Spring 2011

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Dear Friends of the Archdiocese for the Military Services,


igns of the renewal of life experienced in springtime abound. Our annual solemn celebration of Easter reminds us of the great love the Father has for us. He sent His Son Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to save us. What a marvelous time to send off another issue of Salute.


ince my last writing the most important event to occur in the Archdiocese has been the election and ordination of the Most Reverend Neal J. Buckon as Auxiliary Bishop. You will be able to read an account of his ordination and hear his first greetings to all of you. I am very grateful to our Holy Father for another sign of his paternal care for this Archdiocese. Bishop Buckon has been appointed Episcopal Vicar for the U.S. Western Vicariate of the Archdiocese.


his issue of the AMS quarterly publication Salute will recount the pastoral visits made by the Bishops and me over the Christmas holidays and offer a brief look at the up-coming pastoral programs and events in the Archdiocese. One exciting event looming on the horizon is World Youth Day to be held in Madrid in August. Once again there will be special activities for the young people in the military and from military families.


n behalf of all of those to whom the Archdiocese for the Military Services ministers, I give special thanks to the faithful of those Archdioceses and dioceses where special collections have been taken up to defray the operational costs of the AMS and those associated with the education of seminarians. Those efforts were very successful.


njoy the following pages of Salute. As I wish you an abundance of Easter blessings, I pray that the Risen Lord will fill you and your loved ones with the serenity and peace that only He can give. Sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio Archbishop

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table of contents 6

Blessed to be Serving those who Serve Archbishop Broglio's travels


Bishop on the Move Bishop Richard Higgins


Auxiliary Bishop for US Military Archdiocese Bishop Neal J. Buckon


The AMS was there..... Bishop Richard Spencer


Without Priests..... Archbishop Broglio address USCCB


For Cross & Flag — 70 years of Serving God and His people


Reflections from a Marine Neal Claar's story

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Twenty-Somethings: A Generation to Listen to Religious Respect an Important Component of Military Ministry

The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA publishes SALUTE for the nation’s Bishops, active and retired military chaplains, and financial supporters of the Archdiocese.


T H E M A G A Z I N E O F T H E A R C H D I O C E S E F O R T H E M I L I T A R Y S E RV I C E S , U S A

ADDRESS CHANGES AND NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please send title, name, address, and phone number to: support@milarch.org or call: 202-719-3600 or write: Development Office, Archdiocese for

the Military Services, P.O. Box 4469, Washington, D.C. 20017-0469 Feedback, letters to the editor, & advertising inquiries: editor@milarch.org Website: www.milarch.org ON THE COVER: Invocation of the Holy Spirit by Archbishop Timothy Broglio

upon Bishop Buckon. ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY P. BROGLIO President






Shall we take a stroll to the Blessed Virgin’s Shrine?


very year a group of soldiers in the Polish Army set out from Warsaw on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Black Madonna at Czestochowa (186 miles). It is a ten-day journey and they are accompanied by their chaplains. For many years it has been an international event. Last August in addition to the Poles, the group included contingents from Germany, Lithuania, and 17 representatives from the US Army led by Father George (Jerzy) Rzasowski. Archbishop Timothy Broglio joined the group on the afternoon of August 12th.


he spirit was excellent. The logistics group sets up the camp each day so that all is in readiness when the pilgrims arrive. Tents house the participants, a truck provides showers, another tent houses sinks with running water, still another has tables for meals, toilets, and finally a tent for first aid with specialists in the care of blistered feet. The Archbishop was seen leaving that one after his first day of walking twenty-six kilometers (15.6 miles). The Crucifix and the flags of Germany, Lithuania, Poland, and the US led the march along with the symbol of the pilgrimage.


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Everyone marches in uniform and priests wear violet stoles and are ready to hear confessions en route. Songs are sung, the Rosary is prayed, spiritual conferences in various languages are given, and water is shared. During his first day of walking, Archbishop Broglio addressed the nearby student pilgrimage, which was on the same route that day, and told them a bit about the Church in the States. They had some questions. Even though the conference and all of the conversations were translated into Polish, it was obvious that many of the students understood English.


Mass was celebrated at Garnek by Archbishop Nowak of Czestochowa. The Master of Ceremonies wanted Archbishop Broglio to take a section of the Eucharistic Prayer, but that was not possible. As was the case throughout the pilgrimage, the local parish and the neighbors offered abundant refreshments. Of course, the indoor plumbing was especially popular. As this marked the separation point of many pilgrimages, gifts were offered to both Archbishops (red knapsacks with quite a collection of interesting literature) as well as to the Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. of the Apostolic Nunciature (his knapsack was black) and to the Director of the Military Pilgrimage. The last mentioned was offered a pot filled with gifts. Garnek is Polish for pot. Prayer and announcements always followed showers, dinner, and a general rest in the evening. The seminarians of the Polish Military Diocese usually conducted the ice-breakers. Then a priest would give a short meditation in each of the four languages. The electric lights were turned off at 11 p.m.

The night of 13-14 August was spent encamped on a beautiful hill from which the sanctuary of Jasna Góra could be seen. There is a shrine of St. Padre Pio there. The crypt church is finished, but the upper church will take some time. At about 3 a.m. there was a violent rain storm. Thunder filled the sky and the wind roared forcefully. Some wondered if the tents would withstand the winds. In fact the US delegation had to jump on one side to keep the tent from taking flight. However, the rain stopped for the final day of the pilgrimage and the pilgrims were allowed to sleep until 6:30 a.m. Archbishop Broglio presided at the Mass celebrated in Latin and Polish in a grassy park outside of the new shrine. Official delegations joined the group and included the Administrator of the Polish Military Diocese, Msgr. Sławomir Zarski, two representatives of the German Military Ordinariate, and others. Many Generals were in attendance led by the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Polish Army. After a sumptuous breakfast it was (continued on page 50) spring / 2011 /



Blessed to be Serving those who Serve



hile spring is quickly approaching memories of my Christmas sojourn with our men and women in uniform are still very vivid for me. Wonderful times and experiences filled those days of expectation (Advent) and celebration (Christmas)!

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ravels at that time of year are never simple and my attempts this year were no exception. Wisely I had decided to take the train from Washington, DC to Newark. In fact, there was a snowfall on December 16th and DC is not renowned for its snow removal acumen! The train was a few minutes late and when I presented myself at the airline counter roughly an hour before the departure time, I learned that the flight was closed!! Luckily, my frequent flyer status with the airline allowed some doors to be opened and I was soon on my way to snowy Germany. The flight’s early arrival in Frankfurt was to no avail! At least thirty minutes passed before the stairs were cleaned and put up to the door of the plane. I was still in the security line when the flight for Abu Dhabi was called. However, it was possible to board with time to spare. In fact, the plane was almost empty. The pilot informed us that many connecting flights were delayed, but he was not waiting! That was fine with me, but I did think about those who were left stranded. Arriving in Abu Dhabi I discovered another glitch involved with the wintry weather conditions in Frankfurt: my checked suitcase had not arrived. Years of travel have taught me to keep a wellpacked carry-on with me. This time it was particularly helpful, because I would not see my luggage for another seven days. Father Timothy Butler and his competent chaplain’s assistant were waiting for me and took me to Al Dhafra Air Base. Upon arrival I met the Commanding General and most of the senior leadership who were returning from feting the commander of the medical unit who was due


to leave. It was a warm initial greeting— warmth that would characterize all of my sojourn in the Middle East! The time in Abu Dhabi was a good blend of pastoral activity with the Catholic Community, interaction with the chapel staff, and some interesting cultural visits in the local area. Certainly the opportunity to talk with Bishop Paul Hinder, the Apostolic Vicar for the Arabian Peninsula was priceless. His ministry is mobile, but he also knows all of the challenges of caring for a minority in the midst of a number of Islamic States. The number of Masses and the variety of languages in which it is celebrated at his missions boggle the mind. The mission brief included “catching” an airplane as it landed! We waited in a regular sedan on the runway with a pilot behind the wheel. He would guide his colleague as he landed his cumbersome jet after an eight-hour patrol. I had a few tense moments as the plane passed over the roof of the car and our driver began to speed TOWARDS the landing plane. All passed safely and the pilot was happy to be home. On my final day in Abu Dhabi we visited the beautiful Mosque, open to the public for tours as a response to the tragedies of September 11th, 2001. The desire was to show another side of Islam and to encourage that dialogue which is so essential if we are (continued on page 8) spring / 2011 /


Blessed to be Serving those who Serve to live together in peace. The place of worship was filled with tourists and the guides were talented and thorough in their presentations. The building was thronged with bare-footed tourists! December 21st dawned with the anticipation of another cod flight to an aircraft carrier. I must say that it was easier this time, but I was wary about the fact that the young Navy crewman mentioned twice the procedure to evacuate the plane in an emergency. You pay more attention to those instructions than you do on a commercial flight. Commercial runways are considerably longer and larger than the deck of an aircraft carrier! It was good to be on board the USS Abraham Lincoln and to be welcomed not only by Father Ben Garrett, but also by Admiral Mark Guadagnini, Commander of the strike group, Captain John D. Alexander, the Skipper of the ship, the Executive Officer, many of the chaplains and others. The time aboard was precious and offered a number of opportunities to interact with the crew. A very special moment was the confirmation of six members of the crew and the first Holy Communion for one of them. We celebrated on the hangar deck and it was quite impressive. The crowd was standing room only and the celebration was beautifully prepared and organized. Immediately afterward the combined efforts of the Gospel, Protestant, and Catholic Choirs produced a beautiful Christmas concert. The talent of the soloists and the others was incredible. The Christmas mood was pervasive and the joy contagious. Every-

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one enjoyed the music and the cake and ice cream afterwards. The assembly was kind enough to sing happy birthday as I celebrated three score less one! Father Garrett and I anticipated the Mass by fifteen minutes the next day and learned that others had been planning to join us. Even though it was not intended to be a part of the ship’s schedule, many of the Catholics wanted to participate in the Eucharist that morning. It was a good reminder of the opportunity to serve and the importance of providing this unique gift for our men and women under way as often as is possible. We pulled into port and were off the ship in good time. In addition to Father Garrett, the Executive Officer of the Lincoln accompanied me to meet Father Butler and his assistant. The internet had already told me the good news that they would bring: my suitcase had arrived just before they left to meet me. I was pleased, but have to admit that everyone had been very kind in providing anything I needed. There was a quick ride back to the airport in Abu Dhabi and then another plane ride to Qatar. I managed to convince the agent at the check-in counter that he should not check my carry-on bag, despite its offending weight! The idea of being another seven days without both bags was more than I could handle. The Qatar portion of the visit was more than memorable! General Kee, Chaplain Schaick, and Father Rowan were on hand to greet me (and my recently recovered suitcase) and took me to an abundant dinner in a quaint corner of the capital city. There was

award. I was delighted to more than we could eat, see their gratitude and but we still found room was once more proud of for some ice cream in a “my” priests who always nearby shop! go the extra mile and The ever-efficient are not afraid to extend Air Force Protocol officers themselves beyond the assured a swift entrance limits of one service in on base and I was pleased CROZIER FABRICATED OUT OF AN AIRPLANE order to minister to others. to settle into my quarters. PROPELLER BY METAL WORKERS AT AL UDIED AIR BASE. After a festive dinner we Christmas Eve would THE ARCHBISHOP HAS USED THIS CROZIER AT OTHER CONFIRMATIONS TO DEMONSTRATE were back in the vehicle be a very full day. BreakTHE INGENUITY OF OUR TROOPS. to return to the Air Base fast was followed by a very interesting briefing on the mission of and an ecumenical service of Lessons and the Al Udied Air Base and the morale. Gen- Carols “under the tent”. The Chaplains had eral Kee and the Colonels commanding the made a wise decision to bring this service to various groups impressed me with their an area designated for recreation. It meant friendliness, faith, and competency. I must that not everyone in the area would be mention how pleasant it was to spend a good there for the service, but the Lord Jesus was born in the midst of men and women deal of time with them over the holidays. At the end of the afternoon, the 379th engaged in many tasks. Some noticed His EMXS Fabrication Flight Personnel pre- birth and others did not. The service was beautiful and the sented me with a simple crosier in stainless steel and brass. They had fashioned it at participation excellent. My task was to give Father Rowan’s direction when he heard a brief message toward the end of the that my luggage had not accompanied me. celebration. Then with lighted candles It remains for me a tribute to American (many of which were extinguished by the wind) ingenuity and a symbol of how important we sang Silent Night accompanied by guitars as it had been the first time that these pastoral visits faraway are! Father Rowan and I were joined by a favorite Christmas hymn was sung. It was Protestant chaplain for the ride to Camp also touching to watch everyone take down As Sayliyah, an Army installation. We the chairs. Two Rabbis were spotted among celebrated the Christmas Eve Mass there those who contributed. We can really say and the community was very pleased to that the entire chapel staff was engaged in have us. Father Rowan, an Air Force the Lessons and Carols. Midnight Mass was well-attended and Reservist, has been celebrating a weekly Mass for the men and women of the Army, it was a privilege to make Christ present because there is no Catholic priest assigned under the appearance of bread and wine. there. They were very pleased with his A couple of Protestant musicians lent their commitment to service and gave him an (continued on page 15) spring / 2011 /


Bishop on the Move



his was a Christmas season to remember! With Bishop Spencer in Iraq and Archbishop Broglio also “down range” I volunteered to cover some AMS commitments in Europe. I arrived in London 16 December enroute to pastoral visits to RAF Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall, RAF Croughton, RAF Alconbury and RAF Menwith Hill. That was the plan, but Mother Nature intervened and wreaked havoc with the plan. I barely made it out of London ahead of the worst winter storm to hit the United Kingdom since 1980. Both Heathrow and Gatwick airports were closed for days and thousands of travelers were stranded at the airports and on the highways surrounding London. The little rental car did fine heading out to East Anglia and I celebrated the weekend Masses at RAF Lakenheath with Father Matt Glaros (diocese of Cleveland) and Confirmation at RAF Mildenhall with Father Phil Kaim (diocese of Rockford). However, there was no way to get to Menwith Hill or Croughton. Instead I popped over to visit Father Marty Fitzgerald (diocese of Raleigh) at RAF Alconbury before heading south to catch the ferry across to Calais and on to Stuttgart where I had made arrangements to celebrate Christmas Eve Masses with Father Brian Stanley (diocese of Kalamazoo) and the communities at both Patch and Robinson Barracks.

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he drive to Lutz, Florida to attend our area bishops’ retreat took two days with an overnight in Savannah. Arriving in Lutz I was greeted with the wonderful news of the appointment of Father Neal Buckon (recently retired Army chaplain) as the latest auxiliary bishop to the AMS. What a way to begin a retreat! Sadly, the joy of this event was tempered by the death of Marilyn Stockelman, the late bishop Jack Kaising’s beloved sister. Her funeral was held in Valrico and Archbishop Broglio and I were ith the help of a wonderful Army able to participate in her memorial service. chaplain assistant I dug the car out spent the weekend of 8/9 January December 26th, and headed to Ramstein visiting with Fathers Rinaldo Damien (dioAir Base where I had a brief visit with General Mark Welsh, the recently arrived com- cese of Worcester) and Francis Roof (diocese mander of United States Air Forces in of Owensboro) at the Miami VA. Father Europe and an old friend from my days in Roof (former Air Force chaplain) is a recent PACAF. Then I hightailed it northwest to and welcome addition to the staff at Miami. Calais to catch the ferry back to the U.K. I Crossing “Alligator Alley” to Naples I visited returned to Washington on the 29th, in with Dennis Lynch, a faithful AMS benetime to re-pack and head south to Florida to factor and Father Vince Dwyer, a retired begin a 35-day, 5300 mile swing through the Cistercian and dear friend. Then, it was Southeastern United States! This annual back across the state to spend a few days trek includes visits to VA Medical Centers attending the Navy Priests’ retreat in North (continued on page 12) and a variety of military installations.

other Nature intervened once again, this time with a vengeance and I was forced to abandon the car in a snowstorm in suburban Stuttgart. Father Stanley came to the rescue and we made it on time to Patch and Robinson barracks. Christmas Day was a different story! Instead of celebrating noon Mass on Christmas day in Heidelberg I was trapped in the brand new Army hotel on Panzer Kaserne (Stuttgart)!



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Bishop on the Move

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Palm Beach. It is always refreshing to Charleston AFB and the Naval Weapons hear of the great ministry being accom- Center in Charleston, SC. plished by these dedicated servants of the Lord, often under harsh and challenging ade it back to DC just in time to conditions. attend the quarterly board meeting of the Catholic War Veterans whose ollowing a quick return to DC to many and varied activities in support of concelebrate the Mass for Life at the our veterans and their families are National Shrine of the Immaculate well documented on their website Conception I joined a number of col- www.cwv.org. leagues for a Leadership Institute in Orlando. Then it was back on the “circuit” he Episcopal ordination of Father and north to NAS Pensacola for ConfirNeal Buckon on the 22nd of Februmation, Keesler AFB for a pastoral visit ary in the National Shrine of the with Father Mitch Zygadlo (diocese of Immaculate Conception here in DC was Rochester), Biloxi, MS and the Seabees in a most appropriate conclusion to this Gulfport (Confirmation). NAS Pensacola “On the Move” segment. Bishop and the Navy installation at Gulfport are Buckon and I are old friends and it was a served by contract priests due to the short- distinct honor to participate in his age of uniformed chaplains. ordination and join with hundreds of his friends and colleagues to pray for him uddenly it was time to head back as he assumed the role and ministry of a towards DC. I celebrated Confirmation successor to the apostles. Bishop Buckon at Moody AFB where Father Steve Voyt will reside in San Clemente, CA and (diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee) serves as assume responsibility for the Western the wing chaplain. Then it was on to Vicariate. Warner-Robins AFB and some time with As you read this I am preparing to Father Tom Fey (diocese of Alexandria), celebrate Holy Week with the troops at a retired AF chaplain who serves as a Fort Benning, followed by pastoral visits contract priest and pastor to the commu- and Confirmation at Fort Gordon, Warner nity. The last stop before reaching Wash- Robins AFB, Fort Stewart and Charleston ington was a pastoral visit with Father AFB. I wish you and yours every blessing Don Bosco Ikemah, a Dominican priest as we celebrate the Resurrection of the who serves the Catholic communities at Lord. ✞





for more bishop on the move visit us at:

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Bishop on the Move



n the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, 22 February 2011, I was ordained a bishop and assigned to serve as the Vicar for the Archdiocese’s Western Region. There are eighteen states and ninety five installations in the region. Just weeks after the ordination I began to follow an itinerary that placed me in the midst of the Catholic Faithful located on our military bases. The pastoral visits, the Confirmation Masses, and the fraternal encounters with our Catholic chaplains were opportunities to observe Catholic Communities that are founded in faith, nurtured in love, and looking to the future with hope.


uring a recent visit to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Father (CPT) Gary Fukes arranged for me to celebrate the 0800 Mass at the Frontier Chapel. Father Fukes ministers to the Army’s Basic Training Soldiers assigned to Fort Sill’s Training Brigade. Approximately 250 Soldiers attended the Mass. Immediately after the Mass, Mr. Bob Quinnett conducts Spiritual Fitness

Training for more than 100 Soldiers at the Gunners’ Inn. Mr. Quinnett said that Father Joseph Hannon, CH (LTC) USA, started this program about ten years ago. It is great to see the initiatives of our Chaplains endure for the benefit that our Service Members. It is our faith in God that will keep our spirit strong as Individuals, as Families, and as a Nation. ✞ spring / 2011 /


Auxiliary Bishop for US Military Archdiocese



ishop Neal J. Buckon, who has served as an Army chaplain around the world since 1998, was ordained February 22 as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. Bishop Buckon, 57, retired from active duty as a lieutenant colonel December 31 and had moved to St. John Bosco Parish in Parma Heights, a suburb of Cleveland, shortly before he was appointed an auxiliary bishop January 3.


is ordination Mass was celebrated at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC on 22 February 2011. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, head of the military archdiocese, was the principal celebrant and main ordaining bishop. Bishop Buckon's primary responsibility will be overseeing ministry efforts on military bases in the western United States. His assignments as military chaplain included posts in South Korea; Fort Sill, Okla.; Germany; Iraq; Fort Stewart, Ga.; and Saudi Arabia. Before he was ordained

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to the priesthood for the Cleveland Diocese in 1995, he served in the Army from 1975 to 1982. At a vespers service the evening of February 21, Archbishop Broglio prayed for “an abundance of divine blessings” upon the soon to be ordained bishop and his ministry. “St. Paul reminds us what apostolic ministry is all about: preaching the truth, allowing the light to shine forth in darkness,” the Archbishop said. “That has always been a challenge and continues to be so today.” Noting that the next day the Book of the Gospels would be held open over the

Blessed to be Serving those who Serve

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talents to the Catholic Choir so that the celebration was even more beautiful. The congregation included Australian, British, French, and some of our military from Puerto Rico as well as the regular US contingent. The celebration was splendid and so many thanked me for being there with them. We even managed a picture with representatives from the Air Force, Navy, and Army! Too bad that no one from the Coast Guard and Marine Corps was available. Is it necessary to add that I was tired when I returned to my lodging? The next morning after a private celebration of the second Mass of Christmas, it was time for the 11 a.m. Mass “during the day” at which two were baptized and some others were confirmed. Again our men and women in uniform thanked me for coming and the pictures snapped were many! Lieutenant General Hostage and I went to the DFAC (dining hall) and met BG Kee. We donned aprons and hats and began to serve a festive Christmas dinner. It was so

good to greet these valiant men and women and offer them some well-prepared food. I have a new respect for people who stand behind steam tables! Finally, we sat down and enjoyed an excellent Christmas meal. The final stop on the Christmas pastoral visits was a return to Bahrain. Father Chin Van Dang organized an excellent program of meetings with the commanding officers and opportunities to spend time with the Catholic Community. Once again I celebrated Mass in the local parish and was pleased to offer a message of support to that multinational faith community. I did not expect the tensions to surface in that society just a few months after my visit. It was good to be back in Bahrain, but it was also good to board a plane for Washington on December 30th! Once again I was very grateful for the opportunity to visit our men and women in uniform. They all thanked me for the visit and assured me that it was where I belonged over the holidays. ✞

new bishop’s head as part of the ordination rite, Archbishop Broglio told him that those writings inspired by God and transmitted by the church over the centuries must fill him “from head to toe.” The role of serving “the faithful of a global archdiocese” is not an easy one, the Archbishop said, especially given “the constant travel” and the challenge “of serving and yet respecting the limitations of a strained budget.” “Even in our contemporary society where communication is seemingly so simple, he will bring the personal presence of the Shepherd to our

men and women in uniform and their families, principally in the Western vicariate,” Archbishop Broglio said. “The more efficient we become, the more we are numbers in a great machine, the more precious is the physical presence of the pastor who calls each one by name and shows them the path to life without end,” he added. ✞ Reprinted with permission from Catholic News Service www.catholicnews.com

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Chair of Peter

Homily of the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio during the Ordination of the Most Reverend Neal J. Buckon as a Bishop



or almost eight years I concelebrated Mass every day with a group of priests in the magnificent basilica built over the tomb of the Apostle Peter. Around its marble walls in the apse are written in enormous letters the mandate by Christ to Peter. “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the nether world shall not prevail against it.” Those inspiring words cannot be missed by any visitor to the basilica and they are the basis for what we do this afternoon in another basilica in another capital as Bishop-elect Buckon accepts the mandate of the Successor of Peter to continue the apostolic work in the one Church of Christ.

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basilica built on the Vatihe word of God Now you will apply can Hill where Peter is calls us to consider those lessons and buried. It really is Peter, the figure of Peter, the rich experience through the voice of his the fundamental mission of these past years successor who convokes us of a Shepherd, and the in a new field of this afternoon. We see in ministry. Your deep ministry of peace to which love of Army values those keys given only to Peter’s Successor has will be expanded by Peter among the Apostles, called you. the rich traditions a fullness of faculties The origin of Peter’s of the Navy, even exercised on earth and in profession of faith is the though you will heaven. Peter’s successor Father from Whom comes have to insist on Benedict XVI holds those every good thing, espethe unique care keys. only a priest can cially supernatural life, offer to Catholic whose beginning and basis faithful. herefore, in a very is faith in Jesus. We canpersonal way I give not miss the reciprocal thanks to the Holy recognition in today’s Father for his willingness to extend my Gospel based on the initiative of the mission in service to this vast Archdiocese Father. Simon recognizes in Jesus the Son of God and Jesus recognizes in Simon the by granting one more helper in the Apostolic College to tend the numerous flock foundation rock of His Church. 1 entrusted to my oversight. The challenges n his first Letter, Peter reveals his of teaching, governing, and sanctifying in docility to the inspiration of the so many places around the globe is dauntFather and his recognition of Him. ing, but it is one that Bishops Higgins, This openness allows Christ Himself to Estabrook, Spencer, and I accept with work with Peter and through his ministry open arms. We eagerly welcome a new to achieve the salvation of all. Peter is and finally a younger co-worker in the the witness of the action of the Holy vineyard to share the toil. Spirit from his first sermon at Pentecost ear Bishop-elect, your fundamental to his legendary crucifixion upside down, mission is indeed pastoral. “This because he felt unworthy to die in the is the labor for the harvest in the same way as the Lord. His profession of field of God, in the field of human history: faith at Caesarea Philippi is complete. to bring to men and women the light of It defines who Jesus is, but also makes manifest Peter’s identity as a believer and truth, to set them free from the lack of truth, which is the true sorrow, the true in this he represents all of us. impoverishment of man. It means bringt. Augustine teaches that Jesus ing them the glad tidings that are not built His Church over the confes- only words but an event: God Himself sion of faith by Peter. In a very real has come among us. He takes us by the way that construction is still so evident hand, He uplifts us toward Himself and today when we recognize the ministry of thus the broken heart is healed. 2 (continued on page 18) the Holy Father in that symbol of the






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Chair of Peter Homily of the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio t means witnessing to the abundance if he is indeed a witness.4 That concept of the gift of the Holy Spirit in you. It of the Servant of God Paul VI was clearly means interpreting the word of God the lesson of the soon-to-be-beatified for those who seek guidance. So many Pope John Paul II whose episcopal lineage in our world are lost. So many hunger will now be yours. for the good news of salvawould be remiss if I did tion. So many thirst for not recall that you and I the fullness of divine life learned the dimensions in the sacraments. Satiatof parochial ministry in the ing those hungers and same place, St. Margaret thirsts will mean being Mary Parish in South devoted, which is part of Euclid, Ohio. Three years the essence of being ago when I was installed Christian. It will mean THE LAYING OF HANDS ON BISHOP BUCKON in this very same place, I drawing strength from the BY ARCHBISHOP BROGLIO recalled that my time at that fullness of the sacrament of Orders you receive today and the parish had enriched my priesthood and Eucharist which is the source and center I gave thanks to them for breaking me in. While almost twenty years passed between of our lives as Catholics. your arrival in that parish and mine, ou will need that strength to I believe that the same salt-of-the-earth exhort, because much in the world parishioners must have welcomed and is opposed to the freeing truth of taught you. I reiterate, therefore, that the Gospel. Many would deny even our heartfelt thanks for what they also gave fundamental freedom of religion. Others you. I know that you have applied those are indifferent. Yet you are the Shepherd lessons throughout your years of pastoral of all. “The Pastor must not be a marsh ministry in the Army. reed that bends in the wind, a servant of the spirit of the times. Being undaunted ow you will apply those lessons hence brave enough to go against current and the rich experience of these trends is an essential part of the Pastor’s past years in a new field of task. He must not be a reed but on the ministry. Your deep love of Army values will contrary — in accordance with the be expanded by the rich traditions of the image of the first Psalm – he must be like Navy, even though you will have to insist a tree with deep roots, sound and firmly- on the unique care only a priest can offer to established. This has nothing to do with Catholic faithful. Imitate the exemplary rigidity or inflexibility. Only where there fidelity of our Marine Corps and the soaris stability is there also growth.” 3 ing creativity of the Air Force. You will discover the unsung witness and vigilant ou must be a model of the Gospel, service rendered by the Coast Guard, so because men and women listen often the first service to answer the call in with difficulty to a teacher, but moments of crisis. You will experience the they will accept the message of a teacher spirited commitment of truly great men and






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women and you will tend to those Veter- but rather renew your commitment to ans whose name is also your own. Your tireless service to your brothers and new “chaplaincy” will be as purple as the sisters. robes you now wear! he purpose of the ministry of Bishops we are told by the Holy raecipuum fautorem pacis, an outFather, whose authority we celestanding promoter of peace, the Holy Father has called you and he brate today, is to assure that the chain of has charged you to guide all peoples ad communion is never broken. “This is the pacem caelestem (the peace of the heavenly essence of the Apostolic Succession: to Kingdom). Our ministry often draws us preserve communion with those who into the zones of conflict and we are have encountered the Lord in a visible called to bandage the terrible wounds of and tangible way and thus to keep war. We see the immense toll that the Heaven open, the presence of God in our longest wars of our national history have midst. It is only through communion taken. We serve in the name of the Prince with the Successors of the Apostles that of Peace. It is indeed a paradox that urges we are also in touch with God incarnate. some to suggest a radical separation of But the opposite is also true: only thanks to communion with God, only thanks to chaplains from the Armed Forces. communion with Jesus Christ does this ould the Good Shepherd chain of witnesses remain unbroken.” 5 abandon His sheep? Would the Good Samaritan, identihe immense letters in the Basilica fied by some Fathers as Jesus Himself, of St. Peter silently echo the leave the lacerated and suffering on the voice of Christ Who entrusts a side of the road in some vain attempt to mission to Peter. Our presence this make a point? Can we so easily forget the afternoon is linked with that mission. Master’s voice who praised the faith of It continues that mission. It draws the Centurion and whose response we strength from that mission. May Peter, repeat each day at Mass? No, I submit the Prince of the Apostles fortify your that the Shepherd’s place is with His profession of faith and be the model for sheep so that his voice in favor of respect your episcopal service. ✞ for life, reconciliation, and heavenly 1 Cf. Vanhoye, Il Pane quotidiano della peace can be heard. If we are not there, Parola, p. 872 whose voice will be heard?




our voice for peace, dear Neal, must be heard. If you were not there, empty silence would reign. Thank you for accepting to continue the struggle and to hold out the healing hand of the Lord to those so much in need. You do not begin an easy ministry today,




Benedict XVI, Homily at the ordination of Bishops, 5.II.11.




Cf. Paul VI.


Benedict XVI, op. cit.

spring / 2011 /


The AMS Was There When He Needed Us

Sinai, Egypt, Multi-National Forces and Observers, South Camp, the Red Sea. By BISHOP F. RICHARD SPENCER, AUXILIARY BISHOP




was present on the day that this SOULdier received Christ through Baptism and of Confirmation, 19 January 2011. Father Jack Herron (Army Chaplain, LTC) witnessed to him the joys of being a follower of Christ and the challenge to live as a witness to the world as a Catholic. Literally, the SOULdier, Major Ken Baylock, took the plunge into the sanctity of the Sacrament of Baptism by being immersed in the waters of the Red Sea for his Baptism and later that afternoon, was confirmed with five other SOULdiers through the laying on of hands and anointing with the Sacred Chrism by the Most Reverend Richard Spencer, Auxiliary Bishop, Episcopal Vicar for Europe and Asia of the Archdiocese for the Military Services. Since returning to Belgium (my home of record) from Iraq as an Army Reserve Chaplain on 07 January 2011, on 10 January 2011. I began the bishop’s travels celebrating Confirmation Masses in Europe and Asia. The 36 Confirmation Masses were celebrated in Egypt, Korea, Japan, Guam, Okinawa, and all throughout Germany and Italy. This winter and spring leg of the journey as one of your Bishops has been and is a true joy to experience the universality of our Catholic Faith and the global extension of our Archdiocese for the Military Services. On 30 March 2011, I returned to Iraq as a reserve chaplain to be on the battlefield as a shepherd for our military priests and to the men and women who wear our nation’s military uniform. I am ever mindful that I do not provide this ministry alone. We ALL participate in the unfolding of THE Kingdom, together. Just as the AMS was there for this SOULdier when he needed us for his Confirmation at the Red Sea, we need ALL of you, our benefactors and prayer warriors, to support us in our presence to our military personnel and to their families. I am humbled to be in partnership with all of you and thankful for your sacrifices and contributions to enable our ministry to continue. Easter Blessings upon each of you and may the waters of your own Baptism continue to strengthen and nourish your journey in faith. ✞

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Greetings to all of our Salute supporters!


hese last few months have been very busy with retreats, travel and seminarian visitations. I feel like I have covered the globe in search of vocations. The good news is that they are out there and the young men are still responding.


anuary 27-30 was our third annual “Step Closer” Retreat. We invited eleven young men from colleges, academies and various branches of the service that were seriously considering entering the seminary. All of these eleven men have begun the process of discerning and interviewing for their dioceses. The retreat master was Monsignor James Dixon, former Vicar General for the Archdiocese for the Military Services. He gave these young men much to think and pray about in their journey towards the priesthood. Monsignor Dixon was impressed by their quality, their commitment to the church and their desire for the priesthood. The Bethany Retreat Center in Lutz, Florida was once again our host center and their presence is always very welcoming to us. Bishop Lynch of the St. Petersburg/ Tampa Diocese has made the Archdiocese for the Military Services priority one and has also co-sponsored Ryan Boyle from his diocese and we are grateful to everyone down there. Our latest “Discernment Retreat” weekend was held at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, CA on March 10-13. It too, was a great success with over 20 young men attending. The whole weekend was a spectacular event. We are grateful to the Rector, Reverend James McKearney and his staff for allowing us to conduct our

retreat in their seminary. The entire staff, seminarians, Religious Sisters and faculty could not have been more gracious to our young men. The weekend culminated in a dinner hosted by the St. Raymond’s Men’s group in honor of the young men right after a parish Vigil Mass. The St. Raymond’s parish community’s outpouring of love was overwhelming to our retreatants. After Mass there was a dinner attended by over 400 parishioners. It was sponsored by the St. Raymonds’ Parish community, St. Raymond’s Mens’ group, and the Serrans. This year the Archbishop sent special awards to the various groups and to the Pastor, Reverend William Myers, and Roger Hagman, for their wonderful commitment to the Archdiocese. A BIG thank you also must go out to John and DiDi Fisher, Libby Hagman, Reverend “Bud” Stevens (Vice Rector), Jason Simas (Seminarian P.O.C.), John Worthen, and Candy Hernandez. The spirit of the evening is overwhelming for our young discerners. It is something that truly energizes their weekend of discernment. The only sad note was my joining in a game of ultimate Frisbee with these young bucks. I did stay with them for the first 30 seconds of the hour long game. I faded out of the game without notice and I limped around for a couple of days. I thought wisdom came with age? ✞ spring / 2011 /



‘A New Era Dawns’


y name is Father James Joslyn, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago now working on the staff of the AMS as of early January. Ordained in 1973, I spent the first two years serving in an inner city parish in Chicago and then 13 years teaching history at Quigley Preparatory Seminary North, the High School seminary. I went on to active duty in the Navy 22 years ago and retired on June 1, 2010. What a wonderful 22 years it was serving God’s people in places like Cuba, Japan, Sicily, Bahrain, and Rota, Spain! I also spent three years recruiting chaplains, two years as a Chaplain Corps detailer (personnel manager), and two years supervising the religious programs on 22 Naval bases in Navy Region Southeast. That brings me to my current position at the AMS. As fewer priests joined the uniformed services in the past few years, more and more installation chapels in the United States are being served by civilian priests on a contract with the Army and Navy or with a civil service position with the Air Force. The contracted civilian priests become part of the AMS for the time they serve on the installations and are subject to the same guidelines as the priests who serve in uniform. They must receive an endorsement from the AMS and faculties to celebrate the sacraments on military installations. A large number of the contracts are filled with retired or former military chaplains. They know the AMS and the military environment. But some of the civilian priests are serving in a military environment for the first time and, like new chaplains, need guidance and direction. The local senior installation chaplain will instruct

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them in ways military. One of my tasks is to provide an orientation to the AMS for new civilian priests in order to introduce them to our unique Archdiocese. Another area I will be working on is recruiting. Dealing with the Federal government’s contracting and civil service hiring systems is new to most of our priests. They first must hear that there is a need for civilian priests on our installations. Then they must get their bishop or religious superior’s permission to be ‘loaned’ to the AMS and endorsed so that they can apply for a civil service position or bid on a contract. In order to bid on a contract they must first become a recognized government contractor. These are some of the steps I will be helping to walk them through. If you are a priest who might be interested in serving on a military installation for a year or more and you have your local ordinary or superior’s permission, please contact me at 202 719 3617 or jjoslyn@milarch.org. If you know of a priest you think would do well in our military environment, please pass this information on to him. Our military members and their families deserve our best, both deployed and at home. ✞

Chaplain to Warriors


n Iraq from the Fall of 2005 until the Summer of 2006, I presided over ten memorial services and assisted at another 30 honoring 45 “Warriors”- brave Marines, Sailors and Soldiers who were killed in action. Such services are a MILITARY REMEMBERANCE mixture of a wake, a funeral without a coffin, and military remembrance. Hymns are sung, prayers are offered, and eulogies given. The dead are honored with a photograph being posted, the marker of a rifle, helmet, tags, and boots are central…and taps is played.”


— (LCDR Michael R. Duesterhaus, CHC, USNR) Father Duesterhaus is a Navy chaplain who accompanied US Marines on two combat tours in Iraq including the period of heavy fighting in the “triangle of death” cities of Ramadi and Fallujah. He currently serves as a chaplain in the Reserve Forces at the Quantico Marine Corps Base. As a priest of the Diocese of Arlington, he is the Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Woodbridge, VA. His father was an Army officer and he is one of eight children. Interview conducted by William “Bill” Kirst (BK) with Father Duesterhaus (FATHER):

BK: Given Post Traumatic Stress (Disorder) is so topical today, could you give us your personal observations and views from your two combat tours

FATHER: Combat stress can arise because troops have not seen such violence in society. In combat you are grateful to be alive – to have a hot meal, get a shower, and call home. When you come back, there is a need to make time to adjust. The situation is a disorder if, after sufficient time, you do not adjust and over-react to things. There is help, plenty of help, for all involved. However, in my opinion, most troops don’t need professional therapy – what they need when they come home is a trusted ear and time. A “trusted ear” would be for example an older veteran (WW II, Korea or Vietnam) who tells today’s generation of warriors…”Be proud of your service – I have felt the same burden as you.” The real world of PTS(D) is a loss of a “brother warrior” in combat. (continued on page 24) spring / 2011 /


BK: How did you see your role in serving homes, and are poorly catechized. At best with the Marines – particularly the very in Iraq only a small percentage actually go young Warriors? to Mass regularly. Sadly, because of the failure of the Church and parents to teach, FATHER: Roughly one out of every three correct, and set a good example, we are Marines did not grow up with a father at now picking up the pieces. home. Also, another one out of three never grew up participating in any church. The BK: How do you see your role as overlap is about one-quarter. So one out of “Chaplain for Warriors” in view of the every four Marines don’t know a father on general public’s lack of understanding earth or a Father in heaven, and the of the military profession? Marine Corps introduces them to both. The chaplain has access to people who FATHER: Of the 300 million Americans, would have never heard the Gospel and the majority has no idea what the military there is no forced sell – just the opportunity goes through – they have a feeling, but it is to bring the hope of the Faith to those who often misdirected. The typical civilian do not know it. response to “my son is being deployed to The bonds these Marines forge are Afghanistan” is “Oh, I am so sorry.” Why very strong, and, as their new ‘family’, they so little understanding of what the uniform grieve greatly when they lose someone. services do? Consider that now only 8% of When you lose a Marine, you did not lose the population are veterans, and only 22% an employee, a staffer, or an acquaintance; of Congress have ever served (down from rather, you lost your brother, maybe a 57% in 1995). The 2.5 million in uniform are less than 1% of the US population younger brother, but still a brother. and many of those serving come from BK: About a quarter the military identi- generations of families who have served. fies as “Catholic” and it is a higher The “profession of arms” is a profession percentage for the Marines. From your - an unique group with unique needs. And experience, how prevalent is the practice the military is the only profession that gets of the Faith – is there a crisis of Faith? its own diocese - The Archdiocese for the Military Services. The role of a “Chaplain FATHER: Over half of the Marines to Warriors” is to bring the Gospel and the I served with who wear “Catholic” on their Faith to those who do not know it. Much as dog tags do so mostly for cultural or family it was done back in the first century by reasons. They will never worship with us, Paul, Titus and Timothy. ✞ will not marry in the Church, nor have their children inherit the Faith. They do not join other churches – they just sleep in or go shopping. For the other identified Catholics, many were never confirmed, rarely come to Mass, come from broken

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Without Priests, Catholic Military Personnel Seeking Out Protestant Pastors Reprinted with Permissions from Catholic News Agency CNA



ilitary Archbishop Timothy Broglio told bishops at their annual gathering in Baltimore that the U.S. military is facing an alarming shortage of priests that is increasingly leading Catholic servicemen to seek help from Protestant pastors.


alling it a “pastoral problem” that “affects all of us,” Archbishop Broglio appealed to bishops across the U.S. during the annual meeting in Baltimore to consider sending more priests to help serve in the military. “As you know, the Archdiocese for the Military Services assures the pastoral care for people from your respective particular churches,” he told the bishops. When these people “hang up their uniforms and return home,” he added, “I would like to be able to return them to you as Catholics.” Approximately one fourth of active duty personnel – 400,000 people – and their immediate families are Catholic, he said. At present, these Catholics “are served by only 275 priests in a territory that covers the globe,” the archbishop noted. “Those numbers will shrink in the coming years.” Because many in the armed services often face grave situations, he said, questions about the meaning of life and the existence of God often surface. “They are at great risk because there are not nearly enough priests to meet their

needs,” he said. Speaking of the growing trend for Catholics to seek help from Protestant ministers, Archbishop Broglio said “our separated brothers and sisters are more than eager to fill the gap created by the absence of a priest.” “If we are not there,” he said, “someone else will be.” Archbishop Broglio also lamented the increasing amount of suicides that occur in the military. He said that one suicide occurred per day this last June in the U.S. armed forces and asserted that the presence of a priest is essential in helping prevent future “tragedies.” “We cannot abandon” service men and women “at the moment of their greatest need,” he added. Archbishop Broglio concluded his remarks by urging the bishops in attendance at the annual meeting to “to consider sending one more priest to the military.” He also appealed for the bishops to designate a day of prayer for peace, an end to suicides, and to express gratitude to U.S. military personnel. ✞ spring / 2011 /


By JOE BOLLIG, LEAVEN STAFF Reprinted with permission from The Leaven.com

The few, the Faithful, the Chaplains! KANSAS CITY, KS


here are some things they do not teach you in seminary — like how to hang on to a thundering Blackhawk helicopter, or keep your footing on the deck of a pitching aircraft carrier. A small group of Archdiocesan pastors know all about it, because they are now, or have been, military chaplains. According to an informal count, there are approximately 13 priests [Kansas], active or retired, who have either served in the military before ordination or became chaplains after ordination.


ather Peter Jaramillo, SSA, has served as both a battalion and a brigade chaplain with the Kansas Army National Guard for 16 years. Currently, he holds the rank of lieutenant colonel and is now the brigade chaplain and deputy state chaplain for the Kansas Army National Guard. Father Peter was a priest for 10 years before joining the guard. In 2005 and 2006, he was deployed to Iraq, where he hop scotched through Baghdad and to various Forward Operating Bases to provide spiritual support to Catholic and non-Catholic soldiers. “It reaffirmed my vocation as a priest by giving me tremendous opportunities to practice my Catholic priesthood in an environment that was pluralistic and multicultural,” said Father Peter. It was very challenging to minister

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to soldiers in a war zone, not all of whom were Catholic, he said. Chaplains, in fact, serve not only soldiers of all faiths, but those with none at all. “You are also challenged as a Catholic priest to reach out to nonreligious and non-Christians, and particularly those of Islamic backgrounds and Jewish backgrounds,” he said. “You have to be able to understand that the same God calls us to demonstrate spiritual support, and a sense of moral concern and support, as well as compassion.”


ather Ron Livojevich, now retired, became a military chaplain four years after he was ordained. He spent time in the Coast Guard, the Marine Corps, and the Navy. While in the Navy, he served at overseas bases and aboard the


things we do as chaplains.” Father Anthony Williams, now pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Olpe and St. Mary Parish in Hartford, was in the U.S. Air Force when he heard the call first to become a Catholic, and then to become a Catholic priest. “Of all my military experiences, the two assignments that have had the greatest impact on my priestly vocation are my temporary duty assignment to Korat Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand, and my permanent assignment to Clark Air Base, Philippines, during 1974,” said Father Williams. At Clark, Father Williams had an enthusiastic, committed Catholic as a roommate, and Father Anthony began to share his enthusiasm. And while at Korat, he began to study the Catholic faith and accompanied a nun on her visits to take the Eucharist to lepers. It was at Korat he was baptized a Catholic at the base chapel. After seminary and ordination, he reentered the Air Force. In his role as an Air Force chaplain, Father Williams travelled all over the world. Some duty involved living in uncomfortable or unconventional places. “As a Catholic chaplain, the most imporeing there as a sign of God’s care tant moments were celebrating the Mass, and love for people,” he said. “I hearing confessions, providing pastoral think this is one of the biggest counseling, visiting the hospitalized, and —

aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy. “What I saw was the validity of all faiths,” he said. “We [chaplains] ministered in a pluralistic environment. And by seeing different faiths, you certainly appreciate who you are, but also appreciate the diversity of Christianity and the contributions of other faiths, such as Judaism and Islam.” Interacting with persons of other faiths made him appreciate his own Catholic faith even more, and how a priest can minister to Catholics and non-Catholics. “I learned that you can be a priest not only liturgically and speak to those of your own faith, but also to people of different faiths or no faith,” Father Livojevich said. “They still need pastoral care, no matter where they come from.” He also learned that the chaplain does an invaluable service. “We are a combat multiplier,” said Father Livojevich. “If we keep the troops aware of their faith, and encourage them to practice their faith and live a moral life, they will be better soldiers and sailors.” The most important work a chaplain can do is to simply be present to those he serves.


(continued on page 28) spring / 2011 /


The few, the Faithful, the Chaplains unfortunately — accompanying a commander on a death notification call,” said Father Williams. “Although many of these moments involved administering the sacraments,” he continued, “providing counseling and a ministry of presence to other service personnel became a very important part of base ministry — responding with care and concern for the general well-being of all members of the military.”

(continued fromt page 27)

Ludwikoski and other chaplains shared the burdens of their military flock. “I learned the degree that I could push myself, during long hours of battle-related situations, whether in the senior staff war room, in the field with the troops, doing one-minute counseling with soldiers or contractors, or celebrating Sunday Mass,” said Father Ludwikoski. “I was reinforced in the reality that our faith is international — serving Korean, British, Canadian, Australian, ather James Ludwikoski, pastor of French and other troops at various locaGood Shepherd in Shawnee, served tions. I learned repeatedly that where I was, as a U.S. Air Force Reserve chaplain as a priest, there the church was.” in 1980, and then as an active duty chaplain from 1981 to 2009. He served all over ne of the greatest concerns milithe world, including the Middle East. tary chaplains have is that there “I learned the great need and appreciation are too few priests in the military. by our soldiers and their families for According to Father Livojevich, there are the sacraments,” said Father Ludwikoski. half as many Navy chaplains now as when “I learned their thankfulness to the vari- he was in the service. “There are too few ous bishops who so generously released Catholic priests in the military, particularly their priests to serve in the military. I the Army,” said Father Peter. “We are in learned how extremely important it is to such great need. I believe the statistics have a Catholic presence and Eucharist/ show that the Army has the largest number penance for soldiers of all services in of Catholic military personnel and the smallest number of chaplains. Too few are deployed areas.” responding to the great need. My pitch is: he faith of military service people is “If there is a priest in good health and good tested in various ways, and cheer willing to serve in the Army, it is a great includes separation from family, experience.” uncertainty, long hours and training schedules, and other unique challenges. ather Ludwikoski urged that all “The cost of freedom is high,” said Father Catholics offer their support in Ludwikoski. “Emotional, physical, psychic prayer. “Please pray daily for all and spiritual turmoil is a constant in the military personnel, especially those in lives of military families and the individual harm’s way,” he said. “As our Holy Father soldier. They endure this turmoil because has requested, and in the belief that prayer of their great patriotism, their love of our is vital, raise up your hands and hearts country, and their desire for true freedom each day for peace in our world, especially for their families and all of us.” Father in the Middle East.” ✞





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ather Paul Anthony Halladay is on a mission, to replenish the depleted ranks of Catholic chaplains in the U.S. Army. His pitch is backed by experience in the line of fire, a brush that earned him a Bronze Star.




he Army needs 500 priests to take care of the service’s members,” Father Halladay said in a recent interview. “We only have 108 now.” A priest of the Archdiocese of Mobile, Father Halladay is on loan to the Archdiocese of the Military Services. In residence at St. William of York in Baltimore, Father Halladay is assigned to the Chaplain Recruiting Branch of the Army at Fort Meade. He travels frequently, meeting with priests and seminarians to encourage them

to consider the chaplaincy, and with bishops in an effort to obtain releases for priests who want to become Army chaplains. He also meets with Catholic soldiers, to encourage them to consider the priesthood. In their last summer before ordination, seminarians who are considering the Army are invited to spend three months in chaplain school as a way of discerning whether this is the path they should choose. Father Halladay, who was ordained in 2000 and became a chaplain in 2004, can attest to the dangers they might face.



eginning in November 2005, he served a year in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division, the “Screaming Eagles,” in the Anbar province city of Ramadi.Time magazine called it “the most dangerous place in Iraq,” as American troops tried to gain control from insurgents and al-Qaeda. Father Halladay was awarded the Bronze Star for aiding wounded Iraqi soldiers under fire after a suicide car bomb exploded 25 yards from where he was celebrating Mass on July 15, 2006. (continued on page 30) spring / 2011 /



In a building fortified with sandbags covering the windows, he was about to deliver his homily when a car was driven into a nearby checkpoint, setting off a homemade bomb. “It blew the sandbags and glass out of the windows and sent a fireball through the room,” Father Halladay said. “Everyone was thrown to the ground. It shattered windows a mile away.” No one at the Mass was injured, but Father Halladay ran into the street to help the wounded. As the citation for his Bronze Star read in part, he “assisted with casualty evacuation by carrying wounded men to safety under fire.” Two months later, on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, Father Halladay overheard radio transmissions about a gravely wounded Navy SEAL, a man who had asked Father Halladay to hear his confession when they first met. He raced to the First Aid station where medics worked desperately on Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor (Salute article Fall 2008, page 14), a member of a combined Navy Seal and Army sniper team. The team was on the roof of a house engaged in a firefight when an unseen insurgent tossed a grenade to the roof. In a split second, Monsoor made the decision that cost him his life, throwing himself on the grenade before it exploded and saving the lives of two colleagues. Father Halladay prayed with the mortally wounded Seal as medics loaded him on to a helicopter for evacuation. In 2007, Father Halladay was invited to the

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White House to witness President George W. Bush’s presentation of the Medal of Honor to Monsoor’s parents.



n a time of priest shortages, Father Halladay, who holds the rank of captain, says the toughest part of the job is convincing bishops to release priests for military service. He recalls that it took him four years to persuade the Archbishop of Mobile to allow him to become a chaplain. At the fall 2010 general assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, of the Archdiocese of the Military pleaded with his fellow bishops to release more priests for military service. The auxiliaries in the Military Archdiocese include Bishop F. Richard Spencer, a priest of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The archdiocese of Baltimore currently has six priest serving as military chaplains. Others who have volunteered for that role include Monsignor Carl F. Cummings, pastor of St. Jane Frances de Chantal in Pasadena, who served in the Navy, and Monsignor Joseph S. Lizor Jr., pastor of St. Luke, Edgemere, an Army chaplain. Father Halladay resides at St. William of York, at the invitation of Father Michael DeAscanis, pastor of both St. William of York and St. Agnes, Catonsville. Father Halladay assists at both parishes when he is in town. ✞ This is adapted from an article that John B. O’Donnell wrote for the St. Agnes bulletin, where he is a parishioner.


For Cross & Flag – 70 years of serving God and His People


very year on Veteran’s Day a memorial Mass is offered in Pilsen, Kansas in honor of the small town’s most renowned citizen, FATHER EMIL KAPAUN, a Servant of God. Father Kapaun was a military hero in the Korean war who was captured by the enemy and died in a POW camp. Last year he was nominated by the Secretary of Defense MONSIGNOR JEROME SOMMER for our nation’s highest award, the Medal of Honor. This year’s Mass in Kansas was particularly memorable because it was concelebrated by MONSIGNOR JEROME SOMMER, who was a classmate of Father Kapaun at the Kenrick Seminary in Saint Louis, MO. Both were ordained on June 9, 1940.


onsignor Sommer at age 95 is the second oldest living Catholic military chaplain in the country and has been a priest for over 70 years! (The retired Archbishop of New Orleans, Philip Hannan, is the oldest chaplain at age 97.) Monsignor Sommer now lives in the Regina Cleri home for retired priests in Saint Louis, MO but remains active in his priestly duties, and visits friends around the country. In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI numbered him among the “Apostolic Protonotaries Supernumerary”, the highest level among the Monsignors. Monsignor Sommer’s vocation started in the sixth grade when he stated his intention was to follow his older brother – then

a seminarian – to the priesthood. After ordination he served as a hospital chaplain and associate pastor – then his life changed. In early 1945, the Archbishop of Saint Louis (Cardinal Glennon) sent him a letter instructing him to apply for a commission as a chaplain in the US Army. Weeks later he was in the Army and his orders read: “for a duration, plus 6 months”. For Monsignor Sommer the “duration” lasted 29 years! Months after commissioning and attending chaplains’ school he found himself on a troop ship in the Philippines and scheduled to be part of the invasion force on the Japanese mainland. The invasion did not happen as the Japanese surrendered. However, he did land on Japanese soil as part of a peaceful Army of Occupation. (continued on page 32) spring / 2011 /


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Archbishop of New York and Military Vicar.) While he has retired from his actual ministry as a priest of the Diocese of Jefferson City, MO for over 25 years, he remains (in his own words) “semi-retired” and still carries out his priestly duties which include celebrating Mass each day, MONSIGNOR SOMMER (IN WHITE) WITH TROOPS IN KOREA CIRA 1956 celebrating funerals and baptisms, and visiting parishes rom 1945 through 1974 Monsignor and nursing homes. spent 15 of his 29 years abroad as an Also, to keep active, Monsignor Army chaplain serving the troops in Sommer drives each year from Saint the Philippines, Japan, Germany, Korea, Turkey, and Vietnam. He always considered Louis to Washington, DC (840 miles!) in his being in the Army as the missionary his Buick to see his close friends, BG Dick place his Bishop asked him to fill. Inter- Compton, USA (ret) in MD, his wife viewed in 1955 by an Armed Forces radio Elizabeth, and others on the East Coast. program in Korea, the interviewer asked The Comptons and Monsignor Sommer how he became a chaplain - then said “so first met in 1948 when they were stationed at Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Denver, you have chosen the Army as your career.” Monsignor Sommer set the record CO and the general (an internist) was in straight by firmly responding: “The Army is residency. Asked about their lifelong not my career no matter how many years I friendship, the Compton’s replied:


spend in it. My career was already well-established before I entered the Army. In Catholic circles we call it our ‘vocation’. My vocation – career if you will – is to be a priest. It remains so whether I am on duty in the military or in civilian life.” Considerable postings overseas allowed Monsignor Sommer to witness a number of historical Church events. While in Rome (1950) he was present when Pope Pius XII declared the dogma of the Assumption. Also in Rome (1951) he attended the episcopal ordination of Fulton J. Sheen. In 1955 he assisted at Midnight Mass in Korea with Cardinal Spellman (then the

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“One of our many blessings has been our 63 year deep friendship with Shin Bu Nim (Korean term for ‘Most Honorable Reverend Father’). Monsignor Jerome Sommer is a faithful man of God whose visits brought us spiritual renewal and of whom there are many happy memories.”

During his visit to Washington, DC in August 2010, Monsignor Sommer visited the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) for the first time. He was presented a chaplain’s stole to thank him on behalf of the Archdiocese for his seven decades of service to God and His people. ✞


THE GOOD FIGHT: VA chaplains share in ups, downs of vets’experiences


— PINEVILLE — Working as a chaplain ministering to veterans comes with a regiment of challenges, but the blessings always win the day.


hat is what has kept the Reverend Doug Wigginton providing spiritual services to servicemen and women in the area for 30 years. "We are here to help people utilize their own faith," said Reverend Wigginton, chief of chaplains at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VA) in Pineville. “We understand that everyone has a sense of spirituality.” One of the peculiarities of being a chaplain at the VA is the commonality linking the patients, Father Steve Brandow said.

“Everyone here has been affected one way or another by their military service,” Brandow said. This experience — especially for those who have faced life-threatening injuries, illnesses or situations — can also make a profound difference in the timing of when patients face questions of meaning and purpose, Reverend Wigginton said. Many times, veterans deal with these issues much more quickly and often more intensely than non-military patients might. (continued on page 34) spring / 2011 /


THE GOOD FIGHT: VA chaplains share in ups, downs of vets’experiences “Answering these questions is a life's worth of work even when you've not been in the military,” Reverend Wigginton said. “But the answers are different (for veterans).” Underneath diagnoses of conditions like post-traumatic stress syndrome and other mental strains, there are often common themes that veterans are wrestling with, Father Brandow said. Often it has to do with a patient trying to reconcile what he or she might have done during a conflict during their service that leaves them questioning what they believe. The chaplains view their role as being a way for veterans to integrate their experiences into their belief systems, Father Brandow said. This process of integration can take years or even the rest of a veteran's life to complete. It takes five full-time chaplains and three residents to make sure veterans get the spiritual services they desire, Reverend Wigginton said. The department holds six weekly Masses, two Protestant services and three inter-faith services during the week, all of which are broadcast through the medical center's closed circuit television system for those who can't make it to the chapel, Reverend Wigginton said. In addition to one-on-one pastoral care for patients and their families, the chaplains also lead group discussions and Bible studies for patients and residents in the community living center, chemical dependency and psychological treatment departments. The chaplains visit those receiving home-based primary care through the VA as well as ministering to those in outpatient and inpatient palliative care, Reverend Wigginton said. They also offer

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bereavement services up to 13 months after the passing of a veteran. These services are offered to all patients but not required, Brandow said. “Our services are never imposed on someone who does not want them,” said Brandow, who has worked as a chaplain for about 14 years. Another mission of the chaplain program at the Alexandria-area VA Medical Center is to further train ministers for chaplain service, said Reverend Wigginton, who oversees the clinical pastoral education program. About 30 of the VA medical facilities offer this one-year, accredited program. One of the crucial goals of all the services provided by the VA chaplains is to help create a sense of spiritual community for those who might feel isolated due to an illness or condition, Father Brandow said. Sometimes this means asking them to face the label that has been given to them through their medical diagnosis. “Their true diagnosis is (being) human,” Father Brandow said. “Their problem is part of who they are but not all of who they are.” Having someone with whom they can share stories and trust with their spiritual questions can have a great impact on veterans' medical care, but the chaplains also experience a change from their interactions with patients, Reverend Wigginton said. “Some of these people have done so much, it's incredible,” he said. “The depth of their bravery is sometimes unbelievable. We feel very fortunate to be in this setting and do what we do,” he said. ✞ Reprinted with permission from The Town Talk, Alexandria, LA — story appeared June 26, 2010




rowing up in Petersburg, NE, I was involved in basketball and the band while also becoming an Eagle Scout. All of this instilled in me a sense of service. After graduating from high school, in May 2007, I enlisted in the Marines. My Marine Corps Recruit training took place at San Diego, CA. From there I went to the School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton, CA. After all of this training my next duty station was with the Marine Corps Air ground Combat Center at Twenty-nine Palms, CA where I was assigned to the 3rd Battalion 7th Marines India Company. My first deployment was to Haditha, Iraq in 2008.


y second deployment with my battalion was to Sagin, Afghanistan in July 2010. It is located in the northern Helmand province. In September we were assigned to a ten-day operation to hold security and logistical support for everyone in the company traveling on foot. My duty was to drive an armored vehicle in the convoy.


remember specifically the morning of September 16th. It was the day that my turret gunner noticed a teenage boy on a motorcycle. He was approaching the convoy from a perpendicular alley. We instructed the boy to stop and I got out of the vehicle so that I could search him. I tried to get him off his bike but, the boy


started to drive away from me. When that boy got ten feet away from me, he stopped and blew himself up.


was knocked to the ground and lay there unconscious for a minute and then woke up disoriented, ears ringing and screaming in pain. My friends rushed to my side and immediately provided first aid. They loaded me up on the back of one of the vehicles and drove me to the nearest FOB (Forward Operating Base). From there I was loaded on to a Medical Evacuation helicopter which brought me to Camp Leatherneck where I was stabilized and moved twice more to Bagram Air Base and then to Germany. (continued on page 49)

spring / 2011 /



From the Chancellor


reetings from Nellis Air Force Base just north of lost wages Nevada! No, I am not here to gamble and to see how much money I can win (or lose). I am here as a member of the Air Force Catholic chaplain recruiting team. They belong to the Air Force Recruiting Services and hold three “Come Be With Us� ministry familiarization tours every year. Today we are meeting with nine Catholic priests from dioceses and religious communities from all over the country and giving them information that will help them discern whether or not they want to become an Air Force chaplain. What a great honor it is for me to be a part of their discernment.


he recruiters are showing the priests little snippets of what it is like to be a priest in the military. So far they have met with junior and senior enlisted, Predator and Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle pilots, and they even had an opportunity to sit at the controls of a Predator simulator. Already I have had some awesome experiences, some I believe inspired by the Holy Spirit. For instance, there is Father Kevin from Pierre, SD. Being here less than twelve hours he met a junior airman from his diocese just by pure chance. It was fun watching them talk and for the young Airman to hear what was going on back home. Not only did this priest bring Christ with him to this meeting, he brought a little bit of home to a young man who has not been home for a while. As I watched this exchange from a distance, it brought to life the reality that military men and women come from all walks of life, all social classes and from all

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over the country. They are from your state, your diocese, and your parish. They are only on loan to the military and the AMS is responsible to meet their spiritual needs for a short time. We want them to return home as Catholics, stronger in their faith than they were when they first began to serve this country. The AMS has many needs to achieve that goal, from financial to spiritual, to live bodies ordained to the priesthood. Not only did this young man gain from the experience of sharing stories with someone from home, Father Kevin understands that people from his own diocese, maybe even his own parish, are still in need of a parish priest. He also has a story to tell his bishop that highlights the great need we have for military Catholic chaplains. We were able to interact with Predator and Reaper pilots. These men and women have a unique job in the Air Force. They fly unmanned vehicles armed with missiles and bombs over the skies of Iraq and


Afghanistan. For eight hours they are at the controls of an aircraft in a combat zone, providing support from the troops on the ground. At the end of a prescribed time at the controls, they walk out to the parking lot, hop in their car, and drive home to have supper with their family. I was struck by the selfless-service and dedication to excellence that is their’s. I heard a story about how they were providing cover for a convoy traveling on the roads for hours. One of the vehicles broke down and stopped the convoy in its tracks, out in the open, fully exposed to the enemy. The Predator pilots provided cover while the convoy did its best to get the vehicle back on the road. Eventually the convoy left the disabled Humvee and crew behind so that they could get to the safety of the base before dark. The predator stayed above still providing cover for the soldiers. Eventually the vehicle was repaired but it was late and the crew was fatigued, because they had been awake for over thirty hours. So the Predator pilots directed the soldiers to a field where they could hide the vehicle and take a quick nap. The Predator flew above, all night, providing safe cover like aguardian angel while the crew rested. The next day a

refreshed team of soldiers arrived safely at their destination. As far as these Air Force pilots were concerned, nothing was going to happen to these soldiers, not on their watch! It is refreshing to know that they have my son’s and his wife’s

back right now. Then I heard the story of a senior airman, a security policeman, who was on a combat mission with soldiers when they were ambushed by the Taliban. There was a lengthy fire fight when all of a sudden a grenade landed among the squad. A senior NCO picked up the live grenade and threw it back at the Taliban before it exploded and he earned the Silver Star for his efforts. Another senior airman, an EOD specialist, was clearing out an IED when they came under attack. He found himself without his M-4 in the middle of a fire fight and he praised the soldiers in his team who saved his life that day. All of this and it is only the first day! Four more to go. Incredible stories of awesome men and women who are willing to put their lives at risk so that we can enjoy the freedoms that this country has to offer. The least we can do is pray for their safety and provide priests for their spiritual needs. Please pray for an increase in priests to serve these men and women who serve us.✞ PAX Deacon Mike spring / 2011 /





here were you on Sept 11, 2001?”

I asked. It is a common question that breaks the ice when a Chaplain is visiting with our young military men and women. “I was in grade school” he said. “Which grade?” I pressed. “Third grade” was the reply!


o what does it mean to be 18 years old and literally on the other side of the world preparing to go into harm’s way? It means that for over half of your life your/our nation has been engaged in the War on Terrorism and now you are about to step into it. So at an undisclosed location in a relatively safe and scenic

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part of the world, 12 times zones or more from home, you and 1,000 of your battle buddies unload all your gear and repack for Afghanistan.


fter a meal and a good night’s sleep it’s time to explore your temporary home and that is when


you see it. The steeple on the Wings of Hope Chapel stands in stark contrast to the steel dorms and the hesco barriers with razor wire on top. The note on the door lists times for the various Services. Catholic Mass is daily at 1900 hrs. You remember arguing with your parents and complaining about going to Sunday Mass. Now all of the sudden it seems like a pretty good idea. You know your family and friends are praying for you.


rriving at Mass fashionably late you see Marines, Air Force and Navy people as well as a bunch of other Army guys...a couple of them even from your group. The priest is pretty old, at least 50 or more I’m sure. He seems pretty

friendly and keeps Mass short and offers to hear Confessions right after Mass. He is running a 2 for Tuesday special, 1/2 off on all penances...we all laugh a little. My buddies get in line right behind the Marines and a Navy and Air Force guy get in line behind me. What am I doing? I don’t even remember how to do this! I want to and don’t want to do this all at the same time. When it’s my turn I nervously enter and just start crying, glad the door is closed. We talk, we pray, he gives me a Rosary, a Catholic Handbook from the KC’s and makes me promise to be safe, say my prayers every day and stop in on my way back through here. He tells me I’ll be in his daily prayers at Mass. “Awesome Father! Thanks! See you in a few months!” ✞ spring / 2011 /


A Padre in Jump Boots Reflections On A Hero



t 1:15 am, on June 6, 1944, as most people in Germanoccupied Normandy were asleep, the largest air armada ever assembled was passing overhead. The 882 U.S. planes began to disgorge their contents, thirteen thousand paratroopers of the 82nd and 101st airborne divisions. The Americans’ task was to secure a number of causeways and create safety zones where gliders could land to bring in reinforcements. Offshore, five thousand ships carrying two hundred thousand men were assembling. Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Europe, had begun. It was D-Day!


mong those dropping in the dark sky was Father Francis L. Sampson, a young, Catholic chaplain, making his first combat jump. Landing in a deep stream, he cut away his pack and chute, and then repeatedly dove into the water to retrieve his weapons: a Mass kit and holy oils, items he soon would need. Father joined other paratroopers as they made their way to a French farmhouse that was being used for those who were severely injured. A Protestant chaplain was there and the two of them provided first aid for most of the day. When it was clear that some of the men needed a doctor’s care, Father Sampson left to find the regimental aid station. Shortly after locating it, a decision was made to pull out. The chaplain volunteered to remain with the men who could not walk. German troops soon overran the house. Two soldiers took the priest outside and raised their rifles to shoot him, but a German noncom, a Catholic, stopped them. Father was allowed to return to the wounded. That night, the house was shelled collapsing a

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portion of the roof and killing several men. The Americans soon regained the position, and the priest accompanied the injured to the division hospital, where he assisted the unit chaplain in spiritually ministering to some 500-600 wounded men. Father Sampson was in combat for another three weeks, working with aid men to rescue the wounded, offering Mass, hearing confessions, anointing the dying, and praying for the dead. Francis Sampson was born in Cherokee, Iowa, on February 29, 1912, but grew up in Dalles, Oregon. Ordained in 1941, he served briefly as a parish priest before enlisting in the Army. While in Chaplains School, he volunteered for the paratroopers and was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. Three months after Normandy, Father Sampson took part in an airborne assault on Holland. Upon jumping behind enemy lines, he and the regimental doctor set up an aid station in a castle. The priest went to locate the commanding officer, and while he was away, the Germans seized the position. In December, the enemy forces began a


massive offensive, known as the Battle of the Bulge. Learning that a number of American paratroopers were machine-gunned and left on a nearby road, Father went to aid them. He ran into a German unit and was taken prisoner. In the ensuing days, he and a growing number of Allied prisoners were marched from Belgium through Luxembourg to Germany. On Christmas Eve, while in a school auditorium, American planes bombed the area. Father led the men in prayer and spoke of the presence of Christ among them. Over a ten-day period, the prisoners were marched 185 miles, before 1,500 of them then were herded into overcrowded boxcars. For six days, they were without food and their only water was snow scraped from the tops of the boxcars as they traveled to a prison camp in Germany. Father Sampson was the only Catholic priest among over 5,000 Americans in a camp that held some 80,000 prisoners of various nationalities. He had the men build a chapel in his barracks, where he held daily Mass and non-denominational prayer services. On Good Friday, Father Sampson led the men in the Stations of the Cross and gave a meditation on the life of Christ. On Easter Day, he joined with French, Dutch and Polish Catholic priests, who

were mprisoned, to celebrate a Solemn High Mass for several thousand prisoners. After four months in the Stalag, the Russians liberated the camp. Father Sampson briefly left the service before reenlisting. When the Korean War started, Father was with the 11th Airborne Division. Shortly after the Americans landed at Inchon, the North Koreans retreated north, with the 1st Cavalry Division in pursuit. The 11th Airborne was ordered to cut off the fleeing enemy, and Father made his third combat jump. As the Chinese had entered the war, the Americans were severely outnumbered. Father was busy ministering to the men, including saying five Masses on Christmas Day to accommodate the dispersed units. After the war, Father Sampson remained in the service. In 1967, he was appointed Chief of Chaplains of the Army, with the rank of major general. Upon retiring, he was appointed as head of the USO. During the Vietnam War, he annually spent Christmas with the troops, and was untiring in visiting hospitalized soldiers. He died in January 1996, having received many military honors, including the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroism at Normandy and the Distinguished Service Medal. ✞ spring / 2011 /


Twenty-Somethings: A Generation to Listen To By MARK T. MOITOZA, D.MIN.


ver the past few years much has been written and discussed about the Millennial Generation, those born somewhere between the 1980s and 1990s. A particular focus has concentrated on how this generation relates or does not relate to religion and spirituality. There have been important national studies such as the Pew Foundation, Millennials: Confident, Connected and Open to Change, 2010. The Knights of Columbus also commissioned a survey facilitated by Maris Polls called American Millennials: Generations Apart, 2009. Books have been published highlighting generational differences such as Souls in Transition: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults, 2009 by Christian Smith based on the National Study of Youth and Religion. Another recent addition includes American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us, 2010 by David Campbell and Robert Putnam.


ith over 300,000 Catholic young adults serving in the Armed Forces these reports and studies open a window of understanding. At the same time they run the risk of putting people into categories in which they may or may not exist. At best, the multiple resources for critical analysis provide a framework of context that help older Catholics

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(those 30 and above) to begin to consider a generational experience that is vastly different from their own even though they themselves lived through the same time period. At worst, these resources become the only reference point for engaging a generation of young people in their twenties. If our only interaction with twenty-somethings is from arms

length then we are missing the potential twenty-something a canonical Catholic to recognize and encourage the very gifts – that is someone baptized Catholic and therefore a member of the Church? our Church needs. Or is that twenty-something seeking, ordham University recently hosted a in the midst of the above-mentioned seminar in New York City called Lost? complexity, where is it that they actually Twenty-Somethings and The Church fit in? (January 2011). Panelists and respondents began to engage in a variety of topics ll of this has a profound effect upon such as: the way we interact with and witness to young adults. As young men and • The Known and the Unknown: What the Data Show About Young women in uniform deal with the ever growing complexities of popular culture Adults and the Church and military life we, the Church, must be • On Your Own? present to them. The challenge for each us of is that that presence requires more • Sex and The City of God listening rather than programs and • Frenemies? Popular Culture and explaining. To “listen” means that we Catholic Culture create safe spaces to really hear where • “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m these troops are coming from: spiritually, Looking For”: Yearnings of the socially, culturally and more. It is through Spirit this listening that we can slowly encour• An Inconvenient Church: Reasons age young adults to consider how Gospel values can be lived into the experiences to Love or Lose Catholicism they are encountering. Often that encour• Lost and Found: “Nobody Does It agement comes most effectively from the Alone, Jack.” way we live our lives and rely on the gifts renemies is a combination of friends and of the Holy Spirit to guide us through the enemies described at the seminar as: challenges and joys of daily living.




The complex encounter between church and culture: How do twenty-somethings navigate the varied terrain of Church culture and popular culture? And… how does the church engage the media-saturated, sensory-charged, socially networked lives of twenty-somethings?


he presumption in this description is that a relationship between young adults and the church actually exists. The deeper question is whether or not that really is the case. Is a particular


s we prepare for the coming season of Easter we remember that an important part of our relationship with Christ includes reaching out to others. Faith is a gift to be shared. How are we, the older members of the church, listening to twenty-somethings? Are we being called to be a mentor or a guide to a young person? Have we moved beyond ourselves to encourage a young adult in a gift they have or a gift that they could comfortably grow into? Have we invited (continued on page 45) spring / 2011 /


Religious Respect – an Important Component of Military Ministry



he articles in all issues of SALUTE are testimony to the unique and challenging ministry of priests serving as chaplains in the United States Military. The priests of this Archdiocese provide for the needs of Catholics in many different and challenging environments. They also are required not only to provide for Catholics, but to facilitate the religious practice for service members of all religious denominations and to care for all, even those who have no religion, or who do not believe in God.


he issue of religious respect is part of everything a military chaplain of any religious denomination does every day. It guides the way in which chaplains offer prayers at military events such as retirements or changes of command. In most cases, chapels are designed to accommodate the religious practices of any denomination. Recruits in basic training and cadets and midshipmen in the military academies have the most religiously diverse cadre of chaplains in all of the branches of service.


ecently the U.S. Air Force Academy held a Religious Respect Conference attended by representatives of many different faith groups, including the Military Association of Atheists and Free-

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thinkers. The conference was convened by Lt Gen Mike Gould, Superintendent of the Air Force Academy, to discuss how the Academy can better train cadets — future officers — to respect all faiths and to continue to foster an environment at the academy that encourages accommodation of all religious practices.


he leaders at the U.S Air Force Academy “get it.” They understand the importance of religious respect and teach, encourage and foster that respect. Father Robert Bruno, the command chaplain at the Academy, one of the driving forces behind the Academy’s efforts to exemplify religious respect, himself a respecter of all persons of any religious background, trains and monitors

“ the chaplains of many religious denominations to be models and teachers of religious respect. The cadet interfaith council has a large role in making diverse religious needs known to the command and making the command’s programs and requirements, including the requirement not to proselytize, known to the cadets. The young adults on that council showed clearly that this value is not only held in high esteem by the staff of the Academy, but also is being taught to cadet leaders at the beginning of every year.


his conference was held at the U.S. Air Force Academy, but the value of religious respect is held and taught in all of the military Academies. It is certainly taught in the basic course for chaplains in all of the services. I personally have always seen the challenge of religious respect to be an opportunity to learn about all faith groups and all belief systems. The rights guaranteed by the first amendment

to the Constitution are as important, if not more important, today than ever. The United States Air Force Academy is but one example of an organization that teaches future officers and all military members to respect the religious differences of each individual and expects all chaplains to model the freedoms guaranteed by the first amendment.


he priest in the military will, of course, provide for Mass, Sacraments, religious education and pastoral care for all the Catholics. In addition, he will care for all, regardless of religion, or even of non-religion. As you read the stories of these priests serving in unique, priestly assignments, pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood in the universal church, pray for the co-sponsored seminarians who will become military chaplains, and pray for priests willing to serve the young men and women of the armed forces. ✞

Twenty-Somethings: A Generation to Listen To a young adult to join us at Church and then went out of our way to welcome them when they showed up? This Easter we are called to “listen.” Listen to Jesus

The leaders at the U.S Air Force Academy “get it.” They understand the importance of religious respect and teach, encourage and foster that respect.

(continued from page 43)

Christ and listen to the real lived experiences of twenty-somethings. It will be both challenging and surprising – so listen up. ✞ spring / 2011 /



The Benefits of a Coffee Ministry with Holy Joe’s Café while Deployed Abroad


y name is Father David Glassmire. I am a Catholic priest from the Diocese of Buffalo, New York currently serving on Active Duty with the Marines and Sailors assigned to Regimental Combat Team One in Helmand Province, Southern Afghanistan. Our unit is on a year-long combat deployment. As the Regimental Chaplain, I care for over 5000 troops assigned within our Area of Operations (AO).


orale and Quality of Life are big issues for these Marines and Sailors. Being in harms way at the tip of the spear can take its toll on young warriors. As chaplains, we use whatever instrument is at our disposal to attempt to alleviate the stress and strain of war. One of the ways we do that is through the kindness of American citizens who serve as a countless army of volunteers throughout the United States. Holy Joe’s Café is one of these successful ministries of outreach. Theirs is an ecumenical ministry which provides coffee, grinders, and coffee machines to chaplains who in turn get these items into the field where they are needed most, down at the patrol base and outposts throughout the AO.


here is nothing like the smell and taste of fresh brewed coffee to remind these young Marines and Sailors of home. They know when the coffee’s on and they come running. Often upon my arrivals I am greeted with, “Chaps, thanks for coming, did you bring coffee with you?” Thanks to the ministry of

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Holy Joe’s I can continue to say yes. This also becomes an entrée for prayer, intercession and an opportunity to explain who the Carmelite Monks of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Carmel in Cody, Wyoming are and what they do for a living and for the good of the church and the world.


he inquisitive among these service members always want to know more; when they do I am able to provide them a brochure and perhaps plant the seeds to a future vocation. Either way, it is good to the last drop. Here on this battlefield, love of God and love of coffee promote the bond of love between friend and stranger. In the words of the Eucharistic Prayer for Masses of Reconciliation II, “Your Spirit changes our hearts: enemies begin to speak to one another; those who were estranged join hands in friendship and nations seek the way of peace together.” Here in a land where three cups of tea promote a bond of friendship and brotherly love, we have begun a new tradition, with a simple cup of coffee! ✞

Save the Dates 15 May:

ANNUAL MEMORIAL MASS Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC

16-21 August:


6 September:

ANNUAL FATHER CAPODANNO MASS Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC

20-23 October:

8 November: COMING SOON:

2011 MCCW-European Conference Schoenstatt, Germany ANNUAL AMS BENEFIT Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, VA Newly designed AMS website www.milarch.org We invite you to come and take the journey!

Necrology of priests OMISSIONS FROM THE








Air Force

Reverend Gregory Einck

21 January 2002

Dubuque, IA


Reverend James T. McDonnell

14 October 1995

Philadelphia, PA

* Omissions from the Diocese of Boston will appear in our next issue of “Salute” spring / 2011 /



Building the Women of God:

MCCW European Conference in Schoenstatt, Germany


ust eight days after the MCCW-Worldwide conference, “Building the City of God”, was hosted in Baltimore, the European Region of MCCW gathered in Schoenstatt, Germany to continue the worldwide theme with “Building Women of God”.


hat an amazing experience! The presence of the Holy was palpable from start to finish; Christ’s hand weaving the conference together. Each of our speakers – Bishop. F. Richard Spencer, Anne Trufant, Father Fitzgerald, Sister Margarite, Rachel Stolpe, Cathleen Booth, Beth Manning and Catherine Gwinner, acted as Christ’s hands and feet carrying His message to all of those in attendance. We were given so much spiritual sustenance to strengthen us, and to share with others back home as we embark upon our renewed mission to be evangelizers for our times. As we endeavor to leave our comfort zones and sense of an inability to make a difference, we need to focus on having a radical trust that is contagious to those around us! The summit of our mountaintop experience – was Friday night when we held our Reconciliation Service with Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament led by Bishop Spencer, Fathers Losbanes, Corneille, Fitzgerald, McDermott, Betz, and Niehaus (who is from Schoenstatt). What a night of love, healing, adoration, thanksgiving, as we witnessed a profound out pouring of His grace! The ”stage” was set by Bishop Spencer and Father Losbanes who led our Reconciliation Service. While the Most Holy Sacrament was exposed on the altar, the women all praying and

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preparing to have their souls cleansed, and the priests preparing to take on Persona Christi while the Schoenstatt Sisters sang angelically from the choir loft for over 30 minutes. After they concluded, the soothing melody of Anne Trufant carried us through the rest of the evening, creating a heavenly atmosphere that seemed that we had found a piece of heaven on earth. We concluded in the Adoration Chapel with a Eucharistic procession leading us back to our retreat house. One hundred luminaries lit the way as four women carrying torches led us back home. It was a truly awe inspiring presentation of our Lord! We resumed the Sacrament of Reconciliation while Eucharistic Adoration continued throughout the night and confessions were heard for another 2 hours! How great to see so many people taking the opportunity to actively receive God’s loving embrace. That evening the joy, relief, and overwhelming love of God the Father was brought to us in Persona Christi through our priests, our military chaplains, without whom we could not experience the fullness of our faith. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to each one of you, who have taken up the call to serve God and shepherd His flock! May God’s most choice blessings continue to bless you and your ministries. ✞

Planning for the Future – Together with the Archdiocese

AMS Planned Giving Planning and preparation are inherent characteristics of those who have served in the military. The AMS has prepared a Catholic Estate and Personal Planning Workbook that helps individuals or families to properly plan estate and personal affairs. You may request a free copy of the workbook: www.milarch.org/index/planned-giving EMAIL: support@milarch.org PHONE: 202.719.3622

REFLECTIONS From a Marine hree days after my injury, I arrived at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. There I underwent numerous surgeries and three weeks later was moved again to the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Minnesota.





y injuries included the loss of my left eye, mild traumatic brain injury, ruptured ear drums, loss of the tip of my right finger, broken right little finger, fractured left femur and shrapnel to my arms, legs, neck, face and ear. After intense physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, recreational therapy and three more surgeries, I went home for three weeks in January.

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returned to the Minneapolis VA Transitional Rehabilitation Unit for additional therapy. Right now I am working on getting back to living independently. I plan on getting out of the Marines and going back to Nebraska to go to college this fall. he support from my family, friends, nurses, doctors, therapists and strangers were an invaluable part of my rehabilitation process. This constant moving and utter reliance on the help of others has helped to increase my Catholic faith and my relationship with God. I am sure God saved my life and has a special plan for me. ✞

spring / 2011 /


Shall we take a stroll to the Blessed Virgin’s Shrine? time to take down the camp and pose for pictures. The official delegations offered Archbishop Broglio a ride to the Shrine of Jasna Góra, but he insisted that he had come to participate in the pilgrimage on foot. Actually, it was not far, but the timing is very precise because of the multitudes who arrive in those days. The roadway leading to this important national shrine was packed with people. Our pilgrimage wound its way to the shrine after stops at two memorials. Entering into the presence of the Black Madonna there were some moments of silence, a presentation of flowers, and the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer. Then the group went up to the monastery library for the presentation of some volumes and souvenirs of the

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pilgrimage. It was indeed a memorable visit to conclude a memorable pilgrimage. The next day was the Solemnity of the Assumption and the day that the Polish Army is feted. Archbishop Broglio was asked to be the principal celebrant of the Solemn Mass in the Cathedral of the Polish Military Diocese. The President of the Republic was there. It was indeed a poignant moment as the late President of Poland, the Military Ordinary, and all of the other victims of the plane crash last January were remembered. Having been unable to send a representative due to the volcanic ash that obscured western European skies, the Archbishop was especially pleased to participate in this commemoration. ✞

update:“The Harvest”


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Archdiocese for the Military Services

tour of duty brick campaign RESERVE YOUR BRICKS TODAY! TO SHOW YOUR MESSAGE OF SUPPORT TO veterans, military members, their families, and chaplains. Your commemorative brick will join the thousands of others in adding that “personal touch” to the pathways of our new chancery building in Washington, DC. Order your bricks online at: www.milarch.org or complete and return the form below. Each paver includes 18 characters per line (space included) and up to 4 lines per brick.





he is risen, as he said” “he is not here: for [ Matthew 28:6 ]

“Serving Those Who Serve”

P.O. Box 4469 Washington, DC 20017-0469

Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

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