The information in this book has been compiled and edited from information received from the activity/facility listed, its superior headquarters or from other sources that may or may not be noted. All listed facilities, rates and fees, locations, hours of operation, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses and websites are subject to change without notice.
All listed facilities and any or all information about them is subject to change. This book should be used as a guide to military locations that may be available with the understanding that information and availability is subject to change.
Please forward any corrections, changes, deletions, or additions to the publisher via email to: editor@militaryliving.com; by fax to: Attn: Editor, C-703-291-8855; or by mail to: Military Living® Publications, Attn: Editor, P.O. Box 231, Ophelia, VA 22530.
This directory/guide is published by Military Marketing Services, Inc. and Military Living® Publications (T/A), a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Federal or other governments. This directory is copyrighted by William R. Crawford, Jr. Opinions expressed by the publishers, editors, and writers herein are not to be considered an official expression by any government agency or official.
The information and statements contained in this directory have been compiled from sources believed to be reliable and to represent the best current opinion on the subject. No warranty, guarantee or representation is made by Military Marketing Services, Inc., Military Living® Publications, the authors, and editors as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any representation contained in this or other publications and we can assume no responsibility or liability for changes, errors, or omissions. Please confirm eligibility, availability, procedures, and schedules when planning your trip.
by William R. Crawford, Jr. Military Living® PublicationsAll rights reserved. No part of this directory may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission from the publishers. Military Living® Publications, P.O. Box 231, Ophelia, VA 22530
On the Cover: A C-130 Hercules, from Alaska Air National Guard’s 144th Airlift Squadron, flies over Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, March 4, 2017. After 41 years of flying the C-130, the squadron’s eight C-130s were divested, with the planes either being transferred to outside units or retired from service. The unit’s last two aircraft departed Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, the following day. (U.S. Air National Guard photo/Staff Sgt. Edward Eagerton/176th Wing Public Affairs) The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement
DoD Expanded Access – New Eligibility Guidelines
Several changes have been implemented recently regarding who is eligible to utilize the Space Available Air Travel (Space-A) privilege. Veterans with a permanent serviceconnected disability rated as total (100% DAV) became eligible to utilize Space-A with Change 3 to the DoDI 4515.13, 13 August 2018. More recently, with Change 5 to the DoDI 4513.13, 23 October 2020, the accompanying dependents of veterans with a permanent service-connected disability rated as total (100% DAV), as well as certain surviving spouses and their accompanying dependents, are among the most recent changes for who is eligible for Space-A Air Travel to certain locations.
DoDI 4515.13 Change 5 (23 October 2020): “Space Available Travel Priority of Category VI (6): Authorized veterans with a permanent service-connected disability rated as total and their dependents (when accompanied by their sponsor) traveling in the CONUS or directly between the CONUS and Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa (Guam and American Samoa travelers may transit Hawaii or Alaska); or traveling within Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.” (Table 3, Item 47) 1
Documentation Requirements and Eligibility: Veterans with a permanent serviceconnected disability rated as total, must have a DD Form 2765, "Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (TAN)” with “100% DAV” in the affiliation block.2
Certain surviving spouses and their accompanying dependents may utilize Space-A Air Travel. This applies to surviving spouses of:
∙ Service Members who died on Active Duty
∙ Retired Military Members
∙ Service Members who died in an inactive training duty status
∙ Service Members who died in an annual training status
(Table 3, Items 48-51) 1
It is important to note that dependents must be accompanied. Surviving Spouses must have a valid Military ID showing themselves as their own sponsor; a Military ID listing the deceased spouse as a sponsor will not be accepted for unaccompanied travel.
Documentation Requirements and Eligibility: 4.8.r. of DoDI 4515.13 reads: “Surviving spouses of Service members who died while on active duty, inactive duty training, or annual training status as well as retired military members, and their accompanying dependents, must have a DoD USID and privilege card. Dependents who are under the age of 14 must possess a Federal-, State-, local-, or tribal government-issued identification.” 3
1 DoD Instruction 4515.13, January 22, 2016, Change 5, October 23, 2020, Table 3, Items 47-51.
2 DoD Instruction 4515.13, January 22, 2016, Change 5, October 23, 2020, Section 4.8
Documentation Requirements and Eligibility, Item q(1).
3 DoD Instruction 4515.13, January 22, 2016, Change 5, October 23, 2020, Section 4.8
Documentation Requirements and Eligibility, Item r.
Military Living’s® Military Space-A Air Travel Guide™ is a comprehensive guide to worldwide military Space-A air travel provided by all the U.S. Military Services (U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Air Force). This edition has been completely revised and contains more than 200 Space-A departure/arrival stations/locations worldwide. In response to our readers’ needs, we have provided information regarding Military Space-A air travel opportunities for active duty, guard/reserve, retired, 100% DAV uniformed services (U.S. Army, U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Air Force), U.S. Public Health Service and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) personnel and their families. These Space-A air travel opportunities are provided by the active Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Air Force, as well as the Army and Air Force Air National Guards and Reserves. You can save thousands of $$$ with this guide!
For a complete listing of DoD Space-A regulations please visit the following DoD website:
To verify eligibility for Space-A travel, please see Section 4, Table 3 for “Eligible Space-Available Travelers, Priorities, and Approved Geographical Travel Segments”
Table 3 can be found in Appendix A of this publication for quick reference, or at the above link on page 39 of the document.
NOTE: Space Available (Space-A) eligible travelers may not use their privilege for personal gain or in connection with business enterprises or employment. Space-A Air Travel may not be used to establish a home or when international or theater restrictions prohibit such travel.
This directory is divided into three major sections:
Listings within this book are alphabetized as follows: Section I, by U.S. state, then by arrival/departure locations; Section II by foreign country, then by arrival/departure locations. Some listings in each section may have changing arrival/departure locations and limited Space-A air opportunities. Section III, the appendices, contain additional information advantageous to Space-A travelers. Please see the Table of Contents for a specific listing of each appendix and the Space-A related information it provides. The following pages provide, among other things, sample listings that explain in detail how to use this directory.
Telephone numbers preceded by a C- are commercial telephone numbers. Telephone numbers preceded by DSN represent telephone numbers on the Defense Switched Network, which is the DoD worldwide telephone system. NOTE: DSN telephone numbers can only be dialed from one DSN telephone number to another telephone on the Defense Switched Network. When dialing a DSN telephone number from CONUS to CONUS, the 312 is not required and should not be dialed. When dialing into the following geographic areas using the DSN system, the following area code prefixes must be used:
311 (Africa) 317 (Alaska) 319 (Canada)
313 (Caribbean) 312 (CONUS)
315 (Pacific) 318 (Southwest Asia)
314 (Europe)
The telephone information section of the listings in this book contains detailed civilian and defense telephone numbers and prefixes for dialing from a civilian telephone to a military telephone (where this capability exists). All telephone number formats listed assume that the call is being placed from a commercial telephone in North America for civilian systems or in the CONUS for DSN. By way of example, the telephone information section for Ramstein Air Base in Germany looks like this: Main Installation Numbers: C-011-496371-47-1113, DSN-314-480-1110. All telephone information sections for Germany and for most installations in other countries with civilian to military dialing capabilities follow this same basic pattern. The main civilian number breaks down as follows: the first set of numbers (011) is the international dialing access number for North America; the second set of numbers (49) is the country code for Germany; the third set of numbers (6371) is local area/city code within Germany; the fourth set of numbers (47) is the civilian to military conversion number; and the last set of numbers (1113) is the line or extension number. IMPORTANT: All local area codes in Germany and several other countries in Europe begin with a “0”which is not used when dialing into the country (except Italy) but must be added if dialing within the country. In Germany, if you are within the boundaries of the local area code, you will not need to dial the local area code (6371) when dialing a civilian number or a defense number. Dial the military conversion number (47) and the military extension when dialing from a local commercial telephone. The DSN area codes are not used when dialing in the same area code, i.e., the DSN area code of 314 (Europe) is not used when dialing a DSN number in area code 314 (Europe) from another telephone with an area code of 314 (Europe).
NOTE: For more detailed information on the DSN telephone network, and a global directory of DSN phone numbers, please visit the following website:
Visitors to foreign countries should keep in mind that telephone systems in North America are the best and most reliable in the world. They are also the easiest to use. Don’t expect your knowledge of American telephone systems, especially civilian telephone systems, to be of much use to you in
foreign countries. Most foreign country telephone systems can be quite baffling when first encountered. For instance, in the United Kingdom, when dialing a particular location, the number you should dial is determined not only by the location you are dialing to, but by the location you are dialing from. When calling someone from within the U.K., we recommend that you consult the local telephone directory for the proper dialing codes or use operator assistance. The standard 10-digit North American Dialing Plan (Area Code XXX, Switch Code XXX and Line Number XXXX) is found in very few foreign countries. Most foreign country telephone systems have less than 10 digits and a few have more than 10 digits.
Editor’s Note: When placing overseas calls, one should dial slowly, particularly pausing where we have placed a hyphen in the telephone number, i.e., 011- (pause) 49- (pause) 6371(pause) 47(pause) 1110. Also, when dialing a fax number, press your pause button (refer to your manual for instructions) anywhere we have placed a hyphen in the fax number. Despite the great technological advances in international telephone systems, there remains an echo effect in international calls over very long distances.
The following is a sample listing with an explanation of each element of information provided. PLEASE NOTE: The absence of any of these elements for a specific Space-A location indicates that either that feature is not offered at that location, or that the information was not available at the time of this printing.
Official Name of Arrival or Departure (ICAO/IATA)
(four-letter ICAO Location Identifier/three-letter IATA Location Identifier). NOTE: In some cases, no IATA code has been assigned to a location and only the ICAO code is provided.
Main Installation Website: The .mil website of the Space-A location’s main installation.
Space-A Phone Number: Commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers to contact Space-A support personnel at installation.
Flight Recording: Some installations offer recordings via provided phone number describing upcoming Space-A travel opportunities, registration procedures, and other information valuable to the Space-A traveler. This field provides Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers to access Flight Recording.
Terminal Phone: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers.
Terminal Website: When available, the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or Internet address of the website offered by the Space-A installation to provide travelers with Space-A related
information and updates.
Space-A Email: Email address for Space-A contact
Space-A Facebook: When available, the official Installation Space-A Facebook page and/or unofficial Space-A Group Facebook page. Please note that Space-A Group Facebook pages that require group membership are NOT official U.S. DoD Facebook pages but are provided for the convenience of the Space-A traveler. Any information gained from unofficial Facebook sources should be regarded with due caution by the Space-A traveler. AMC Terminals are progressing away from Facebook and many Facebook pages will be phased out.
Flight Frequency and Destination: Provides list of flights to typical destinations and how often Space-A opportunities are available. When possible, these have been categorized as Weekly, Monthly or Infrequently and are organized alphabetically by destination within those categories. Otherwise, appropriate other comments have been provided. Please see “Scheduled Routes and Missions” below for more detailed information.
Flights Originating from This Destination: Any regular flights originating from this Space-A installation (as opposed to transient flights originating elsewhere but stopping at this destination).
Registration Info: May include registration hours, locations, commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers, instructions, and any other information relating to the Space-A registration process specific to this location.
Baggage Limitation by Aircraft: Self-explanatory
Directions to Main Installation: Here you’ll find specific driving instructions to the arrival/departure location/station from local major cities, interstate/national/state/country highways and routes. More than one routing may be provided
Directions to Space-A Terminal: Driving instructions from installation gate(s) to Air Terminal. Terminal Address: Air Terminal mailing address. If physical address is different, it will be noted. E-book readers can click the address for directions.
Terminal Hours of Operation: Self-explanatory
Passenger Lounge: General information about available lounge facilities. General: Locations, hours, telephone number(s), facilities and services. Family: (also known as “special category” lounges) location, hours, telephone number(s), services and restrictions. Distinguished Visitor/Very Important Person (DV/VIP): Location, hours, telephone number(s), facilities, and services. Grades served. Protocol Service: Location, hours, telephone number(s), facilities and services. Grades served.
Wi-Fi Paid/Free: Indicates availability of wireless Internet access and whether usage fee applies.
Transportation, Shuttle Bus, Taxis, Car Rental: Phone numbers, hours of operation, and other information relating to available transportation services including buses (commercial, shuttle/government), car rental agencies, limo services, taxis (commercial and government),
trains, and airport shuttles.
Parking: Availability, fees, and information relating to short and/or long-term parking. Most Frequented Nearby Civilian Airport: Name and ICAO/IATA codes of the airport most frequently used to travel by commercial air to/from this installation.
Lodging: Name, commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers, and website address of any temporary military lodging facilities available to the Space-A traveler at the applicable arrival/departure installation. If more than 1 website is available, they are separated by the word “and” in italics as follows:
“Websites: http://www.bealefss.com/goldcountry-inn.html and http://af.dodlodging.net/propertys/Beale-AFB”
Camping: Name, commercial, DSN and/or fax numbers, and website address of any RV/Camping facilities available to the Space-A traveler at the applicable arrival/departure installation.
Food in Terminal: Includes snack and soft-drink vending, inflight kitchens, snack bars etc. located within the Air Terminal building.
Food On-Base and Nearby: Includes vending, in-flight kitchens, snack bars, Officer/Enlisted Clubs, fast-food, and commercial restaurants located at the installation but outside of the passenger terminal.
Base Exchange: Commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers.
Beauty/Barber Shops: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers.
Postal Services: Address, commercial and/or DSN phone numbers, and hours of operation of nearest US Post Office or installation Postal Service Center.
Laundry/Dry Cleaning: Address, phone numbers and hours of operation for available laundry and dry cleaning on or near the installation.
Shopping Off-Base: Description, commercial phone numbers, hours of operation etc. of nearby local off-base shopping facilities.
Financial Institutions and Money Changing: Name, location, commercial and/or DSN phone numbers of accessible banking facilities and/or international currency exchange stations.
On-Base Theater: Availability, commercial and/or DSN phone numbers, and other related information.
Base Gas Station: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers, location and hours of operation.
Base Operator: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers
Base Police: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers.
Emergency Relief Services: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers.
Traveler’s Aid: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers for Traveler’s Aid Office, Chaplain, Lost and Found, and Red Cross Service Center.
Medical: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers, and other information for available medical facilities, clinics, etc.
Dental: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers, and other information for available dental facilities.
Chapel: Commercial and/or DSN phone numbers.
Finance Office: Commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers.
ID/CAC Card Processing: Commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers.
USO: Commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers.
ITT Tickets and Tours: Commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers.
Support Summary: All information relating to support not covered elsewhere. This may include distances from Passenger Terminal to various support/retail facilities, nearby military installations where additional support is available, etc.
Other Information: GPS coordinates of Passenger Terminal, LST (Local Standard Time) relative to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and comments relating to travel to/from this destination not covered elsewhere. Applicable Customs and Port of Entry comments will also be found here.
Attractions: Description of things to do, tourist attractions and locations of interest on the installation and in the local or nearby area.
MWR Website: Provides the website address of the servicing MWR Office to alert the traveler to recreational opportunities at this location.
MWR Phone Number: Commercial, DSN and/or fax phone numbers.
RV Storage: Informs whether Recreational Vehicle camping and/or storage is available at this location or at any other military installations in the area.
Recent Air Mobility Command (AMC) scheduled destinations have been listed under the “Flight Frequency and Destinations” element at the originating arrival/departure stations for easy reference and use. These scheduled destinations originate largely in the CONUS. A limited number of AMC destinations originate in OCONUS and selected Foreign Countries (where AMC aircraft are stationed). It is important to note that these flights travel from their originating or home station on a mission/trip, stopping at a few to many stations enroute for varied periods of time (from a few hours to overnight to several days or more). In almost all cases these flights return to the originating or home station. If the originating station is not located on or near a CONUS coast, then the flights tend to “stage” stop for an overnight crew rest at a coastal base in CONUS before continuing overseas on their missions. The limited number of flights which do not immediately return to their home station, remain overseas at a station for staging to participate in a future mission or for scheduled maintenance and return to service. There may be any number of missions flown over an established AMC Route. In addition to these scheduled flights there are many non-scheduled flights that operate daily around the world. Information regarding these flights can be obtained from major departure locations in CONUS and OCONUS anywhere from as little as several hours to as much as a week in advance of the mission.
NOTE: These destinations are presented to give you a good idea of Space-A Air destinations at a given air passenger terminal. This current edition shows the originating station and recent destinations (rather than the entire mission as in previous editions), due to changes in AMC security as a result of 9/11. Because of these security measures, the AMC flight schedules and routes are not released far in advance (72 hours or less is generally standard). Call the recording line or Space-A servicing personnel at the departing installation Passenger Service unit for the most up-to-date scheduled departure and destination information.
* * * IMPORTANT NOTE * * *
Scheduled flights of Military Services (U.S. ARMY, U.S. NAVY, U.S. MARINE CORPS, U.S. COAST GUARD and U.S. AIR FORCE) on Service owned and operated aircraft, and contractor furnished and operated aircraft, often change with respect to destinations and schedules, with very limited prior notice. Many of the CONUS, OCONUS, and Foreign Country routes have been flown for more than 60 years with constant modification of various elements to meet the needs of the Uniformed Services and other supported United States Interests. This publication provides a snapshot in time (or a profile) of typical information one would expect to find concerning destinations and frequency.
We encourage you to keep current on changes in MILITARY SPACE-A AIR TRAVEL GUIDE™ by subscribing to our worldwide travel newsletter Military Living’s ® R&R TRAVEL NEWS®. Lastly, we urge you to always telephone, fax, e-mail, or visit your intended Space-A departure location prior to registering for Space-A travel in order to obtain the latest available information.
Foreign clearance relating to Space-A travel is outlined in the DoD Electronic Foreign Clearance Guide, located on the Internet at https://www.fcg.pentagon.mil. However, due to security concerns, accessing this publication requires a government login that is only available to DoD employees, DoD contractors, and active duty U.S. military. Space-A travelers are therefore strongly encouraged to contact the Passenger Service representative at their planned Space-A departure installation for up-to-date requirements regarding clearance requirements (passport, visa, etc.) for their planned foreign destination. Travelers may also review the following DoD website for passport and visa requirements by country: https://passportmatters.army.mil/Requirements/Visas.aspx
Unfortunately, travel to a foreign country can potentially expose the Space-A traveler to dangers relating to civil unrest, terrorism, criminal activity, etc. The U.S. State Department maintains an “Alerts and Warnings” website to advise the traveler of current conditions that may warrant traveler caution or even cancellation of planned travel to a foreign location.
A Travel Alert is issued for short-term events that the State Department believes the traveler should be aware of before traveling to a foreign location. This may include strikes, demonstrations or disturbances, health alerts for outbreaks of disease or an elevated risk of
terrorist attacks. These are usually short term and are canceled when the events triggering the alert have passed.
A Travel Warning is a more serious caution and should encourage the traveler to consider avoiding any travel to the foreign location. Examples of events triggering a Travel Warning are unstable governments, civil war, ongoing intense criminal activity or violence, or frequent terrorist attacks. These warnings remain in place until the situation changes; some have been in effect for years.
U.S. State Department Travel Alerts and Warnings may be found at the following website: http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/english/alertswarnings.html
We strongly urge the Space-A traveler to review these Travel Alerts and Warnings prior to planning travel to any foreign destination. Your Space-A Passenger Service representative may also be able to advise of any safety concerns regarding travel to your planned foreign destination.
The U.S. State Department also offers a program called the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). This is a free service that allows travelers abroad to inform the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate about details of their trip. This will allow the traveler to get information from the embassy about safety conditions in the destination country. It also enables the embassy to contact you in case of an emergency, natural disaster, civil unrest or family emergency at home. Travelers may sign up for STEP at the following website: https://step.state.gov/step.
Many readers are initially confused about how to plan a Space-A air trip using this book. We have attempted to make planning each element of your Space-A trip as easy as possible However, the information is not initially easy to comprehend. Very few people can just pick up this book and plan a trip if they have not read HOW to use this directory. There is simply too much information, most of which is new material to the reader.
We have put some samples together below of how you should go about planning a trip using this book. Please keep in mind that Space-A planning and use is a dynamic venture. Routes and, more importantly, schedules (when available in advance) will change over the course of time. Destinations and frequency of departure are the items most likely to change, so verify your itinerary before traveling!
If you carefully read and understand the information below, your ability to plan your trip will be greatly increased, and your task considerably less daunting.
First, answer the following questions:
Do you have a specific destination to which you wish to travel?
This is called Backward Planning. (This will limit the number of places which you can use as your originating station.) In this case, you will work backward by planning your trip from your desired final destination.
Step 1: Choose your destination and look in the table of contents under that state/possession/country to familiarize yourself with the possible places where you may fly as your final destination, and then go to step 2.
Step 2: Go to the Station (Arrival/Departure) Index at the end of the book and locate the destination station that you have chosen. Following the station name, you will see a number in bolded text that refers to the home page for that destination station. Each of the remaining numbers following the station home page number are a reference to every page on which that station appears as a destination. You can then look at those pages to see which originating stations (military installation/airport) you may travel from to reach your desired destination.
Step 3: At this point you have two options. You can decide if you wish to travel to one of the originating stations using commercial air, bus, train, car, etc., or if you want to use Space-A to get to that originating destination. (Note: The listing for each Space-A servicing location includes the nearest major civilian airport or the civilian airport most usually used to travel to/from the SpaceA servicing location to help in your travel arrangements.)
Step 4: If you need to plan another leg to your trip, simply start again with Step 1, using your originating station selected above as your destination. Repeat the above steps as necessary. You will have to use the flight information provided in the listings (and call the departure locations to confirm that the flight is operating and the days of departure along with the show times, if available) to plan efficiently, and limit your time between flights.
Editor’s Note: On multi-legged trip planning: For overseas destinations, you may wish to plan several legs to your trip, especially if there is not an originating station to your desired destination near your home/starting point. If you can fly from an originating station near your home to a CONUS/OCONUS destination, and from that place, fly on to your final desired destination, you will have a lot more options!
Do you want to travel from a specific originating station (military installation or airport), but are less concerned with where you are going?
This is called Forward Planning. (This will decrease the number of places you can select as final destinations but will also decrease travel expenses associated with getting to your originating station.)
Step 1: In this case, plan your trip by looking in the table of contents or index for your desired originating station, and go to that page. Examine all the possibilities for final destinations.
Step 2: If you want to add another leg to your trip, after you have done Step 1, then look in the table of contents for the flights originating from your final destination selected in Step 1. Repeat this step as necessary.
Final notes:
Don’t forget to plan your return trip home! In order to be higher up on the Space- A roster, be sure to sign up for your return at your destination station before you leave home (provided that
you are not remaining at your destination station more than 60 days, which is the time limit that you can remain on the Space-A roster without a new sign-up).
If you plan a multi-legged trip, be sure to sign up on the Space-A roster at all originating flight locations! * * * IMPORTANT WARNING * * *
If you have planned a trip with more than one leg, then you will have to sign up again on the Space-A roster after you fly out of a location, as you will have fulfilled your Space-A from that location and will be removed from the roster! For example, if you have applied for Space-A travel from Rota NS, ES to CONUS, but while waiting for this transportation you take a flight from Rota NS, ES to Aviano AB, IT, then your application for Space-A from Rota NS, ES to CONUS will be deleted from the computer system when you fly out of Rota NS, ES to Aviano AB, IT. To keep your application to CONUS in place at Rota NS, ES, fly from Moron AB, ES to Aviano AB, IT. Many firsttime Space-A travelers miss this important point and end up at the bottom of the list on the day they wish to return/fly to CONUS. It is no fun to be stuck at a military installation/airport when you thought you would be flying home!
We do provide limited Space-A assistance (hopefully after you have reviewed the contents of this book). If you have a question, send it to us via e-mail at: customerservice@militaryliving.com or call C-703-237-0203.