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Commander of Naval Air Force Atlantic engages with Midshipmen aboard USS George Washington
from Flagship 08.03.2023
Commander Naval Air Force Atlantic
Rear Adm. John F. Meier, Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic, spoke with Midshipmenparticipatinginsummertraining aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USSGeorgeWashington(CVN73)
“This summer you’re just learning what area you might want to go into,” said Meier. “I encourage you to follow people around. Ask questions Be curious Whatever your purpose is, the Navy has a way for you to serve.”
Every summer, rising 3rd and 2nd Class Midshipmen from Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) units from colleges across the country participate in a four-week career orientation training (CORTRAMID) that acquaints them with the Navy way of life across several different communities by showcasing them exclusively for one week over the course of the fourweeks
Midshipmen are introduced to the Navy surface community, submarine community,aviationcommunity,andMarineCorps community During the week of July 17-21, 90midshipmenwereintroducedtothenaval aviationcommunity.
“Idon’tcomefromamilitaryfamily andI mostly just wanted a challenge when I first startedapplying[fortheNROTCprogram],” said Midshipman 3rd Class Drew Diguglielmo, a Midshipman from Notre Dame NROTC. “I’ve always wanted to feel like I was part of a big community and to do somethingthathelpsmorepeoplethanjust myself,soIfiguredthismightbearoutethat Imightfindthat SofarI’vehadanawesome timelearningabouteverythingandmeeting newpeople.”
During their naval aviation week, the
Midshipmen visited several helicopter and strike fighter squadrons, attended briefs, visited the Landing Signal Officer School, experienced flight simulators, and were abletoexperiencesomeactualflightsonan MH-60 helicopter and a T-34 plane. They wrappeduptheirweekonboardtheGeorge Washington, listening to Meier speak, then exploringthecarrierinsmallgroups.
During Meier’s speech, he touched on his career in naval aviation, the challenges he faced as a leader, and shared some of the wisdomhegainedalongtheway.
“You’ve had the opportunity to see a lot this week pertaining to naval aviation, but firstandforemost,you’regoingtobeanofficer,” said Meier “Never lose sight of that. Neverlosesightofthestandardyouset,your behavior howyouupholdothers orhowyou treatpeoplewithrespectanddignity Those attributesofbeinganofficerarethefoundation.Thathastobethefoundationforevery- thing Thenyourchosenfield,whateveritis whateveritisthatyoudo,doittotheutmost ofyourability Pursueperfection.Beharder onyourselfthananinstructorwilleverbe.”
“I think it was an incredible opportunity to hear [Meier], and not something that a lotofpeoplegettoexperience,”saidDiguglielmo “Even if I wasn’t going to be going into the Navy he’s is someone with a lot of knowledgeandsomeonewhocanteachme alotevenifIdecideit’snotmycareerpath.”
Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (COMNAVAIRLANT) is responsible for seven nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, 54 aircraftsquadrons,1,200aircraftand43,000 officers, enlisted and civilian personnel basedontheEastCoastoftheUnitedStates It provides combat ready sustainable naval airforceswiththerightpersonnel,properly trainedandequipped withafocusonreadiness, operational excellence, interoperability,safety,andefficientresourcing.