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VFA-105 holds change of command
from Flagship 08.10.2023
Commander,Naval Air ForceAtlantic
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.—The “Gunslingers” of StrikeFighter Squadron (VFA) 105, stationed aboardNavalAirStationOceana,inVirginiaBeach, Virginia,heldachangeofcommandceremony,Aug 3, to mark atransition of command leadership
During the change of command event, Cmdr Travis “Sweet T” Amerine,ofCorley,Arkansas assumed all duties and responsibilities as the VFA-105commandingofficerfromCmdr.Stephen “Coach”Eckhart, of Beech Grove,Indiana.
During Eckhart’s time at VFA-105,heled the squadronintheir second combat deployment, “Operation Freedom’sSentinel,”and the draw-
Military Sealift Command
from Page 1 eesthatcanbegoodshipmatesdevelopedatMSC,” added MSC Total ForceManagement, Deputy Director Frank Cunningham.“SeaCadets are employees of the futurethat we areplanting the seedofcareeropportunitiesinthemaritimeindustry.”
“Our organization is extremely grateful for the mentorship that MSC is providing,” said Taft. It helps build our cadets.And not only that,for the environmentthatwe’reinforthesecadetstowant to travel so far youobviously have something to offerourprogram,andwehopewehavesomething to offer back.”
MSCcontinuedtheiroutreachbyhostingaseparate tour for 26 International NavalSea Cadets, from the U.S.;Canada; NewZealand;Barbados and Hong Kong,aboardthe hospital ship USNS down of American forces in Afghanistan. During thedeployment,theGunslingersflew1,600sorties, encompassing 3,020 flight hours to include more than 470 combat hours
“Ithasbeenthehonorofalifetimetoservewith the Gunslingers.Iwishthem all the bestontheir upcoming deployment,”saidEckhart.
Amerinesharedhis excitementtoworkwith such an amazing squadron.
“Iamhumbledandhonoredtoservethegreatest StrikeFighterSquadronintheNavy,”saidAmerine “I love ourGunslinger family so much, and can’t wait to servewith them! Tonight…We Ride!”
VFA-105’smission is to maintain combat readiness and, when directed, conduct prompt and sustained combat incident to operations at-sea.
Comfort (T-AH20), July 26
Thegrouphadafullday-longtourthatincluded the ship’smainmachinery spaces; the flight deck; the bridge and medical facilities.They also had lunch with the crew and were visited by MSC
Commander Rear Adm. Michael Wettlaufer
The U.S. NavalSea Cadet Corps wasdeveloped in 1962byCongress as anational youth program underneaththe umbrellaofthe CoastGuardand Navy.Their mission to build leaders with characterand develop cadets with skills in leadership and seamanship and avariety of technical skill as well as building softskills kids need to either go into service,technical industry or go on to college Thereare morethan 7,000 Sea Cadets serving in 300 units nationwide and in Guam, Saipan and Puerto Rico
The U.S. NavalSea Cadets partners with the InternationalSeaCadetAssociationinanInternationalExchangeprogramgivingcadetstheopportunitytotravelaround the world of the year.“This [Trident Arch] becamea jointtrainingevolutionfortheNMCBONE DetailNordicfolkswhoareoutherehelping us with this EMF and ensuringthis equipmentisreadytogo.TheCESEinthishospital is usedfor Base Operating Support and provides an all-encompassingcapability unlikethe otherService brancheswho rely onotherentitiesfortheirsupport,ourEMFs bringthatcapabilitytothefight.”
In addition to Operation Trident Arch Nordic tasking,NMRLC’sCM1 Coxalso led training forNMCB ONE Detail Nordic Seabees on operation of the 25K Rough Terrain Container Handler (RTCH). Being proficientinoperating aRTCHisvaluable for the day-to-day duties of Equipment OperatorsandConstructionMechanics,and enabled them to earn hours towardstheir licenses.This training helpedbuildalasting partnership with CTU68.2.1personnel which will be beneficial for futureTrident Archmissions.
TheNMRLCteamofmilitary,civilian,and contracted personnel execute the design, acquisition,assembly, integration, storage, shipment, maintenance,sustainment, and lifecyclesupportofmodular,scalable,Navy Expeditionary Medical Systems and act as adeployment technical advisorfor these assets
Sailing Classes
teaching themwhereto sit in the boat, how tohandletheboat,typesofcontrols,waysto lookattheweatherandifthey’reinterested weprogressintoracing.”
The kids began the class by lowering the sailboats into the water one by one, and setting up their sails. After they were all in thewaterwiththeirsailsetupcorrectly,the kidsbeganmovingfurtheroutintothewater to sail a few nautical miles independently and eventually return. This gives the kids the opportunity to polish their sailing skills and learn advanced sail trim in a hands-on environment.Thegroupbeginstodriftaway from one another as the kids react to the challengesofweatherpatternsdifferently
In addition to the rest of the curriculum, a one-day “Racing Clinic” is held to introduce the basics of small boat racing Topics includeroundingmarks,gettingagoodstart to finish strong, rules and regulations and more.
“Junior Big Boat” is another program available to children aged 8 to 12 after the advanced course is completed. This is a coursethatprovideschildrenwithanopportunity to apply their small boating skills to a 26-foot sailboat and allows them to work

Thisclassistaughtundertheexpertguidance of a certified U.S. sailing instructor as well. Coming up on August 20, a “Family Day and Regatta” will be held to mark the endofthesailingseason.Thisisanopportunityforfamiliesofthejuniorsailorstocome outandenjoywater-basedactivities aswell as observe their children’s newly acquired skills
“It’sbasicallyasailboatrace,”saidKlinck. “Thefamiliescomeoutandseetheirkidsgo aroundaracecourse.”
Klinck has the Level 1 US Sailing certificate necessary to instruct the class, as well asseveralotherendorsements.Hehasbeen sailingformostofhislife
“It’s actually about the journey it’s not always about where you’re going,” said Klinck. “Youdon’thavenoisesordistractions You can sort of be one with yourself That’s one of the reasons I enjoy sailing so much and teachingit.”
For information on registering for a class visittheMWRwebsiteatwww.navylifema. comorcall757-444-2918.Registrationison afirst-come first-servedbasis.
Payment must be made at time of registration. For more news from NAVSTA Norfolk, visithttp://www.navy.mil/local/nsn/.