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The Gathering IV brings together wrestling legends and fans this weekend in Charlotte, North Carolina, David Crockett shares wrestling stories
from Flagship 08.03.2023
Wrestling fans rejoice The Gathering IV istakingplacethisweekendAugust3rd-6th at the Hilton University Place A who’s who of wrestling legends and royalty will be there. From Kurt Angle to Ricky Steamboat,fromJimRosstoDavidCrockett,from DiamondDallasPagetoGeraldBrisco,from JJ Dillon to Tully Blanchard and so many more. This is your opportunity to mingle, talk, get photo ops and autographs, see great wrestling, take part in amazing panel discussions, and do much much more. For alltheinfogotohttps://www.crowbarpress. com/tmartpromotions/?fbclid=IwAR0TKZiHt2X2anzKMT6YU5rOxXnMV39YhQndfTQgwlLCln9uOlhk7x0YVGQ
Yiorgo: With us today to tell us all about itis legendary promoter and TV host David Crockett,ofthefamedJimCrockettPromotions David, why did you agree to do GatheringIV?
David Crockett: It’s all about our great, loyal fans and giving back to them They supported usbackthenandnowstill Ilove meeting,listeningandansweringtheirquestionsastheyremembermomentslikeNikita giving me the Russian Sickle or Ric Flair’s incredible interviews, or the many interviews that Bob Caudle and I or Tony Schiavone and I did with so many of our great wrestlers It’salsoanopportunityformetoseealot of my old friends that with some, I have not seen for many many years Father time also continues to take so many great wrestlers away from us and we never know if this is the last time we will see each other The promoterfortheGatheringMartinDamato doesanexcellentjobyearafteryearwiththis great event. I encourage all wrestling fans to come out to The Gathering IV you will definitely see and interact with many great wrestlersfromyouryouth
Y: When will you be there and what will youbedoingatTheGathering?
DC: I am very grateful to Highspots, the premiergotocompanyforeverythingwrestlingrelateditems,forbringingmein.Iwill be at the Highspots table on and off from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. During that time I will be doing a co-photo op with Jim Ross thatstartsat11:25andwhenwefinishIwill gobacktotheHighspotstable.Thenat3:00 PM I will be doing a virtual signing with Highspots for fans throughout the world thatcannotbethere.
Y: Speaking of reminiscing with the fans let’sdiverightintoit.Ienjoyedwatchingyou David, because you were like one of us You wouldgetsoexcited.
DC:Throughitall,Iamafan Icannotnot be a fan. I didn’t want to know then and I don’t want to know the outcome now Jim Ross is another one like me Don’t tell me anything, I don’t want to know. We always had fun with the interviews that we did. Many times I felt like I was a human mic stand holding the mic there, and you know, especiallytheoneswetapedatTBSSaturday morningandairedat6:05PM,Oh,Lord,that was just out of this world, out of this world! Youneverknewwhatwasgonnacomeoutof the wrestler’s mouth You just didn’t know Like the time when the Mulkeys won, and they thought they screwed up and they were afraid they were gonna get fired You had Abdulah the Butcher eating raw liver And of course Ric and Roddy Piper on the mike was pure gold. And the Four Horsemen were incredible They would pick up oneachother,anditwastrulyentertaining Theywerenotregurgitatingwords,theyall hadmeaning Icouldgobackandwatchand laughandsmile,andsometimestrytokeepa straight face With Ric, we were promoting forthegirlswherehe’sgoingtobe andwhat hotel he is staying at, and when the party’s goingtobe,that’sRic.
The Four Horsemen, they didn’t have a time limit. Gene Anderson for the longest timewaskeepingtimeanditwasliketrying to pull the bike away from when they were clickingsotospeakwhentheywereonaroll, Icouldjustjustletthemgo lovedit.
Y:OneofmyfavoriteRiclineswas,“Don’t wrapmeup David.”(Laughter)
DC:(Laughter)Yup,becausehecouldsee the stage manager you know given him the rap.
Y:Howaboutafavoritestoryortwoabout youandRic?
DC:WewereinNewYorkCity,itwasmy birthdayandRicandArnandTullyheldme down at the Hard Rock Cafe and poured,
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