ByBoatswainsMatePettyOfficer 3rdClassJessicaNunes
NorfolkUnitedServiceOrganizations(USO) celebratedits84thanniversarywithaspecial birthdayparty,Feb.3,2025.The event was opentoallservicemembersandtheirfamilies,inhonor of the long-standing tradition oftheUSOinsupportingmilitarypersonnel
The USOwas founded on February 4, 1941,byMaryIngraham,followingarequest from President Franklin D. Roosevelt to provide morale and recreation services to U.S. militarypersonnelduringWorld War II. Itspurpose wastooffersupport and comfort to service members,helping them cope with the challenges of being far from home.Today,the USOcontinues to adapt andevolvetomeettheever-changingneeds of ourmen andwomen in uniform, as well astheirfamilies.
“Being amilitary spouse,I sawthere was aneedforworkingandinteractingwiththe service membersbyputting smiles on their faces,” said Ashley Bouwkamp,NAVSTA
Norfolk USOProgram Manager.“Ilove my job; Iget to help servicemembers which is importanttomeandclosetomyheart.”
The event commenced at 11:00a.m., with invited guests arriving to partakein thespecial anniversary celebration, which featured aselection of icecream, soda popcorn, cotton candy,and an assortment ofbasicsnacksandrefreshments.ElectronicsTechnician 1stClass CorySokolowski, oneoftheattendees,expressedhisappreciationfortheevent.
“Ifoundoutaboutthiseventthroughthe NAVSTA Norfolk USOFacebook page and flyers posted aroundthe installation,”said Sokolowski. “I am avery big supporterof theUSO andall of theeventsthey hold and wanted to celebratetheir birthday and give backtowhattheyhavegivenmethroughout theyears.”
As the eventdrewtoaclose,aspecial cake-cutting ceremonywas held to commemoratethe USO’s84th anniversary Forinformation on upcoming USOevents, please visit https://midatlantic.uso.org/ naval-station-norfolk.
The official Harry Potter Film ConcertSeriesreturns to Chrysler Hall with HarryPotterand TheChamber Of Secrets™inConcert on March21
NORFOLK,Va. —The Harry Potter Film ConcertSeries returns onFriday, March21 to Chrysler Hall with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Concert, thesecond filmintheHarryPotterseries.TheVirginia SymphonyOrchestraisperforming John Williams’ unforgettable scorelivefrom Harry Potterand theChamber of Secrets whiletheentirefilmplaysinhigh-definition ona40-footscreen.
Warner Bros.Discovery Global Experiencesand CineConcerts createdthe Harry PotterFilm Concert Series,the only official global concert tourcelebrating the Harry Potter films.Sincethe worldpremiereof Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’sStone in Concert in 2016, morethan3million fans haveenjoyedthismagicalexperience,which is scheduled to include over 2,973 performances across morethan 48 countries worldwidethrough2025
Justin Freer,PresidentofCineConcerts and Producer/Conductor of theHarry Potter Film Concert Series explains,“The Harry Potter film series is aonce-in-a-lifetimeculturalphenomenonthatcontinuesto delightmillionsoffansaroundtheworld.It iswithgreatpleasurethatwebringfansfor the firsttimeeveranopportunity to expe-
In Harry Potter andthe Chamber of Secrets,carsfly,treesfightbackandamysterioushouse-elfcomestowarnHarryPotter at thestart of hissecondyearatHogwarts. Adventureand dangerawait when bloody writing on awallannounces: TheChamber of Secrets has been opened. To save Hogwartswill requireall of Harry,Ron and Hermione’smagicalabilitiesandcourage Earning aGrammynomination for the score, the incredible music composed by JohnWilliams became an instantclassic,conjuring beautiful and soaring motifs continuing theadventuresofHarry Potter onhismagicaljourney
TurntoHarryPotterConcertSeries Page 2
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
The Norfolk Forum will welcome home Virginia Beach native and two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Angela Hucles Mangano on Tuesday, February 18 2025 at downtown Norfolk’sChryslerHall(7:30pm).
WhileatTheForumAngelawillshareher journey from local soccer fields to the global stage Angela graduated from Norfolk Academy in 1996 as its all-time leading scorer with204goalsand106assists.AttheUniversity of Virginia, Angela tallied 59 goals (19 game-winners!) and remains their career women’s leader in goals game-winning goals and total points She was a member of the USA’s gold medal-winning team for the 2004 Summer Olympics and she played a crucialrolefortheUSA’sgoldmedal-winning team in the 2008 Summer Olympics Angela retiredfromclubandinternationalsoccerin October 2009 Angela is a Past President of theWomen’sSportsFoundation,foundedby BillieJeanKing andwasasocceranalystfor FOX, ESPN and NBC during the Women’s World Cup, Olympic Games, and ACC/SEC collegesoccer Angela recently joined the Houston Dash as President of Women’s Soccer She was previouslytheGeneralManagerandaFoundingInvestorofAngelCityFootballClub WIth over 35 years of experience in the sports industry Angela’s passion is helping others achievetheirgoalsanddreams.Shewillpresentherinsightsonthepowerofsportandits impactonpersonalgrowthanddevelopment, and how to reimagine leadership in today’s workforcetoputyourselfandyourcompany inthewinninglane Foundedin1933,TheNorfolkForumisthe oldestpublicly-subscribedspeakers’forumin the country Each season, The Forum presentsthought-provokingpublicfigureswho in differentways helpshapeAmericanthought and opinion. After each presentation, speakers engage the audience in a question and answersession. For more information on The Norfolk Forum, please visit our website, www. thenorfolkforum.org A series ticket may be purchased online at www.thenorfolkforum. org/tickets
Thisisanidealpresentationforindividuals as well as larger groups or corporate teams Call757-627-8672fordiscountedgrouptickets
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner
757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil
MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm
757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka
This changing exhibit is filled with interactive experiences to help guests understandtheimportantroleemotions,memory, and imagination play in our everyday lives Hands-on and digital experiences focus on thefiveemotionsfeaturedintheaward-winning film: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear Through the exhibit, children and families learn to recognize emotions and explore how we express and manage our emotions
Discoverieswithinthisimmersiveexhibit forallages:
Step into Headquarters to explore the range and intensity of emotions at the ControlPanel.
Engagewithfeelingsandreactionsatthe EmotionsMirrors
Recall feelings toward an important memory by creating a glowing Memory Sphere.
Create an imaginary story and perform it atDreamProductions.
Control and keep the Train of Thought ontrack.
Build and learn how emotions work togetherwiththeEmotionBlocks
Emotions at Play with Pixar’s Inside Out will be open and included in Aquarium admission until May 4, 2025 Members can enjoy an exclusive first look of the exhibit onJanuary18
Emotions at Play is the first interactive exhibit based on Disney and Pixar’s hit animated feature “Inside Out.” The exhibit was developed by Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh in collaboration with Pixar AnimationStudios
Learn more about Emotions at Play and reserve your tickets at VirginiaAquarium.com For more information, call (757) 385-3474 TheVirginiaAquarium&Marine Science Center is located at 717 General BoothBlvd.,VirginiaBeach,VA23451.
About the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center: The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center’s mission is to connectpeopletothemarineenvironment, inspiring a more sustainable future. The Aquariumaspirestobeadriverinconservation, education, tourism, and sustainability, leadingthechargetosavewildlifeandtheir ecosystems Owned by the City of Virginia Beach, the Aquarium operates as a city departmentinpartnershipwiththeVirginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenterFoundation.TheAquariumisproudtobeanaccreditedmemberoftheAssociationofZoosand
Aquariums,theAllianceofMarineMammal Parks and Aquariums, and the World AssociationofZoosandAquariums
The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation , a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports the work of the Virginia Aquarium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits, including the animals and habitats It is also responsible for annual and capital fundraising, administration and funding for the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, conservation and scientific research efforts, and the Aquarium’s mission-related education programs You can be a part of our mission by making a tax-deductible donation to support our programming
About Pixar Animation Studios: Pixar AnimationStudios,awhollyownedsubsid-
iary of The Walt Disney Company, is an Academy Award®-winning film studio with world-renowned technical, creative and production capabilities in the art of computer animation. The Northern California studio has created some of the most successfulandbelovedanimatedfilmsofall time including“ToyStory,”“Monsters Inc.,” “Cars,” “The Incredibles,” “Ratatouille,” “WALL•E, “Up, “Toy Story 3, “Inside Out, “Coco” and “Luca. Its movies and technology have won more than 40 Academy Awards® and its films have grossed billionsattheworldwideboxoffice
About “Inside Out”: Pixar’shitanimated feature “Inside Out” is the story of 11-yearold Riley who like all of us is guided by her emotions - Joy, Fear Anger Disgust and Sadness The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind,
where they help advise her through everyday life Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco as Joy, Riley’s main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive. “Inside Out” wasreleasedin2015
AboutChildren’sMuseumofPittsburgh: Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh is a place that provides innovative and inclusive museumexperiencesthatinspirekindness, joy, creativity, and curiosity for all learners Our imaginative, open-ended exhibits and programs give families the opportunity to explore topics like art, making and social-emotional learning in ways that are authentic, meaningful, and most of all, fun! The museum is open every day, from 10:00 am 5:00pm.
Join us for a 2-mile guided walking tour of Fisherman Island on the Eastern Shore ofVirginia!Escapetoasereneenvironment to view unique wildlife, learn about refuge management, and hear the history of FishermanIsland.TheexcursionisFebruary28 from9:00am-1:30pm.
Wewillvanparticipantstotheislandand thewalkingtourwilllastapproximately2.5 hours Thetourwillstrolloversoftandhardpacked sand. Participants must be 8 years andolder,andthoseunder18yearsoldmust beaccompaniedbyapayingadult
Sunscreen(thesunstillshinesin winter!)
Tickets can be purchased by Non-Members for $50 and Aquarium Members for $45. For more information, call (757) 385-3474 or visit VirginiaAquarium.com.
The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Centerislocatedat717GeneralBoothBlvd., VirginiaBeach,VA23451.
About the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center: The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center’s mission is to connectpeopletothemarineenvironment, inspiring a more sustainable future. The Aquariumaspirestobeadriverinconservation, education, tourism, and sustainability, leadingthechargetosavewildlifeandtheir ecosystems Owned by the City of Virginia Beach, the Aquarium operates as a city departmentinpartnershipwiththeVirginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenterFoundation.TheAquariumisproudtobeanaccreditedmemberoftheAssociationofZoosand Aquariums,theAllianceofMarineMammal Parks and Aquariums, and the World Asso-
The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation , a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports the work of the Virginia Aquarium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits, including the animals and habitats It is also responsible for annual and capital fundraising administration and funding for the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, conservation and scientific research efforts, and the Aquarium’s mission-related education programs You can be a part of our mission by making a tax-deductible donation to support our programming
Virginia Arts Festival will present the Grammy Award-winning Punch Brothers on Tuesday, May 13 at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts in Virginia Beach. Knownforpushingtheboundariesofacoustic music, this iconic band features mandolinist Chris Thile, guitarist Chris Eldridge, bassistPaulKowert banjoistNoamPikelny, andviolinistBrittanyHaas Tickets for Punch Brothers can be purchased online at vafest.org, by phone at 757-282-2822, or at the Festival Box Office, 440 Bank St, Norfolk (Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm).
Punch Brothers, formed in 2006, are a virtuosic quintet featuring mandolinist Chris Thile, guitarist Chris Eldridge bassistPaulKowert,banjoistNoamPikelny,and violinist Brittany Haas Known for pushing the boundaries of acoustic music, the band has garnered critical acclaim, including a GrammyforBestFolkAlbumforAllAshore (2018) The Washington Post applauded themfortaking“bluegrasstoitsnextevolutionary stage, drawing equal inspiration fromthebrainandtheheart.”Overtheyears, they’ve become pioneers in modern string music,withalbumslikeAntifogmatic(2010) Who’s Feeling Young Now (2012) and The Phosphorescent Blues (2015) showcasing their genre-defying sound. Rolling Stone praised their work as “wild virtuosity used
for more than just virtuosity,” cementing their reputation as trailblazers in contemporaryacousticmusic.MostRecently,Punch Brothers have been focused on their new musical variety show, “The Energy Curfew Music Hour,” with season one available on Audibleandallpodcastingplatforms About Virginia Arts Festival: The Virginia Arts Festival celebrates its 28th Anniversaryin2025 Thelargestperforming arts organization in southeastern Virginia, Virginia Arts Festival has transformed the region’s cultural scene, presenting great performers from around the world and making this historic region a cultural destination for visitors from across the United States and around the world. In 2024 the Festival welcomed visitors from 49 states, the District of Columbia, and 8 foreign countries Each season the Festival presents over 250 performances including free community events, student matinees, and workshops, with an annual attendance of over 110,000 Millions more are reached throughinternationalbroadcastsofFestival performances on American Public Radio’s Performance Today, nationally on PBS TV, andregionallyonWHROTV Over34.4%of ticket sales come from outside the region, bringingtensofthousandsofvisitorstolocal museumsandattractionsandfillingregional hotels and restaurants Estimated annual economic impact of the Festival exceeds $25million.
NORFOLK Va Norfolk Botanical Garden (NBG) is hosting the second annual Diversity Gallery, which is open now through Sunday, March 23, 2025 The Diversity Gallery was established through NBG’sPresident’sCouncilonInclusionand Diversity as a community initiative This year, NBG partnered with the d’Art Center in Downtown Norfolk to assist in curating the exhibition. They will also select an overall winner who will receive the distinguishedhonorofafeaturedartworkdisplay atthed’ArtCenterlaterthisyear Thegallery highlights art from our diverse and vibrant community in the Hampton Roads area Nearly 40 artists, featuring more than 100 pieces of art, will be showcased throughout the Baker Hall Visitor Center Saturday, February8,2025from11:00a.m to2:00p.m. for a reception to meet and greet the artists includedwithGardenadmission. As a Virginia Historic Landmark and inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places, NBG has a rich history rooted in resilience and dedication. Today,
the Garden celebrates andhonorsthe220African American Works Progress Administrationworkerswho,inthe late1930’s,cleareddense vegetation and planted thefirstazaleas,becomingourfirstcuratorsand laying the foundation fortheGardenweenjoy today.
“Diversity is essential for a thriving natural world—itfostersgrowth, resilience and beauty Just as ecosystems flourishthroughvariety, so does our community We embrace and amplify diverse voices, ensuring that every voice and story is recognized—and in doing so webecomesomethinggreater,”saidPresident&CEOPeterA.Schmidt. Take time to explore the stunning art collection and serene landscape of the Garden-connectwithnature.Pleasereserve yourGardenadmissionticketinadvance
AboutNorfolkBotanical Garden: Norfolk Botanical Garden represents an oasis of more than 65 themed gardens encompassing 175 beautiful acres From stunning plant collections to WOWWorld of Wonders: A Children’s Adventure Garden, this diverse natural beauty can be explored by tram, boat, or walking tours The Garden is accredited by the American Alliance ofMuseums,recognized as a Virginia Historic Landmark, listed on theNationalRegisterofHistoricPlacesand designated a Virginia Green attraction. It is managedbyNorfolkBotanicalGarden,Inc. and supported by the City of Norfolk. The mission of Norfolk Botanical Garden is to immerse visitors in a world of beauty, lead through environmental action, and inspire througheducationandconnectiontonature.
FALLS CHURCH, Va On Feb. 5, the Kroger Family of Pharmacies rejoined the TRICARE Pharmacy Program network.
This means that TRICARE beneficiaries now have access to over 2,200 additional networkpharmaciesacross35states These pharmacies are in rural, suburban, and urbanlocations
Kroger Pharmacy is a retail network pharmacy, which means that you’ll pay network pharmacy copayments if you fill yourprescriptionsthere.Asdescribedinthe TRICARE Costs and Fees Fact Sheet, the retailnetworkpharmacycopayments*are:
*Thesecopaymentsareforuptoa30-day supply of your prescription (Note: Some non-formulary drugs and maintenance medications may not be available at retail networkpharmacies.)
Not sure if you have a Kroger Pharmacy nearby? Other Kroger Pharmacy brand namesinclude: Baker’sPharmacy
CityMarket Dillons FredMeyer Fry’s HarrisTeeter KingSoopers Mariano’s Pick’nSave QFC Ralphs Smith’s
You can use the “Find a Pharmacy” tool (onlineathttps://militaryrx.express-scripts com/find-pharmacy) to search for retail networkpharmaciesnearyou. There are also other options to fill your prescriptions Youcangetyourdrugs: Atmilitarypharmacies Through TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery Atothernetworkpharmacies Atnon-networkpharmacies
Do you want to learn more about your options when using your TRICARE pharmacy benefit? Check out TRICARE Pharmacy Program or contact Express Scripts theTRICAREpharmacycontractor
Cheesecake makes a decadent Valentine’s Day treat to share
A cheesecake recipe can be useful on any special occasion, and especially so on Valentine’s Day. For many people, cheesecakeisnotcheesecakewithouttheaddition ofricottacheese Whilericottaisincluded in savory dishes like lasagna or manicotti it is at home in desserts like cheesecake as well. Ricotta means “recooked” in Italian, and its production involves reheating the wheyleftoverfrommakingothercheeses, likemozzarella.Itstextureislikeacreamy/ grainy,thicksourcream.
Ricotta is included in this recipe for RicottaCheesecakeWithCoffeeandChocolatefrom“NickStellino’sFamilyKitchen”
(G.P Putnam’s Sons) by Nick Stellino but itisnottheonlyflavorfulingredientinthis decadent dish. Coffee liqueur, chocolate andlemonzestaddtothecomplexprofile which only gets more pronounced if you preparethiscakeadayinadvance
RicottaCheesecakewithCoffee andChocolate Serves 8 to 10
2lbs ricottacheese,drainedofexcess liquid
1/4cupespressoorextrastrongcoffee cooled
Make a graham cracker crust by mixing together the melted butter with the crumbs and sugar Press into the bottom ofa9-inchspringformpan.
Mixtogetherthericotta,sugar,eggyolks, cream,espresso,coffeeliqueur,lemonzest, andsaltuntilcreamy.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Carefully fold theeggwhitesintothericottamixture Stir inthechocolatemorselsandpourontothe preparedcrumbcrust.
Bake the cake for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until just set in the middle The cake will still seem wobbly, but will be lightly browned and cracked around the edges Remove the cake from the oven and cool onarackfor30minutes
Refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 6 hours or overnight before running a sharp knife along the edge of the cake and removingthepan.Cutintowedgestoserve. Garnishwithshavedchocolateandstrawberries,ifdesired.
done devilishly right
If asked to describe the favored foods of Valentine’s Day in a single word, “decadent mightprovethemostaptdescriptor Foodies and non-foodies alike recognize that Valentine’s Day and chocolate are intertwined, making the day an ideal time to indulge in something decadent This Valentine’s Day, couples can share their love for decadent delights by working alongside one another to whip up this recipe for Devil’s Food Layer Cake from ElisabethM.PrueittandChadRobertson’s “Tartine”(ChronicleBooks).
Yields 1 10-inch cake; 12 to 16 servings
1cupunsaltedbutter,atroom temperature
Chocolateganache: 32ouncesbittersweetchocolate
Preheat the oven to 350 F. Butter and lightly flour the sides of two 9-inch cake pans, knocking out the excess flour Line the bottom of each pan with parchment papercuttofitexactly
To make the cake layers sift together the flour, cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa powder, and salt into abowlandsetaside Inthebowlofastand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter on medium-high speed until light and creamy. Slowly add the sugar and continue to beat on the same speedlightincolorandfluffy.Addtheeggs oneatatime mixingwellaftereachaddition until incorporated before adding the nextegg Stopthemixerandscrapedown thesidesofthebowlwiththerubberspatula.Withthemixeronlowspeed,addthe flour mixture in 3 equal batches alter-
nately with the buttermilk in 2 batches beginning and ending with the flour mixture. Stop the mixer, scrape down the sides of the bowl and then mix again for another few seconds. Divide the cake batter evenly between the prepared cake pans Bakeuntilthetopspringsbackwhen lightly touched or a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean, about 45 minutes Letthecakescoolcompletelyin the pans on a wire rack. When the cakes are cool, turn them out by inverting the pans, and then turn the cakes upright Usingaserratedknife,sliceoffthedomed portionfromthetopofeachcaketomake the tops flat. If you want to decorate the cake with crumbs as described in the headnote, reserve the slices for making the crumbs
Tomakethecrumbs,preheattheovento 250F.Lineabakingsheetwithparchment paperoranonstickliner Breakupthecake slicesandspreadonthelinedbakingsheet Placeintheovenandtoastuntilcompletely dry,about1hour Letcoolcompletely,then transfertoafoodprocessororblenderand processuntilfinelyground.Siftthecrumbs throughamedium-meshsieve (Don’tuse asievewithfinemeshorthecrumbswon’t passthrough.)Setaside.
To make the ganache, place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, using the smaller amount of each ingredient if you will be decorating the cake with crumbs and the larger amount if you will not. Bring the creamtojustunderaboilinasmallsaucepan. Pour the cream over the chocolate Letthemixturesitforafewminuteswithout stirring until the chocolate is partially melted,andthenstirwitharubberspatula untilsmoothandshiny.
To assemble the cake, split each cake into 2 layers to make 4 layers in all. Transfer1layertoaservingplate Usinganoffset spatula, spread 3 tablespoons of the caramel evenly over the cake layer. Spread a thinlayerofganache(about1/4-inchthick) over the caramel. Top with a second cake layer,andagainspreadwith3tablespoons caramel and then a thin layer of ganache Topwiththefourthcakelayer.Refrigerate the cake until the center seems firm, 1 to 2 hours Cover the remaining ganache with plasticwrapandleaveatroomtemperature forfinishingthecake Remove the cake from the refrigerator Usingtherestoftheganache frostthetop and sides of the cake with the offset spatula. If you are going to coat the cake with thetoastedcakecrumbs,thecakemustbe evenly frosted and the ganache must be soft enough for the crumbs to adhere If the ganache has hardened, use a kitchen torchtosoftenitslightly,orputthewhole cakeintoa400Fovenfor10secondsorso, justuntilthechocolatelooksshiny.Sprinkle the crumbs evenly over the top of the cake then tilt and turn the cake so that theyspilloverthesides,adheringtothem as they fall.
Ifyouareusingonlytheganacheandnot thecrumbs,theganachewillbethickeron boththetopandsides Serve the cake at room temperature. To store,covertightlyandkeepinacoolplace forupto4days Itisnotnecessarytokeep thiscakeintherefrigerator
Cherries are the star of this Valentine’s Day treat
Tart, red cherries and Valentine’s Day seem to be the perfect pair Not only do cherriesalignwithaValentine’sDaycolor scheme, they even resemble little hearts whenhangingfromtheirstems
Celebrating Valentine’s Day involves many different traditions, and enjoying decadentdessertsisamongthem.Purchasingready-madetreatsfromalocalbakeryis one way to indulge in a sugary confection, butcraftingarecipeathomeisanotherway to show that special someone how much youcare.
CherryPieBarsarenotexactlyapie,but apoundcakewithacherrypiefillingswirl. Theycanbemadeformanydifferentoccasions, but make for something sweet on Valentine’s Day. Whip up this recipe from “Butter, Flour, Sugar, Joy” (Sourcebooks) byDanielleKartes
Yield: One 9x13 inch pan 2cupssugar 1cupbutter,softened 4eggs 2cupsall-purposeflour 1teaspoonbakingpowder 1/2teaspoonsalt 121-ouncecancherrypiefilling
Preheat oven to 350 F. Line a 9-by-13inchpanwithparchmentpaper In a stand mixer, or with a hand mixer, cream sugar and butter on low. Add the eggsoneatatime Beatuntiljustcombined Add the flour, baking powder and salt. Spread a little over half the cake batter into the pan. Evenly spread the pie filling overthetop andspoontherestofthecake batter over the pie filling It’s fine if the cherriesshowthrough. Bake 35 minutes or until the top has turned slightly golden. Do not overbake. Allowtocoolandsliceintosquares Enjoy!