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Finally home after 80 years: CACO team supports WWII Sailor’s repatriation ceremony

ByKatieHewett CNRMA Public Affairs

NORFOLK Va In 1944 Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class Anthony Di Petta was killed in action while conducting airstrikes near the Palau islands Eighty yearslater,hewasfinallylaidtorestJuly11, 2023,inWrightsville,N.J.


Di Petta called Glen Ridge, N.J., home beforejoiningtheNavyin1939 Overeighty yearslater hisremainswererecoveredand identifiedin2021throughProjectRecover, an organization dedicated to researching and finding the remains of U.S. service members killed in action during World War II.

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s Casualty Assistance Officer (CACO) program not only ensures that families of Sailors who gavetheultimatesacrificefortheircountry receive unwavering care and support, but they also ensure that the Sailorreceives the honor and respect deserved for such sacrifice,evenafter80years

Lt Raymond Donnelly, the CACO assignedtotheDiPettafamilyandalsofrom Glen Ridge, N.J., commented there was a personal tie to why it was so important for himtocarryoutthisrepatriationceremony “WhenIheardthatthenextofkinlivesin GlenRidge IwantedtodoallthatIcouldfor thefamily, Donnellysaid “Iamhonoredto beapartoftheprocessforthefallenservice member, the family, and to represent the NavyforaWorldWarIISailor.”

Donnelly coordinated with local police departments and fire departments to support the funeral procession and escort the family through the Garden State ParkwayandNewJerseyTurnpike.Nearlyevery overpasswasmannedbylocalfireandemergencypersonnelonthedayoftheceremony

Susanne Nakamura, Di Petta’s niece, said Donnellyhandledeverydetailofheruncle’s homecomingwiththoughtfulexpertiseand treatedherasifshewerefamily.

“No one could have taken more care or accomplished[DiPetta’shomecoming]with greater skill,” Nakamura wrote in a handwritten letter to Donnelly “You taught me alotaboutthecharacterofthosewhoserve ourcountry.”

In 1944 Aviation Ordnanceman

1st ClassAnthonyDi Pettawas killed in actionwhile conducting airstrikes nearthe islands ofPalau. Hewas laid to restJuly11,2023, inWrightsville,N.J.,with the help ofNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic’s CasualtyAssistance Officer (CACO) program.(COURTESY PHOTOBYBRIANNEAUMACK)

ABOVE: Wrightsville, N.J, July 11, 2023 - Sailors supporting Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s Casualty Assistance Officer (CACO) program, stand at attention July 11 in Wrightsville, N.J., during the funeral of Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class Anthony Di Petta, a Word War II Sailor who was

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