...“I’ll be home for Christmas... if only in my dreams”...
Dear Friends of the Archdiocese for the Military Services,
ur annual celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ offers a fitting occasion to send you another edition of Salute. Christmas with family and friends usually holds a special place in our hearts. It is fitting that we remember those who serve our Country in distant lands. They may not be able to celebrate these holidays with their loved ones.
ince my last writing many events have taken place and the usual pace of activities in this global archdiocese has kept the staff and me very busy. The month of December will also be very full as Bishops Higgins and Spencer and I plan to visit the faithful at different installations in various parts of the world. I am certain that you will accompany us with your prayers.
his issue of the AMS quarterly publication will include the vocation stories of some of the seminarians studying in the co-sponsorship program. Their preparation for the priesthood and eventual military chaplaincy represent a great source of hope for the future. I know that you will enjoy learning about these most recent additions to the Archdiocesan Family. Please keep them in your prayers.
fforts continue to increase the number of chaplains in the Armed Forces. Your prayers both for vocations and a generous response to the appeal for priests in the military offer an important support for this ministry. For those who are deployed the presence and ministry of a priest are necessities. They do not have many other options to help them practice their faith.
njoy the following pages of Salute. As I wish you an abundance of Christmas blessings, I pray that the Christ Child will bestow gifts of peace and good health upon you and your loved ones. Sincerely in Christ,
(Most Reverend) Timothy P. Broglio Archbishop for the Military Services
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Table of Contents 4 8 10 16 18 20-34
Dawning of a New Pastoral Season, Archbishop Broglio Bishops on the Move “Not by Chance”, Bishop Higgins “Passionate Faith Revealed”, Bishop Estabrook “From the Rising of the Sun to it’s Setting", Bishop Spencer Vocations UPDATE, Father John McLaughlin The Harvest Continues On.... Meet our newest group of Seminarians
National Jamboree Mass Celebrates 100 Years of Scouting
The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA publishes SALUTE for the nation’s Bishops, active and retired military chaplains, and financial supporters of the Archdiocese.
ADDRESS CHANGES AND NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please send title, name, address, and phone number to: or call: 202-719-3622 or write: Development Office, Archdiocese for the Military Services, P.O. Box 4469, Washington, D.C. 20017-0469 feedback, letters to the editor, & advertising inquiries: website: salute magazine would like to thank fort lewis “the ranger” newspaper for providing the photos of father subler used in our last issue. ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY P. BROGLIO President
...“I’ll be home for Christmas... if only in my dreams”...
Dawning of a New Pastoral Season
s usual the month of September marked the opening of a new pastoral season. The archdiocesan headquarters again was enlivened by the presence of our co-sponsored seminarians who made their traditional visit to Washington over the Labor Day Weekend. It was good to see them and to share their youthful enthusiasm for the priesthood and their service to the men and women of the Armed Forces and their families. They always fill me with hope for the future.
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I took advantage of the visit to the Medical Center to spend some time with the Catholic Community and the leadership at Fort Sam Houston, as well.
his September, I was privileged to spend a Sunday at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio. The auditorium opened its doors as the venue for Sunday Mass. The Commanding General, BG Joseph Caravalho, Jr. led the many members of the staff, volunteers, patients, family, and friends, who participated actively in the celebration. Later I visited a number of patients on the floors of the hospital. Occasionally, it was necessary to don surgical gowns and gloves.
base Fort Sam Houston, a young Air Force General, as well as some of the other men and women in leadership positions. After the official calls I celebrated the noon Mass and enjoyed a delightful buffet with the Catholic s is so often the case during a hospital Community. visit, both the fragility of our human he venerable Father Leonard Stegman, a existence and the capacity for courage are so veteran chaplain, participated in most of evident. Many of the patients were young victims of the current wars in the Middle East. the events. More than four score years have Many have lost limbs in the service of our not diminished his zeal for ministry or for the Country. Despite some apprehension about the military family. future, most of them exhibited hope. rom San Antonio I went to Houston for an event to encourage support for the he bright halls and sparkling floors of the center coupled with the attentive nurses, Archdiocese. I am grateful to Dame Michele aides, doctors, and other personnel made the (Mica) Mosbacher who opened her home and hospital inviting. No stranger to the medical invited so many guests to learn about the work profession, I was still impressed by what and the concerns of this global particular advances medical science has made and how Church. much can be done for the wounded warriors. he visit to Houston also allowed me to spend an afternoon at the Veterans’ Affairs ather James Schellenberg, the Catholic Chaplain at Brooke, was an excellent guide Medical Center. Father Paschal Odemokpa and organized the visit very well. I took demonstrated his organizational abilities and advantage of the visit to the Medical Center to mobilized the Knights of Columbus, various spend some time with the Catholic Commu- volunteers, as well as the hospital leadership to nity and the leadership at Fort Sam Houston, ensure a very interesting and productive visit. as well. Father Philip Mahalic assured my s I walked the miles of corridors in the accommodations and transportation. He also hospital, I received a real taste of the work invited me to join the entire chapel staff in feting the volunteers. The presence of so many and ministry done by our zealous VA chaplains. Catholic and Protestant families demonstrated It is one of the largest in the system, at least in terms of extension. Again, I had the joy of bringthe vibrancy of the chapel community. ing the presence of Christ and His blessing to a onday offered the opportunity to meet number of patients. In general, they were older the new commanding officer of the joint (continued on page 6)
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Dawning of a New Pastoral Season than those I visited in San Antonio. However, the appreciation for a consoling word, a blessing, and especially the sacraments of the Church was the same. The mixture of hope and concern was evident on many faces. The importance of being present for them left no doubt in my mind about the timeliness of my visit.
left Houston for Miami. Even though Ryan Boyle, a co-sponsored seminarian at St. John Vianney Seminary there took good care of me, the reason for my visit was not directly connected to my responsibilities as the Archbishop for the Military Services. Rather Archbishop Dolan of New York, then Chairman of the Board of Catholic Relief Services, the international Catholic Charities of the United States, asked me to represent him at a meeting of the Haitian Bishops with other ecclesial organizations providing assistance to Haiti after the January earthquake. After this article was written, Archbishop Dolan was elected President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of the USA.
t was an interesting two days, which allowed me to return to an earlier chapter of my ministry. The exchanges with the Bishops of Haiti and from elsewhere were intriguing and challenging. I know most of the Haitian Bishops and so I was pleased to see them again. The hospitality of the Miami Archdiocese was superb.
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the needs has been extremely generous, even considering the world-wide recession. However, it will take time and many more assets to reconstruct all of the structures lost in the earthquake. The treasure of the human lives will not, of course, ever be replaced.
articipating in an international meeting always broadens horizons and allows us to appreciate other situations, viewpoints, and the wonderful mosaic of humanity that populates the globe. Intense was the interest in all of the participants to make a difference in the future of Haiti. Exchanges in English, French, Spanish, and Italian brightened the proceedings. There were even some prayers and hymns in Creole!
y own remarks the first evening were on behalf of CRS and in favor of a central organization of the Haitian Church, PROCHE, which would be charged with the establishment of priorities, approval of plans, and the distribution of funds.
hese are only a few of my activities in international settings. I did participate in a meeting of the Military Ordinaries of Latin America and Spain. The meeting was held in Mexico City and the exchange of information about the structure and challenges of the different systems was enlightening. Father JosĂŠ Bautista Rojas, a Navy chaplain, joined me. We were unable to bring other military personnel as some of the other delegations did, but then the US military system is quite different from those in Latin America.
owever, the destruction, loss of life, and challenges facing the Church in Haiti are difficult to exaggerate. The Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince and the Diocese of Jacmel were new pastoral season has dawned well. devastated. In addition to replacing the strucThe commitments continue to keep me tures destroyed such as churches, the Cathedral in the capital, and the seminary, it will be even on the move, but the opportunities to minister more difficult to train new professors to teach to the People of God continue to be inspiring in the new seminary buildings. The response to and occasions of grace. ✞
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“I wish you an abundance of Christmas blessings; I pray that the Christ Child will bestow gifts of peace and good health upon you and your loved ones.” —ARCHBISHOP TIMOTHY P. BROGLIO
Bishop on the Move “Not by Chance”
t was June 2008 and several of my classmates from the Irish College, Rome had gathered in a small hotel in Fiesole to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our ordination to the priesthood. Fiesole is nestled in the hills above Florence and dates back to the 9th century B.C. Fra Angelico is perhaps Fiesole’s most famous son. Today, Fiesole is a popular tourist destination and renowned for its works of art and ancient monuments.
he “lads” and I had been there several days and decided that a trip to Siena was the order of the day. We had two cars between us and I had mapped out the route (no GPS). Father Brendan McBride (works with Irish immigrants in San Francisco) had the lead, but he got away from me as we negotiated our way through and around Florence. As I hit the roundabout on the south side of Florence I missed the exit for the A2, the four-lane motorway to Siena! Not
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only did I miss the exit for the A2, I also missed the one for the A22, the divided highway from Florence to Siena! I finally finished up on the A222, the two-lane “highway” to Siena! With many comments from the back seat we settled down to the torturous route that is the A222.
ounding a corner outside the small town of Impruneta we came upon the World War II Florence American Cemetery. It flashed past
as I barely missed the 18-wheeler traveling the few”…..“I’m the grandson of the man in the opposite direction, but I made note of it and 361st statue, David Chisholm”…..“Thank you from a Vietnam-era veteran”…..“Never knew resolved to visit if an opportunity arose later. this was here and thank goodness I stopped”…. Thank you for taking care of hree days later I was back them-for all of us.” at the cemetery. The Florence American Cemetery and Memorial is one of 24 everal months passed overseas military cemeteries and I was in Las Vegas maintained by the American attending the Annual ConBattle Monuments Commisvention of the Catholic War sion. It is located roughly 7 Veterans of America. Many miles south of Florence and its of those in attendance were 70 acres contain the remains of World War II veterans. As 4,202 veterans, most of whom I stood up to address them I died in the campaign that decided to share my experifollowed the liberation of ence of the Florence AmeriREGIMENTAL SOLDIER STANDS WATCH Rome in June 1944. The can Cemetery and offer my OVER PLOT "A" grounds are immaculate, an gratitude for their service. As appropriate tribute to the brave warriors interred I delivered my remarks I noticed Leo Krichten, in this sacred space. I spent several hours in a past National Commander sobbing quietly in silent tribute to these members of “The Greatest the audience. Following the banquet he approached to apologize and offer an explanation Generation.” for his tears. “Bishop Higgins, I landed at Anzio. he memorial at the western end of the Two of my best buddies are buried at Impruneta. cemetery is composed of two atria, one of I have never forgotten.” I reached out and which leads to the chapel; the other contains hugged Leo, the eighty year old warrior, tears marble operations maps recording the streaming down both our faces. campaigns in the southern European theater of operations. he GPS would have taken me down the A2 to Siena. So would another trip around the visitors center sits to the left of the roundabout. But, I would have missed the cemeentrance to the cemetery. There’s a tery. I learned once again that He had other visitors log on a podium inside the front door. plans for me that day and those plans changed A few of the entries for that June morning still my life forever. haunt me…. “We’re here on behalf of my dad who landed at Anzio”…..“Have always wanted ast National Commander Leo Krichten to say ‘Thank You’”….“We owe so much to so passed to his eternal reward 31 March 2009. ✞
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Bishop on the Move Passionate Faith Revealed
ften the busy travel schedules of bishops in the Military Archdiocese can become perhaps as tedious as some of the journeys themselves. The wonderfully inspiring military people we meet, however, continually lighten these exacting schedules. Heroes are constantly emerging all around us. So many of our people are excited about their faith and how it helps them live out their day-to-day lives in the military. I would like to highlight two examples, from many recent inspirational encounters, of people living out their faith with passion.
he first experience was at a Confirmation. My custom is to meet, for at least an hour, with those who are to receive the Sacrament so we are not strangers at the Ceremony. These encounters help me to be aware of how they value Church and might see themselves differently as Confirmed Catholics. Senior high school students are cognitively more developed and generally offer more in-depth insights about the Church in our modern world. My expectations, therefore, were not as high when I met with a number of eighth graders at one installation who were quite excited and were, let me simply say, “acting their age.”
was about to be surprised. As soon as we sat down their immature antics disappeared and I began to hear from a group of very serious minded and impressive young people. I began by asking them what they valued in the Church and how they saw the Catholic Church as different from other Churches. “The Eucharist,” said one. “And all the Sacraments!” said another. A third grabbed my attention by
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adding, “The fact that God became one of us did not stop with the Resurrection. He continues to be here for us in all the Sacraments.” I naturally asked myself, “Who are these kids? How did they come to this awareness?” Their insights may seem basic to you but I guarantee that you won’t hear such things from most Confirmandi. We spoke about the Church as the Body of Christ and how Christ is alive to others through us. I was astonished by their faith and conviction.
asked them, “If you could be “Pope for a day” what is one message you would want to give to the Church?” Their answer was impressive. They all agreed that they would ask priests “to preach better,” “to get excited about their faith,” and “to live and talk like they really believed in what they taught.” One young man said, “I feel badly when I find myself falling asleep during the homily. I wish that a priest would put more time into preparing something that explained everything more clearly and that he would, at least, be excited about what
veterans who have excelled with distinction in their respective civilian careers. Receiving the award this year were Bill Cosby, Lanier Phillips, and Eddie LeBaron.
was pleased to meet and speak with all three men, but the story told by Lanier Phillips was especially inspiring. He was the first African American Sonar Technician. He grew up in a segregated South where he experienced a condescending prejudice that blocked out any possibility for advancement in life. He joined the Navy during World War II where he served as a Mess Attendant like all the other blacks but with the hope that his dream for a future would one day be realized. Then it happened. His ship, USS Truxtun, was caught in a terrible storm off the coast of Newfoundland. Two hundred and three Sailors died in one of the worst disasters in U.S. Naval History.
he said so I would stay awake.” I was honored to be with them that day because they were truly “of the Spirit.” When the discussion was over they went right back to clowning around like eighth graders do - and I was left feeling truly humbled by them.
he second experience came on September 15th when I represented the Archdiocese at the Lone Sailor Awards Dinner in Washington, DC. The award is given to Sea Service
e told of his survival experience and how the kindness shown by the people of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, Canada changed him deeply. These people brought the wounded Phillips to their home, bathed him, nursed him back to health and made him feel like he was part of the family and a real human being. He couldn’t believe how white people were treating him with so much dignity and respect. Later when returning to the Military he described how he went into a space where prisoners were being held and asked where he might get something to eat. He was grabbed by the neck, and had a pistol held to his head with the comment, “You know better than to come in here with white people!” Here he was, a
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(continued from page 11) uniformed member of the Navy and he was being treated like an animal. The contrasting experiences of the love and regard of the people St. Lawrence along with the disrespect and disregard felt from his own fellow Americans made him realize how he had been brainwashed to accept prejudicial behavior and to believe that he was actually inferior. He was determined it would never happen again. He wrote to his Congressman and approached the Navy to apply as a Sonar Technician. To his surprise he received an answer in the affirmative and had Orders to Sonar Tech School soon after that. He began to believe in himself and become that person God had intended him to be. We as Church are called “to bring glad tidings to the lowly,” and “set prisoners free.” The people of St. Lawrence are examples of how this might be achieved.
hese examples continue to surface everyday as our young people choose Saints names for their Confirmation. They often choose Saints who were people of courage and whom they wish to emulate. If I ask them who would want to follow Christ’s invitation to “pick up your cross and follow me,” they are hesitant to raise their hands at first. But when I follow on with stories of heroes who have given their lives for their country or for the Church and then ask, “Who among you would like to imitate that kind of courage?” - all the hands go up immediately. When we teach what Christ taught about God’s unconditional love and our call to imitate that love, we must do so in ways that challenge young people to greatness. When we do this our youth respond. As the eighth graders in the Confirmation class
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Bishop on the Move
...I asked them, “If you could be “Pope for a day” what is one message you would want to give to the Church?” Their answer was impressive. They all agreed that they would ask priests “to preach better,” “to get excited about their faith,” and “to live and talk like they really believed in what they taught.”...
taught us so clearly, “We are called to be faithful,” but more than that, “We are most especially called to be faithful with passion.” As Jesus once reminded us in Matthew 5:13, “..but if the salt loses its flavor, what good is it….?” I’ll let you read the end of His statement for yourself. (Since the last issue of Salute, Bishop Estabrook has visited the following 27 Installations: In Missouri: Ft Leonard Wood and Whiteman AFB; In Kansas: McConnell AFB and Ft Riley; In Nebraska: Offutt AFB; In South and North Dakota: Ellsworth AFB and Grand Forks AFB; In Hawaii: Schofield Bks, Hickam AFB, Marine Corps Base, and Pearl Harbor; In Alaska: Eielson AFB, Ft Wainwright, Ft Richardson and Elmendorf AFB; In California: Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, Ft Ord, Monterey, LA AFB, Los Angeles, NAS Lemoore, Nellis AFB in Nevada, Ft Irwin, Edwards AFB, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, Miramar Marine Base, Murphy Canyon, Navy, Travis AFB and Beale AFB. Bishop Estabrook was also part of the Air Force Retreat in Florida.) ✞
Father Paul-Stephen Holt
ather Paul-Stephen Holt was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Pusan, Korea, by the Most Reverend Gabriel Lee, Bishop of Pusan, on 8 December 1972. Opting to serve his diocese with an expertise in Church Law, Father Holt enrolled at Catholic University to study Canon Law. Problems with his vision during his first year of study brought about the sad realization that he would not be returning to Korea. Father then transferred to Loyola College in Baltimore, MD where he earned a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and where he taught that discipline. FATHER PAUL - STEPHEN HOLT
ncardinated in the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, Father Holt served in different parishes: Assistant Pastor, St Ann’s, Washington DC, 1973-1978; Pastor, Blessed Andrew Kim Parish, October 1978-November 1984; Associate Pastor, Saint James Parish, Washington, DC, November 1984-January 1985; Pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish, Eatontown, NJ, January 1985-October 1988; Pastor, Saint Francis Parish, Livingston, AL, April 1989March 1990.
eleased to the VA by James Aloysius Cardinal Hickey, Father Holt served as Catholic Staff Chaplain in Bath, NY from October 1990 to October 1994, and as Chief of Chaplain Service in Des Moines, IA from October 1994 to January 2003. On January 12, 2003, he was elected to the position of Associate Director at the National Chaplain Center, Hampton, VA where he served until recently when failing health forced him to retire.
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Father Paul-Stephen Holt (continued from page 13)
Korean language expert, Father Holt was Director of the Drop-in Center in Pusan, 1972-73. While serving at the National Chaplain Center Father Paul used his linguistic expertise to minister to the local Korean community. Confessing an undying love for the Korean people and their culture, Father Paul made frequent visits to Korea.
eith Ethridge, Director of the National Chaplain Center, remembers Father Holt as “a professional with an expertise in medical ethics who was completely dedicated to his vocation. He loved his work as a priest; he loved serving the veterans. He was lovingly involved in recruiting VA chaplains from both the military and the private sector.”
colleague, Chaplain (Rabbi) Lowell Kronick, Associate Director for Education at the National Chaplain Center, tells of the high esteem in which Father Paul was held at the NCC: “Retired Chaplain (Father) PaulStephen Holt, National VA Chaplain Center (NCC) Associate Director for Roman Catholic Interests, has served us very well since coming aboard in January 2003. Bringing to this high position long experience as a staff chaplain and as Chief of Chaplain Service, Father Paul developed good communication with some 300 VA Catholic chaplains around the United States. He gave information and advice on employment requirements to many of our Catholic applicants. Father Paul Holt in the last few years of his service was responsible for eight regions in the VA system, working
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collegially with chaplains of various faith groups as well as with Catholic clergy. He made numerous and repeated site visits to the many VA Medical Centers in his eight regions. He was on the telephone much of his day as the liaison of the NCC to Catholic and other chaplains to whom he was responsible. In fact he became an expert at performing site visits and writing important reports to the NCC and local officials based upon his findings. He actually taught the intricacies of site visits at our National Chaplain Training Center in Hampton, VA over the years. He was a valued member of the NCC Board that examines and rates chaplain applications. Father Paul also had expertise in the field of bioethics and the humanities, receiving a certificate from the Medical College of Wisconsin. He helped me teach our week-long course in Medical Ethics for several years. He was invited to be a discussant on a national hotline call conducted by the VA National Center for Ethics in Health Care on the late Pope John Paul II’s March 2004 papal allocution ‘On Life-Sustaining Treatments and the Vegetative State.’ Father Paul had many Catholic and non-Catholic friends, among them our NCC staff. He had a good working relationship with Bishops Francis Roque and Richard Higgins of the Archdiocese for the Military Services. Now that Father Paul Holt has retired, my colleagues and I at the NCC wish him divine blessings and a meaningful retirement.
ather Donald J. Cavey, VA Catholic Chaplain at the Hampton VAMC, a good friend, offers some personal reflections about Father Holt: “Father Paul is a priest's priest. He was the kind of person that I enjoyed spending time with because I knew that he held the same priestly values and love of Christ and His Church that I do. Early on I became aware of how much Father Paul enjoyed his appointment at the National Chaplains Center, which included some travel, but for the most part, was a Monday through Friday schedule. At the same time, I also realized that the expectations of his assignment were very different than the direct patient care responsibilities that most VA Catholic Chaplains enjoy. During that time, I was pastor of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Hampton, Virginia. I saw Father Paul’s need to have an additional priestly ministry with a worshipping community in which he could be involved and help satisfy his own need to exercise his Sacramental and Pastoral Priesthood. I invited him to come join us and simply said, ‘I want you to do whatever you like doing and whatever is left I will do. Don’t do anything except whatever makes you happy as a priest.’ Father Paul accepted the invitation and for a number of years was able to fulfill his need as a Catholic Priest over and above his first responsibility, which was always the VA. Like me, Father Paul loved his dogs. His preference was the Miniature Pinscher and later on the Chihuahua. I remem-
ber going with him to look at dogs in a pet store, and when they brought out this adorable little Chihuahua that Father Paul held and the dog began to lick his beard, that was it, Father Paul took the dog home. When I was given the option by Bishop DiLorenzo to leave St. Rose and remain full-time under the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA without a time limit, I immediately chose that option and was happy that the Bishop asked Father Paul to stay on at St. Rose as long as he was happy there. Father Paul made many friends at St. Rose, but several families took a special interest in him when his health began to decline. They provided transportation and other needed assistances as his health continued to change. In April 2010, Father Paul had a serious accident that, in combination with his ongoing health issues, landed him in St. Francis Home in Newport News, Virginia. At this writing, Father Paul continues to recover at St. Francis and will make plans for his future as his health improves.”
e, VA Catholic chaplains and members of the NCVACC, deem it a privilege to have known Father Paul Holt and to have benefited from his wisdom.We all wish him well in retirement. “The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!” (Nb. 6, 24-26) ✞
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ho worries about “time zones”? The sun is ALWAYS and in ALL ways shining on the AMS – somewhere, someplace, anytime, all the time throughout the world! In my ministry to our AMS Family in Europe and in Asia, I have the joys of experiencing many sunrises and sunsets and all are treasured moments as I visit the military and diplomatic missions. My first pastoral visit was to the Air Force community in Turkey followed by the Navy community in Rota, Spain. The hospitality has been very much enjoyed as I listen (Auscultabo ut Serviam; my Episcopal motto) to how we, your Archdiocese, can best serve our families and especially our women and men in uniform.
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ur wonderful MCCW-E, (Military Council of Catholic Women - Europe) sponsored their annual Conference in October on the mountain top region of Koblenz with the Schoenstatt Religious Community of Sisters. Their membership continues to grow as this vibrant community of woman serve our Catholic Chapels with great joy. Likewise, our Knights of Columbus Councils in Europe, Asia, and Iraq in particular, continue their apostolic service to the local communities. Without these organizations to serve as leaders within our military chapels, we would not be able to provide the necessary faith-community life and apostolic presence. I applaud our military priests who are so eager to go the extra mile to find various opportunities to provide sacramental and pastoral programs to ensure the growth of those entrusted to their care. Among the examples in addition to
basic religious education, WHY CATHOLIC? readily springs to mind.
am engaged in international visits and I recently went to Slovenia to participate in the celebration of their 10th anniversary (see photo on page 16) and to Croatia to celebrate the 10th and 18th anniversaries of their Catholic Chaplaincy. My ministry brings me great joy and it is an honor to represent our Country and our AMS family! For the Christmas holidays I will be back in an Army Chaplain uniform, as a reservist, to serve our troops in Iraq. Then I will make pastoral visits and celebrate confirmation throughout the regions of Asia where our military personnel are assigned. Together, we as Catholics, are making a difference by our presence in the military and communities. May God continue to bless our efforts! ✞ winter / 2010 /
t has been a busy but very productive year. We brought most of our Seminarians to our second annual Labor Day Weekend Get-away. This is the way the Seminaries can get to know one another since they are in nineteen different seminaries in the United States and Rome.
he young men came to Washington, DC and stayed at the Washington Retreat House. They had great meals from a beautiful buffet put on by our own cook Porzia, and a barbecue on Saturday night sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #11302 /Assembly 2435. I thank Retired Colonel Chuck Gallina, USMC; Faithful Navigator for James Cardinal Hickey Prince of the Church Assembly 2534, LTC Nick Scopellite, USA; Robert Bourque, the Head Chef; Peter Gervais, PSD, assistant to the Chef; Otto Heck, Faithful Comptroller; Erik Green; the current DC State Deputy Peter A. Gabauer and all from POC Assembly 2534 for everything. The seminarians were treated to a boat ride on the Potomac, Mass with the Archbishop at the National Shrine and a Sunday liturgy at Bolling Air Forces Base. We thank Father Norbert, Luba Munter and the parishioners at Bolling for a tremendous brunch following the liturgy. I thank the Archbishop, Bishops, Vicar General, Judicial Vicar, Chancellor, Military
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recruiters, all the invited guests and the AMS staff for coming to our dinners. It was a very nice weekend of fun and prayer. The end of September featured our first ever Women’s Religious Retreat held at the Bethany Retreat Center in Lutz, Florida. We had eight women representing all the Military branches. Flown in from around the United States, Puerto Rico and Germany. We invited the Sisters of Notre Dame and the Sisters of Mercy, Alma as guides and retreat masters over the weekend. It was a wonderful group of very impressive women with a very deep interest in finding out more about life as a Religious. This year has already seen the deaconate ordinations of three of our Co-sponsored Seminarians. We congratulate: Reverend Mr. Michael Taylor, Reverend Mr. Nickolas Reid and Reverend Mr. Luke Dundon. They look toward their priestly ordination in 2011. Also in 2011, will be the deaconate ordination of Co-Sponsored Seminarians: Stephen Cotter and Christopher Rhodes. We pray for all of them as they continue their journey towards ordination.
“This year has already seen the deaconate ordinations of three of our Co-sponsored Seminarians.”
The Harvest Continues On...
June of this year brought our newest aid for recruiting young men in the Military and that is our new website; Please check it out. It was made possible by a donation from a Boston businessman and friend, Neal Bocian. We are most grateful for their dedication to this project and also to Alexander Scott, co-sponsored seminarian, for his organization of the material. This website will be a crucial media recruiting tool for our future. November will bring our next Discernment Weekend. It will be held at St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston, Texas. St. Mary’s Seminary Staff and students have been very welcoming to our young men discerning the priesthood. The Houston / Galveston Serran’s are a tremendous resource to our retreat. They pick up each young man from the airport and deliver them to the St. Mary’s Seminary
and back to the airport on Sunday when the retreat has ended. They also sponsor the Texas barbecue on Saturday evening. Special thanks to: Cardinal DiNardo, Reverend Nguyen, the new Rector at St. Mary’s, Ryan Higdon (our go-to seminarian), the staff and seminarians at St. Mary’s, Margo Geddie, the new President of the Serran’s as well as their outgoing President Sue Cantini, and all of the Houston / Galveston Serran’s. Additionally, I want to thank Paul Halladay Sr. (father of the Revernd Paul Halladay, Army recruiter) and the Mobile Serran’s for the beautiful AMS polo shirt provided to our seminarians.Thanks also to the Christopher Catanese Foundation for their $5,000 gift towards our Labor Day Weekend Get-away. Please keep all our seminarians in your prayers. Now I would like take this opportunity to introduce you to our newest recruits:
(continued on pages 20-35) winter / 2010 /
The Harvest Andrew Berreth DIOCESE: Sioux Falls, SD RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: 2nd Lieutenant, Army HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: T.F. Riggs High School, Pierre, SD COLLEGE ATTENDED: South Dakota State University HOBBIES: Army, Running, Hunting. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? Difficult to pinpoint the first time I thought about it, but the first time I objectively thought about it was during Lent of 2008. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? Father Paul Rutten, Pastor of the Newman Center at South Dakota State University (SDSU), now the Vocations Director for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. He along with the FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) team helped guide me through my final year and a half at SDSU. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I have a twin brother who beats me at ALMOST everything. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? I have found many that inspire me, but my favorite is: 1 PETER 5:8-9 “ (8) Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour. (9) Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experience of suffering is required of your brotherhood throughout the world.”
HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? I came to know Jesus most notably through the sacrament of Reconciliation, but also through the Rosary.
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Continues On... WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Teaching a 9th grade CCD class. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? His simple words that he repeated and that I kept seeing and reading over and over: “Do not be afraid.” WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I was an Army Cadet at South Dakota State University for 4.5 years, then Army 2LT with the Corps of Engineers. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Other than the FM’s (Field Manual) that the Engineer School has had me dwelling in, I spend most all of my reading time in the Bible and the Catechism. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? That would be the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My parents are heroes to me, Albert and Marsha Berreth.
“I came to know Jesus most notably through the sacrament of Reconciliation, but also through the Rosary.” winter / 2010 /
The Harvest Christopher Dorsey DIOCESE: Orlando, FL RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: N/A Army HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Satellite Beach High School, Satellite Beach, FL. COLLEGE ATTENDED: B.A. in English from University of Central Florida- Orlando. FL, Pre-theology from St. John Vianney college Seminary Miami, FL, currently at St. Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary - Boynton Beach, FL. HOBBIES: Soccer, Reading, Swimming, Writing. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? I first began thinking about and discerning the priesthood during my freshman year of college. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? There are many priests who have influenced me over the years, but the main influence on me has been family. The example set by my grandparents and parents was indispensible for teaching me what it means to be Catholic. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I went to college wanting to be a veterinarian and I was an active part of a social fraternity during college. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? Acts 2, the story of Pentecost has always been special to me and fruitful to reflect upon in my prayer. It shows that even when we may feel defeated or scared the Lord sends His Spirit to strengthen us in conveying his message. HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? As I mentioned before, my family raised me in a very loving home with love and faith in God always foremost in our day to day lives. As I entered college I was forced to really examine my faith and relationship with Christ to make it my own and discern where I was being led by Him.
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Continues On... WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Volunteering at events like Religious Education and Vacation Bible School as well as helping out with youth events was the first chance I got to begin sharing my faith. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? Pope John Paul II was an extremely charismatic and loving man who was a great example and role model. The respected position he held in the world's eyes even amidst scandal was a testament to me as to what a true man held firm by faith can be. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? Before seminary, I grew up in a military family (Air Force), with the normal moving across the country every few years. I have lived in Washington, California, Alabama, Virginia and Florida. After high school, I went to college and began studying biology with plans to be a veterinarian, but eventually switched to a degree in English. I entered Seminary directly after college so I never had a career but did have jobs ranging from lifeguard, working in a library, and doing field work in biology. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “The Shadow of His Wings” by Fr. Gereon. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “Orthodoxy” by G.K. Chesterton. I find his mix of humor and spirituality easy to understand and relate to. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My heroes are my parents as well as other parents who work hard to instill their faith in their children. It is increasingly difficult in the world we live in today but the effort is appreciated much more than you can imagine.
“There are many priests who have influenced me over the years, but the main influence on me has been family. The example set by my Grandparents and Parents was indispensible for teaching me what it means to be Catholic.” winter / 2010 /
The Harvest Angel Marrero DIOCESE: Baltimore, MD RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Army HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Iadislao, Martinez COLLEGE ATTENDED: Universidad de Puerto Rico HOBBIES: Volleyball, baseball, walks in nature.
WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? First when I was 5 years old and then again when I turned 15 until this present moment. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? I believe Jesus, my parents and then observing the needs of the people. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I am a good listener. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? MATTHEW 14 (1) At that time Herod the tetrarch heard about the fame of Jesus; (2) and he said to his servants, "This is John the Baptist, he has been raised from the dead; that is why these powers are at work in him." (3) For Herod had seized John and bound him and put him in prison, for the sake of Hero'di-as, his brother Philip's wife; (4) because John said to him, "It is not lawful for you to have her." (5) And though he wanted to put him to death, he feared the people, because they held him to be a prophet. (6) But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Hero'di-as danced before the company, and pleased Herod, (7) so that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask. (8) Prompted by her mother, she said, "Give me the head of John the Baptist here on a platter." (9) And the king was sorry; but because of his oaths and his guests he commanded it to be given; (10) he sent and had John beheaded in the prison, (11) and his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother. (12) And his disciples came and took the body and buried it; and they went and told Jesus. (13) Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a lonely place apart. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns. (14) As he went ashore he saw a great throng; and he had compassion on them, and healed their sick. (15) When it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, "This is a lonely place, and the day is now over; send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy food for themselves." (16) Jesus said, "They need not go away; you give them something to eat." (17) They said to him, "We have only five loaves here and two fish." (18) And he said, "Bring them here to me." (19) Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass; and taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke and gave the loaves
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Continues On... to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. (20) And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. (21) And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children. (22) Then he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. (23) And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, (24) but the boat by this time was many furlongs distant from the land, beaten by the waves; for the wind was against them. (25) And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. (26) But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear. (27) But immediately he spoke to them, saying, "Take heart, it is I; have no fear." (28) And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you, bid me come to you on the water." (29) He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus; (30) but when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me." (31) Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, "O man of little faith, why did you doubt?" (32) And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. (33) And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God." (34) And when they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret. (35) And when the men of that place recognized him, they sent round to all that region and brought to him all that were sick, (36) and besought him that they might only touch the fringe of his garment; and as many as touched it were made well.
HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Since I was a kid; through my parents and family. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? The events were many but mostly through prayer, going to Mass, spiritual direction and receiving Holy Communion. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? His care for the youth and vocations. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? Carmelite Spirituality, BA Social Sciences, Sociology, Theology, Divinity and Canon Law. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “5 Minutes with St. Francis of Assisi” (Los Cinco Minutos De San Francisco) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “Las Moradas: de Santa Teresa de Jesus”. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My parents.
winter / 2010 /
The Harvest Paul Shovelain DIOCESE: Saint Paul & Minneapolis, MN RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Air Force HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Saint Michael – Albertville, Minnesota COLLEGE ATTENDED: University of Saint Thomas, Saint Paul, MN HOBBIES: Farming, Football, Baseball. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? I have thought about being a priest since I was a little boy. I used to copy the priest at Mass and play “Mass” at home. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? My family, pastors, and the youth ministry program in my parish influenced me to enter seminary. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? My sister, Theresa, is married to a dairy farmer with 5 children, my brother, Brian, is married and flies the C-5 out of Dover AFB, my sister, Emily, just did a year as a NET missionary and my brother, Dominic, is a freshman in high school. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? HEBREWS 12:1-2 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and sin that clings to us and let us run with perseverance the race that lays before us and keep our eyes on Jesus Christ, who is the leader and perfector of our faith”.
HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? I am a cradle Catholic, but my first personal experience with Jesus was at a youth camp called Extreme Faith Camp in 7th grade.
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Continues On... WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? The youth ministry program in my parish was very active, and through it I was able to participate in a mission trip to Mexico, Discipleship-week retreats, Extreme Faith Camp and Stuebenville Conferences. I also attended World Youth Day in Australia and spent a semester in Rome. In both those activities I gained a glimpse of the diversity of our church, but we are unified in the Eucharist! WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? I was able to visit Poland during a semester and seeing the small town where he came from gave me great inspiration to see that saintly men like John Paul II came from similar situations as me. He was from a small city but the faith was strong in his parish and family. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? In high school I farmed with my brother-in-law. I also worked for a landscape company before and during the summers of college seminary. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “The Priest is not His own” by Archbishop Fulton Sheen. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “In the Shadow of His Wings” by Father Gereon Goldmann. I received it as a Confirmation gift in 10th grade and it was the first the first thing that inspired me to consider military chaplaincy. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? Archbishop John Nienstedt is my hero. He has really been a great spiritual father to me. He shows me the love of God the Father through his compassion. He is not afraid to preach the truth and his example inspires me to be a happy, holy, and dedicated priest.
“I was able to visit Poland during a semester and seeing the small town where he came from gave me great inspiration to see that saintly men like John Paul II came from similar situations as me” winter / 2010 /
The Harvest Reverend Mr. (James) Michael Taylor DIOCESE: Albany, NY RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: 1st Lieutenant (O2) / United States Army HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Warner Robins High, Warner Robins, GA (Class of 2002) COLLEGE ATTENDED: The University of Georgia, Athens, GA (Class of 2006) HOBBIES: Cooking, Writing, Reading, Camping, Hiking, Canoeing. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? I grew up Protestant, and several members of my family are ministers in their respective ecclesial communities. I have a great-uncle who was a Baptist minister as well as a chaplain in the Army. My Aunt on my mom's side is a Methodist minister, and I have a cousin who served for many years as a Presbyterian minister. So growing up, the reality of ministry was one that would cross my mind every once in a while. However, when I converted to the Catholic Church, the thought of ministry left my mind since I could not see myself being a priest. It would not be until my junior year in college that a series of events led me to begin thinking about the possibility of a priestly vocation. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? I think my biggest influence growing up was my mom. While both of my parents made it a priority to attend church, she was the driving force in my family's religious formation. She made sure that we read the bible, memorized scripture passages, attended Sunday school, signed up for Vacation Bible School, Youth Choir, youth trips, Wednesday night fellowship. Whatever was available, she made sure that we were there. More to the point, one could see the deep faith that sustained her through her diagnosis of cancer, a divorce, and her impending death years later. With my mom, one always knew that faith was something real and something that mattered in one's daily life. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I think one of the things that surprise most people is that I was born and raised in Georgia. My diocese is Albany, NY and whenever people in my parish find out I am from Georgia, they are all surprised because I do not have an accent. I do not know why I do not have an accent, but I get the feeling that a lot of people feel cheated from my accent deficiency. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? That is a difficult question to answer. I find that the answer to that changes from week to week, day to day and even minute to minute. So much is dependent on whatever experience I am encountering. However, if I had to pick one, it would be PSALM 116 HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? Well, I think I have always known Jesus, or at least known about Him. There really was not a time in my life when faith was not present.
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Continues On... Whether it was Sunday worship or the prayer before every meal, Jesus was a part of our life. I would have to say that it was the death of my mom that began the journey to a personal relationship. God and I had somewhat of a falling out following her death, and it took three years for me to work out what I thought faith was, who I believed God to be, and what being a Christian meant to me. I can say that it was the Catholic teaching on the Eucharist that allowed the greatest healing, that belief that Jesus is intimately present to us, body and blood, soul and divinity in a very real and tangible reality. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Many Protestants attend something called Sunday school, which is different from the Catholic Religious Education in two main ways; the first is that they are attended by everyone, and secondly, they are not for preparing to receive a sacrament. So, you find that there are Sunday Schools for Men, Women, Seniors, young single men, young single women, High School students, etc. These are small groups by nature, and formed a great source of strength and community for me during my formative years. The second thing that proved to be invaluable was my time at the Catholic Center at UGA. Father Jack always had an open door, and was willing to talk about whatever issues we as collegiate students had. He would also organize Sunday night dinners for all the students, Thursday night bible studies and would support a host of other activities. It allowed the Catholic center to have the feel of home. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? When I started looking into the Catholic faith, I was amazed at the figure of John Paul II. In the south, Catholicism is often looked at as marginally Christian, if not an outright cult. Yet with the figure of John Paul II, there was a Catholic figure who spoke convincingly of many of the concerns of the Southern Baptists, Evangelicals, and Pentecostals. He provided the voice, but more importantly, he provided the reason, scripture and faith on matters of family, morality and faith. It was because of the Church's stance on the moral issues of the day that many of my Protestant friends begrudgingly gave pause in my growing interest with Catholicism. As far as his influence on my priesthood has been, his letters to priests on Holy Thursday, collected and presented in book form, have been a source of great inspiration and encouragement throughout my years of seminary. These letters are ones that I find myself returning to every year, and every year, something new grabs my attention. I think in these letters, always sincere and personal, there is a great deal of wisdom on what the priesthood means. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “The Brother's Karamazo” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “Introduction to Christianity” by then Cardinal Ratzinger. When Ratzinger became Pope, I went out to buy some of his works. Introduction was the first one I read, and it had a huge influence on my spiritually and later in my discernment. The other two that I would have to mention would Thomas A Kempis’, “Imitation of Christ” and CS Lewis’ “Mere Christianity”. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? When I went through the Chaplain Basic Course down at Fort Jackson, I met many recruits who were 17 years old and still had a year of high school to complete before they could be assigned a unit. It amazed me that these kids would make this commitment knowing without the least shadow of doubt that they would be deployed to a war. People say that my generation isn't willing to make sacrifices. But I do not think that is the case. I think most of the time it is just that no one ever offered these kids something worth sacrificing. winter / 2010 /
The Harvest Steven Walker DIOCESE: Arlington, VA RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Not yet commissioned / Navy HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Home Schooled COLLEGE ATTENDED: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia PA HOBBIES: Hiking, cooking, reading, music, swimming, following American politics, tinkering with computers and raising fish. WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? The first time I thought of priesthood was at the age of 6. I continued to think about ever since then, but not again seriously until I was a senior in high school. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? Primarily my parents. I learned the virtues of courage and sacrifice by the example of their lives, an example I try to live up to. Beyond them, priests. Ever since I was young, I have known so many good priests that have inspired me. Even now I continue to be inspired by the priest friends I have made. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I have never liked pizza. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? I love the book of Tobit. Beyond that, I would say the last supper discourse in the Gospel of John (JOHN 14:27-31) (27) Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (28) You heard me say to you, `I go away, and I will come to you.' If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. (29) And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does take place, you may believe. (30) I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me; (31) but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father.
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Continues On... HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? My parents were the ones who introduced me to Christ at a very young age, and continue to help me better know him. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Going to Mass and adoration, meditating on the Bible and maintaining relationships with people who are close to Christ. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? I was relatively young when he passed away, but in the short time that I knew him, I was inspired by enthusiasm, his passion, his absolute trust in God, and his unwavering fortitude. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? After high-school, I worked for a few years. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “The Problem of Pain” by C.S. Lewis WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “Christ, the Ideal of the Priest” by Father Columba Marmion WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? Beyond Spiderman? I would say my parents, my grandparents, my pastor and Saint Ignatius of Loyola; a guys’ saint if there ever was one.
“I learned the virtues of courage and sacrifice by the example of [my parents lives], an example I try to live up to. Beyond them, priests. Ever since I was young, I have known so many good priests that have inspired me. Even now I continue to be inspired by the priest friends I have made.” winter / 2010 /
The Harvest Andrew Young DIOCESE: Sioux Falls, SD RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Ensign | USN and prior service USMC HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Mitchell High School, Mitchell, SD COLLEGE ATTENDED: United States Naval Academy HOBBIES: Running, Tennis.
WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? The first time I thought about the priesthood was when I was in 2nd Grade. I did not attend Catholic School but as a public school kid was drawn to the Church. At that time, only Catholic School kids were allowed to serve but I had my mom call the Pastor to see if they would let me serve. I am certain that it was God leading me towards my current vocation. WHO INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED YOU? Growing up I had some wonderful priests in my parish that inspired me, especially Father Lamberty. Once I joined the military, I knew that God was calling me to become a priest, specifically a Navy Chaplain. Father Hadad, a Navy Chaplain, showed me what it meant to be a dedicated priest as well as an outstanding Naval Officer. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I have run 11 marathons in three different countries – USA, Italy, and France.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? JOHN 15: 13 “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW JESUS? I was born into a Catholic family so from a very young age I knew about Jesus. I do not think I ever really knew Jesus until I left home and entered the military. Being deployed into combat zones, I began to rely upon Jesus more and more – from this I began to know Jesus in an intimate way, creating a relationship with him.
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Continues On... WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? When I lived in California, I got very involved with the Life Teen Youth Group at Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano. Through helping lead retreats and working with the youth, I grew in my own faith and understanding of the Catholic Church. Additionally, during this time in California, I grew in my love for the Eucharist. After being introduced to Eucharistic Adoration at the local Norbertine Abbey, I would make multiple visits each week to attend the Holy Hour and Benediction with the monks. WHAT INFLUENCE DID POPE JOHN PAUL II HAVE ON YOUR VOCATION? John Paul II was the only Pope I ever knew growing up…he inspired me by his youthfulness and his love for the youth of the world. WHAT WAS YOUR BACKGROUND BEFORE THE SEMINARY? I was a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps, serving as an Adjutant. I spent almost 6 years serving within the First Marine Division which took me on deployments to both Afghanistan and Iraq. I left the Marine Corps and taught high school Calculus and Algebra at a Catholic School in San Juan Capistrano, CA. After teaching for a year, I knew that I needed to at least see if God was calling me to be a priest, so I entered seminary. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Luttrell. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPIRITUAL BOOK? “Five Loaves and Two Fish” by Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan. WHO IS A HERO TO YOU? My parents – they taught me what it meant to put others, specifically for them their children, above themselves. They sacrificed and labored so that I could do and be anything in my life. Most importantly, they gave me the freedom to follow my dreams and follow the calling I received from Christ, supporting and encouraging me consistently along the way.
“John Paul II was the only Pope I ever knew growing up…he inspired me by his youthfulness and his love for the youth of the world.” winter / 2010 /
The Harvest Continues On...
Peter Zachary Morgan DIOCESE: Colorado Springs, CO RANK / BRANCH OF SERVICE: Air Force HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: Thomas B. Doherty HS, Colorado Springs, CO. COLLEGE ATTENDED: Metropolitan State College of Denver and Colorado School of Mines HOBBIES: None listed.
WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU THOUGHT OF PRIESTHOOD? I felt (at the 2008 FOCUS [Fellowship of Catholic University Students] National Conference) for the first time that God maybe calling me to seminary and the priesthood. I grew in that awareness through frequenting the Sacraments. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I had a desire to be a fighter pilot. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SCRIPTURE PASSAGE? JOHN 6 Bread of Life WHAT WERE SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL EVENTS OR ACTIVITIES THAT HELPED YOU DEVELOP AND SHARE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH? Serving on the Staff for three occurrences of the Buffalo Awakening Retreat, serving at the homeless shelters on a couple of occasions in Boulder with a group form St. Thomas and of course frequenting the Sacraments. WHAT WAS YOU BACKGROUND BEFORE SEMINARY? Aviation Management/ Management.
“I felt (at the 2008 FOCUS [Fellowship of Catholic University Students] National Conference) for the first time that God maybe calling me to seminary and the priesthood. I grew in that awareness through frequenting the Sacraments.”
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Chaplains faithfully train ears, hearts to serve soldiers Reprinted with permission from “The Catholic Advocate” Archdiocese of Newark, NJ
hree priests who hail from the Archdiocese of Newark gathered at the Armed Forces Chaplaincy Center, Fort Jackson, SC, in early August to receive training and discuss the challenges they face in carrying out their mission of faith. At times that mission, quite literally, is a life-and-death situation, which involves delivering strategic spiritual support and guidance to U.S. soldiers on the front lines of the world’s most dangerous, war torn regions.
ost Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, the Archbishop for U.S. Military Services, met with priests at the chaplaincy center, where the Army, Navy, and Air Force all maintain chaplain schools. During his visit to Fort Jackson Archbishop Broglio spent time with Father Robert Galinas, Father James A. Hamel and Father Joseph Kokeram—all from the Archdiocese of Newark. “Our ministry is focused on education,” Father Hamel said during a telephone interview. “As chaplains, we need to be good listeners. We have to develop a ‘good ear’ to understand the problems of soldiers, but we also are expected to give advice and tell soldiers what we think about a particular situation.” Those situations faced by soldiers can range from being homesick and lonely, to dealing with marital problems, to anxieties caused by being separated from newborn daughters and sons, to confronting the emotional stress of war. He said chaplains also must learn how to
open their hearts and listen to the diverse needs of military women and men of all faiths. “We are pastors to Catholic soldiers, but we are chaplains to all,” he explained. Father Hamel, Ch. Maj. USAF staff chaplain and Director of the Basic Chaplain Course (CC) was ordained in 1992. His archdiocesan parish assignments included Our Lady of Fatima, North Bergen; Holy Trinity, Westfield; and Our Lady Queen of Peace, Maywood. He began active duty in the Air Force in July 2000. Since 9/11 his chaplain assignments have included ministering to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also served as chief of the Pentagon’s Chaplains Office (2005-2006) and has been stationed in Osan Air Base, South Korea, and Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Ordained in 2005, Father Galinas is preparing at the Navy Chaplain School and his first mission upon graduation will be serving Marines at Camp Butler, Okinawa, Japan. His
(continued on page 56) winter / 2010 /
Bishop Directly on the Battlefield
Reprinted with permission from “The Catholic Review”, Archdiocese of Baltimore. Photos by Owen Sweeney II
n one of the bloodiest days of the Iraq War – April 9, 2004, Father F. Richard Spencer became the link between this world and the next for many of the mortally wounded. Insurgents had attacked a large convoy of gas trucks that Good Friday, firing multiple mortar rounds at a United States base on the BISHOP F. RICHARD SPENCER outskirts of Baghdad International Airport. Father Spencer, a U.S. Army military chaplain, administered the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and prayed with men and women whose faces wore what he remembered as glazed looks of shock and disbelief.
n the moment, you do your prayers, then move to the next situation, because it’s continuous chaos,” said Father Spencer, then attached to the Army’s 1st Calvalry Division. “You just offered prayers that they would see the face of God that very day and you trust and hope,” he said. “We had both Iraqis and Americans die. I didn’t know who was Muslim or who was Christian – but they all got a prayer.” Once Father Spencer and his soldiers
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made it into a concrete bomb shelter, he stood on a trash can and offered general absolution as the shelling continued. “It was a life-changing day for me,” he remembered. “Our men and women in uniform are able to face hardships and they’re trained to make good decisions in the midst of chaos. Their resiliency is inspiring.” In May, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Father Spencer to be the next auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese for U.S. Military Services.
The 59-year-old Baltimore priest was ordained Bishop Spencer, on Sept. 8 at the Basilica of the National Shrine who later ministered of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, as a counselor in D.C. prisons near Boston, Remaining in the military, the Alabama acknowledged that it was highly unusual native became the first auxiliary bishop for the for a former military U.S. military archdiocese able to enter war man to be so closely zones. He will have unprecedented access to connected with the military personnel serving in most difficult Catholic Worker circumstances. Movement, recognized “I have known Father Spencer well for for its strong anti-war many years, first in my capacity as archbishop and pro-peace activism. for the military and now as Archbishop of Baltimore,” Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien said. “We are proud the Holy Father has chosen him, one of our own, to continue serving our brave became a religious brother with the Order of and generous women and men in the military.” Friars Minor. In his first year as a Franciscan brother, Bishop Spencer ministered in New York with Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker Movement. Bishop Spencer, who later ministered as a hen Bishop Spencer’s parents counselor in prisons near Boston, acknowledged migrated from Wisconsin to Ala- that it was highly unusual for a former military bama in the 1940s, they faced man to be so closely connected with the discrimination because of their Catholic faith. Catholic Worker Movement, recognized for its “I remember playing baseball in a friend’s yard strong anti-war and pro-peace activism. His and his mother coming out the back door and fellow Franciscans gave the young brother a informing me that I could not stay and play nickname: “Captain.” It was his service as a brother that inspired because I was Catholic and would be a bad him to become a parish priest. Bishop Spencer influence,” he recalled. With a heart for service, he transcended turned to the Archdiocese of Baltimore, a those religious barriers. He was an altar boy Catholic community he had known while and an Eagle Scout. At Jacksonville (Alabama) stationed at Fort Meade. He entered St. Mary’s State University, Bishop Spencer earned a Seminary in Baltimore and was ordained degree in law enforcement and served in Kappa May 14, 1988.
Heart for service
Sigma, the social service fraternity. Commissioned an Army officer in 1973, he went on active duty a year later. For eight years, he served as a military police officer. In 1980, Bishop Spencer traded in his military uniform for a Franciscan habit. Having always been interested in social justice, he
Ministering to God’s people
fter serving as associate pastor, Bishop Spencer was accessioned to the U.S. Army Reserves as a battalion chaplain,
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Bishop the Battlefield BishopDirectly Directlyonon the Battlefield(continued fromn page 37) serving with the 92nd Field Hospital in Baltimore and later with the Aviation Brigade, Maryland Army National Guard and served a deployment in Bosnia. Bishop Spencer was then appointed a parish pastor, a post he held until 1998. He returned to active duty in 1999, serving as a military chaplain in South Korea and Egypt. In 2001, he was assigned to the Pentagon Office of Army Chief Chaplains. It was there he came face-to-face with terror.
fter a hijacked airliner with 64 people aboard plowed into the western wing of the Pentagon September 11, 2001, Bishop Spencer made his way to the disaster site. He spent two weeks facing some of the most harrowing challenges of his priesthood – entering the burning building to be with troops as they collected bodies, praying over the dead and consoling survivors. “Even though here were people who were wounded physically, emotionally and challenged spiritually,” Bishop Spencer said, “they reached back to their faith as a source of stability.”
New role
ishop Spencer was on pilgrimage with military pilgrims in Lourdes, France, in May, when Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for U.S. Military Services told him of his new appointment. “I told the archbishop that he had the wrong Father Spencer,” Bishop Spencer remembered with a laugh. “The one he was looking for was my brother, Father Robert Spencer (a U.S. Navy chaplain).” The spiritual shepherd said he is most
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looking forward to “continuing to tell the story of Jesus and to live his messages of peace and forgiveness through word and action.…I have always viewed and envisioned my life as a mendicant missionary preacher – without roots and constantly on the go to engage and to help reform.” “Bishop Spencer brings to his new ministry a wide variety of experience in many fields,” Archbishop Broglio said. “That experience will certainly contribute to the richness of the episcopal ministry to which he is now called.” He will live at the American seminary in Louvain, Belgium. Archbishop Broglio has asked him to be responsible for all of Europe and Asia. Although not fluent, Bishop Spencer understands German and some Korean. Bishop Spencer called it a blessing to become the first auxiliary bishop able to enter war zones. He will transition from the regular Army to the Army Reserve, and expects that he will spend Christmas, Holy Week and other special occasions on the ground in war zones. “It’s a win-win for the military, because they keep another chaplain in the inventory,” Bishop Spencer said. “It’s a win-win for the Church, because we get a bishop directly on the battlefield.” Just as he was faced with some conflict as a military man-turned-Franciscan brother, Bishop Spencer acknowledged there is some conflict as a bishop assigned to the military. “I stand in the gap as a servant of God,” he said, “to try to bring awareness, understanding, compassion and forgiveness in the midst of the sin of war.” “I’m a little nervous, for sure,” he said. “I want to serve God and serve the people. I’m thankful for the health I have now and the energy I have to engage in this ministry. It’s such an honor to serve our Church through the military.” ✞
ON CALL – from the Greatest Generation to the Latest Generation
oday, I went in a convoy to a very isolated, little place in Afghanistan where we have 40 soldiers. It’s a long, dusty, and dirty drive into a world you only see in National Geographic. These guys were living pretty hard, but generally seemed happy – they had not seen a priest since their arrival five months ago. I think 22 of them went to Mass and they seemed very appreciative of my coming.” —COLONEL WILLIAM WILLETT (ARMY CHAPLAIN) – JULY 2010
ver four decades ago in 1967 and 1968, William Willett, a young Army soldier from Kentucky fought on the battlefields of South Vietnam. Paratrooper trained, he spent a year with the famous 1st Cavalry (Airmobile) Division (Co. A, 2 BN 8th Cav) and earned a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and Combat Infantryman Badge. He served in various places in Vietnam – Bong Son Plain, Dak To (and was present the day Father Charlie Waters, Medal of Honor winner was killed – Oct 1967), Khe Sanh, and the A Shau Valley. When he returned from Vietnam, there were no parades and no hero welcomes. As with many Vietnam veterans he enrolled in college and graduated in 1971 with degree in Agriculture and Business Economics from Murray State University.
n the months and years after returning from Vietnam and the Army he felt God truly calling him to the priesthood. He had been drawn into the Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement and other prayer groups and Catholic community activities. After attending St. Mary College in Kentucky (Philosophy and Latin) and then St. Meinrad School of Theology for five years, in 1979 he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky. (continued on page 42) winter / 2010 /
From the Chancellor
o you would think that by now I would learn to be careful about what I say. My most recent gaffe is saying that I am an emptyDEACON MICHAEL YAKIR nester. Wrong! My son and his wife deployed to Afghanistan in May, and they have a little girl. Their original plans for taking care of her while deployed fell through so Grandpa and Grandma were Plan b. Having a baby in diapers living in my house for one year at this stage of my life really was not part of my game plan. I really wanted to put another couple of notches in my belt with some of the remaining states that I need to ride my Harley in before I retire. But our agenda does not always fit into God’s plans for us, so like all military families, we have learned to be flexible.
used to tell young couples at Baptism classes what it was going to be like having a baby in the house. Want to go to the movies? Maybe! Ask the baby. Do you like a good night’s sleep? Don’t count on that for awhile. Want to eat out Saturday night? Yeah, sure! How is it that someone so small, who can not talk or walk, can control your life? We can not do anything without her permission. And we love every minute of it!
ince Auria started to live with us we have not had a bad day. (Except the day that we got a report that her mom’s vehicle was cut in half by an IED. The good news was that it was an MRAP, that took all the force. All four walked away. A little weak kneed maybe, and they got their bell rung for sure, but all survived. Prayers do work!) Every morning she has this grin on her face that
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just starts my day off on the right foot. We are not allowed to leave the house in the morning without a group hug. If we forget she is quick to remind us. And when I get home she gives me a hug and wants me to play on the floor with her. That is a lot of fun, right up until I try to get up off the floor, then I realize that I am not as young as I used to be. She just turned a year old and is right on the verge of walking. Any day now.
just wish her parents could experience the joy that we are experiencing and that they were around for these milestones in her life. The good news is that there is Facebook where I post photos and movies for them to see. Skype doesn’t work so well because their Internet connections are really lousy. What can you expect, they are in a war zone. But what we do have is much better than the snail mail we had during my war over
forty years ago, so I am not complaining. Every time I post a new photo or video my eyes well up because I think of what it must be like to be a parent on the other side of the world from your children knowing that you will be away for over a year.
child, I suspect that part of what he means is that we must be dependent on Him throughout our lives, not on ourselves. Total trust, total dependence on His will. Anything less and our lives will not be as fulfilling; we will not reach our full potential.
uria is a real “chick magnet.” This summer we visited a train display, with real trains, at Union Station. When we were done my wife left me alone with Auria. When she came back she found Auria and I surrounded by a half dozen women all cooing over the baby and asking me all about her. My wife let out a yelp and chased all the women away from me. Now she will not let me alone with the baby in public.
ne thing I have relearned about having a baby in the house is that if you do not watch out, you will learn a lot about what it means to be a Christian. Think about it, what can a baby do on its own? It cannot clothe itself, it cannot feed itself, it cannot get from one side of the room to another, it cannot even put itself to bed. A baby is totally dependent on its parents for everything. When Jesus says that in order to get into heaven you have to be just like the little
am also reminded how selfish we can be. Too often we think that the world revolves around us. It is all about me and what I want. Not so for the true believer. The disciple of Christ puts himself last and others first. In a willingness to sacrifice what you think is important you will probably find what is really important. Raising a one-year old at age sixty is not a sacrifice; it is a gift. have to go now. I have a date with my granddaughter. We are going to read a book together, play on the floor with a ball, then after a nap for the both of us, we are going to the food court at the mall and we are not telling Grandma where we are going. PAX Deacon Mike. ✞
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ON CALL – from the Greatest Generation to the Latest Generation (continued from page 39)
n 1981 Father Willett entered the Army as a military chaplain and served for 26+ years in the USA, Germany, Italy, Egypt, Bosnia, Poland, Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, until his retirement in June 2005. He went into the Army Chaplaincy because he felt God’s call and, having served in the Army and knowing the needs and the system he felt he had something to offer the soldiers serving in the military. Owing to the severe shortage of Catholic chaplains, Colonel Willett, in mid-2009 volunteered to return to active duty for two years and was sent to Iraq again. One year later he was sent to Afghanistan where he now serves as the Catholic Chaplain for the 4th Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division at FOB Sharana in the dangerous Helmand province.
t 64, Father Willett is probably the oldest chaplain serving in Afghanistan. During his military career which has spanned five decades, he has been on duty with troops from the “greatest generation to the latest generation.” He is an outstanding example of a Catholic patriot and chaplain who has served and continues to serve God and Country.
have been at the FST (Forward Surgical Team) field hospital several times in the past two weeks - we have a lot of IEDs that blow up vehicles which is always a little dangerous. I travel out each day in an armored vehicle to the far throws of this rugged land to visit the 21 FOBs and COPs (Forward Operating Bases and Combat Outposts). A little more than half have not seen a Catholic priest in up to 139 days. It does not bother me a bit to crawl in the rig and start moving out.”
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By: Julian R. Gluck, C2C USAF UASFA
Air Force Academy Knights Win Outstanding Council Award
n October 1-3, students from over 70 colleges in the United States and abroad gathered in New Haven, Connecticut for the annual Knights of Columbus College Conference. Among these students were cadets and midshipmen from the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, and the United States Air Force Academy. At the conference, several awards were given, including the 2010 Outstanding College Council Award. Out of the over 250 college councils from six countries, this year’s award recipient is the United States Air Force Academy Council 8200, Our Lady of the Skies, whose shepherd is Chaplain Captain Chad Zielinksi.
o be considered for the award, a council must demonstrate its dedication to the vision and mission of Venerable Father J. McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus. Events organized by councils to promote charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism are considered for the award. Over the past academic year the cadets of Council 8200 organized many events. They chopped and stacked two years’ worth of firewood for Mary’s Choice, a pro-life organization outside of Denver, Colorado. The knights saved the organization thousands of dollars of utility bill money that can now be used in the effort to help single pregnant women. Members of the council also gave the recruitment “Man Talk” at the annual freshman retreat, and a significant percentage of the freshmen who attended the talk became Knights a few weeks later. The Knights sponsored “Women’s Night,” in which they honored the Catholic
women of the Air Force Academy with a special dinner. When a fellow cadet’s brother died unexpectedly, the members of the council paid for her plane ticket home and donated money to help pay for the funeral expenses.
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t is July 1, 2007, at the height of summer surge. We have just concluded a Catholic Mass for soldiers-in-training at Fort Jackson, the United States Army’s largest and most active Initial Entry Training Center. Located in South Carolina within the city of Columbia, Fort Jackson U.S. ARMY, FORT JACKSON, S.C., JULY. 2007 provides basic combat training for half of all soldiers and seventy percent of all female soldiers entering the United States Army. Over fifty thousand basic training and advanced individual training soldiers come through here every year, with about fifteen thousand listing themselves as Roman Catholic. Mass for soldiers-in-training is held in a large gymnasium at the Solomon Center, more often called the CAC (Community Activity Center).
have thanked the singers and musicians and other volunteers—and then congratulate the graduates. They have been waiting for this cue for almost nine weeks. A thousand healthy soldiers explode in a chorus of approval and gratitude. HHHHHOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Thank goodness the ringing in my ears is temporary. A stampede of camouflage quickly descends
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from the bleachers—and many are headed my way. Soldiers crowd around to ask questions and request songs. New trainees ask to join the choir or to play an instrument or to help with the Mass in other ways. Many ask for Bibles. If they have not yet received a Catholicsoldier’s welcome packet, they ask for rosaries (a few ask for “rosemaries”) and the small metal cross that many soldiers insert into their dog
tags. Some ask if there is a Spananother matter. At the last ish Mass (no) or confirmation minute the night before, I Soldiers crowd class (not for trainees) or Bible switched to something I dearound to ask study (I suggest they start one in cided would fit with the end of questions and their unit). One or two will ask to the second reading (Philippians request songs. sing a solo after Communion. 4:4–7): “Then the peace of New trainees With many of their questions, God that surpasses all underask to join I must refer them to a priest: How standing will guard your hearts the choir or to play an do I become Catholic? I have and minds in Christ Jesus.” instrument never been to church; what do We would alternate singing or to help with I do? How can I get confirmed? the verses and refrain from the Mass in Trainees who will graduate Jacques Bertier’s “Eat This other ways. this week are eager to shake my Bread” with the traditional Many ask for hand and offer their thanks for “Dona Nobis Pacem.” The Bibles. risky part was I wanted everythe music. I ask where they are one to sing “Eat This Bread” from and where they’re headed and, of course, I wish them well. Between hugs, in the same 3/4 time as “Dona Nobis Pacem.” I have been music director for this Mass for I tell them to stay active in their faith and to visit if they ever return to Fort Jackson. only two months. It has been twelve years since Chances are, I will never see any of them again. I last did anything like this. Now I am at it I spot one soldier behind the others and notice again—thankful for the opportunity and happy the emotion in his face. He is waiting to talk to supplement my limited income. But this is with me last. not families and children and parish events and a choir with rehearsal once a week. The Mass is for Catholic soldiers-in-training, mostly in their twenties, and since they are at Fort Jackson for only nine weeks, the assembly can t is a few minutes after 0700 on a cold, be different every Sunday. Basic training is physically grueling, dark Sunday morning, December 14, 2003. Driving on the back roads at Fort mentally challenging, and psychologically Jackson, I watch out for deer and listen to intense. Trainees have no free time, except for The Lutheran Hour. My thoughts are on the an opportunity to attend a worship service of music I have selected for the soldiers’ Mass at a their choice. I was soon to learn that many who small church known as Tank Hill Chapel. The come to Mass are not Catholic. A Catholic song for offertory will be one of the soldiers’ soldier’s assigned “battle buddy” (always by his favorites, “Be Not Afraid.” It seems to work or her side) may often be of another faith. Non-Catholic trainees come out of with part of the first reading (Zephaniah 3:14– 18a): “You have no further misfortune to fear” curiosity or to get out of the barracks and and “Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged!” away from their drill sergeants. Many are And also with the responsorial psalm (Isaiah unchurched and without any professed religion. 12:2–3, 4, 5–6): “God indeed is my savior; Others are returning to church after a substanI am confident and unafraid. My strength and tial absence. Some have never been to a church my courage is the Lord, and he has been my in their lives. A few are inattentive and savior.” The Communion song, however, is (continued on page 46)
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(continued from page 45) disrespectful during Mass, and that drives me crazy, at first. This is much harder than I expected; I’m uneasy and afraid the soldiers sense my insecurity. Suddenly, I hear, “We interrupt this program...” on the radio. Saddam Hussein has been captured by United States armed forces. I pull into the chapel parking lot and listen as long as possible before heading inside. This is big news, especially for the soldiers. A dozen are there already, and I go up to them and quietly tell them what I had heard. Two soldiers in tandem ask, incredulously, “For real?” Another says, “No way!” Three drop to their knees in prayer. The rest sit in stunned silence. They soon will hear in the first reading: “Be glad and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem! The Lord has removed the judgment against you, he has turned away your enemies.” But there is no exultation; there are no cheers. For the most part, the trainees are quiet, thinking of what the news may mean for them and their families. The priest works the news into his homily. During Communion, the soldiers do sing “Eat This Bread” in 3/4 time with “Dona Nobis Pacem.” Many trainees are in tears. For me, this is a turning point. It is the moment that my “job” became a vocation, a calling, and, truly, a music ministry. And I suddenly realize one venerable truth about those who serve in the military: All soldiers desire peace. Several hours later, President Bush’s speech to the nation promises a new era of freedom for peace-loving Iraqis: “In the history of Iraq, a dark and painful era is over. A hopeful day has arrived. All Iraqis can now come together and reject violence and build a new Iraq.” The President soberly warns: “The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of violence in Iraq. We still face terrorists who would rather go on killing the innocent than accept the rise of liberty in the heart of the Middle East.”
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BACK TO JULY 1, 2007
he soldier waiting to talk with me clearly is in turmoil. The others move on, and I go over to him. He is about thirty, Hispanic-looking, and in halting English he tells me how much he misses his family, especially his wife, and that every night he would play his guitar and sing to her. I had told the trainees before Mass that my choir at a church downtown often sings Richard Gillard’s “The Servant Song” for weddings. It would be our song for offertory, and I asked everyone to pay attention to the text, which speaks to those who serve God and each other—and, it seems to me, soldiers: “We are pilgrims on a journey, / We are trav’lers on the road; / We are here to help each other / Walk the mile and bear the load.” The song deeply moved this man. With tears streaming down his face, he asked for a copy so he could sing it to his wife when he finally saw her again. I took his book, turned around so no one could see, and tore out the page and handed it to him. With tears in my eyes, I gave him a long hug and told him to give one just like that to his wife from me, and to know that they both would be in my prayers. It is moments like this that reinforce the purpose of my music ministry. I am convinced that the songs that our soldiers sing at Mass will have a lasting impact on their lives. When choosing the music, I often find myself wondering: Will a song have meaning for them, now and in the future? Will it be something they write home and tell their families about? Will they remember it in the quiet of night in the barracks with dozens of trainees sleeping nearby—or in the training grounds where they run and learn to fight and shoot and toss hand
grenades—or before climbing Victory Tower or a few held onto each other. It was the most entering the gas chamber and are told to spiritually moving thing I have ever witnessed: remove their masks? Months from now, when a hundred or more soldiers in uniform on their they’re an ocean away from families and knees, each alone with their Lord and praying friends, will they think of a song when they’re for the only pope they had ever known. frightened and scared, on guard duty in a The next Sunday, I set up the display and remote area or in a dangerous convoy or in the it happened again. Since then, the soldiers midst of battle in a hot, treehave continued to kneel on less dessert? And when they the floor before the altar experience death, will they after receiving Communion. With tears silently remember words of My ministry, by the grace of God, is through the music comfort and trust that they in my eyes, and by my simple actions at sang at our Mass? Songs such I gave him Mass and in my prayers. as “Be Not Afraid,” “On a long hug But the trainees minister to Eagles Wings,” “You Are and told him me, too. When my mother Mine,” or “Shelter Me, O to give one suddenly became critically God”? I do hope so. ill, I knew that she was in In the four years that I just like that the daily prayers of hundreds have served as music directo his wife of soldiers. Every Sunday, tor for the soldiers’ Mass, I from me, never cease to be amazed at they asked about her progress. and to know what the trainees teach me When she passed away that they about devotion to duty, unexpectedly one Sunday sacrificial service to others, both would evening a few months later, simple faith and prayer, and the night before her birthbe in my their love of God and others. day, I asked the priest before prayers. Such was evidenced in a Mass the next Sunday if I very humbling way, with the could announce the news death of Pope John Paul II. before the recessional song. Sunday morning after the Holy Father’s demise, He readily agreed. So on Mother’s Day, the knowing most trainees would not have heard Fifth Sunday of Easter this year, I announced the news, I arrived very early and set up at one that we would sing Janet Vogt’s “Rise Up with side of the altar a small table with a lace cloth, Him,” and I then thanked the trainees for candle, crucifix, a figure of Mary, and in the keeping my mother in their prayers, but that center, a picture of our Holy Father. Soon the she had passed on from this life into the next. gymnasium was packed with soldiers. Thirty A few trainees began to cry and I quickly said minutes before Mass, I asked for quiet and told not to be sad, because I was happy in knowing them the news. (There was a collective gasp.) that I would see her again. I asked everyone to What happened next will stay with me the rest sing the recessional song with great joy, since of my life. One by one, trainees quietly came we all would “rise up with Him.” They brought down from the bleachers and kneeled in front the roof down with their singing. of the altar, filling the floor. You could have (continued on page 48) heard a pin drop. They prayed, some cried, and
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do not think anyone can “do” this job if they don’t love what they are doing and if they do not love and respect the trainees. Men and women join the military for a lot of reasons. Most want to make a positive difference in the world. They give up much in order to participate in something greater than themselves. Many have never thought of God in their lives, but they often realize his presence soon after beginning basic training. If I could have had children, they would be the age of the trainees at Fort Jackson. But they are someone else’s child or grandchild, sister or brother, best friend or spouse or fiancé, mother or father. They are my heroes and they are the best of America. When it comes to courage and determination, self-sacrifice and service to God and to each other and, for many, service to strangers who would just as soon wish them
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dead—and all the while knowing they could pay the ultimate sacrifice in “laying down one’s life for a friend”—the soldiers who I have met at Mass at Fort Jackson “get” it. It would be easy for me, a woman of faith, to say upon their graduations, “Now they are in God’s hands,” and to not worry about their futures. But, of course, I worry. And I pray. After further training, many of “my” soldiers will embark on what could be a lethal mission. I am certain some of them have been killed and many have been wounded and altered mentally and psychologically. Last year, I thought I recognized a soldier who was killed in a horrific way. I was devastated for weeks and I still cannot bear to watch the news, for fear of seeing another casualty with a familiar face. Yet, it is of great consolation to know that if I have done my job to the best of my ability, and with His help, then I can be assured that our graduates—the ones who came to Catholic Mass while training at Fort Jackson—do at least know of God’s presence in their lives. And that will be their secret weapon.
Every Catholic in the United States and microphones for the altar, the lectern, and knows that the shortage of priests is critical. It the piano. In theory, everything is in place by is even more critical for Catholic soldiers, not 0730, especially the music area so I can begin only for those in harm’s way, but also for those rehearsal. Sometimes we discover there was a in training. At Fort Jackson, there is only one dance or wedding reception the night before, assigned Catholic priest for thousands of and so we must clear away tables and chairs. Catholic soldiers and their families. In five Or there might be a huge stage set up for a years, we have gone from six Masses to three. concert, with the microphones and electric Only one Mass is devoted lines run to it that we need specifically to trainees. None to conduct Mass. We have of the churches at Fort Jackhad to sing everything a Suddenly, son are large enough to accappella on a few occasions I hear, commodate the trainees at a (and I will quickly change the “We interrupt music to more familiar songs Catholic Mass. Thus, the this program...” when that happens). soldiers’ Mass is celebrated in on the radio. Because we have new a gymnasium. It is far from Saddam trainees at every Mass, I ideal. We cannot simply Hussein has always announce that seats walk into a church and been captured “have” Mass. are available in the choir. by United The CAC is used I set up the music stands and States armed throughout the week for notebooks and ask for anyforces. I pull many functions. All of the one to join us who can play into the chapel equipment and supplies for the donated clarinet or my parking lot the soldiers’ Mass are stored flute, guitar, recorder, and and listen as outside the facility in a padwhistles that I have brought long as possible before heading locked shed. A chaplain asalong. Almost always, someinside... sistant is responsible for one will. Sometimes I pass setting everything up, with out maracas, shakers, claves, help from the trainees. The and a tambourine. I try to go chaplain assistant also is responsible for main- over the songs in four minutes each. And I tell taining order, and he or she also coordinates the singers, “You are our music ministers, our the trainees who volunteer as readers, ushers music leaders; sing out loud and strong for (offertory), bell ringers, cross bearers, and everyone in the farthest bleachers to hear.” I acolytes. It is a very daunting task. will add, “Don’t make me do this all by myself.” No earlier than 0700, the chaplain assis- (They love that.) Continually, I praise and thank tant and trainees bring in a heavy two-piece all who are a part of the music. Sometimes I wooden altar (table and pedestal), lectern, small repeat a previous priest’s favorite phrase, serving table, piano and bench, amplifier, lamp, “Singing in church is like praying twice” music stand, a box of Mass supplies, and six (although to me it’s more like praising twice). When hundred books in boxes and book carts. Fifty I introduce songs to them, I might tell them a chairs are set up behind the altar and for the bit about the composer or read some of the choir and musicians. Someone brings out an words and encourage them to find something electric line for the piano, lamp, and amplifier, (continued on page 58)
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n Easter morning, March 25, 1951, the Catholic priest mounted the steps of a partially destroyed church, and turned to face his congregation, some 60 men–gaunt, foul-smelling, in tattered clothing–of various faiths. Father Emil Kapaun raised a small, homemade, wooden cross to begin a prayer service, then led the men in the Rosary, heard the confessions of the Catholics, and performed a Baptism. The U.S. Army chaplain, with a patch covering his injured eye and supported by a crudely made cane because of a badly infected leg, may have been broken in body, but was strong in spirit.
he following Sunday, Father Kapaun collapsed. His condition was serious – a blood clot, severe veinal inflammation, malnutrition – but the Chinese guards in the North Korean prison camp would allow no medical treatment, not even painkillers. After languishing for several weeks, he died on May 23 and was buried in a mass grave. Emil Kapaun was born on April 16, 1916 to a poor, but faith-filled farm family on the prairies of eastern Kansas. Life was hard and even children had to learn to be resourceful as mechanics and carpenters and to care for the animals during bitter winters and brutally hot summers. With a strong desire to become a priest, he attended Benedictine Conception Abbey to complete high school and college, continued his studies at Kenrick Seminary in St. Louis, and was ordained in 1940. In 1944, Father Kapaun enlisted as a chaplain in the U.S. Army, and served for two years
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in Burma and India, before returning to civilian life. Two years later, he reenlisted and was assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division in Japan. In June 1950, a North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel and advanced quickly toward Seoul, South Korea. The U.S. intervened militarily, with the 1st Cavalry Division executing an amphibious landing to block the advancing army. The enemy onslaught was severe and the U.S. units soon were in retreat. The fighting was intense. Father Kapaun, with his soldierparishioners in danger, was tireless. He moved among the GIs, ignoring enemy fire, comforting the wounded, easing fears, administering the last rites, burying the dead, and offering Mass whenever and wherever he could. On one occasion, he went in front of the U.S. lines, in spite of intense fire, to rescue a wounded soldier. On September 15, 1950, the war took a radical turn when U.S. troops landed at Inchon
behind the invading army. The North Korean forces fled northward, with the Americans in pursuit. Within a few weeks, the 1st Cavalry Division had crossed the 38th parallel. Unknown to them, China had secretly moved a huge army into North Korea. The night of November 1 was quiet. Father Kapaun’s battalion, which had suffered some 400 casualties among its roster of 700 soldiers, was placed in a reserve position. Chinese troops, however, had infiltrated to within a short distance of them. Suddenly, just before midnight, there was a cacophony of bugles, horns and whistles, as the enemy attacked from all sides. Father Kapaun scrambled among foxholes, sharing a prayer with one soldier, saying a comforting word to another. He assembled many wounded in an abandoned log dugout. All the next day, he scanned the battlefield and, some 15 times, when he spotted a wounded soldier would crawl out and drag the man back to the battalion’s position. By day’s end, the defensive perimeter was drawn so tightly that the log hut and the wounded it contained were outside of it. As evening came and another attack was imminent, the chaplain left the main force for the shelter so that he could be with the wounded. It was soon overrun, and Father Kapaun pleaded for the safety of the injured. Approximately three-quarters of the men inthe battalion had been killed or captured. Hundreds of U.S. prisoners were marched northward over snow-covered crests. Whenever the column paused, Father Kapaun hurried up and down the line, encouraging the men to pray, exhorting them not to give up. When a man had to be carried or be left to die, Father Kapaun, although suffering from frostbite himself, set the example by helping to carry a makeshift stretcher. Finally, they reached their destination, a frigid, mountainous area near the Chinese border. The poorly dressed prisoners were given
so little to eat that they were starving to death. For the men to survive they would have to steal food from their captors. So, praying to St. Dismas, the “Good Thief,” Father Kapaun would sneak out of his hut in the middle of the night, often coming back with a sack of grain, potatoes or corn. He volunteered for details to gather wood because the route passed the compound where the enlisted men were kept, and he could encourage them with a prayer, and sometimes slip out of line to visit the sick and wounded. He also undertook tasks that repulsed others, such as cleaning latrines and washing the soiled clothing of men with dysentery. Father Kapaun’s faith never wavered. While he was willing to forgive the failings of prisoners toward their captors, he allowed no leeway in regard to the doctrines of the church. He continually reminded prisoners to pray, assuring them that in spite of their difficulties, our Lord would take care of them. As a result of his example, some 15 of his fellow prisoners converted to the Catholic Faith. Father Kapaun’s practice of sharing his meager rations with others who were weaker, lowered his resistance to disease, and eventually to his death. For his heroic behavior, he received many posthumous honors, including the Distinguished Service Cross and Legion of Merit, had buildings, chapels, a high school, and several Knights of Columbus councils named in his honor, and is currently being consideration for the Medal of Honor. In 1993, the Pope declared Father Kapaun a “Servant of God,” and his cause for canonization is pending. ✞ winter / 2010 /
National Jamboree Mass Celebrates 100 Years of Scouting
ugust 2, 2010: On a hot Sunday morning in August 15,000 Scouts and Scouters gathered at an open field to participate in the celebration of Mass. Bishop Gerald A. Gettlefinger, Bishop of Evansville, IN and the bishop liaison to the National Catholic Committee on Scouting presided. Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston, SC served as the homilist. For many this celebration was the highlight of the National Jamboree that brought 45,000 Boy Scouts and adult leaders together at Fort A.P. Hill, VA to celebrate 100 years of Scouting in the United States of America.
ishop Higgins and Bishop-elect (at the time) Spencer both concelebrated at this outdoor Mass. The prevalent theme throughout the liturgy was repeated references to the Scout Oath and Law, highlighting the
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call to serve others. It was also noted, with great enthusiasm, that Bishop Spencer is an Eagle Scout. The National Catholic Committee on Scouting National Chaplain, Father Stephen B. Salvador from the Diocese of Fall River,
MA, reminded all gathered of the importance of this historic celebration as he welcomed honored guests. After the liturgy Bishop Higgins and Bishop-elect Spencer greeted many of the Scouts and encouraged them in their pursuit of religious emblems. There were many handshakes, photos and requests for blessings of religious articles. The elaborate organization of the National Jamboree served to highlight the impact of mentoring young people. Scouters, adult leaders to the Boy Scouts, provided encouragement and advice through their active presence. They did not complete tasks for the Boy Scouts, such as setting up camp or accomplishing requirements for a patch, but they certainly walked with them and provided a guiding hand along the way. This model of
comprehensive youth ministry continues to encourage young leaders in the Church and in the Military too. Each year many Eagle Scouts enter the Military Academies to continue their service to God and country. The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA encourages Military Catholic Faith Communities to Charter a Scout Unit. The Mission of the Boy Scouts is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. A brochure with more information, including letters from Archbishop Broglio and Bishop Estabrook, may be found on our web site (see the NCCS brochure), Congratulations to the Boy Scouts of America celebrating 100 years of Scoutings. ✞ winter / 2010 /
World Youth Day 2011
he international celebration of World Youth Day will be celebrated August 16-21, 2011 in the Spanish capitol city of Madrid. In October the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, addressed the organizers of this celebration. Cardinal Rylko, the president of the Pontifical Council on the Laity, highlighted the following at a recent Vatican press conference,
“The Pope lays much emphasis on the fact that WYD should not be reduced merely to a moment of festivity. Preparation for this great event and the attention that must be given to ordinary pastoral care are an integral and decisive part thereof. The festivities and the event itself act as a kind of catalyst to facilitate an ongoing educational process. In this sense, Benedict XVI sees in WYD a prophetic response to the educational emergency of the post-modern world”. — VIS 20101005 (1010)
oung adults and high school youth throughout the archdiocese are currently making plans to participate as pilgrims with hundreds of thousands of young people from around the world. The theme of WYD is “Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the Faith” (Saint Paul.)
he Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA has prepared a WYD Planning Manual for military-connected groups. There is also a specific social networking site for WYD called The AMS has its own section on for military- connected pilgrims to gather and share information. Learn more about all of these resources on the AMS web site,✞
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Retired Chaplains List 2010 RETIRED CHAPLAIN
Reverend David A. Voelker Reverend Philip S. Llanos
Air Force Air Force
24-May-10 1-Jul-10
20 26
Reverend Richard B. Dunn Reverend Linn S. Harbour Reverend Lawrence Bailey Reverend Stanislaw Pieczara Reverend Richard J. Bendorf O.F.M.
Air Force Air Force Air Force Air Force
1-Sep-10 1-Oct-10 1-Nov-10 24-Nov-10
25 23 19 18
Reverend James E. Sheil Reverend Robert E. Roetzel C.S.C.
Reverend Stephen J. Linehan Reverend James L. Danner Reverend Donald R. Moss Reverend Kenneth C. Cienik S.A. Reverend James W. Joslyn Reverend William D. Devine Reverend Thomas P. Hall C.S.P.
Navy Navy Navy Navy Navy Navy Navy
1-Jan-10 31-Mar-10 30-Apr-10 1-Jun-10 1-Jun-10 1-Jul-10 1-Jul-1
24 20 20 30 28 23 23
Reverend Patrick. J. McCormick Navy Reverend Steven Vanden Boogard Navy
1-Jul-10 1-Jul-10
20 24
Reverend James M. Connolly Reverend Philip B. Creider Reverend Donald P. Fix Reverend Kenneth J. Rodes S.D.B. Reverend Peter W. McGeory
Navy Navy Navy Navy Navy
1-Aug-10 1-Aug-10 1-Aug-10 1-Aug-10 1-Sep-10
23 19 20 23 19
Reverend Bernard J. Welch Reverend Arthur H. Logan Jr. O.C.S.O
30 Sep-10
Reverend Msgr. William F. Cuddy Jr.
winter / 2010 /
Air Force Academy Knights Win Outstanding Council Award To promote fraternity, the Knights organized a number of events. They climbed to the top of Mt. Shavano, a 14,000-foot peak in the Rockies of Colorado. They hosted a number of parties open to all members of the Catholic community. To top it off, the cadet Knights organized a sports day open to all men in the Catholic community, in order to promote unity amongst the Knights and other male cadets. They went shooting, played football, and grilled steaks. Program Director and current The King’s Men staffer, Dave DiNuzzo, while on staff at the Academy with the chaplain’s office, spearheaded many of these activities with the cadets; Financial Secretaries Lt Col David Bell and previously Lt Col Kevin Gibbons made further contributions with administration and finances, allowing cadets to concentrate on activities and student leadership.
(continued from page 43)
Council 8200 had a very fruitful year under the leadership of cadets and Grand Knights Patrick Tracy and now Julian Gluck. Service Academy cadets have rigorous schedules and little time for anything not directly related to their service as cadets. The fact that Council 8200 was able to earn the 2010 Outstanding Council of the Year Award in competition with colleges including Harvard and Notre Dame is indeed impressive. Furthermore, Cadet Second Class Julian Gluck, this year’s Council 8200 Grand Knight, has been elected as the new College Committee Chairman. Cadet Gluck represents college Knights in the Order, leads the Conference, and has a position which gives him the opportunity to work closely with Knights at the Supreme level. The Knights of the United States Air Force Academy had a great year, and they hope to remain successful in the future. ✞
Chaplains faithfully train ears, hearts (continued from page 35) to serve soldiers
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archdiocesan assignments included the parishes of Saint Catherine of Siena, Cedar Grove, and Saint Henry, Bayonne. Our Lady of Sorrows, South Orange, is the home parish for Fathers Galinas and Hamel. Father Kokeram, ordained in 1999, came on active duty in the Army in 2005 and is at Fort Jackson taking intermediate courses at the Army Chaplain School. He served as a priest at Saint Thomas More, Fairfield, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Newark. He too has spent time in Iraq and also was stationed in Fort Bragg, NC. Last May Bishop John W. Flesey, at the invitation of Father Hamel, addressed a retreat for U.S. Air Force Catholic chaplains at Bethany Center in Lutz, FL, a forum that drew 53 priests serving throughout the world. ✞
Catholic woman recognized for ministry to the military PHOTO COURTESY OF BOB WASSERLEIN
winter / 2010 /
Emerald Coast Military Catholic Youth Conference
he third ECMCYC will be held at the Embassy Suites in Destin, Florida, February 18-20, 2011. The conference was awarded a grant this year from the Catholic Youth Foundation, USA. The keynote speakers, Mike Patin and Anna Scally, will focus on the ECMCYC theme, “Rules of Engagement.” The deadline for group registration is December 18, 2010. Contact the POC at Eglin AFB, Kay Martinez, for more information, Last year’s highlight was the peer-led discussion on dealing with the challenges of having a parent deployed. Please keep all of the ECMCYC organizers in your prayers. ✞
HHHHHHHOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! in the text that relates to their lives. If there is a Scripture reference below the song, I suggest they look that up in their Bibles, as singing during Mass can be like Bible study set to music. To the singers who are graduating, I say, “The way you live your life on this Earth is like choir practice for Heaven” (which I found on a praise-and-worship CD). To all of the graduates I suggest they stay active in their faith (because so many at our Mass are not Catholic). I remind them, “Just as you volunteered here, you can help at Mass or at church wherever the Army sends you.” The United States Army will continue sending soldiers to Iraq—and to Afghanistan and other dangerous areas of the world—for a long time to come. It is my fervent prayer that if there were trainees who came to our soldiers’ Mass without knowing about God’s presence in their lives, that by the time they graduate, they do know that he is always there for them, in every trial and tribulation. I pray that they will keep God in their hearts and will sing his praises as they continue their training elsewhere.
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(continued from page 49)
And I pray, as they begin their deployments, that he will protect them when they face evil and many temptations, and especially after they have been through so much. Since I began my music ministry at Fort Jackson, many thousands of trainees have worshiped at the soldiers’ Catholic Mass. They have prayed for peace and sung songs of praise and thanksgiving, service and discipleship, faith and trust, comfort and hope. Over the years, they have written me many notes of thanks and well wishes. This is one of my favorites: “This is my first time ever coming to Catholic Mass. You helped me believe this is where I belong. I feel Christ every time I sing hymns. I do not know what it is, but it feels good.” Dona nobis pacem. ✞ Jean Ray Williams has been the music minister for Roman Catholic liturgy at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, the US Army’s largest and most active training center, for nearly five years. She also sings in the Arpad Darazs Singers, a highly developed choral ensemble in central South Carolina.
Archdiocese for the Military Services
tour of duty brick campaign RESERVE YOUR BRICKS TODAY! TO SHOW YOUR MESSAGE OF SUPPORT TO veterans, military members, their families, and chaplains. Your commemorative brick will join the thousands of others in adding that “personal touch” to the pathways of our new chancery building in Washington, DC. Order your bricks online at: or complete and return the form below. Each paver includes 18 characters per line (space included) and up to 4 lines per brick.
—[ Isaiah 9:6 ]
...“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given”...
“Serving Those Who Serve”
P.O. Box 4469 Washington, DC 20017-0469
Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA