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Father Basil Eruo, Chaplain, at Sheppard AFB, who arranged a meeting with the instructors and the students at the 364th Training Squadron’s Petroleum Oil and Lubricant (POL) schoolhouse. e aircra and vehicles of the USAF will not move unless the POL Airmen are doing their job. America’s greatest resource is the talented o spring of our American families. Our Nation and our Church will only be as strong as our families!
A er the circuit drive on the Great Plains, I met with friends at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in New Mexico where we gathered to participate in the annual Bataan Memorial Death March. e event drew 5,500 participants this year. On Friday evening we met Father Chris Adunchezor, the contract priest at WSMR, and prayed the Stations of the Cross in the historic Sierra Chapel. On Saturday, the Most Reverend Peter Baldacchino, Bishop of Las Cruces, participated at the anticipated Mass in the Main Post Chapel. A erwards, we joined Brigadier General Eric Little, Commander of WSMR, and other participants in a pasta dinner. On Sunday, our team completed the 14-mile honorary march. Every mile marker was like a station on the Way of the Cross, as we remembered the service, sacri ce, and valor of our service members in every con ict and war. e following day I completed the circuit and returned home to Coronado and rested.
For over one hundred years Catholic service members of the United States Armed Forces have guaranteed our freedoms, rst and foremost of which is the free exercise of religion. V