Flagship 08.10.2023

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Wind Tunnel Training: Key to Expeditionary and Special Warfare Readiness

Wind tunnel training at iFlyVirginia Beach allows jump participants a simulated free fall environment towork on bodypositions,corrective actions and emergency procedures in a controlled environment PageA7

Military Sealift Command hosts

U.S., international Naval Sea Cadets

USN Military Sealift Command

Military Sealift Command recently held two outreach events hosting more than 50 Naval Sea Cadets volunteers and instructors from around the world to tour training centersandshipsinHamptonRoads

U.S.NavalSeaCadets,fromvariousstates on the East Coast (New York all the way to Florida),spenttheweekwithMilitarySealift Command July 24-28 visiting MSC Training Center Hampton Roads at Joint Base Langley-Fort Eustis, the MSC Underway ReplenishmentTrainingCenter(MUTC)at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story and touring fleet replenishment oiler

USNS Laramie (T-AO 203) at Naval Station


During their weeklong visit, the 18 Sea Cadets experienced what it’s like to drive an Expeditionary Fast Transport vessel in the EPF simulator They learned how to combat flooding and fire aboard a ship in theDamageControlWetTrainer Theyalso participated in other training evolutions

such as Search and Rescue Swimmer and ShipReactionForceTraining Aboard Laramie, the group conducted a familiarization tour learning about the Henry J. Kaiser-class oiler’s capabilities

and how the vessel conducts replenishments-at-sea.

“We wanted to give them a little taste of everything we do,” said MSC Training Center Hampton Roads Damage Control

Leader, Patrick Mullaney “It’s an abbreviated version of what we teach all our new hires who come to Military Sealift Command.”

Lt. JoAnn Taft, U.S. Naval Sea Cadets CorpsVolunteersaidtheirgoalistodevelop arelationshipwiththecommandthatwould help the cadets’ growth as future leaders “Wewanttohaveahand-and-handrelationship that fosters good development for our cadets. We want our cadets to go out when theygraduateandbesuccessful,”shesaid

Many of cadets had little knowledge of command and its mission This outreach gives them a different look at how they can servetheircountryfromthesea

“The idea is to allow our younger generation, our youth, to see some insight on another career path Rather they choose to join MSC one day is up to them, but I think it’s in our best interest to show them they cansupporttheircountryinmanydifferent ways.”saidMullaney.

“We need capable and energetic employ-

NAVSTA Norfolk holds advanced junior sailing classes


NAVSTA Public Affairs

NORFOLK,Va NavalStation(NAVSTA)Norfolk’sMorale,Wellfare andRecreation(MWR)SailingCenterandMarinabegantheiradvanced juniorsailingclassesJuly31.

This is one sailing course among many that the MWR Sailing Center andMarinaoffers.

The 11 attendees of the advanced junior sailing class, ranging in age from 8 to 12-years-old, took small individual sailboats several nautical milesoffthepier

Preceding the advanced junior sailing class kids must go through a courseforbeginners,whichteachesthebasicsofsailingvocabulary parts oftheboat,basicknottying,andmoretoequipthemwiththeskillsnecessarytooperateasmallsailboatbythemselvesduringtheadvancedclass “Thekidsthisyeararereturnees,”saidJulianKlinck,oneoftheinstructorsvolunteeringwiththeMWR.“Allthekidshavetogothroughabeginner class, either this year or the previous year This course is actually

NORFOLK,Va (Jul.31,2023)AdvancedJuniorSailing Class participants are being instructed byJulian Klinckto moore down sail boats.The MWR offers both beginner’s and more advanced sailing classes forall ages (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBOATSWAINMATETHIRDCLASSJESSICANUNES)

International Naval Sea Cadets pose fora group photo on the flight deckaboard MilitarySealift Command naval hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20).MSC held two outreach events hosting more than 50 Naval Sea Cadets volunteers and instructors from around theworld to tourtraining centers and ships in Hampton Roads.BELOW: U.S.Naval Sea Cadets are given a tourofthe bridge aboard MilitarySealift Command naval hospital ship USNS Comfort.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSDEVENFERNANDEZ)
VOL.31,NO 27 Norfolk VA| flagshipnews.comAugust 10-August 16 2023
IN THIS ISSUE www.flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! USS Porter, USNS William McLean perform vertical launch system re-arm demonstration The crews ofthe USS Porterand Military Sealift Command’s drycargo ammunition ship USNSWilliam McLean performed a MK 41Vertical Launch System re-arm,pier-side, at Naval Station Norfolk,Aug.3. PageA2 TurntoMilitarySealiftCommand, Page 4 TurntoSailingClasses, Page 5 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 10 2023 1

USS Porter, USNS William McLean perform vertical launch system re-arm demonstration

USN Military Sealift Command

NORFOLK, Va The crews of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Porter (DDG 78) and Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) dry cargo ammunition ship USNS William McLean (T-AKE 12) performed a MK 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS) re-arm, pier-side, at Naval Station Norfolk, Aug.3. The Navy conducted the demonstration to provide proof of concept that a dry cargo ammunition ship can reload the weapons systempier-sideandwhiletheshipisatsea, with a goal of expanding the capability of VLS reloading in expeditionary environments

“The Navy has been considering alternative vessels to move ordnance into a theater without an on-shore infrastructure to support,” according to Jerit Vanauker, of MSC’sTalugaGroup “Oneofthesituations consideredwastheabilitytore-armVLSfor Navy combatant ships in a contested environment, and so we considered the idea to useanMSCdrycargoammunitionship.”

In addition to the crews of Porter and WilliamMcLean,U.S.2ndFleet,NavyExpeditionaryCombatCommand’s(NECC)Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support Group (NAVELSG), the Carderock Division of the NavalSurfaceWarfareCenter(NSWC)and NSWCPicatinnysupportedtheVLSre-arming.NECC’sexpeditionaryreloadteamfrom NAVELSGareexpertlytrainedinordnance transfer and handling and can operate in remote,complex,andaustereenvironments to ensure naval forces remain forward and mobile “MSC’s role in developing and executing VLS is vital,” Vanauker stated. “We will bring the ordnance, and platform to deliver ordnance, in support of VLS re-arming of ourcombatantships,sotheycangetbackin thefightwithouttravelinglongdistancesto beresupplied.”

During the demonstration, Porter pulled into the naval station and moored ‘skinto-skin’ along-side William McLean, which was moored to the pier. The ships’ crews installed marine bumpers between the vessels to prevent damage to the ships duringtheVLSre-arm.

Once the ships were safely moored, the VLSteamaboardWilliamMcLeanprepared twosimulatedordnancepackagesfordelivery “The VLS handling team prepared and reviewed the necessary procedures, ordnance handling equipment (OHE) and tools to conduct the VLS re-arm,” said Vanauker “All procedures were reviewed, OHE and tools were inspected and a safety


“Onceinspectionwascomplete,thecanisterwasloadedintothetilt-fixtureandvertical strong-back, secured and then attached to the crane hook,” he continued. “The tilt-fixture and vertical strong-back allows the canister to be tilted into a vertical positionwithassistancefromtheship’scrane.”

Using the Mclean’s crane two simulated missiles were lifted from the ship’s flight deck and swung over to Porter’s forward weapons cells Porter’s VLS team received the simulated ordnance and stowed the missilesaboardintheship’sMK41Vertical LaunchSystem

“The crane operator, with assistance from the Signalman swung the simulated

ordnance over to Porter placing it over the open module cell hatch, and lowered into alignmentwiththeavailablecell, Vanauker continued.“Inall,performingaVLSre-arm is a very simple evolution which requires patienceandfocus.”

The crane for the VLS re-arm demonstration was operated by Boatswain’s Mate Justin Bradley one of William McLean’s CivilServiceMariners(CIVMARs)

“This was the first VLS re-arm to take place aboard William McLean, according toCapt.JohnStulz,USNSWilliamMcLean’s Master “Our CIVMARs secured the USS Porter alongside, operated the crane and providedsupportondeckforthisevolution. Cargoandordnanceoperationsareapartof dailylifeforMSCships.”

“The crew of the William McLean performed with precision and professionalism during this movement, just like our counterpartsdoeverydayaroundtheglobe,” Stulzadded.

The VLS re-arm demonstration was conductedaspartofU.S.FleetForces’Large ScaleExercise2023(LSE).

“Expeditionary logistics allow the Navy to quickly return to maintaining maritime dominance,” said Rear Adm. Brad Andros Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command.“OperatinginsupportofMilitary Sealift Command during Large Scale Exercise2023providesourexpeditionaryreload teams the opportunity to train to different platforms so that they can continue to sustaincapacityandincreasethepersistent combatpowerofnavalforces.”

LSE 2023 provided a venue to test and refine current and new technologies and platforms to reinforce our current position as a supreme maritime force and provide feedback used to inform future innovation.

LSE 2023 includes six Navy and Marine CorpscomponentcommandsandsevenU.S. numberedFleets,includingU.S.FleetCyber Command/U.S.10thFleet,operatingseamlesslyacross22timezones


| MCC Amanda Kitchner 757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil AssistantEditor | MC2 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes, Kaitlyn Hewett, Elizabeth Reisen 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com

Launch System (VLS) during aVLS re-arm demonstration held pier-side on Naval Station Norfolk,Aug.3.TheVLS demonstrationwas part ofU.S. Fleet Forces Command’s Large Scale Exercise 2023which provides avenue to test and refine current and newtechnologies and platforms to reinforce ourcurrent position as a supreme maritime force and provide feedbackused to inform future innovation.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBILLMESTA) Editorial
FreeClassifiedAdvertising 757-622-1455 | Distribution&HomeDelivery 757-446-9000 distribution@pilotonline.com Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm.Wesley McCall RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at P.O. Box 2820, Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021 Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved Don’t wait until you’re in crisis. Get help early ifyou’re struggling with your mental health: www.tricare.mil/MentalHealth #ConnectToProtect NORFOLK,Va (August 3,2023)--The crane from the drycargo ammunition ship USNSWilliam McLean (T-AKE 12) lifts simulated ordnance offofthe flight deckfordeliveryto theArleigh Burke-class destroyerUSS Porter(DDG 78) during aVertical Launch System (VLS) re-arm demonstration held on Naval Station Norfolk,Aug 3. 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 10 2023
NORFOLK,Va (August 3,2023)--Sailors assigned to theArleigh Burke-class destroyerUSS Porter(DDG 78) and NavyExpeditionaryLogistics Support Group’s ExpeditionaryReloadTeam stow simulated ordnance in the ship’s MK71Vertical

U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

When Rear Adm. Matthew Case took thehelmastheDirectoroftheNavyMedical Service Corps in May 2022, he was following a tradition that extended back toSeptember 29,1954,whenCapt.Willard Charles Calkins became the first leader of the corps Like Case, it was a position for which Calkins was primed

In 1954 Willard Calkins was a 35-year Navyveteranwhohadservedasanenlisted anwarrantofficerhospitalcorpsmanatsea, shore and various Marine Corps activities before obtaining a commission as a Hospital Corps Officer in 1942 In World War II, Calkins served in the Northern Solomons campaign, earning a commendation ribbon for his efforts as the logistics advisor to the Force Medical Officer of the South Pacific Area.

When the Medical Service Corps was established in 1947, Calkins was the tenth most senior medical administrator among the 251 plankowners. He later served as the DeputyComptrolleratBureauofMedicine and Surgery (BUMED) before taking over command of the Naval School of Hospital Administration, in Bethesda Md Calkins was only the fourth MSC Officer to serve asaCommandingOfficerandthesecondto attaintherankofCaptain

The fact that Capt. Calkins—or for that matter any MSC officer—became head of theMedicalServiceCorpswasanythingbut preordained. Unlike the U.S. Army, which had appointed pharmacist Col. Othmar Goriup as its first Chief in 1947 the Navy Medical Service Corps was founded withoutanyprovisionforaChiefordepartment head. And the act of creating this post was oneofthemostlyhotlydebatedissuesinthe firstyearsofthecorps

The Medical Service Corps of 1947 was organized into four sections split between two administrative divisions at BUMED. The Optometry, Pharmacy and Allied Sciencessectionsfellunderanoptometrist pharmacist,andalliedscientist,respectively each of whom reported to a physician serving as Chief of the BUMED Professional Division. The Administration and Supply section came under the Head of the Medical Service Branch who in turn reported to another physician acting as the Chief of BUMED’sPersonnelDivision.

NotonlywastheNavy’smostdiversestaff corps the most organizationally disjointed, all matters and decisions relating to the MedicalServiceCorpsultimatelyfellunder officers without the same vested interest in thefutureofthecorps.

The issue came to a head at the beginning of 1948 when several Medical Service Corps officers began voicing their concern that their corps lacked “espirit de corps”andmuchneeded “director guidance.” Calkins was among the most vocal proponents for a centralized “Corps Chief Office” headed by aMedicalServiceCorps officer In a memorandum dated April 27, 1948, Calkins wrote that the “only object I know to the appointment of a medical officer in this capacity is that it would be regarded throughout the service as a tacit expression of Bureau [of Medicine] opinion that there is no Medical Service Corps officer competent enough.” These thoughts were shared by many of the Medical Service Corps plankowners

On May 5, 1948, hope for reorganizing the Medical Service Corps was temporarily dashed when the BUMED Policy Board recommended against establishing a MSC Corps Chief. Instead, all MSC personnel matters were to be centralized under a Medical Corps officer serving as Chief of the Personnel Division.TheheadoftheMedicalServiceCorps Branchwouldremain,inessence,a“consultant”onMSCmatters

In the 1950s as more Medical Service Corpsofficerswererisinginrankandinfluence BUMED leadership reversed course andacceptedthevalueofacentralizedoffice headed by senior MSC. On August 23, 1954, CongressestablishedtheChiefoftheMedical Service Corps position and granted the Secretary of the Navy the right to appoint thefirstpersontoholdposition Capt.WillardCalkinsservedexactlyfour years as the first MSC Corps Chief before retiring in 1958 Along with Capts Leo Elsasser and Emmett Van Landingham, he was one of only three MSC plankowners to serveatCorpsChief

Postscript: In 1982, the position of Chief of the Medical Service Corps was redesignated a directorship and billet elevated to flag rank. Eight years later on October 1, 1990 Congress authorized the Reserve Deputy Director of theMedicalServiceCorps


„ Calkins,Willard MemorandumtoCAPT Gilmore,27April1948(BUMED-23-WCC)

BUMED Correspondence Files, Record Group 52 National Archives II, College Park,MD „ Calkins Willard,OfficialBiography,Naval HistoryandHeritageCommand.

„ CDR O’Brien, MSC, Retires After 43 Years Service. National Naval Medical Center News, September 14, 1953

Erie,J.R.“TheNavyMedicalServiceCorps: WhenceandWhither?”U.S.NavyMedicine, Volume60,August1972 „ Gray,David.ManySpecialties,OneCorps. The Pictorial History of the U.S. Navy MedicalServiceCorps.SecondEdition 2017

„ RecordofProceedingsofBUMEDPolicy Board Convened at Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, D.C., 5 May 1948

BUMED Correspondence Files, Record Group 52 National Archives II, College Park,MD

„ Sobocinski, A.B. “What’s in a Name?: ‘Chiefs’ and ‘Directors’ of Navy Medicine.” Defense Visual Information Delivery Services (DVIDS). Retrieved from: https:// www.dvidshub.net/news/412990/whatsname-chiefs-and-directors-navy-medicine

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NavalMedical Readiness Logistics Command conducts Trident Arch Nordic 2023



WILLIAMSBURG, Va.—Naval Medical ReadinessLogisticsCommand(NMRLC) has been successfully executing Trident Arch operations onboardNaval Weapons Station Yorktown-CheathamAnnexand forward deployment sites overits 40-year history.Operation Trident Arch Nordic 2023 integrated military and commercial resources to execute the deliveryofaCold Weather Package,and Civil Engineering SupportEquipment(CESE)MaterialReadiness Assessment (MRA)ofthe 144-Bed Expeditionary Medical Facility (EMF) located in Osmarka,NorwayfromMay 18 toJune9,2023. TridentArchisa NMRLC operation that rotatesoraddscapabilitiestoExpeditionary Medical Systems (EXMEDS) to and from pre-positioned storage sites ashoreand afloatforaddedcapabilities,CareofSupplies in Storage (COSIS) and service life extension.NavyMedicinehasfacedanincreased demandforagileandreadymedicalforcesto respondtoCombatantCommanderrequirements.AspartofTridentArchNordic2023, 43 containers containing the ColdWeather Push Block Capability were shipped to the pre-positioning site.This Push Block adds

cold weather capabilities to the existing 144-BedEMFforuseintheEUCOMAOR.

OperationTridentArchNordic2023was led by ExpeditionaryMedical Facility Activation Team (EMFAT)Officer in Charge, Lt.Cassidhe Griffiths,and executed by subjectmatterexpertsMatthewGertenand CM1 Curtis Cox, with assistance from five Seabees from NavalMobile Construction Battalion1(NMCB ONE),Detail Nordic, CTU68.2.1;EO2GageBochette,CM2Brock Brower, EO2 Tyler Campbell, CM2 BonifacioGarciacantoran, and EOCA Stephen Cosby NMRLC DesignDirector,Cmdr.Jeremy Schwartz, HM1 Jesse Bolstad, and HM1 Scott Robinette also worked on site to develop plans for futureconfiguration improvements,assistedinreceivingcontainers, andreconfigured anew Central SterilizationRoom.

PhaseIofOperationTridentArchNordic 2023 involved the onload and delivery of the EXMEDSCold Weather assets,led by TransportationOfficersFredRobinsonand RobertMcMullin,fromWilliamsburg,VAto Norway aboardthe commercial cargo ship named MAJ RICHARDWINTERS.Upon arrival of the 43 containerstothe Osmarka site, NorwegianDefense Logistics Organization (NDLO)personneloffloaded them


“The forwarddeployment of the Cold Weather Push Block adds unique capabilities to thehospital,allowing it to operate in sub-zeroenvironments,”saidLt.Griffiths.

Phase II encompassed MRA for forward deployed CESE. This materielinspection program assessment is conductedevery 12 months to evaluate the maintenance program, readiness,and materielcondition of CESE EMF warreserveassets.NDLO assisted this effort with logistical support such as providing tools and equipment, andtheNMCBONEDetailNordicSeabees providedbasicmaintenance to 201 units of CESEsuch as inspection, checking fluids, replacing batteries, cyclingequipment, and annotating discrepancies to ensureproper operationandreadinesslevels The work executed by theseSeabeesnot onlycontributed to the long-term goals of sustainment, maintenance,and cycling of these critical assets,but also presented an opportunity for the NMCB ONE Detail Nordic personnel to gain hands-on experience “One great by-product from NMRLC’s TridentArchoperation is aCESEMaterial ReadinessAssessmenttrainingevolutionfor NMCBONESeabeesdeployedintheAOR,” saidMattGerten,NMRLC’sSeniorCivilian

VFA-105 holds change of command

Commander,Naval Air ForceAtlantic

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.—The “Gunslingers” of StrikeFighter Squadron (VFA) 105, stationed aboardNavalAirStationOceana,inVirginiaBeach, Virginia,heldachangeofcommandceremony,Aug 3, to mark atransition of command leadership

During the change of command event, Cmdr Travis “Sweet T” Amerine,ofCorley,Arkansas assumed all duties and responsibilities as the VFA-105commandingofficerfromCmdr.Stephen “Coach”Eckhart, of Beech Grove,Indiana.

During Eckhart’s time at VFA-105,heled the squadronintheir second combat deployment, “Operation Freedom’sSentinel,”and the draw-

Military Sealift Command

from Page 1

eesthatcanbegoodshipmatesdevelopedatMSC,” added MSC Total ForceManagement, Deputy Director Frank Cunningham.“SeaCadets are employees of the futurethat we areplanting the seedofcareeropportunitiesinthemaritimeindustry.”

“Our organization is extremely grateful for the mentorship that MSC is providing,” said Taft. It helps build our cadets.And not only that,for the environmentthatwe’reinforthesecadetstowant to travel so far youobviously have something to offerourprogram,andwehopewehavesomething to offer back.”

MSCcontinuedtheiroutreachbyhostingaseparate tour for 26 International NavalSea Cadets, from the U.S.;Canada; NewZealand;Barbados and Hong Kong,aboardthe hospital ship USNS

down of American forces in Afghanistan. During thedeployment,theGunslingersflew1,600sorties, encompassing 3,020 flight hours to include more than 470 combat hours

“Ithasbeenthehonorofalifetimetoservewith the Gunslingers.Iwishthem all the bestontheir upcoming deployment,”saidEckhart.

Amerinesharedhis excitementtoworkwith such an amazing squadron.

“Iamhumbledandhonoredtoservethegreatest StrikeFighterSquadronintheNavy,”saidAmerine “I love ourGunslinger family so much, and can’t wait to servewith them! Tonight…We Ride!”

VFA-105’smission is to maintain combat readiness and, when directed, conduct prompt and sustained combat incident to operations at-sea.

Comfort (T-AH20), July 26

Thegrouphadafullday-longtourthatincluded the ship’smainmachinery spaces; the flight deck; the bridge and medical facilities.They also had lunch with the crew and were visited by MSC

Commander Rear Adm. Michael Wettlaufer

The U.S. NavalSea Cadet Corps wasdeveloped in 1962byCongress as anational youth program underneaththe umbrellaofthe CoastGuardand Navy.Their mission to build leaders with characterand develop cadets with skills in leadership and seamanship and avariety of technical skill as well as building softskills kids need to either go into service,technical industry or go on to college Thereare morethan 7,000 Sea Cadets serving in 300 units nationwide and in Guam, Saipan and Puerto Rico

The U.S. NavalSea Cadets partners with the InternationalSeaCadetAssociationinanInternationalExchangeprogramgivingcadetstheopportunitytotravelaround the world

of the year.“This [Trident Arch] becamea jointtrainingevolutionfortheNMCBONE DetailNordicfolkswhoareoutherehelping us with this EMF and ensuringthis equipmentisreadytogo.TheCESEinthishospital is usedfor Base Operating Support and provides an all-encompassingcapability unlikethe otherService brancheswho rely onotherentitiesfortheirsupport,ourEMFs bringthatcapabilitytothefight.”

In addition to Operation Trident Arch Nordic tasking,NMRLC’sCM1 Coxalso led training forNMCB ONE Detail Nordic Seabees on operation of the 25K Rough Terrain Container Handler (RTCH). Being proficientinoperating aRTCHisvaluable for the day-to-day duties of Equipment OperatorsandConstructionMechanics,and enabled them to earn hours towardstheir licenses.This training helpedbuildalasting partnership with CTU68.2.1personnel which will be beneficial for futureTrident Archmissions.

TheNMRLCteamofmilitary,civilian,and contracted personnel execute the design, acquisition,assembly, integration, storage, shipment, maintenance,sustainment, and lifecyclesupportofmodular,scalable,Navy Expeditionary Medical Systems and act as adeployment technical advisorfor these assets

NMRLCand NMCB ONE Detail Nordic personnel conductedMaterial ReadinessAssessmentson201 unitsofCESEforEMF144Aas apartofOperationTridentArch Nordic 2023.Left to right: (top row) LTCassidhe Griffiths,CM1 Curtis Cox,EO2TylerCampbell,CM2 BrockBrower,EO2GageBochette,Mr.MattGerten; (bottom row) CM2 Bonifacio Garciacantoran,andEOCAStephen Cosby. (PHOTOBYJULIUSEVANS)
4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, August10, 2023

Sailing Classes

teaching themwhereto sit in the boat, how tohandletheboat,typesofcontrols,waysto lookattheweatherandifthey’reinterested weprogressintoracing.”

The kids began the class by lowering the sailboats into the water one by one, and setting up their sails. After they were all in thewaterwiththeirsailsetupcorrectly,the kidsbeganmovingfurtheroutintothewater to sail a few nautical miles independently and eventually return. This gives the kids the opportunity to polish their sailing skills and learn advanced sail trim in a hands-on environment.Thegroupbeginstodriftaway from one another as the kids react to the challengesofweatherpatternsdifferently

In addition to the rest of the curriculum, a one-day “Racing Clinic” is held to introduce the basics of small boat racing Topics includeroundingmarks,gettingagoodstart to finish strong, rules and regulations and more.

“Junior Big Boat” is another program available to children aged 8 to 12 after the advanced course is completed. This is a coursethatprovideschildrenwithanopportunity to apply their small boating skills to a 26-foot sailboat and allows them to work


Thisclassistaughtundertheexpertguidance of a certified U.S. sailing instructor as well. Coming up on August 20, a “Family Day and Regatta” will be held to mark the endofthesailingseason.Thisisanopportunityforfamiliesofthejuniorsailorstocome outandenjoywater-basedactivities aswell as observe their children’s newly acquired skills

“It’sbasicallyasailboatrace,”saidKlinck. “Thefamiliescomeoutandseetheirkidsgo aroundaracecourse.”

Klinck has the Level 1 US Sailing certificate necessary to instruct the class, as well asseveralotherendorsements.Hehasbeen sailingformostofhislife

“It’s actually about the journey it’s not always about where you’re going,” said Klinck. “Youdon’thavenoisesordistractions You can sort of be one with yourself That’s one of the reasons I enjoy sailing so much and teachingit.”

For information on registering for a class visittheMWRwebsiteatwww.navylifema. comorcall757-444-2918.Registrationison afirst-come first-servedbasis.

Payment must be made at time of registration. For more news from NAVSTA Norfolk, visithttp://www.navy.mil/local/nsn/.

NORFOLK,Va (Jul.31,2023)AdvancedJuniorSailing Class participants treading through the ocean byNAVSTANorfolk’s Morale,Wellness and Recreation (MWR) Sailing Centerand Marina. The MWRoffers both beginner’s and more advanced sailing classes forall ages BELOW: AdvancedJuniorSailing Class participants are being instructed byJulian Klinckto sail along the pierand readyformooring (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBOATSWAINMATETHIRDCLASSJESSICANUNES) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 10 2023 5 Visit navyfederal.org tojoin. *Dollar value shownrepresentsthe results of the 2022 Navy Federal Member GivebackStudy.The Member Giveback Study takes into considerationinternalmarketanalyses comparing Navy Federal products with industry national averages, as well as memberdiscounts, incentives, andothersavings. Imageusedfor representational purposes only; does notimply governmentendorsement.© 2023 Navy Federal NFCU 14233-A(5-23) Insured by NCUA. We StandReady to ServeEvery Soldier We’reheretohelp the military community and their families makethe mostoftheir money. Our members could earn and save $473*per year bybanking with us.
from Page 1

USS Arlington change of command

USS Arlington (LPD 24)

NORFOLK Va Capt Ian J. Scaliatine relieved Capt Eric S. Kellum as commandingofficeroftheSanAntonio-classamphibioustransportdockshipUSSArlington(LPD 24),duringachangeofcommandceremony inNorfolk,Virginia,Aug.3.

“It is truly the honor of a lifetime to become the new commanding officer of Arlington,” said Scaliatine “I cannot put into words how humbled I am to lead this great ship and its crew.” Scaliatine a native of southern California, became the ninth commanding officer of the Arlington upon completionoftheceremony.

“I’d like to thank my predecessor Capt. Eric Kellum,” Scaliatine added “Arlington

hasaremarkablydedicatedandwell-trained crew with an amazing culture; the officers, chiefs and Sailors make the hard look easy There is still a lot of work ahead but I look forward to all of the adventures and challenges because I’m confident this team will prevail.

Kellum’s previous assignment was a staff position with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington. In previous years, he notably served as the executive officer and commandingofficeroftheWhidbeyIslandclass dock landing ship USS Fort McHenry (LSD43).Kellum anuclearqualifiedsurface warfare officer and native of Beaumont, Texas, took command of the Arlington in August 2021. Under Kellum’s leadership, Arlingtonsuccessfullyprovidedhumanitarian aid to Haiti; completed a seven-month

Shipyard Spotlight: Margaret

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Some people measure their civilian service in months, some in years, and still some,likeMargaretStroud,indecades.Six tobeexact.Asofthissummer Stroudwillbe retiringafter60yearsoffederalservice,and she’ll be finishing right where she started, hereatNorfolkNavalShipyard(NNSY) Stroudisunique(asidefromher60years) becauseheryearsworkingonNNSYarenot her only link to the installation In fact, a memberofStroud’sfamilyhasbeenworking for the shipyard since the 1860s when one of her ancestors was here building wooden ships

For Stroud, her journey with the Navy began early in life Born toward the end of 1941, she was only months old when Pearl Harborwasattacked “Myparentswereout having breakfast at a restaurant, and I was on the seat beside them when they heard about Pearl Harbor,” she says. “My dad was aformerNavyman,soitwasveryupsetting for him, especially a little later when his [former] ship, the [USS] Indianapolis, was sunk. And I am not sure he ever recovered fromthat.”

Soon after, her father would pursue a job at NNSY, where he spent the next 40 years advancing through the shipyard, first as an electrician and finally retiring as a firecontrolmaninstallingPolarismissiles.However, hisdaughter’spathwaythroughtheshipyard would take a different route At 22, Stroud workedatasmallofficeindowntownPortsmouth,Virginia,whensomeoneapproached heraboutworkingfortheshipyard.

“Someone advised me that it would be a good idea to get a job at the shipyard where Iwouldhavebenefitsandmakemoremoney, and so I did,” Stroud laughs “I just came to the Labor Board Building walked in, and told them I’d like a job they gave me a test, and I made 100%, so they told me to report intwoweeks!”

Stroud has plenty of stories to tell about heryearsatNNSY,butonestoryrisestothe top. It was November 1963, and Stroud was a new hire at NNSY when national events madeadecidedimpact

“I was working there in the Labor Board Building when the girl beside me got a call and we were told that John F. Kennedy had been shot in Texas, and later we heard that he had died, she says, shaking her head. “So, a couple of hours later, when I left the shipyard,withallthedozensofpeoplewho walked out with me, all I can remember was that [they] were such sad people.” She sighsandcontinues,“Therewasahugeflag flying over that part of the shipyard and I just looked at it, and at my young age that wasjust…itmayhavebeenmyfirstencounterwitharealtragedy.

Afterseveralyearsandpromotions,Stroud attended college classes at night to earn 24 semesterhoursinaccounting Lookingback

atthattimeinherlife,shereflectsthatifshe couldhavegivenheryoungerselfadvice,“I wouldhavestartedgoingtoeveningcollege and getting my education sooner, but there wasn’tabigpushforwomentogotocollege back then.” Stroud’s inner drive and determinationpushedhertoadvocateforherself and seek ways to promote beyond the jobs offeredtowomen.Thatdrivepromptedher to leave NNSY to expand her opportunities available.Withhernewcollegecredentials, shesetouttofindotherpositionsandspent much of her civilian career working for different service branches throughout the

deployment to the Mediterranean and BalticSeas;supportedSeaTrialsfortheU.S. Marine Corps CH-53K King Stallion helicopter;andreceivedtheBattle“E”awardfor having the highest overall and departmental level of readiness to carry out assigned wartimetasks

“Serving these past two years with this crew aboard Arlington has been the honor of my career,” said Kellum. “I am blown away by their teamwork, tenacity, and grit. Taking this ship over the horizon last year into the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility showed the strength honor and fortitude of our Navy and Marine Corps team. I look forward to hearing the future successes of ArlingtonunderCapt.Scaliatine’scommand as they go forward protecting democracy around the globe.”

Kellum’s next assign-

ment will be chief of staff at Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 2. Commissioned April 6, 2013 Arlington is the eighth San Antonio-class ship and third named after ArlingtonCounty.Itisalsooneofthreeships named in honor of the victims of Sept. 11, alongsidetheSanAntonio-classamphibious transport dock ships USS New York (LPD 21) and USS Somerset (LPD 25). Arlington has completed three deployments in the decade since its commissioning and is currently undergoing ship-wide upgrades andpreservativemaintenanceattheGeneral Dynamics/NASSCO shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia. Mrs Joyce Rumsfeld, wife of the lateSecretaryofDefenseDonaldRumsfeld, isArlington’ssponsor


Shecamefullcirclewhenshereturnedto NNSYin2015asanAdministrativeAssistant forCode2370 “Mypresentjobismyfavoritejob it’snice nottodothesamethinghourafterhour,”she says “[Here] administrative assistants get to meet and talk with the other employees so you have the people connection I didn’t enjoyasmuchinpreviouspositions. This month, Stroud will sign out of her government-issued computer for the last timeandbeginhernextjourneyasaretiree This time she plans to volunteer with chil-

dreninschoolsandinhospicecare,assisting terminallyillpatients Whenthinkingabout herretirement,Stroudreflectsonajobwell done: “My dad loved the shipyard so much that it made me feel good to know that he wouldhavebeenproud.”

After 60 years, Norfolk Naval Shipyard extendsaBravoZulutoMargaretStroudand offers a heartfelt thank you for her years of service.Fairwindsandfollowingseas Mrs Stroud, may your next journey be just as incredibleasthefirst.

Capt.Ian Scaliatine,commanding officerofthe SanAntonio-class amphibious transport dockship USSArlington (LPD 24),departsArlington’s change ofcommand ceremonyin Norfolk,Virginia, Aug.3.Scaliatine becameArlington’s ninth commanding officersince the ship’s commissioningApril 6,2013.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJOHNBELLINO)
Congratulations to NorfolkNaval Shipyard’sAugust 2023 Shipyard Spotlight: Code 2370AdministrativeAssistant Margaret Stroud.(PHOTOBY SHELBYWEST) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 10 2023
Stroud Living a 60-year legacy

HSM-46 welcomes new Commander

Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic

JACKSONVILLE,Florida Cmdr James

Powers was relieved by Cmdr Anne BruckmanduringtheHelicopterMaritimeStrike Squadron (HSM) 46 the “Grandmasters” change of command ceremony at Naval Air StationJacksonville,Florida,July13

Powers, who is a native of Arnold, Maryland, will depart HSM-46 to serve on the OPNAV N96 Staff While in command of HSM-46, the squadron maintained 11 MH-60Rhelicoptersandfourcombat-ready elements that were deployed aboard USS GeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77),USSLeyteGulf

(CG 55), USS Farragut (DDG 99) and USS Truxtun(DDG103).

HisattentiontodetailprovidedthedirectionnecessarytoemployHSM-46initspositionasaresilientandcombat-readymember ofCarrierAirWing(CVW)7.

“ServingthemenandwomenofHSM-46 astheircommandingofficerofHSM-46was anabsolutehonorandprivilege Theseselflesspatriotsprovedeverydaywhatitmeans to be a U.S. Navy Sailor I am proud to call themmybrothersandsisters.”

BruckmanwhoisfromRaynham,Massachusetts, previously served as the executive officer of HSM-46, is honored to take command.

“I am extremely honored and excited to take on the responsibility of HSM-46 Commanding Officer This group of Sailors, chiefs, and officers make up the most combatreadyteamofwarriorsI’veeverhad the pleasure of serving with. They truly set thestandard.”

Powers and Bruckman were underway with HSM-46 during their recent deploymenttotheU.S.6thFleetareaofoperations andreturnedonApril22.Duringthedeployment,Sailorsexecuted6,265flighthoursand 5,126decklandings HSM-46 falls under Commander, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing Atlantic. The primary mission of HSM-46 is to provide

fully trained, combat ready personnel and aircraft, capable of embarking CVN and operatingindependentlyfromappropriately configured cruiser, destroyer, and littoral combatships(LCS)

AIRLANTisresponsibleforsevennuclear-powered aircraft carriers 54 aircraft squadrons 1,200 aircraft and 52,000 officers, enlisted and civilian personnel with priorities focused on warfighting, people, and readiness by providing combat ready, sustainable naval air forces with the right personnel, properly trained and equipped, withafocusonreadiness,operationalexcellence, interoperability, safety, and efficient resourcing

Wind Tunnel Training: Key to Expeditionary and Special Warfare Readiness

Naval Safety Command

NORFOLK, Va Several members from the Naval Safety Command

(NAVSAFECOM)ExpeditionaryandSpecial Warfare Directorate participated in simulated skydiving training at the iFly Virginia Beach July 17 This periodically scheduled training allows jump participants a simulated free fall environment to work on various body positions, corrective actions and emergencyactionproceduresinacontrolled andsupervisedenvironment. IFlyprovidesanindoorskydivingexperience that creates free fall conditions without having to jump out of an aircraft. The facility’s vertical wind tunnel generates 1600horsepowerfromfourpowerfulfans, creating a wall-to-wall cushion of air on which participants can safely float. While an entertainment venue for the general population, the wind tunnel is more than just fun for the DoD personnel who use it for training purposes

“I have been doing the wind tunnel training for about six years and the trainingistheclosestwecangettorepresenting the feeling, motion and training to actual flight, said a Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator stationed at NAVSAFECOM as a naval special warfare safety analyst. “This training is important to me and others as it

allows the opportunity to maintain jump qualification proficiency while stationed at a non-operational command.”

The wind tunnel is a low-risk atmosphere that provides the jumper with a realistic experience of falling through the air at 125 mph. Jumpers work on stability 360-degree turns side slide and forward or back movements Once the basic movements have been mastered, jumpers can transition into emergency procedures and simulate each emergency procedure they might encounter at the “bottom end” of their jump Not only will jumpers practice their wave off procedure, but they will simulate and conduct a hard pull Emergency Procedure (EP), learning how to stay stable and still execute with quick but precision hard pull.

On this training day at the wind tunnel, participantshadtheirownindividualareas they aimed to train in. Participants have different levels of experience and specific training goals to work toward “TodayIworkedonvariousfreefallbody positions Movingforwardandback leftto right in different varieties,” said the Senior ChiefSpecialWarfareOperator “Theother thing I worked on was recovery stability, having the instructor push or pull me and roll me over and working on my recovery.”

SeniorChiefSpecialWarfareBoatOperator Brad Rumbaugh, a small boat safety

analystwithNAVSAFECOM,hasover200 militaryfreefall(MFF)jumpsandcountless hours going into the tunnel. Rumbaugh’s training focused on his “Coach’s Position,” which uses legs to maneuver, freeing one’s hands for hand signals while instructing another flyer “The position is for assisting another jumper If someone hasn’t jumped in a whileorasksforsomeonetojumpoutwith them, that position allows for the “coach” to use his or her hands to either help or eventually pull the rip cord if the jumper freaks out or freezes in the air and misses theirpullaltitude,”saidRumbaugh.“When coaching you have to be ready to stop their spin, direct and communicate corrections with your hands You can’t be using your hand to maneuver and pass hand signals at the same time, so you have to learn to fly with your legs so your hands are free.”

Theparticipantsknowthevalueofwind tunneltrainingandseizeeveryopportunity they have to participate

“Training like this is important to DoD because like everything else you have to staycurrentwithyourskills Youeitheruse or lose your skills with things like shooting, skydiving, scuba diving, etc., said Rumbaugh. “Wind tunnel training allows military free fall parachutists the ability to knock the rust off, gain more experience and boost their confidence in emergency

procedures prior to the real evolution of military free fall.”

ChiefExplosiveOrdnanceDisposalTechnician Jeremy Marco, a NAVSAFECOM expeditionary warfare safety analyst stressed the importance of the free fall emergency and survivability procedures and the opportunity the vertical wind tunnel provides

“Vertical wind tunnel training with procedures increases the jumper’s in-air survivability and ability to withstand and cope with malfunctions and in-air emergencies that could occur,” said Marco. “Today, I worked specifically on belly fly, turns using hands and feet, situational awareness and air space management.”

Risk is inherent in all tasks training missions,operationsandpersonalactivities no matter how routine. While there is no shortageofinherentriskintheNavy’sexpeditionaryandspecialwarfarecommunities, trainingsuchasthewindtunnelremainskey to readiness Navy’s top priority Today’s operational environment demands ships, aircraft submarines expeditionary forces specialoperationsforcesandpersonnelthat arereadytofightandwin.

DISCLAIMER: The use of IFLY by name in this article does not imply endorsement by the Naval Safety Command

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Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Carlos Del Toro announcedtodaythatafutureNavajo-classTowing,Salvage, andRescue(T-ATS)shipwillbenamedinhonorofSolomon Atkinson,apioneeringNavySEALandanAlaskanNativeof theMetlakatlaIndianCommunity,AnnetteIslandsReserve Del Toro made the announcement on the Metlakatla’s FoundersDay,Aug.7.

The name selection of USNS Solomon Atkinson (T-ATS 12) follows the tradition of naming towing salvage and rescue ships after prominent Native Americans or Native Americantribes

“I am honored to name the next T-ATS after Solomon Atkinson,amanwhoachievedmanyfirsts,eveninthefaceof adversity,andcontinuedtolead,”saidDelToro “Atkinson’s achievementsasaSEALhaveleftbehindanenduringlegacy, not just in the Special Warfare Community, but with our nation’s astronauts as well. I am pleased to ensure that his namewillextendgloballytoallwhoviewsthisgreatship.”

Bornin1930inMetlakatla Alaska SolomonAtkinsonwas raised by his parents on the sole Indian Reserve in Alaska. Atkinson worked as a commercial fisherman before enlisting in the U.S. Navy in 1952 A year later, Atkinson volunteered for the underwater demolition teams and became a frogman, the precursor to present day SEALs In 1962, Atkinson became one of the first Navy SEALs and was a plank owner for SEAL Team 1. As a SEAL, he deployed to Korea and completed three combat tours in Vietnam. His Vietnam service-related awards include a Bronze Star a NavyCommendationMedalwithCombat“V,”andaPurple Heart Atkinsonalsohadthedistinctionoftrainingnumerousastronauts,includingNeilArmstrongandBuzzAldrin, in underwater weightless simulations at the Underwater Swimmers School in Key West, Florida. Atkinson retired from active naval service in 1973 as a Chief Warrant Officer 4 and returned to Metlakatla, where he continued to serve hispeopleandstateontheIndianCommunityCounciland Board of Education, as founder and president of the first veterans’ organization on Annette Island, and as mayor of Metlakatla Upon his passing in 2019, an honor guard from SEALTeam1servedaspallbearersathisfuneral.

“ChiefWarrantOfficer4Solomon“Sol”Atkinsonembodiedthespiritofdedicationtofamily,community,andcountry,”saidRearAdm.KeithDavids,commander,NavalSpecial Warfare Command “His pioneering role as one of the first U.S.NavySEALs,andhisunwaveringcommitmenttoservice both in and out of uniform, serves as an inspiration for the entireNavalSpecialWarfarecommunity NamingtheUSNS SolomonAtkinsoninhishonorisatestamenttohisremarkablelegacyandtheenduringimpacthehasleftonNSW the Navy,andthenation.

Alongwiththeship’sname,DelToroannouncedthesponsors for the future USNS Solomon Atkinson as his widow, Joann Atkinson and their two daughters, Michele Gunyah andMariaHayward,who,intheirrole,willrepresentalifelongrelationshipwiththeshipandcrew

“There exists a long-held Tsimshian tradition, ‘akadi lip a’algyagasm’ooygit,’looselytranslated‘achiefneverspeaks forhimself’, saidsponsor MariaHayward.“Throughallof his time as a U.S. Navy UDT and SEAL, as well as a leader of veterans and Native Alaskans, Sol lived this ethos And,

here today, in the shadow of Sol’s death, he holds to it still. ThankyoutotheU.S.NavyforspeakingtoSolomon’shonor andhelpinghisfamilyandfellowFrogmenshouthislegacy tothesevenseas!”

Navajo-classshipswillprovideocean-goingtug salvage and rescue capabilities to support Fleet operations The currentcapabilitiesareprovidedbyPowhatan-classT-ATF Fleet Tugs and Safeguard-class T-ARS Rescue and Salvage vessels, which began reaching the end of their expected service lives in 2020 Navajo-class ships will be capable of towing U.S. Navy ships and will have 6,000 square feet of deckspaceforembarkedsystems.

Moreinformationonourtowing,salvage,andrescueship programscanbefoundonline: https://www.navy.mil/Resources/Fact-Files/ Display-FactFiles/Article/2232242/fleet-ocean-tugs-t-ats/

USS Bataan arrives

U.S. Naval Support Activity Souda Bay


BAY, Greece Sailors assigned to Naval Support Activity (NSA) Souda Bay moored the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) in Souda Bay, Greece attheNATOMarathiPierComplexonAug.


“Abigpartofourmissionistoextendthe Fleet’swarfightingcapabilitythroughoperationalsupporttowarshipsoperatinginthe region,”saidCmdr.JamesKotora,executive officer, NSA Souda Bay. “USS Bataan is part of an important maritime security mission, and we were glad to be here for the ship’s crewwhentheyneededus “

As part of the port visit, NSA Souda Bay provided USS Bataan with 1 million gallons of Naval Distillate Fuel and 100,000 gallons of jet fuel Members of the ship’s crew also utilized the installation’s Navy Exchange, medical clinic, and Morale, Welfare and Recreationservices

“When the USS Bataan arrived, we were abletodemonstratewhatmakesNSASouda Bay the premier installation of choice,” said Lt Joshua Matais port operations officer NSA Souda Bay. “Despite the brief stopover, we were able to provide the opportunity for theship’screwtogetofftheship,stretchtheir legsandenjoysomeliberty Evenifitwasjust


For many of the Sailors who served as line-handlers for the arrival of USS Bataan, this was their first experience mooring a ship

“It’sanopportunityyouonlygetonceina lifetime,andIamsogratefulthatIgotorders to NSA Souda Bay,” said Master-at-Arms Seaman Recruit Jerrah Harcourt. “This is thefirsttimeIwillbelinehandling Ifeellike Ihaveagoodteambehindmethough They are going to help us newbies and help us experiencewhattheyworkwitheveryday.”

USSBataanhasbeendeployedsinceJuly 10,2023,aspartofaregularrotationofforces that foster maritime security and increased theater cooperation USS Bataan is part of the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group that providesaforwardnavalexpeditionarypresence with vast, specialized, crisis response capabilities to support the geographic combatant commander, numbered fleet commanderandjointspecialoperationstask forcecommander NSA Souda Bay is an operational ashore installationwhichenablesandsupportsU.S., Allied, Coalition and Partner nation forces topreservesecurityandstabilityintheEuropean African, and Central Command areas of responsibility For more information, visit us at www.cnic.navy.mil/SoudaBay or findusonFacebookatwww.facebook.com/ NSASoudaBay.

ABOVELEFT:Metlakatka,Ala.(2018) Retired U.S.NavyChief Warrant Officer4 SolomonAtkinson,center is greeted bya representative oftheVeteransAdvocacyOrganization,right and escorted byson-in-lawFranklin Hayward before receiving theAlaska Governor’sVeteranAdvocacyAward during a ceremonyin 2018 Atkinson returned to his nativeAlaska after22years ofNaval service in 1976 continuing to serve his communityon the Indian CommunityCouncil and Board of Education,as a founderand president ofthe firstveteran’s organization onAnnette Island,and as mayorofMetlakatla.

NSA Souda Bay NAVALSUPPORTACTIVITYSOUDABAY,Greece (Aug 3,2023)TheWasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) prepares to moorat the NATO Marathi PierComplexonAug. 2,2023.Naval SupportActivity(NSA) Souda Bayprovided fuel and personnel support services to USS Bataanwhile in port.NSASouda Bayis an operational ashore installationwhich enables and supports U.S.,Allied,Coalition,and Partnernation forces to preserve securityand stability in the European,African,and Central Command areas ofresponsibility.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSDELANEYS.JENSEN)
SECNAV names future Navajo-class towing, salvage, and rescue ship Solomon Atkinson NRMA Commander Visits Naval Station Norfolk RearAdm.WesleyMcCall,Commander NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic conducts multidayintroductorysitevisits to the various Naval Installation located in the Hampton RoadsArea PageB7
ABOVE:UNKNOWN LOCATION (Est.1952) Engineman Seaman SolomonAtkinson smiles fora picture.Atkinson would go on to become one ofthe first U.S.NavySEALs, complete 22years ofactive Naval service and retire in 1973 as ChiefWarrant Officer4.(PHOTOSCOURTESYOFU.S.NAVY)

Sharing the skies: Naval aviation training mitigates risk of bird strikes

Chief of Naval Air Training

Naval Aviation is built on a physically and mentally rigorous syllabus that requires students and instructors to overcome many challenges Student Naval Aviators (SNAs) are sometimes required to make split-second decisions respond to simulated emergencies and, occasionally respond to actual inflightemergencies.Somenavalairstations that support SNA training are located in major migratory corridors where hundreds of migrating bird species create an additionalchallengetosafeflight.Toaddressthis challenge, in June 2010, Commander, Naval Installations Command, established the Bird/Animal Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) program. Later that year Chief of Naval Air Training(CNATRA)implementedtheBASH programacrossallfiveofitstrainingairwing locations. Since its inception, the BASH program has proven to be an essential tool tokeepNavySNAsandinstructorpilotssafe.

CNATRA has 17 squadrons that train in five different geographic locations Each geographic area faces unique challenges in regard to bird migration patterns As a result, each location has developed a unique BASH program made up of environmental and aviation experts These working groups of Navy representatives partner with entities including Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC), U.S. DepartmentofAgriculturewildlifebiologists,natural resource managers, and the Smithsonian Institution Feather Identification Lab to collect and understand wildlife data that shapesdailyairoperations.

TrainingAirWing(TW)5inWhitingField, Florida,andTW-6inPensacola,Florida,face wildlife challenges such as Mississippi kites low-flyingbirdsthatdiveandswoopwhile foraging RyanLynch,wildlifebiologistwith USDA Wildlife Services - Florida Program, saysthisphenomenaincreasesthelikelihood of bird strikes with Navy training aircraft operatingatlowaltitudes

“Mississippi kites are present locally from April through July every year, with as many as40ontheairfieldatonetime,”saidLynch “Theycanbemanagedbyreducingorremovingavailablefoodsourcesand[utilizationof] non-lethaldispersal.Thesebirdsareinsectivorous,andtheU.S.Navyauthorizesacontractor to apply approved insecticides targeting grasshoppers and other insects By removingawildlifeattractant(includingwaterand foodsources,aswellasnestingandperching areas), we encourage kites to seek out other areasforthemtofilltheirdailyrequirements.”

Farther west, for example, excessive rainfall in Corpus Christi, Texas, contributed to the growth of the cattail plant, attracting desert termites, which in turn attracted laughing gulls. These larger sea birds create hazards for pilots in the T-6B Texan II and the T-44C Pegasus that operate out of NAS CorpusChristi All CNATRA bases employ landscape management managing grass height to reduce or eliminate seed production to prevent lower-tier prey, such as mice, from establishing habitats and attracting secondtier predators to the airfield Other passive control measures include placing physical barriers around an airfield and anti-perchingdevices Directcontrolmeasuresinclude responsible use of pyrotechnics, propane

Ascissor-tailed flycatchersits on the barrier fence ofNavalAirStation Kingsville,Nov.2022

NAS Kingsville is located in the Central Flyway a majormigratorypath forhundreds ofspecies ofbirds.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYANNEOWENS/ RELEASED)

cannons, and bioacoustics to encourage species to move elsewhere. The Navy partners with USDA to trap sensitive wildlife species suchashawksandowls andrelocate themtomoreappropriatehabitats

Habitat management by USDA wildlife biologists and NAVFAC natural resources managerssuchasAaronRiffenbaughattempt todecreasepotentiallyhazardousbirdactivityinaircraftoperationsareas Heexplained howdirectcontrolmakesanarealesssuitable forinvasivespecies.

“When it comes to wildlife it’s about caloric balancing, said Riffenbaugh. “If an animal comes into an area and is constantly being moved around the airfield, it’s spendingmorecaloriesthanit’stakingin Fitnessis reduced,reproductionisreduced,andthere’s fewer animals on the landscape over time whenthehabitatislesssuitable Theanimals instinctivelygosomewhereelse.”

The BASH program also helps mitigate interactionsbetweenNavyaircraftandwildlife on the ground Flight lines and outlying fields(OLFs)experiencecomplicationsassociated with the presence of large mammals suchas white-taileddeer and coyotes on the airfield.Preventativemeasuresthathavebeen appliedinthesecasesincludein-groundfencingandlargeslabsofconcreteorrockapplied alongtheperimeterfencetoreduceaccessof largemammalsandburrowinganimalsonto activeairfields

Working with the Smithsonian

Whenanaircraftexperiencesabirdstrike, dataiscollectedforanalysis If a pilot is aware of the bird strike, it is immediately reported upon landing and squadron aviation safety officers write a hazard report for each individual strike. If the pilot does not notice the strike, it’s typi-

cally discovered by maintenance personnel during post flight inspection. Maintenance personnelcollecttheremainsandshipthem totheSmithsonianInstitutionforDNAanalysistodeterminethespecies

Jim Whatton is a research assistant with the Smithsonian Institution Feather Identification Lab in Washington, D.C. and is responsible for identifying wildlife involved in aircraft strikes He then enters that informationintoadatabasethatsupportsmultiple partners

“With over 90% of strikes occurring on take-off and landing, this information is key to managing habitat to prevent problematic species from being attracted to the airfield environment,” said Whatton. “Not all birds ontheairfieldcarrythesameriskandknowing which species are actually getting struck allowsthebiologistsandairfieldmanagersto focus the resources on the problem Having a robust strike record can also help justify changesinsurroundinglandscapesandallocationofresources.”

After the species is identified at the lab, it isrecordedintoRiskManagement Information (RMI), theNavy’ssafetymishapreporting system. USDA biologists engineers and safety personnel can search this data to determinelong-termtrendsandproblematic species to improve aircraft design and flight tacticstomitigatewildliferisks

According to Whatton, the information obtained from these investigations benefits partners at many levels, not just the Navy, helpingtoshapefutureoperations

“TheRMIissearchablefortrendanalysis so biologists can query the data over time to detectchangesinspeciescomposition,monitor for effectiveness of mitigation measures, andprovidehistoricalcontextforriskanalysis,” said Whatton. “The Smithsonian’s vast research collections and expertise make it a perfect place for this type of interagency collaboration. The final goal is to make the skiessaferforallwhofly.”

*** BASH incidents can pose an elevated risk to single engine aircraft that routinely operate in migratory corridors with dense bird activity NAS Kingsville and NAS Meridian arebothlocatedinprimemigratorycorridors, the Central Flyway and Mississippi Flyway, respectively, with bird populations at their highestinthespringandfall According to the National Wildlife Strike Database 92%ofallbirdstrikesoccurataltitudeslessthan3,000feetabovegroundlevel (AGL), with 70% occurring below 500 feet AGL. Naval Aviators reduce their exposure to birds at low altitudes by transiting the air space quickly whenever possible But when pilots are required to train at low altitude, such as takeoff and landing practice, they learn to apply operational risk management (ORM) in order pursue the mission safely For instance SNAs must perform touchand-go’s,amaneuverinwhichthepilotlands and immediately takes off To mitigate the risk of bird strikes during events like these, CNATRA requires that a daily risk assessmentbeconductedtodetermineiftheBASH conditions are conducive to executing daily trainingevents

Avian Radar

Training Air Wing (TW) Two has utilized an avian radar since 2012, building a vast collectionofdatathathashelpedthemoperate in an area of high bird migration. For years,thesysteminplacewasa2Dradarwith rotatingverticalandhorizontalarrayradars, displaying distance to the target, direction of the target, and on the vertical radar the angle of the target, allowing for altitude calculations for targets within the approach and departure corridors This provided a substantialamountofdatabutdidnotprovide altitude information for targets within the 360-degree, four-nautical-mile radius of the airfield. Recently, NAS Kingsville acquired a cutting-edge bird strike avoidance radar system with four 3D panel radars providing 3D information on the targets, including altitude information for all targets within a four-nautical-mileradiusoftheairfield.

This system is equipped with an Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR) camera, providingavisualandthermalimageduring nightordayoperations Whentheradaroperator needs to visually identify a target that hasbeendetected,thecamerapans,tilts,and zoomstothetargetusingthe3Dcoordinates providedbythefourradars Thissystemuses theexisting2Dhorizontalscanningradarand extendsthemonitoredrangefromfour-nautical-milestoeight-nautical-milestoinclude

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy

The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated


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When a bird strike occurs,data is collected foranalysis.The Smithsonian Institution Feather Identification Lab inWashington,D.C processes samples to identifywildlife involved in aircraft strikes The information obtained from these investigations benefits partners at manylevels,not just the Navy helping to shape future operations.(COURTESYPHOTOUSEDWITHPERMISSION FROMTHESMITHSONIANFEATHERIDENTIFICATIONLAB DIVISIONOFBIRDS,NATIONALMUSEUM OFNATURALHISTORY) AT-45
TurntoBirdStrikes, Page 3 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 10 2023
Goshawktakes offon the NAS Kingsville runway.TrainingAirWingTwo utilizes a bird strike avoidance radarsystemwith four3D panel radars, providing essential
on all targetswithin a four-nautical mile radius ofthe airfield.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYANNEOWENS/RELEASED)

IWTC instructor creates poster commemorating USS Stark to promote warrior toughness

Center for Information Warfare Training

PENSACOLA, Fla. An instructor at Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Corry Station, recently created a poster to commemorate the attack on the USS Stark and stimulate conversations on resilience within the electronic warfare community

The framed poster is prominently displayed in one of the military education buildingsforelectronicwarfarecourses Itis meanthonor the crew of the USS Starkand their warrior toughness, a holistic human performance skillset that enhances the toughness and performance resiliency of ourSailors Cmdr.ChristopherDumas,executiveofficer Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) expressed his appreciation for the instructor’s creation, saying that it pays tributetothedisplayofWarriorToughness exhibitedbytheUSSStarkcrew TheposterfeaturesadepictionoftheUSS Stark and reads, “May 17, 1987, an Iraqi F-1 MiragefiredtwoExocetmissilesattheUSS Stark, resulting in the loss of 37 Sailors You willnotbeforgotten.”Italsoliststhenames ofeachsailorlostduringtheattack

Cryptologic Technician Technical 1st Class Brandon Raymer who created the poster, emphasized the strength displayed by military personnel placed in impossible situationandtheneedtomaintainaWarrior Toughnessmindset.

“We need to constantly maintain our Warrior Toughness mindset,” said Raymer “Thisincidentshowsbothwhatwe’recapableofdoingandwhatcouldhappenifwe’re notreadytodoourjob.”

The poster encourages further exploration and study of the USS Stark incident, electronic warfare capabilities, and the evolving nature of warfare in the informationage Itservesasaheartfelttributetothe heroiccrewmembersoftheUSSStark,highlightingtheiractsofvalorandsacrifice.

Notably Raymer created the poster he focused on the Warrior Toughness demon-

Bird Strikes

from Page 2

asmuchcriticalairspaceinNASKingsville’s initialcorridoraspossiblewiththeintention ofseeinglargegroupsoflargebirdsasfarout fromtheairfieldsooner

“TheBASHprogramisavitalresourceto the instructors and student pilots at TrainingAirWingTwo,”saidTW-2Commodore Capt.AaronRybar.“NASKingsville’srecent implementation of a 3D avian radar will go far to mitigate future bird strikes by utilizing data-driven insights that help keep our pilotsandcommunitiessafewhilemodernizing our approach to this problem. The technology in use here in Kingsville allows our talented team to ensure our policies and procedures minimize the avian risk during known periods of high bird migration. The coupling of technology with real timeriskassessmentalongwithdataanalytics of local avian levels has resulted in safer flightoperations whilealsoincreasingsortie completionrates,atruewin-winforboththe communityandthewing.”

BASH Reporting

EddieEarwood,NASKingsville’sresident USDAwildlifebiologist,madeBASHreporting an essential function in Kingsville since 2006 and the avian radar has been instrumental in fostering a safer flight environmentforNavalAviatorsandwildlife.

“One of my main responsibilities was to start pumping data from the radar,” said Earwood. “It starts with reporting; if you don’t have strike reporting you can’t even begin. Prior to 2005, there was very limited BASH reporting, so there was no historical datatocompare.Policieschangedthatleveraged maintenance [personnel] contracts to insure strikes were documented, allowing WingSafetypersonneltothenreportstrikes We were able to turn reporting up to a very highlevel.”

Earwoodsaidhewasinitiallysurprisedby theradardata,whichshowedavastincrease in bird activity at night, when it was previously believed that bird activity was at its highest just after sunrise and just before sunset. Despite occasional bird strikes that occurthroughoutCNATRAunits,Earwood is confident that overall populations of commonly struck species are not impacted and,forcertainspecies,populationsappear tobesignificantlyincreasing

Asfallmigrationapproaches,lastingfrom earlyAugustthroughOctober,Earwoodsays he expects to see an even more accurate collection of data that will help determine the safest corresponding corridor for flight operationstocontinue.

Wildlife Detection and Dispersal Team

Earwood developed a training requirement through Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) to create the Wildlife Detection and Dispersal Team (WDDT).The WDDT is a rapid response team tasked with patrolling the airfield

CryptologicTechnicianTechnical 1st Class Brandon Raymer an instructorat InformationWarfareTraining Command CorryStation,created a posterdepicting attackon the USS Starkin 1987 byan Iraqi F-1 Mirage,which resulted in the loss of37 Sailors.Raymer’s emphasis behind creating the posterwas to showcase the strength andWarriorToughness mindset displayed bymilitarypersonnel placed in impossible situation. (COURTESYPHOTO)

strated by three members from the combat systems field during the incident. Electronic Technician 3rd Class Wayne Weaver III,whosacrificedhislifeaidingcrewmemberstoreachsafety,SeamanMarkCaouette, whocontinuedsecuringshipspacesdespite his own severe injuries, and Gunners Mate 3rd Class Mark Samples who risked his life while cooling the ship’s missile magazine for12hours

Overall, the creation of this poster by

perimeter fence during flight operations, ready to perform direct control duties to keeptheairfieldclear Thisresponsibilityis carriedoutbyfieldsupportpersonnel,who are trained to perform wildlife abatement ontheairfield.

“If the wing duty officer (WDO) sees something concerning on the avian radar, orapilotreportsalargegroupofbirds,they cancalltheWDDTtorespondtothatthreat andreportbacktothetower,”saidEarwood.

“During periods of migration, we increase the requirement for perimeter patrol. We look for large groups of birds coming from the north moving south for the winter We need to get our eyes on them before they enterourcriticalairspace.

Earwoodsaidbirdsnaturallymaneuverto avoidaircraft,butsometimestheirinstincts increasetheriskofcontact.

“Birdstypicallydependongravitytoaccelerateandavoid,”saidEarwood.“Whenthey are above an aircraft and detect that threat, they tuck their wings to descend as quickly aspossible causingthemtofalldirectlyinto theaircraft.

Policy Changes

While monitoring real-time information from the avian radar, and gathering inputs from airborne pilots and the WDDT team on the ground, the WDO is responsible for setting daily BASH conditions. The Navy’s new BASH policy outlines low, moderate high and severe levels of avian radar target counts Thisallowsforgreaterunderstandingofchangingbirdactivityduringtraining

Cmdr Peter Curran, from Weaverville, California, has been a pilot since 2001 and flew the EA-6B Prowler and EA-18G Growler He currently oversees the TW-2 SafetyOfficeinKingsville “BASH is near and dear to our hearts in Kingsville since we are in this migration zone with single-engine aircraft, fighting this battle every day,” said Curran. “Our landing pattern operates at 600 feet above ground level (AGL), which is where a vast majorityofstrikesoccur,andwehavedevelopedoneofthemostcomprehensiveBASH programstomitigaterisk.”

This new BASH policy implemented in April 2022, was driven by the research of Scott Simpson, a former TW-2 instructor pilot who wanted to balance safety with training requirements by efficiently planning flight operations around BASH conditions.

Simpson, from Southlake, Texas, graduatedfromtheNavalAcademywithadegree inmechanicalengineeringandthenearned his Master of Business Administration and master’sdegreefromGeorgiaTechinaerospace engineering During his time in the Navy, Simpson flew the F/A-18 Hornet and the T-45 as an instructor pilot at TW-2 He has since separated from the Navy and currently works for Boston Consulting Group.

“I worked in operations during my four years in Kingsville, and I knew how much bird strike mitigation affected us on the operations side, said Simpson “Two times a year, there are a ton of birds migrating right through Kingsville and the degree of

Raymer demonstrates a proactive effort to raise awareness about resiliency and its significance within the electronic warfare community It serves as a visual representation of the USS Stark incident, inviting reflection, dialogue, and action to bolster resiliencyinthefaceofemergingthreatsand challengesinelectronicwarfare.

IWTCCorryStationisapartoftheCenter forInformationWarfareTraining.Withfour schoolhouse commands a detachment,

concentrationishigherinourlocationthan inothers,makingourobjectiveriskhigher I wanted to use a data-driven approach to apply a more coherent, efficient risk policy that increases safety while also increasing operational tempo, so that ended up being mygoal.

WhiletheavianradarenablesNASKingsvilletomoreaccuratelysetBASHconditions, clear,measurableandhistoricaldataneeded to be captured to make policy changes Simpson’s research into data collected by the avian radar showed that Naval Aviators face the most danger of a bird strike flying low altitude at high speeds for long periods oftime.Asbirdcountincreases pilotsneed tospendlesstimeinthosecriticalareaslow totheground.

“Weintroducedanewprofilewithavery steep climb out at a slower speed, with the intention of getting above that danger zone as quickly as possible and reducing the energyofimpactshouldastrikeoccur,”said Curran. “Using simulators we performed mitigateddeparturesatdifferentairspeeds todetermineifwehaveenoughenergyavailabletolandsafely.Withthisupdatedpolicy withasteeperclimb,ourpilotsareinabetter energyprofiletoreturnforanarrestedlandingincaseofbirdstrike.”

PriortoSimpson’sresearch,BASHconditions wereset bytheWDOandpilots could spendthree-to-fourminuteswaitingbelow 3,000 feet AGL in dangerous airspace for wingmentotakeoffandjointhem increasingriskofbirdstrikewitheverymoment.

“Thistheoryhelpedusbuildanewdeparture profile that is currently being used to reduceriskwhenwelaunchairplanes,”said Simpson.“Wedidhaveareducedriskrecovery profile already in place, but the profile didn’t exist for departures By implementing a new profile for launching aircraft the probabilityofabirdstrikeisreduced.Inthe worst case scenario of a bird strike going down the engine, this new profile gives the pilottheabilitytoreturntotheairfieldfora safelanding.”

Simpsonhopeshisresearchcreatesasafer environmentforNavalAviatorsatTW-2and further benefits other units throughout the Naval Air Training Command (NATRACOM)enterprise.

“Ultimately Ihopethatmyresearchsaves lives and saves aircraft, said Simpson. “I’d love to hear someday that a pilot made it backtothefieldonareduced-riskdeparture profile that they wouldn’t have otherwise I also hope these policies expand beyond KingsvillethroughouttheNATRACOMand thatallofnavalaviationcanbenefitfromthe practiceswe’veimplementedinKingsville.”

Personal Account

CNATRA’sthoroughemergencyresponse training prepares pilots for a range of highrisk possibilities, but study and simulation can never completely duplicate all of the factorspresentedinanactualin-flightemergency Cmdr Cody Dowd from Bartlesville Oklahoma has been a pilot since 2006 and hasflownwithfleetsquadronsoperatingthe C-2AGreyhound Hehasspentclosetonine yearsofhisNavycareerflyinginandaround

and training sites throughout the United States and Japan, CIWT trains over 26,000 studentseveryyear,deliveringtrainedinformation warfare professionals to the Navy and joint services CIWT also offers more than 200 courses for cryptologic technicians, intelligence specialists, information systems technicians, electronics technicians,andofficersintheinformationwarfare community


InSeptember2022,Dowdwasinaformation flight on short final approach when he sawalargebirdontherightsideofhisplane disappearbelowtheglareshieldandimpact theaircraft

“Based on the trajectory, it had a decent chancetohavegonedownmyrightintake,” said Dowd “Upon impact, I immediately thought about where I was in time and space, what configuration the jet was in, what the health of my engine was, and how tomaneuverthejettogetintoabetterprofile to maximize my time in a more effective ejection envelope as well as ensuring that we had enough energy on the jet to land it ontherunway.

He quickly took controls and nosed the plane over to intercept a steeper landing profile On the landing, Dowd noted that engine readings were nominal, and the landing was uneventful. Blood spatter was found in the starboard wheel well between theintakeandthelandinggear.Itwasdetermined that no damage had occurred to the aircraft.

“BASH is something that all Kingsville pilots,IPsandstudents,takeseriously,”said Dowd “With the use of our radar, and with theimplementationofournewTW-2BASH mitigation policies, I think we have done as much as we can to mitigate the risks of sharingtheseskieswithourfeatheredavian friends.”


Changes to the BASH mitigation policy benefitTW-2strikestudentsandinstructor pilots, keeping them safer at their training wing airfield, and also benefit the wing as a whole, more clearly defining the accessibility and limits of operations during high migratoryperiodsorsevereBASHrisk and allowing training to continue when conditionsarefavorable

The avian radar now in place at NAS Kingsvillenowholdsthecapabilitytoreport the target’s size, altitude, and direction of travel that could pose a risk to Naval Aviators and flight operations Additionally, it can track large and small mammals moving onoracrossarunway,dayornight,andallow air traffic control to warn pilots and deploy rapid response teams to disperse animals thatposearisktopilotsandtheiraircraft.

Even with only a few months of data collectedsinceupdatedBASHpolicieswent into effect, the trends have been distinctly positive. From January to August 2022, TW-2 has 14 less bird strikes than in 2021 in the same time span. While the safety of CNATRA’s Naval Aviators will always remainatoppriority,ultimately evenwhen birdstrikeriskislow,it’sneverzero.

CNATRA’s mission is to train, mentor, and deliver the highest quality Naval Aviators who prevail in competition, crisis, and conflict. Headquartered at NAS Corpus Christi, CNATRA comprises five training airwingsinFlorida,Mississippi,andTexas, which are home to 17 training squadrons In addition CNATRA oversees the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron the Blue Angels and the training curriculum for all fleetreplacementsquadrons

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3,000 Sailors and Marines arrive in Middle East aboard USS Bataan, USS Carter Hall




Morethan3,000U.S.SailorsandMarinesofthe BataanAmphibiousReadyGroup(ARG)and26thMarineExpeditionary Unit(MEU)arrivedintheMiddleEast,Aug.6,aspartofapre-announced DepartmentofDefensedeployment.

AmphibiousassaultshipUSSBataan(LHD50)anddocklandingship USS Carter Hall (LSD 50) entered the Red Sea after transiting from the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal. Bataan ARG/26th MEU units bring to the region additional aviation and naval assets, as well as moreU.S.MarinesandSailors,providinggreaterflexibilityandmaritime capabilitytoU.S.5thFleet.

Anamphibiousassaultshipcancarrymorethantwodozenrotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft, including MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and AV-8BHarrierattackjetsinadditiontoseveralamphibiouslandingcraft. A dock landing ship also supports operations for various rotary-wing aircraft tacticalvehiclesandamphibiouslandingcraft.

TheBataanARGdepartedNorfolk,VirginiaonJuly10withAmphibiousSquadron8,FleetSurgicalTeam8,TacticalAirControlSquadron21, HelicopterSeaCombatSquadron26,AssaultCraftUnit4,BeachMaster Unit2andthe26thMEU.

The 26th MEU, based in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, is capable ofconductingamphibiousmissions,crisisresponseandlimitedcontingencyoperationstoincludeenablingtheintroductionoffollow-onforces anddesignatedspecialoperations.

TheU.S.5thFleetareaofoperationsencompassesapproximately2.5 millionsquaremilesofwaterspaceandincludestheArabianGulf,Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, parts of the Indian Ocean and three critical choke pointsattheStraitofHormuz,SuezCanalandStraitofBabal-Mandeb.

Director, DHA J3/5/7 visits NAMRU San Antonio


Naval Medical Research Unit San Antonio


NIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON Capt Robert Hawkins, director, J3/5/7, Defense Health Agency (DHA) and director U.S. Navy Nurse Corps, along with Capt. William Deniston, commander, Naval Medical Research Command (NMRC), visited and toured facilities of Naval Medical ResearchUnit(NAMRU)SanAntonio at the Battlefield Health and Trauma Research Institute and Tri-Service ResearchLaboratory

NAMRUSanAntonio’smissionisto conduct gap driven combat casualty care, craniofacial, and directed energy research to improve survival, operational readiness, and safety of Department of Defense (DoD) personnel engaged in routine and expeditionary operations

It is one of the leading research and development laboratories for the U.S. NavyundertheDoDandisoneofeight subordinateresearchcommandsinthe global network of laboratories operatingunderNMRCinSilverSpring,Md


HOUSTON–(Aug 3,2023)–Cmdr Drew Havard deputydirector,Craniofacial HealthandRestorativeMedicine(CHRM), NavalMedicalResearchUnit(NAMRU)San Antonio joinedbyCapt.JenniferBuechel, incomingcommandingofficer,andChief ScienceDirectorDr SylvainCardin,briefs Capt.RobertHawkins,director,J3/5/7 DefenseHealthAgency(DHA)anddirector, U.S.NavyNurseCorps,onaNAMRUSan Antonio-inventedtracheadeviceduringa tourofNAMRUSanAntoniofacilitiesatthe BattlefieldHealthandTraumaResearch Institute.NAMRUSanAntonio’smission istoconductgapdrivencombatcasualty care craniofacial,anddirectedenergy researchtoimprovesurvival operational readiness,andsafetyofDepartmentof Defense(DoD)personnelengagedin routineandexpeditionaryoperations. Itisoneoftheleadingresearchand developmentlaboratoriesfortheU.S. NavyundertheDoDandisoneofeight subordinateresearchcommandsinthe globalnetworkoflaboratoriesoperating underNavalMedicalResearchCommand inSilverSpring,Md.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY BURRELLPARMER NAMRUSANANTONIO PUBLICAFFAIRS/RELEASED)

Traffic accident launches Region West leaders into action



Commander, Navy Recruiting Command MILLINGTON, Tenn. Sailors from Navy Recruiting Command Region West wereontheirwaytotheDenverairportafter leaving a leadership conference when the unthinkablehappened.Whiledrivingdown aColoradointerstateacarnearlymissedthe front end of their lead vehicle and crashed intothecarinthenextlane,forcingbothcars intothehighwayguardrail.

Capt. Tommy L. Edgeworth, deputy

commodore for Navy Recruiting Region West, along with the rest of the leadership fromRegionWestimmediatelypulledover and instinctively jumped into action.

“Without even discussing anything, someone called 911 and gave the authorities all the relevant information, my two master chiefs started directing traffic to keep ‘looky-loos’ from causing another accident, and the rest of us checked on the motoristsinvolvedinthecrash,”saidEdgeworth.

Like a well-oiled machine, the Navy Recruiting Region West commodore and

hisstaffwereabletoimplementtheiryears of military experience and leadership to quickly and effectively respond to the situation until the police and paramedics arrived. “It feels good to give back and help in a situationlikethat,becauseyouneverknow whensomethinglikethatisgoingtohappen and how you’ll react,” said Edgeworth.

Theteamstayedonsceneuntilallparties were taken care of by local authorities Thankfully, their military background helped guide their instinct and quick reaction to help keep a bad scene from getting

worse “Itfeltlikeeverybodywastrainedforthis moment, because it happened so quickly and nobody hesitated. Everyone jumped out and went right into reaction mode to try and help.” Navy Recruiting Command consists of a commandheadquarters twoNavyRecruitingRegionsand26NavyTalentAcquisition Groupsthatservemorethan815recruiting stations across the world. Their combined goal is to attract the highest quality candidates to assure the ongoing success of America’s Navy

SUEZ CANAL(Aug 6,2023)AU.S.Navysailorfrom USS Bataan (LHD 5) standswatch as the amphibious assault ship transits the SuezCanalwith the 26th Marine ExpeditionaryUnit (MEU), Aug.6,2023.Components ofthe BataanAmphibious ReadyGroup and 26th MEU are deployed to the U.S.5th Fleet area ofoperations to help ensure maritime securityand stabilityin the Middle East region.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYCPL.NAYELLYNIEVES-NIEVES)
SUEZ CANAL(Aug.6,2023)Amphibious docklanding ship USS CarterHall (LSD 50) transits the SuezCanal,Aug. 6,2023,as a component ofthe BataanAmphibious ReadyGroup (ARG) Elements ofthe BataanARG and 26th Marine ExpeditionaryUnit are deployed to the U.S.5th Fleet area ofoperations to help ensure maritime security and stabilityin the Middle East region.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYSGT.MATTHEWROMONOYSKE-BEAN) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 10 2023

Results of Navy 2023 Tenant Satisfaction Survey Released

Commander, Navy Installations Command


Each year, Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) conducts a Tenant Satisfaction Survey(TSS)throughathird-partycontract inordertoprovidemilitaryhouseholdswith avoluntaryandconfidentialopportunityto share open and honest feedback on their housing experience This year’s privatized housing survey was conducted between March 20 and May 5 of 2023 and results showed a slight increase in overall satisfactionwithNavyhousing

Currentresidentsofgovernmentowned/ leased (GOL) family housing (FH), unaccompaniedhousing(UH)andPublicPrivate Venture (PPV) FH, UH completed their surveys virtually and were able to provide feedback on their overall experience, satisfaction with their accommodations and propertymanagementservice


„ GOL FH overall satisfaction index increasedby0.5fromFY22to76.3

„ GOLUHoverallsatisfactionincreasedby 0.9fromFY22to80.5

„ PPVFHoverallsatisfactiondecreasedby 0.1fromFY22to76.1.

„ PPVUHoverallsatisfactionincreasedby 4.8fromFY22to85.0.

The Navy is the only service to survey its unaccompaniedhousingresidents

“Our mission is to provide safe quality housing and related services in support of the Navy’s mission and readiness,” said Mr Stephen Drumm, Director of Navy Housing for CNIC “All tenants of Navy housing have a voice and it is important that the Navyhearsfromasmanyresidentsaspossible The feedback received during the TSS is used to make improvements that benefit theentireNavycommunity.”

About the Survey

The annual TSS is funded by the Department of the Navy (DON) and this year’s survey was conducted by CEL & Associates, Inc. (CEL). The survey focused on threesatisfactionindexes overallsatisfaction,propertysatisfactionandservicesatisfaction These indices provide CNIC with a snapshot of residents’ opinions regarding the condition of the homes and neighborhoods, and the quality of the services provided.

The housing survey is conducted annually across 69 installations consisting of 81,309 residences, which included family andunaccompaniedhousingthatisgovernment-owned/leasedaswellaspublicprivate venturehousing

Survey Results for Family Housing

The TSS indicates positive feedback in safety, security, and the overall courtesy andrespectwithwhichtenantsaretreated, specifically in the areas of responsiveness professionalism,andqualityofmaintenance personnelandleasing/housingoffice.

Of the 35,172 surveys distributed to PPV residents 33% responded (up 28.9% from 25.6%theprioryear),generatingthefollowing average scores, based on a 100-point scale:

„ Overall Satisfaction Index: 76.1 (0.1 point decreasefromFY22)

„ Property Satisfaction Index: 72.3 (0.5 pointdecreasefromFY22)

„ ServiceSatisfactionIndex:78.6(0.4point increasefromFY22)

Acrossthe47installationssurveyed,77% (36) rated in the Outstanding, Very Good, Good,orAverageranges(100.0thru70.0)in theOverallScore;17%(8)ratedBelowAverage(69.9thru65.0);and4%(2)ratedPooror Very Poor (64.9 thru 55). (One installation hadnosurveysreturned.)


Of the 5,616 surveys distributed to GOL family housing residents 26.8% responded (no increase/decrease from prior year) generating the following average scores basedona100-pointscale:

„ Overall Satisfaction Index: 76.3 (.5 point increasefromFY22)

„ Property Index: 76.5 (no increase/ decreasefromFY22)

„ ServiceIndex:76.4(.5pointincreasefrom FY22)

Across the 14 installations surveyed, 86% (12) rated in the Outstanding Very Good, Good,orAverageranges(100.0thru70.0)in theOverallScore;14%(2)ratedBelowAverage(69.9thru65.0);and0%(0)ratedPooror VeryPoor(64.9thru55).

Survey Results for Unaccompanied Housing

The TSS indicates positive feedback in areassuchastheoveralllevelandqualityof the leasing or housing office, the courtesy, respectandprofessionalismprovided,safety andsecurity


Of the 5,935 surveys distributed to PPV unaccompanied housing residents, 23% responded (94.9% increase from 11.8% in FY22) generating the following average scores,basedona100-pointscale:

„ OverallSatisfactionIndex:85.0(4.8point increasefromFY22)

„ PropertySatisfactionIndex:82.1(3.1point increasefromFY22)

„ ServiceSatisfactionIndex:86.2(6.4point increasefromFY22)

Across the two installations surveyed, 100% (2) rated in the Outstanding, Very Good, Good, or Average ranges (100.0 thru 70.0)intheOverallScore.


Of the 34,586 surveys distributed to GOL unaccompanied housing residents, 26 percent responded (2.2 percent increase from FY22) generating the following averagescores,basedona100-pointscale: „ Overall Satisfaction Index: 80.5 (.9 point increasefromFY22)

„ Property Index: 79.2 (.4 point increase fromFY22) „ Service Index: 81.6 (1.5 point increase fromFY22)

Across the 65 installations surveyed, 86.2% (56) rated in the Outstanding Very Good, Good, or Average ranges (100.0 thru 70.0) in the Overall Score; 9.2% (6) rated Below Average (69.9 thru 65.0); and 4.6% (3)ratedPoororVeryPoor(64.9thru55).

A detailed summary of the FY23/Report Year 2022 TSS results can be found here: https://www.cnic.navy.mil/ffr/housing/ HQ_Housing_Programs/surveys.html

Recent Efforts, Ongoing Improvements

Navy unaccompanied housing recently introducedaprogramtoimproveUHmaintenance and continues to test and explore other solutions to improve the quality of Navybarracks Lastyear all10Navyregions have introduced maintenance QR code reportingtounaccompaniedhousingfacili-

tiesallowingformuchmoreefficientreportingthantheprevious system.WhenSailors notice a maintenance issue, they can scan a unique QR code posted within the building insidetheirlivingspacesandcommonareas, fill out a brief online form, and submit the reporttobuildingmanagement

Other initiatives currently underway for unaccompaniedhousingincludethedevelopment of an interface between enterprise Military Housing, the property management system for housing, and MAXIMO, the maintenance management system for the Public Works Department This automatedexchangewillimprovethetrackingof maintenancerequestsfromrequestthrough completion.

“Navy Housing truly values the opinions ofSailorsandtheirfamiliesabouttheirhousing The TSS is a great way to collectively express what is great about Navy Housing and what can be improved,” said Jon Skelton, CNIC Housing Operations and Policy branchmanager “Icannotthanktheparticipants enough for the excellent response ratesthisyear Ittrulyshowshowimportant housing is to our service members when so manytaketimetoprovidethisleveloffeedback.

For more information about Navy Housing, go to www.cnic.navy.mil/ffr/housing html or visit your Navy Housing Service Center Commander, Navy Installations Command is responsible for worldwide U.S. Navy Shore installation management, designing and developing integrated solutions for sustainment and development of Navy shore infrastructure as well as qualityoflifeprograms CNICoversees10Navy regions, 69 installations, and more than 43,000 employees who sustain the fleet, enable the fighter, and support the family Follow CNIC on social media: Facebook, Facebook.com/NavyInstallations; Twitter @cnichq;andInstagram,@cnichq.

U.S. 4th Fleet announces Continuing Promise 2023 deployment


Command / U.S. 4th Fleet

TheU.S.Navyexpeditionaryfasttransport USNS Burlington (T-EPF 10) will deploy to the U.S. Southern Command area of operationsoverthenexttwomonthsaspartofU.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet’s Continuing Promise 2023 mission. Detailed planning has wrapped up for the BurlingtontovisitPanama,Colombia,TrinidadandTobago,andGrenada.Duringthese mission stops, Continuing Promise medical teams will focus on working alongside partnernationmedicalpersonneltoprovide careincommunityclinicstoincreasemedical readiness, strengthen partnerships, and enhance the combined capabilities of the U.S. Navy and partner nations to respond to public health disasters and humanitariancrises

“TheContinuingPromisemissionreflects our enduring commitment to the region as we work collaboratively with our friends to ensure a secure, free, and prosperous hemisphere,” said Rear Adm. Jim Aiken, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet “Continuing Promise 2023 allows us to work together with our friends in partner nations to improvelives.

The Burlington will bring a medical engagement team to each mission stop to provide some direct patient care in communityclinicsandthroughhostnation medical facilities The team includes veterinarians who will work with animals in the host nation, biomedical technicians Navy Seabeeswhowillconductsmallengineering projects,andtheU.S.FleetForcesNavyBand Detachment, which will entertain people throughschoolvisitsandconcerts

Cmdr Charles Castevens will serve as the Continuing Promise 2023 Mission Commander “This is an ideal opportunity for us to make a difference in four partner nations,”saidCastevens “ContinuingPromise 2023 will strengthen partnerships and positively impact the people we come into contactwith, hesaid

Continuing Promise 2023 will also include training and subject matter expert exchanges on various medical and human-

CARTAGENA,Colombia (July2,2023) Colombian NavySailors observe as the expeditionaryfast transport USNS Burlington (T-EFP10) arrives at Colombian Base Naval LogisticaARC“Bolivar”,Colombia in preparation forUNITAS LXIV July2,2023.Burlington is one of26vessels slated to participate in UNITAS LXIV,theworld’s longest running maritime exercise,July11-21.Colombia is hosting UNITAS LXIVthisyearwith nearly7,000 people from 20 nations.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT.J.G NICKOWEST/RELEASED)

itarian assistance/disaster relief topics and leading seminars on Women, Peace and Security(WPS).

WPS is a United Nations initiative that startedwithUNSCR1325signedin2000 It wasapublicacknowledgementthatwomen aremoreadverselyimpactedbyconflictand crisis,andthatincludingwomeninsecurity planningwillleadtoamorepeacefulworld.

The Department of Defense (DoD) signed the WPS Implementation Plan in 2020 It outlines defense objectives and goals that the DoD will strive to achieve in order to movethebartowardfullWPSimplementation.

U.S. Southern Command and U.S. 4th FleetarededicatedtoWPSandthepromotionofgenderedperspectives

Continuing Promise 2023 marks the 13th missiontotheregionsince2007andthefirst involvingUSNSBurlington.Themissionwill alsofostergoodwill,strengthenexistingpartnerships with partner nations, and encourage the establishment of new partnerships amongcountries,non-governmentorganizations,andinternationalorganizations

The USNS Burlington is an Expeditionary Fast Transport (EPF), a shallow draft, all aluminum commercial-based catamarancapableofregionaltransportofpersonnel and cargo lift, providing combatant commanders high-speed sealift mobility withinherentcargohandlingcapabilityand agility to achieve positional advantage over operational distances The Burlington will

bringthepersonnel,equipmentandsupplies necessarytoconducttheContinuingPromisemission.

U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/ U.S. 4th Fleet supports U.S. Southern Command’s joint and combined military operationsbyemployingmaritimeforcesin cooperativemaritimesecurityoperationsto maintain access, enhance interoperability, and build enduring partnerships in order to enhance regional security and promote peace, stability and prosperity in the Caribbean, Central and South American region LearnmoreaboutUSNAVSOUTH/4thFleet athttps://www.fourthfleet.navy.mil,https:// www.facebook.com/NAVSOUS4THFLT and@NAVSOUS4THFLT

PEARLHARBOR Hawaii (March 8,2019) Gabrunas Hall unaccompanied housing onJoint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSCHARLESOKI/RELEASED)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 10 2023 5

Environmental Evaluation: ONR part of joint effort to deploydata buoys across Arctic Ocean

ByLt.KirkWhitney,NavyReservist and AerospaceEngineering Duty Officer OfficeofNavalResearch

ARLINGTON,Va. —InJuly 2023,the Office of NavalResearch (ONR) partnered withthe144thAirliftSquadronoftheAlaska Air National Guardtodeployfive different types of weather buoys across morethan 1,000nauticalmilesoftheArcticOcean.

Such deploymentsare critical for maintaining the Arctic Observing Network (AON), which provides observations for weather and ice forecasting and related research.

The buoyair deployment supported the International ArcticBuoyProgramme (IABP),acollaborativeprogramcomprising morethan32different research and operationalinstitutionsfrom10differentcountries andfourinternationalagencies—including theInternationalCooperativeEngagement Program for Polar Research (ICE-PPR), European Meteorological Network, World Climate Research Programme and World MeteorologicalOrganization

The objectiveofthe IABP is to establishand maintain anetwork of data buoys acrossthe entireArctic Ocean to provide meteorological, sea ice andoceanographic dataforreal-timeoperationalrequirements andresearchpurposes.ONRisanexecutive member of theIABP,contributingsignificantlytotheacquisitionanddeploymentof buoysintheArctic.

“Understanding oceanand weather conditions in the Arcticregion is crucial to ensuring safe,effectivenaval operations in this challengingpart of the world,” said Chief of NavalResearchRear Adm. Kurt Rothenhaus. “Exercises like this buoy drop areatestamenttothe valueofstrong international scientific partnerships and collaboration, in ordertoshare knowledge, resourcesandinsights.”

On July 11 and 12,two flightsdeployed 21 buoysevenly along the flight path from Barrow,Alaska,across the Eurasianregion

oftheArcticOcean.Thebuoyswilltrackair pressure, temperature,ice driftand ocean currents

The 144th Airlift Squadron(the“Arctic Wolves”) and part of the 176th Wing (the “Arctic Guardians”)conducted the flights on aC-17GlobemasterIII aircraft. In addition to personnel from the 176th Wing participantsincludedprofessorsandscientistsfromtheUniversityofWashingtonand the University of Maryland as well as ONR reservists

Flying over such alarge area provided agreat opportunity for visual surveys and documentationofthe ice.Fivetypes of buoys —Ice Trackers, IceBalls,ICEXAIR, AirExpendable IceBeaconsand an experimentalbuoy—weredeployedfromtheC-17

TheIce Trackers,Ice Balls, ICEXAIRs and experimentalbuoyweredeployeddirectly onto the ice,while the AXIBs landed in cracks betweenthe seaice.The buoyshave uniquedesignfeaturestohelpthemsurvive theharshenvironment.

Both flights provided auseful training objectiveforthe144thAirliftSquadronand servedasanefficientmethod fordeploying buoysacrosstheaustere,remoteregion.The squadron also used the mission as training for Arctic rescue air drops.Data collected from the buoys enhanceweather and ice forecasting and environmentalmodels, reducingtherisktoassetsintheArctic.

In addition, as the annual cycles of freezingand thawingoccur, buoys maybe crushedbytheseaice,driftoutoftheArctic


The AON, and the buoys,mustbereplenishedperiodically to provide continuous environmentaldata.

This effort emphasizesthe great scientificand operational capabilities achieved throughcollaborationbetweenU.S.DepartmentofDefense(DoD)researchprofessionals,academic professors and researchers; NavyReserveandAirNationalGuardunits; andcontractors

ONR is akey contributor to the IABP through both its Arctic and Global PredictionprogramandtheICE-PPR,whichhelps tomaintaintheArcticbuoynetwork.Seven nations collaborate through the ICE-PPR, including the U.S. DoD,the Department of National Defence ofCanada, the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Finland,the NewZealand Defence Force, the Ministry of Defence of theKingdom of Norway and the Government of the KingdomofSweden.

ONR also helps support the U.S. Interagency Arctic Buoy Program (USIABP), whichismanagedbytheUniversityofWashington’sPolarScienceCenter,AppliedPhysics Laboratory as well as the U.S. National IceCenter

The USIABP is supported by contributions of logistics and funds from ONR, the AlaskaAir National Guard, the National Science Foundation,the U.S. CoastGuard, the National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration, the NationalAeronautics andSpace Administration, theDepartment ofEnergy and the NorthSlopeBorough of Alaska Such partnershipshavemanybenefits, such as standardization,equipmentsharing and eliminating unnecessary duplicationofwork.Thecooperationalsofacilitates efficient and cost-effectivepolar research, development,testandevaluationprojects.

From left to right,AlaskaAirNational GUardSeniorMasterSgt.BrianJohnson,Tech.Sgt.Chris Eggleston and SeniorMasterSgt.Cecil Dickerson,loadmasters assignedtothe 144thAirlift Squadron atJoint Base Elmendorf-Richardson,preparetodeployanAir-Deployable Expendable IceBuoy(AXIB) buoyduring an airdrop mission overtheArctic Ocean,July12,2023.The Office of NavalResearchpartneredwith the 144thAS to deployfive different typesofdata-gathering buoys across morethan 1,000 nautical milesoftheArctic Ocean.(U.S.AIRFORCEPHOTOBYAIRMAN 1STCLASSSHELIMARRIVERAROSADO) AlaskaAirNational GuardAirmen assignedtothe 144thAirliftSquadron prepareweatherbuoys atJoint Base Elmendorf-Richardson onJuly10,2023,foranairdrop mission overtheArctic Ocean.The Office ofNavalResearchpartneredwith the 144thAS to deployfive differenttypes ofdata-gathering buoys across morethan 1,000 nautical milesoftheArctic Ocean.(U.S.AIR FORCEPHOTOBYAIRMAN1STCLASSSHELIMARRIVERAROSADO) 6 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, August10, 2023

NRMA Commander Visits NSN

NORFOLK,VA(August2,2023)AnthonyBenning,the NavalStation NorfolkMorale,Wellness, and Recreation Fitness and Sports Director,left,shows RearAdm.WesleyMcCall,Commander NavyRegionMid-Atlantic,center,one ofthe interiorgyms on boardNAVSTANorfolk.Thisis part ofMcCall’smultidayintroductorysitevisitstothevarious NavalInstallation located in the HamptonRoadsArea (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS JOSEPHTMILLER)

NORFOLK,VA(August2,2023)Capt.JanetDays,Commanding Officer,NavalStation (NAVSTA)Norfolk,right,shows RearAdm.WesleyMcCall,Commander,NavyRegion MidAtlantic,left,the improvementsmade to the C-9 auditorium onboardNAVSTANorfolk.This is part ofMcCall’smultidayintroductorysitevisitstothevarious NavalInstallation located in the HamptonRoadsArea (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS JOSEPHTMILLER)

NORFOLK,VA(August2,2023)RearAdm.WesleyMcCall,Commander,NavyRegion MidAtlantic,center,accompaniedbyseveral otherNavyand Civilian personnel,followsJames McDonald,the NavalStation NorfolkAirTerm Managerthrough awarehouse that is part ofthe NAVSTANorfolkAirMobilityCommandAirPassengerTerminal.This is part ofMcCall’smultiday introductorysitevisitstothevarious NavalInstallation located in the HamptonRoadsArea (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHTMILLER)

NORFOLK,VA(August2,2023)Cmdr.RayGambel,left,tells RearAdm.WesleyMcCall, Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic,center,and Cmdr.MichaelJarosz,right,about problems affecting NavalStation Norfolk’sairfields.This is part ofMcCall’smultiday introductorysitevisitstothevarious NavalInstallation located in the HamptonRoadsArea (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHTMILLER)

www flagshipnews.com |The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, August10, 2023 7
8 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, August10, 2023

On iberty

Delicious kebabs & skewers stake your claim as the neighborhood grill master!

We’ve got something foreveryonewith these fourdifferent recipes and flavors to getyou grilling this summer! PageC4

Hurrah Players production of All Shook

Up to be performed this weekend, Hugh Copeland tells us all about it


Get ready to get all shook up this weekend August 10-13th as the award winning, Virginia’s leading family theatre company, the Hurrah Players presents: All Shook Up at the Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing ArtsCenteratVirginiaWesleyanUniversity

This incredible Broadway show inspired by and featuring the songs of Elvis Presley is set in 1955 in a quiet, sleepy small town where a young mechanic named Natalie yearns for love and adventure when Chad, a guitar playing young man comes to that small town and changes for the better, everyone that he meets. Some of the songs featured are: Heartbreak Hotel, Jailhouse Rock,OneNightWithYou,HoundDog,Blue SuedeShoesandmanymore

Tickets can be purchased at https:// hurrahplayers.com/


Up and more is Hugh Copeland, founder andArtisticDirectoroftheHurrahPlayers

What is All Shook Up about, why should people come? What will they see, hear and experience?

Hugh Copeland: All Shook Up is a Broadway musical featuring 24 Elvis Presley songs I knew it would be a hit because peopleloveElvis,hissongsandtheylovethe humor,story,andthewarmthofthisproduction. We did it six years ago and it was a big

hit. It’s a perfect summer show because it’s a feel good musical with a lot of joy, lots of dancing and singing with a message too Elvis’s song at the end says, “If I can dream ofabetterplacewhereamancanwalkhand and hand, why can’t my dream come true.” And then everybody is unified and singing that big finale It’s a great feel good musical and you can see it this weekend at Virginia Wesleyan Goode Theatre, one of the most beautifultheatresinthearea.


HC: The good thing about All Shook Up is that it’s for every age and we reflect that withthecasting.Alladultroleslikethelady that owns the Honky Tonk Bar, the father of the mechanic, the sheriff, the mayor are all played by adults. Most of our cast are in theirteensandearly20’swholoveperforming and singing these Elvis songs Stephen Culpepper, who plays Chad, has been with Hurrahsincehewasfive.Thefirstsongshe sangforuswereElvissongs Sothisisreally aculminationoflovingElvisandnowgetting to play the Elvis character in this broadway musical

Y: For those new to the area, can you talk abouttheHurrahPlayers,whatyouofferto who and why should parents register their childrenforclasses?

HC: We are Virginia’s leading family theatre. The Tony Awards gave us honors saying we are one of the 20 in the country

And our secret is that everyday we teach classes When you see our young performers on stage, people ask, how can they do that?Thesecretisthattheycometoclasses after their regular school day, 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM and 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. They have the opportunity to learn to sing, act anddance Theyworkonallkindsofdance, musical theatre, acting TV acting, we train themthentheyputitonstageandcontinue to grow As we speak we have eight former Hurrah students on Broadway now. We also teach the importance of sharing your talents, working together and appreciating eachother Weteachthemlessonsinlifelike discipline, responsibility, commitment and thevalueofpartnership

HC:Westartour39thseasonwithJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat We have auditions for it next Tuesday August 15th-17th All those who are interested please call the office 757 627-5437 or register to audition. It’s a big cast. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s first musical. It’s a big hit, going for 40 years This will be the third time we have done the production. It is a bigcrowdpleaseranditreallyshowcasesso manyofourstudents’talents.

Y: Can you tell us what else you have in storeforusduringyour39thseason?

HC: Along with Joseph, we have our annual Christmas musical extravaganza Hurrah for the Holidays and for our 33rd

season, the Best Christmas Pageant Ever based on the book that teaches us the true meaning of Christmas For Black History, this year we are doing Path to Freedom, in MarchwearedoingMatilda,inMayweare doing Curious George and our big musical next summer is Little Shop of Horrors and wehavea50’sReviewthatwillbetouring.

Y: Let’s learn a little about you. Where were you born and who motivated you to pursueacareerintheatre.

HC: I was born in Belvedere, a little Quaker community in North Carolina and mygrandmother,whowasaSundayschool teacherattheQuakerChurch,unbeknownst to her, was my first theater teacher She would act out her lessons by taking what waswrittenandbringittolifeandthatabsolutelyamazedme Myfatheractuallybuilta theatreinourgaragewhenIwas7yearsold andIwouldwriteplays,rehearsethemwith myfriendsandthenwewouldputthemon, chargingpeoplemoney Thatwasthebeginningofmypassionfortheatre.

The most amazing thing that happened inmylifewasthatIattendedSmithCollege, originallyanallgirls’school.Iwasfortunate in that for 7 years, men were allowed to get a masters degree in theatre there because they had just started the theatre program andneededstudents

TurntoAllShookUp, Page 2

The Gatlin Brothers bring country and Christmas to the Sandler Center this December



sixty-seven years the Gatlin Brothers have entertained audiences in venues and stages allovertheworld.FromtheGrandOleOpry and Carnegie Hall to the Grammy Awards and U.S. Presidential performances, Larry, Steve, and Rudy have dazzled audiences acrosstheglobe ThisDecember,theGatlin Brothers will bring their Country & Christmas tour to the Sandler Center in Virginia Beach.

The Langley Federal Credit Union Concert Series presents The Gatlin Brothers: Country & Christmas on Wednesday, December 20 at 7:30 PM at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or by visiting the Sandler Center box office located at 201 Market Street,VirginiaBeach,VA23462.Ticketsare priced at $34, $44, $49, and $64 plus applicablefees

The Gatlin Brothers have accrued a lifetime of noteworthy achievements in their storybook career, including a Grammy for Best Country Song (“Broken Lady”), three ACM awards for Single of the Year (“All The Gold In California”), Album of the Year (Straight Ahead) and Male Vocalist of the Year, along with five nominations for CMA Vocal Group of the Year Single and Album. The Brothers have accumulated seven#1Singles thirty-twoTop40Records

twenty-four Studio Albums, and five BMI “Million-Air” Awards They have been privileged to grace the stage with legendary entertainers like Kenny Rogers, Brad Paisley, Rascal Flatts, Vince Gill, The Oak RidgeBoys,theGaitherVocalBand,andThe Isaacs just to name a few As a solo writer Larry ranks fourth on Billboard’s Top 40 self-penned hits His impressive song cata-

log has been recorded by the “Who’s Who” of entertainers, including Elvis Presley, BarbraStreisand,JohnnyCash,RoyOrbison, GlenCampbell,KrisKristofferson,SirTom Jones, Dottie West, Charlie Rich, Johnny Mathis,andmanyothers,securinghislegacy as one of BMI’s top solo songwriters He wasmostrecentlyinductedtotheNashville SongwriterHallofFame

The Gatlin Brothers’ career began in Abilene, Texas in 1955 when Larry was seven,Stevewasfour,andRudywastwo.The brothersgrewupsinginggospelmusicwhile listeningtoJamesBlackwoodandtheBlackwoodBrothers HovieLister TheStatesmen Quartet, and other accomplished gospel artists Aschildren,thebrotherswouldsing foranyonewhowouldlisten,andsoonthey weresingingfromcoasttocoast In1964,the brothersappearedattheWorld’sFairinNew YorkCityandrecordedfourGospelrecords early in their career. In 1966, Larry went to college at the University of Houston where he studied English and Law and in 1971, he auditionedforTheImperials Elvis’backup group Although he did not get the job, he did meet Dottie West, the opening act for JimmyDean.Deanwouldlaterbecomeone of Larry’s oldest and dearest friends Dottie wasinitiallytakenwithLarry’sresemblance to Nashville songwriter Mickey Newbury. She told him one night in Las Vegas that he lookedsomuchlikeMickeythathehadtobe able to write great songs too. Encouraged, Larry returned to Houston, wrote eight songs, and sent them to Dottie She liked them so much she sent him a plane ticket toNashville

Through Dottie’s friendship, Larry met Kris Kristofferson, who championed his talents as a writer and singer Kristofferson’s introduction to Fred Foster at Monu-

TurntoGatlinBrothers, Page 2

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
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Are you a member of The Hermitage Museum & Gardens or the Virginia Zoo – but not the other?ThroughAugust31styouhavetheopportunitytocheckoutthesemuseumsforfreeand takeadvantageofthesegreatdeals:


Complimentary admission to Sunsets on the River, an outdoor concert series, on Thursday, August 17th. Zoo members are asked to present their active Zoo membership card upon check-in 10%MemberdiscountonpurchasesfromTheVault,theHermitagegiftshop.

Purchase a one-year Hermitage Museum membership of any level and receive two additional complimentary months of membership (14 months of membership!) Simply stop by theHermitageadmissionsdesktoshowyourZoomembershipcardorcontacttheHermitage DevelopmentDepartmentat757.901.4082topurchaseyourmembership Theopportunitytoviewthespecialexhibition,EchoesoftheHeart,onviewthroughOctober8th.


Members of Hermitage Museum & Gardens will enjoy free admission when they visit the VirginiaZooduringthemonthofAugust.ThisincludesadmissiontotheTeddyBearClinicon Saturday August12 Notvalidforeducationprograms

Hermitage Museum & Gardens members will also have 10% discounts in the gift shop and foodservicelocations

Hermitage Museum & Gardens members who join the Virginia Zoo during the month of AugustcantakeadvantageoftwoextramonthsfreeonaVirginiaZoomembership

All Shook Up

from Page 1

Y: Eventually you moved and taught in Norfolkandofcourseyoutaughttheatre

HC:Yes,Iheadedanafternooncity-wide programthatwashousedatBookerT.Washington High School. Students from all five high schools could audition and come to Booker T. in the afternoon. It was basically theforerunneroftheGovernor’sSchoolfor theArts.

Y:WhatpromptedyoutostarttheHurrah Players?

HC:In1984withalotofsupportfromthe community and Paul Dicklin, who started the career theater program at ODU, I was encouraged to branch out and serve more children of all ages and that’s when Hurrah was incorporated and Hurrah Players became a not for profit theatre company. We started with 9 students in the lobby of the Riverview Theater on Granby St and afterseveralotherlocationsandmuchwork bytheBoardofDirectors,wenowhavetwo locations; 485 St Paul’s Blvd. Norfolk, VA 23510 a beautiful building that was built in 1840 and also in the Neon District, the Hugh R. Copeland Center 112 West Wilson Avenue Norfolk VA 23510 We have plenty ofrehearsalspace,anincrediblesceneshop andasmallblackboxthatholds130

Y: You have some exciting news about your expansion campaign Can you tell us about Hurrah’s recent purchase of an additional building in the new Arts District of Norfolk and the current Capital Campaign goingon

HC: Yes, very exciting news indeed. We have purchased the Glass Wheel building acrossthestreetandthatwillbeturnedinto studios. The first top floor will be a state of the art TV and film academy. One of our instructors has won an Emmy and is super excited to come on board. The students there will learn how to work, operate and beoncamera.Fromeditingtobringingitall together,wewillteachthemthatandmore

We are so excited that Hurrah is growing and expanding and offering new opportunities such as these as well as providing companies the opportunity to film what they need there. People can contribute to ourCapitalCampaignFundbygoingtoour siteathttp://hurrahplayers.com/

Y: You have molded the young careers of somanystarsnowonBroadway moviesand TV Can you share some of their names and accomplishments?

HC: I have been very honored to work with so many talented people I apologize inadvancebecauseIamsureIwillinevitably leavesomeoneout.Someofthemare:

Adrienne Warren who in 1997 was our blackAnnieandIamsadtosayitgotnational attentionthataregionaltheatrehadablack

Announcing the Teddy Bear Clinic at the Virginia Zoo


Beatthoseback-to-schoolbluesbybringingyourlittleoneandtheirfavorite stuffedanimaltotheZooforacheck-upAugust12from9:30am 2:00pm.

Our educators, volunteers, and community partners will help to demystify visiting the doctor’s office while showing the importance of regular medical careforpeopleandanimals.

This is a family-friendly event and free with your regular Zoo admission


Limited giveaway gifts while supplies last! The Teddy Bear Clinic is sponsoredbyTowneBankandOptimaHealth


DerrickWigginswasoneofthefirstblack princesinWicked,hewasalsoinLionKing and was on Broadway as one of the leads in BookofMormon.

There are so many, I can go on and on.

Derrick Williams was one of the leads on Broadway now in Book of Mormon; Max ChuckerwasinWestsideStory,andFiddler on the Roof; Dustin Elsea for at least 8th years was in Stomp; Anthony Wayne was onBroadwayinAnythingGoes andPippin; JayPharoahwasoneofthecastmembersof SaturdayNightLive,continuestotourwith his stand up comedy show and has guest roles in various television shows; Tiffany Howard was on Broadway in Motown; Anthony Wayne was in Anything Goes, Pricilla and Pippin on Broadway; Rashidra ScottwascurrentlyonBroadwayinBeautiful,theCaroleKingMusicalandalsowasin SisterAct,HairandAvenueQ.amongothers

Y: Where are some of the more interesting locations that the Hurrah players have performedthroughtheyears?

HC: Our students have been invited to perform in Washington, D.C., Nags Head, NorthCarolina,TheHomestead,NewYork City, four times in Disney World, twice in Pearl Harbor and also at the American EmbassyinLondontomentionjustafew


HC: This is our 33rd year that we will be going to New York, perform in Macy’s ThanksgivingParadeandseeformerHurrah players who are on Broadway now. Here is a fun road story about one time when we were in Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade and theyaresoparticularwiththecostumes we had to send them a picture in advance of us dressedastoysoldierswithwhitegloveson. We got to New York and there were 60 of us,onlytorealizethatwehadleftthegloves backinVirginia SoIwentandboughtwhite socks and instructed the group that when they inspected us to have our hands closed like a fist and from a distance the Macy’s people could not tell the difference. We did the whole parade waving with white socks onourhandsinsteadofgloves.

Y: A wow, pinch me moment or two that you can’t believe this little boy from BelvedereNCgottoexperience?


Van Hughes has had several lead and supporting roles on Broadway such as American Idiot, Spring Awakening, 9 to 5, Hairspray and many Television shows and movies

Annie. Adrienne went on to star on Broadway in Bring it On, and in other Broadway shows such as The Wiz, Dreamgirls Shuffle Along, she won the Tony Award as best Actress in a Musical and the Drama Desk Award for outstanding Actress in a Musical, both for portraying Tina Turner in the Broadway show Tina and has done movies

Gatlin Brothers

from Page 1

GrantGustinjustcompletedtheninthand finalseasonoftheTVshowTheFlashwhere he starred as The Flash Barry Allen, he had a recurring role on Glee, was in a Lifetime movieandonBroadwayinWestSideStory, andseveralothertelevisionshows TiffanyHaaswasinWickedasGlindathe

Good Witch on Broadway and the National Tour of Wicked and is a talented vocalist, choreographer,authorandentrepreneur Emmy Raver-Lampman was part of the original ensemble cast of Hamilton and starred as Angelica in Hamilton’s first National Tour Emmy was Alphaba in the touringBroadwayproductionofWickedand has performed in other various Broadway and national touring productions of Hair, Jekyll & Hyde and more. She has played AllisonHargreevesintheNetflixseriesThe Umbrella Academy and has guest roles in

HC:IwassurprisedthisyearwhenIwas awardedtheHumanitarianAwardforworkingwithallstudents.Myotherwowmoment is that I can’t believe it when I look around and remember that the Hurrah Players started with 12 students and we now have nearly 300 registered and we continued to grow I am grateful for all the people who work hardto makethis happen It’snotme, it’s the whole Hurrah volunteer organization,talentedstaffandstudents,alltogether whohelpeddevelopitintowhattheHurrah Playersistoday.

In 1976, the Gatlin Brothers were on the fasttrackmusicallythankstothechart-topping success of their single “Broken Lady.” The hits continued throughout the decade with their signature song “All the Gold in California” followed by “Houston (Means I’m One Day Closer To You).” The next decade brought number one songs with “I Don’t Wanna Cry”, “I Just Wish You Were Someone I Love,” “Statues Without Hearts, “LoveIsJustAGame”,and“Night Time Magic.”


performancesatthefamedGrandOleOpry Larry has written and produced a musical, “Quanah”, which was performed in April 2017 to rave reviews and has plans for another run in 2023 The brothers are also in the planning stages of recording some new music. “We are blessed that fans still loveourmusicandattendourshows,”says Steve,“Wehopetocontinueaslongasthat’s the case.” About the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts: The Sandler Center opened on November 3, 2007 and is managed by Oak View Group (OVG360).

With1,308seatsandasoaringglassfaçade, the building is located in the heart of Virginia Beach’s Town Center, a hub for cultural entertainment With local and international talent visiting the Sandler Center, performances are perfect for audiences of all ages Patrons will experience an intimate environment when visiting the Sandler Center as no seat is further than 100 ft. from the stage Learn more at SandlerCenter.org and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist ment Records resulted in a recording contractwith the label. Larry’s first album, The Pilgrim, was released later that year Johnny Cash wrote the liner notes for the album and dubbed Larry “The Pilgrim,” a name he called him for the rest of his life At this time Steve and Rudy were still in college at Texas Tech University, but by 1975 they moved to Nashville to join Larry to form the group as we know it today.

The Hermitage Museum & Gardens and the Virginia Zoo are swapping members during the month of August!
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, August 10 2023
TOP: Left to right: Jerry Duck, Grant Gustin and Hugh Copeland. (PHOTO COURTESY OF HUGH COPELAND) ABOVE: Natalie and Chad (PHOTOSCOURTESYOFJERRYDUCK)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, August 10 2023 3

Delicious kebabs and skewers stake your claim as the neighborhood grill master!

This is the perfect summertime meal to get the kids involvedinthekitchen.Theycanhelpthreadthevegetablesontheskewers.Encouragethemtobecreativeby comingupwiththeirownpatternsororder

Balsamic Steak Skewers with Mixed Vegetables & Grilled Sweet


Calories: 381 Per Serving | Protein: 26g Per Serving

Fiber: 8g Per Serving | Servings: 4


„ ¾poundbeefsirloin,allvisiblefatdiscarded, cutinto1-inchpieces

„ 2tablespoonsbalsamicvinegarand3tablespoons balsamicvinegar,divideduse

„ 1teaspoondriedrosemary,crushed

„ 1teaspoonmincedgarlic

„ ¼teaspoonsaltand¼teaspoonsalt divideduse

„ ¼teaspoonpepperand¼teaspoonpepper divideduse „ ½cuppackedbasilleaves

„ 2teaspoonscanolaorcornoil

„ 1tablespoonwater

„ 1teaspoonmustard(lowestsodiumavailable)

„ 1pintgrapetomatoes

„ 10ounceswholebuttonmushrooms,halved

„ 1mediumbellpepper anycolor,cutinto1-inchpieces

„ 1mediumzucchini,slicedcrosswiseinto1-inch rounds

„ Cookingspray


„ 1tablespoonsweetpaprika

„ 1poundsweetpotatoes,slicedcrosswiseinto¼-inch rounds

„ 1tablespooncanolaorcornoil

„ 2teaspoonschilipowder

„ ⅛teaspoonpepper


Steak and Vegetable Skewers

Soak 12 bamboo skewers for at least 10 minutes in cold watertokeepthemfromcharring,orusemetalskewers

In a large resealable plastic bag or airtight container with a lid, mix together the beef, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar,rosemary,garlic,¼teaspoonsalt,and¼teaspoon pepper Sealtightly Refrigeratefor30minutes

Meanwhile inafoodprocessororblender processthe remaining 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, remaining ¼ teaspoon salt, remaining ¼ teaspoon pepper, basil, 2 teaspoons oil, water, and mustard for 30 seconds to 1 minute,oruntilsmooth.Transfertoasmallbowl.Setaside

On a skewer, thread a tomato, mushroom, bell pepper, andzucchini.Repeatwith7otherskewers

Thread the beef on the remaining 4 skewers Discard themarinade

Lightly coat the grates with cooking spray Preheat the grill to medium-high heat. Put all the skewers on the grates.Grillthebeefskewersfor12minutes,turningoccasionally, until the beef has reached the desired doneness whentestedwithaninstant-readthermometer Cookthe vegetable skewers for 8 to 12 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender-crisp Transfer to a platter Cover with aluminum foil to keep warm. Leave the grill on medium-highheattogrillthepotatoes.

When ready to serve drizzle the vinaigrette over the vegetableskewers

Sweet Potatoes

While the beef and vegetables are grilling, in a large bowl,stirtogetherthepotatoes,1tablespoonoil,paprika, chilipowder,andpepperuntilcombined

Place the sweet potatoes in a single layer, not overlapping, on the grill. Grill, covered, for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the potatoes are fork-tender turning once halfway through.Servewiththebeefandvegetableskewers


„ Cooking Tip: No grill? No worries Use your broiler instead. Broil the beef and vegetable skewers as directed andplacethepotatoesonabroilingrack.

„ Keep it Healthy: Balsamic vinegars come in a variety offlavors includingwhitepeachandcherry.Experiment with different ones by drizzling over vegetables or using invinaigrettesormarinades.

„ Tip: Be sure to always spray grill grates with cooking spraybeforeyoupreheatthegrill.

Onetasteofthesekebabsandyou’llthinkyou’reeating dinneronatropicalisland.

Kid-Friendly Hawaiian Chicken

Kebabs with Brown Rice

Calories: 306 Per Serving | Protein: 29g Per Serving

Fiber: 5g Per Serving | Servings: 4 | Serving Size: 3 kebabs


„ 1poundboneless,skinlesschickenbreasthalves allvisiblefatdiscarded,cutinto36bite-sizepieces

„ 2tablespoonssoysauce(lowestsodiumavailable)

„ 1cupjuicefrom120-ouncecanpineapplechunks,in theirownjuice,plus36pineapplechunks,divideduse

„ 2garliccloves,mincedOR1teaspoonjarredminced garlic

„ Cookingspray

„ 2largebellpeppers(anycolor),choppedinto18pieces each

„ 36grapetomatoes

„ 2cupsuncookedbrownriceOR28-ouncepackages uncookedbrownrice



Add the soy sauce, pineapple juice, and garlic. Seal the bag tightly With your fingers on the outside of the bag, gentlypushthechickentocoatwiththemarinade Refrigeratefor15minutes

While the chicken is marinating soak twelve 10- to 12-inch wooden skewers for at least 10 minutes in cold watertopreventcharring,orusemetalskewers Oncethe chickenhasfinishedmarinating,transferthechickentoa mediumbowl,discardingthemarinade Preheattheovento400°F Lightlysprayalargebaking sheetwithcookingspray Threadeachskewerwiththreeeachofthefollowing(in anyorder):tomato,pineapple chicken,andbellpepper Bake the kebabs for 15 minutes or until the chicken is nopinkinthecenter.

Meanwhile, prepare the rice using the package directions, omitting the salt and margarine Serve the kebabs ontherice


„ Cooking Tip: To get the kids involved, put the pineapplechunks bellpeppers tomatoes,andchickenpiecesin fourseparatebowls Havethekidsthreadtheskewerswith threeofeachingredientinanyorder.

„ Keep it Healthy: Pineapples have an enzyme called bromelain,whichhelpstotenderizemeatquickly,making itanexcellentquick,healthymarinade Manyofthestoreboughtmarinadeshaveexcesssodiumandaddedsugars

These delicious Greek-influenced kebabs are cooked indoorssoyoucaneasilyenjoythisdishallyearround. Serveonabedofwhole-graincouscousorwithwholewheatpitabread.

Beef Kebabs with Avocado Tzatziki


Calories: 226 Per Serving | Protein: 30g Per Serving

Fiber: 2g Per Serving | Servings: 4 | Serving Size: 3 skewers


„ 1poundextra-leangroundbeef

„ Cookingspray



„ ½teaspoongroundcumin

„ ½teaspoononionpowder


½teaspoondriedrosemary crumbled

„ ¼teaspoongarlicpowder

„ ¼teaspoonsalt

„ ⅛teaspoonpepper(freshlygroundpreferred)

„ Cookingspray


„ 1cupfat-freeplainGreekyogurt


½mediumcucumber,peeledandcutintolarge chunks


½mediumavocado pittedandcutintolargechunks

„ 1tablespoonchoppedfreshmint

„ 1tablespoonfreshlemonjuice

„ ⅛teaspoonsalt


In a food processor or blender, process all the sauce ingredients until smooth. Use immediately or cover and refrigerateforupto3hours

In a medium bowl, using your hands or a spoon, mix together the kebab ingredients except the cooking spray. Dividethemixtureinto12parts.Shapeeachintoanoblong patty Piercea6-inchskewerthrougheachpatty.Transfer theskewerstoalargeplateorbakingsheet

Lightly spray a grill pan or large skillet with cooking spray. Cooktheskewersovermediumheatfor5to7minutes, or until the beef is no longer pink, turning on all sides to brown.Transfertoaservingplatter

Spoonthesauceovertheskewersorspoonitintoabowl fordipping


Rosemary-Peach Chicken Kebabs with Orange Glaze

Calories: 202 Per Serving | Protein: 25g Per Serving

Fiber: 2g Per Serving | Servings: 4

Chicken „ Cookingspray

„ 1lb boneless,skinlesschickenbreasts,cutinto16 1½-inchpieces allvisiblefatdiscarded

„ 2largeripebutfirmpeaches,cutinto161-inchwedges

„ 1largegreenbellpepper,cutinto161½-inchsquares

„ ¼tsp pepper

„ ⅛tsp salt


„ ¾tsp gratedorangezest

„ 3Tbsp freshorangejuice

„ 3Tbsp chopped,freshrosemary

„ 1½tsp honey

„ 1½tsp canolaoilOR1½teaspooncornoil

Directions Lightlyspraythegrillrackwithcookingspray Preheat thegrillonmedium.

Meanwhile, thread the chicken, peaches, and bell pepper alternately onto four 14- to 16-inch metal skewers Sprinklethepepperandsaltoverthekebabs.

In a small bowl, whisk together the glaze ingredients Setasidehalftheglaze(about2tablespoons) Brushboth sidesofthekebabswiththeremainingglaze.

Grillthekebabsfor6to8minutes,oruntilthechickenis nolongerpinkinthecenterandthevegetablesarealmost tender, turning once halfway through and brushing with the reserved 2 tablespoons of glaze, using a clean basting brush.Reducetheheatormovethekebabstoacoolerarea ofthegrilliftheyarecookingtoofast


„ Cooking Tip: Ripebutfirmpeachesareimportant forthisrecipe.Thedirectheatsoftensandsweetensthe fruit,evenifit’snotquiteatitsprime

„ Keep it Healthy: Ifpeachesaren’tinseason,youcan replacethemwithotherstonefruits,suchasnectarines andplums

RECIPESBYAMERICANHEARTASSOCIATIONNEWS/RECIPES.HEART.ORG 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, August 10 2023


Before natural disasters strike, know your TRICARE benefits


Natural disasters are so frequent that it can be difficult to predict where the next hurricane, tornado, or flood may occur That’swhyyoumustalwaysbeprepared.Incaseofa natural disaster one of the most important preparations is toensureyouandyourfamilyhaveyourprescriptiondrugs andaccesstohealthcareservices.Understandinghowyour TRICAREbenefitworksduringemergenciesiscrucial.

“TRICARE has policies that allow beneficiaries to get neededprescriptionsandhealthcareduringemergencies,” said Sapna Surana, chief of the TRICARE Private Sector Care Integration Office “When a natural disaster strikes, thesepoliciesmayapplytoyourarea.”

When the government issues a state of emergency, TRICARE may temporarily change its procedures to ensure that you receive timely medical care. Here’s what you need to know.

How to get emergency prescription refills

TRICARE may authorize early refills for prescriptions during emergencies or prior to natural disasters, as stated in the TRICARE Pharmacy Program Handbook To get an emergency refill take your prescription bottle to any TRICARE retail network pharmacy You should try to visit the pharmacy where you originally filled the prescription.

If you used a retail chain, you can fill your prescription at another store in that chain. You can also ask your provider tocallinanewprescriptiontoanyretailnetworkpharmacy. Copaymentswillapplytoyouremergencyprescriptionrefill.

If your prescription bottle is unavailable or the label is damaged or missing you should contact the TRICARE pharmacy contractor Express Scripts or your retail network pharmacy

How to get emergency referral waivers

What if you’re displaced during a disaster and can’t visit yourprimarycaremanager?TRICAREmayauthorizeblanket referral waivers in certain areas during emergencies If awaiverisinplace,itmeansyoucanseeanyTRICARE-authorized provider without paying point-of-service costs. If you need to file a claim, be sure to keep your receipts and file the claim as soon as possible This will help you avoid unnecessaryout-of-pocketcosts.

If you’re displaced and need to find a doctor, use TRICARE’sFindaDoctortooltofindonenearby.


Ifyourareaexperiencesanaturaldisaster thereareafew thingsyoushouldremembertodotoafteradisastertomake sureyourhealthcareneedsaremet

„ ChecktoseeifyouhaveyourUniformedServicesIDcard withyou.IfyouloseyourIDcard,gotothenearestIDcard officetogetanewone.

„ Followappropriatereferralandauthorizationprocedures.

„ Don’tforgettotransferyourTRICAREenrollmentifyou moveafteranevacuation.

„ Continue to pay your plan’s enrollment fees or monthly premiumsontime,ifapplicable.

„ Fileclaimsinatimelymanner

How to prepare for an emergency


Do you have an emergency plan? Take time to outline how you and your family would communicate, how you would evacuate and where you would shelter. It’s also important to have your essential items in a place that’s safe and easy tofind.


Disaster Alerts to learn if TRICARE has issued emergency policiessuchasearlyprescriptionrefillsorreferralwaivers Follow up with your TRICARE contractor if you have any questions

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions and create your personalizedprofiletogetbenefitupdates,news andmore.

Even a little breastfeeding goes a long way in protecting heart health of baby and mom

The American Heart Association says research shows breastfeeding can have long-term cardiovascular health benefits

DALLAS Texas (Aug 23 2023) Breast milk has long been recognized as an ideal nutrient to strengthen the immune systems of newborns and infants The American Heart Association says breastfeeding can also provide many heart-healthy benefits for babies and for their birthingparent.

InastudypublishedintheJournaloftheAmericanHeart AssociationinJanuary2022,researchersfoundthatwomen whobreastfedatsomepointduringtheirliveswere17%less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than women who never breastfed. Over a 10-year average follow-up period, womenwhobreastfedwere14%lesslikelytodevelopheart disease,12%lesslikelytohavestrokesand11%lesslikelyto developanycardiovasculardisease Womenwhobreastfed up to 12 months during their lifetime had lower risks. The analysis included health data for nearly 1.2 million women from eight studies conducted between 1986 and 2009 in Australia,China,Norway,JapanandtheU.S.andonemultinationalstudy

Babies who consumed breastmilk, even for a few days hadlowerbloodpressureat3yearsofagecomparedtochildrenwhoneverhadbreastmilk,accordingtoanotherstudy published in the Journal of the American Heart Association in 2021. Blood pressure was lower among the toddlers who had been breastfed, regardless of how long they were breastfedoriftheyreceivedothercomplementarynutrition andfoods.

“There’sgrowingevidencethatsuggestsbreastfeedingcan play an important role in lowering cardiovascular disease risks We know that cardiovascular disease risk factors including high blood pressure can start in childhood, so giving a baby breast milk even for a few days in infancy is a goodstarttoaheart-healthylife,”saidMariaAvila,M.D.,an AmericanHeartAssociationvolunteerexpertandanassistant professor of cardiology at the Zucker School of MedicineatHofstra/NorthwellinHempstead,NewYork “There havebeenanumberofstudiesthatshowbreastfeedingcan reduce a woman’s risk of heart disease and stroke People who breastfeed their babies are taking steps to improve their own heart health, as well, so it’s definitely an option tostronglyconsider.”

Forbabies health,theAmericanHeartAssociationrecommends breastfeeding for 12 months, transitioning to other additionalsourcesofnutrientsbeginningataboutfour-six monthsofagetoensuresufficientmicronutrientsinthediet.

However, not all birthing parents can or want to breastfeedandAvilasaidthat’sOK Expressingbreastmilkoreven usingdonatedbreastmilkandfeedingittoababyinabottle canalsohelpinfantsgetthoseimportantnutrientsandpossibly the heart-health benefits of traditional breastfeeding. However, if none of those are options, iron-fortified infant formulaisrecommended,accordingtoAvila “Havinganewborncanbeastressfultimeforanyparent, andnotbeingabletobreastfeedyourbabyorhavingafussy


baby who doesn’t want to breastfeed could add to, so know you have options The most important thing a parent can dofortheirchildistogivethemeveryearlystartatahearthealthy life and that canbeginevenbeforeconceptionand with good prenatal care to help reduce their own cardiovascular risks as much as possible,” Avila said “Along with eating right, staying active and managing blood pressure, cholesterol,weightandotherhealthconditions,realhealth includes keeping both your body and your mind fit. Make sure you practice self-care and ask forhelp from your partner, family or other support groups. Enjoy this special time inyourfamily’slifebecauseitreallydoesgobackquickly.”

Studies published in the American Heart Association’s scientific journals are peer-reviewed. The statements and conclusionsineachmanuscriptaresolelythoseofthestudy authors and do not necessarily reflect the Association’s policyorposition TheAssociationmakesnorepresentation or guarantee as to their accuracy or reliability. The Association receives funding primarily from individuals; founda-

tions and corporations (including pharmaceutical, device manufacturers and other companies) also make donations and fund specific Association programs and events The Associationhasstrictpoliciestopreventtheserelationships frominfluencingthesciencecontent.Revenuesfrompharmaceutical and biotech companies, device manufacturers andhealthinsuranceprovidersandtheAssociation’soverall financialinformationareavailablehere.

About the American Heart Association: The American HeartAssociationisarelentlessforceforaworldoflonger, healthierlives Wearededicatedtoensuringequitablehealth in all communities. Through collaboration with numerous organizations, and powered by millions of volunteers we fund innovative research, advocate for the public’s health and share lifesaving resources The Dallas-based organization has been a leading source of health information for nearly a century Connect with us on heart.org, Facebook, Twitterorbycalling1-800-AHA-USA1.

Florida National Guard Soldiers transport families through flooded roads during Hurricane Ian reliefefforts inArcadia,Fla Oct.3,2022 Florida National Guard’s Chemical,Biological,Radiological/ and Explosive (CBRNE) - Enhanced Response Force Package (FL-CERFP) assisted first responders as theyconducted dayand night time operations in support ofresidents in affected regions.Maritime operations granted FLNG Soldiers the capabilities to extract individuals trapped in theirhomes due to compromised road conditions in orderto provide medical aid and ensure safety (U.S.ARMYCOURTESYPHOTOBYSPC SAMUELHERMAN)
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