived to live the beatitudes in service of those who served our country. In March 2006, 21 Catholic War Veterans in Las Vegas Valley founded the Our Lady of Peace Post 1947. These men and women were granted a charter in April 2006 and then formed an Auxiliary which was granted a charter in June 2006. The Post and the Auxiliary were formed to meet the needs of Veterans in the valley who were not

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previously being served. The Post created a program to accept donations in order to operate a food pantry and food bank to serve needy veterans and their families in addition to the local community. Funds raised also assist to defray financial needs such as rent, utilities and emergency travel. The members of the post have interacted with the local community to develop a network of contacts building up their referral list to assist veterans whose needs require greater assistance. This has led to post members serving the homeless by helping them to obtain employment through the Job Bank of Nevada and other employment agencies throughout the valley. Members volunteer in the VA hospital or the Nevada State Veterans Nursing Home. Since their inception they have volunteered 27,572 hours to the Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Southern Nevada Health Care System. Parts of those volunteer hours include visits to veterans in the VA hospital and monthly bingo. The post members also reach

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Living the Beatitudes: From the Mountain to the Valley out to youth by visiting area high schools to conduct classes on ‘Flag History and Etiquette’ and ‘What is a Veteran?’ In addition, children are encouraged to write letters to hospitalized veterans and units in Iraq and Afghanistan. Post 1947 adopted a unit stationed in Iraq. They support them with prayers and supplies. Each month donations of hard candy, stuffed animals and school supplies make their way to the unit. The troops distribute these items to Iraqi children and schools in their area of operation. Additionally, the Post formed an Honor Guard to


support veteran’s ceremonies, parades and memorial services. This includes services for indigent deceased veterans. These Catholic men and women live the beatitudes each day as they feed the hungry, extend compassion and mercy to the sick, mourn the dead, pray for the needs of those who served and those currently serving, and teach others how to be a disciple through their example. The Las Vegas Valley is alive with disciples who live the beatitudes. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. > By DR. MARK MOITOZA

The Sunday Mass Online


he Sunday Mass, a ministry of the Passionist Community, has been broadcast on television and radio since 1970. The Executive Producer of The Sunday Mass, Father. Edward Beck, C.P., recently added an online presence. Father Beck noted that even though they broadcast on affiliates throughout the country all media is expanding to the internet for viewing. So they made the jump too. The Sunday Mass offers a half hour viewing experience of the Mass. This ministry reaches out to those who are unable to attend Mass for various reasons. They have reached men and women in uniform serving overseas, those in hospitals and assisted living. They have also provided access to those that don’t have a television but are able to go online. In some cases, small groups gather to view The Sunday Mass together. The Sunday Mass web site has video, a reflection archive, links and an intentions page which has proven to be the most popular section of the site. Individuals may post their intentions to request prayers. Visitors from around the world are able to add their prayers to the intentions they see online. Father Beck noted the tremendous amount of effort it takes, from a production standpoint, to post The Sunday Mass online. The team of experts work hard which makes visits to the web site particularly easy to locate desired content. The Sunday Mass helps people to connect virtually to the Mass. The Passionist’s also produce a print a Prayer Guide which is a 128 page resource containing four pages for each Sunday that it covers. The guide may be ordered and used during each viewing of the Mass. Learn more about this valuable resource online, > fall

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In celebration of the Year for Priests, established by Pope Benedict XVI, the AMS has been pleased to invite individuals or small groups to compose videos thanking their Catholic chaplains for their ministry to military personnel and their families. Each video is a brief 30 seconds to 2 minutes long and highlights how the priest has made a difference in the lives of those they serve. The best videos are published online on the new AMS Facebook page as well as on




n one video contribution which has been posted online, Alec Scott (see page 34) , a young adult from of Fort Belvoir, VA, calls attention to the influence his chaplain Fr. Studniewski has had on his life. A second video, submitted by a group of young people from USAG Schweinfurt, Germany, was filmed at the 2009 European Catholic Youth Conference in Schoenstatt. This video highlights the contributions of Schweinfurt chaplain Fr. Losbanes with a very creative, original song.


he AMS is accepting video contributions between now and December 1st. The Facebook page and MyCatholicVoice web site will be updated with these submissions all throughout the Year for Priests, which will end on June 19, 2010. To submit a video or to request more information about the process, please email >

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Archdiocese for the Military Services

tour of duty brick campaign RESERVE YOUR BRICKS TODAY! TO SHOW YOUR MESSAGE OF SUPPORT TO veterans, military members, their families, and chaplains. Your commemorative brick will join the thousands of others in adding that “personal touch” to the pathways of our new chancery building in Washington, DC. Order your bricks online at: or complete and return the form below. Each paver includes 18 characters per line (space included) and up to 4 lines per brick.






“Yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me” [Galatians 2:20]

“Serving Those Who Serve”

P.O. Box 4469 Washington, DC 20017-0469

Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA


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