Flagship 04.06.2023

Page 6

Medal of Honor recipient remembered - NCTAMS LANT names headquarters the Reeves Communication Center

The building is named in honorofWWIIveteran Chief RadiomanThomasJ.Reeves, the onlyRadioman in Naval historyto receive the Medal ofHonor PageA2

U.S.NavySailors assigned to the Mid-Atlantic region,stackshelves in the FoodbankofSoutheasternVirginia and the Eastern Shore in Norfolk,Virginia,March 30 2023.Thevolunteerevent organized bymembers ofCommander NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic’s First Class PettyOfficerAssociation,is just one ofthe manyeventswhere Sailors,stationed in the region,contribute to the surrounding community.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMC2LEOKATSAREAS)

Mid-Atlantic Sailors volunteer at local foodbank

Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic

NORFOLK, Va Sailors from the Mid-Atlantic region volunteered their time at the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia andtheEasternShoreinNorfolk,March30

Throughout the day, Sailors restocked shelveswithfooditemsfromgiantboxeson palletsinthefoodbank’smarketplace where their partner agencies shop for items to be stockedintheirfoodpantries

“I personally volunteer regularly at the foodbank,” said Legalman 1st Class Latorri White,organizeroftheNavyvolunteers “So,

whenitwasbroughtupatourFCPOA(First Class Petty Officer’s Association) meeting that they were trying to find an idea, I suggestedthefoodbank.”

Staff at the foodbank spoke of the importance of volunteers to achieving their mission.

“Simply put, we could not do what we do without volunteers,” said David Brandt senior director of communications at the foodbank “Wehaveabout5,081ofthemand they stay busy This year, we are on track to distributeapproximately20millionpounds offood.Giventhesheerscopeofouroperation, and with our nearly 4,800 square mile

CNRMA celebrates 130th

ByMC3JordanGrimes Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic NORFOLK Va Commander Navy RegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA)heldacelebration in honor of the 130th Chief Petty OfficerbirthdayMarch31.

The celebration included a ceremony which highlighted the history of the rank ofChiefPettyOfficer,aswellasexperiences fromChiefspastandpresentandthereading oftheChiefPettyOfficerCreed

Chief Religious Program Specialist Samantha Greenley, the master of ceremonies for the celebration, said in her speech how Chiefs play an important role within theNavycommunity “Chiefsarerecognizedforexemplarytechnical expertise within their rating, superior administrative skills and strong leadership ability,” said Greenley “Most importantly, Chiefs bridge the gap between officers and enlisted personnel, acting as supervisors as wellasadvocatesfortheirSailors.”

After a brief telling of the history of the

Chief Petty Officer Creed, Greenley turned thestandovertoCNRMACommandMaster Chief Asa Worcester for the reading of the Creed which discussed the challenges Chiefsfacewhentheypromote

“Your entire way of life is changed, recited Worcester “More will be expected of you; more will be demanded of you. Not because you are an E-7, but because you are now a Chief Petty Officer. You have not merelybeenpromotedapaygrade,youhave joined an exclusive fellowship and, as in all fellowships you have a special responsibility to your comrades even as they have a special responsibility to you. This is why we in the United States Navy may maintain with pride our feelings of accomplishment once we have attained the position of Chief PettyOfficer.”

The ceremony was concluded with a cake cutting presented by Worcester, the mostseniorChiefPettyOfficerpresent,and Chief Master-at-Arms Emmanuel Ubiera, the most junior

service area we could not do that with our staffofroughly68people Volunteerstouch nearly every aspect of our operation, and theyarevaluedbeyondwords.”

The foodbank obtains the food items to stock their shelves through a variety of sources “Donationsfromfooddrives,foodmanufacturers like Perdue Farms and Smithfield Foods Feeding America, the USDA and grocerystorechains, saidBrandt “Wealso purchase about $5 million worth of food every year with the financial contributions wereceive.Manyofthosepurchasescenter onfreshfruitsandvegetables.”

White spoke about the importance of servicemembers volunteering within the community “I think volunteering in the community,” said White “As a servicemember is vital in continuingtobuildtherelationshipbetween the military and our community Additionally,Ithinkitjustshowsthemweareregular peopletoo.”

You can help the Foodbank by donating your time as a volunteer, collecting food, or by making a financial contribution by visitingtheirwebsite foodbankonline.org

130th ChiefPettyOfficerBirthday.The rankofChiefPettyOfficerwas establishedApril 1,1893 andwas expanded to include SeniorChiefand MasterChiefin 1958 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMC3 JORDANGRIMES)

Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group Completes COMPTUEX

The Sailors,ships,squadrons and staffs ofthe Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group (GRFCSG) successfullycompleted composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX),April 2,2023 PageA6

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www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship VOL.30 NO 12 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comApril 6-April 12 2023 NORFOLK,Va (March 31,2023) Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Command Master ChiefAsaWorcesterand ChiefMaster-at-Arms Emmanuel Ubiera,the most seniorand junior Chiefs at the command respectively
the first cut in a cake togetherin celebration ofthe
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 6, 2023 1

Honoring one of their own - Medal of Honor recipient RMC Reeves is remembered - NCTAMS LANT names headquarters the Reeves Communication Center


Naval Computer and Telecommunications

Area Master Station - Atlantic



Naval Computer and Telecommunications

Area Master Station Atlantic (NCTAMS LANT) held a dedication ceremony to formally name its newly constructed building on board Naval Station Norfolk, which is headquarters for the Navy’s largest computer and telecommunications commands Thebuildingisnamedinhonor of Chief Radioman Thomas J. Reeves, a World War II Medal of Honor recipient and the only Radioman in Naval history to receivetheMedalofHonor

NCTAMS LANT had the distinct honor tohaveCommandMasterChiefJayWalker, Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. 10th Fleet / U.S. Navy Space, as the guest speaker “The ReevesCommunicationCenterservesasthe Fleet’slargestandmostcomplexcommunicationsnervecenter Thisfacilityiscriticalto maintainourasymmetricadvantagesacross everybattlefieldandeverydomain,”Walker said. “Ensuring our warfighters around the globehavetherightinformationattheright time allows our commanders to make the mostinformeddecisions Iamhumbledand honoredtobepartofthisdaytodedicatethis facility, which rightfully bears the name of a Medal of Honor recipient, Radioman, an enlistedSailor,andaChiefImightadd all inonewarfighter.”

Thomas J. Reeves enlisted in the Naval ReserveduringWorldWarIandservedasan Electrician,risingtotherankofChiefElectrician before being honorably discharged inJuly1919 Duringthatperiodheservedon boardUSSAmerica(CV-66)andUSSSanta Ana(ID-2869).Afterabriefseparationfrom the service, Reeves reenlisted in April 1920 again as a Chief Electrician. A year later Reeves’ratechangedtoRadioman

Chief Reeves was serving on board USS California (BB-44) when the Japanese attackedPearlHarboronDecember7,1941. AfterthefirstJapanesetorpedoesstruckthe California, he helped others to safety until he was forced to abandon the main radio room due to flooding, making him the last man out of Radio The California’s mechanized ammunition hoists were taken out of commission during the torpedo strikes ChiefReevesrealizedthedesperateneedfor ammunitionand,underhisowninitiativein aburningpassageway heassembledateam

of able-bodied men and led a hand-supply ammunition chain to supply the anti-aircraft guns Chief Reeves led the team until he was overcome by smoke and fire, where he eventually was overcome by smoke and fire,whichresultedinhisdeath For his distinguished conduct, Chief Reeves was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor by the President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He also was awarded, posthumously,thePurpleHeartMedalandwas entitled to the American Defense Service Medal,theAsiatic-PacificCampaignMedal


“As the Navy’s largest communication command, it was imperative that we honor a communicator who displayed our warfighting spirit. Chief Reeves’ service, heroic actions,and sacrifice serves as inspiration for present andfuturecommunicators, saidCommand Master Chief Brandon Faulkner, NCTAMS LANT “Every day when the crew walks through these doors and past the memorial display,theyarenotonlyremindedofChief Reeves’ legacy and selfless attributes, but also of their commitment to the Fleet and ourNavy.”

“Honoring Chief Reeves and the bravery hedisplayedduringoneofdarkestperiodsin this nation’s history given NCTAMS LANT mission,ismostappropriate,”saidCapt Bob Carmickle, commanding officer, NCTAMS LANT “The Sailors and civilians headquartered at this command alongside our worldwide detachments stand a 24/7/365 watch to keep telecommunication systems operating securely, efficiently and effectively TheprideandcourageinwhichChief Reeves served in the Navy is how we strive toperformeverysingleday.”

The Reeves Communication Center provides dramatically enhanced warfare capacity and capabilities for the Fleet and our joint warfighting efforts NCTAMS LANT’s mission is to operate and defend responsive, resilient, and secure computer andtelecommunicationssystems providing informationsuperiorityforglobalmaritime andjointforces.


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Editorial Staff

Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com

MasterStationAtlantic (NCTAMS LANT) Officers,ChiefPettyOfficers,Enlisted men andwomen and DoD civilians posed fora group photo during the Reeves Communication Centerbuilding naming dedication ceremonyin honorofRMCThomas Reeves March 30 2023.RMCThomasJames Reeveswas posthumouslyawarded the U.S. military’s award forvalor(Medal ofHonor) forheroic actions on the December7,1941 attackon Pearl Harbor (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYROBERTFLUEGEL/RELEASED)
Naval ComputerandTelecommunicationsArea
MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary
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Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved April is the #MonthoftheMilitaryChild! This month the #MHS and #DHA celebrate the strength and resilience #MilKids and families show through life changes like military moves. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/ moving/pcs-and-military-moves/ #MOMC Naval ComputerandTelecommunicationsArea MasterStationAtlantic (NCTAMS LANT) held the Reeves Communication Centerbuilding naming dedication ceremonyin honorofRMC Thomas Reeves March 30 2023.RMCThomasJames Reeveswas posthumouslyawarded the U.S.military’s award forvalor(Medal ofHonor) forheroic actions on the December7,1941 attackon Pearl Harbor (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYROBERTFLUEGEL/RELEASED) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 6, 2023
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U.S. Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe and commander, U.S. European Command visitedtheNimitz-classaircraftcarrierUSS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) at sea, March 24 2023. He was joined by Commander Allied Joint Force Command Naples, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Adm. Stuart Munsch andCommander,NavalStrikingandSupport Forces NATO, U.S. Sixth Fleet Vice Adm. Thomas Ishee aboard the carrier to meet withCarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)10,George H.W. Bush CSG leaders and Sailors to highlight the strike group’s employment in the U.S.SixthFleetareaofresponsibility.

“EmbarkingaboardoneofAmerica’smost powerful warships on the open seas is awe inspiring, saidCavoli.“Thisdeploymentof the USS George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group illustrates the persistent presence that the U.S. Navy brings as part of America’s contributions to the collective defense of Europe. Seeing the carrier strike group on the horizon, our potential adversaries take note and our Allies and partners take comfort. The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group arrived to the European theater in August 2022. Since that time the ships and aircraftacrosstheteamworkedextensively

to build upon relationships with NATO partners and allies in orderto increase Alliancecapability,reassurepartners,anddeter aggressionfrommalignactors

InadditiontoexamplessuchastheStrike Group’s leadership and participation in NATOvigilanceactivityNeptuneStrike22.2 and Neptune Strike 23.1 the team played a key role in a variety of major events in the U.S.SixthFleetareaofoperationswithpartnersandalliesincluding:

- Dual and tri-carrier operations five times in theater with ESPS Juan Carlos I, ITS Cavour, and the French Carrier Strike GroupwithFSCharlesdeGaulle;


-exerciseJuniperOak,thelargestU.S.-Israelimilitaryexerciseinhistoryinsupportof U.S. Central Command and U.S. Fifth Fleet whileassignedtoU.S.SixthFleet;

- Algerian engagements including a port visit, passing exercise, and Explosive OrdnanceDisposalteamengagement;




Caio Duilio, HRV Dubrovnik ALS Butrinti and ALS Lissus, ITS Carabiniere ITS VirginioFasan,andTCGGungorDurmas;

two iterations of the Spanish Tactical Leadership Program (TLP) for Carrier Air Wing(CVW)7personnel;


George H.W. Bush


- more than 22 key leader engagements, five major receptions and protocol events in Crete, Croatia, Italy, France, and Greece which included more than 1,500 visitors to theaircraftcarrieralone;

-andmultiplepressconferencesinNATO portvisitstoreassurehostnationaudiences and reinforce existing relationships for future maritime operations and internationalstability.

“We’ve had the opportunity to train and operate extensively with our NATO partners and allies, and to support the development of relationships with partner nations such as Tunisia and Algeria in the region,” said Rear Adm. Dennis Velez commander CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG “The relationshipswe’vebuiltuponandthewarfighting capabilities we’ve expanded during our deployment demonstrated the capabilities andreachoftheNATOAlliance,andserved todeterouradversarieswhilereassuringour friendsandallies.”

CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG, is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa area of operations employedbyU.S.SixthFleettodefendU.S. alliedandpartnerinterests.

Additionally,thevisitorstouredtheship’s hangarbaytoobservethemaintenanceand teamwork required to maintain ready and capable aircraft in support of the strike

group’smission,observedshipmaneuvering fromthenavigationbridgeandflightoperationsfromtheflightdeck.

George H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG George H.W. Bush CSG is comprised of George H.W. Bush, CVW-7 Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26 the Information Warfare Commander and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55).

TheshipsofDESRON-26withinCSG-10 are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyersUSSNitze(DDG94),USSFarragut(DDG99),USSTruxtun(DDG103),and USSDelbertD.Black(DDG119)

The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboard George H.W. Bush are the “Jolly Rogers” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 103,the“PukinDogs”ofVFA-143,the“Bluetails” of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,the“Sidewinders”ofVFA-86,the“Nighthawks” of VFA-136, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140, and the “Grandmasters” of Helicopter Maritime StrikeSquadron(HSM)46

For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S Naval Forces Africa has forged strategic relationships with allies and partners, leveraging a foundation of shared valuestopreservesecurityandstability

Commander Europe, Commander, U.S. European Command
TYRRHENIAN SEA(March 24,2023) U.S.ArmyGen.ChristopherCavoli,SupremeAllied CommanderEurope (SACEUR) and commander,U.S.European Command,center,Adm.Stuart Munsch, commander Naval Forces Europe - U.S.Naval ForcesAfrica/ commander AlliedJoint Forces Command Naples,centerleft andViceAdm.Thomas Ishee,commander U.S.6th Fleet centerright pose fora group photowith USS George H.W.Bush’s seniorleadership aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),March 24 2023.The George H.W.Bush Carrier Strike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSSTUARTPOSADA) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 6, 2023 3 OFFER VALID UNTIL 4/16/23 20% Off all shower &bathprojects 12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS &NOINTEREST KICKOFF THE SPRING WITH A NEW SHOWER OR BATH OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of ourdesign consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, and receive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installers will remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. 4.8/5 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 17,000+ GOOGLE REVIEWS (Company reviews across all branches as of 3/02/2023) EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures, and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges apply once the promotional period has ended. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**20% offisequal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 4/16/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
Supreme Allied

Portsmouth NavalShipyard’sInside Machine Shop hosts mechanic-levelleadership training

Portsmouth NavalShipyard’s(PNS)

Inside Machine Shop recently hosted a groupofNAVSEA 04Xleadership facilitators and trainers from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, NorfolkNaval Shipyard,and Pearl Harbor NavalShipyard.The group of machinistsunderwent leadership training focused on the corporation’smostvaluable asset,people

This trainingconcentratesonwhat great leadershiplookslikeateverylevel.NAVSEA 04X1 Carrier Program Manager Reggie Thompson is the PEOPLE Pillar lead for NavalSustainmentSystem-Shipyardsand had alarge part in ensuring that leadership trainingwas implementedatthe mechanic level. “It’ssoimportant to hear what our mechanicshavetosay aboutleadership,” saidThompson. “The moraleofthe workforceisdirectlyconnectedtotheir output.

Our goalistomakesureeveryone feels like they can go to their peers andsupervisors withissuesthey encounter and feelheard. Thiscouldbetoclarify something in their work package,ortoresolvepersonality conflictsamongteam members. Openand honest communication is thefoundation of anyqualityrelationship,andthatiswhatwe arepromotingwiththistraining.”

Theprogramtookplaceintwosegments, the firstinaclassroom setting,and the secondonthe production floor. The classroom portion focusedondiscussing what a great leaderlooks likewitha cross section of mechanics, somewithdecades of experience,and others who arestill in the apprentice program. Inside Machine Shop Operations Manager Justin Orrhas been working at PNSsince he graduated high school atage 17,and has seen the shipyard evolveoverthepast18years.Hisexperience coming up throughthe ranks asaninside machinistgives him aunique perspective

as aleader because he’sbeen in the shoes of an apprentice,mechanic, work leader, supervisor,and invarious shop leadership roles.“Thistraininghasallowedourteamto meet in asetting free from distractions.It’s agreatopportunityforthenewerandmore experienced employees to build relationships.Seniormanagersattendeachsession, presentingtheopportunityforthemtomeet their workforce face-to-face and engage with eachother on apersonallevel. Wecan listentoanyemployeeconcernsandanswer anyquestionstheymayhave.”

The consensus amongthe groupwaseffectiveleaders arethose who practice empathy,arehumble,andlooktoutilizeeach mechanic’sstrengthswhilealsorecognizing whereanindividual needs to improvetheir skills.“Thereweresomegreat discussions about howattitudes and behaviors impact teammates and the performance of our team everyday,” saidInside MachineShop SuperintendentAaronEconomou.“Iheard

incrediblestoriesaboutwhenwereportfor duty with apositiveattitudeready to work as ateam, allgoals canbeaccomplished by relentlesslysticking to thebasics.”Leaders whoengagewiththeircrewstobeanalytical thinkers and takethe approachof-‘Thisis whatI needtoget done, whatdoyou think isthebestway?’vice‘Godothis,’showtheir subordinatesthattheiropinionsmatter.“We want the workforcetoknowthat managementvalues and supports them,”saidOrr “They arethe mostimportant pieceofthe puzzle.Ifourpeoplearesuccessful,thenthe shipyardissuccessful.

Portsmouth NavalShipyard is America’s leaderinattacksubmarinemaintenance,and modernization.The on-timecompletion of submarinemaintenanceavailabilitiesiscriticaltomaintainingwarfighterreadiness.As afieldactivity of NAVSEA,PNS is committed to maximizing fleet readiness by safely deliveringfirst-timequality,ontime,andon budget.

NAVFAC MIDLANT awards contract for Base Operating Support Services at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

FromNavalFacilitiesEngineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs NORFOLK,Va. —Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFACMIDLANT)awardedDSC-EMI MaintenanceSolutions LLC,Dunn, North Carolina, a$19,283,066,fixed-price-plusaward-fee,indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for Base Operating Support (BOS) services at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

The work will be performed in North

Carolina, and provides for the maintenance and repair services to avarietyof systems and equipment,including buildingand structures maintenance,building systems,roads and pavedservices,waterfront, airfields,and other BOSservices

The maximum dollar value,including the base period and sevenoption years,is $246,801,308.Fiscal year 2023operation and maintenance (Marine Corps) funds in theamountof$19,283,066willbeobligated viarecurringworktaskorderissuedattime of awardand will expireatthe end of the

current fiscal year This contract wascompetitively procured via contract opportunities on the System for AwardManagement website, with 10 offersreceived.NAVFAC MIDLANTisthe contractingactivity (N40085-23-D-0040).

NAVFAC MIDLANTprovides facilities engineering,publicworks and environmental products and services across an areaofresponsibilitythatspansfromSouth CarolinatoMaine,andasfarwestasMichigan, and down to Indiana. As an integral

member ofthe Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadership through the Regional Engineerorganization toensurethe region’sfacilities and infrastructureare managed efficiently and effectively Foradditional information about NAVFAC MIDLANTonsocial media, followour activities on Facebookatwww facebook.com/navfacmidatlantic and on Instagram @navfacmidatlantic.

KITTERY,ME.Mar.16,2023,Portsmouth NavalShipyard: General Overhaul and RepairSupervisorJeffPelletierdiscussesworkstoppageissueswithNaval SeaSystems Commandvisitors.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYJIMCLEVELAND/RELEASED)
4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, April 6, 2023

USS George H.W. Bush earns Battle Effectiveness “E” Award


Carrier Strike Group 10

The flagship of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 10, George H.W. Bush CSG, the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), was announced as the Commander Naval Air Force, Atlantic (CNAL)calendaryear2022BattleEffectiveness“E”Awardrecipient March29 2023

TheawardcomeswhileGeorgeH.W.Bush and George H.W. Bush CSG are on a regularlyscheduleddeploymenttotheU.S.Naval Forces Europe-U.S Naval Forces Africa (NAVEUR-NAVAF)areaofoperations(AO)

“This award is recognition of the grit and determination of the crew of George H.W. Bush,” said Rear Adm. Dennis Velez, commander, CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CarrierStrikeGroup.“Iamextremelyproud of Capt. Pollard and his crew George H.W. Bush is the centerpiece of our strike group, andtheAvengers’teamworkandprofessionalism - whether supporting our embarked staffs and squadrons, increasing the NATO Alliance’s capability and connectedness, or providingintegrateddeterrenceagainstour adversaries-issecondtonone.”

In addition to naming George H.W. Bush as the CNAL recipient of the 2022 award and USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) as the Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleetrecipient,themessageidentifiedwhich departmental awards each aircraft carrier earnedinthecompetition

George H.W. Bush earned departmental awards for Air Combat Systems Deck, Damage Control, Health Services Navigation, Operations, Intelligence, Reactor, Safety, Security, Supply, Weapons, and CarrierMaintenance

“This award is a reflection of the Sailors aboard our ship who put in the hard work tobringthisshiptolifeeachdayaswarriors, teachers, leaders, and ambassadors at home and abroad,” said Capt. Dave Pollard, commanding officer of George H.W. Bush “Itisalsoatestamentofouryoung firstline leaders who have held high standards and createdacultureofexcellencefor ourmost juniorSailorstolearnandthriveinthroughoutworkupsanddeployment.”

Allpermanentlyassignedpersonnelwho were onboard for at least a day are eligible for the Battle “E” ribbon. Embarked staff, carrier air wing temporary assigned duty and civilian personnel are not eligible The BattleEfficiency“E”AwardsforNavalAviationunitsareoutlinedinCOMNAVAIRFORINST 1650.15N Annual Aviation Related

ATLANTIC OCEAN (June 9,2022)An F/A-18FSuperHornet aircraft,attached to Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 103,launches from the flight deck ofthe aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),June 9,2022.The George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group (CSG)


George H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, the Information Warfare Commander, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55).

TheshipsofDESRON-26withinCSG-10 are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Truxtun (DDG 103), and USS Delbert D. Black (DDG119).

The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked

aboard the George H.W. Bush are the “Sidewinders” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 86 the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103 the “Knighthawks” of VFA-136, the “Pukin’ Dogs”ofVFA-143,the Bluetails”ofCarrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140, the “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, andthe“Grandmasters”ofHelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)46

For over 80 years U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa (NAVEUR-NAVAF) has forgedstrategicrelationshipswithalliesand partners, leveraging a foundation of shared


HeadquarteredinNaples Italy NAVEURNAVAF operates U.S. naval forces in the U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Commandareasofresponsibility U.S.Sixth FleetispermanentlyassignedtoNAVEURNAVAF, and employs maritime forces throughthefullspectrumofjointandnaval operations TheGeorgeH.W.BushCSGisonascheduled deployment in the NAVEUR area of operations, employed by U.S. Sixth Fleet to defendU.S.,allied,andpartnerinterests

is underwaycompleting a certification exercise to increase U.S.and allied interoperabilityandwarfighting capabilitybefore a future deployment The George H.W.Bush CSG is an integrated combatweapons system that delivers superiorcombat capabilityto deter,and ifnecessary defeatAmerica’s adversaries in support ofnational security.CarrierAirWing (CVW) 7 is the offensive airand strike component ofCSG-10 and the George H.W.Bush CSG.The squadrons ofCVW-7 areVFA-143,VFA-103,VFA-86 VFA-136 ElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 140 CarrierAirborne EarlyWarning Squadron (VAW) 121,HSC-5,and HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASS BRANDONROBERSON) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 6, 2023 5 Navy FederalCredit Union is federallyinsured by NCUA. Credit and collateral subject to approval. 2CARFAX is aregisteredtrademark of CARFAX,Inc. 3TruStage® Auto &Home InsuranceProgram is made available through TruStage InsuranceAgency, LLCand issued by leading insurancecompanies. Theinsuranceoffered is not adeposit, and is not federally insured, sold or guaranteed by Navy Federal. Product and features mayvary and not be available in all states. Discounts arenot available in all states, and discounts vary by state. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only.Tothe extent permitted by law, applicants areindividually underwritten; not all applicants mayqualify.NavyFederal Credit Union is in no way responsiblefor anyproducts or services provided by or through TruStage,Liberty Mutual ortheir affiliates, subsidiaries and insurancecompanypartners. AUT-4210544.1-0122-0224 4Navy Federal Credit Union is in no way responsible forany product, service, purchase or lease provided by or through CARFAX,TruStage,Liberty Mutual,SiriusXM or the Navy Federal Car Buying Serviceoperated by TrueCar.©2022NavyFederal NFCU 14083 (2-22) Our Members Arethe Mission Car Buying, Fully Loaded Terms and conditions apply Learn more at navyfederal.org/carbuying 4 • Get a decision in seconds on great-rate auto loans1 • Shop, compare and get up-front pricing through our Car Buying Service, powered by TrueCar® • Learn more about your vehicle's history with CARFAX®2 • See if you could save on auto insurance from Liberty Mutual®, made available through TruStage®3 • Explore FREE trial subscriptions to SiriusXM s Platinum Plan

Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike GroupcompletesCOMPTUEX


NORFOLK, Va The Sailors, ships, squadrons and staffs of the Gerald R. Ford CarrierStrikeGroup(GRFCSG)successfully completedcompositetrainingunitexercise (COMPTUEX),April2,2023.

COMPTUEX,orchestratedbytheCarrier StrikeGroup(CSG)4,isacertificationexerciseconductedduringtheintegratedphase oftheOptimizedFleetResponsePlan.

“Throughout COMPTUEX, the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group team demonstrated a learning mindset and focused on continuous improvement,” said Rear Adm. Jeffrey “Caesar” Czerewko, commander, CSG-4 “Iamconfidentthatthisstrikegroup is adaptable, capable and lethal. My staff coaches mentors trainsandassessesacross every mission area and we leveraged the capabilities of the live, virtual, constructive infrastructure to put the CSG-12 team into anintenseandrealisticmonth-longscenario ThiswasthefirstCOMPTUEXassessment with a Ford-class nuclear powered aircraft carrierandthisimpressivegroupsetthebar highforfutureshipsoftheclass.”

The GRFCSG includes the staffs of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 12 Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8 and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 2. Participating units include Ford-classnuclear-poweredaircraftcarrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), and Arleigh Burkeclassguided-missiledestroyersUSSRamage (DDG 61), USS McFaul (DDG 74) and USS ThomasHudner(DDG116).CVW-8squadrons include the “Black Lions” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 213 the “Tomcatters”ofVFA-31,the“Ragin’Bulls ofVFA-37 andthe“GoldenWarriors ofVFA-87;Elec-

tronicAttackSquadron(VAQ)142;the“Bear Aces of Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 124; the “Rawhides” of Fleet Logistics Squadron VRC-40; the “Spartans” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 70; and the “Tridents” of HelicopterSeaCombatSquadron(HSC)9.

COMPTUEXisdesignedtofullyintegrate theGRFCSG,underthecommandofCSG12, as a cohesive multi-mission fighting force andtestthestrikegroup’sabilitytocarryout sustained combat operations from the sea. COMPTUEX lasts several weeks, during which units are tested on their proficiency andreadinessthroughscenario-based,live training,thatincreasesincomplexityand intensity

The exercise allowed the ships, aircraft, and staffs to work together in response to specific scenarios across all warfare areas and to refine their ability to communicate and fight alongside one another in a realistic training environment that included academic,syntheticandlivetrainingevents “COMPTUEX served as a doctorate-level test of the strike group’s ability to operate collectively across the spectrum of warfare areas while incorporating the first in class Gerald R. Ford into the strike group,” said Rear Adm. Greg Huffman, Commander CSG-12. “The robust scenarios challenged every facet of our warfighting capability, enablinggrowthandlearningateverylevel, allowing us to further refine our warfare tactics and processes The exercise solidified our already-cohesive strike group, and I’m extremely proud of the team’s determinationandeagernesstoconstantlylearnand improve in the most demanding situations. Ourreadinessisthehighestithaseverbeen, and I feel fortunate for the opportunity to deploywiththisamazingteam.

Thestrikegroupalsoconductedthesixth iterationofNATOtraininginCOMPTUEX (formerlyreferredtoastheNATOvignette), in a scenario developed by CSG-4 and Combined Joint Operations from the Sea CenterofExcellence(CJOS-COE).

“COMPTUEXvalidatedthestrikegroup’s NATO interoperability, assuring our Allies and partners that the FORD Carrier Strike Group is ready to operate under either US or NATO command structure as the situation requires,” said Vice Adm. Daniel Dwyer,commander,U.S.2ndFleetandJoint Force Command Norfolk. “Ford completing COMPTUEX leads the way for a global deployment and continued integration with NATO. The Alliance is stronger than ever, and any opportunity for our forces to train and exercise together under a single command structure increases our ability to effectively defend the Alliance as a single unifiedforce.”

The GRFCSG team rehearsed a transfer ofauthority(TOA)ofcommandandcontrol betweenanotionalhigherheadquarters,led by CSG-4, and Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO), NATO’s rapidly deployable joint headquarters in Portugal. The strike group used NATO reporting procedures messaging formats andchatcapabilities,reinforcingcommand and control and aligning communications channels to ensure a seamless process in the event of a crisis NATO operations in COMPTUEXalsosupportthedevelopment ofinteroperabilityrequirementsforfuture forcegenerationandimprovealliedmaritimecommandandcontrollinkagesthatare vitalinallphasesofwarfare.

Gerald R. Ford provides the national command authority flexible, tailorable warfighting capability as the flagship of a

carrierstrikegroupthatmaintainsmaritime stabilityandsecuritytoensureaccess,deter aggression and defend U.S., allied and partnerinterests

Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is the U.S. Navy’s newest and most advanced aircraft carrier As the first-in-class ship of Fordclass aircraft carriers, CVN 78 represents a generationalleapintheU.S.Navy’scapacity toprojectpoweronaglobalscale Ford-class aircraft carriers introduce 23 new technologies, including Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, Advanced Arresting Gear and Advanced Weapons Elevators The new systems incorporated onto Ford-class shipsaredesignedtogenerateahighersortie rate with a 20 percent smaller crew than a Nimitz-classcarrier,pavingthewayforward fornavalaviation.

CSG-4 is a team that consists of experiencedSailors Marines governmentcivilians andreservists,whomentor,trainandassess U.S. 2nd Fleet combat forces to forward deploy in support and defense of national interests CSG 4’s experts shape the readinessofU.S.2ndFleetCarrierStrikeGroups (CSG),ExpeditionaryStrikeGroups(ESG), Amphibious Readiness Groups (ARG) and independent deploying ships through live at sea and synthetic training as well as academicinstruction. Alongwithitssubordinate commands Tactical Training Group Atlantic(TTGL)andExpeditionaryWarfare Training Group Atlantic (EWTGL), CSG 4 prepares every Atlantic-based CSG, ARG and independent deployer for sustained forward-deployedhigh-tempooperations

For more news from U.S. 2nd Fleet visit https://www.c2f.navy.mil/ and for more information visit http://www.facebook. com/US2ndFleet/or http://twitter.com/US2ndFleet

Navy Exchange Service Command

The Navy Exchange Service Command’s (NEXCOM)ShipsStoreProgramhostedits

first Fleet Assist Team (FAT) Team Leader meetinginNorfolk,Virginia,March13 16, 2023 The goal of the meeting was to bring togetherFATleadersfromaroundtheworld to discuss the changes and challenges they face in afloat retail operations as well as operating procedures that will standardize the assistance provided by the five teams movingforward.

“Thepurposeofthisannualmeetingwas to review and update our standard operating procedures, offer training and give our team leaders the time to share what they are seeing on the waterfront,” said Scott Gray, Vice President of NEXCOM’s Ships Store Program. “It was a great opportunity for them to share their challenges lessons learned and success stories That face-to face dialog was invaluable and I know the connectionsmadeatthismeetingwillcarry forwardastheygobacktotheFleet.

For four days, FAT Team Leaders from NavalSupplySystemsCommand(NAVSUP) FleetLogisticsCentersinNorfolk,Virginia; Pearl Harbor; Yokosuka, Japan; San Diego and Mayport, Florida and Force Retail SpecialistsfromCommander NavalSurface Forces Pacific and Commander, Naval Surface Forces Atlantic gathered to train anddiscuss1QCOG,ROM3softwareandthe procurementprocesses as well asto review and update NEXCOM and NAVSUP policies and procedures In addition to touring

the Micro Market,self-service retail operation,atNEXCOM’sheadquarters,Graygave a brief on the future of the Micro Market@ Sea an afloat retail operation that has the potential to be open 24 hours a day, seven daysaweek

“The opening of a Micro Market@Sea is a great opportunity as it can stay open longer than a typical ships store, giving Sailors working different duty a chance to purchase what they need,” said Gray “Plus, onsmallerships,havinganunmannedstore open longer hours could allow for a Retail Specialist to work in other shipboard retail operations such as vending or the barber shop.”

AlsoattendingthemeetingwasNAVSUP’s Command Master Chief Mark Schlosser who gave a brief on the health of the U. S. Navy Supply Ratings as well as NEXCOM’s Command Master Chief Anna Wood, who joinedinonthediscussions Chief Retail Specialist Tasha Brownlee FleetAssistTeamLead,NAVSUPFLCYokosuka,Japan,gathered alot of great material during the week that she will take with her. “Wereceivedalotofgreattrainingandinformation on different aspects of our job,” said Brownlee “Itwasnicetocometogetherand discussbetterwaystoassisttheFleetinour own Areas of Responsibility. I also met a lot ofpeopleand heardwhatthey dealwithon a daily basis. That comradery and communicationwasgreat.”

The meeting ended with a roundtable discussion with retired Rear Adm. Robert J. Bianchi, NEXCOM’s Chief Executive Officer Bianchi shared his perspective on

manning, the future of Micro Market@Sea andhistimeasayoungsupplyofficeraboard USSPigeon(ASR-21).

“I liked the roundtable with Rear Adm. Bianchi and his passion for the rate,” said Master Chief Retail Specialist Johnnifie Horne ForceRetailSpecialist,Commander Naval Surface Force Atlantic “It gave me a greatinsightonwhatthefutureholdsforthe Retail Specialist community Even though I’m retiring next year, based on the round-

table discussion, I’m actually going to plan smallerfocusgroupswithinourcommunity toensureourratecontinuestogetthetrainingandsupporttobesuccessful.Bottomline issomereallygreatideasandcreativitycame fromthisroundtablediscussion.”

The five FAT teams assist ships around the globe with any retail operation issues, includingtroubleshootingandfixingbroken equipment or software and conducting inspectionsandtraining.

designed to fullyintegrate a carrierstrike group as a cohesive,multi-mission fighting force and to test theirabilityto carryout sustained combat operations from the sea.As the first-in-class ship ofFord-class aircraft carriers,CVN 78 represents a generational leap in the U.S.Navy’s capacity to project poweron a global scale.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJENNIFERA.NEWSOME)
to the first-in-class aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R.Ford’s (CVN 78) airdepartment line up spotting
on the flight deck,March 24 2023.Ford is underwayin theAtlantic Ocean executing its CompositeTraining Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX),an intense,multi-weekexercise
Navy Exchange Service Command’s
first fleet support meeting FleetAssistTeam (FAT) Leaders from Naval SupplySystem Command Fleet Logistics Centers around theworld aswell as Force Retail Specialists from Commander,Naval Surface Force Pacific and Commander,Naval Surface ForceAtlantic participated in the first FATTeam Leadermeeting hosted byNEXCOM’s Ships Store Program inVirginia Beach,Va March 16 2023.NEXCOM is comprised of14,000 personnelworldwide facilitating seven business lines: NEXretail stores NavyLodge Program,NavyGatewayInns & Suites Ships Store Program, NavyClothing andTextile Research Facility,Uniform Program Management Office and Telecommunications Program Office (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYKRISTINESTURKIE) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 6, 2023
Program hosts its

Newfederal lawprovisions givemorehelp during PCS and TAD, and options for state income taxation

On5January2023,PresidentBidensigned into lawthe Veterans Auto and Education ImprovementAct of 2022(VAEI), implementing severalsignificant changes to the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act(SCRA). While the primary purpose of the VAEI is to provide greater assistance to veterans and theirdependentswitheducationassis-

tancebenefitsduringemergencysituations, italsoincreasesSCRAprotectionsforactive dutyservicemembersandtheirdependents. Theseadditionalprovisionsarespecifically related to the cancellation of consumer contractsuponPCSorTADof90+days,and stateresidencyfortaxationpurposes.

First, the SCRAnow allows service membersanddependentstoterminateearly theirgymmembership,fitnessprogram,and home securityservicecontract in theevent of relocation of 90 days or more, when the new location cannot support the contract.

The pre-existing provisions allowing early termination of residential leases,and cell phone,cable,andInternetcontractsremain unchanged.Evenwhen service members receivestopmovementorders,theyortheir dependentscantakeadvantageoftheSCRA provisions.

Second,theSCRAnowprovidesstatetax residencyoptionsfor service members and theirspouses.Service members and their spouses can nowclaim the state in which theyaresubjecttoincometaxesfromoneof threeoptions:

„ The residenceordomicileofthe service member; „ The residence or domicile of thespouse; or „ The service member’scurrent duty station

TheSCRAisfederallaw,unaffectedbyany inconsistentstatelaws

TheVAEIandSCRAaretwoofmanywins forveterans,activedutymembers,andtheir families.Reachout to your nearestLegal Assistance office for further informationor adviceonhowtoassertyourrights.

www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, April 6, 2023 7


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Center for Information Warfare Training

PENSACOLA,Fla. Sheofficiallybegins herdayat5:30a.m withbreakfast,amorning walk with her partner and getting dressedinheruniformbeforegoingtowork. Onceherpartnersettlesintohisofficechair, she than gets started on the first nap of the dayonthefloor Herpartner,NavyCounselorChiefCyrus Irani, who concluded his 20 years of naval service at Center for Information Warfare and Training (CIWT) in late February with a helping paw at his side, Zoey a 6-montholdgoldenlabradoodlecurrentlyintheearly stagesofherservice.

In the weeks leading up to his retirement, Irani began her preliminary training in uniform, which for her consists of a pink leash,clippedtoapinkvest

Zoey is a part of Healing Paws for Warriors, a non-profit organization that facilitatesservicedogsforU.SVeterans

“We provide the military the weapons to fight—now let’s provide them the tools to live, said Sheila Hale, Co-founder and Program Manager for Healing Paws for Warriors. “The service dogs are their new battle buddies during highs and lows and the Veterans continue to work on a better versionofthemselves.”

“Noteverydogcanbeaservicedog,”Hale continued.“Onceaneligible pre-evaluated dog is selected from a shelter it is fostered for two weeks and then re-evaluated The canine begins initial training or is returned to the shelter, depending on the outcome of the second evaluation. Training usually takestwotofourmonths,dependingonthe veteran’sneeds.”

Mike Arena, co-founder and executive director of Healing Paws for Warriors explained the process a veteran has to complete to be eligible for a service animal Veterans must complete and submit a web basedapplicationthroughHealingPawsfor Warriors and supply documentation from a medical provider stating the patient is in a good place in treatment or therapy and wouldbenefitfromhavingaservicedog.

Eligibility is based on serval factors, one of which is where they fall into three categories of severity. Under Cat 1, member has minimal health issues, Cat 2, member has majorhealthissues,andCat3isreservedfor terminallyillVeterans

“Theywanttomakesuretheanimalissafe and also the service member is safe,” said Irani,“Itgoesbothways.”

ForIrani,theprocessofreceivingaservice dogstartedearlierthanmost.

“It’s not common to have a service dog and also be active duty, said Irani. “I’m thankfulforthechainofcommand[CIWT] who’s supported me From the command master chief all the way to the commanding officer.”

Irani would not have normally received his service dog prior to exiting the military, but is grateful for receiving her early as he is already seeing the benefits He recalled a time where Zoey unexpectedly demonstrated her training by giving support in a highstresssituation.Whiledriving,hisvehicle in front of him braked suddenly with no explanation and Irani felt himself become quiteangry.

I was upset and screaming at the other driver, said Irani, and Zoey started licking the back of my hand, like, ‘calm down it’s goingtobeokay.’

Zoey’s progress makes Irani hopeful that she will be able to complete training, with little to no issues He explained that Zoey willundergosurgerytogetspayedandbegin intensetraining.Hercareerwillthendepend on her performance during tests. Failure to pass means a career change, a term used to define the process of removing a pup out of theservicedogsystemandbeingplacedfor regularadoption.

Healing Paws for Warriors was officially foundedFebruary2015 92%oftheirdogsare sourcedfromshelters/rescuesintheFlorida region.TheyalsoworkwithothernonprofitslikeHeroLabradorsanditspurpose-bred dogs, and other organizations that donate animals Healing Paws has successfully placed54Veteranswithservicedogs,covering the cost of placement and training The costofatrainedservicedogfromtheirorganizationrunsbetween$15,000and$18,000

“Thanks to grants, donations, fundraisers, the generosity of the community, and usingrescue/shelteranimals,HealingPaws isabletoprovideADA-certifiedservicedogs, trainedfor/totheneedsoftheveteran,atno charge,”saidArena

Irani was ceremonially rung ashore on Mar. 31, during CIWT’s 130th Chief Petty Officer Birthday ceremony concluding his navalservicewithhisfamilywithhisfamily onhand.

Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s (NNSY) Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual,Transgender,Queer + (LGBTQ+) Employee Resource Group took the lead in the Production Resource Department (Code 900) monthly Conference Room Naming Ceremony Mar. 9, identifying two individuals who’s work at the shipyard has advanced the efforts in building a better culture for all. Those recognized were LGBTQ+ Member and Former Chairperson Ronisha “Ro” Ford andDiversity,Equity,andInclusionAccessibility Strategic Team (DEIAST) Member Lamont Ming

“YouareawesomeindividualsandItruly appreciate the amount of effort you all put in every single day,” said Operations Officer Capt. Lawrence Brandon. “I see you putting in the grind and working to help make change at America’s Shipyard Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. It can be challenging to change the culture and environment for a 10,000-person workplace but you don’t let that deter you from what you do It’s true that we can’t directly change a person; however, we can doourparttocreateanenvironmentwhere change is possible That’s what building a better culture is all about.”

ProductionResourceOfficerCapt.Frank Gasperettiadded,“Whenitcomestobuildingabetterculture,ittakeswillingnessand courage to step up to the plate and we see thatespeciallyineffortsyouallaremaking toensureourshipyardisawelcomingplace for all to function as one team.

Ford is a founding member of the LGBTQ+ ERG and was the Chairperson of the team until stepping down in late 2022. LGBTQ+ERGChairpersonJaneseWalker said, “Even after stepping down, Ro has continued to be an extremely active ERG memberandmentortoourteam.Withher ever-presence and always willing to lend her support, she understands the value of maintaining a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQ+ employees and serves in any capacity to achieve that. Ro isn’t afraid to have those tough but necessary conversa-

tions required to promote inclusion in the workplaceandisalwayswillingtoshareher knowledge and experiences with others.”

Ford said, “This really makes me feel really special and seen to be recognized. I hope we can continue to work together to ensure diversity and inclusion are felt throughout America’s Shipyard.”

Ming although not an official member of the LGBTQ+ ERG, has played a key role in their mission of creating a safe and equitable workplace for all. Walker said, “Lamont has dedicated several hours in

between his formal role as an analyst to meet with stakeholders at all levels and advocateforLGBTQ+inclusionandrecognitionaspartofthe‘BuildaBetterCulture’ campaign. Lamont’simpeccable character and far-reaching connections have helped build a bridge between our group and senior leadership in order to affect position change here at America’s Shipyard.”

Mingsaid,“I’mreallyblownawaybythis We’re a family here at America’s Shipyard andittakesallofourcommitmenttomake it the best it can be.”

Thisinitiativebeganasanefforttorecognize employees for their hard work and dedicationtoAmerica’sShipyardandbuilding a better culture with two employees being recognized each month with a plaque and one of the spaces in Bldg 1500 bearing their name. As new months bring newrecipients eachrecognizedindividual willreceivetheirofficialplaqueandphotograph.Inaddition, their photos andrecognitionwillencircletheconferenceroomto ensure their hard work and dedication is recognized for many years to come

difference in Shipyard’s culture in monthly conference room
ceremony Code 900 Production Resource OfficerCapt.FrankGasperetti congratulates Ronisha“Ro”Ford as part ofthe monthlyconference room naming initiative Mar 9.Shewas chosen bythe LGBTQ+ ERG fortheirefforts in bringing positive change toAmerica’s Shipyard (PHOTOBYDANIEL DEANGELIS) Retiring U.S.NavyCounselorChiefCyrus Irani posedwith his newlyappointed service dog Zoey Zoeyis part ofHealing Paws forWarriors,a non-profit organizationwhich places service animalswithwoundedveterans.(PHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER2NDCLASSLINDSAYLAIR)
recognizes employees
Retiring Navy Chief receives service dog to help with stress Charting the Navy’s future course in advanced space education In today’s era ofstrategic competition, naval and joint operations depend more than everon the space domain. PageB3

Women’s History Month with the triad of PCU Nantucket

Commander, Littoral Combat Ship Squadron Two

On the final day of Women’s History Month, the triad of the Freedom-variant Pre-commissioning unit (PCU) Nantucket (LCS 27) discussed the importance of the heritagemonthandsharedtheirexperience ascommandingofficer,executiveofficer,and command senior chief of Nantucket.

Cmdr Kari Yakubisin, commanding officer of Nantucket, commissioned in May 2005throughtheVanderbiltUniversityand completedNuclearPowerSchoolandPrototype in April of 2008. “I have a call to public service, saidYakubisin.“IthinkIwaslucky inthattheenvironmentIwasraisedfostered in me a high sense of social justice, and the militarywasonewayformetopayallofthat forwardandtogivebacktothecommunity.”

Cmdr. Angela Eickelmann, executive officer of Nantucket, graduated from Texas A&M and also commissioned through the ROTC program. “Growing up I knew if I wanted to go to college my one way to do that was to find scholarships to pay for it, said Eickelmann. “My grandfather on my father’ssideservedintheNavyinWorldWar II, and my grandfather on my mother’s side servedinVietnamintheinfantry Theywere very proud of that, and I was proud of that history too.”

Littoral Combat Ship Squadron 2 takes prideinhonoringthemanyservicemembers whohavesetthestandardfortoday’ssurface warfare community and celebrates the rich history of the women within our ranks In 1948 women gained permanent status in the Navy with the passage of the Women’s ArmedServicesIntegrationAct,andin2016, the Department of Defense opened all military occupations and positions to women.

“There have been many women leaders throughout my career that have inspired me,” said Monica Bolton, command senior chief of Nantucket. “There have been two who took a personal interest in my developmentasaleader Thesetwowomenleaderstaughtmetheimportanceofinvestingin myselfandrealizingmypotentialasaleader OnceIdidthat,Iwasabletoleadconfidently and with true purpose.”

“It’s the being around Sailors that gets me out of the bed each morning and keeps me motivated,” said Yakubisin. “I see it as my goal is to make so that they can do their jobseasier sothateveryonesimplywantsto come to work and keep doing the job The Navyisafamily,andtheNavyandtheSailors have become like family, largely due to how long I’ve been away from my own.”

Success in their military careers has also come with a number of personal challenges and sacrifices However, overcoming those

challenges has offered both experiences and insights which they pass on to Sailors to help them overcome similar challenges and advance in their military careers

“Findingyoursupportstructureisincredibly important,” said Eickelmann. “Support can come from your family, a good group of friends, other Sailors, especially when you have young children. I think about my daughter, the influences she has right now and think it’s important for her to see that she can be a young woman and have strong opinions and be a great leader.”

1981, Congress passed a joint resolution establishingWomen’sHistoryWeek,andin 1987, proclaimed March Women’s History Monthtocelebratetheaccomplishmentsof women throughout American history

“To me, the value of not only Women’s History Month, but all of the diversity months, is in discovering the incredible stories and contributions of people who likely did not receive the recognition they deserved at the time,” said Yakubisin.

The Littoral Combat Ship is a fast, agile mission-focusedplatformdesignedtooperate in near-shore environments, winning against 21st-century coastal threats The LCS is capable of supporting forward presence, maritime security, sea control, and deterrence

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy

The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated


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MAYPORTFla.(March 31,2023) - Cmdr KariYakubisin,commanding officerofthe Freedom-variant littoral combat ship Pre-commissioning Unit (PCU) Nantucket (LCS 27) address Nantucket Sailors during anAnti-terrorism training drill.(PHOTOBYLT ANTHONYJUNCO)
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 6, 2023

Charting the Navy’s future course in advanced space education


No domain more than space operations highlights the essential blend of the operational art of war as well as the science and technology of warfare.

From the very beginning of the “space race” in the late 1950s, the U.S. Navy established itself as a global leader in the utilization of the space domain. By employing game-changing satellite platforms and developingtacticalcapabilitiesfromspacebased systems within the Department of Defense, the Navy proved unmatched in its use of the “final frontier for maritime supremacy

In today’s era of strategic competition, however,navalandjointoperationsdepend more than ever on the space domain everything from intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, to positioning, navigation, and timing to communications environmental monitoring space domain monitoring and more. As a result, there is a clear demand signal that America’s sea servicesmustdomorethanjustmaintaina foothold in space

OneorganizationpoisedtohelptheNavy answer that call is the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), which has played a critical role in the evolution of the Navy’s space leadership through education, space-relatedscienceandtechnologyresearchsince 1959, most notably with the establishment of its Space Systems Academic Group (SSAG) in 1982

Under the guidance of Professor Emeritus Rudy Panholzer, who served as Space SystemsChairfrom1984to2016,SSAGand its associated curricula in space systems engineering and operations provided NPS students with a one-of-a-kind graduate education degree in space applications specific to warfighting SSAG also gave those students the technical depth to understand the design and engineering of satellites and other space-based systems

Currentlyundertheleadershipofformer NASA astronaut Dr Jim Newman, SSAG has the same mission and vision that has been in place since its establishment but it also has a renewed urgency to develop “agile and innovative minds” who are prepared to “lead in transformation and managechangeintomorrow’scomplexand technically challenging world.”

“Ourproductreallyisthestudentsthemselves,” said Newman. “What I’m trying to do, as Rudy Panholzer was doing when I got here 17 years ago is to build that next generation of naval [space] operators and engineers The bottom line is we need naval and other officers who are technically capable of understanding and knowing what is in the realm of the possible We have very technically capable adversaries and you can see examples of the military facing that truth.”

That truth, Newman explained, is that the reality of today’s space domain is more complex. Space as an operating environment is increasingly congested and contested. U.S. superiority in space is frequently challenged; competitors advance the means to disrupt or deny our ability to leverage the constellation of sensors and connectors that serve as the backbone of a networked and distributed maritime force

As a result, the Navy must be prepared toinnovate becreativeandagile andtruly compete in today’s highly-contested space domain. The Navy-Marine Corps team is the only all-domain warfighting force in DOD, operating under, on, and above the

sea, on land, and in the cyber realm and space connects them all.

By their very nature, naval operational problems are multi-disciplinary; as a result, they require inter-disciplinary approachesandsolutions.Asaninstitution, NPS recently implemented a new Strategic Framework which addresses these problems,aswellasuniquenavalgraduate education needs and research, by consolidatingcurriculaintonineinterdisciplinary core program areas

Among the program areas is “Space Technology and Operations,” led by SSAG, which covers a range of defense-relevant applications from communications to orbital mechanics and satellite reconnaissance,culminatinginspaceoperationsand engineeringsolutionsforwarfightersfrom a wide variety of backgrounds

One NPS Space Systems Engineering student, Navy Lt Cmdr Tim Musmanno graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2011 with a degree in aerospace engineering After multiple flying deployments and astafftourwithCarrierStrikeGroup15,he becameanAviationEngineeringDutyOfficer His research at NPS with advisor Dr MarkKarpenkoisfocusedonautonomous maneuver optimization methods applied to NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter inpartnershipwithNASA’sGoddardSpace Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md

“There are unique optimization methods that can help overcome system constraints and maximize efficient utilization of both new and old spacecraft,” said Musmanno “My operational aviation experience combined with this educational opportunity had helped me to build a more complete understanding of aerospace systems requirements integration, andtradespacewhichwillhelpmecontribute more during my expected next tour at the National Reconnaissance Office and subsequentcareerinnavalaerospaceacquisitions.”

U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Dillon Pierce is an infantry officer who completed his master’s degree at NPS in 2020 put his expertiseintopracticeonautilizationtour and has since returned to NPS to complete hisdoctorateinspacesystemsengineering Pierce’s payback tour, at USMC Combat Development & Integration (CD&I), providedhimwithanopportunitytoutilize hisgraduateeducationatNPStointroduce newandemergingspacecapabilitiesforthe Marine Corps to support the warfighter The tour gave him perspective on the true value of his education with SSAG.

“IstumbledintotheSSAGsmallsatellite lab one day and saw that the development of CubeSats and the new technologies that you can apply to their payloads was something they’re really interested in,” Pierce saidofhisMastersresearchintohigh-powered rockets for CubeSats “I saw some tacticalusesforthisIwantedtotrytooperationalize,andIfiguredhighpoweredrocketry for these CubeSats would be a good venue to get them up [into space] a little bit faster.”

Pierce is now on the third quarter of his doctorate, with a deeper respect for the education and research processes in SSAG and the expert faculty guiding his work.

“Havinggraduatedpastentrylevelwork, I now have this really special time with Dr Newman where he dedicates multiple hours a week to my development, Pierce said. “I’ll get him up to speed on a problem that I have been working on and talk throughhowI’msolvingthings Evenwithout having the same familiarity with the

detailsoftheproblem,hequicklygetsupto speed and then he can look at the problem criticallyinawaythatanalyzestheconnections inner relationships the dependencies

“Wecanreallygettotheheartofthesolution,” he continued. “For me, that process and skill is what I’m really trying to focus on, as well as my dissertation.”

For that dissertation, Pierce will focus on the development of a low-cost, rocket-based precision strike system that integratescommercialoff-the-shelfcomponents and a novel guidance and control solution.

The space systems curricula that both Musmanno and Pierce have gone through are demanding programs Over the years, SSAG has added distance learning and graduate certificate options based on its two core curricula and a doctorate in its space systems engineering track, and is exploringasecondPh.D programinspace systems operations as well.

Still, students and faculty alike speak highly of the camaraderie that develops between members of each SSAG cohort usually 30 students from the Navy, Marine CorpsandAirForce andtheirprofessors

While perhaps known more for leading the nation in graduate schools producing NASA astronauts 44 to date NPS has also launched dozens of satellites and contributed to space payloads for military applications Today, SSAG faculty members contribute to a wide variety of space missions and boast an innovative Mobile CubeSat Command and Control (MC3)networkledbyfacultyassociateDr Giovanni Minelli, with support from the National Reconnaissance Office

Ten active MC3 ground stations worldwide provide a global common-use infrastructure and operational network for low-cost, small-satellite research projects, many of them classified, using NPS CubeSats and DOD satellites in orbit. The network includes collaborations with academia,industryandinternationalpartners from the Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence alliance Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Minelli indicated that the U.S. Naval Academy will bringitsowngroundstationonlineinApril 2023,withthreemoreinternationalground stations being added later this year

“WearecurrentlyprovidingMC3ground network support for (Five Eyes) applications and also for two Missile Defense Agency CubeSats performinga networked communicationsexperiment, saidMinelli. “Afewotherpartnersatellitesareexpected touseourgroundnetworkthisyear,includingaNASAmissionforhyperspectralthermal imaging, a U.S. Special Operations Command mission for modular intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance, and a U.S. Coast Guard Academy CubeSat called SeaLion-1.”

In fact, two more NPS CubeSats named Mola and Otter will launch in the summer of 2023 and the winter of 2024 Faculty seniorlecturerDr WenschelLanisleading the design/build effort with her students to demonstrate pathfinding and on-orbit activities, and a FVEY federated space system will enhance coalition advantages in maritime domain awareness, global commandandcontrol,andcyberresiliency.

“Industrypartnersalsoplayavitalrolein our space research applications,” said Lan “We are leveraging an NPS cooperative researchanddevelopmentagreementwith Microsoft for satellite ground testing by establishing a cloud-enabled data connec-

tion between the MC3 ground station and a Microsoft Azure Stack Edge This will allowexperimentationinspaceoperations enabledbydataandtelemetrydownlinked from CubeSats to the cloud environment. Expansion of the ground capability with our industry and international partners is a significant part of this research effort.”

In addition, NPS’ ability to conduct classified research, focusing on relevant appliedandinnovativesolutionstotoday’s most vexing challenges ensure the space systemsoperationsandengineeringcurricula are more necessary and equally relevant, to naval and joint space operations as they have ever been.

Going forward, the Navy has signaled its intent to develop critical, advanced space and information-related capabilities. In hisCNONavigationPlanfor2022,Chiefof NavalOperationsAdm.MikeGildayidentifiedinvestmentsinspace-basedcapabilities as one of the Navy’s force design imperatives

The Navy has already taken two preliminary steps towards making these investments with the creation of the Maritime Space Officer (MSO) community in 2021 and the establishment of Commander, NavySpaceCommand(NAVSPACECOM), in January 2023 MSOs will help the Navy fill key space-oriented billets at fleet and component commands within Maritime Operations Centers (MOC), Warfighting Development Centers (WDC), U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM), and the intelligence community NAVSPACECOM will be the Navy’s component command under SPACECOM, supporting the service’s mission to maintain maritime superiority from the sea floor to space

According to retired Vice Adm. Ann Rondeau, president of NPS, SSAG is working in concert with the Department of the Navy’s efforts to accelerate space capabilities and capacity, adapting to meet the intellectual and cognitive readiness needs ofafuturecadreoftech-savvyleaderswho willguidetheseaservicesanddeliversolutionstomaritimeneedsinspace,answering a national security imperative.

“Mostofuswillonlybeabletolookupat the heavens, but NPS is fortunate to have the leadership and scholarship of Dr Jim Newman who has actually walked among thestars,”saidRondeau.“Together,weare building on past strengths in space graduate education reframing our approaches to warfighter development and the development of warfighting solutions that will generate the highest consequence outcomes for the Navy Marine Corps and joint force.”

NPS Space Systems Academic Group video: https://youtu.be/Gi9fskxOYlw

MONTEREY Calif (March 30 2023) In today’s era ofstrategic competition,naval and joint operations depend more than everon the space domain.The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and its Space SystemsAcademic Group (SSAG) provide graduate space education and research opportunities to naval officers and the joint force,helping to develop space-relevantwarfighting competencies and qualified operatorswhowill continue to enable maritime dominance and national defense.(U.S.NAVYGRAPHICBYNAVALPOSTGRADUATESCHOOLPUBLICAFFAIRS) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 6, 2023 3

Naval Space Summit brings SECNAV, other senior leaders to NPS

Naval Postgraduate School

As global dependence on space-based technologycontinuestogrow,seniorleaders fromthroughouttheDepartmentofDefense joinedSecretaryoftheNavyCarlosDelToro attheNavalPostgraduateSchool(NPS)from March 29-31 to examine the challenges, needsandopportunitiesofspaceoperations uniquetothemaritimedomain.

The inaugural Naval Space Summit at NPS featured a series of classified discussions involving top representatives from the DOD’s major stakeholders in the space domain.Themaingoalsofthesummitwere to foster greater understanding about the reliance of the Navy and Marine Corps on existing space capabilities, to acknowledge theissuesfacedinadaptingtoandincorporating rapid technological changes and to identifythechallengesinvolvedinenabling futurenavalandjointwarfareandprotecting theUnitedStatesanditsallies

“We are here today because in the years tocome,wewillallfacenewchallenges,and we also stand to benefit from new opportunitiesinthisdomain,”saidDelToro “When thinking strategically about the future, it’s often a good idea to take a step back and recall where we came from, and how we actually got here We are ‘here’ because of the Department of the Navy’s mission: to sustainglobalpresenceforprojectionofsea power.”

DelTorowasjoinedatNPSbyanumberof seniorNavyandMarineCorpsmilitaryand civilian leaders including Under Secretary oftheNavyErikRaven,Commandantofthe MarineCorpsGen.DavidBerger,ViceChief

of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti, andAdm.SamuelPaparo Commander U.S. PacificFleet.

Also attending the summit were the commander of U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM), U.S. Army Gen. James Dickinson, and the Vice Chief of Space Operations, U.S. Space Force Gen. David Thompson.

“It is important that we come together andhavethesevitalconversationstocreate shared understanding and strengthen the relationships between the Navy, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Space Command Space capabilities and the expertise provided by our Maritime Space Officers are essential contributors to the effectivenessourNavyandbroaderjointforce,”said Franchetti.

NPSwaschosenasthesiteforthesummit due to its longstanding role in educating and empowering students in space systems operations and engineering, most notably throughitsSpaceSystemsAcademicGroup (SSAG),establishedin1982

Through the years, hundreds of NPS students including Del Toro, a 1989 NPS graduate have obtained Master of Science degrees in space systems engineeringandrelatedspace-baseddisciplines NPS contributestomannedandunmannedspace missions, including satellite launches and payloads with military applications. Additionally, 44 NPS graduates have flown in space as NASA astronauts, more than any othergraduateschoolintheUnitedStates “TheNavy’seducationframeworkidentifies13individualcompetenciesthatarecriticaltoachievingnetwarfightingadvantage,” said retired Vice Adm. Ann E. Rondeau,

presidentofNPS.“Spacecrossesallofthem andisessentialtopreparingboththefuture joint force commanders and service leadersabletodevelopandgenerateamaritime force capable of dominance in the space domainandensurefreedomofactionwhen thatdominanceischallenged.”

During the summit, leaders were briefed oncurrentspacecapabilitiesandoperations within the Navy Marine Corps and Space Force, as well as SPACECOM. In addition, NPS students from SSAG were on hand to discuss their current space-based research, including the use of commercial satellite technologytohelpdecision-makerscommunicatewithoperationalforcesinthefield.

“Thefactthat thisuniqueeventwasheld at NPS only solidifies how important innovation,education,andcollaborationinspace are in the mind of Navy and DOD leaders,” saidLt Cmdr HansLauzen,oneoftheNPS studentswhobriefedseniorleadersontheir research. “In the long run, I believe the Naval Space Summit will provide the ideal forum for cross-talk, problem-solving, and cross-domain awareness that will enhance the Navy’s ability to maintain and increase ouradvantageinspace.”

Senior leaders also had the opportunity to meet with Navy officers from the Maritime Space Officer (MSO) community The MSO designator was launched in 2021 to help the Navy fill key space-oriented billets at fleet and component commands within Maritime Operations Centers (MOC), WarfightingDevelopmentCenters(WDC), SPACECOM, and the intelligence community.MSOs whoaremanagedbytheNavy’s InformationWarfare(IW)community also supporttheIWtypecommand.

“Wemustthinkabouttheexquisiteexpertise we must develop as a force in the Maritime Space Officer cadre, Rondeau said. “We must also consider the knowledge and skills required across all levels of the total force to ensure we preserve our warfighting advantage by enabling leaders at all levels the ability to discern and decide force employment that understands space asanintegratedenablingcapabilityorasan independent battlespace No domain more than space operations highlightsthe essential blend of both the operational art of war as well as the science and technology of warfare.”

DelToroandotherattendeesagreedthat the choice of NPS to host the Naval Space Summit produced a timely and unique forum for relevant discussions about the present and future of Navy and Marine Corpsoperationsinthespacedomain.

“As someone who knows the value of the NPS Space Systems Academic Group firsthand,Ican’tthinkofabettervenueforthese important conversations,” Del Toro said. “Bringing the first Naval Space Summit to NPS highlights the deep insights that this institutionprovidestotheNavyandMarine Corps ItalsoshowsthatNavyleadershiphas every confidence in the direction that NPS is going as the home of graduate education fortheDepartmentoftheNavy.”

The Naval Postgraduate School provides defense-focusedgraduateeducation,including classified studies and interdisciplinary research, to advance the operational effectiveness,technologicalleadershipandwarfighting advantage of the Naval service For additional information, visit NPS online at http://www.nps.edu.

Lakehurst PATRIOT team wins

NISE Outstanding Project Award


Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division

The Panoramic Asset Tracking of Realtime Information for the Ouija Tabletop (PATRIOT) team from Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Lakehurst (NAWCAD LKE) won the FY22 Naval Innovative Science and Engineering (NISE)OutstandingProjectAwardforBasic and Applied Research during a ceremony March23

The PATRIOT team was selected out of 81totalBasicandAppliedResearchprojects intheNISEportfoliofromacrossNAWCAD forfiscalyear2022 PATRIOT uses cameras and artificial intelligence to auto-populate a ship’s ouija board,whichidentifiesplanesandhelicopters on the deck of an aircraft carrier. For

many years, the board used physical pieces toidentifyaircraftlocationswiththehelpof Sailorspositionedaroundtheship However, PATRIOTandothertechnologicaladvances like the Aviation Data Management and Control System (ADMACS) could revolutionizeaircrafttrackingontheflightdeck

Over the past year, the team, under the direction of Science & Technology Artificial Intelligence Lead Ari Goodman, tested the technology in more complex scenarios, includingusingmoreaircraftandrotorcraft varieties aircraftconfigurations,anddifferentvisualenvironments

ThePATRIOTteamisanotherexample of the critical, forward-thinking work done here at Lakehurst to support our warfighters,” said Kathleen P. Donnelly, NAWCAD LKE executive director. “As we work to ensure the safety and efficiency of our

deployed Sailors and Marines, PATRIOT is anothertooltobolsterthateffortandbenefit the fleet.” Mark Husni, the Science and Technology lead at NAWCAD Lakehurst, said the project could improve a critical missionreadinessissueforthefleet.

“For years, we’ve had to do this manually Youstickakiduphighinvulture’srow, and he or she is looking at the flight deck. Duringthedaysofplastictemplatesonouija boards,theywereradioingtheaircraftpositions,”Husnisaid “NowwehaveADMACS so there’s a flat panel display, but we’re still manually pushing around templates It’s hard to keep up because multiple aircraft are moving around, and it’s a very dynamic environment.”

Goodman said the short-term benefit of a system like PATRIOT is freeing up time for the Sailors to do other tasks on the ship

But he said there could be long-term implicationsaswell

“It would enable multiple logistical optimization and data-collecting capabilities,” Goodman said. “If you have PATRIOT looking at the flight deck where all support equipmentand aircraft are in real-time and loggingthat,you’dbeabletoknowwhatany real bottlenecks are in terms of sortie rates andhavethatdatatobackitup.”

Husni said it was “heartening” to see the PATRIOTprogrammakeasmuchprogress astheyhave,showingacompellingproofof concept that can help bring the technology closer to reality. Goodman said he appreciated his team’s work, and noted that many people in various fields contributed to the system’sdevelopment

2NDCLASSWILLNORKET) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING careers.tribpub.com 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 6, 2023
Secretaryofthe NavyCarlos DelToro delivers his opening remarks during the Naval Space Summit at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Seniorleaders from the Navy Marine Corps and Department ofDefense joined DelToro at the summit to examine the challenges and opportunities ofNavyand DOD space operations.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST

Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard promotes community resiliency through emergency preparedness

Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility

This year in preparation for the 2023 hurricaneseason,PearlHarborNavalShipyardandIntermediateMaintenanceFacility (PHNSY & IMF) is initiating a grassroots campaigntoincreasepreparednessthrough community resiliency and advanced planningviatwoemergencypreparednesstools - the AtHoc Notification System and the NavyFamilyAccountabilityandAssessment System(NFAAS).

The fundamental cornerstone of resiliencybeginswithawareness,preparedindividuals, and engaged leadership, according to Jordan Ogawa, Code 1130 All Hazards Division.


we are vulnerable to hurricane damage compounded with being geographically isolated,” Ogawa said. “When these catastrophiceventsdohappen we asacommunity mustberesilientinourabilitytoresist absorb, recover, and adapt to any adverse occurrence.”

Therefore,thefirstemergencypreparedness tool requires people to register in the AtHoc Notification System so they can receive critical emergency public informationonamoment’snotice

The AtHoc registration process is simple and can be accessed on their government computersbyright-clickingtheglobewitha purpleringinthesystemtrayofthetaskbar andchoose,AccessMyProfile.

The second emergency preparedness actionisforallmilitaryandcivilianpersonneltoupdateandverifytheirpersonalinfor-

mation in the Navy Family Accountability andAssessmentSystem(NFAAS)onatleast a semi-annual basis The requirements for registrationaresummarizedbelow:

„ Mandatory all military personnel and theirdependents „ Mandatory,non-bargainingunitemployees (GS13 and above). Dependent informationoptional.

„ Bargaining unit employee is strictly OPTIONAL-VOLUNTARY but highly encouraged.

„ AsdirectedbytheCNO,allCommanding Officerswillensure100percentcompliance formandatorypersonnel

TheNFAASsystemisutilizedbytheNavy and Marine Corps to account for personnel and their families during widespread natural or man-made disasters Accurate contactinformationofpersonnelandfamily

membersisrequiredtofacilitateaquickand accurate muster of personnel in affected areas

AccessingandupdatingNFAASissimple and can be done on any device by visiting https://navyfamily.navy.mil. Login and update member information under the My Info/Contact Information section, and updatetheworklocationinformationofthe sponsor “Dotherightthing-thebottomlineisthat we may not be able to help you if we can’t notifyandlocateyou,”Ogawasaid.

Foracompletelistonwhattodoforemergencypreparedness,visittheHawaiiEmergency Management website at dod.hawaii. gov/hiema/(ready.hawaii.gov)

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 6, 2023 5

USS Milius Sailors Relish Age-Old Pastime


Commander Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron 15

Spending weeks at a time on a piece of ground slightly smaller than a football field isenoughtogivemostpeopleacaseofcabin fever, and that may be especially true when that “piece of ground” is actually floating amidst the hollow seascape of the Indo-Pacific.

ForSailorsassignedtotheArleighBurkeclass guided-missile destroyer USS Milius (DDG69),thatscenarioisarealityofeverydaylifeunderway Thoughdayscanbelong andinsulatedfromactivitiesandrecreations ashore,MiliusSailorshavemanyoptionsto relaxandunwindintheirdowntime,including a fully-stocked crew library offering hundredsofbookstoanyoneatanytime

“Having a well set-up library contributes to the success of our sailors,” said Ensign Matthew Martin, Milius’ library custodian andnativeofCincinnati.“Alibrarycanserve asadestinationtopursuepassionsandgrow

personallyandprofessionally Ourcommand andoursailorsallbenefitgreatlyfromhaving thisresourcewhileoutatsea.

Lt Daniel Lubega, Milius’ chaplain and a native of Huntsville, Alabama, formed a teamof11Sailorsdedicatedtoreorganizing theship’slibrary,facilitating24-houraccessibilityandkeepingthebookselectionfresh andinterestinginanefforttoinspireSailors to read more often to improve their minds, aswellasentertainthemselves.

Theteamoverhauledthelibrarybydonatingsomeofthebooksthathavebeenonthe shelves for a while and re-organizing the entire catalog into genre-specific sections Theireffortsculminatedinagrandre-opening March 10, attracting dozens of Sailors who lined the ship’s passageways hours beforetheevent.

“I think the event definitely helped morale,” said Boatswain’s Mate Seaman Christopher Palacios, from El Paso, Texas. “With the high-tempo nature of the work wedoouthere,it’sgoodtogetabreakevery once in a while Taking a little time and to

immerseyourselfinadifferentworldevery now and then by reading a book can be a reallypositivething.”

According to Fire Controlman 3rd Class KaylaKerns,aCanonCity,Colorado,native and member of the ship’s library team, a modesteffortseemstohavemadeasizeable impactonmorale “It’s reassuring to see how many people were waiting to use the library,” said Kerns, “It was reallya very simple effort to reorganizethingsandmakeitmoreaccommodatingforthecrewandIthinkit’sanexampleof howitreallydoesn’ttakethatmuchtomake a difference I hope we can continue to do moreofthat.”

With books in high demand and the library back in full service the focus now is onfutureimprovements WithMiliusscheduled to enter dry dock this summer plans areintheworkstoreplacealloftheshelving to accommodate more books and provide easier access to them, add a desk with two computer work centers and comfortable seating for Sailors to sit and read at their


“Milius Sailors are among the finest in the world, said Lubega. “They expertly perform some of the most difficult tasks in theIndo-Pacificareaofresponsibilitywhile under incessant and intense stress I envision our ship’s library team continuing to develop a peaceful place for all Sailors to read or secure the books they need in order to de-stress recharge, develop their minds and hone their skills, empowering them to maintain the mental toughness and spiritual fitness necessary to be able to fight and defendtheAmericanpeopleagainstaggressiveadversariesaround-the-clock.”

Milius is assigned to Commander, Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15 the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S. 7th Fleet’s principal surfaceforce

7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with Allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacificregion

Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division

Several Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) employees attended the Maritime Sustainment Technology and Innovation Consortium (MSTIC) general membership meeting at the Philadelphia Marriot Downtown on March14-15,2023

EstablishedinJune2021,MSTICaffords industry academia and government stakeholdersenhancednetworkingopportunities todevelopandsustainstate-of-the-artMaritimetechnologiesthroughinnovativeprototypingprojects Inaddition,thisConsortium modelallowsforNSWCPDtoobtainindustry feedback and input on rapidly evolving technologiesearlyonintheprocess.

MSTICisacollaborationexecutedunder an Other Transaction Authority/Agreement (OTA) with NSWCPD to develop and maturetechnologiesthatenhancetheNavy’s missioneffectiveness.

“I’m really excited about today, and I’m excitedfortheConsortium[MSTIC] The Consortium continues to grow Since we were here in July of 2022, there’s been 90 companies to join the Consortium We’re really excited about that. The number of projects continue to grow as well,” MSTIC Executive Director William Deligne said duringhisopeningremarks,reflectingupon thestateoftheConsortium.

The collaboration event also included a varietyofspeakersfromNSWCPD NSWCPD’s MSTIC OTA Program ManagerJacobUdellprovidedinformation on the MSTIC goals and process, as well as anupdateontheoverallprogram.

“We’restartingtoseesomeprojectsfrom our first cycle come to fruition. For example,wehaveaprojectcalledthesmalllinear actuator test stand We already have it in Philadelphia.I’veseenitmyself It’sexciting to see and we’re almost complete with the testing on that,” Udell said in referencing a contractthatwassourcedfromaStatement ofNeed(SON)request.

In June 2022, NSWCPD awarded this firstcontractundertheOTAforthedesign, development, and delivery of a small actuator test stand to evaluate electrohydraulic actuatorsthroughtheMSTIC

NSWCPD’s Technical Director Nigel C. Thijs spoke about the critical role the


“It’s important for us [NSWCPD] to delivercapabilitiestothewarfighterquickly Thethreatisreal.Weareakeycontributorto delivering combat power to the warfighter Our products enable ships, carriers, and submarinestobeonstationandprovidethe abilitytolaunchstrikes,”Thijssaid

The keynote speaker Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters Executive Director, Program Executive Office (PEO) Strategic Submarines Matthew Sermon gave a speech on a variety of issues the Navy must

overcome, including the ongoing war for talent.

“Wehavetosendmessagestoouremployees that they belong We care about you. You’re doing an important job You’re connectedtonationalsecurity,”Sermonsaid, referringtotheshortageofemployeesworkingintheNavalsubmarineindustry.

The event was followed by other speakers, new member introductions and SON requests Additionally,one-on-onesessions between government personnel and industrycompanieswereheldonMarch15,2023

NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team does the research and development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, and in-service and logistics engineering for the non-nuclear machinery ship machinery systems and related equipment and materialforNavysurfaceshipsandsubmarines NSWCPDisalsotheleadorganization providingcybersecurityforallshipsystems.

PHILIPPINE SEA(March 10 2023) – Retail Sales Specialist 3rd Class Persia Mayo from Newport News Virginia,looks at books in the libraryaboard theArleigh Burke-class
destroyerUSS Milius (DDG 69)while operating in the Philippine Sea,March 10 Milius is assigned to Commander TaskForce 71/DestroyerSquadron (DESRON) 15,the Navy’s largest forwarddeployed DESRON and the U.S.7th Fleet’s principal surface force.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSGREGJOHNSON)
ByJermaineSullivan Naval
Center,Philadelphia Division
DirectorNigel C.Thijs (SES) gives a speech on the critical role
Maritime SustainmentTechnologyInnovation Consortium (MSTIC)
NSWCPD during
6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 6, 2023
NSWCPD participates in Maritime Sustainment Technology and Innovation Consortium general membership meeting Naval
Collaboration Event at the Philadelphia
Downtown on March 14 2023.MSTIC is a collaboration executed underan OtherTransactionAuthority/Agreement (OTA) with the NSWCPD to develop and mature technologies that enhance the Navy’s mission effectiveness.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSGT.JERMAINE SULLIVAN/RELEASED)
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Hippity hoppity, Easter brunch is on the way!

There are few things better than diving into a delicious Easter spread. These recipes for Easter Bunny Rolls with Spinach Dip, Savory Cheese Balls and Lemon Blueberry Trifle will be sure to satisfy your guests. Page C4

Kandace Springs added to 2023 Norfolk Waterfront Jazz Festival lineup

Press Release

NORFOLK, Va — Singer-pianist Kandace Springs has been added to the 40th Annual Norfolk Waterfront Jazz Festival presented by Optima Health on Friday & Saturday, August 18 & 19, 2023, at Town Point Park along the Downtown Norfolk Waterfront. Springs will perform in the 5:30pm slot on Saturday.

Known for her unique piano style and soul-drenched vocals, Springs has emerged as one of the premier jazz/soul vocalists of the modern era with her albums The Women Who Raised Me, released in March of 2020, and her brilliant debut LP, Soul Eyes. As the legendary Prince has stated, Springs has “a voice that could melt snow.” Springs joins an already star-studded lineup for the 40th Annual Norfolk Waterfront Jazz Festival, which also features headlining performances by smooth jazz legends Dave Koz and Gerald Albright, as well as Keiko Matsui, Jazz Funk Soul featuring Jeff Lorber, Everette Harp & Paul Jackson Jr., and Kim Waters & Kayla Waters. The complete lineup, including set times, can be viewed below.

Tickets are on sale now at bit.ly/FesteventsTix. View below for 2023 ticket pricing. The Norfolk Waterfront Jazz Festival, which has blossomed into one of the nation’s more prominent jazz festival, celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2023. Exclusive

merchandise celebrating the festival’s 40th anniversary will be available for purchase online and on-site.

2023 Norfolk Waterfront

Jazz Festival Lineup

Friday, August 18 „ 9:30pm — Gerald Albright „ 7:30pm — Keiko Matsui

„ 5:30pm — Kim Waters & Kayla Waters

Saturday, August 19 „ 9:30pm — Dave Koz with Candy Dulfer, Eric Darius & Maysa Leaks „ 7:30pm — Jazz Funk Soul featuring Jeff Lorber, Everette Harp & Paul Jackson Jr.

„ 5:30pm — Kandace Springs

2023 Jazz Festival Ticket Pricing:

„ Single-Day General Admission: $35 Advance / $45 Week-Of

„ Two-Day General Admission: $60 Advance / $70 Week-Of

„ Single-Day Reserved Seating: $50 Advance / $60 Week-Of

„ Two-Day Reserved Seating: $90 Advance / $100 Week-Of

„ Two-Day VIP Reserved Seating: $220

„ Boater Package: $225

For more information on Norfolk Festevents’ 2023 Season of Events, visit Festevents.org.

Norfolk Botanical Garden voted America’s 28th Must-See Public Garden

From Good Plant Care

Public and botanical gardens are a beloved part of many communities across the US. These outdoor spaces offer a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, providing visitors with a chance to connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of various plant species. From lush gardens featuring vibrant flowers and towering trees, to intricate displays of succulents and cacti, public gardens offer a range of experiences for visitors to enjoy.

Good Plant Care recently polled 3,000 people, revealing the top 200 public gardens in America they would most like to visit in their lifetimes. It transpires that the top 3 public gardens as voted by the public are all in… Hawaii! Perhaps this is not surprising - the state’s unique climate and geography make it a perfect location for cultivating a wide variety of plant species. With an abundance of sunshine, regular rainfall, and nutrient-rich volcanic soil, Hawaii is a botanical paradise, and its public gardens offer visitors a glimpse into this natural wonderland.

Hawaii’s public gardens are also a reflection of the state’s rich cultural heritage. Many of the gardens feature plants and flowers that are native to Hawaii and are culturally significant to the indigenous people of the islands.

1st. Koko Crater Botanical Garden

2nd. Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden, Big Island.

3rd. Wahiawa Botanical Garden

Following in 4th position was the Florida Botanical Gardens based in Largo. The garden spans over 30 acres and features a diverse range of native Florida plants, as well as exotic species from around the world. Visitors can explore themed gardens, including the Tropical Fruit Garden, Bromeliad Garden, and Butterfly Garden. The garden also has several walking trails, a boardwalk through a wetland, and a butterfly house.

And rounding up the top 5 came San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers. It is a historic greenhouse and botanical garden located in Golden Gate Park. The conservatory features a wide range of plant collections from around the world, including rare and endangered species. Visitors can explore several exhibition spaces, including a highland tropics gallery, a lowland tropics gallery, and a potted plant gallery, as well as a living roof garden.

Virginia had 5 public gardens

ranked within the top 200:

#28 Norfolk Botanical Garden is a 175-acre botanical garden located in Norfolk. The garden features over 60 themed gardens including a Bristow Butterfly Garden, Enchanted Forest, and a 2-acre children’s garden. The garden also includes a 3-mile drive with views of the garden’s many lakes and bridges. The garden is also home to a variety of wildlife including birds, turtles, and butterflies.

#46 Hahn Horticulture Garden is a 6.5-acre botanical garden located at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. The garden features a variety of plant collections, including perennials, herbs, shrubs, trees, and roses. Visitors can explore several themed gardens, such as the Shade Garden, Herb Garden, and the

Winter Garden, which showcases plants with interesting bark, foliage, and structure. The garden also includes a beautiful pond, a meadow, and a woodland trail.

#53 Colonial Williamsburg Gardens is a historic garden located in Williamsburg. This garden is part of Colonial Williamsburg, a restored 18th-century colonial capital of Virginia. The gardens include over 90 acres of land and feature a variety of flora including ornamental plants, herbs, vegetables, and fruit trees.

#79 Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens is a 50-acre garden located in Richmond. It was founded in 1984 and has since become a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The garden features a wide variety of flora, including roses, orchids, and a large collection of dahlias. It also includes several themed gardens, such as the Asian Valley, Rose Garden, and Children’s Garden.

#146 Chatham Manor is a historic house located in Fredericksburg. It was built in 1771 and played a significant role in the American Civil War. During the war, it was used as a hospital for Union soldiers, and later, it served as a headquarters for the Union Army. Today, the property is maintained by the National Park Service and is open to the public for tours. Visitors can explore the house’s elegant interiors, which include original furnishings, and stroll through the surrounding gardens and grounds, which offer scenic views of the Rappahannock River.

The top 10 public gardens in America:

1: Koko Crater Botanical Garden (HI)

2: Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden, Big Island (HI)

3: Wahiawa Botanical Garden (HI)

4: Florida Botanical Gardens (FL)

5: San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers (CA)

6: New York Botanical Garden (NY)

7: Liliuokalani Botanical Garden (HI)

8: Alaska Botanical Garden (AL)

9: Desert Botanical Garden (AZ)

10: Central Park Rose Garden (NY)

The survey revealed just how popular a pastime visiting public gardens is in America. The average family visits their local one 9 times per year, and would be happy to drive a three hour round trip just to access one. A whopping 91% of respondents said that public gardens have a positive impact on their mental health, and over half (56%) believe more investment should be made in our public gardens.

The survey also revealed interesting findings when it comes to people’s preferences for the plants they keep in their homes.

When asked which types of indoor plants they keep, the most popular were flowering plants, such as African Violets, Peace Lilies, and Bromeliads.

Flowering plants are popular among Americans for their beauty, ease of care and year-round enjoyment. They add color

to indoor and outdoor spaces, improve air quality, reduce stress, and boost mood and productivity. The second favorites were Succulents and Cacti (e.g., Snake Plants, Haworthia, Agave, Aloe, Echeveria, Cacti), and in third place were herb plants.

Top 7 Indoor Plants in America:

1: Flowering Plants

2: Succulents and Cacti

3: Herb Plants

4: Trailing plants

5: Tropical plants

6: Large plants & Trees

7: Air Plants

“Visiting public gardens is a timeless pastime that continues to be popular for many reasons. These green spaces provide a respite from our busy lives and a chance to connect with nature in a peaceful, tranquil setting. In an increasingly digital age, public gardens offer a way to unplug and unwind, and to experience the beauty and diversity of the natural world firsthand. Furthermore, public gardens are often an important part of the cultural and historical fabric of our communities, and serve as a reminder of our shared heritage and the importance of preserving our natural environment for future generations. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or simply looking for a way to enjoy the outdoors, public gardens have something to offer everyone” says Tina Ho from Good Plant Care.

Singer-pianist Kandace Springs. (COURTESY PHOTO)
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Springtime comes to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens as colorful tulips lead the eye up to the decorative fountain in the Baker Perennial Garden area of the park. (SHUTTERSTOCK/ANNE KATHERINE JONES)
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Comedian Kathleen Madigan brings ‘Boxed

Wine and Tiny Banjos’ to the Sandler Center



KathleenMadigan’s33-yearcomedycareer is showing no signs of slowing down as she recently kicked off her all-new tour, Boxed Wine & Tiny Banjos, in 2023 Madigan has been touring 250 nights a year on the road and has risen from performing in comedy clubs to performing in marquee theaters withsold-outshows

The Langley Federal Credit Union Concert Series presents Kathleen Madigan: Boxed Wine & Tiny Banjos on Friday, October20at8PMattheSandlerCenterfor the Performing Arts Tickets will go on sale this Friday, March 31 at 10 AM and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or by visiting the Sandler Center box office located at 201 Market Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Tickets are priced at $39.75, $49.75, and $59.75 plus applicable fees. To receive theexclusivepresalecodetopurchaseticketsbeforethegeneralpublic jointheSandler Center Cyber Club at SandlerCenter.org

The presale for this show willtake place on Thursday,March30from10AMto10PM. Madiganhassqueezedinover40appearances on late night talk shows and multiple comedy specials airing on Netflix, Comedy Central and HBO. She has also appeared on Jerry Seinfeld’s popular Netflix series ComediansinCarsGettingCoffeeandhosts her popular weekly podcast, Madigan’s Pubcast,whichcurrentlyhasover3million downloadsonallstreamingoutlets

On February 21st, Kathleen released her highly anticipated sixth stand-up special, Hunting Bigfoot as an Amazon Original on Prime Video The brand-new special, recorded at The Paramount Theater in Denver, CO explores topics including Madigan’s aging parents interactions with millennials, and hunting bigfoot. Her fifth stand-upspecial,BotheringJesusisavailable onNETFLIX.

Kathleen’s album of the Bothering Jesus special, was the highest selling comedy album and most played comedy album on streamingservicessince2014

Madigan has performed internationally at festivals in theaters in Ireland, England, Hong Kong, Australia and has filmed seven MontrealGalaShowsattheJustForLaugh’s ComedyFestivalforCBCTV

Chicago Tribune wrote “She has all but perfected the art of crafting and delivering a perfect joke. That singular dedication to the craft shows in both the evolution of

hermaterialovertheyearsandwayshecan makeacomplicatedjokewithahiddennub ofwisdomseembotheffortlessandoffhand.”

“There’snobodybetterthanMaddy.She’s smart and just crushes it every time She’s notjustoneofthebest‘female’comics,she’s one of the best comics, period,” says ComedianRonWhite

She’s won the American Comedy Award for“BestFemaleComedian andthePhyllis Diller award for “Best Female Comedian. She has written and produced for Lewis Black’s Root of All Evil on Comedy Central

and done multiple USO tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Madigan originally hails from St Louis, Missouri

For more information go to www.KathleenMadigan.comFollowKathleenonsocial media:

„ Twitter:@KathleenMadigan

„ Instagram:@officialkathleenmadigan

„ Facebook:@facebook.com/ KathleenMadigan

„ OfficialYouTubeChannel:youtube. com/user/kathleenmadigan

NASA names astronauts to next moon mission, first crew under Artemis


NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) announced the four astronauts who will venture around the Moon on Artemis II, the first crewed mission on NASA’s path to establishing a long-term presence at the Moon for science and exploration through Artemis The agencies revealed the crew membersMondayduringaneventatEllingtonFieldnearNASA’sJohnsonSpaceCenter inHouston

“The Artemis II crew represents thousands of people working tirelessly to bring us to the stars. This is their crew, this is our crew, this is humanity’s crew,” said NASA AdministratorBillNelson.“NASAastronauts ReidWiseman,VictorGlover,andChristina HammockKoch,andCSAastronautJeremy Hansen, each has their own story but, together they represent our creed: E pluribus unum out of many, one. Together, we areusheringinaneweraofexplorationfora newgenerationofstarsailorsanddreamers theArtemisGeneration.”

The crew assignments are as follows: Commander Reid Wiseman, Pilot Victor Glover, Mission Specialist 1 Christina Hammock Koch, and Mission Specialist 2 JeremyHansen Theywillworkasateamto executeanambitioussetofdemonstrations duringtheflighttest

Theapproximately10-dayArtemisIIflight test will launch on the agency’s powerful SpaceLaunchSystemrocket,provetheOrion spacecraft’s life-support systems, and validate the capabilities and techniques needed forhumanstoliveandworkindeepspace

“We are going back to the Moon and Canadaisatthecenterofthisexcitingjourney,” said the Honorable François-Philippe Champagne, the minister responsible for theCanadianSpaceAgency “Thankstoour longstanding collaboration with NASA, a Canadian astronaut will fly on this historic mission On behalf of all Canadians, I want tocongratulateJeremyforbeingattheforefront of one of the most ambitious human endeavorseverundertaken.Canada’sparticipationintheArtemisprogramisnotonlya definingchapterofourhistoryinspace,but also a testament to the friendship and close partnershipbetweenourtwonations.”

The flight, set to build upon the successful uncrewed Artemis I mission completed in December, will set the stage for the first womanandfirstpersonofcolorontheMoon through the Artemis program, paving the way for future for long-term human exploration missions to the Moon, and eventuallyMars Thisistheagency’sMoontoMars explorationapproach

“For the first time in more than 50 years, these individuals the Artemis II crew willbethefirsthumanstoflytothevicinity of the Moon. Among the crew are the first woman,firstpersonofcolor,andfirstCanadian on a lunar mission and all four astronautswillrepresentthebestofhumanityas theyexploreforthebenefitofall, saidDirector Vanessa Wyche, NASA Johnson “This mission paves the way for the expansion of humandeepspaceexplorationandpresents

newopportunitiesforscientificdiscoveries commercial,industryandacademicpartnershipsandtheArtemisGeneration.

Meet Artemis II Astronauts

This will be Wiseman’s second trip into space, serving previously as a flight engineer aboard the International Station for Expedition 41 from May through November 2014. Wiseman has logged more than 165daysinspace includingalmost13hours asleadspacewalkerduringtwotripsoutside theorbitalcomplex.Priortohisassignment, Wiseman served as chief of the Astronaut Office from December 2020 until November2022.

The mission will be Glover’s second spaceflight, serving previously as pilot on NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1, which landed May 2, 2021, after 168 days in space As a flight engineeraboardthespacestationforExpedition64,hecontributedtoscientificinvestigations, technology demonstrations, and participatedinfourspacewalks.


into space on the Artemis II mission. She served as flight engineer aboard the space station for Expedition 59 60 and 61. Koch setarecordforthelongestsinglespaceflight byawomanwithatotalof328daysinspace andparticipatedinthefirstall-femalespacewalks

Representing Canada, Hansen is making his first flight to space A colonel in the CanadianArmedForcesandformerfighter pilot,HansenholdsaBachelorofSciencein spacesciencefromRoyalMilitaryCollegeof Canada in Kingston, Ontario, and a Master ofScienceinphysicsfromthesameinstitutionin2000,witharesearchfocusonWide Field of View Satellite Tracking He was one of two recruits selected by CSA in May 2009throughthethirdCanadianAstronaut Recruitment Campaign and has served as Capcom in NASA’s Mission Control Center at Johnson and, in 2017 became the first Canadian to be entrusted with leading a NASAastronautclass,leadingthetrainingof astronautcandidatesfromtheUnitedStates andCanada.

“I could not be prouder that these brave


and beyond,” said Director of Flight Operations Norm Knight NASA Johnson. “They represent exactly what an astronaut corps should be: a mix of highly capable and accomplishedindividualswiththeskillsand determinationtotakeonanytrialasateam TheArtemisIImissionwillbechallenging, andwe’lltestourlimitsaswepreparetoput future astronauts on the Moon. With Reid, Victor Christina,andJeremyatthecontrols I have no doubt we’re ready to face every challengethatcomesourway. ThroughArtemismissions,NASAwilluse innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. We will collaborate with commercial and international partners and establish the first longterm presence on the Moon. Then, we will usewhatwelearnonandaroundtheMoon to take the next giant leap: sending the first astronautstoMars

For more information about the crew, visit: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis-ii

Comedian Kathleen Madigan.(COURTESYPHOTO)
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, April 6, 2023
The crewofNASA’sArtemis II mission (left to right): NASAastronauts Christina HammockKoch,ReidWiseman (seated),VictorGlover,and Canadian SpaceAgencyastronautJeremyHansen.(NASAPHOTOGRAPHER:JOSHVALCARCEL)

La Fiesta Virginia Beach presented by the Hispanic Chamber of Coastal Virginia


VIRGINIABEACH,Va VirginiaBeach, Beach Events, and IMGoing are pleased to announcethereturnoftheLaFiestaVirginia Beach presented by the Hispanic Chamber ofCoastalVirginia,comingtoVirginiaBeach at29thStreetonFriday,June16 Saturday, June17,2023

For two days Virginia Beach celebrates the sights and sounds of the Latin experience!LaFiestaVirginiaBeachpossessesthe key ingredients of authentic food, colorful culturalcostumes,andhigh-energynational Latin music. Latin Grammy Award nominees and winners headline concerts on the Beachstageat24thStreeteachnight.

Authentic Latino and Hispanic food vendors as well as retail vendors round out thefestivalexperience.

TicketsgoonsalethisFriday,April7,2023 atticketmaster.com

La Fiesta 2023 Lineup:

Friday,June16 „ 5pm:DJ „ 7:45pm:Diveana „ 9:30pm:JoseAlberto“ElCanario”

Saturday,June17 „ 4pm:DJ „ 5pm:BalletFolkloricoMexican TraditionofJulioRuiz „ 5:30pmEddyKbrera

„ 6:30pm:BalletFolkloricoMexican TraditionofJulioRuiz „ 7pm:WandaLopez „ 8pm:LaBandaBlanca „ 9:30pm:RubbyPerez

About the Hispanic Chamber of Coastal Virginia: Celebrating 20 years of service, The Hampton Roads Hispanic Chamber of Commerce began operations on May 31st 2003 as the Peninsula Tidewater Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. On May 20 2005, the organization emerged as the Hampton Roads Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to better serve the Hispanic business community in Hampton Roads During the fall of 2002, a coalition of Hispanic women envi-

sioned an organization that would connect Hispanic-owned businesses to the growing business community The Hampton Roads Hispanic Chamber of Commerce began operationsonMay31st,2003asthePeninsula TidewaterHispanicChamberofCommerce OnMay20,2005,theorganizationemerged astheHamptonRoadsHispanicChamberof Commerce ThegoalwastoprovideHispanic businesses the opportunity to enter the non-Hispanic consumer base and educate non-Hispanic business owners of the great economicimpactthefastest-growingpopulationwillhaveinthenearfuture Aftermuch researchanddeliberation,itwasdecidedthat aHispanicChamberofCommercewouldbe thebestavenuetoaccomplishthesegoals

returns to the oceanfront
24-25 Tickets go on sale this Friday, April 7 at 10am! Laugh out loud! CHECK OUT THE COMICS IN THE SUNDAYPILOT FREE PUZZLES &GAMES Playonline every dayat PlayJumble.com Jumble Daily |Jumble CrosswordDaily |Jumble Sunday Sudoku| Mahjong| Bubble ShooterPro |Plusmanymore www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, April 6, 2023 3

HippityHoppity Easterbrunchisontheway!

Easterisaboutcomingtogetherwith lovedones, enjoying beautifulspring weather and eating your family’s favoritefoods.The kidswillbeplaying,adults willbechatting and all willbepatientlywaitingforthetabletobeset. Ifyou’revisitingandmakingmemorieswith familyand friendsyou haven’tseenina while, thereare few thingsbetter thandiving into amarvelousEasterspread.

TheseEasterBunnyRollswithSpinachDipareaseye-catchingastheyaredelicious.Not onlywillthekidsloveitsshape,butthelayersoftastewillwowyourEastercrowd

Savory Cheese Balls areeasytomakeand perfect for get-togethers andbrunch celebrations.Textureandcolorarethenameofthegamewiththisrecipe

Finally,dishoutadeliciousdesserttocapoffthemorningandsendguestsoffonasweet note.ThezestyzipoflemoncurdinthisLemonBlueberryTriflebringsoutthesweetnessof whippedcreammadewithDominoGoldenSugar,freshblueberriesandcubedpoundcake foravibrant,layeredbite.FindmorebrunchandEasterrecipesatCulinary.net.

Easter BunnyRolls with Spinach Dip


„ 16ouncesfrozenspinach,thawed

„ 8ouncescreamcheese

„ 2clovesgarlic,minced

„ ½cupmayonnaise

„ ½teaspoonsalt

„ ½teaspoononionpowder

„ ¼teaspoonchilipowder

„ ¼teaspoonpepper

„ 1teaspoonItalianseasoning

„ 1cupshreddedParmesancheese

„ 1½cupsshreddedmozzarellacheese divided

„ 2crescentrolltubes(8ounceseach)


In skillet, overmediumheat, cook spinach, cream cheese and garlic 3-4 minutes until cream cheese is melted. Stir in mayonnaise,salt, onion powder,chili powder,pepperandItalianseasoning.StirinParmesan cheeseand½cupmozzarellacheese.Cookuntilcheese ismelted.Keepskilletonburneroverlowheat. Removedoughfromtubes.Leavingdoughintact,roll and stretch into 18-inch ropes.Cut each rope into 12 piecesfor24total

On baking sheet with parchment paper,formbunny head by placing one piece of dough in middle then surrounding it with sixmorepieces.Use 13 pieces to formroundbody.Useremainingpiecestoformearson topofhead.

Scoophotspinachdipintocenter.Spoonsmall portionsoneachear.Sprinkleearsandbelly withremainingmozzarellacheese.

Bake18minutes,oruntilcrescentdough isgoldenbrownandthoroughlycooked

Savory Cheese Balls

Servings: 6-12

„ 2packages(8ounceseach)creamcheese

„ 2tablespoonscarawayseeds

„ 1teaspoonpoppyseeds

„ 2clovesgarlic,minced,divided

„ ¼cupparsley,chopped

„ 2teaspoonsthymeleaves,chopped

„ 1teaspoonrosemary,chopped

„ ¼cupdriedcranberries,chopped

„ 2tablespoonspecans,chopped

„ crackers(optional)

„ fruit(optional)

„ vegetables(optional)

Cuteachcream cheeseblock intothree squares.Roll eachsquareintoball.

In small bowl, combine caraway seeds,poppyseeds andhalfthegarlic.

In second smallbowl, combineparsley,thyme,rosemaryandremaininggarlic.


Roll twocheese balls in seed mixture,two in herb mixtureandtwoincranberrymixture. Cuteachballinhalf andserve with crackers,fruit or vegetables,ifdesired.

Lemon Blueberry Trifle

Prep time: 45 minutes

Servings: 8-10


„ 1cupDominoGoldenSugar

„ 2tablespoonscornstarch

„ ¼cupfreshlysqueezedlemonjuice

„ 1tablespoonlemonzest

„ 6tablespoonswater

„ ¼teaspoonsalt

„ 6eggyolks

„ ½cup(1stick)unsaltedbutter,atroom temperature,cutinto½-inchcubes


„ 2cupsheavywhippingcream,cold

„ 2tablespoonsDominoGoldenSugar

„ 2teaspoonspurevanillaextract


„ 1cupblueberryjam

„ 12ouncesfreshblueberries, plusadditionalforgarnish,divided

„ 1poundcake,cubed

„ lemonslices,forgarnish

„ mint,forgarnish

Tomakelemoncurd:Inmediumsaucepan,stirsugar and cornstarch. Stir in lemonjuice, lemon zest, water and salt. Cook overmedium heat, stirringconstantly, untilthickened.Removefromheatandgraduallystirin threeeggyolks;mixwelluntilcombined.Stirinremainingeggyolks.Returntoheatandcook2minutes,stirring constantly.Removefromheat. Stirinbutter;mixuntilincorporated.Coverwithplasticwrap,touchingsurfaceoflemoncurdtopreventcurd formingskin.Refrigerateuntilcompletelycool.

To makewhippedcream: In largebowl, beat cream, sugarandvanillauntilsoftpeaksform.Donotoverbeat.

To make trifle: Mix blueberry jam with 12 ounces fresh blueberries. Placeone layercubedpoundcakein bottomoftrifledish.Topwithlayerofblueberries.Add dollopsoflemoncurdandwhippedcream.Repeatlayering ending with whipped cream. Decorate triflewith lemonslices,freshblueberriesandmint

FROMFAMILYFEATURES/CULINARY.NET 4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 3| Thursday, April 6, 2023

Sleep apnea is a breathing disorderinwhich one stops breathing for10 seconds ormore during sleep often repeatedly The result maybe choking noises orloud snoring during sleep aswell as extreme sleepiness during the day,which can decrease the abilityto perform certain tasks.The militaryrecentlyinvestigated the use ofa custom-fabricated oral appliance therapydevice determined the device can significantlyimprove sleep qualityand duration ofsome individuals.(DEFENSECENTERSFORPUBLICHEALTH-ABERDEENGRAPHICILLUSTRATIONBYGRAHAMSNODGRASS)

Military recognizes importance of sleep, investigates use of alternative treatment device for sleep apnea

Defense Centers for Public Health-Aberdeen


AccordingtotheCentersforDiseaseControl and Prevention not getting enough quality sleepcandecreaseproductivityandincrease accidents, mistakes at work, and associated injuries and disability. Not getting enough sleep is also linked with many chronic diseases and conditions—such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression.

Quality sleep is especially important for maximizing the capabilities of military servicemembers Forexample a2020militarypublichealthstudyfoundthatSoldiers who had less than 6 hours of sleep were 10—15percentlessproductive.

Military public health studies have also found that poor sleep is a leading medical factorassociatedwithhigherratesofsuicide. In addition, short sleep duration may be a riskfactorforhigherratesofmusculoskeletalinjuriesamongstSoldiers.

The Department of Defense recognizes theimportanceofsleepinmilitarydoctrine and in Performance Triad guidance, which providesapproachestoimprovesleepqualityamongservicemembers.However,sometimesamedicalconditionpreventsaservice memberfromgettingqualitysleep Medicallydiagnosedsleep-relatedbreathing disorders are routinely tracked in the military population. According to the 2021 HealthoftheForce,9percentofSoldiershad asleepdisorder,withratesrangingfrom4to 19percentacrossinstallations.

The most common sleep disorder is obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, a breathing disorder in which one stops breathing for 10 seconds or more during sleep, often repeatedly A military public health study publishedin2022reported87,404diagnoses ofOSAamongactive-dutySoldiersfromthe


“ForthosewithOSA,thepauseinbreathingiscausedbyaphysicalobstruction—the pharynx collapses and blocks the upper airway,” says Army Lt Col. Christa Goodwin a military dentist and the study’s lead investigator.

“The result may be loud snoring or choking noises as one attempts to breathe Ultimately,thebrainandbodybecomedeprived of oxygen, causing the person to wake up, though the person is often unaware this is happening.”

Duetointerruptedbreathingduringsleep, an individual with OSA may feel extremely tireduponawakeningandexperienceexcessive daytime sleepiness This increases the riskoffatigueanddepression,impairsphysicalperformance,diminishesalertness,and decreasestheabilitytoperformcomplicated cognitivetasks

“Evidence demonstrates that good sleep contributes to better physical and mental health says Goodwin, “so addressing OSA canimprovemilitaryreadiness.”


The gold standard treatment for OSA is a continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, device The CPAP requires a power source to produce a steady stream of air through a mask which serves to keep the airway open,” says Goodwin. “However, studies have shown that adherence to the CPAPdeviceispooramongmilitarypersonnel.

Department of Defense minimum standards of fitness require those with moderatetosevereOSAobtainawaivertodeploy. Those treated for OSA with CPAP must be prepared to deploy with the supplies needed for the duration of the deployment, including air filters tubing masks and rechargeable battery backup Logistically, maintenanceoftheCPAPmaybeextremely

difficult or impossible during deployments toausterelocations.

“Oral appliance therapy is the leading alternativetreatmenttotheCPAPforthose withmildtomoderateOSA,”saysGoodwin.

“These appliances look similar to a mouthguard and help keep the airway open by repositioning and/or stabilizing the lower jaw.

Goodwin and her team at the Defense Centers for Public Health-Aberdeen, formerly the Army Public Health Center, investigated the impact of the oral appliance therapy on sleep quality and duration, physicalfitness cognitivebehavior alertness and daily performance among active-duty Soldiers diagnosed with OSA. Their study foundthatoverall,theuseofthecustom-fabricatedoralappliancesignificantlyimproved Soldiers’sleepquality,durationandvarious otheraspectsofdailylife

“While the oral appliance can improve sleep quality and potentially offer cost savings it is not suitable for all people with OSA,”saysGoodwin.

Ifyouthinkyoumayhaveasleepdisorder seek the advice of a medical provider The CDCrecommendskeepingasleepdiaryfor about10dayspriortothevisitanddiscussing itscontentswithyourprovider Inyoursleep diary,recordwhenyou—

„ Gotobed

„ Gotosleep

„ Wakeup

„ Getoutofbed

„ Takenaps

„ Exercise

„ Drinkalcohol

„ Drinkcaffeinatedbeverages

„ Take medications (over-the-counter or prescription)orsupplements Addressinganyunderlyingmedicalconditionsthatmayaffectyourabilitytogetquality sleep is critical, but for most there are general sleep hygiene practices that can

always be improved on. The quality of your sleep depends on a combination of these factors:

„ Number of hours spent sleeping (7 to 9 hoursforadults)

„ Regularityofone’ssleepschedule(consistentbed-andwake-uptimes)

„ Ability to fall asleep (in less than 30 minutes)

„ Ability to stay asleep (soundly with no disruptions)

„ Environmentalconditions(Reducenoises andlight,maintainacoolroomtemperature, andsleeponacomfortablesurface.)

„ Personal behaviors (Avoid exercising to exhaustion consumingheavymeals,taking certainmedications,andconsumingcaffeine and/or alcohol near your sleep time Turn offTVsandelectronicstoreducebluelights before going to bed, and get bright light as soonaspossibleafterwakingfromsleep.)

For additional information on improving yoursleep,considerthesesources:

„ The Army’s Performance Triad initiative which provides tips on various topics such ashowtostayasleep

„ Army Wellness Centers, where you can request personalized assessments and guidance

„ Falling asleep quickly through muscle relaxation, made popular as a “military method”

„ The CDC’s Sleep and Sleep Disorders website

The Defense Centers for Public Health-Aberdeen advances Joint Force health protection with agile public health enterprise solutions in support of the NationalDefenseStrategy

NOTE: The mention of any non-federal entity and/or its products is forinformational purposes only and not to be construed or interpreted inanymanner asfederalendorsementofthatnon-federalentityoritsproducts

PrEP: Learn about the highly effective drug to prevent HIV

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis drugs, otherwise known as PrEP, are powerful weapons against HIV Through education andraisingawarenessofHIVexposures,the risks of getting the disease are lower than ever According to the Centers for Disease ControlandPreventionOpensCDCwebsite when taken as prescribed, these drugs can reduce the risk of getting HIV through sex byalmost99% “Preventingaservicememberwhomight otherwise be at very high risk from acquiring HIV infection ensures that this soldier, sailor,orairman[orMarine]staysinthefight and remains worldwide deployable,” said

U.S. Army Col. Jason M. Blaylock, director formedicalservicesatWalterReedNational MilitaryMedicalCenterOpensWRNMMC


The Food and Drug Administration approved a daily oral PrEPOpens CDC website pill in 2012, and in December 2021 approved a long-acting injectable version that’sgiveneverytwomonths Thepillsare commonly available in the Military Health System while the shot is less widely available.

“PrEP is recommended for people who areHIV-negativebutareatriskforacquiring the virus from either sex or injection drug use,”saidBlaylock.


„ Have had unprotected sex in past six months

„ HaveasexualpartnerwithHIV

„ Have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitteddiseaseinpastsixmonths

„ Injectdrugsandhaveaninjectionpartner withHIV

„ Share needles, syringes, or other drug injectionequipment

SideeffectsofPrEPcanincludediarrhea nausea,headache fatigue,andstomachpain, andusuallygoawayovertime.

Barriers and Stigma

Attached to PrEP

Service members may be reluctant to take the treatment due to a stigma that can be attached to these kinds of drugs or seeking help for sexually transmitted disease according to U.S. Navy Capt. Nimfa Teneza-Mora,officerinchargeattheNavyBloodborneInfectionManagementCenterOpens NBIMCwebsite.

“Stigmacanbeasignificantbarrier;itmay cause patients to avoid initiating PrEP or discontinuePrEPiftheyaretakingitdueto fear of being mislabeled as promiscuous or sexuallyirresponsible,”saidTeneza-Mora. Blaylock noted the lack of knowledge and comfort level with evaluating a service memberforPrEP,conductingtheappropriate screening for STDs, and ensuring availability for the required three-month follow upevaluationsasotherreasonsforlowuse

The fear of sharing one’s sexual preferenceisalsoseenasabarrier.

“Ibelievethattherearestillmanyservice memberswhoarenotcomfortabledivulging theirsexualpreferencestoaproviderinthe MHS, mainly out of fear that this information might become visible to their chain of commandorunitmembersandimpacttheir workrelationships,”saidBlaylock.

Educating Service Members and Providers

With low participation throughout the MHS, further information sharing and educationisimportantinraisingawareness ofthePrEPdrugs

“Education is really the key to becoming knowledgeable about what PrEP is and the role it can play in keeping our service members free from acquiring HIV infection as part of ensuring the optimal health of the force,” said Blaylock. “Providers must remain open to engaging with service membersregardingtheirsexualhealth.”

Teneza-Mora said that “providers, leadershipandothersinthemilitarycommunity candothefollowingtohelpovercomethese barriers:increase/improveproviderknowledge on PrEP and find ways to improve providerculturalsensitivity/competenceto facilitatetheequitableprescribingofPrEP.”

Another important step is to provide patientswithinformationtoimproveknowledgeandperceptionofthesedrugs.

“Maintenance of good sexual health, which entails the prevention of sexually transmitted infections can be discussed moreopenlyasapartofaservicemember’s wellbeingandmedicalreadiness,”saidTeneza-Mora

Maintaining Medical Readiness

BeingdiagnosedwithHIVisn’tadismissibleeventbutcanmakeyouunavailablefora lengthoftime,andisalifelongailment

According to statistics published in the ArmedForcesHealthSurveillanceDivision’s SeptemberissueoftheMedicalSurveillance MonthlyReportOpensMSMRreportspage, 1,581servicemembershavebeendiagnosed with HIVsince2017,with62%ofthosestill inserviceasin2022.

“Service members newlydiagnosed with HIV infection are placed on temporary limited duty until their medical condition is controlled with antiretroviral therapy,” said Teneza-Mora “The temporary limited duty period can last up to six months, and

results in a significant number of lost days of training or fully medically ready status Additionally, HIV infection is a life-alteringmedicalconditionforanewlydiagnosed servicememberwhomustnowtakeantiretroviral therapy consistently for life to keep thismedicalconditioncontrolled.”

TakingmedicationlikePrEPcanincrease the medical readiness of a service member byreducingtheirchancesofacquiringHIV andenablethemtoserve

PrEP can be taken while you are actively serving but patients are advised to stop the medication while deployed and to practice safe sex. The lack of HIV testing resources, and CDC-required monitoring in the field, arereasonsforwhyservicemembersshould ceasetakingthemedicationwhiledeployed.

Technology, increased awareness and education,andtoleranceareallreasonsthat HIVisnowatreatabledisease.

“We are entering an exciting era of military medicine with the emergence of long-acting injectable agents for both HIV treatment and prevention,” said Blaylock “Itwillbeexcitingtoseewhatpotentialroles might exist for these antiretrovirals for use forthewarfighter.”

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