The Flagship 01.30.2025

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(Front row,seventhfromleft) Construction Electrician 2ndClassTreyKeaton,aNaval

ExpeditionaryBase,Little Creek-Fort StoryinVirginia Beach,Virginia,isjoinedbyothermembersand staffoftheAll-NavyBasketballTeam,aftercompeting

Championships,held Oct.4-10,atthe Smith FitnessCenterin Fort Moore,Georgia.Navywent on to defeatAirForce 75 to 71 in the championship game



represents Navy in


Armed Forces BasketballChampionship

NavalFacilitiesEngineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic

NORFOLK,Va. —NavySeabees build and fight, but for one Seabee in particular,the “Can Do” motto meant more thisyearashe had an opportunitytorepresent the Navy by competinginthe2024ArmedForcesBasketball Championships,held Oct. 4-10,atthe SmithFitnessCenterinFortMoore,Georgia.

NavalFacilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT), Construction Electrician 2nd ClassTreyKeaton,assignedtoPublicWorks Department,JointExpeditionaryBase,Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia Beach,Virginia, isthatSeabee Keatonhad theopportunity to participate intheAll-NavySportsprogram,whichledto hisselectionasashootingguardonthisyear’s All-NavyBasketball Team.The team went ontodefeatAirForce75to71inthechampionship game.Keatonfirstlearned aboutthe program from aNavycareercounselorwho sawhim play in aCaptain’sCup game while hewasstationedinPortHueneme,California.

“Itwastrulyanhonortobeselectedtoplay for the All-NavyBasketball Team this year andhelpcontributetothe team winning a championship,” he said. “The experience gave me astrongfeelingofaccomplishment and great pride as abasketball player, and as aNavySeabee. I’mvery grateful to my command for allowing me this opportunity whileIcontinuetoservemycountry.”

GrowingupinLouisville,Kentucky,basketballwasabigpartofKeaton’slifestartingatan earlyage.Heoftendreamtofonedayplaying intheNBA.Heregularlyplayedcompetitive basketball until shortly after his senior year at WaggenerHigh School in St.Matthews Kentucky,whenhedecidedtojointheNavy.

“I wasthe first in my familytojointhe Navy,” he said.“Priortojoining,I wasinterestedinlearningatradeandIwasgivensome information about the Seabees.I’veserved sixyearsnow,andit’sbeenanamazingexperience.”

Keaton’sfutureaspirations is to continue serving in the Navy and earn the rank of Chief, travel, and learn as muchaspossible


NORFOLK,Va. —The 2025 Virginia International Tattoo willfeatureanincredibleinternationalcastofmorethan800 civilian and militaryperformers from six nations. Returning favoritesincludeNorway’sspectacularBandandDrillTeam of HisMajesty theKing’sGuard,the rousingMassedPipes andDrumsfromfournationsandthenimbleOzScotAustralia Highland Dancers.Exciting new performers includethe JapanAirSelf-DefenseForce(JASDF)CentralBandintheir firsttriptotheUnitedStates Attheheartofeveryperformancewillbeanemotionaland grateful tribute to our Soldiers,Sailors,and Marines.With stirring music, heartfelt tributes to those who have served, andappearancesbysomeveryspecialguests,thisTattoowill remindusthatasAmericans,weenjoyfreedomsmadepossibleby250yearsofServiceandSacrifice.

“Prior to theopening notesofthisyear’sTattoo, thefloor

SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS, NEWS AND PHOTOS The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:

Virginia Championship Wrestling to host first show of 2025 in

Virginia Championship Wrestling’s first event of 2025 will take place on Saturday, February 8 at the Norfolk Masonic Temple in Norfolk, VA The professional wrestling show will feature five matches and an interview with Virginia Heavyweight Champion “TheHossofallHosses”Devantes AtVCW’slatesteventinDecember,Tidings of Destruction, The Boar and Rex Lawless metintheirfirstone-on-onematch.Lawless lookedtoreboundafteralosstothereigning TNAWorldChampionNicNemethatVCW’s showinNovember,andTheBoarattempted to prove that he deserved a Virginia HeavyweightChampionshipmatch. There was not a conclusive winner, however,asLawlessandTheBoar’sencounter was ruled a double-disqualification when the two exchanged hits with a steel chair As a result, a rematch has been made official between The Boar and the “Pectoral Poseidon,” for February 8 with heightened stakes: the winner will become the number one contender for the Virginia Heavyweight Championship OnemustassumethatthereigningVirginia Heavyweight Champion Devantes will be paying close attention to the number one contender’smatch.“TheHossofallHosses” returned from a career-threatening injury andwonthetopprizeoftheCommonwealth in October by defeating “Greek God” Papadon. Devantes has dominated since, scoring back-to-back victories in an all-star six man tag team match and a Virginia HeavyweightChampionshipdefenseagainstBrandon Scott. Now Devantes faces arguably his toughest mental challenge as champion: a cordial interview with “The Big 44” Tim Loulies in the Loulies Lounge. Loulies is infamousforantagonizinghisguests,specificallythosewell-likedbytheVCWaudience. With a title defense against The Boar or Rex Lawless set for March 15 at Hampton High School,DevanteswillneedtoignoreLoulies’ anticsandprepareforashowdownwithone ofVCW’sresidentgiants

On November 9 in Alexandria, Chris SladecelebratedthelifeofthelateJermaine “DirtyMoney”Robinsonbywinningthefirst Dirty Money Cup (DMC) The win quickly elevated Slade’s position in the company Meanwhile, “Greek God” Papadon is intent on stopping Slade from building any more credibility During the first round of the DMC PapadonandhispartnerJosephKeys were eliminated by the team of Slade and BreauxKeller Thefirstroundlosscamejust one month after Papadon lost the Virginia Heavyweight Championship to Devantes PapadonlookstoavengehisDMClosswhen he faces Slade in Norfolk, but Slade intends to keep his momentum rolling into the new year At Tidings of Destruction in December, Commander King ended Saul Esparza’s VCW Liberty Championship reign by winning the Tidings of Destruction Derby. King pinned Myron Malone in the multiman match after Malone neutralized the defending Esparza. Malone has found success in VCW’s tag team division, previously holding the VCW Tag Team Championship with Alex Divine in 2024 The Tidings of Destruction Derby was the closestthatMalonehasgottentosinglesgoldin the 757, but due to that performance, he has been given a golden opportunity when he goesone-on-onewithCommanderKingon February8fortheVCWLibertyChampionship Malone has the odds stacked against him with Big AC and Cassius “Cash” Carter in the Commander’s corner but Malone is notorious for using his agility to surpass expectations After Jerry Stephanitsis’ year-long fight with The Boar concluded at VCW Liberty Lottery in July with “The Director” laid out in the ring, Stephanitsis pivoted his hostile intentions to a new fan-favorite, “Mr. Xcellence”BrandonScott.Afteryearsofhavinga negativerelationshipwiththefans Scottwon theirfavorin2024 Stephanitsishastakenoffenseto“Mr.Xcellence’s” popularity with the fans, especially after Scott skipped Stephanitsis’ 40th birthday celebration. Stephanitsis has interfered in Scott’s matches since “The Director” has raised the stakes for February 8 by issuing a BlockbusterBountyonBrandonScott

“I’m offering the kind of payday many professional wrestlers only dream about,” Stephanitsissaidaboutthebounty “Thefirst persontonotonlybeatBrandonScott,butto holdhimsteadysothatIcankickhimrightin hisfamilyjewelswillcollectthecash!”

The Blockbuster Bounty was quickly accepted by Chulo Montana, making a matchbetweenhimandBrandonScottofficial for the Norfolk Masonic Temple With high financial stakes at play, Scott looks to begin 2025 by embarrassing Jerry Stephanitsis once more.

The VCW Tag Team Champions Delinquents (Mikey Banker and Josh Fuller) and the Golden Pinky Society (Benjamin Banks and“Diamond VictorGriff)havehadunresolved issues with one another for the past year Thetwoteamshavetradedvictoriesfor months with their most recent encounter occurring at Tidings of Destruction Delinquents were scheduled to defend their tag

team titles, but Victor Griff was not medically cleared. Benjamin Banks compensated by defeating Mikey Banker in singles action, securing a title match on February 8. The Golden Pinky Society has the undisputed support of the VCW audience but history shows that Delinquents are able to defeat Banks and Griff with underhanded tactics With nearly two months of planning, it is unknown what schemes Fuller and Banker may have plotted. Can the Golden Pinky Society leave the Norfolk Masonic Temple asthree-timeVCWTagTeamChampions,or will Delinquents find a way to walk out with theirtitlesintact? Front row tickets for VCW’s first event of the year are sold out, but general admission andatthedooronSaturday,February8.The Norfolk Masonic Temple is located at 7001 GranbySt,Norfolk,VA23505 Doorsopenat 6:30p.m.withbelltimeat7:30p.m.


HAMPTON ROADS Va Who will you be rooting for during the Big Game on February 9, 2025? Whether you’re hosting a viewing party or attending one, everyone has an important job: Help keep impaired drivers off the road, so everyonecanmakeithomesafelyongamenight.Ifyouplan to drink alcohol or use legal or illegal drugs, plan for a safe and sober ride home If you’re hosting a party, take care of your guests If you are in the Hampton Roads area, free or reduced Lyft ride-shares are being offered by Drive Safe HRtoimpaireddriversthroughoutHamptonRoadsonBig Drive Safe Hampton Roads (DSHR) is sponsoring 757 SoberRideforTheBigGamefrom8PM.onSunday,February9until3AMonMonday,February10,2025 Duringthis seven-hour period, area residents 21 and older celebrating with alcohol and/or drugs should download the Lyft app to their phones, then enter the 757 Sober Ride code in theapp’s“Payment”tab(underthe“AddLyftPass”option) whentheyarereadytoreceivetheirno-cost(upto$15)safe transportationhome Thecodewillonlyworkifusedduring theabove-statedperiodforridesoriginatingfromorhaving a destination within Hampton Roads. DSHR’s Big Game Sunday 757 Sober Ride promo code will be posted at 8 PM on Sunday, February 9, at Valid while supplies last. Subject to Lyft’s Terms ofService AccordingtotheNationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration (NHTSA), in 2022, one person was killed every 39 minutes in a drunk-driving crash and there were 13,524 alcoholimpairedfatalities InHamptonRoadsonBigGame Sunday2023 therewere163crashes,94injuries,and3fatalities InanefforttoreduceinjuriesandfatalitiesinHampton Roads, DSHR promotes the 757 Sober Ride campaign for ridesoriginatingand/orfordestinationsinHamptonRoads. Supporters of the 2025 757 Sober Ride campaign include Huffman&HuffmanBrothersinLawandtheVirginiaDMV. BobClinebell,President,DriveSafeHamptonRoadssays, “Itiscriticalthatanyoneheadingouttoabarorpartyforthe BigGametoplanforasoberridetoarrivehomesafely Make smartchoices,alwaysplanonhowyou’regoingtogethome safelyoncethecelebrationends Impaireddrivingisdeadly, andnooneshouldevertakethatrisk.

Clinebell also recommends, “If you are the designated driver,committo100%sobrietytokeepyouandyourfriends safe If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement immediately Doing so could save your life, your passengers’ lives, and others on the road. And, if you haveafriendwhoisabouttodriveimpaired takeawaytheir keys and help them make arrangements to get them home safely—it will be the greatest gift you could ever give them. We want everyone to enjoy the fun, no matter which team yourootfor!”

Drive Safe Hampton Roads (DSHR) is a non-profit regional coalition whose mission is to improve highway safetyandreduceinjuriesanddeathsfromvehiclecrashes Forover36years,DriveSafeHamptonRoadshaspromoted citizeninvolvementandcommunityawarenessaswestrive towardzerodeathsonourregion’sroadways.

#757Sober_Ride #DriveSafeHR

*Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles TREDS Report

Kick off your football feast with

The best watch parties have two things in common: good food and good company to root for your team with Kick off your football feast with appetizers made with a gamedayfavorite:avocados

With nearly 2.5 billion pounds of avocados imported from Mexico annually based on Hass Avocado Board Volume Data, the Big Game is the No 1 occasion where avocados and guacamole are served and prepared In fact, approximately 250 million pounds of avocados are importedintheweeksleadinguptotheBigGame,accordingto“ProduceBlueBook”-that’senoughavocadostogo downandbackthelengthofastandardprofessionalfootballfieldmorethan400,000times Justasthefirstquartersetsthetoneforthegame apps areyourfirstopportunitytobuildexcitementandgetyour guests cheering Because it’s not game day without guac start the party by mashing up a bowl of Championship Guac-arealcravingcrushermadewithcreamy,delicious AvocadosFromMexicoandcrispybacon-tosackhunger. Takeyourviewingpartytoawholenewflavorlevelwith Gronkamole Thisall-stardipfeaturesshreddedchicken, bluecheese,Buffalosauceandthesameflarethatfootball greatandAvocadosFromMexicopartnerRobGronkowskiplayedthegamewith soyouknowit’sreadytotackle everychip crackerandveggiethrownitsway. These innovative spins on game day guacamole score bigwhenmadewithfreshavocados,anutrient-densefruit everybodycancheerfor Theytastegood,aregoodforyou andbringthegoodtimesongameday.



Servings: 10

„ 5AvocadosFromMexico,peeledandpitted

„ 1lemon,juiceonly

„ 1/2cupwhiteonion,finelychopped

„ 1cuptomatoes,diced

„ 1/2cupcilantro,chopped

„ 1poundbacon,fried

„ 1/2teaspoongarlicpowder

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper,totaste

„ tortillachips,forserving(optional)

„ crackers,forserving(optional)

To prepare avocado: In a bowl, use fork to mash the avocados and lemon juice until creamy Then add the onion,tomatoesandcilantro

Topreparebacon:Cutthebaconintosquaresthenplace it in a hot skillet over medium heat and cook 15 minutes, or until golden. Transfer to a plate to drain excess fat and letcool.

To prepare guacamole: Add the bacon, garlic powder, saltandpepper,totaste,totheguacamole;mixwell. Toserve,putguacamoleinbowlandservewithtortilla chipsorcrackers,ifdesired.


AvocadosFromMexicopartnerRobGronkowski’s favoriteguacamolerecipe

Servings: 4

„ 2 AvocadosFromMexico

„ 1 teaspoonlemonjuice

„ 3/4 cupchickenbreast,cookedandshredded

„ 1/4 cupbluecheese,crumbled

„ 3 tablespoonsBuffalosauce

„ salt,totaste

„ cornchips forserving(optional)

„ carrotsticks forserving(optional)

Inasmallbowl,mashavocadosandstirinlemonjuice. Add chicken, blue cheese and Buffalo sauce to guacamolemixture.Addsalt,totaste. Servewithcornchipsorcarrotsticks,ifdesired.

Source: Avocados From Mexico

Ifaversatile,easyandeconomicalrecipeisjustwhatyou need for game day, get-togethers or stress-free evenings athome,theseMiniBeefWellingtonsareperfectforyou.

Enjoy them as a meal with favorite sides or serve as an

appetizerthenexttimeyouplayhost. VisitCulinary.nettofindmoreappetizers,meals,snacks andsidesforanyoccasion


Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”

„ 8ouncesbeeftenderloinsteaks cubed

„ 1package(17ounces 2sheets)puffpastry

„ water

„ garlicandherbspreadablecheese

„ 1package(21/2ounces)realbaconpieces

„ mashedpotatoes,forserving

Mushroom Sauce:

„ 1can(14ounces)mushrooms

„ 11/2cupschickenbroth

„ 3tablespoonsbutter

„ 3tablespoonsflour

„ 1tablespoongarlicpowder

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper,totaste

„ 1/2cupheavycream

To make mushroom sauce: In blender, blend mushroomsandchickenbroth;setaside

Inskilletovermediumheat,meltbutterandmixinflour Slowlyaddmushroombrothwhilestirring Itshouldstart tothicken;ifitdoesn’t,add1tablespoonflourandstirwell. Addgarlicpowderandsaltandpepper,totaste Mixin heavy cream while continuing to stir Remove from heat andsetaside

To make beef pastry:Heatovento400F. Cubesteaksandplaceinbowlthencoverandmixwell with1cupmushroomsauce

Cut each puff pastry into six squares for 12 total. Use water to moisten each corner of squares and bring them together, forming small box shape Place 1 heaping tablespoonmeatmixtureintoeachpastrysquare. Place squares on parchment paper-covered cookie sheetsandbake15minutes. Spoonspreadablecheeseoverhotsquaresandtopwith baconpieces Servewithmashedpotatoesanduseleftovermushroom sauceasgravy.


TRICARE Online Patient Portal decommissioning April 1, 2025:

Download your health records now!

FALLS CHURCH, Va On April 1, the TRICARE Online Patient Portal will no longer be available The Department of Defense’s new electronic health record— MHS GENESIS—has replaced the TOL Patient Portal. As part of the transition, the DOD is decommissioning the TOL Patient Portal.

If you want to keep a copy of your legacy health records for personal use, you must downloadthemfromtheTOLPatientPortal beforeApril1.

“All military hospitals and clinics have transitionedtoMHSGENESIS Weencourageyoutotaketheseimportantstepstosave your personal health records before the TOL Patient Portal decommissions,” said Rear Adm. Tracy Farrill, Principal Deputy Assistant Director for Health Care Administration, and Military Health System EHR FunctionalChampionattheDefenseHealth Agency “Your medical history is a valuable resource for managing your health, and saving your records now ensures you have accessifyouneedit.”

Here’swhatyouneedtoknowbeforethe TOLPatientPortaldecommissions Why is the TOL Patient Portal decommissioning?

The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal has replacedtheTOLPatientPortal.Asdetailed in the TRICARE Choices in the United States Handbook (online at https://tricare mil/Publications/Handbooks/united states),MHSGENESISallowsyoutoaccess yourEHR24/7.Youcanalsobookandcancel appointments, request prescription refills and renewals, see clinical notes and certain test results, and exchange secure messages withyourmilitaryhealthcareteam.

ThechangefromTOLtoMHSGENESIS eliminatestheneedtomaintaintwosystems andstreamlinesEHRmanagement What will happen to my records?

Provider access: Your provider will

continue to have access to your complete healthrecords Personal access: You can use the steps below to download your legacy records for personal use before April 1. You can also request a physical copy from your military hospital or clinic’s records management office To do this, you’ll need to complete a requestforminperson,andthenreturnata laterdesignatedtimetopickuptherecords Beginning April 1, if you want your legacy health records you’ll have to follow this process What should I do now?

To keep copies of your legacy health records,followtheseinstructions:

Login:SigninusingyourDSLogon,CAC, or DFAS myPay credentials If you don’t have a DS Logon, you’ll need to create one byclicking“NeedAnAccount.

Access: On the TOL homepage, click the blue “Health Record” button to view your personalhealthdata.

Basketball Championship from Page 1

He also wants to continue to play basketball andcompeteatahigherlevel.

“These past six years have been a 10-outof-10 experience for me, and I’ve extremely enjoyed the people, the work, and the challenge,”hesaid.“Ifgiventheopportunityagain, it would be a privilege to represent the Navy onanational andifpossible,agloballevel.

All-Navy Basketball is an opportunity for Sailors with the appropriate skill set to compete at the highest-level outside of the service academies. Players who are selected to attend the trial camp compete for roster spots available on the All-Navy Team Once the All-Navy Team is selected, the players continue to train prior to the Armed Forces BasketballChampionships. FollowingcompletionoftheArmedForces Basketball Tournament, higher-level playing opportunitiesstillexistforaselectfew From the players who participated in the Armed Forces Basketball Tournament, a few will be

of Scope Arena will be totally empty, and dark,” said Scott Jackson, Producer/Director of the Virginia International Tattoo since 2002 “Our countdown clocks will tick down, and the audience will hear from theTattooDrumMajorabouttheceremony and etiquette that we ask them to observe during the performance And when the clocks hit “0”, the Tattoo Production team willfire350intelligent,infinitelycolor-variable spot-and-wash lighting fixtures flooding the floor of the arena suddenly filled withhundredsofperformers-withintense color-saturated light. We’ll start the show withaworldpremiereVictoryatSeaFanfare performed by Herald Trumpets 5 Military Bands Symphonic Chorus, and even bagpipes Onthefinalnotesoftheoverture, 30studentsfromtheNavalJROTCwillopen an enormous American flag, and the audience will be asked to rise for the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner We will be just one minute into our 2025 Tattoo, CelebratingandHonoringthe250thanniversariesof the U.S Army, Navy and Marine Corps and the60,000hoursittooktopreparewillhave alreadybeenworthit!”

New this year, the Virginia International TattooisasignatureeventofVirginiaAmerican Revolution 250 Commission (VA250). Established by the General Assembly to commemorate Virginia’s role in the 250th anniversary of American independence, VA250 will mark the nation’s semiquincentennial by bringing Virginians together to learn more about Virginia’s key role in shaping the nation, these signature events are bringing together Virginians, travelers, history lovers and special guests from the stateandnationtojoineventsthatcelebrate and commemorate major moments of 250

selectedtorepresenttheUnitedStatesinthe MilitaryWorldChampionships

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering, public works and environmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine as far west as Illinois and down to Indiana. As an integral member of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadership through the Regional Engineer organization to ensure the region’s facilities and infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively ForadditionalinformationaboutNAVFAC MIDLANTonsocialmedia,followouractivities on Facebook at navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@navfacmidatlantic.


Don’t miss the Virginia International Tattoo AScottishTraditionwithanAmericanSoul!

Tickets are available and on sale now at, by phone at 757-282-2822, orinpersonattheVirginiaArtsFestivalBox Office located at 440 Bank Street, Norfolk, VA23510


Thecenturies-oldtraditionofTattoooriginatedasasignalfromdrummersinstructing Dutch innkeepers near military garrisons to “Doe den Tap-too” or “turn off the tap”. Hearing the call “Tap-too” soldiers would return to their barracks for an evening roll call.Theensuingparadeofsoldiersevolved intoamilitarymarchingbandperformance nowknownworldwideas“Tattoo.”

The Tattoos seen across the world today are ceremonial performances of military music by massed bands. Each Tattoo is influencedbythecultureofthecountrythey represent.Fansofthesemassedspectaclesof music and might flock to the world’s great TattoosincludingRoyalEdinburghMilitary TattooinScotland,BaselTattooinSwitzerland, and Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo in Canada. But the greatest Tattoo intheUnitedStates,andrivalingthelargest in the world, is the Virginia International


Event Info:

„ Thursday,April24 7:30pm „ Friday,April25 7:30pm „ Saturday,April26,7:30pm „ Sunday,April27,2:30p

Location:ScopeArena,201E.Brambleton Avenue,Norfolk,Virginia

Find data: Select “Download My Data.” You’llseeseveraldatacategories.

Customize:Choosetheperson,datatypes, date range, and format for the records you wanttodownload.

Download: You can choose to download your records in portable document format (.pdf)orasa(.xml)continuityofcaredocument. The CCD format allows you to share yourdatawithfamily,caregivers,providers, andhealthcaresystems ortodocumentdata inyourpreferredpersonalhealthrecord.

Save: After downloading you can either open the file or save it securely for future use Youcanalsoprintyourrecordsandstore theminasafeplace

Important details

Your records won’t transfer to MHS GENESISonceTOLdecommissions YourTOLhealthrecordsonlyreflectperiods of time when your military hospital or clinic was using TOL. Note: If you moved from one duty station to another, and one militaryhospitalorclinicusedTOLandthe

other used MHS GENESIS your records in MHS GENESIS may have gaps You’ll find these “gap” records in the TOL Patient Portal.Besuretodownloadthem. Youcanonlydownloadyourrecordsfrom the past 30 years, from the date you log in toTOL. Protect your health information. When youdownloadorprintyourpersonalhealth information, it becomes your responsibilitytokeepitsafe Usesecureoptions Avoid savingpersonaldataonunsecuredevicesor platforms

It’s also important to know that if you’re planningtofileaclaimwiththeDepartment of Veterans Affairs, this decommissioning won’t affect your ability to do so Providers willstillhaveaccesstoyourcompletehealth records

Can I see my children’s health records?

Yes.Youcanviewallavailablehealthdata for your children under the age of 12 For childrenaged12to17,youmayviewCOVID19, coronavirus, and flu test results, as well asallergies vitals andimmunizationdata. Duetostateprivacylaws therearelimits to what health data you can view online for your children aged 12 to 17 You can request printed results from your child’s clinic or provider

Don’t wait—take action

Remember: The TOL Patient Portal will onlybeavailableuntilApril1.Takethetime now to download and store your health recordstoensureyoucaneasilyaccessthem ifneeded.Togetstartedorlearnmore,visit theTOLPatientPortal.

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.

Tickets and Information: www.vafest. org,byphoneat757-282-2822,orinpersonat theVirginiaArtsFestivalBoxOfficelocated at440BankStreet,Norfolk,VA23510

Stayuptodate:FollowtheVirginiaInternationalTattooonsocialmediaplatforms@ VaTatt and subscribe to our Virginia InternationalTattooYouTubepageforthelatest andgreatestexclusivecontent,behind-thescenes casttakeovers andmore!

Virginia International Tattoo 2025 Participating Nations:


„ OzScotAustraliaHighlandDancers

„ Pipes&DrumsoftheRoyalCaledonian SocietyofSouthAustralia CANADA

„ DeltaPolicePipeBand

„ RoyalCanadianAirForcePipesand Drums JAPAN

„ JapanAirSelf-DefenseForceCentral Band NORWAY

„ HisMajestytheKing’sGuardBandand DrillTeam


„ MajorSinclairMemorialPipeBandof NorthernIreland UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA

„ CamdenCountyEmeraldSocietyPipes andDrums

„ GranbyHighSchoolNavalJunior ReserveOfficerTrainingCorps

„ HamptonRoadsPoliceHonorGuards

„ MesaCaledonianPipeBand

„ NorfolkFire-RescueHonorGuard

„ OldDominionUniversityConcertChoir

„ TidewaterPipesandDrums

„ U.S.ArmyTrainingandDoctrine

NORFOLK,VA(Dec 9,2024)

Construction Electrician 2nd Class TreyKeaton,a Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic Seabee assigned to PublicWorks Department Joint ExpeditionaryBase,Little CreekFort StoryinVirginia Beach,Virginia, wears the medal he received for being a memberoftheAll-Navy BasketballTeam,afterthe team competed in the 2024Armed Forces Basketball Championships, held Oct.4-10 at the Smith Fitness Centerin Fort Moore,Georgia.The All-NavyBasketballTeamwent on to defeatAirForce 75 to 71 in the championship game.(PHOTO BYEJHERSOM,NAVALFACILITIES ENGINEERINGSYSTEMSCOMMAND MID-ATLANTIC)


„ U.S.NavyDrillTeam

„ U.S.MarineCorpsBand,Quantico

„ U.S.MarineCorpsFASTCompany

„ U.S.NavyFleetForcesBand

„ VirginiaSymphonyOrchestraChorus

*Subject to changes and additions As of 12.10.2024

About VA250: Established in 2020 to commemorate Virginia’s role in the 250th anniversaryofAmericanindependence the VirginiaAmericanRevolution250Commission (VA250) aims to form a more perfect union by educating Virginians about their history and civic duty and sharing diverse narratives that capture Virginia’s complete storyandroleinshapingthenation.

About Virginia International Tattoo: As it has been since 1997 one of the anchor events of the Virginia Arts Festival is the Virginia International Tattoo Led by J. Scott Jackson, the Virginia International Tattoo has become the largest such event in North America and numbers among the largest Tattoos in the world. Selected by the American Bus Association—the nation’s premier travel organization—as the top event in the United States in 2016, the Virginia International Tattoo has drawn visitors from across the country and around the world and has welcomed performers from 31 nations There simply is no comparable experience in the United States and no greater voice for expressing our nation’s gratitude to those who serve. Someofthemostmemorableofthe25past VirginiaInternationalTattooshavesaluted the Tuskegee Airmen, Vietnam Veterans Medal of Honor recipients and women in the military Each show is a moving lesson in history and patriotism for every generation, including the more than 20,000 students who attend the Tattoo every year

VA International Tattoo from Page 1

Theyoungchild’sloose incisormade hisgums prettysore.Itold him“This toothshall pass.

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