7 minute read

Make mornings a breeze with time-saving breakfasts


Mornings can be hectic enough with wake-up calls, preparing for work, getting thekidsreadyandsomanyotherdailytasks Addintheneed(ordesire,atleast)foranutritious breakfast and starting a new day can feeldownrightexhausting.


Makeyourmorningseasierwithdelicious, better-for-you meals you can make ahead of time using simple ingredients like Success Boil-in-Bag Tri-Color Quinoa, which offers aheat-safe,BPA-freeandFDA-approvedbag andiseasilypreparedinjust10minutes.You don’thavetoknowhowtopronouncequinoa to enjoy its light, nutty flavor packed with proteinandallnineessentialaminoacids

As a good source of fiber it’s a perfect solution composed of a medley of red, black and white quinoa that can make these Ham, CheeseandZucchiniBreakfastCupsabreeze They’reanidealon-the-gosolutionforweekdaybreakfastbitesthatfityourbusyschedule CookupabatchaspartofyourSundaymeal prepandenjoyaweek’sworthoftasty,simple cupsfortheentirefamily Oncethecombination of green onions cheddar ham quinoa andmorehavebeencookedandcooled,they canberefrigeratedforupto1week.

For a creamier, fruity, dairy-free option, these Quinoa Overnight Oats make for a satisfying breakfast you can grab from the fridge and take to the office Loaded with whole grains, bananas, blueberries and pomegranate, they’ll provide the energy youneedtogetthroughthedaywhilesaving time in the morning

Thesetastytreatscanalsolastupto1week in the refrigerator, but remember to wait to add any crunchy toppings, honey or syrup until you’re ready to enjoy so those favorite ingredients stay fresh longer Another pro tip: Once you’re done preparing your sweet nutritious breakfast for the week ahead, divide evenly into four resealable to-go containers to make weekday mornings as easyaspossible.

To find more weekday morning solutions using easy-to-make whole grains, visit SuccessRice.com

Ham, Cheese & Zucchini

Breakfast Cups

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 25 minutes

Servings: 12

„ 1bagSuccessTri-ColorQuinoa

„ nonstickcookingspray

„ 1cupshreddedcheddarcheese

„ 1cupshreddedzucchini

„ ½cupdicedham

„ 2eggs

„ ¼cupeggwhite

„ ¼cupslicedgreenonion


½teaspoonsalt „ ¼teaspoonblackpepper

Preparequinoaaccordingtopackagedirections Preheatovento350F.

Coat12-cupmuffintinwithnonstickcook- ingspray.

In large bowl, combine shredded cheddar cheese, shredded zucchini, diced ham, eggs, egg white, sliced green onion, salt and black pepper.Mixwell.Spoonbatterintoprepared muffintin.

Bake 25 minutes Cool 5 minutes then removetowireracktocoolcompletely

Quinoa Overnight Oats

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4

„ 1bagSuccessTri-ColorQuinoa

„ 2cupsalmondmilk

„ 1cupquick-rolledoats

„ 2bananas mashed

„ ½teaspoongroundcinnamon

„ 1cupfreshblueberries

„ ½cuppomegranateseeds


In large bowl, combine almond milk, oats, bananas and cinnamon. Stir in quinoa and blueberries

Cover and refrigerate overnight Divide among four serving bowls and garnish with pomegranateseeds.

Tips: For added sweetness, drizzle with honey, maple syrup or agave syrup, to taste

For a grab-and-go breakfast, combine overnight oats mixture and divide in resealable, single-serving jars or containers Seal and refrigerateovernight

It’s a rich source of minerals such as potassium and magnesium. It’s also a good source of vitamins C and A (plus beta carotene, which helps produce vitamin A), and it has fair amounts of vitamins B1, B5 and B6

You get all of that for only 46.5 calories per cup

Befitting its name, watermelon is about 92% water which suggests why ancestral watermelons were carried in Africa’s Kalahari Desert as long as 5,000 years ago This is a treat with a lineage: Modern-looking versions are depicted in ancient Egyptian tombs.

Where watermelon really stands out is in its concentration of certain antioxidants, which regulate cell-damaging free radicals in the body “Our body has its own antioxidantsystem,butithelpstogetaboost from our diet,” Allerton said. “And watermelonisagoodsourceofthose antioxidants.”

Lycopene, which gives watermelon its reddish color is one of those antioxidants along with vitamins C and A. Lycopene also works asananti-inflammatoryandhasbeen linked to lower stroke risk. It is most abundantincookedtomatoproducts, butwatermelon’slycopenelevelsare about40%higherthanrawtomatoes

Watermelon also has glutathione, which Allerton called a “versatile, global antioxidant.”

And watermelon is high in an amino acid called citrulline, which has been a focus of Allerton’s research. “Watermelon is pretty unique because not a lot of foods are high in this,” he said.

In a small 2013 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry citrulline in watermelon juice was credited with helping relieve sore muscles in athletes Citrulline also is linked to the production of nitric oxide, which is important for the health of blood vessels Severalsmallstudiessuggest citrulline in watermelon extract couldlowerbloodpressure,although those effects were seen in people eating the equivalent of more than 3 pounds of watermelon a day for six weeks

That’s a lot of watermelon. But asidefromthegeneralideathatoverindulgence in anything is a bad idea, Allerton said there’s no downside to enjoying it.

Even though it has natural sugar and a high glycemic index a measureofhowfastsugarentersthe bloodstream it has a low glycemic load. That means its actual effect on blood sugar is small. And it will fill you up faster than, say, a bowl of cookies

All nutrition and science aside, afficionadosofthefruitjustenjoythe taste Superfan Mark Twain wrote, “It is the chief of this world’s luxuries kingbythegraceofGodoverall thefruitsoftheearth.Whenonehas tasted it, he knows what the angels eat.”

Allerton prefers his straight up, but he adds that watermelon juice retains many of the benefits of the whole fruit because so much of the fruit is water already Thatmakeswatermelonworkwell in smoothies Or you can turn it into a fruit salsa.

Experts agree the secret to finding a ripe one is to look for a creamy yellow spot from where the watermelon sat on the ground. If the spot looks more white than yellow, then the melon may not be fully ripe Weight also is a sign of quality the heavier the better

But most experts say you can’t learn much about a watermelon’s ripeness from thumping one So you can probably leave that to the comedians

NHB Preventive Medicine takes the bite out of West Nile Virus


Naval Hospital Bremerton/Navy Medicine

Readiness and Training Command Bremerton

There’salwaysabuzzwithNavalHospital BremertonPreventiveMedicineduringthe summermonths

The Preventive Medicine team is undertaking their seasonal surveillance and prevention for West Nile vector control on NavyinstallationsinthePacificNorthwest

According to Lt Anurag Sharma, NHB Preventive Medicine department head and environmental health officer West Nile virusistheleadingcauseofmosquito-borne diseaseintheUnitedStates

It’s most commonly transmitted via the bite of an infected mosquito It can cause health issues such as encephalitis - inflammationofthebrain-ormeningitis,whichis inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, just to name a few Mosquitos become infected with this virus by feeding oninfectedbirds,”saidSharma.

Dealing with mosquitos is not just trying to eradicate a nuisance Preventive Medicine measures are predicated on maintainingoperationalreadiness.Theregion-home totheNavy’sthirdlargestfleetconcentration - is a widely diverse locale of shore, surface and sub surface Navy assets which are all primarilycenterednearPugetSound.

All that water which in places becomes stagnant, soggy and sodden, can be prime breeding ground for mosquitos But not if PreventiveMedicinehasasay.

“The safety and wellbeing of the service members as well as their families is our top priority,”statedSharma.“Duetooursurveillance,weareproactivelyabletomakesound judgementsonprovidingthemostappropriate medical care for the population within the base as well as providing real time data forthelocalcivilianpopulation.”

“Operationalreadinessdegradationcould occurifservicemembershavebeenaffected bytheWestNilevirus,”Sharmaadded

The Navy Entomology Center of Excellence notes that West Nile virus was initially isolated in 1937 and has been known to cause human illness in Africa, WestAsia andtheMiddleEast.Humanand animal infections were first documented in the Western Hemisphere in 1999 when outbreaksofWNVencephalitisinhumans werereportedintheNewYorkCitymetropolitanarea,NewJersey,andConnecticut. Since those initial outbreaks, there have been more than 37,000 cases and approximately 1,500 deaths in the U.S.

The Preventive Medicine team actively places traps from Naval Magazine Indian Island to Manchester Fuel Depot, operated bytheNAVSUPFleetLogisticsCenterPuget Sound Fuel Department, located on Naval BaseKitsap-Manchester PreventiveMedicine’ssurveillanceprotocol calls for setting up CDC carbon dioxide (CO2)lighttrapsconcentratingonareasthat would generate large swarms and possible breedinglocationsofmosquitos

“Each trap is left over night to provide the best opportunity for trapping region specific species of mosquito. CO2 simulates exhalation that attracts mosquitoes to well dense areas to feed or take a blood meal. As all insects are attracted to light, this helps create a camping environment or what is considered a feeding frenzy for female mosquitoes When captured, the traps are collected for identification of gender speciesandassaytestingtoprovide realtimeinformationofdiseasepresencein the area, explained Sharma.

Although the summer months tend to be relatively dry in the Pacific Northwest, the rainyseasonsproducestandingwaterwhich provide the ideal environment for mosquitoestobreedin.

The traps are put out for 24 hours and placedprimarilyinareaswithlimiteddrainage and are near a populated area. Before the heat of the day and at dusk is when the mosquitosareoutseekingameal.


Whatdomoving,gettingmarried,having a baby, and retiring from active duty have in common? They’re all TRICARE Qualifying Life Events, also known as QLEs QLEs can affect your TRICARE coverage

Join TRICARE Thursday, Aug. 10 from 1 to 2 p.m. ET for the “Moving Marriage and More: What TRICARE QLEs Mean for You” webinar

“You’re likely to have multiple TRICARE QLEs throughout your life,” said Sarah Kern-Wilson, a health system specialist in the Defense Health Agency’s TRICARE Health Plan Customer Support Branch. “Youcan plan for some, but others may be less expected. So it’s important to knowwhatcountsasaQLEandwhattodo if you or a family member has one.”

As outlined in the TRICARE Qualifying Life Events Fact Sheet, you can make eligible changes to your TRICARE health plan within 90 days of a QLE. If you have a TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Select plan, a QLE may be your only opportunity to change your plan outside of TRICARE Open Season.

During the webinar you’ll learn the types of family, military, and government-directed changes that count as QLEs. TRICARE experts will walk you through some of the most common QLEs, including:

„ Moving

„ Getting married

„ Giving birth or adopting a child

„ Retiring

„ Becoming eligible for Medicare

The presenters will share how these life changes may affect your eligibility and steps to take after you or a family member has a QLE. You’ll also have a chance to ask

“Theywon’tbeoutduringtheday They’ll get dehydrated which is why they tend to comeoutatduskorneardawnandarecalled vampiresbysome,”saidHospitalCorpsman 1st Class Justin Tyler Simmons, Preventive Medicine department leading petty officer andpreventivemedicinetechnician

There are a number of practices which anyone can put in place, at home as well as away, to help reduce the risk of attracting mosquitos

“To mitigate mosquito populations nearby, it is recommended to remove any open containers that can be used as a water collectionpointsuchasemptybottles,planters,barrelsandtroughs,”Sharmanoted “When going outside during the evening timeindampareas,itshighlyrecommended towearlightercolorclothingasmosquitoes

ABOVE: a CDC carbon dioxide (CO2) light trap which is used forNaval Hospital Bremerton’s Preventive Medicine team in helping conduct seasonal surveillance and prevention forWest Nilevectorcontrol on Navyinstallations in the Pacific Northwest.LEFT:Asurveillance sign ofthe times…Naval Hospital Bremerton’s Preventive Medicine is placing CDC carbon dioxide (CO2) light traps forWest Nilevirus surveillance during thewarmersummermonths in theirannual effort to lessen the mosquito threat. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYDOUGLASHSTUTZ,NHB/NMRTCBREMERTON PUBLICAFFAIRSOFFICER) are attracted to dark colors,” continued Sharma. “Scents such as peppermint, cinnamon,cedar,citronella,lemongrass, catnip, and patchouli will help deter mosquitoes when outside or if you plant thesearoundyourgarden.”

“Lavenderandmintoilalsohelpsabate the mosquitos A light zapper works too but keep it away from food and pets,” addedSimmons Sharma affirms there are pet friendly plantsaswelltohelpsafeguard,“notonly yourselfbutourfurryfriendsandkeepthese bitingnightmaresatbay.”

Thechallengingaspectofplacingthetraps isthatweatherconditionsplayasizablerole inthesuccessoftheprocess

“Ifit’swindy,theCO2won’tbecentralized where we want it to be by the trap and the mosquitoswillnotbeattractedtocomefeed. Ifitrains,themosquitoswon’tfly,”HospitalmanMiguelCantusaid.

The placement of traps can also be a Catch-22situation

“We want to set them in well-populated areas But we can’t because it’s a well-populated area. Traps have been misidentified beforeandsomeparentshaveraisedconcern about them being close to their children, saidSimmons As history has shown, insect-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and leishmaniasis have long posed a threat to military personnel. Allied troops in World War II suffered more than 617,000 cases of malariawithover3,800deaths It’salsobeen estimated that one in five U.S. soldiers who deployed in-country Iraq were bitten by sandfliesandinfectedwithleishmaniasis

Although the West Nile Virus is the main concerninthegreaterPugetSoundarea,for those servicemembers deploying overseas, Sharma attests that there are a number of otherprevalentdiseasestobeawareof,such as chikungunya, zika virus, yellow fever, easternequineencephalitis,westernequine encephalitis, Jamestown Canyon virus and LaCrosseencephalitis.

CompileddatabytheCentersforDisease Control and Prevention shows that there have been 36 reported human disease cases of West Nile virus so far in 2023 One case each in Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oregon, South Carolina and Wyoming; two cases in Georgia and South Dakota; 25 in Arizona.

NHB’s Preventive Medicine plan is to continuetokeepthetallyatzerointheirarea ofoperationastheycontinuetodotheirdue surveillancediligence.

“And not become the meal ourselves,” quippedSimmons.

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