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USS Bataan arrives
from Flagship 08.10.2023
U.S. Naval Support Activity Souda Bay
BAY, Greece Sailors assigned to Naval Support Activity (NSA) Souda Bay moored the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) in Souda Bay, Greece attheNATOMarathiPierComplexonAug.
“Abigpartofourmissionistoextendthe Fleet’swarfightingcapabilitythroughoperationalsupporttowarshipsoperatinginthe region,”saidCmdr.JamesKotora,executive officer, NSA Souda Bay. “USS Bataan is part of an important maritime security mission, and we were glad to be here for the ship’s crewwhentheyneededus “
As part of the port visit, NSA Souda Bay provided USS Bataan with 1 million gallons of Naval Distillate Fuel and 100,000 gallons of jet fuel Members of the ship’s crew also utilized the installation’s Navy Exchange, medical clinic, and Morale, Welfare and Recreationservices
“When the USS Bataan arrived, we were abletodemonstratewhatmakesNSASouda Bay the premier installation of choice,” said Lt Joshua Matais port operations officer NSA Souda Bay. “Despite the brief stopover, we were able to provide the opportunity for theship’screwtogetofftheship,stretchtheir legsandenjoysomeliberty Evenifitwasjust somepiersiderestandrecuperation.
For many of the Sailors who served as line-handlers for the arrival of USS Bataan, this was their first experience mooring a ship
“It’sanopportunityyouonlygetonceina lifetime,andIamsogratefulthatIgotorders to NSA Souda Bay,” said Master-at-Arms Seaman Recruit Jerrah Harcourt. “This is thefirsttimeIwillbelinehandling Ifeellike Ihaveagoodteambehindmethough They are going to help us newbies and help us experiencewhattheyworkwitheveryday.”
USSBataanhasbeendeployedsinceJuly 10,2023,aspartofaregularrotationofforces that foster maritime security and increased theater cooperation USS Bataan is part of the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group that providesaforwardnavalexpeditionarypresence with vast, specialized, crisis response capabilities to support the geographic combatant commander, numbered fleet commanderandjointspecialoperationstask forcecommander NSA Souda Bay is an operational ashore installationwhichenablesandsupportsU.S., Allied, Coalition and Partner nation forces topreservesecurityandstabilityintheEuropean African, and Central Command areas of responsibility For more information, visit us at www.cnic.navy.mil/SoudaBay or findusonFacebookatwww.facebook.com/ NSASoudaBay.