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from Flagship 05.04.2023
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a taco fiesta
Pay homage to Hispanic-style culinary and cultural traditions by loading your table with an array of family favorites like taquitos, tacos, rice, guacamole, pico de gallo and more. PageC4
The Uruguayan Navy’s sail training tall ship CAPITAN MIRANDAreturns to Norfolk,Virginia,Friday,May12 throughTuesday,May16 2023.(COURTESYPHOTO)
Uruguayan tall ship
Capitan Miranda returns to Downtown Norfolk waterfront
TheUruguayanNavy’s sailtrainingtallshipCAPITANMIRANDA returns to Norfolk, Virginia, Friday, May 12 through Tuesday, May 16 2023 Norfolk was selected as one of two East Coast ports (Norfolk and New York City) for the ship’s 2023 sail training tour and is one of the UruguayanNavy’sfavoriteportswhenvisitingtheUS
Arrivingat10amonFriday,May12,2023, the 205’ schooner-style ship will dock at
Otter Berth next to the Waterside District at 333 Waterside Drive, on the Downtown Norfolk Waterfront. With its distinctive colorful sunburst sails and lively Comparsa musicians, the CAPITAN MIRANDA has wonthe“MostSpirit”awardatmanyprevioustallshipfestivalsaroundtheworld.
The CAPITAN MIRANDA will be open tothepublicforfreetours:
Saturday,May13,2023,10am 6pm
Sunday,May14,2023,10am 6pm
Monday,May15,2023,10am 12noon Monday,May15,2023,3pm 6pm
The ship will depart Norfolk at 7 am, Tuesday,May16,2023
The CAPITAN MIRANDA originally servedasasurveyshipbutisnowtheofficial trainingshipfortheUruguayanNavalAcademy at Montevideo Built in Cadiz Spain in 1930 the ship was refitted and rerigged in1978andlogs10,000seamilesannually
The ship sails with a total crew of 77, including Officers, Midshipmen and Crew, and measures 198’ in length, 26’ beam and draws13’.
For more information about the CAPI-
TAN MIRANDA tall ship visit, as well as additional events throughout the year, including hours, park regulations and parking, please visit Festevents.org or call 757-441-2345.
The Capitan Miranda Tall Ship Visit is sponsored by Norfolk Festevents Ltd. and the City of Norfolk, with support from the US Navy, USCG, Virginia Pilot Association, RobinsMarineLLC,WatersideMarina,and CityCruisesNorfolk
Nauticus opens first phase of $21.5 million transformation: Resiliency at the core of new 7,500 square-foot gallery.
NORFOLK, Va The first permanent gallery space to open as part of Nauticus’ $21.5 million comprehensive redesign focuses on the region’s history of resiliency and adaptation Entitled Norfolk In Time thegalleryiscomprisedofhighly-interactive exhibitsfeaturingexamples bothhistoricalandcontemporary oflocalindividuals who have met challenges with innovation andresourcefulness
Nearly $2 million in specially designed interactive exhibits populate the space VisitorswillascendhighovertopNorfolkin a hot air balloon simulation, design a more resilient city with innovative architecture and crash waves into various types of city protection systems An interactive chan- delier canopies overtop the entire gallery illustrating how one individual can create arippleofchangeintheirowncommunity
“This region has always been home to resilient innovators who have adapted to change,” said Nauticus President and CEO, Stephen E. Kirkland. “Nauticus is perhaps the only museum in the country quite literally built behind a flood wall, and so we felt thiswasastorywehadtotell.
Norfolk In Time is named in memory of FrancesMartinLindsay,thelatewifeoflocal developer,HarveyLindsayJr.,whohimself passed away last week. Nauticus members will be first to experience the new exhibits during member-only hours on Friday, May 5thfrom10AM-5PMandonSaturday May 6th from 10AM Noon. Norfolk in Time will open to the general public on Saturday
May 6th at Noon. To purchase admission tickets to Nauticus, please visit www.nauticus.org
Norfolk In Time is the first permanent galleryspacetoopenaspartoftheReimagine Nauticus project, a $21.5 million transformationofthemaritimediscoverycenter. A second gallery space will open later this summer and the entire project will be completed in 2024, including five stateof-the-art exhibit galleries, new aquarium features, a STEM Discovery Lab, and a refreshedentrancepavilion Thisrepresents thelargestenhancementandinvestmentin Nauticus since it opened in 1994 For more information on Nauticus’ redesign project, including detailed descriptions of each gallery space or for more information on how to support the Reimagine Nauticus
Campaign,pleasevisithttps://nauticus.org/ reimagine-nauticus/.
About Nauticus: Nauticus is a maritime discovery center located along the waterfront in downtown, Norfolk, VA, offering a unique form of experiential learning for all ages. Through interactive exhibits and STEM to STERN programming Nauticus uses the museum, Battleship Wisconsin, sailing center, and Schooner Virginiato tell the story of the maritime environment, industry,andthemilitary NauticusFoundationisthenonprofit,501©3thatsupportsthe missionandactivitiesofNauticus Nauticus’ missionistobenefitthecommunitythrough education,impactfulexperiences,andsharing access to maritime resources. For more information,visitwwwnauticus.org
INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
The Flagship welcomessubmissions from ourreadersonline.
Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/
Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
HandyonlineRecycling &Disposal Lookup Guide showswhere Hampton Roadsresidents can safely dispose of household hazardous waste
HAMPTONROADS,Va.—Youarespring cleaningandreadytotossoutoldpaintcans, florescentlight bulbs andmotor oil. Butdo youknowhow to properly dispose of these and other leftoverhousehold hazardous waste(HHW) products?Topoint HamptonRoadsresidents in the right direction, askHRgreen.org publishes an onlineRecycling &DisposalLookup Guide with HHW disposal optionsper community guidelines ataskhrgreen.org/recycling-lookup
“Leftoverhousehold hazardous waste products do not belong in the trash, recycling bin or down the toilet. Norshould they be released into yards, waterways andstorm drains,wherethey can harm our coastal environment,”said Katie Cullipher,anaskHRgreen.orgteamleader.“Take anyhousehold hazardous wasteproducts to your community’s HHW facility,where they willbedisposed of properly and at no costtoyou.”
The Environmental Protection Agency definesHHWasleftoverhouseholdchemicalsthatcancatchfire,reactandexplode,or thatare corrosiveortoxic. Common HHW includes products usedfor house cleaning, pestremoval, automotivecare, lawn and gardenupkeepandhomeprojects. If leaked ordumpedinditches or yards, the hazardouschemicals and poisons can leach into groundwater,contaminate soil andrunoffintonearbywaterways.Inadditiontoharmingtheenvironment,improper disposal of such wastes canpose athreat to human health. Certaintypes of HHWhave thepotentialtocausephysicalinjurytosanitationworkersandcontaminateseptictanks or wastewater treatment systems if poured downdrainsortoilets.Theycanalsopresent hazards to children and petsifleftaround thehouse
“Alongwith knowing howtosafely disposeofHHW,itisimportanttobeasmart consumerwhenpurchasingsuchitemsand to knowhow and wheretostorethem,” Culliphersaid.Sheofferedthesetips:
When buying products,read the labels and select non-hazardous or less-hazardouscomponentsthatdothesamejob
Buyand use only theamount neededfor your project. Leftovers can be shared or donated.
Storethem away from the elements in a secured,preferablylockedarea
Residents can alsouse the online Recycling &Disposal Lookup Guide to check for special HHW collection eventsintheir communityandtaketheitemstotheirlocal facilityforproperdisposal.
TheSoutheasternPublicServiceAuthority and Virginia Peninsula Public Service Authority also operateHHW and electronicscollection sites andhosteventsfor residentsinthecommunitiestheyserve.Check theirwebsitesfordatesanddetails Formoreguidelines and tips for keeping HamptonRoadsclean and green, visit askHRgreen.org
“Encanto:TheSing-AlongFilmConcert” is a45-city tour whereEncanto lovers of all ageshavethe opportunity to sing along withtheirfavorite GRAMMY®-Award winning songs performed by aliveband whilewatchingthefullfilm.“Encanto:The Sing-AlongFilm Concert”willinclude all themusicoftheAcademyAward®-winning film, including iconic hits like“We Don’t TalkAboutBruno”and“SurfacePressure” performed live.
The showisone night only!Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 6pmatChrysler Hall in Norfolk. Tickets start at $33 and can be purchased online at ticketmaster.com or at the The Scope ArenaBox Office.The boxoffice is located in the Scope parking garage at 201 E. BrambletonAve,Norfolk, VA 23510.Open Mondaythrough Friday from 10 a.m. to 4p.m.For additionalquestions,pleasecontactthe boxofficeat 757.664.6464 or info@sevenvenues.com.