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Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike GroupcompletesCOMPTUEX
from Flagship 04.06.2023
NORFOLK, Va The Sailors, ships, squadrons and staffs of the Gerald R. Ford CarrierStrikeGroup(GRFCSG)successfully completedcompositetrainingunitexercise (COMPTUEX),April2,2023.
COMPTUEX,orchestratedbytheCarrier StrikeGroup(CSG)4,isacertificationexerciseconductedduringtheintegratedphase oftheOptimizedFleetResponsePlan.
“Throughout COMPTUEX, the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group team demonstrated a learning mindset and focused on continuous improvement,” said Rear Adm. Jeffrey “Caesar” Czerewko, commander, CSG-4 “Iamconfidentthatthisstrikegroup is adaptable, capable and lethal. My staff coaches mentors trainsandassessesacross every mission area and we leveraged the capabilities of the live, virtual, constructive infrastructure to put the CSG-12 team into anintenseandrealisticmonth-longscenario ThiswasthefirstCOMPTUEXassessment with a Ford-class nuclear powered aircraft carrierandthisimpressivegroupsetthebar highforfutureshipsoftheclass.”
The GRFCSG includes the staffs of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 12 Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8 and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 2. Participating units include Ford-classnuclear-poweredaircraftcarrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), and Arleigh Burkeclassguided-missiledestroyersUSSRamage (DDG 61), USS McFaul (DDG 74) and USS ThomasHudner(DDG116).CVW-8squadrons include the “Black Lions” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 213 the “Tomcatters”ofVFA-31,the“Ragin’Bulls ofVFA-37 andthe“GoldenWarriors ofVFA-87;Elec- tronicAttackSquadron(VAQ)142;the“Bear Aces of Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 124; the “Rawhides” of Fleet Logistics Squadron VRC-40; the “Spartans” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 70; and the “Tridents” of HelicopterSeaCombatSquadron(HSC)9.
COMPTUEXisdesignedtofullyintegrate theGRFCSG,underthecommandofCSG12, as a cohesive multi-mission fighting force andtestthestrikegroup’sabilitytocarryout sustained combat operations from the sea. COMPTUEX lasts several weeks, during which units are tested on their proficiency andreadinessthroughscenario-based,live training,thatincreasesincomplexityand intensity
The exercise allowed the ships, aircraft, and staffs to work together in response to specific scenarios across all warfare areas and to refine their ability to communicate and fight alongside one another in a realistic training environment that included academic,syntheticandlivetrainingevents “COMPTUEX served as a doctorate-level test of the strike group’s ability to operate collectively across the spectrum of warfare areas while incorporating the first in class Gerald R. Ford into the strike group,” said Rear Adm. Greg Huffman, Commander CSG-12. “The robust scenarios challenged every facet of our warfighting capability, enablinggrowthandlearningateverylevel, allowing us to further refine our warfare tactics and processes The exercise solidified our already-cohesive strike group, and I’m extremely proud of the team’s determinationandeagernesstoconstantlylearnand improve in the most demanding situations. Ourreadinessisthehighestithaseverbeen, and I feel fortunate for the opportunity to deploywiththisamazingteam.
Thestrikegroupalsoconductedthesixth iterationofNATOtraininginCOMPTUEX (formerlyreferredtoastheNATOvignette), in a scenario developed by CSG-4 and Combined Joint Operations from the Sea CenterofExcellence(CJOS-COE).
“COMPTUEXvalidatedthestrikegroup’s NATO interoperability, assuring our Allies and partners that the FORD Carrier Strike Group is ready to operate under either US or NATO command structure as the situation requires,” said Vice Adm. Daniel Dwyer,commander,U.S.2ndFleetandJoint Force Command Norfolk. “Ford completing COMPTUEX leads the way for a global deployment and continued integration with NATO. The Alliance is stronger than ever, and any opportunity for our forces to train and exercise together under a single command structure increases our ability to effectively defend the Alliance as a single unifiedforce.”
The GRFCSG team rehearsed a transfer ofauthority(TOA)ofcommandandcontrol betweenanotionalhigherheadquarters,led by CSG-4, and Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO), NATO’s rapidly deployable joint headquarters in Portugal. The strike group used NATO reporting procedures messaging formats andchatcapabilities,reinforcingcommand and control and aligning communications channels to ensure a seamless process in the event of a crisis NATO operations in COMPTUEXalsosupportthedevelopment ofinteroperabilityrequirementsforfuture forcegenerationandimprovealliedmaritimecommandandcontrollinkagesthatare vitalinallphasesofwarfare.
Gerald R. Ford provides the national command authority flexible, tailorable warfighting capability as the flagship of a carrierstrikegroupthatmaintainsmaritime stabilityandsecuritytoensureaccess,deter aggression and defend U.S., allied and partnerinterests
Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is the U.S. Navy’s newest and most advanced aircraft carrier As the first-in-class ship of Fordclass aircraft carriers, CVN 78 represents a generationalleapintheU.S.Navy’scapacity toprojectpoweronaglobalscale Ford-class aircraft carriers introduce 23 new technologies, including Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, Advanced Arresting Gear and Advanced Weapons Elevators The new systems incorporated onto Ford-class shipsaredesignedtogenerateahighersortie rate with a 20 percent smaller crew than a Nimitz-classcarrier,pavingthewayforward fornavalaviation.
CSG-4 is a team that consists of experiencedSailors Marines governmentcivilians andreservists,whomentor,trainandassess U.S. 2nd Fleet combat forces to forward deploy in support and defense of national interests CSG 4’s experts shape the readinessofU.S.2ndFleetCarrierStrikeGroups (CSG),ExpeditionaryStrikeGroups(ESG), Amphibious Readiness Groups (ARG) and independent deploying ships through live at sea and synthetic training as well as academicinstruction. Alongwithitssubordinate commands Tactical Training Group Atlantic(TTGL)andExpeditionaryWarfare Training Group Atlantic (EWTGL), CSG 4 prepares every Atlantic-based CSG, ARG and independent deployer for sustained forward-deployedhigh-tempooperations
For more news from U.S. 2nd Fleet visit https://www.c2f.navy.mil/ and for more information visit http://www.facebook. com/US2ndFleet/or http://twitter.com/US2ndFleet
Navy Exchange Service Command
The Navy Exchange Service Command’s (NEXCOM)ShipsStoreProgramhostedits first Fleet Assist Team (FAT) Team Leader meetinginNorfolk,Virginia,March13 16, 2023 The goal of the meeting was to bring togetherFATleadersfromaroundtheworld to discuss the changes and challenges they face in afloat retail operations as well as operating procedures that will standardize the assistance provided by the five teams movingforward.
“Thepurposeofthisannualmeetingwas to review and update our standard operating procedures, offer training and give our team leaders the time to share what they are seeing on the waterfront,” said Scott Gray, Vice President of NEXCOM’s Ships Store Program. “It was a great opportunity for them to share their challenges lessons learned and success stories That face-to face dialog was invaluable and I know the connectionsmadeatthismeetingwillcarry forwardastheygobacktotheFleet.
For four days, FAT Team Leaders from NavalSupplySystemsCommand(NAVSUP) FleetLogisticsCentersinNorfolk,Virginia; Pearl Harbor; Yokosuka, Japan; San Diego and Mayport, Florida and Force Retail SpecialistsfromCommander NavalSurface Forces Pacific and Commander, Naval Surface Forces Atlantic gathered to train anddiscuss1QCOG,ROM3softwareandthe procurementprocesses as well asto review and update NEXCOM and NAVSUP policies and procedures In addition to touring the Micro Market,self-service retail operation,atNEXCOM’sheadquarters,Graygave a brief on the future of the Micro Market@ Sea an afloat retail operation that has the potential to be open 24 hours a day, seven daysaweek
“The opening of a Micro Market@Sea is a great opportunity as it can stay open longer than a typical ships store, giving Sailors working different duty a chance to purchase what they need,” said Gray “Plus, onsmallerships,havinganunmannedstore open longer hours could allow for a Retail Specialist to work in other shipboard retail operations such as vending or the barber shop.”
AlsoattendingthemeetingwasNAVSUP’s Command Master Chief Mark Schlosser who gave a brief on the health of the U. S. Navy Supply Ratings as well as NEXCOM’s Command Master Chief Anna Wood, who joinedinonthediscussions Chief Retail Specialist Tasha Brownlee FleetAssistTeamLead,NAVSUPFLCYokosuka,Japan,gathered alot of great material during the week that she will take with her. “Wereceivedalotofgreattrainingandinformation on different aspects of our job,” said Brownlee “Itwasnicetocometogetherand discussbetterwaystoassisttheFleetinour own Areas of Responsibility. I also met a lot ofpeopleand heardwhatthey dealwithon a daily basis. That comradery and communicationwasgreat.”
The meeting ended with a roundtable discussion with retired Rear Adm. Robert J. Bianchi, NEXCOM’s Chief Executive Officer Bianchi shared his perspective on manning, the future of Micro Market@Sea andhistimeasayoungsupplyofficeraboard USSPigeon(ASR-21).
“I liked the roundtable with Rear Adm. Bianchi and his passion for the rate,” said Master Chief Retail Specialist Johnnifie Horne ForceRetailSpecialist,Commander Naval Surface Force Atlantic “It gave me a greatinsightonwhatthefutureholdsforthe Retail Specialist community Even though I’m retiring next year, based on the round- table discussion, I’m actually going to plan smallerfocusgroupswithinourcommunity toensureourratecontinuestogetthetrainingandsupporttobesuccessful.Bottomline issomereallygreatideasandcreativitycame fromthisroundtablediscussion.”
The five FAT teams assist ships around the globe with any retail operation issues, includingtroubleshootingandfixingbroken equipment or software and conducting inspectionsandtraining.