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Best in the Fleet: USS The Sullivans wins 2022 Battenberg Cup after two surge deployments
from Flagship 08.03.2023
Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command
The crew of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSSTheSullivans(DDG68)was namedthebestall-aroundshipintheAtlanticFleetbasedonaccumulationofachievements that included two successful surge deployments,July27.
Adm. Daryl Caudle, commander, U.S. FleetForcesCommand,presentedthe2022 Battenberg Cup award to the crew of The Sullivansduringaceremonyheldaboardthe shipatNavalWeaponsStationYorktown.
“Themotto:‘Westicktogether’isembodied every day onboard this highly lethal, ready, and effective warship,” said Caudle “The Sullivans’ exceptional achievements as a front-line combat ship in the Atlantic Fleet are a direct tribute to the steadfast leadership dedication, and consistently high performance of the wardroom, the chiefpettyofficers,andtheentirecrew.”
Since 1977, the Battenberg Cup award is presented annually to a ship or submarine selectedbythefleetcommanderasthebest all-around in the Atlantic Fleet, based on accumulationofcrewachievements
The Sullivans met the demanding requirements of a carrier strike group deploymenttotheU.S.FifthandSixthFleet areas of operations Supporting multiple combatant commanders The Sullivans supported multi-national exercises, operating seamlessly with Allied and Coalition NaviesandJointU.S.services.
WhileintheU.S.SixthFleetareaofoperations,TheSullivansdeployedaspartofthe Queen Elizabeth Carrier Strike Group 21 inresponsetotheongoingUkraine-Russia conflict and navigated over 20,000 nauticalmiles operatingintheIrish,North,and Baltic Seas In the U.S. Fifth Fleet area of operations, The Sullivans was instrumental in the seizure of 170 tons of explosive material and contraband en route from
Iran to Yemen, provided robust support to a merchant tanker hit by an attack drone, andprovidedairandmissiledefenseforthe 2022FIFAWorldCup.
“The pride and professionalism of this crewiswhatmakesthiswarshipsospecial, said Cmdr A. C. Wood, commanding officer, USS The Sullivans (DDG 68). “This crew continues to perform above and beyond, demonstrating that we are ready tofightandwinwaratsea.”
In addition to two impactful deployments The Sullivans was recognized for heroperationalperformancewiththe2022 BattleEffectivenessaward,fourCommand Excellence awards, the Force Health and Wellness (Green H) award, the Marjorie SterrettBattleshipFundAward,andmultiple Command and individual unit level awards
Two other commands were nominated forthe2022BattenbergCup;USSNewport News (SSN 750) and USS George H. W. Bush(CVN77).
In 1905, British Rear Adm. Prince Louis ofBattenberggiftedthesilver-platedtrophy to North Atlantic Fleet Commander Rear Adm. Robley D. Evans to serve as a challenge cup in athletic competitions among the men of the North Atlantic Fleet. The USS West Virginia (BB 48) won the last challenge cup in a cutter race before both the ship and trophy sank during the Pearl HarborbombingsonDec.7,1941.Afterthe ship’s restoration, the trophy was held by the USS West Virginia until its decommissioningin1947 asanofficerofMarines.”
Later, in 1978, a new competition was established to honor the operational efficiencyandfightingspiritofU.S.Navyships andsubmarinesintheAtlanticFleet.
TheSullivans(DDG68)isthesecondU.S. NavyshiptobearthenameofthefiveSullivan brothers who perished in 1942 during theNavalBattleofGuadalcanalwhentheir ship, USS Juneau (CL-52), was sunk by a JapaneseSubmarine.
The ship’ssponsor is Barnum’s wife,Martha Hill, who, in thetime-honoredNavytradition, christenedthe ship by breaking abottle of sparkling wineacrossthe bow. Before christeningtheship,Hillwelcomedandthankedthecurrent membersoftheship’screw,knownastheplankowners “Wewill rest well at night protectedbythe security that youwillprovidewhileyou’reSailingtheseasoftheworld,” saidHill.
ServicetoDDG-124isafamilyaffair.AlongwithHillservingastheship’ssponsor,herdaughter,LisaHill-Godin,isthe MatronofHonor.Additionally,theMaidsofHonoraretheir twogranddaughters,JessicaGodin-CenzalliandHopeHill, andgreat-granddaughter,MackenzieGodin Arleigh Burke-class destroyers arethe backbone of the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet, providingprotection to America around the globe.These highlycapable,multi-mission shipsconductvariousoperations,frompeacetimepresence to national security,providing awide range of warfighting capabilitiesinmulti-threat air,surface,and subsurface domains.Theseelements of seapowerenable the Navy to defend American prosperity and prevent futureconflict abroad.
MoreinformationArleighBurke-class destroyerscanbe found here: https://www.navy.mil/Resources/Fact-Files/ Display-FactFiles/Article/2169871/destroyers-ddg-51/
BATH,Maine (JULY 29,2023)BATH, Maine (JULY29, 2023)Secretary ofthe NavyCarlos DelToroattends the christening ceremonyofUSS HarveyC.Barnum (DDG 124)July 29.The ship’s namesake,Col HarveyC.Barnum Jr USMC,was a veteranofVietnam and recipient ofthe Medal ofHonor.The shipwasawarded on June 3,2013,named in 2016,and the keel laid on May21,2021. (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYCHIEFMASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST SHANNONE. RENFROE)