“Jesus is
Dear Friends of the Archdiocese for the Military Services,
ashington had a bit of snow to brighten the atmosphere as I began to compose my spring greetings to you. The seasons always have their special attraction and I must admit that I enjoy all of them. It must reflect my upbringing in Northeastern Ohio. By the time you read these lines, however, we will be united with celebrations around the world to mark the most important Solemnity of the liturgical year, the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The commemoration of His renewal of humanity will be accompanied in the northern hemisphere by those welcome signs of rebirth in our midst. They call us to rejoice in divine love and care. At the same time, we celebrate a half-century of ordained ministry by the Most Reverend Richard B. Higgins. Through the imposition of hands, he was ordained a priest forever on 9 March 1968! Together we give thanks for his fidelity, energy, and current wholehearted commitment to the Veterans. The Archdiocese also says farewell to the Most Reverend Robert Coyle who has been transferred for service as an Auxiliary Bishop in Rockville Centre, his diocese of priestly ordination. Join me in thanking him for his faithful service to the AMS, first as a Navy chaplain and, for the last five years, as an Auxiliary Bishop. The Archdiocese rejoices in the communication that the archdiocesan phase of the Cause for Father Vincent Capodanno has been recognized by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints as juridically valid. Spring brings the culmination of RCIA programs, my annual participation in the International Military Pilgrimage to Lourdes, and many confirmations and First Holy Communions. It is also the time of graduation, the annual Memorial Mass, and the ordinations of co-sponsored priests and deacons. Be sure to remember all of these good people in your prayers. The central events of our salvation history offer a propitious occasion to wish all of you an abundance of Easter blessings on behalf of my brother bishops, the clergy, religious, and staff of the Archdiocese, as well as, of the priests who minister so selflessly among the men and women in uniform, those in VA facilities, and their families.
Invoking abundant divine blessings upon all of you, I remain
Sincerely in the Risen Lord,
The Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio Archbishop
TA B L E o f C O N T E N T S 4 Confirmation Bookmarks Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio 14 Mutual Respect Bishop Richard B. Higgins 18 Commitments Past, Present, Future Bishop F. Richard Spencer 22 A Visit to The Pelican State Bishop Neal James Buckon 26 The Harvest Continues Meet Co-Sponsored Seminarian “Corey” Rouse 30 Military Catholics March for Life Taylor Henry 32 Archbishop Timothy Broglio, Celebrates Ten Years at the Helm Taylor Henry 35 Gratitude for Auxiliary Bishop Robert J. Coyle’s “Selfless Ministry” Taylor Henry 38 Going, Going Gone José Amaya 40 Thriving as a Catholic in the Military Casey Bustamante 42 Seven Essentials for Faith and Reason Mark Moitoza, D.Min. COVER IMAGE: Christ Appearing to the Virgin, Follower of Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1475, National Gallery of Art.
The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, publishes SALUTE for the nation’s Bishops, active and retired military chaplains, and financial supporters of the Archdiocese.
“Jesus is
ADDRESS CHANGES AND NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please send title, name, address and phone number to: support@milarch.org call 202.719.3600 or write: Advancement Office, Archdiocese for the
Military Services, P.O. Box 4469, Washington, D.C., USA 20017-0469
Feedback, letters to the editor: editor@milarch.org | Website: www.milarch.org
he unique aspect of the pastoral visits at Christmas time were that they began and ended with scheduled and unscheduled meetings with folks I had confirmed since I began my ministry as the Archbishop for the Military Services, USA.
Departure for the Christmas visits was on 15 December at 11:25 in the morning. Attempting to be a good steward of the support given to the AMS, my Executive Assistant found an advantageous fare from Washington to Montreal to Zurich to Qatar! When I finally reached Qatar it was Saturday afternoon, but the military is always resourceful. After a chance to freshen-up it was dinner time with the Catholic community in the dining facility on the Air Force Base. We gathered in a room set off so that we could talk. Then, having observed the Eucharistic fast, I celebrated Mass in the chapel. It was well-attended, but then there was no other option down the street! Sleep was welcome that night. The next day allowed me to celebrate another Mass on the Air Base, pay my respects to the Vice-Commander, and then head to the Army installation for a visit to the Commanding Officer and the celebration of yet another Mass for the Third Sunday of Advent. When Mass and refreshments were finished, the chaplain’s assistant suggested that we go to a hamburger place decorated just like the “old days”. I cringed, because the old days were the 1950’s and I was the only one in the group for whom the décor was a memory (the others thought they were in a museum!). It was great fun, even if poor Father Peter Nguyen (Chicago) was stuck with the tab. I did not have any local currency. Once again at the airport, I boarded an evening flight which, due to the time difference, arrived in Muscat, Oman at 10 p.m. There was a four hour layover in Oman, but I found the Irish House and nursed a glass of wine and used the internet until it was time to think about boarding the next plane. (continued on page 6) SPRING 2018
That flight to Dubai took a bit more than an hour and then, after retrieving my checked bag I made my way by taxi over to the other terminal from whence charter flights to various cities departed. The check-in process was interminable, but when my turn came, it was obvious that I was expected and rewarded with a “first-class� seat. The extra leg room was appreciated. There were no other perks! The 7 a.m. flight landed in Kandahar at 12:40 p.m. where the warm welcome from General John Lathrop, Father James Krische (Brooklyn), and others made the long, tiring trip worthwhile. It was there that I met the security team from the Oregon National Guard. They were all efficient, friendly, and extremely helpful. That night before Mass I chatted with 2nd Lt. Connor Burne whom I confirmed as an 8th grader at Langley Air Force Base. We both knew that a meeting would take place. The others on this pastoral visit were all surprises for me. It was good to talk to this fine young man and also to hear about the great ministry of the AMS co-sponsored seminarians with his R.O.T.C. unit. The African choir drawn from the installation security forces animated the Mass. They demonstrated again that he who sings prays twice. Once again no sheep were counted after my head hit the pillow!
The next day after some more visits and another Mass, it was time to fly from Kandahar to HKIA, ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY P. BROGLIO the base on one side of the WITH KANDAHAR AIRFIELD MASS CHOIR international airport of Kabul. While there is a U.S. presence there, the installation is under Turkish authority. My host there, was Chaplain Christopher Conklin, a Protestant Air Force Major, who took very good care of me and made certain that my time was well-organized.
One of the best moments in that visit was to the small Air Force Base right next to the larger installation. There many U.S. senior officers and enlisted personnel are working very diligently in the process of helping the Afghani develop professional Armed Forces in a modern state. There are many challenges, but also signs of growth and progress. I was able to greet almost all of the personnel on duty there. I also learned that for every uniformed person deployed to Afghanistan there are three civilians. Of course, the Catholics among them would also be subjects of the AMS, because they are employed by the Federal Government or contractors to work outside of the U.S. There was an opportunity to meet both of the Turkish Generals at the installation and they wanted to know what I thought—off the record— about the decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. A final touching moment occurred on Thursday, 21 December before boarding the helicopter for the flight to the Kabul headquarters. One of the Turkish Generals showed me the mosque, which Turkey built for Muslim worship. It is lovely. One of the entourage recited a passage from the Koran that spoke about fostering good relations among all people. In silence, I offered my own prayer for peace and understanding among all peoples and nations. Before I boarded the helicopter, a young Turkish soldier brought me the photograph taken at the Mosque. If only all people could learn to live together in peace! The helicopter arrived safely at the headquarters installation in Kabul. The U.S. Embassy is right next door. It is a NATO governed installation and so the priest was from the Czech Republic, but his English was superb. He travels every weekend to celebrate Mass and the sacraments in three locations. Friday morning, 22 December, after breakfast a group of us met the Missionaries of Charity. The Superior was still the same one that I visited (continued on page 8) SPRING 2018
on Easter Sunday 2014. Volunteers literally stuffed their car with clothes, school supplies, foodstuffs, and so forth, which had been collected over the past week. The generosity of the personnel at the installation overwhelms the observer. All help these good Sisters reach out to the poorest of the poor. “Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for Me�. Shortly before noon a commemorative ceremony was held to remember all of those who have died serving the cause of peace and freedom in Afghanistan. All of the General and Flag Officers, and senior enlisted were there, as well as most of the coalition chaplains. I was asked to give the final prayer. After lunch, there was a break and then a meeting with the Deputy Commander, a delightful British Lieutenant General. We enjoyed a pleasant conversation as he talked about the future of the country. As had already been the case countless times since I arrived in Afghanistan on Monday, he thanked me for the visit. It was only about 4:45 p.m. when that meeting ended, but my companions from the Oregon National Guard were insistent that we had to go to the dining facility. I soon discovered the reason: the largest sheet cake I have ever seen. Only one candle was on hand. The fire marshal forbade the corresponding number! Happy Birthday was sung and I marked three score and six years! Time flies when you are having fun! I was touched that the bodyguards would organize this little celebration. Rest assured that the cake was enjoyed by all! A LIGHT MOMENT OF CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CREW OF A COAST GUARD SHIP AND ARCHBISHOP BROGLIO.
General and Mrs. Nicholson invited me to lunch the next day. We talked about a number of things. He has been in Afghanistan as the commander for some time and will continue for another year, at least. Needless to write, his knowledge of the situation and the people is overwhelming. In the afternoon, we visited a part of the U.S. Embassy. I was very much at home in an embassy again—even if the area BREAKFAST IN KANDAHAR ON we visited was dedicated to information 19 DECEMBER 2017. gathering. On the way back we saw the covered swimming pool and visited the firemen, the security forces, and the medical unit. Each team welcomed the visit and was happy to talk to us about their area of responsibility. The international character of the installation was quite evident in these visits. On Christmas Eve, there was a commercial helicopter ride to Bagram where the commanding General welcomed me. Really the marathon began, but the quarters there were the best I had experienced! I celebrated Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent at Enduring Faith Chapel followed by lunch with some of the faithful. There were some briefings, a visit to the impressive Romanian Chapel before another meal, and then Mass for the Christmas Vigil in another chapel. Midnight Mass (at midnight) was again in the packed Enduring Faith Chapel. General Dunford participated and a chaplain from the Polish Army concelebrated with Father Erich Szyda (U.S. Air Force) and me (I was actually the only celebrant not born in Poland!). Do I write that I was again ready for bed? The next morning was leisurely. The bodyguards and I skipped breakfast and enjoyed a coffee at the Green Bean. The second Mass of (continued on page 10) SPRING 2018
Christmas was not until 11:45 a.m. followed by a very festive lunch at the Camp Vance dining facility. Many of the chaplains joined us and it was a delightful, relaxed gathering. The third Mass of Christmas was with Special Forces in their second floor chapel. During Mass I confirmed a young man who had been prepared for confirmation by Father Edward Ramatowski before he returned to Hurlburt Field. The full day ended with another meal. Departure day was curious. I was convoked at a fairly early hour in relation to the departure time of the plane. I did celebrate a private Mass before I left lodging. Once at the airport the checked baggage was tagged and I went through security. However, security did not think that a distinguished visitor should cool his heels with everyone else. As a result with my carryon suitcase and computer bag I was ushered to the VIP lounge and waited there until it was time to be driven to the plane in a small van. The major event on the charter flight back (again in the front of the plane) was the beer service as soon as they left Afghani airspace! Arriving in Dubai, I retraced my steps to the international terminal and made arrangements to take an earlier flight—which must be done by telephone! It was a blessing to arrive in Bahrain shortly after 9 p.m. local time! Father Dan Reardon was waiting for me and the surroundings of the naval station in Bahrain are quite familiar. That visit was very well-organized and I did visit some Coast Guard and Navy ships in port, greeted Vice-Admiral John C. Aquilino, of the Fifth Fleet, and participated in the All-hands call with the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson, who also came to the confirmation Mass on Friday, 29 December. That brings me back to where I began. Among the people I met in Bahrain were Brendan Doherty whom I had confirmed at Camp Lejeune, as well as, John Camuso confirmed in Bahrain in the last years. His brother
Joseph was among those confirmed during this visit. It is a small world and traveling makes it more so. There would be much ARCHBISHOP BROGLIO CELEBRATES MASS AT A more to say, but I will only JOINT SERVICE INSTALLATION IN BAHRAIN ON THE add one detail. On Sunday, FEAST OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. NAVY PHOTO BY INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN 12 November, the United (U.S. SECOND CLASS GABRIEL GOODEN/RELEASED) States Conference of Catholic Bishops celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the conference. Talks and a festive Mass in Baltimore’s historic basilica celebrated by Cardinal Parolin, the Secretary of State, led to a banquet. To highlight the fact that the conference was originally established as the Catholic War Council with the task of determining how to care for Catholics in the military during World War I, I was asked to toast our country. Among other things, I said: “The U.S. participation in European wars reflected a fundamental desire to export and remain faithful to the principles upon which our Nation was founded: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In the face of tyranny abroad, the response has always been generous. When you stand in the national cemeteries of Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and the Philippines as Pope Francis did on All Souls Day in Nettuno, and look at row upon row of white markers, you cannot help but to remember sacrifice, commitment, and duty of young men and women from our Country. “Those values still motivate our hearts today as we mark the one hundredth anniversary of this body and its commitment to teaching the faith, caring for the poor, and fostering the best instincts of our people. There is still a deep concern for the oppressed and a profound desire to share all that is praiseworthy in the “American Way.” (continued on page 13)
Auxiliary Bishop Richard B. Higgins
Celebrates 50 Years as Priest BY ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY P. BROGLIO
n 9 and 11 March the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, enjoyed two celebrations of an important landmark: a half century of sacerdotal ministry exercised by Bishop Richard Higgins.
On the very day of his anniversary, Friday 9 March, Bishop Higgins celebrated Mass with the AMS staff and a few of his family members. Everyone enjoyed a festive, albeit meatless luncheon afterwards. On Sunday afternoon, 11 March, Bishop Higgins presided at a solemn Mass in the crypt of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Six bishops and scores of priests concelebrated with him in the packed church. The Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde, Bishopemeritus of Arlington gave a thoughtful homily on the mystery of the priesthood and lived vocation of Bishop Higgins. In his remarks at the end of the Mass, Bishop Higgins stressed his immense gratitude to Almighty God for the gift of the priesthood. He also recalled his late parents and the family and friends present. He concluded
with a visual aid, a jar of Dijon Mustard and read the classic poem about the priesthood by the Reverend Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire, O.P. Responding to my request, the Pope sent a message of congratulations and the Apostolic Blessing. A translation of the text is below:
To our Venerable Brother Richard Brendan Higgins, Titular Bishop of Casarum Calansensium and Auxiliary Bishop of the Military Ordinariate of the United States of America, happily celebrating fifty years of priesthood. Calling to mind his fruitful ministry and diligent pastoral work in the Diocese of Sacramento and among the members of the Military Ordinariate, on the joyous occasion, with a grateful heart and wishing him all good things, We gladly bestow on him and all whom he holds dear Our Blessing, asking only that they in turn pray for Us. From the Vatican, on the thirty-first day of January, in the year 2018. Francis
“To quote a U.S. Cardinal not here this evening, to be a good Catholic and to be a good U.S. citizen were synonymous”. That is still our boast, commitment, and goal. If we look at the Statue of Liberty in the New York harbor we cannot help but remember the millions who found and still hope to find in this Nation a land of dreams and opportunities. As the son of one born in a tenement on New York’s East Side, I can testify to the fulfillment of those dreams. “Mindful of that commitment to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, let us raise our glasses to our Country. May God bless her with liberty and justice for all and motivate those who lead her. To the United States of America.” V SPRING 2018
raduating from St. Mel’s College, Longford, Ireland, in the early 60’s I was privileged to attend the Irish College and the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome as a seminarian for the Diocese of Sacramento, Calif. Contemporary Christian Religions might have been a post-graduate course but I sure do not remember any mention of it, so when I showed up to my first civilian assignment in Roseville, Calif., in the summer of 1968 I was shocked to discover there were 42 different churches in a town with a population of 14,000! My kindly pastor asked me to represent us at the local Ministerial Association!
So, I had to find out what these good people in Roseville believed and practiced. The Handbook of Denominations in the United States gave me some answers. I still have it and it is one of my prized possessions. It contains historical, doctrinal, and governing information on 225 religious denominations! I am certain a few more have been added in later editions. I soon discovered the pastors of these congregations were delightful people, kind, intensely spiritual, and in love with the people they served. We got along famously and I even accompanied them on a 25-mile hike (in Hush Puppies) one Saturday to raise funds for our local food bank. Within three years, the pastors of that northern California community elected me president of the Association. That pretty much sums up my “Interfaith” experience when, in September of 1974, I showed up to Lowry Air Force Base in Denver as a newlycommissioned chaplain in the United States Air Force. I soon discovered the Air Force Chaplain Service of the time had 1200 chaplains representing 88 different denominations. You were expected to thrive in this environment! The learning curve was steep but I was fortunate to have wise and seasoned mentors in my first assignment. In the years since, two words have embedded themselves in my somewhat thick skull ….. mutual respect! It is my privilege to support the ministry of over 200 Catholic chaplains who serve in the nations’ 153 Veterans Affairs Medical Centers. Opportunities to attend Mass and regular access to the sacraments of the Church is a fundamental right of every Catholic veteran. According to VHA (Veterans Health Administration) Directive 1111 “The VA medical facility Director or designee is responsible for ensuring that spiritual and pastoral care commensurate with the needs, desires, and voluntary consent of the Veteran patient is provided as part of holistic health care by VA chaplains.” Chiefs of Chaplain Service, or their equivalent fulfill this responsibility on behalf of the Medical Center Director. In an article entitled “Why Are You Here?”, that I wrote for the fall 2015 edition of SALUTE I described some of the reasons for a pastoral visit to a (continued on page 16) SPRING 2018
VA Medical Center … “Besides the opportunity to celebrate Mass with the resident priest-chaplain and meet some of his community, a pastoral visit enables the bishop to observe the environment in which the chaplain works, spend time with other members of the Chaplain Service …. while not an inspection, a pastoral visit occasionally uncovers issues requiring a delicate resolution.” It is not uncommon to encounter strained relationships within the chaplain team. Several documents establish norms and provide guidance to chaplains working within pluralistic settings. The Code of Ethics published by the Endorsers’ Conference for VA Chaplaincy clearly states “I will respect the beliefs and traditions of my colleagues and those to whom I minister.” Furthermore, “I will, if in a supervisory position, respect the practices and beliefs of all chaplains I supervise and exercise care not to require of them any service that would be in violation of the practices and beliefs of their particular religious body.” It also requires chaplains “to support all colleagues in ministry by building constructive relationships wherever I serve.” The Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (ERD) published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) directs health care professionals that “…provision for the sacraments is an especially important part of Catholic health care ministry. Every effort should be made to have priests assigned to hospitals and health care institutions to celebrate the Eucharist and provide the sacraments to patients and staff.” Catholic VA chaplains must be especially sensitive to these norms and directives and in their role as advisors to the medical staff must display unswerving allegiance to the teachings of the Magisterium. In years of visiting VA Medical Centers, I have discovered significant challenges facing our priests transitioning to ministry in a pluralistic setting. Core beliefs and practices of Catholicism continue to mystify a significant portion of the population, including VA chaplains. In pre-internet days I would encourage my non-Catholic chaplain colleagues to “just take a look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It may help you understand our
perspective.� Today, internet search engines have replaced the printed word and still the reluctance to discover and appreciate the teachings of the Church is widespread. Some would foolishly dismiss the Church and its teachings as being “on the wrong side of history.� It behooves our VA Catholic chaplains to become intimately familiar with the moral issues surrounding some controversial practices commonplace in civilian hospitals. They must be prepared to defend the teachings of the Church and educate their non-Catholic chaplain colleagues and medical staff of the requirement to respect such teachings as an entitlement of the Catholic veteran entrusted to their care. While our Catholic chaplains must always remain faithful to the Magisterium, the requirement to be sensitive to and respectful of the teachings, beliefs and practices of other religions and denominations is essential to mutually supportive relationships and harmony within the chaplain service. To this end experience in Clinical Pastoral Education and a robust continuing education program is indispensable. In the Archdiocese for the Military Services, participation by full and part-time VA chaplains in an annual training conference is a requirement to retain an endorsement and faculties. Pastoral care of our veterans is not only an entitlement, it is a privilege, and a core responsibility of the archdiocese. We are grateful to the many arch/ bishops and religious communities who release their talented, sensitive, compassionate, and faithful priests for this special ministry. On behalf of the multitude of veterans, their families, and medical staff who benefit from the care of your priests I offer my sincerest gratitude. V
Commitments PAST
Ah, the CHRISTMAS – EASTER seasons of the Liturgical Year continue to unfold as our Chapel theme in Eurasia was “COMMITMENT” and is highlighted during these two liturgical seasons. For me, I was able to spend a wonderful Christmas season in Japan (Army Base Camp Zama and Navy and Marine Installations at Atsugi and Iwakuni, where I celebrated Masses for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and confirmation. Mrs. Kayla Scheidler of Atsugi enabled the children to appreciate the mystery celebrated at the Christmas Mass as did Mr. Shigeo Utsumi at Camp Zama. Fathers Anelsmo Hernandez and Ben Garrett each provided excellent hospitality and a Christmas welcoming long to be remembered. The family of Colonel Stephen Grabski, the Deputy Commander of U.S. Army, Japan, hosted me for a memorable Christmas dinner while I watched (and helped!) their annual family Christmas project: putting together a 5000 piece puzzle which they have been assembling (and disassembling) for the past 18 years. Now that is COMMITMENT ! Celebrating Confirmation Masses remains one of the greatest joys in my ministry and to receive the COMMITMENTS of our young adults, is a pure delight! This past winter and continuing through the spring season, I have traveled throughout Eurasia both to provide and to be enriched by this sacrament! Not only are the candidates nourished, but as the presider of prayer, I receive many blessings from being a part of these liturgies. I continue to be awestruck from the depth of knowledge and reverence our young adults express as they prepare to receive and live this sacrament. (continued on page 20)
Commitments One recent example was in February at Saint Andrew’s Chapel, U.S. Navy, Singapore. The teens prepared to receive the sacrament through activities and reflection. They used art that they made and then prayed and reflected on their art. Some of their artwork are can be seen in the photo below. Individual works of art and a group effort resulted in the TREE OF COMMITMENT. They created these pieces of art following a day of prayer and adoration in the chapel as they prepared to say “YES” and make their COMMITMENTS as young adult Catholic members. The adult faith groups in our chapels have also been busy (photo top of page 21). In February, I was able to attend the Knights of Columbus Men’s Lenten Retreat at the Schoenstatt Retreat Center in Vallendar, Germany. The theme of this retreat was “Defenders of the Faith”. Master musician and music artist, Mr. David Dunn, once again conducted the retreat. Mr. Eric Overcamp (photo bottom of page 21 having his throat blessed on St. Blaise Day), is a lay leader, as well as, a much sought after speaker in the churches of Germany. He offered our military men some very thoughtful and inspirational talks. The Biblical Readings for the weekend retreat, especially on Friday, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, were particularly meaningful to touch and inspire purpose-driven lives for all men. For the feast
day Mass, the Letter to the Hebrews reminded us both that we will be tested and that help is on the way! Then Sunday’s Mass, in the second reading from St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, we were reminded that we are entrusted with a stewardship coupled with an obligation! Again, COMMITMENT ! And now Lent and Easter: For this Holy Week and Easter, I will be with the U.S. Navy and Air Force Chapels, both located on the island of Guam. In addition to celebrating the Holy Week Masses and services, we also celebrated Confirmation Masses at both of the chapels and received the “COMMITMENTS” of the Confirmandi to be followers of Jesus Christ throughout their lives as Catholic adults. V
ATE T S N A C ELI P E H T o A Visit tal James Buckon p Ne By Bisho
It is an honor and a joy for me to visit our Catholic Faith Communities every January and February on three military installations located in the Pelican State, the State of Louisiana. I visit Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base (NAS JRB) New Orleans, Barksdale Air Force Base, and Fort Polk. All of our Military Services are represented in the Pelican State and the Archdiocese for the Military Services is committed to working with the Command, the Chaplain Corps, and the clergy of the local arch/dioceses, to provide the best pastoral care to Catholic military personnel.
he NAS JRB is located in Belle Chase, in Plaquemines Parish which is very close to the largest city of Louisiana, New Orleans. It is currently home to a Navy Reserve strike fighter squadron and a fleet logistics support squadron. In addition to the Navy’s personnel and aircraft one will also find the F-15 C/D Eagles of the Louisiana Air National Guard; the aircraft and crews of Coast Guard Air Station New Orleans; the Super Huey’s and Cobra’s of the Marine Corps Reserve light helicopter squadron; and an Army Reserve Theater Sustainment Command. Once again, the Commanding Officer, CAPT Mark Sucato, U.S. Navy, allotted time to meet with me and discuss the Base Religious Support Plan and the Catholicspecific ministry being provided by Father Joseph Dau Nguyen, the contract priest; Father (Colonel) Brian D. Ray, USA-Reserve, Command Chaplain,
377th Theater Sustainment Command; and Father (Commander) Jose Lavastida, USN-Reserve, CNIC Southeast/NOSC New Orleans. CAPT Sucato said that his military airport, just three nautical miles from downtown New Orleans, is very busy and he is pleased to have three Catholic priests present for duty during the week and on the weekends. Father Nguyen is a priest of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. The Navy’s Southeast Region contracted him several years ago to serve the Catholic Community at the NAS JRB chapel. He radiates enthusiasm as he provides pastoral leadership for the Catholic Community, celebrates the Sacraments throughout the week, and oversees the religious education and faith formation that takes place at the chapel. Father Nguyen presented seven candidates for Confirmation. They were very well preparered. Barksdale Air Force Base is located in Bossier Parish in Northwest Louisiana. It is situated across the river from the city of Shreveport. The 2d Bomb Wing is the host unit, and it is also the oldest bomb wing in the Air Force. The B-52H Stratofortress bombers FATHER JOSEPH DAU NGUYEN are a global capability and the crews AND BISHOP NEAL J. BUCKON are kept very busy. Other units that are located on Barksdale are the Air Force Global Strike Command; the Headquarters of the Eighth Air Force; and the 307th Bomb Wing (Air Force Reserve Command). There are approximately 15,000 active-duty and Air Force Reserve Airmen assigned to Barksdale. This number does not include family members. Last year, the active-duty Catholic Chaplain was reassigned to another Air Force Base and he was not replaced. This created a crisis for Barksdale’s Catholic Community. If there is no priest, then there is no Catholic (continued on page 24) SPRING 2018
STATEm page 23 N A C I L fro THE PE ntinued
program. Fortunately, Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) Hyral Walker, the Wing Chaplain, and the Commander of the 2nd Bomb Wing were able to fund a full-time contract for the hiring of a Catholic priest. Bishop Michael Duca, the Bishop of Shreveport, was willing to provide one of his priests, Father Dariusz “Darek” Pawlowski, for full-time ministry at Barksdale AFB. During my pastoral visit Father Darek briefed me on the steps he had taken to restructure the Catholic program, and rebuild the Catholic Community. He promised that I would see much improvement when I returned to visit next year! Fort Polk is situated in Vernon Parish and the city of Leesville lies ten miles to the west. The Fort is named in honor of the Right Reverend Leonidas Polk, the first Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana, and a distinguished Confederate general in the American Civil War. Fort Polk is home to the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC). It trains “light” combat units and prepares FATHER DARIUSZ “DEREK” PAWLOWSKI them for deployment around the globe. AND BISHOP NEAL J. BUCKON The 3rd Brigade Combat Team and the 115th Combat Support Hospital are also located at Fort Polk. Father (Major) Michael Lindsay is the Catholic Chaplain assigned to Fort Polk. He is a priest of the Diocese of Las Cruces. Most of his time in the military was spent with the New Mexico National Guard. Bishop Oscar Cantu (Las Cruces) released Father Lindsay from his diocesan assignment last year so that he may serve his final three years as a military chaplain on active-duty. Coming on active-duty at the age of 59 is clearly the exception! Father Lindsay is assigned to the Main Post Chapel where he
oversees the full spectrum operations of the Catholic Community. He also responds to requests to provide Mass in the field for the units being trained at the JRTC. He also works with the Hospital Ministry Team to minister to the Catholic health care providers and to the patients. On Sunday morning, three Protestant Chaplains introduced themselves to me and told me that they were delighted to have Father Lindsay on the Unit Ministry Team. Father Lindsay goes about his work with the joy of the Gospel, and his presence is cherished by Catholics and Non-Catholics. V
The pelican is a symbol of self-sacrifice in Christian art. This bird was believed to pierce its own breast with its beak and feed its young with its blood. The pelican became a symbol of Christ sacrificing Himself for humankind. Our priests ministering to the Catholic faithful of the United States Armed Forces, embrace selfless service, and are configured to the person of Christ. They celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass where the Lord nourishes pilgrim souls with the Holy Communion. May God continue to guide and bless the ministry of our priests in the Pelican State.
NAME: Carignan “Corey” Rouse (ARCH)DIOCESE / RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY: Boston ARMED FORCES BRANCH: Air Force RANK: Chaplain Candidate COLLEGE(S) / UNIVERSITY(IES) / SEMINARY(IES) ATTENDED (DEGREES AWARDED): St. Philip’s Seminary, Toronto, ON; St. John’s Seminary, Massachusetts HIGH SCHOOL(S) ATTENDED: Lawton Chiles High School, Florida HOBBIES: Reading
WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT YOU MIGHT HAVE A VOCATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD? When I was 15 years old. WHO OR WHAT EVENTS INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR DISCERNMENT? I met some very good priests, they inspired me. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? That I applied for the Army Reserve. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE, WHY? Matt 20:28 “Non venit ministrari sed ministrare.” (“He did not come to be served, but to serve.”) “This sums up my idea of the priesthood as an essentially altruistic, ministrare.”
HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS CHRIST PERSONALLY? I came to know Jesus through the sacraments, particularly the sacrament of penance. WHAT SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? My activities with the Legion of Mary and the St. Vincent de Paul Society helped me to share my relationship with Christ. WHAT SAINTS OR CHURCH LEADERS INSPIRED YOUR DISCERNMENT JOURNEY? Philip Neri and John Henry Newman WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE APPLYING TO BE A SEMINARIAN? I have been in religious life since high school. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? Perhaps it is Paradoxes of Faith by Henri de Lubac. WHO ARE YOUR HEROES OR PEOPLE YOU SIGNIFICANTLY ADMIRE? I admire two parents that I know who are trying to rear a multitude of children. I have some friends that I admire who are living out their faith with great joy despite the suffering they endure. Gustavo Gutierrez and Pope Benedict XVI are two of my celebrated heroes. HOW WOULD YOU CHARACTERIZE YOUR PRAYER LIFE? WHAT COMPRISES YOUR DAILY PRAYER? DO YOU PARTICIPATE IN THE LITURGICAL LIFE OF THE CHURCH? WHEN, WHERE, HOW? I pray daily. I keep a routine of meditation and liturgical prayer. I pray the Office and I attend Mass daily. V
9 t h A n n ua l B e n e f i t
Se t s A t t e n d a n c e a n d Gi v i n g R e c o rd s B Y M A R Y L AV I N
T H E F I R S T A N N U A L B E N E F I T for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS), was held on 19 November 2009, initiated by the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio who was installed as the fourth Archbishop for the AMS on 25 January 2008. Since that inaugural Annual Benefit, the event continues to be the largest annual gathering of AMS friends and benefactors and the largest fundraiser for the AMS. Over the years, it has evolved from a strictly elegant cocktail reception to an evening that begins with Mass and is followed by cocktails, sit-down dinner, and dessert reception. Held on Saturday, 18 November at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine, the 9th Annual Benefit set record levels of attendance and giving. A record 286 registered with 269 attending. While most were from D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, a number traveled from as far away as Texas, California, Florida, Illinois, New York, Connecticut, and Ohio. The event raised more than $385,000. An anticipated Sunday Mass was celebrated with Archbishop Broglio as the principal celebrant and homilist; concelebrants included the Most Reverend
William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore and all four AMS auxiliary bishops; five AMS Co-Sponsored Seminarians assisted at the altar. Special guests included Chief Judge Scott W. Stucky of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, a wounded warrior, Captain Luis Avila of the U.S. Army, AMS Co-Sponsored priests and chaplains, and other activeduty and retired members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Among the guests were more than 50 officers, including seven generals, seven admirals, and numerous enlisted men and women. Archbishop Broglio presented the Medal of the Archdiocese to Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson of the Knights of Columbus following dinner, thanking the Worthy Supreme Knight for the continued and generous support provided by the Knights of Columbus, support that has included an abundance of gifts totaling more than $2.5 million over the last 20 years alone. Mr. Anderson expressed his deep gratitude, noting the award is “especially significant as the Knights of Columbus commemorates 100 years of support of our military and our military chaplains.� For images from the 9th Annual Benefit and a link to recorded remarks, go to www.milarch.org/ annual-benefit. Throughout his tenure, a priority for Archbishop Broglio has been to assure a sound and self-sustaining financial footing for the ministry entrusted to his pastoral care and oversight, a global non-profit organization that receives no funding from the U.S. Government or the five branches of the U.S. Military it serves. With the continued generosity of sponsors, attendees, and individual donors, the Annual Benefit will be an increasingly significant source of financial support for the AMS. The 10th Annual Benefit will be held on Saturday, 17 November 2018 at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine and the goal is to set record attendance and giving levels once again. All funds received from the event will support vocations, evangelization and catechesis, Sacramental Records, Tribunal, and Veterans Affairs. Since 2009, Annual Benefit tickets have remained $250 per person; in 2016, $200 tickets were introduced for activeduty military members, especially young adults and those at the military academies who might not otherwise be able to attend. Donations will continue to be accepted in order to provide for these tickets and sponsorships ranging from $1,250 to $100,000 provide various ticket packages and seating options. For additional information about the 10th Annual Benefit, including tickets and sponsorships, visit www.milarch.org/annual-benefit/. We hope to see you in Washington, D.C. on 17 November 2018. V SPRING 2018
Military Catholics March for Life By Taylor Henry
rchbishop Timothy P. Broglio led dozens of members of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS) in the 45th annual March for Life along the National Mall on 19 January in Washington, D.C. The delegation included 34 Catholic cadets from the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. The peaceful, pro-life demonstration was joined by tens of thousands on the one-mile route from the Washington Monument to the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, where the Roe v. Wade decision, legalizing abortion, was handed down 45 years ago. The theme of March for Life 2018 was “Love Saves Lives.” Just before the March, participants attended the regular weekday noon Mass celebrated by Archbishop Broglio in the main chapel of the
Edwin Cardinal O’Brien Pastoral Center in Northeast Washington, homebase for the AMS. Archbishop Broglio observed, “So often we are shocked by mass shootings, violence among citizens, terrorist attacks, and other events that give evidence of a fundamental lack of respect for the innate dignity of the human person. Today thousands of people – young and old – will march to give witness to that same dignity of the human person from conception to natural death. I never cease to be impressed at the willingness of so many to sacrifice their time and comfort simply to invite all to respect human life. That respect will open the door to a less violent society and a better world. May we soon see the positive effects of such a sustained effort.” President Donald Trump spoke to the pro-life demonstrators from the Rose Garden via satellite, becoming
the third sitting president to address the annual gathering, and the first to address it by live video, in its 45-year history. The President proclaimed 22 January 2018 as “National Sanctity of Human Life Day.” He told the demonstrators that “[t]he March for Life is a movement born out of love. You love your families, you love your neighbors, you love our nation and you love every child, born and unborn, because you believe every life is sacred, that every child is a precious gift from God.” Vice-President Mike Pence introduced President Trump in the Rose Garden. On the evening before the March, the Vice-President hosted a roundtable discussion with leaders
from Students for Life, a Virginiabased organization devoted to helping young people in high school and college make abortion “unthinkable” and “obsolete.” Other speakers at the March for Life included House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI); Ms. Pam Tebow, mother of former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow; Mr. Matt Birk, former NFL player, and his wife, Ms. Adrianna Birk; U.S. Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA); U.S. Representative Dan Lipinski (D-IL); U.S. Representative Chris Smith (RNJ); and Sister Bethany Madonna of the Sisters of Life. V
Your gift to the AMS could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer. Visit www.milarch.org/employeematching-gifts/ to enter the name of your company for details and matching gift verification information and forms. The AMS is a 501c3 organization and its U.S.A. Tax Identification Number (or EIN) is 13-1624090.
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio Celebrates Ten Years at the Helm BY TAYLOR HENRY
hursday, 25 January 2018, marked the tenth anniversary of His Excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio’s installation as Archbishop for the Military Services, USA. Archbishop
Broglio was installed on 25 January 2008 by the late Most Reverend Pietro Sambi, then Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
His Excellency’s decade of leadership has yielded a bountiful harvest for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS). The sprouts of that harvest include: financial stability through budgetary reform and launch of the • Restoring first-ever triennial special collection in parishes throughout the United States raising more than $18 million for the AMS since 2013;
off a $3.4 million, 20-year mortgage more than ten years ahead • Paying of time on the Edwin Cardinal O’Brien Pastoral Center, the AMS home
base in Washington, D.C., freeing up funds to initiate and expand a plethora of pastoral programs and services;
over unprecedented growth in the Co-Sponsored Seminarian • Presiding Program (CSP), a vocations partnership with dioceses and religious
communities nationwide to support the formation of future priests and military chaplains. Enrollment has increased from seven to 45, by far the largest gain in the program’s thirty-year history, and current enrollees hail from 31 U.S. dioceses;
the AMS’s first Religion Curriculum Guide for Grades • Implementing pre-K through 12; the Father Vincent Capodanno Guild to oversee the • Establishing Vietnam War chaplain hero’s Cause for Canonization;
• Personally traveling more than 200 days a year for each of the past ten
years, paying regular pastoral visits to U.S. troops in far-flung locations including Iraq and twice to Afghanistan, among many other places.
Archbishop Broglio said: “I continue to give thanks to Almighty God and the Church for this extraordinary privilege to serve the men and women in uniform, their families, and patients in the Medical Centers of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Their generosity and their faith sustain me as I travel thousands of miles every year to make pastoral visits. My gratitude extends to all of those whose contributions sustain the ministry of the AMS and to an extraordinary staff that diligently strives each day for excellence.” In celebration of the anniversary, the AMS announced that, thanks to a number of generous benefactors, it has surpassed its target for minimum funding of The Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, Endowed Co-
Sponsored Seminarian Scholarship, the AMS’s first fully endowed scholarship. Ms. Mary Lavin, AMS Executive Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, said donors generously contributed $270,366 before 31 Dec. 2017. That sum will be matched with funds collected from the 2013 National Collection as part of the AMS’s 2017 Matching Endowment Opportunity, injecting the endowment with more than a half-million dollars. Ms. Lavin said that level of generous giving by benefactors brings to 13 the total number of named and endowed scholarships established in support of the AMS Vocations Endowment first announced in 2014, although the others remain partially funded as they continue to grow. Donations (continued on page 34)
Archbishop Timothy Broglio continued from page 33 are still being accepted for the Archbishop Broglio Scholarship. To make a donation on the occasion of Archbishop Broglio’s anniversary, visit: www.milarch.org/scholarship
continue to undergo formation in 20 seminaries, three are set to be ordained priests and another four ordained transitional deacons.
While the Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program has enjoyed historic growth on Archbishop Broglio’s watch, the U.S. Military continues to suffer a desperate shortage of Catholic chaplains. The shortage, which has resulted from a steady trend of priests reaching retirement faster than they can be replaced, has been worsening for decades. Just since 9/11, the number of active-duty chaplains has fallen from more than 400 to around 200. While Catholics make up about 25% of the U.S. Military, Catholic priests now account for only six percent of military chaplains.
Ms. Lavin pointed out, however, that the increase in new seminarians has greatly increased costs for tuition and related formation expenses. The average annual cost to the AMS, she said, now amounts to $18,000 per seminarian, or $90,000 per seminarian over the course of his five-year seminary formation. With 45 men now enrolled in the CSP, the AMS’s annual share of expenses is projected at more than $800,000 this year alone, and to exceed four million dollars over the next five years. That is in addition to the AMS annual operating budget of more than $7.3 million for all programs and services.
Nevertheless, since Archbishop Broglio came on board in 2008, 23 priests have been ordained through the CSP. Five are now serving on active-duty, with more on the way. Just last year, two prospective military chaplains were ordained priests, and another three were ordained transitional deacons on track toward priestly ordination. This year, as CSP enrollees
The AMS receives no funding from the military or the government, and she relies solely on private donors to support her programs and services. With ten years under his belt at the helm of the AMS, Archbishop Broglio still has his work cut out for him, but the contributions of generous donors to the endowed scholarship that bears his name are a great sign of progress. V
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio Expresses Gratitude for Auxiliary Bishop Robert J. Coyle’s “Selfless Ministry” By Taylor Henry
n 20 February 2018, the Holy See announced the transfer of Auxiliary Bishop Robert J. Coyle to Bishop Coyle’s home diocese of Rockville Centre, N.Y. For the past five years, Bishop Coyle has served as Episcopal Vicar for the Eastern Vicariate of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS). His Excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop for the Military Services, USA, issued the following statement following the Holy See’s announcement: “I am deeply grateful to Bishop Coyle for the selfless ministry that has been his since I ordained him to the episcopacy on 25 April 2013. At great personal sacrifice, he lived far from his parents and familiar surroundings on Long Island and tirelessly took up the pilgrim’s staff to minister to the men and women in uniform and their families. “I know that he will offer the same generous service to Bishop John Barres and to the faithful of his native Rockville Centre. He returns to them enriched by his ministry to a flock stationed in half of the continental United States. He will continue to be in my prayers and I am counting on his for the noble people who make up this archdiocese.” (continued on page 36) SPRING 2018
“Selfless Ministry” continued from page 35
Bishop Coyle sent a farewell message to the flock he has served for five years: “Today I express my gratitude to Almighty God for the privilege to have served the people of the Archdiocese of the Military Services. I thank you for your warm welcome and hospitality at the bases I have visited over the years. Your faith always inspires me. I will cherish these memories. I especially give thanks for Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio and his dedicated leadership. I am very grateful to have served him as an auxiliary bishop. As I begin a new chapter in my service as a bishop, I will always give thanks for the joy to have served as a Navy chaplain and auxiliary bishop with the military family. May God bless you and watch over you.” Archbishop Broglio will oversee the pastoral care for the Eastern Vicariate until other arrangements can be made. The Most Reverend Richard B. Higgins, Archbishop Broglio’s Episcopal Vicar for Veterans Affairs, is assisting the Archbishop in fulfilling some of the pastoral visits already scheduled in the Eastern Vicariate. Bishop Coyle, 53, was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., the son of Robert and Kathryn Coyle. He was ordained a priest in 1991 for the Diocese of Rockville Centre. In 1988, meanwhile, he embarked on the “vocation within a vocation” in the U.S. Navy, where he served as a chaplain both on active-duty and in the reserves. Over the course of his 25-year service, he rose through the ranks from ensign to Commander, serving on numerous assignments and deployments everywhere from the Middle East to Southeast Asia, including Okinawa, Japan, and aboard the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN75) and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN69). He also served as Command Chaplain at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, N.Y. Bishop Coyle is a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus. He will open the next chapter of his priestly vocation in Rockville Centre on 2 April 2018. V
The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
Tour of Duty Brick Campaign Share your message of support for service members, veterans, chaplains, military families, and all who have served or continue to serve by reserving a commemorative brick today. Your commemorative brick will join hundreds of others lining the pathways of the Edwin Cardinal O’Brien Pastoral Center in Washington, D.C.
Tour of Duty Brick up to 2 lines 18 characters per line $250 Donation
Memorial Brick
up to 4 lines 18 characters per line $300 Donation
To order a brick please visit
www.milarch.org/tour-of-duty-brick-campaign You can donate online or print a donation form.
Bricks are installed every spring and fall. Questions? Please contact the Advancement Office, (202) 719-3622 or support@milarch.org.
n 16 – 18 January 2018, Saint Mary’s Press gathered 50 key Catholic Church leaders at the Maritime Conference Center in Baltimore, Md., for a National Conversation about the results of the study on Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics (ages 15-25). The purpose of the study “is to understand more fully why young people leave the Catholic Church in particular”. I am grateful to Saint Mary’s Press for the invitation to be part of this national effort. The authors of the study invited pastoral leaders to reflect critically on two questions: Do we know who they are –the depth of their life stories –do we know them by name? Do we miss these individuals now that they are gone? I was particularly intrigued by the fact that the average age for leaving the Church is 13 and the possibility of these people returning home is 13%. Yet, only 13 percent of formerly Catholic teens and young adults said they attended Mass weekly when they were Catholic. The statistics and the stories of youth make me wonder about our faith formation process. One person expressed becoming Christian as a reason to leave the Church. Are we truly forming Christians who understand themselves as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ or are we graduating people out of the Church? The need for the family and the Catholic faith community leadership to work together in passing on the gift of faith is evident in the study. Sixty-three percent of teen and young adult “former” Catholics have change to: received their First Communion and a third have been confirmed. While individuals never fit into a single category, the study identifies three categories in the process of disaffiliation: the injured, the drifter, and the dissenter. Those injured indicated that “negative experiences associated with faith and religious practice, both familial and ecclesial” may lead them to question their faith and morality and the effectiveness of the sacraments and the liturgy -- coupled with unanswered prayers. In regards to the drifters, “their experience of Church seems to emphasize meaningless rules and rituals
encased in confusing structures without any connection to their ‘real world’ (p. 18).” Parents’ inability to articulate and witness to the faith authentically and the lack of prayer and lax morality is evident in the drifters. Dissenters exhibit active resistance of or rejection of the Church. In order to understand the process of disaffiliation it may be worth considering our personal faith journey. The four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church are the foundation for the AMS Forming Disciples for the New Evangelization: Archdiocesan Religion Curriculum Guide (grades Pre K to 12). Those in the process of disaffiliation question these four pillars. The fact that 35% of those who no longer identify as Catholic claim to have no religious affiliation is alarming. The disaffiliated expressed a need for pastoral leaders who have the skill to listen and the ability to create spaces for them to express their questions and doubts about the faith’s ability to make connections with their lived realities. How can we foster communities of encounter, accompaniment, communion, and sending? You are invited to consider in prayer the initial questions for pastoral ministry (p. 34-36) in Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics. Reflection: Can you identify a youth or young adult who no longer considers himself/herself to be Catholic? Does he/she know that he/she is missed in the Catholic faith community? V IMAGES COURTESY OF SAINT MARY’S PRESS.
Thriving as a
Catholic Military in the
hether on a submarine under way or out at field training, where two or more are gathered in His name, Jesus is in their midst. Is that what St. Matthew envisioned when he wrote those famous words? He may not have imagined that exact setting, but he was certain of the power of baptism as he recalled the Great Commission later in his Gospel account (Mt. 28:19-20). The call to discipleship cannot be limited by time or location as God’s power and authority are universal. This theme resounded in the military panel discussion held at the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Student Leadership Summit (SLS) 2018 in
Chicago, Ill. SLS brought together 8,000 students and alumni from universities and colleges across the United States. Of this group, the AMS connected with over 100 students, active-duty military and spouses throughout the summit. Particularly through the military lunch panel, the AMS was able to share the Good News of evangelization within U.S. military Catholic communities across the globe. The military panel featured two Navy spouses, Tanelle Pearson and Sabrina Vu, along with one Co-Sponsored Seminarian, First Lieutenant (1LT) David Chacko, USAR from the Archdiocese of San
Antonio. Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Vu both happened to be former FOCUS missionaries which provided them with training in relational ministry. Each shared his or her unique settings in the U.S. military and how they lived out their faith in an authentic way. The key for them was building relationships one-onone, meeting in small groups, and supporting one another no matter the distance. Mrs. Pearson also shared her husband’s experience as a Lay Leader. The appointments of Lay Leaders take place when a Catholic chaplain is unavailable, which is the case on submarines in the U.S. Navy. In the absence of the sacraments, Lay Leaders lead fellow Catholic Sailors in the Liturgy of the Word to provide an opportunity of spiritual communion. This role also allowed Mrs. Pearson’s husband to connect with sailors personally about tough issues they were confronting that otherwise would not have been addressed.
The Office of Vocations and Office of Evangelization also sponsored a booth to encourage students to learn more about the Military Archdiocese. Several young men inquired about military chaplaincy and the priesthood. Four Co-Sponsored Seminarians volunteered at the booth to help with questions regarding the process to apply for chaplain candidacy and seminary. Another unique feature of the AMS’ participation in a FOCUSorganized event this year was the closer connection Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadets and midshipmen were making to their military Catholic identity. The SLS experience fed my energy to not only to make connections to military young adults as they enter active-duty service, but also to support them in a focused way as they grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. V
Seven Essentials for Faith and Reason BY: MARK MOITOZA, D.MIN.
Referring to José Amaya’s article on page 38 about “Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics,” I want to treat an important dimension of this sad phenomenon. Those interviewed, who left the Church, never felt as though they were missed. In fact, they expressed gratitude to those conducting interviews for taking the time to listen to their story. The Magis Center, based in Garden Grove, California, has developed a response to the attrition centered upon misconceptions regarding faith and science. The Credible Catholic initiative responds to four challenges prevalent in inaccurate secular myths: • • • •
Science and faith are incompatible; since science is truth, faith must be false. Suffering shows God does not exist. If God were all loving, He would prevent suffering. There is no such thing as a Soul. We are mere aggregates of atoms and molecules. There is no evidence for Jesus as a historical figure, therefore no evidence of his resurrection or divinity. If he actually existed, he may been a prophet but not a savior of the Son of God.
Credible Catholic proposes Seven Essentials of Faith and Reason to supplement current Catholic Confirmation programs. Each module is correlated to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, designed to be used
without the need for special training, and is available for free online on the website, crediblecatholic.com. Hard copies may be purchased. Young people engaging in these modules learn: • • • • • • •
Evidence for a Soul (including contemporary scientific and medical studies), Evidence of God’s existence from science, Evidence of God’s existence from philosophy, Evidence of Jesus’ resurrection (from contemporary historical studies and the Shroud of Turin), Reasons for being Catholic, An explanation of true happiness and An explanation of why an all-loving God would allow suffering
These seven essentials correlate well to the standards and indicators found in Forming Disciples for the New Evangelization: Archdiocesan Religion Curriculum Guide for grade 8 and for adolescent catechesis. The use of Credible Catholic resources is encouraged throughout the Archdiocese. Father Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. introduced this resource to the bishops of the United States. The resources have been tested in parishes and schools with outstanding results. The AMS website has suggestions for correlating the Seven Essentials of Faith and Reason to topics in the curriculum guide, http://www.milarch.org/faith-formation/ Catechists and youth ministry leaders do more than run programs. They listen to the experiences of young people and meet their questions by sharing what the Church teaches. The gift of Credible Catholic is found in the easy-to-use resources that include power points, video presentations, and questions for discussion. Fostering opportunities to learn together and to listen are essential for a comprehensive approach to Catholic youth ministry. Consider how your community can use these well-designed resources to help young people today explore questions that matter and be sure to listen well. V
he Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS), is looking for volunteers to be part of TEAM AMS at the 34th Army Ten-Miler (ATM). The ATM will take place on 7 October 2018 and features a two-day ATM expo event and a scenic race course in our Nation’s Capital.
Last year, 50 runners from across the country represented Team AMS to raise awareness and financial support for the mission and ministry of the AMS. Team AMS not only conquered the 10mile course in Washington, D.C., but also raised almost $60,000 to support vocations, evangelization, and other services and programs. This year each runner will be provided with his/her own fundraising web page and the $100 runner registration fee will be refunded to those who raise $1,000 or more from family and friends. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, firstserved basis and will close 1 August 2018. The Army Ten-Miler is a fun and unique opportunity to get involved, meet AMS chaplains and Co-Sponsored Seminarians, AMS staff, and to help raise critical funds for the AMS! If you or someone you know is 15 years or older, who would like to be part of Team AMS, please ask them to register by visiting the following link, https://www.milarch.rallybound.org/Account/Register, contacting Salvador (Sal) Perez via e-mail at annualgiving@milarch.org, or by phone at 202-719-3646. V If you are unable to run, but would like to support an individual runner or Team AMS, please visit https://milarch.rallybound.org/Donate. For Corporate Sponsorship information and opportunities, please contact Sal Perez directly.
Save the Dates The Woman at the Well If You Knew the Gifts You Were Given
Forum Sponsored by the Military Council of Catholic Women San Diego, Calif., 19-22 April 2018 Archbishop Broglio will participate www.mccw.org –––––––
24th Annual Memorial Mass Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 4:30 p.m.
Upper Church Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception 400 Michigan Avenue Northeast – Washington, D.C. –––––––
Warriors to Lourdes Spiritual Journey 15-22 May 2018 Lourdes, France –––––––
For God and Country Retreat 25-29 June 2018
For priests discerning military chaplaincy. Contact Father Robert Cannon at chancellor@milarch.org –––––––
9th Annual Benefit 17 November 2018
John Paul II Shrine – 3900 Harewood Rd NE, Washington, DC 20017 SPRING 2018
Archbishop Broglio Extols “Sacrifice and Abundant Love” of the “Four Chaplains” BY TAYLOR HENRY
rchbishop Timothy P. Broglio invited the faithful to imitate the example of “selfless service and abundant love” demonstrated by the “Four Chaplains” killed aboard the U.S. Army transport ship USAT Dorchester in World War II. Archbishop Broglio preached the homily at a Mass in Kearny, N.J., on Super Bowl Sunday, commemorating the 75th anniversary of their heroic deaths when they gave up their life jackets to others aboard after the ship was struck by German torpedoes. Father Lt. John P. Washington, a Catholic priest, Rabbi Lt. Alexander D. Goode, Reverend Lt. Clark V. Poling, a Dutch Reformed minister, and Reverend Lt. George L. Fox, a Methodist minister, all went down with the ship, prayerfully locked arm in arm, leaving 230 survivors to reach safety in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic. In his homily at St. Stephen’s Catholic Church, where Father Washington served from 1937 to 1942, Archbishop Broglio observed that the chaplain heroes “were authentically men for others to the last ounce of their strength.” The Archbishop noted: “… You know they were volunteers for military service. Clergymen could not be drafted. The Reverends George Fox and Clark Poling, Rabbi Alexander Goode, and Father John Washington were on the USS Dorchester because ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY P. BROGLIO PREACHES HOMILY AT 75TH ANNIVERSARY MASS FOR THE FOUR CHAPLAINS KILLED ABOARD THE USAT DORCHESTER AT SAINT STEPHEN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH IN KEARNY, N.J., ON 4 FEBRUARY 2018. PHOTO COURTESY OF ED CIVINISKAS.
they volunteered to serve. I do not know, but I would imagine that many, if not most of the men who lived because of their sacrifice, had been drafted. “There is a clear notion here of self-giving, such as we see in the submission of the Lord Jesus to the Father’s will so that we might have life in abundance. That giving of self in our very materialistic age must remain an important characteristic of our daily lives. We honor the four chaplains, not because we can do something for them beyond our prayers for their immortal souls, but so that we might learn to imitate their charity. We want to learn from them how to use our gifts and talents to serve others.” The Eucharistic Celebration began on a solemn note as a color guard of veterans and boy scouts led the opening procession. The congregation included retired warriors, patriots, and the Sunday congregants who participated in the hymns accompanied by a choir and musicians. Bagpipers played after the final blessing. In the same front pew sat family and relatives of Father Washington and Rabbi Goode, all very well acquainted with the acts of valor of their relatives in the wee hours of 3 February 1943. As the Dorchester began to take on water, panic spread upon realization that life jackets and lifeboats were in short supply. The four chaplains died so that other might live. Archbishop Broglio observed in his homily that “the three Christian chaplains would have been aware that Rabbi Goode no doubt found inspiration in the Book of Exodus, where the Chosen People were taught to practice charity to the stranger, the widow, and the orphan.” “Watching the super bowl,” he said, “will be a source of enjoyment and we can appreciate the amply compensated gifts of ability and talent on the part of many. Not many are able to play football at that level. The lesson of the four chaplains, on the other hand, is the link between gracious gift and the ultimate sacrifice of service.” To read the full text of Archbishop Broglio’s homily, visit www.milarch.org. Click open the tab labeled “Archbishop,” and open the submenu labeled “Archbishop’s Presentations.” V SPRING 2018
“He is not here; for he has risen, as he said…..” Mt 28:6
“Serving Those Who Serve”
P.O. Box 4469 Washington, D.C. 20017-0469
Archdiocese For The Military Services, USA