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Senior psychiatrist wins Sears Award for achievements in Navy Medicine
from Flagship 07.27.2023
Naval Medical Forces Atlantic
PORTSMOUTH, Va Capt. John Van Slyke, the senior mental health executive for Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (NMFL) earnedtheAdmiralH.JamesT.SearsAward forcontributionstoNavypsychiatry,May11.
The preeminent award has been presented every year since 1990 to senior psychiatrists, and this is the first time in 25 years that there are two Sears Award winners. Van Slyke was recognized alongside colleague Capt Paulette Cazares, the director of mental health at Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC) Okinawa, by the Navy psychiatrycommunity.
“I am very humbled and grateful to be a recipient of the Admiral Sears Award,” said Van Slyke. “There are so many incredible senior leaders within the Navy psychiatry communityandtobeselectedamongstsuch anesteemedgroupofprofessionalsreallyis anhonor.”
For the past two years the Springfield, Missouri, native has been providing guidance and support to service members in the region as well as counsel to the NMFL commander on all mental health priorities andactivities.HisworkwithSpecialPsychiatric Rapid Intervention Team (SPRINT) contributessignificantlytothemedicalreadiness of the force by giving those members therapidresponseneededformentalhealth emergencies.
“Capt. Van Slyke embodies the epitome of theservant leader,” expressed Capt Elisabet Crumpler, the public health emergency officer assigned to NMFL and Van Slyke’s department head. “His attention to, and anticipation of, the needs of Navy and Marine Corps forces has led to improvements in how Navy Medicine and more specifically, behavioral medicine assets are deployedthroughouttheregiontobestserve our Sailors and Marines Not only does he work hard as a clinician, but he leads and
Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm advises behavioral medicine colleagues in a compassionate and forward-thinking manner.”
Van Slyke was a member of a mental health working group with the Chief of NavalPersonnelandNavyCultureandForce ResilienceOfficethatresultedinthepublicationoftheMyNavyHRMentalHealthPlaybook, which is an important guide for Navy
757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil
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GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com
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“Icannotpraisetheworkandimpactthat Captain Van Slyke has had on, not just the boots-on-the-groundworkinanextremely challenging field, but also his impact on future policy in Navy Medicine,” stated Crumpler “He is highly deserving of this prestigiousaward.”
HeisalsoamemberofseveralNavyMedicine mental health related committees and civilianprofessionalorganizationsthatallow him to show his devotion to mental health, suchastheNavyPsychologicalHealthOperational Clinical Community and Advisory Board and serves as Co-Chair of the Amer-