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The title of this article is a modi cation of an American Christian song, “ e Circuit Rider Preacher.” Although I can ride a horse, the preferred means of transportation is a rental car. Albeit preaching is a fundamental task while driving on a circuit and visiting Department of Defense installations; I also teach the faith, exchange important information with the Catholic community’s leadership team, and celebrate the sacraments (especially con rmation) with the Catholic faithful. Circuit driving is a labor of love for those who love. e Catholics in our military chapel communities love God, love their Country, and they love the esprit de corps of their chapel’s community of faith. I am blessed to be on this journey of Serving ose Who Serve.
In February, I conducted a Tri-State circuit driving trip through Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas. e 18-day jaunt through the deep south took me to seven military bases: NAS JRB New Orleans, Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulfport, Keesler AFB, Columbus AFB, Little Rock AFB, Barksdale AFB, and Fort Polk. Every year there is a new experience on the circuit. Since my visit last year, a new ministry began at the Stennis Space Center (SSC) in Mississippi! Father Paddy Mockler, the contract priest at NCBC Gulfport, began to celebrate one daily Mass every week during the lunch hour at the NASA SSC research and rocket engine test center with the continued on page 24