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HSM-46 welcomes new Commander
from Flagship 08.10.2023
Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic
JACKSONVILLE,Florida Cmdr James
Powers was relieved by Cmdr Anne BruckmanduringtheHelicopterMaritimeStrike Squadron (HSM) 46 the “Grandmasters” change of command ceremony at Naval Air StationJacksonville,Florida,July13
Powers, who is a native of Arnold, Maryland, will depart HSM-46 to serve on the OPNAV N96 Staff While in command of HSM-46, the squadron maintained 11 MH-60Rhelicoptersandfourcombat-ready elements that were deployed aboard USS GeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77),USSLeyteGulf
(CG 55), USS Farragut (DDG 99) and USS Truxtun(DDG103).
HisattentiontodetailprovidedthedirectionnecessarytoemployHSM-46initspositionasaresilientandcombat-readymember ofCarrierAirWing(CVW)7.

“ServingthemenandwomenofHSM-46 astheircommandingofficerofHSM-46was anabsolutehonorandprivilege Theseselflesspatriotsprovedeverydaywhatitmeans to be a U.S. Navy Sailor I am proud to call themmybrothersandsisters.”
BruckmanwhoisfromRaynham,Massachusetts, previously served as the executive officer of HSM-46, is honored to take command.
“I am extremely honored and excited to take on the responsibility of HSM-46 Commanding Officer This group of Sailors, chiefs, and officers make up the most combatreadyteamofwarriorsI’veeverhad the pleasure of serving with. They truly set thestandard.”
Powers and Bruckman were underway with HSM-46 during their recent deploymenttotheU.S.6thFleetareaofoperations andreturnedonApril22.Duringthedeployment,Sailorsexecuted6,265flighthoursand 5,126decklandings HSM-46 falls under Commander, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing Atlantic. The primary mission of HSM-46 is to provide fully trained, combat ready personnel and aircraft, capable of embarking CVN and operatingindependentlyfromappropriately configured cruiser, destroyer, and littoral combatships(LCS)
AIRLANTisresponsibleforsevennuclear-powered aircraft carriers 54 aircraft squadrons 1,200 aircraft and 52,000 officers, enlisted and civilian personnel with priorities focused on warfighting, people, and readiness by providing combat ready, sustainable naval air forces with the right personnel, properly trained and equipped, withafocusonreadiness,operationalexcellence, interoperability, safety, and efficient resourcing