GREATLAKES,Ill.(February6,2024) Sailors and communitypartners
Great Lakes,Feb.6,2024.The
Forces Command
GREATLAKES,Ill.(February6,2024) Sailors and communitypartners
Great Lakes,Feb.6,2024.The
Forces Command
ByNavyRegionMid-Atlantic PublicAffairsOffice
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (NRMA) installations across Hampton Roads will kick off the annual force protection exercise Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain (CS-SC25) Feb. 3-14 2025
Citadel Shield, held during the first week, is a field training exercise led by Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), while Solid Curtain followsinthesecondweekasacommand post exercise led by U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFF).
CS-SC25isatwo-partforceprotection exercise designed to bolster readiness of U.S. Navy security forces throughout the continental United States
“This is a crucial exercise our Navy personnel conduct each year,” said Rear Adm. Carl Lahti, commander, NRMA “The realistic scenarios carried out during the exercise will challenge, improve, and strengthen our security procedures as well as test our coordina-
tion efforts with local partner security agencies. Most importantly, the safety and security of our people, equipment, and facilities is our top priority as we carry out this exercise.”
CS-SC25isaregularlyscheduledexercise and is not being held in response to any specific threat.
Navy 2-2-2
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic is responsiblefortheoperationofNavyinstallations from North Carolina to Maine and providing support programs and servicesfortheFleet,FighterandFamily and supports readiness across the fleet.
Follow Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s Facebook at http://bit.ly/9fKiGJ or on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CNRMA.
This two-part training promotes interoperabilityamongcommands,other services, and agency partners to protect life,equipment,andfacilities Bothweeks will simulate realistic threat scenarios, including active shooters, unauthorized base access, and improvised explosive devices
Measureshavebeentakentominimize disruptions within local communities and to normal base operations, but there may be times when the exercise causes increasedtrafficaroundbasesordelaysin base access Area residents may also see orhearsecurityactivitiesassociatedwith the exercise Advanced coordination has taken place with local law enforcement and first responders For information about potential local impacts due to the exercise, please visit yourlocalNavyinstallation’swebsiteand social media channels
ByPettyOfficer2ndClass MaxBiesecker
USS John C. Stennis (CVN74)
NEWPORT NEWS, Va For USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) Sailor Aviation Boatswain’sMate(Fuels)2ndClassKevinGinn, lifeintheNavyisjustonechapterinalarger story of service and self-transformation. While many Sailors focus on their military careers Ginn is committed to making a difference in his community by serving as a part-timesheriff’sdeputy Growing up in Los Angeles, Ginn had
several negative experiences with law enforcement that left a lasting impact. Ratherthanharboringresentment,hechose tobecomethechangehewishedtosee “Icanbethechange,right?”Ginnsaid.“I cangivesomebodyelsethatpositiveoutlook thatIdidn’treceive.”
In a world where many criticize the system, Ginn works to reshape it from within. As both a Sailor and a law enforcement officer he’s building a life centered on purpose resilience and the unwavering desiretohelpothers With 11 years in the Navy, Ginn draws on
his military training to inform his work as a deputy The Navy taught him fortitude, teamwork,andtheabilitytostaycalmunder pressure—skills he says are crucial when dealing with high-stress situations in law enforcement. He also believes that improper policing often stems from insecurities, which can escalate tensions “I’m not insecure,” Ginn said. “I love who I am and who I’m becoming So if a situation came down to it, I can have a good chance at fixing the situation. During police academy training, Ginn was theonlyrecruitwhodidn’tdrawhisweapon
in a high-pressure scenario demonstrating propertacticsandproportionateescalation offorce
“It’s about how you approach people,” Ginn said. “I feel like talking is extremely important.” He strives to make others feel humanandavoidcreatingdangeroussituationsbytreatingeveryonewithrespect. Hishardworkwouldpayoff,asGinnwas selectedasthehonorgraduateofhisclass “WhenIfirstconsideredjoiningtheacademy, I realized that despite my past experi-
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Norfolk’s Galley honors Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day with a special meal “Wepickoutaholidayeachmonthtodo
NORFOLK, Va Naval Station
(NAVSTA) Norfolk Galley hosted a special meal and cake cutting in honor of Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr Day on January 15, 2025 Dr MartinLutherKingJr wastheleading advocate for nonviolent resistance during the Civil Rights Movement, which sought to challenge racial discrimination in both federal and state laws as well as in society His efforts contributed to significant legislative changes in the United States until his tragic assassination on April 4, 1968. In recognition of his contributions, President Ronald Reagan signed the King Holiday Bill into law, establishing MLK Jr Day as a federal holiday observed on the third MondayinJanuary
Over the course of a week, the Galley’s culinary team prepared a range of menu itemsandingredientsbeforethemeal,under the guidance of watch captains and leaders
ences,policeofficersarejustregularpeople too,”heexplained.“IdecidedIcouldbepart ofthesolution.”
Ginn compares the camaraderie he shares with his fellow Sailors to that of his law enforcement colleagues Both the Navy and law enforcement require strong bonds within teams to succeed “Eventually you getthat‘I’vegotyourback’mentality,”Ginn said. “It’s about having that team mentality and knowing that you can rely on one another.”
Balancing his Navy duties with his work as a deputy has been challenging, but Ginn sees it as a worthwhile commitment. “I feel like it was the right reason for me to do it,” hesaid.He’sdrivenbyhisdesiretoservehis countryandcommunity
like Culinary Specialist 1st Class KyAirra Hopkins The team’s dishes include prime rib,shrimpjambalaya,friedcabbage,macaroniandcheeseandaspecialcake.
“We pick out a holiday each month to do a special meal,” said Hopkins. “This month we remember all that Martin Luther King Jr hehasdoneandhislegacyofwhathehas taughtusalongtheway.”
At 11:00 a.m., the doors opened and a line of Sailors and visitors eagerly lined up to indulge One of the attendees, Marcus Norman, a zone manager from Norfolk NavalShipyard,voicedhissatisfactionwith theGalley’sofferings
“Every single part of this meal was my favorite,” said Norman. “The galley is wonderfulandIappreciatewhattheseSailorsandciviliansdoforus.”
The event wrapped up with a special cake-cutting ceremony in honor of Dr MartinLutherKingJr Meanwhile,preparationsareunderwayfortheupcomingspecial mealinFebruary,celebratingBlackHistory Month,withthemenutoberevealedsoon.
Despite the demands of both roles, Ginn findstimeforhimselfbystayingfocusedon long-termgoals “OnceIfinishschool,Iwant tocommission, Ginnsaid.“AndthenIwant toworkonroboticsintheNavy.”Hisflexible approach to time management reflects his militarytraining,whichtaughthimtoadapt andpersevereinthefaceofobstacles Ginn’sdeterminationisalsorootedinhis difficult childhood when his family faced a period of homelessness That experience instilled a fierce resolve to never return to that state, and he’s committed to providing his daughters with a life free from hardship “Ineverwanttogobacktothat,”Ginn said. “That’s my driving force It’s never going back, never letting my daughters see anythinglikethat.”
ForGinn,theNavyhasplayedamajorrole in shaping his resilience The structure of Navy life has helped him stay focused and navigatelife’schallenges
HeadvisesfellowSailorstofindahobbyor secondjobthatkeepsthemmentallystrong and grounded. Volunteering as a deputy has allowed him to channel his energy into somethingthatalignswithhisvalues “Find your happy space,” Ginn said. “Whatever your mission is, find that thing that is going todriveyoutostayactive,keepmoving,and maintainapositivemindset.”
Ginn also encourages service members to take full advantage of the Navy’s educational benefits. “The Navy is going to get whatthey’regoingtogetoutofyou, hesaid. “ButyoucangetjustasmuchfromtheNavy as they can get from you. School and benefitsarethere,andpeoplearen’talwaysaware ofthem.”
Reflecting on his own journey, Ginn shared that starting school was intimidating buthe’smotivatedbyhisprogress He’s currently studying mechatronics (robotics engineering) with a 3.77 GPA and plans to
graduate with his associate’s degree in May andhisbachelor’sdegreethefollowingyear “Make a vision board, figure out your goals, andpushyourselftobebetterthanyouwere last year,” Ginn said. “I’ve almost accomplishedeverythingonmyvisionboardfrom lastyear,anditkeepsmegoing.”
Ginn’sstoryhighlightsthepowerfulintersection of military service and community service His journey—from overcoming personal hardship to thriving in the Navy and law enforcement—proves that resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to helpingotherscanleadtotransformation. As Ginn continues to serve in the Navy, pursue his education, and volunteer as a sheriff’s deputy, he remains driven by a vision of a better future for his family and community ForGinn,it’sclear:theworkhe does in the Navy and on the streets is part of a larger mission to be a force for positive change
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner
757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil
Stormwaterpollutionresultswhenprecipitationsuchas rain or snowmelt runs over surfaces picking up pollutants like pesticides, fertilizers, construction site sediments, pet waste,litter etc.Thesepollutantscansignificantlydegrade water quality and threaten aquatic wildlife and human health.Inaddition,stormwaterpollutionimpactsourdrinking water supplies and use of waterways for recreational activitiessuchasswimming,fishing,andboating Runoff from our lawns, rooftops and driveways drain directly into the stormwater system. This system consistingofditches,stormdrainsandpipes,orotherconveyances which collect and transport stormwater, all discharges stormwater directly to nearby streams, lakes and waterways without treating the water first to remove contaminants Becauseofthis itisimportantforustotryandprevent pollutantsfrombeingwashedintothesestormdrainsfrom our car, lawn, and pool maintenance activities The facts relatedtopollutioncanbestaggering:
Recyclingjustonegallonofusedoilcangenerateenough electricitytoruntheaveragehouseholdforalmost24hours (PhiladelphiaWaterDepartment,AHomeowner’sGuideto StormwaterManagement January2006).
Pesticides are toxic to the fish and the organisms living in our waterways and are harmful to our drinking water supplies
Excessive nutrients from fertilizers result in an overgrowth of algae and plants which depletes the necessary oxygenforfish.
Back wash residues, algaecides, and acid washes from routine swimming pool and spa maintenance can be very harmfulifdischargedintoourwaterways. Below are tips we can all adopt to help keep our local waterwayshealthy!
Vehicle Maintenance:
Usingthefollowingtipsforpropercarandtruckmaintenance can prevent pollutants such as oil, heavy metals, and toxicmaterialsfromenteringthestormdrain:
Frequentlycheckyourvehicleforleaksbyexaminingthe pavement in your driveway or garage and use drip pans to capturetheleakysubstancesuntilyouareabletocompletely repairtheleak.
Properlydisposeoforrecycleusedorunwantedoil,transmissionfluid,antifreeze,andbatteries Neverdumporallow these materials to leak onto paved surfaces that connect to thestormdrainsystem.
Carefully store vehicle maintenance supplies in tightly sealedcontainerstopreventspills
Inthecaseofaspill,useanabsorbentmaterialtocontain the potential pollutant, clean it up immediately once
absorbed, and properly dispose of the spillandcleanupmaterials
Special tip: Empty liquid detergent bottles are excellent for storing vehicle maintenance fluids because the lids seal tightly
Using the following tips for proper lawn care and maintenance can prevent pollutants such as pesticides,fertilizers,lawnclippingsandleavesfromentering the storm drain and negatively affecting our nearby waterways:
Use pesticides and fertilizers sparingly and never right before it rains If you believe that your soil needs nutrients have your soil tested first so that you know the proper amount to apply Over application of fertilizers is a leading causeorpollutionfromhomeowners
Composting and/or using organic fertilizers are highly recommendedtoreducepollutedrunofffromourhomes
Do not use a leaf blower or sweep your leaves and grass clippings into the storm drains around your home This clogsstormdrainswhichcancausefloodingissuesandadds excessive nutrients to our waterways. Grass clippings hold the fertilizers or pesticides that are applied to your lawn and if blown into the nearby storm drains will carry these pollutantsintothedownstreamwaterways.
Special tip: Instead of bagging your lawn clippings and leaves, use your lawn mower to mulch the lawn waste and allowittospreadoveryourlawnwhichwillactasanatural fertilizer This will also help you save money because you willnothavetopayforfertilizersandwillhelpgetthatnice greenlawn!
Pool Maintenance:
Usingthefollowingtipsforproperpoolmaintenancecan preventchlorinefromenteringthestormdrain:
Drain your pool waters to the sanitary system if possible andallowbylocalordinance Thesanitarysystemprovides treatmentbeforedischargetolocalwaterways.
If draining your pool water to the stormwater system, only drain your pool when a test kit demonstrates that the chlorine levels have dissipated and are no longer detected ThepHshouldbebetween6.5and8.5beforedischarging
Never clean or rinse a pool or spa filter over a paved area that leads to a storm drain. Only rinse in a sink that is connected to the sanitary system or over a lawn that will absorbandinfiltratetherunoff
Carefullystoreyourpoolchemicalsinacoveredareaand intightlysealedcontainmenttopreventspillsand/orexposuretoprecipitation
Avoid the use of the more toxic copper-based algaecides byusinganalternativesuchassodiumbromide
Thanks for reading this article and hopefully you can incorporatesomeofthesepollutionpreventiontechniques intoyourdailyhabitstohelpprotectourlocalwaterways.Be suretopickupthenextissueofTheFlagshipandreadarticle 3inthisserieswhichwilldiscusspollutionthatresultsfrom petwasteandwhatwecandotopreventit.
ByChristyTrabun Naval Support Activity Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA For more than a decadeandahalf,thelastremainingconventionallypoweredaircraftcarrier,theEx-USS JohnF.Kennedy(CV-67),hasbeenmoored in the City of Brotherly Love a tangible symbolofAmerica’smilitarystrengthinthe citywhereboththeNavyandMarineCorps werefounded250yearsago.
OnThursday,threetugboatspulledalongside the Ex-JFK, the mooring lines were droppedfromPier4,andshebeganherfinal voyagedowntheDelawareRiver,boundfor scrapping in Brownsville, Texas. Veterans from her nearly 40 years of active service braved well-below-freezing temperatures to watch the final preparations, reminisce about their time aboard her decks and captureonelastfarewellphoto
“Ex-John F. Kennedy will always be remembered as a symbol of enduring freedomandabeaconofhopeandpeaceduring difficulttimesinournation,”saidRearAdm. Bill Greene, Director, Surface Ship Maintenance,ModernizationandSustainment.
Commissioned on Sept 7, 1968 the USS John F. Kennedy (CVA- 67) conducted 18 deploymentstotheMediterranean,Tyrrhenian,Ionian,Ligurian,Aegean,andAdriatic seas during periods of escalating tension in the Middle East and North Africa, often under the watchful eye of Soviet ships,
accordingtoaNavalSeaSystemsCommand newsrelease
In more recent history, immediately following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the John F. Kennedy and her battle group established air security along the mid-Atlantic seaboard to help calm a fearful and shocked nation in support of OperationNobleEagle
In February 2002 the ship deployed in support of Operations Anaconda and Enduring Freedom. On the eve of the first air strikes launched from her flight deck into Afghanistan, then-commanding officerCapt.RonaldHendersonJr reflectedon America’sgloballeadership,declaring,“Our Navalpowerhasbeentheprincipalweapon of our resolve,” and honoring the “great shipsandgreatcrews”thatcamebefore.“It is now our turn to strike for justice and we willstrikehard,”hesaid.
The John F. Kennedy also deployed in supportofOperationIraqiFreedominJuly 2004 After decommissioning in 2007, the carrierwasbroughttoPhiladelphiain2008, whereithasremaineduntilJan.16,2025
Rear Adm. Bill Greene concluded, “The countless members of the ship’s crew and all who sustained it during its lifecycle should be proud of the exceptional work that kept the ship sailing and supporting our fleet for many years Fair winds and following seas.”
OnThursday,three tugboats pulled alongside the Ex-JFK, the mooring lines were dropped from Pier4,and she began herfinalvoyage down the Delaware River, bound forscrapping in Brownsville,Texas. Veterans from her nearly40years of active service braved well-below-freezing temperatures towatch the final preparations, reminisce about their time aboard
USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74)
NEWPORT NEWS, Va Information Systems Technician 2nd Class Micah BoehlerhasspentthepasttwoyearsbalancinghisNavycareeraboardtheNimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John. C. Stennis (CVN 74), with his passion for volleyball, a sport he says serves as both a morale booster and apersonaloutlet.Boehlernowhashissights onearningaspotontheAll-NavyVolleyball Team.
Boehler’sloveforvolleyball,whichbegan in his hometown of Telluride, Colorado, a town nestled in the Rocky Mountains, has beenaconstantinhislife Evenafterjoining the Navy in January 2021 and discovering that Stennis did not have a volleyball team, Boehler’spassiondidnotwaver.Instead,he soughtoutopportunitiestoplayelsewhere leadinghimtoLangleyAirForceBase
“I started playing with them last year whentheyneededanextraplayerforatournament,” Boehler explained. “You do not havetobeintheAirForcetoplay,justactive duty military. After that, they asked me to join permanently, and I have been playing eversince.” ForBoehler volleyballismorethanjusta recreational activity—it is a chance to apply the same teamwork and discipline he practicesintheNavy Theparallelsbetweenmilitaryvaluesandvolleyballarecleartohim. “Alotofthemilitary’sstandards,like‘one team,onefight,’arejustasrelevantinvolleyball as they are in our work,” Boehler said “Being on the team has put that mindset intoperspective.WhetheritistheNavy Air Force, or Coast Guard, we are all part of the samefight,strivingforthesamegoal.
Despite the challenges of Navy life, Boehler makes time for the sport He commits five to six days a week to training and competition, sometimes spending
three to four hours daily on the court. This demanding schedule has also helped him stay organized and focused on his Navy duties highlightinghisdedicationandabilitytobalancehiscareerwithhispassionfor volleyball.
“Knowing that I need to meet my work expectations to play volleyball has actually helped me focus more,” he said. “It is about organization,commitment,andmakingsure mydutiesaresquaredaway.”
Now, Boehler is aiming for a new milestone: securing a spot on the All-Navy Volleyball Team, which is composed of the top volleyball players across the fleet. The All-Navy Volleyball Team is an exclusive unitthatrepresentstheNavyinregionaland national tournaments, competing against other military branches and showcasing
their skills on the national stage The application and selection process for the team is highly competitive, involving a series of stepsandassessmentstodeterminethemost talentedplayers
The first step is to submit an application through the Navy’s Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) program. This application typically includes a volleyball resume thathighlightstheplayer’sexperience,skill level, and achievements in the sport. Players may also be required to submit recommendations from commanding officers or coachestosupporttheircandidacy Once the applications are received tryouts are held at various locations across the country Boehler, who is relatively new to pursuing an All-Navy position, is workingonperfectinghisskillsandpreparingfor
theserigoroustryoutsashisapplicationhas alreadybeenaccepted.
This year, the All-Navy Men’s Volleyball Team tryouts will take place at Naval Air Station Mayport in Jacksonville, Florida, from April 27 to May 7. The tryouts consist of a series of drills, practice games, and scrimmages, during which players are evaluated based on their technical abilities, athleticism, and teamwork skills Boehler who has been playing competitive volleyball since childhood, is looking forward to thischallenge
“This is my first time trying out for the team,” Boehler said. “I did not even know enlisted Sailors could play until last year Now that I know, it is something I am passionateaboutpursuing.”
After the tryouts, the selection committee whichincludescoachesandrepresentativesfromtheAll-NavyVolleyballprogram, willmakefinaldecisionsonteammembers Those chosen will represent the Navy in regionalandnationaltournaments,competing against other military branches and showcasingtheirskillsonthenationalstage For Boehler, representing the Stennis on the All-Navy team would be a significant honor Heisexcitedaboutthepossibilityand isdeterminedtoembodythevaluesthatthe ship stands for Regardless of the outcome of the tryouts, Boehler’s love for volleyball remains unwavering He plans to reenlist andcontinueplayingforaslongaspossible “I would like to stay in the Navy and play for another three, four, or five years—whatevermybodyallows,”hesaid “Eventually,I wouldlovetocoach.Itismyultimategoal.” For Boehler volleyball is not only a sport but a source of personal fulfillment and a way to build the camaraderie that defines militarylife Whetheronthecourtoraboard the Stennis, he is committed to the teamwork, discipline, and dedication that drive hissuccess
USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74)
NEWPORT NEWS Va Since the birth of the U.S. Navy Sailors have found unique ways to show pride in their work. From early tattoos to today’s websites and online groups, there have been many ways to display esprit de corps For the Reactor Department aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis(CVN74),thepreferredexpression mediumiscustom-madebeltbuckles,each bucklereflectingthewearer’srateandtheir department as a whole
Machinist’s Mate (Nuclear) 2nd Class Devon Smith spearheads the design and production process; however, he emphasizes that creating the buckles is a collaborative effort.
“I do not like designs that are purely based on one perspective,” Smith said “I likethecollectiveideaofthis ofhowpeople see certain things and events.”
Smith begins the process by presenting initialdesignstoasmallgroupofshipmates for feedback. Once the concept is refined, he brings it to the division for additional input.
After gathering feedback, Smith works with a department representative who is more artistically inclined to finalize the design.
“Once I get the design done I’ll run it through the reactor department master chief, and he gives feedback, Smith said MasterChiefMachinist’sMate(Nuclear) Evan Barnard approves the final design Barnardconsidersfactorsliketaste,appropriateness,anddisciplinebeforegivingthe final thumbs-up.
“Imakesurethattheyareappropriatefor wear,”Barnardsaid “Infact Ihaverejected a belt buckle or two based on things that weren’t aligned with good order and discipline When worn outside of the reactor department or even off the ship, I try to make sure these belt buckles still send the rightmessageofprideandespritdecorps.”
Once a design is approved, Smith searches for a company to produce the buckle He then creates a flyer to advertise the buckle leaving it posted for a few months while collecting orders Afterward, he places the order and distributes
the finished product to his shipmates
Smithprefersnottorelyonasingleartist or manufacturer, instead sourcing input from various Sailors and using different small businesses to produce the buckles
“The goal is to emulate the camaraderie that a Sailor would have with the guy that hemusterswithinthemorning,thepeople thatheworkswith,doesmaintenancewith, or stands to watch with,” Smith said
“We all go through the same things that everybody else does, and having that little thing that connects all of us is kind of what I’m aiming for.”
Smithsaidbalancingthiscreativehobby with his Navy duties is not a problem. He keepshisworkandbuckle-designingseparate, focusing on the latter during his free time
“I do spend more time outside of work doing it because it’s simply something I enjoy doing,” he said
Smith encourages Sailors interested in starting a creative hobby while in service to give it a try
“The worst that could happen is not enough people order it or not as many people order them as you might like,” he said.“Butevenifthereareonlytwoorthree people who want this thing that you make or design, at least you are going out of your way to boost morale.”
Smithhopesthecustombucklesserveas lastingkeepsakes,encapsulatingthecamaraderie shared among shipmates and the pivotal moments of their service aboard Stennis
One design holds special meaning for him: a buckle commemorating the ship’s transition from dry dock to the water during its Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH). For Smith, who helped prepare the ship for the move the buckle is more than just a memento—it’s a symbol of shared effort and pride
“These buckles aren’t just accessories; they’re stories,” Smith said “Each one reflects a moment in time, a connection to the people we served with, and the milestones we achieved together My hope is that Sailors hold onto them, pass them down, or simply look at them years from now and remember the pride of wearing this uniform and being part of something bigger than themselves.”
NORFOLK Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded Cheroenhaka Nottoway Enterprises LLC, Courtland,Virginia,a$30millionfirm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity
Naval Support Activity South Potomac
DAHLGREN, Va Naval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren, Va., and NSF Indian Head, Md., will participate in the Navy’s Exercise Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain 2025 (CS-SC25) security exercises Feb. 3-14 These regularly-scheduled, annual drills enhance the capability of Navy Security Forces to defend the Navy and America against any threat All Navy installations in thecontinentalUnitedStateswillbeparticipatingtheexercise.
“TheseexercisesgiveourSecurityForces theopportunitytotestandbuildtheirskills to protect our installations, missions and people,” said Capt. Jonathan Townsend, commandingofficerofNavalSupportActivitySouthPotomac(NSASP).
Thedrillswillfeaturerealistic,simulated threats such as active shooters, unauthorized base access and improvised explosive
contract for facility construction in the Kittery,Maineareaofresponsibility Fiscal year (FY) 2024 military construction funds in the amount of $7,347,435 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current FY Future taskorderswillbeprimarilyfundedbyoperationandmaintenance(Navy)funds Thiscontractwassolesourcedunderthe 8(a) program to a certified tribally owned
devices. Base residents and personnel may noticeanincreasedpresenceoflawenforcement and first responders during CS-SC25
All drills will be closely supervised by membersoftheinstallationTrainingTeam, whowillwearmarkedsafetyvests.Training Areaswillalsobemarkedwithsignage
Measures have been taken to minimize disruptions to normal base operations However,thedrillswillresultintemporary delaysatgates
“We’re going to strike a balance where weprovidethebesttrainingpossible,while continuing our support for missions and residents I ask all personnel to be patient and to be mindful of the importance of this training evolution, as it pertains to our ability to accomplish the mission of safety and security onboard the installations,” said Townsend. Formoreinformation,contacttheNSASP Public Affairs Office at NSASPPAO@ us.navy.milor(540)653-8153
company. NAVFAC MIDLANT is the contracting activity(N40085-25-D-2512). NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine, as far west as Illinois, and down to Indiana As an integral member of theCommander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic
team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadershipthroughtheRegionalEngineerorganizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilitiesand infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively
For additional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic.
U.S. Naval Community College
QUANTICO,Va -TheUnitedStatesNaval Community College (USNCC) celebrated its latest cohort of Naval Studies Certificate (NSC) graduates with a virtual graduation ceremonyJan.24 2025
103 Sailors Marines, and Coast Guardsmenearnedthiscredentialasaportionofthe more than 5,000 students enrolled in fully fundedprofessionalcertificateandassociate degreeprograms
“This achievement is not just a culmination of your efforts; it is the foundation for many future successes in your careers and lives,” said USNCC’s President Randi R. Cosentino Ed.D during her remarks to the graduates “I commend each of you on this remarkableaccomplishment.Thankyoufor yourcommitmenttooursharedmissionand for embracing the broader purpose of our institution.”
Theceremony’sguestspeakerCommand MasterChief(CMC)JansValdespou,CMC ofamphibiousassaultshipUSSWasp(LHD 1) echoedCosentino’sprideandencouraged futureeducationaltriumph.
“You have achieved a great milestone in your professional careers Here on Wasp we take pride in promoting enlisted education, especially all of the opportunities offered in the United States Naval Community College,” said Valdespou. “Whether on deployment or shore duty, the USNCC makes achieving an education a reachable goalinourbusylives.”
The NSC is embedded into every degree offered via USNCC and can stand alone as a professional certificate program. This programiscomprisedoffivecourses,including: Naval Ethics and Leadership; Modern Naval History; Naval Force Design; Civilian and Military Relations, Organization, and American Government; and, Introduction to the Geopolitical Environment. Thesespecializedcoursescountas15credits toward USNCC designed associate degrees and are transferable to each of USNCC’s partnerinstitutions These courses aim to enhance crucial
21st-centuryskills suchascriticalthinking analytical reasoning information literacy, effective writing and collaboration while cultivating a collective understanding of maritimeserviceamongservicemembers
Chief Hospital Corpsman Jerred A. Lee, assignedtoMarineCorpsMountainWarfare Training Center, an NSC graduate and the student guest speaker for this graduating class,reflectedonthetransformativequalitiesofeducationwithinservice.
“We are not just celebrating a completion of a program; we are acknowledging a profoundtransformation.It’sbeenajourney that has reshaped us into a sharper, more resilient and enlightened leader,” said Lee.
“Thechallengesthatwe’llfaceinthefuture are not merely obstacles but opportunities to apply what we learned, to grow beyond ourlimitsandtomakeatangibledifference.”
Links to the pre-recorded graduation ceremony are posted on USNCC’s website, www.usncc.edu, as well as the institution’s officialFacebookandYouTubechannels
Watch the ceremony here: https://youtu be/J5lkNd7UTJQ
USNCC now offers 16 accredited degree programs and 19 certificate programs with built-innaval-relevantcoursesaspartofthe curriculum.
These degree programs include emergency management, military studies, orga-
nizational leadership nuclear engineering technology cybersecurity aviation maintenancetechnology uncrewedsystems maritimelogistics,dataanalytics,healthscience, and engineering, with more naval-relevant degreeprogramsplannedoverthenextyear USNCC accepts applications year-round withdegreeandcertificateprogramsbeginning during several terms throughout the year EachprogramisopentoE1-E9enlisted members of any military occupational specialty or rating serving on active-duty ordersintheNavy MarineCorps andCoast Guard,aswellastheCoastGuardReserve. For more information or to apply please visit,www.usncc.edu
Carderock team provides critical technical
for F-35B sea trials on JS Kaga PageB5
“Be so good at whatever you do that whenyou’regone,wemissyou.”
This single phrase rang true during NorfolkNavalShipyard’s(NNSY)Dr.Martin Luther King Jr Day Celebration Jan. 16
Hosted by the African American Employee Resource Group (AA-ERG) this annual event brought hundreds of employees togethertohonorthelifeandachievements of the late civil rights activist ahead of the annual holiday in January. Award-winning journalist and author Don Roberts took to the stage as the guest speaker for the event, sharing his poetic verse regarding Dr King and sharing his insights on how Dr King’s influencecontinuestoinspirepeopletothis day.
“Think about that phrase for a moment. In your work area or office, if you don’t show up for work are you missed? Are you needed?” said Roberts. “Think about it in a grander scale in your home, neighborhood, community Is there something you are doing that makes a difference? Are you usingyourgifts,yourtalents,yourskillstodo somethingthatmeanssomething?”
He continued, “Now let’s talk about the manofthehour Dr King hedidexactly that usinghistalentstomakeadifference.” Roberts recalled his report on Dr King’s birthday in 1986 where he shared a passage regarding Dr King’s life and achievements “Martin has a cause and determination to make a change We proudly honor Martin becausehewasa‘king’.Hediedforwhathe believed. Be so good at whatever you do, so that when you’re gone, we miss you. That was Martin. Comfortable on the big stage, using his gifts, his talents, his skills, to try to change opinions, to try to save lives, to try and make a difference But that was him. Whataboutyou?” Roberts then shared that you don’t have
to be a “king” to make a difference in this world, noting his own father’s contributions and the legacy he left for his family “My dad, Nathaniel Roberts, was a humble man, hardworking man, talented man. His fingerprints were all over every inch of our houseinBaltimore.Ifweneededsomething done and he didn’t have the skill to do it, he reached across the aisle, found a friend, madeafriend,andtheydidittogether,”said Roberts “Mydadwasa‘king’ Heusedwhat hehadtogetwhathewanted,whichwasto careforhisfamily,protectthem,lovethem, raise us He wouldn’t stand on this stage to speaktoyoubutthatwasn’thiscalling That wasn’t his gift, his talent, his skill. But dad would reach across the aisle and shake a hand and introduce himself, say ‘How you doing?’Orifheheardthatsomeoneneeded a helping hand, he would offer that. And in that way, that one man made a difference What a way to honor Dr King on this day ‘on’insteadofadayoff Todosomethingthat meanssomething.”
Roberts shared that as he approached retirement in the 2010s, he began to think about what his next steps were and how he could make a difference in the community During a news story where he visited the
Award-winning journalist and authorDon Roberts tookto the stage at Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s annual Dr Martin LutherKing Jr DayCelebrationJan. 16 as the guest speaker forthe event sharing his poeticverse regarding Dr King and sharing his insights on howDr King’s influence continues to inspire people to this day.(PHOTOBYDANIEL DEANGELIS,NORFOLK NAVALSHIPYARD)
Newport News Juvenile Detention Center, hemetwithteensinthefacility Hewanted tolearnmoreaboutthem,whytheywerein custody,howitimpactedtheirfamilies,and what their plans were for the future once theywerereleased Robertsfoundtheteens werereluctanttoopenlytalkbutuponhearing that they enjoyed playing board games, anideaflickeredinhismind Thenextweek, Robertsreturnedtothedetentioncenterand played chess with the teens. The following week,hereturnedwithfriendstodoitagain ThisledtotheChessNutzKnightsNetwork, aweeklygatheringeveryWednesdaywhere volunteers spend time playing chess with theteenswhilealsodevelopingmeaningful mentorshipsthroughconversation.
“Chess is a very personal game so we are able to use the time spent to do something they enjoy while also talking with them, learning from them, talking about choices and consequences,” said Roberts. “Our motto in Chess Nutz [is] ‘Think before you move always protect the king.’ We’re not just talking about the pieces If we can get you to see yourself as a ‘king’, think of the possibilities.”
In closing, he urged the crowd to reflect onhowDr King’slifeandlegacycouldinflu-
ence their own actions today. “When you hearthename‘Dr King’,whatdoesitmean toyou?It’sreputation,history,legacy When I say your name, what do people think of you? What’s your reputation? What’s your legacy? Dr King’s legacy is written yours isbeingwrittenrightnow.Letmechallenge you on this birthday to do something that meanssomethingandcontinuetowriteyour legacysothatwhenIsayyourname thenit willmeansomething Youreachedacrossthe aisle,youshookahand,youhelpedsomeone, you took care of business at home, you’re excellent on the job, you’re so good that whenyou’regone wemissyou.” Roberts was presented with an honorary plaque and certificate of appreciation from the AA-ERG and Shipyard Commander Capt.JipMosmaningratitudeforhistimeto speakwiththeemployeesofAmerica’sShipyard Capt. Mosman concluded the ceremony with a reminder to all that our values within the Navy and the shipyard align directly with Dr King’s, “When it comes to honor, courage and commitment, as well as care, ownership, respect, and excellence I look to Dr King’s stance of equality and justiceforall,aswellasloveandcompassion. We at America’s Shipyard strive for honor and equality by ensuring we are treating otherswithrespect Wehavealevelofbravery, determination, and are willing to face any challenge that comes our way. We have ownershipforwhatwedoandhavethededicationtoserve.Wehaverespectanddignity, we stand up for what is right, and we serve something better than one’s self I’m proud ofeachofyouandhopeyouareabletoshine onthisday‘on’inhonorofDr King.” For more information on the AA-ERG or how to become involved in programs like the Dr King Celebration, please contact AA-ERG Chairperson Brian Harris at (757) 396-4787
ByMichaelMorris Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command
Valiant/Alca JV LLC of Clarksville, Tennessee has been awarded a base operationssupportcontractforU.S.NavalSupport ActivityNaples Italy anditsoutlyingareas. Thecontract,valuedatupto$78.35millionif alloptionsareexercised,willprovideessentialservicessupportingbaseoperationsover a potential 102-month period, ensuring sustained infrastructure maintenance and operationalreadiness
The contractor was selected through the best value source selection procurement method,whichconsiderscorporateexperience technicalandmanagementapproach, safety, past performance, and cost to determine the most advantageous offer for the government.Sevenproposalswerereceived andevaluated,withfiveofferorsparticipat-
ingindiscussionsbeforethefinalselection Ultimately,Valiant/AlcaJVLLCwasdetermined to provide the best value based on thesecriteria Underthecontract,Valiant/AlcaJVLLC will deliver a full spectrum of base operationssupportservices Theseincludegeneral information management administration facility management, facility investment, custodial services, pest control, integrated solid waste management, grounds maintenanceandlandscaping,pavementclearance, utility management, wastewater management, water services, transportation, and environmentalsupport.
The contract consists of a 12-month base period, beginning April 1, 2025 and ending March 31, 2026 Additionally it includes up to six one-year option periods and three six-month extension periods, potentially extending the contract through Sept 30, 2033 The government will evaluate and
exercise these options annually based on performanceandoperationalneeds.
Funding for the base year includes $9.24 millionforbothrecurringandnonrecurring work. Of this, $7.62 million in fiscal 2025 operation and maintenance Navy contract funds have been obligated for task orders issuedduringtheinitialperformanceperiod, ensuringthenecessaryfinancialresourcesto supportongoingoperations
“This contract provides critical BOS services for U.S. Naval Support Activity Naples, Italy, which hosts more than 50 separate commands, including one of the largestNavyhospitalsoverseas,andapproximately 8,500 personnel,” said Emma Bellinger technical project manager for the contractandtechnicalevaluationleadwith NAVFACAtlantic’sPublicWorks,Facilities Support Contracts Division. “These essential services include facilities maintenance and repairs, custodial work, pest control, groundsmaintenance,integratedsolidwaste management, pavement clearance, transportation, environmental management, utilityoversight,andwaterandwastewater services Thecontract’sfootprintspansfive key
Navy Reserve Region Readiness and Mobilization Command Fort Worth
SCHENECTADY,NewYork Intelligence SpecialistFirstClassDavidC.MillimanJr is a Schenectady native who drills out of Navy ReserveCenterSchenectadyandisassigned as a Senior Intelligence Analyst with the TwentySecondNavalConstructionRegiment inGulfport,Mississippi.
A 1995 graduate of Mohonasen High School,hejoinedtheU.S.NavyReserveatthe age of 38 in 2016 to give back to his country andcarryonhisfamily’straditionofmilitary service He credits the values of the hometowninwhichhegrewup,includingarespect for the ideals of persistence, dedication, and hard work, as a factor in the success he has enjoyedinhisnineyearsofmilitaryservice
“I have had a ‘Start Something Finish Something’ attitude from the beginning My parents were always very supportive of my goals in life,” he said. Their support and encouragement have always stuck with me, in that if I have a dream, I should have the confidencetodiveinandgoforitandnotgive uponmyself.”
Milliman’smostrecentassignmentwasin support of the 2025 Presidential Inauguration Navy Liaison Team in Washington, D.C. He was in charge of a team who prepared the credentials and forwarded background checks to the United States Secret Service for all Navy reservists participating in the inauguration events In his civilian capacity, he works as a New York State Unified Court System Officer, and he credited the skills he learned in the law enforcement and security sectortohissuccessinthisassignment.
Milliman earned a Baccalaureate Degree as an Art major from the Pratt Art Institute in Brooklyn, NY This discipline of study inculcated in him a level of creative thinking and the ability to view problems from different perspectives,whichasanintelligencespecialistassistshimincreatingqualityintelligence products by which military planning teams build military courses of action to support strategicnationaldefensepriorities
He reflected on his accomplishments in the intelligence field, discussing his support of operational and tactical levels of war and developing products which directly supported warfighters. Ultimately, he seeks to train the next generation of intelligence specialistsandwasmostproudtowitnesshis JuniorSailorsearnrecognitionandaccolades fortheirwork.
Vice Admiral Nancy Lacore, chief of the
NavyReserveandcommander,NavyReserve Force, highlights the importance of the uniqueskillsetsReserveSailorslikeMilliman bring to the Total (Navy) Force, “Our Sailors understandthesignificanceofourmobilization billets and warfighting contributions to theTotalForce.Wepossessspecializedskillsets and capabilities, unique to the Reserve Force,andprovidetheNavyadditionalcapacity…We will retain and promote Sailors who embodyourcultureofexcellence,resilience, andwarfightingreadiness.”
To that end, Petty Officer Milliman discussed what readiness means for a citizenSailor
“Youhavetoplaythelonggame Whenyou
play Chess, you have to think a few moves ahead. This translates to the experience of a warfighter When you are preparing for an exercise, you need to think ahead of what you are going to need. The same is true for drill weekend, preparing for mobilization, or returning from mobilization. You need to prepare yourself mentally and physically to accomplish your tasks to set yourself up for success.”
Millman’s story is an example of a citizen Sailor’spassionforservinghiscountrywhile balancingthedemandsofaciviliancareerand familylife Whenspeakingofpeopledesiring to serve the country Milliman simply said, “Don’tbeafraidtotakechancesinlife.”
Back as Naval Surface Warfare Center PanamaCityDivision’scommandingofficer duringachangeofcommandceremonyheld onboard Naval Support Activity Panama City, Fla., Jan. 31. RearAdm.ToddEvans,commander,Naval SurfaceandUnderseaWarfare,servedasthe event’s presiding officer and guest speaker.
“Theprofessionalswhomakeuptheheart and soul of NSWC Panama City are simply world-class and are critical to the technical advantage we hold over our adversaries. To the Panama City Division team Capt.Back’ssuccessasleaderisalsoatestament to your hard work, support, and dedication. I challenge all you to keep up your outstanding efforts, continue to innovate, and always remember why we do what we do OursuccessasaNavydependsuponyour contribution to our warfighting readiness,” said Evans “Our success as an organization…is strongly linked with the quality of our leaders their character, resolve, and wisdom. I am confident that [Capt. Stence] will continue the tradition of excellence [he’s] established throughout [his] career— right here in Panama City.”
On May 8, 2020, Capt. David Back assumed command of NSWC PCD during the early days of the pandemic while the organization was only 19 months into its recovery from Hurricane Michael’s devastation. In a time of uncertainty and vulnerability,Back,andtheNSWCPCDTechnical Director Dr Peter Adair, led this Navy laboratory and maintained its focus on support-
ing the warfighter while caring for the welfare of the workforce
“Iamfilledwithasenseofprideandadmiration for you all who consistently deliver on our mission. I wanted to take a moment to express a small fraction of my heartfelt appreciation for your tireless efforts over the last 4.5 years, said Back. “I value your unwavering commitment to the Navy and patriotism for our country, and I am grateful for the critical role you play in supporting our warfighters and advancing our command mission to enable the Navy to DominatetheLittorals That’snotjustabuzz phrase or catchy slogan. It’s a call to action, creating the platforms systems training logistics andtacticsfortheunsungamphibious sailors, special operators, marines, and otherswhohavetobereadyforthemaritime fight in the most hostile environment…You provide the advantage to our warfighters.”
This ceremony traditionally marks the end of a two-to-three-year command tour, but Back extended his time with NSWC PCD to help meet mission requirements help develop the command’s strategic plan and help the command navigate a reorganization. Before relinquishing command, Back welcomedStenceandhisfamilyandshared insight to the journey that lies before the Navy lab’s newest commander
“Capt. Stence has an amazing set of professionalexperiences connectionstothe submarine community diving fleet repair and salvage and to [NSWC PCD], you’re in good hands”, said Back.
Stence,anativeofHalifax,Pa.,andgraduatewhoearnedhiscommissionfromPurdue University, most recently served as the
In-Service Strategic Submarines Program Office(PMS396)In-ServiceShip,Submersible, Ballistic, Nuclear (SSBN) modernization principle assistant program manager, where he is responsible for the planning development, and installation of all SSBN modernization. He will serve as NSWC PCD’s 34th commanding officer “[To Capt. Back], you have left a tremendous, indelible mark on the command and I am honored to follow you,” said Stence “Why am I here? What drives me? First nevergiveup,andsecond takecareofyour team! Those two ideas have held true my entire career The Navy has a constitutional obligationtodefendthenation;wehaveour role and mission in the fight; and we cannot give up the ship! As the new commanding officer of NSWC PCD, I will accomplish precious little on my own, but together as a team, we can do anything we set our mind to.” NSWC PCD, which was established in 1945 consists of more than 1,600 civilians 1,000contractors and40militarypersonnel, withanoverallbusinessbaseof$619million in economic impact. Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama CityDivisionleadstheNavy’sfullspectrum research, development, test and evaluation, engineering, and fleet support of offensive and defensive systems in the littorals Our mission areas include
Navy Talent Acquisition Group Rocky Mountain
MESA RIDGE, Colo For Mesa Ridge High School senior Laylah Shaw, earning a Navy Reserve Officers’ Training Corps scholarship is more than just an achievement it’s a life-changing opportunity Inspired by her experiences in the Navy Junior ROTC program, Shaw hashersightssetonafutureinmilitary service, driven by a passion for leadership, aviation, and making a difference
Shaw’s interest in the Navy was solidified during a unique opportunity where she gained first-hand exposure to Navy culture including aweek-longtriptoSanDiego.
“We toured different ships and even a helicopter squadron,” Shaw recalled. “That experience helped me connect with the Navy on a deeperlevelandsolidifiedmyinterestinpursuingacareerinservice.”
Shaw attributes much of her success to the unwavering support ofherinstructors
“My instructors encouraged me every step of the way. They believedinmeevenwhenIdoubted myself,” she said. “Senior chief and commandersawpotentialinmeand pushedmetotakeachance,andI’m sogratefultheydid.” For Shaw and her family this scholarship represents a significant milestone
“No one in my family has a bachelor’s degree,” she explained. “My brotherearnedhisassociate’sdegree through the military, so being able to attend college with this scholarshipisanincredibleopportunity It’s excitingtoshowmycommunitythat hardworkpaysoff.”
Looking ahead, Shaw has aspirations to explore aviation within the Navy and hopes to refine her leadership skills while making a mean-
“Being a pilot would be amazing, but more than anything, I want to grow as a leader and help others do the same,” she said “I’m excited to serve and see where this journey takesme.”
Despite the challenges of the applicationprocess Shawremained committedtohergoal.
“The essays were tough, she admitted. “It was hard to talk about my accomplishments, but I learned to appreciate how much I’ve achieved.”
With her future ahead, Shaw is eager to embrace the opportunities that come with the Navy ROTC scholarship
“I’mjustexcitedtoserve lead,and experienceeverythingtheNavyhas tooffer,”Shawstated
Shaw believes her dedication, perseverance, and the support of those who believed in her potential arethereasonsforhersuccess The Navy ROTC scholarship program provides students with the opportunitytoearnacollegedegreewhile preparing for a commission as a NavyorMarineCorpsofficer
Navy Talent Acquisition Group RockyMountainencompassesColorado, Wyoming, Utah and parts of Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, and Kansas It provides Navy recruiting services from more than 30 dispersed offices across the region. For more news from NTAG Rocky Mountain or information on the Navy ROTC scholarship program, visit https://www.cnrc.navy.mil/ Rocky-Mountain/.
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ByAlishaTyer Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division
BETHESDA Md NavalSurfaceWarfare Center CarderockDivision’sPlatformIntegrity Department engineers responded to a request from the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Paxtuxent River F-35 Integrated Test Force (ITF) to support developmental flight trials aboard the Japan Maritime Self-Defense ForceIzumo-classJSKaga(DDH-184)inearly October.
TheCarderockteamappliedtechnicalexpertiseandprovidedon-siteassistancetoensurethe shipwaspreparedfortestingwiththeU.S.F-35B Lightning II aircraft playing a critical role in ensuringthesafetyandsuccessoftheseatrials
The engineers’ work focused on a critical challenge: managing the intense heat generatedbytheaircraftbydeterminingappropriate hoverdurationsandintervalsbetweenvertical landings to allow the flight deck to cool sufficiently.Byaddressingthisissue,theteamplayed akeyroleinprotectingthestructuralintegrity oftheship’sflightdeck enablingthesuccessful completionofthetrials
“Effective testing relies on precise data,”
Center For Naval Aviation Technical Training
NAVAL AIR STATION WHIDBEY ISLAND, Wash. Commander Richard F. Baier relieved Cmdr Keith W. King during achangeofcommandceremonyforCenter for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit (CNATTU)WhidbeyIslandJan.30.
Capt. Jeffrey A. Brown, Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training (CNATT) commandingofficer(CO),presidedoverthe event and was the guest speaker The unit’s staff witnessed the ceremony, bidding farewelltoKingasheaddressedtheSailorsand civiliansforafinaltime Duringhisremarks, KingthankedtheCNATTUWhidbeyIsland staff for their support during his three-year tour.
“ThereisnoplacethatIwouldhaverather been other than CNATTU Whidbey,” King said.“Wehaveconsistentlybeenahigh-performing center of training excellence that sets the standard for the CNATT domain. I ask that you continue to elevate, execute, and own everything you do and strive to be better tomorrow than you were today. The resiliency and fight that this team has will leave a long-lasting impression on me for yearstocome Iwishyouallthebestofluck andwillbepullingforgreatsuccessforeach oneofyou.” King will retire after approximately 34 years of active-duty service He enlisted in theU.S.NavyinJuly1991asafiremanrecruit and completed training in Great Lakes Illinois Hewaspromotedtochiefpettyofficer in2002,andcommissionedasalimitedduty officerin2005
Asked what he looks forward to when he retires, King said, “I look forward to gaining back some time with Holly (wife) and family as I figure out what life looks like for us in San Antonio, Texas. I look forward to startinganewcareerandfeelblessedtohave beenabletodothisforaslongasIhave.” King’s final remarks to Baier were “Continue to lead, listen, and engage at a high level and your command tour will be themostrewardingtourofyourcareer.”
Baier is a native of Indianapolis, Indi-
said Jessica McDonald, one of the engineers involved “Ourrolewastomakesureeverything was in place to collect the information needed toevaluateperformancesafely.”
Originally designed as a helicopter carrier
JS Kaga recently underwent modifications thatmakeitamulti-functionaldestroyercapable of supporting fixed-wing aircraft like the F-35Bshorttakeoffandverticallandingaircraft Thesechangesincludednewnighttimelighting systems, reshaping the bow and preparing the flight deck for intense heat generated during vertical landings Carderock’s role focused on ensuring that the flight deck could handle this heatwithoutcompromisingtheship’sstructural integrity.
“Duringaverticallanding,theF-35Bputsout aprettysignificantthermalloadontothedeck andinordertomaintainstructuralintegrity,we need to time when those F-35B landings can occur, explained McDonald “Otherwise, the heatbuildsupinthestructure,leadingtostructuralintegrityissues. ByworkingwiththeITF toaccountforthetest-uniquehovertimingand carefullyschedulinglandingintervals,engineers wereabletomitigatethoseconcerns To support the trials the Carderock team
traveled to Naval Base San Diego and worked aboard the JS Kaga They used specialized equipment to measure temperatures beneath thedeckinrealtime allowingtheteamtotrack heatingandcoolingpatterns Thisdatahelped the ITF optimize landing schedules to protect theflightdeckduringoperations
This effort was part of a broader collaborationbetweentheU.S.andJapan,showcasingthe strengthoftheirdefensepartnership.Thisisnot the first time the Carderock team has worked withIzumo-classships.
“We have been supporting the Japanese for F-35BontheJSIzumoandJSKagaforseveral years, ” McDonald said “Our team tested for and developed an F-35B thermal design load Weevaluateourownshipsforthatandprovide timing guidance to the fleet. While we typicallytakeamoreconservativeapproach,there’s alwaysaninteresttoimproveoperationalcapability where we can. By applying their expertise,theCarderockteamplayedacriticalrolein ensuringthesafetyandsuccessoftheseatrials McDonald said that the Carderock team intendstouselessonslearnedthroughthetrials to improve methods for active thermal monitoring Sheexplainedthattheseadvancements
will enable precise, real-time data collection duringoperations,furtherenhancingship-aircraftcompatibilityandensuringthelong-term safetyandefficiencyofnavalplatforms.
“Partnering with the ITF team gave us the opportunitytogainmoreinsightastohowthey executeat-seadevelopmentaltesting,aswellas howtrialoperationsoccur,”McDonaldsaid “It’s reallyrewardingtoseetheworkwedosucceed andbereflectedinthenews.
Carderock, the Navy’s innovation and ship design powerhouse, headquartered in West Bethesda, Maryland, is a world-class research anddevelopmentfacilityspecializingincritical shipdesigncomponents.Carderockusesstateof-the-artfacilities,liketheDavidTaylorModel Basin, to create small-scale models and evaluate next-generation surface ships and underwater vessels, ensuring they are future-proof, agile, and equipped to dominate the maritime environment. Carderock’s focus areas include PlatformIntegrity,Signatures,andNavalArchitectureandEngineering.Withteamsandfacilitiesacrossthecountry,fromFloridatoAlaska andIdahotoWashington Carderockis“Where theFleetBegins,”buildingthefutureoftheNavy
ana.HeenlistedintheU.S.Navyin1996and started his naval career at Recruit Training CommandGreatLakes,Illinois,followedby AviationElectronicsTechnicianA-schoolat Millington,Tennessee.Baierwaspromoted to chief petty officer in September 2006 and was commissioned in 2007 under the limiteddutyofficerprogram. Baier, who served as CNATTU Whidbey Island’s XO for over a
ByLt RaeTimberlake Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group One
SAN DIEGO Explosive Ordnance
Disposal Group (EODGRU) 1 welcomed its newestleaderduringachange-of-command ceremonyatNavalBasePointLoma,Harbor DriveAnnex,SanDiegoCalif Jan.30 Capt ClintonCornellrelievedCapt WadeHilderbrandinfrontoffriends,familyandmilitary personnelduringanoutdoorceremony.
Hilderbrand expressed pride and gratitudeforthecivilianandmilitarypersonnelat
EODGRU-1 and its subordinate commands duringhistimeascommander
“I will honestly sleep soundly at night knowing you have the watch,” said Hilderbrand, who is slated to retire later this year “Ifhistoryisanyindicator thisforcewillfind itself in conflict again You are the one strategicadvantagethisNavyhasthatnoenemy canevercompetewith.Thankyouforwhat youdo Gobuildalegacy.”
Commander, NECC Rear Adm. Bradley Andros thanked Hilderbrand for his role is leading EODGRU-1 in supporting national
“Thank you for your exceptional leadership, vision, and commitment to mission readiness,”saidAndros “Whethersupporting Fleet operations, joint missions, or humanitarian efforts your ability to lead from the front has ensured that our forces remain ready to respond to any challenge anywhereintheworld.
In his first address to the command as commodore, Cornell set his intentions for thecommandandthemission.
“We will maintain our focus on warf-
Lt Kathryn Flynn, assigned to Expeditionary Medical Unit (EMU-2) Bethesda, at Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC), Bethesda, currently servesastheChiefofResidentsfortheInternal Medicine Residency Program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC)inBethesda,Maryland.
EMU-2representsoneofNavymedicine’s emerging capabilities, designed to deliver Role 2 medical care in operational environments As a general internist for EMU-2 Bethesda, Flynn trains at WRNMMC to staypreparedfordeploymentatamoment’s notice while also contributing to the ongoing development and medical readiness of theunitasitscapabilitiesarebuilt
“Since I am not deployed, I am currently caring for patients at WRNMMC in both the hospitalized setting and in the outpatientclinic,”saidFlynn.“Caringforpatients at WRNMMC helps me maintain my skills Myday-to-dayclinicalactivitiesensureIam equippedtohandlethebroadrangeofissues thatmayariseonadeployment.”
While caring for patients, Flynn also focuses on coaching her trainees to excel in both their military and physician roles, which is an essential aspect of successful development for junior officers. She supervises 75 interns and residents across five local hospitals, curates and delivers educational content for the second largest residency program in the Department of Defense and spearheads quality improvementinitiatives
Flynn is a board-certified internal medicine physician and the Navy Chief of Internal Medicine Residents for the National Capital Consortium (NCC), the sponsoring institutionforallmilitaryGraduateMedical EducationprogramsintheNationalCapital Region.
“Through my role in seeing both activedutySailorsandtheirdependents,Inotonly ensure our Sailors are medically ready for
support ofthe fleet,special operations,and joint combined and contingencyoperations. ABOVE RIGHT: Capt.Wade Hilderbrand,outgoing commodore ofExplosive Ordnance Disposal Group One,gives his remarks during a change ofcommand ceremonyon Naval Base Point Loma,Jan.30,2025.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOHNA.MILLER) CourtesyStory USS Harry S Truman
ighting, integrating new technologies, and refining our tactics to adapt to an evolving threatenvironment,”saidCornell.“Together we will continue to be the tip of the spear in ensuring fleet freedom of maneuver and securingvictoryineverymission.”
EOD Group One a component of Navy Expeditionary Combat Command mans trains,andequipswest-coastbasedEODand mobile dive and salvage forces in support of the fleet, special operations, and joint combinedandcontingencyoperations
and responsibilities atWalterReed National MilitaryMedical Centerin Bethesda,Maryland,Jan.24 2025.Flynn is assigned to NavyMedicine Readiness andTraining Command (NMRTC),Bethesda’s ExpeditionaryMedical Unit (EMU 2) Bethesda,an operational unit readyto
themissionbutprovidethempeaceofmind that their families are in good hands,” said Flynn. “Keeping families healthy provides peace of mind for our sailors, so they can focus on putting the mission first There is
U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY Capt. John Lucas relieved Capt. Justin Hodges as the commanding officer of the Ticonderoga-classguided-missilecruiserUSSGettysburg (CG 64) during an at-sea change of commandceremony,Jan.30
Hodges assumed command in February 2023 and led the crew throughout the workup cycle leading to the ship’s deploymentonSept.23,2024,totheU.S.European and Central Command areas of responsibility as the Air and Missile Defense Commander for the Harry S. Truman CarrierStrikeGroup(HSTCSG).
no greater honor than serving those who serveourcountry.”
NMRTC Bethesda’s mission is to maximize warfighter performance through optimized medical readiness tailored to operationalrequirements;enhancethereadiness of the medical force
“Servingasthecommandingofficerofthis extraordinary crew has been the privilege of a lifetime,” said Hodges “These amazing men and women represent all that is great about our Navy and it’s been an enormous honortoservewiththem.”
Lucas, Gettysburg’s new commanding officer, completed a successful tour on the Joint Staff J7 Directorate before reporting
“What struck me most about this crew wasyourattitudeandresiliency,”saidLucas “I am motivated, honored, and humbled to beyourcommandingofficer.”
USS Gettysburg was commissioned June 22, 1991, and is homeported in Norfolk, Virginia.
SevenVenues Broadway In Norfolk series is so very proud to bring to Chrysler Hall, the multiple Tony Award®-winning “MJ the Musical” now, February 4th-9th. This incredible musical, created by Tony Award®-winning Director/Choreographer Christopher Wheeldon and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Lynn Nottage is centered around the making of Michael’s 1992‘DangerousWorldTour.’Michaelisone of the greatest entertainers of all time and now, Michael Jackson’s unique and unparalleled artistry comes to Norfolk with “MJ theMusical”forallofustoenjoy.
Fortickets times datesandmoreinfo go to https://www.sevenvenues.com/events/ detail/mj-the-musical Also, a limited numberoflotteryticketsfor“MJtheMusical” will be made available for each performance The digital lottery is open for entries the day prior to each performance, from 8 a.m. - 2.p.m. Lottery winners will be randomly selected and contacted via email to process their payment. The tickets will beavailableatWillCallforpickuponehour prior to showtime Lottery tickets are $25 eachplusfees
Yiorgo: With us today to tell us all about the show is singer, songwriter, actor and dancer, Jordan Marcus who has the lead
role as MJ himself Thank you Jordan for being with us today. So tell us Jordan, why shouldpeoplecometoseethisshow?What willtheysee,hear,andexperience?
Jordan Markus: Thank you Yiorgo for theopportunity Ohmygosh,Ithinkpeople should come see this show because it really just exemplifies art at its highest level. I mean, the choreography is outstanding Of course the songs are amazing as it being Michael’s music. And the heart that’s really beingleftonthestageisonlysomethingthat youcanexperienceifyou’reintheroomwith us live. It’s not something that can be written down or detailed. It’s really an experience So,yeah,there’salotthatgoesintothis
show andeachperformeronstage,noteven just me, each performer on stage is giving it their 100 percent every single night. It’s really awe-inspiring, and I get inspired by them every night, so I can’t wait for everyonetoseeit. And at the end of the day, it’s a huge celebration of art that we all know and love from our childhoods or even our adult life I mean, Michael’s been a huge part of a lot of people’s lives including mine So I think peopleshouldcomeseetheshowforamultitude of reasons, but really to celebrate life, to celebrate art, and to come together for a
Developed by the Virginia Museum of History and Culture, this traveling exhibit sharesthestoriesandexperiencesofVirginian’swhofoughtinSoutheastAsia.
FiftyyearssincetheFallofSaigon when communist forces invaded the capital of SouthVietnamandrenameditHoChiMinh City Virginians still feel the impact of the Vietnam War, a long costly and controversial conflict. The exhibit examines this period in history through personal objects and oral histories Discover what Virginia’s soldiers, policy makers, families, activists, andVietnamesemigrantscarriedbothphysically and emotionally during the war and itsaftermath.
Morethan230,000Virginiansservedin Vietnam
1,490VirginiansdiedinVietnam Virginiaranked5thinthenationfor thenumberofprisonersofwarheldin Vietnam
About200,000Vietnam-eraveterans currentlyliveinVirginia
Virginiaiscurrentlyhometo60,000 VietnameseAmericans
U.S. Air Force
Hometown: Norfolk, Virginia Bill Verebely served as a ground power technician and armorer in the 1st Air CommandosSquadron,34thTacticalGroup, UnitedStatesAirForce.HewasbasedatSóc
Trăng Airfield in southern Vietnam from 1963 to 1964 where he worked on North AmericanT-28Trojansthatoperatedunder the auspice of “training” Republic of Vietnam pilots but were in fact strike aircraft
flown by American pilots with South Vietnamese“observers”inthebackseat.
After the war, Bill became an architect in Chesapeake,Virginia,eventuallystartinghis ownfirm,VerebelyandAssociates.
ErnestL.“Skip”JohnsonIII, Infantryman
U.S. Army
Hometown: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Skip Johnson served in Vietnam from 1969 to 1971, first with the 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry “Wolfhounds Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division as a M60 Machine Gunner and Platoon Leader’s Radio Telephone Operator and later as a Squad Leader in both C and D Companies of the 1st Battalion of the 5th Cavalry Regiment“BlackKnights”,1stCavalryDivision. Skip served a combined 25 years of both active duty and in the U.S. Army Reserves before
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
HAMPTON ROADS Va For over 36 years Drive Safe Hampton Roads (DSHR) has joined forces with community partners to collect old, used and potentially unsafe child safety seats during the Child Safety Seat Round-Up program. The goal for the Round-Up is to convince parents & caregivers to turn in old, used or potentiallydangeroussafetyseatssotheyarenot resold or given to unsuspecting parents or caregivers
This program also serves to educate parents and caregivers about the possible dangers of using car seats past the date recommended by the manufacturer, using second hand seats, and seats with missing parts or no traceable recall information.
According to the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA), 1,129 children (aged 0-14) were killed in vehicle crashes in 2022 with 266 of them unrestrained. That is an average of 3 children killed and an estimated 429 injured every day in traffic crashes in the U.S.* Forthesereasons,DSHRanditscommunity partners: Walmart, AAA Tidewater Virginia, Huffman & Huffman Brothersin-Law, Hoffman Beverage Co., Waste ManagementofVirginia,andtheChildren’s
Hospital of the King’s Daughters encourage everyone to “round-up” their old child safetyseatsandturntheminfora“reward” throughoutthemonthofFebruary Thegoal for the Round-Up is to convince parents & caregivers to turn in old, used or potentiallydangeroussafetyseatssotheyarenot resold or given to unsuspecting parents or caregivers
As an incentive, a $5 gift card willbegivenasa“Reward”foreach seat turned in (limit 2 rewards per person). Safety seats can be dropped offatWalmart Supercenterselectlocationsoratanyofthe elevenAAATidewaterVirginialocationsfromFebruary1—28,2025.
Allcollectedsafetyseatswillberecycled byWasteManagementofVirginia,Inc.Not onlywillrecyclingtheseseatseliminatethe potentialdangertochildren,butitwillalso provide positive benefits to the community by utilizing a “greener alternative for disposal.
Virginia law requires all children under theageofeighttobeproperlyrestrainedin anapprovedDepartmentofTransportation (DOT) child restraint. This law applies to any driver not just the parent or guardian,
in any vehicle, on any highway in Virginia. In addition, all children, eight through seventeen years of age, must be properly restrained in a safety belt while seated in any seating position in a vehicle Formoreinformation:www.drivesafehr org or call (757) 498-2562.
Y: Obviously, Michael’s life is very documented and very well known. Without givingtoomuchaway,canyoutellusalittle bitaboutsomeofthepartsofhislifethatare toucheduponinthemusical?
JM: Yes, primarily the show takes place in 1992 right before Michael kicks off his ‘DangerousWorldTour.’We’reinarehearsal room in L.A It’s like days before we leave, and we’re just trying to fine-tune all of the thingsthataregoingintothismassiveshow, as we’ve all seen online, or some of us have seen in person, which I’m very jealous of Our show gives us a glimpse into his childhood, like we flash back to the Jackson 5 days where we have actually a child actor play Little Michael, and then we have the ‘Thriller’, ‘Off the Wall’ days when he’s in thestudiowithQuincyJones,andwhatthat dynamic was like, and how it shifted over the years into the 90s, and so on And with usbeinginthe90s,that’swhenMichaelwas kind of, boggled down by all of the negative thingsthatwerebeingsaidabouthiminthe press They were all swaying on him and he had a lot on his mind while trying to put onthis probablyoneofthegreatesttoursto everexist,andwilleverexist
Y:You of course play Michael, and super, super,supercongratulationsforgettingthat amazing part. What an honor! Our readers and I would love to know how you even go about preparing for this kind of role? The physicality, the voice range, and then you gotta protect that voice to be ready for a double show, or the next night. Can you tell usaboutthat?
JM: You hit the nail on the head, Yiorgo
I mean, preparing for this role was absolutelythemostdifficultthingI’veeverdone inmylife Truly,Imean,toreallydoMichael justice, which is what I strive to do every single night on that stage, it takes a lot of hard work, it takes a lot of studying which, I mean, I dive into everything Michael that Icanonaday-to-daybasis.Evenstilltothis day,I’lltrytofindclipsthatIhaven’tseenyet, whichisreallyhard,buteventheclipsthatI have seen, I watch them over and over and overagain,andreallydissecthismovement, Idissecthisdialect,andhisinflectionsinhis voice, the way he walks, the way he stands, the way he is with his family and with his co-workers and even his dancers because we’reinarehearsalroom,andthankfullywe havethatdynamicwithus
There are some videos of him in rehearsals for the ‘Dangerous Tour’, so I watch those non-stop It really takes everything that you think it would, probably times ten, just because I never got the chance to actually meet Michael, which really sucks, but through everything that I find online, and through his autobiography, and anything I can get my hands on that is Michael I dive into wholeheartedly, just because I want to do this role justice, and I think he deserves that.
Y: You were blessed to have had the honor to work with and study from two of Michael’soriginalchoreographers Canyou tellusaboutthatwonderfulexperience?
JM: Yes indeed. I was able to study with RichandToneTalauega,theywereMichael’s choreographersanddancers Theywereon the ‘History Tour’, they were in the ‘30th Anniversary Special’, they choreographed the ‘You Rock My World’ video, they were really close collaborators with Michael for years and years If you look at the original videos, they’re the ones with the long hair, you’ll see them, I promise you can’t miss them, but yeah, they came in and really whipped me into shape I call them Drill Sergeants,forlackofabetterword,because they were in the room with Michael, and they know. They see it with their own eyes, they know what’s right and what’s wrong, and if it’s wrong, they’re going to tell you, no shame about it, they’re like, nope, that’s not right, do it again. And we’re going to do it until we get it right, I mean, that’s what it takes to be a real star There’s nothing short of what Michael would do he rehearsed until the day that he passed, so I think we havenorighttodoanylessthanthat.
Y: Now, I’m curious about your voice, because in one of the videos I saw online of youdoinganinterview,yourvoicesounded a little bit different. So do you think you’re stillinMichaelmodenowinourinterview? Is Michael in your head right now? Are you talkingmorelikeMichaelnow,oristhisyour regularvoice?
JM: Honestly, my regular voice switches so much that at this point, me and Michael have been, like, cross-examined so many times by my own brain, that I’m like, okay, which voice is this today I wake up with a different voice every day. it’s really insane, but it’s almost, you know how when Austin Butler played Elvis and he couldn’t shake thevoiceforawhileandthatwasafterthey finishedfilming?Wedothisshowjustabout every single day, so this is kind of the way my voice fits right now. It also depends on when I wake up You know how when you firstwakeup,yourvoiceisalittledeeper,and yourcordsarevibratingslower,soyeah,my voice is pretty warm, so this is kind of what Isoundlikeonaday-to-daybasis
Y:Speakingofyourvoice whatdoyoudo to keep it as close to the real Michael and to give it your all every night? How do you maintainit?
JM: That’s a really great question I look into what my body really needs every day. I mean, it’s different every day. No show is exactly the same, even though we’re doing the same show every night, and I drink as much water as humanly possible just to hydratethem,andIsteammyvoice Ihavea medical-gradesteamerthatIusetohydrate the cords I do my warm-ups very extensively every day, and I cool down after the show. I try to rest as much as possible Just all the things that you hear, you know, a lot ofsingersusedtopreservetheirgift,Itryto dothatsothatwecanproducethebestshow possibleeverynight.
Y: I am fascinated that you were part of the original cast of the first National Tour you were on Broadway for MJ the Musical. Can you talk about your initial involvement with the show? You played both MJ andMichael.Howdidyoufindoutaboutthe
opening,whatwastheauditionlike,fromthe verybeginning?
JM: Oh, man. It’s actually a really funny storyfromtheverybeginning SoIwasliving out of San Diego California at the time and I was in the production of Xanadu. Actually, Megan Lowery, one of my castmates, recommended me for this audition. I love her to death. She is an amazing woman, an amazingperformeraswell.Andsherecommended me to the casting director for this tourbecausesheheardtheywerelookingfor people Ididn’tevenreallyknowaboutitor think twice about it. So she was like, yeah, I havesomeonehere.Hemightbereallygood. You know, he loves Michael and he’s really great,verytalented They told me to send in a tape, so I did. And about a week later, they flew me out to NewYorkforacallbackaudition AndIwas still doing the show in San Diego, so I was going back and forth for about two weeks forcallbacks Andthenafterawhile they’re like, do you want to come on tour with us? And I was like, absolutely, this is a dream come true So I started off as the standby for the National Tour for MJ and who we callMiddleMichael,who’srightnowbeing played by Eric Hamilton, who’s also wildly talented and great as Michael in his own right.Thenlater,Iwanttosayinthesummer of2024 Imoveduptothealternateposition, whichalotofpeopledon’tknowis basically sharingtherolewiththelead Thealternate hastwoscheduledshowsaweekoftheeight because this role is a lot of heavy lifting So it takes a lot. It takes a village to really keep the show upheld. So, yeah, I do six shows a weeknowasMJandmyalternaterightnow, whoisDeAndreWoods,hedoestwoshows a week. I was in the alternate position until New Year’s Eve, December 31st 2024 and I moveduptothemainrole SonowI’mfully initanditfeelsgreat.Itfeelsright
Y: What’s gypsy life like, having to travel from town to town and different theaters andhavingtoaccommodateallthosethings?
JM: I love the way you phrase it. Touring is a very unique experience, especially as an actor in a show. I mean, there are so many places in this country that I’ve gotten tovisit,thatI’veneverprobablywouldhave seen otherwise, which is a really fun side of it.Andalltheaudiencesthatwegettobring this gift to their doorstep I mean, it’s really surreal to see their reactions to it. And like, thankfully, everyone who comes to see the show really loves it and raves about it. So that’s very awesome to see And I mean, it’s also pretty difficult to move around and do thisshow.Havingtotravelonouronlyquote unquoteoffdayisverytiringsometimes But, youknow,Ijusttrytorestasmuchaspossible,meaningsleepandtakecareofmyvoice. And I try to stay grounded. I have my dog withme HisnameisMilo,sohetravelswith meandhekeepsmegroundedevenmorein differentplaces Hegivesme,youknow,that sense of home I also try to visit my family wheneverIcan.So yeah,youfigureoutyour routines in these different places and try to thinkofwaystostillfeelconnected.
Y:Let’s talk about MJ the Musical. What isyourfavoritepartorpartsoftheshowthat youarein,thatyougettodoeverynightand you can’t wait to play and does that part changefromtimetotime?
JM:Youknow,itdoeschangefromtimeto time I’llsayrightnowinthisverymoment, my favorite part to play that I’m in the one I think might be the most consistent of my answers just because it’s such a beautiful part of the show is ‘Smooth Criminal. I love, I love performing that number It is so beautifullychoreographedandit’splayingso rightintheshow.Andit’sjust,it’sbeautiful. Idon’twanttogivetoomuchaway,butitis I love that song I’ve always loved that song since I was a child. So yeah, the lights the costumes everything Also ‘Billie Jean’, of course Imean,that’sadreamcometruejust tobeabletodontheattireanddothemoves like the king So those two are like my most consistentanswersthatI’min.
Y: What is your favorite part of the show that you’re not in, but you love to either watchfromthesidesorsingtoitintheback?
JM: That is such a great question. Oh, my goodness I’ll probably say the ‘Victory Tour.’ Our Little Michael takes the reins on the victory tour, of course, because it took placein1984 Andthatpart,CanYouFeelIt?, especially SowhenIcoveredLittleMichael, I did. And it was so much fun. I covered Little Michael for the first year of the tour Andthatwasalwaysmyfavoritepartofthat track. So, yeah, I missed that song particularly sometimes But no he does a great job andit’ssuchacoolsong Ilovethatsong And it’sreallygreat. Y:Canyoushareagreatstoryortwowhen youseeandinteractwithlittlekidsoradults dressedlikeMichael?
JM: Oh, my gosh I mean, there are tons.
There are children that come dressed as Michael that couldn’t be older than like seven or eight They weren’t even alive when Michael was born and it’s just really amazingtoseethereachthathismusichad and the message that really touches every generation It’sreallyspectacular.I’mreally grateful to be the one to present it to them in this way. And I mean, there are kids that comeuptomeaftertheshow,justtheirjaw drops,they’reawestruck.Andit’ssoamazing because I was that kid watching Michael’s videos I see myself in them a lot. And it’s justsuchabeautifulfeelingtobethatvessel for them, for them to be like, can you take a picture? Can you sign this? That was really great.Youknow,kidsdon’tlie Sothat’sjust suchabeautifulfeeling Therewasthisonekid,Ithinkwewerein Detroit.Hecameuptothestagedoorandhe waitedforsolong Hewassopatient.Iwish I had gotten his name He was dressed in this criminal outfit. And he said, “My mom toldmeonthewaytotheshowthatMichael Jackson passed away and then I saw you andIwaslike,no,hedidn’t. Oh,myGod.It was like he touched my heart. I melted. He doesn’t know that what he told me, really mademyentirelife.Thatwassoamazing.It was great. It’s always great to inspire those kids. And also, like on the flip side of that, the adultswhogrewupwithMichael,theycome toseetheshow.Therewasthisonewoman, she was crying in front of me saying that I brought her back to her childhood. And that’s like, oh, my God, it’s such a beautiful thing,because,Imean,I’moneofthosefans That is, I see myself in every single one of them.Andit’strulysuchablessingtobeable tojustliveinitwiththemandreallyliketogo throughallthesemomentsthatweallcherished at some point in our lives It’s just so beautiful That feeling is never lost on me no matter how many people say it Like it always touches me to my core Truly, I just can’texpressthatenough.
Y:Whatisitlikeworkingwithsomeofthe other actors and the staff in this particular production?
JM: Oh, man, this ensemble is the greatest in the business I have never worked with such talent, such passion. It’s really like every night is inspiring just because I get to perform with these people From the lastpersoninthecrewtothefirstpersonon stage,everyoneisalwaysontheirP’sandQ’s. Imean,withacrazyshowlikethis,youkind of have to be But it’s really a great experiencetobeworkingwithsuchdowntoearth people who are just great at what they do You know, our swings especially like our swings cover five to six tracks in the show and they can go on at a moment’s notice at anypoint.Soit’sreallyjustcrazywhatthese people are able to do I could go on and on aboutthiscastallday.Onceyouseetheshow, you’llhavenowords,notevenjustformeor anyoftheotherMichaelsfortheentirecast. Thetalentisthroughtheroof Itisamazing
Y: OK let’s learn about you. Where were you born, where did you grow up and what made you fall in love with the music entertainmentbusiness?
JM: Oh, man. Well, I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. My family and I moved to Georgia when I was around five or six yearsold.SoIgrewupthereformostofmy life, but I always went back and forth from NewOrleanstoGeorgiaeveryyear Istarted singing in my uncle’s church around the third grade. That was when I first started. Just wanted to sing and wanted to express myself through music. Luckily, I had that outlet to be in the choir and church and performthere.Ifellinlovewithmusicreally throughmusicals Irememberseeing“High
School Musical” when it came out. I was aroundsixyearsold.AndIlovedthatmovie somuch.Anditreallywaslikeagatewayinto me loving music and acting and performing.AndIwaslike,oh,mygosh,Iwanttodo this So I started out teaching myself guitar when I was in high school and how to play thekeyboard.Andofcourse Michaelwasa huge part of that. When he passed in 2009, Istoppedeverythinganddoveintoallofhis music videos and his live performances I watched those nonstop for years I dressed uplikeMichaelforHalloweenforfiveyears after that. I had the craziest Michael Jacksonphaseanditwasgreatanditallpaidoff I also started writing my own music around the time I was 16 years old. I wrote myfirstactualsong Everythingaboutitisso amazingtome Idon’tknowwhereIwould be if it weren’t for music. Truly, I think that iscrazybecausemyparentsarealwayslike, wheredidyougetthisfrom?Becauseneither oneofthemaremusical.Butit’salwaysbeen apartofme Ican’trememberatimeIdidn’t wanttosingandperform.Itrulycan’t.Itried tosometimes Iplayedbasketballforalotof my life but that was recreationally and at my school for a bit. But I always came back to music every single time It’s just been in me for so long And I love it. And I hope to continuetopursueitfortherestofmylife. Y: Who else besides Michael that you mentioned, that you listened to growing up thatinfluencedyourmusic?
JM: Lots of James Brown, lots of Stevie Wonder Oh,mygoodness LutherVandross My mother loved Luther And I mean, even artistsoftoday,IlovedgrowinguplikeBruno Mars I still love his music to this day. That reallyinfluencedme TheJonasBrothersat ayoungage Iwasveryinfatuatedwiththem. That’s one of the reasons I started playing guitarinthefirstplace Ialsolovedlistening toQueengrowingupaswell.TheBeatles. Y: You are a true artist and you’re also a singer composer as we said. So let’s talk about your own music that you have released. Talk a little bit about your style of music and what you have either that came outalreadyorgettingreadytocomeout.
JM: Well, you can access it through any streaming service, you know, Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music. It’s just my name, Jordan Markus I have an EP out called ‘Summer’sOver’thatIreleasedin2023 And that’smylatestbodyofwork.Istillloveitto this day. I’ve been working on so many new songs Ialsohaveasongwithmygoodfriend andformeroriginalM.J JamalFieldsGreen coming out soon You know, whenever I’m not on stage, I try to be as creative as possiblewithmyfreetime,whichIshouldjustbe sittingdown But,youknow,Ilikerecording musicoreditingvideos whichisalsoalove of mine that I found later in life I just love tocreatethings SoIhavelotsofnewmusic comingoutthisyear
Y:Howaboutawow,pinchmemomentor twothatyoucan’tbelievethislittleboyfrom NewOrleansgottoexperience?
JM: Oh, my goodness, when we were in Detroit,wewenttotheMotownMuseum.It wassuchasurrealthingtoseewhereallofit beganandthere’sGordy’shouseapartment, likerightabove I’lltakethatwithmeforever Itwastrulyamazing
Y: What advice would you give fellow actors, actresses wanting to follow in your footsteps?
JM: I would say to know who you are before you try to play anybody else That’s really going to help perfect your craft if you knowwhoyouareasaperson,becausewhat we’re doing in acting is really knowing our character knowing ourselves and meeting in the middle. That’s how I like to think of it So that’s the only way you can portray whoever you’re playing authentically, I believe So I would say dive into yourself as much as you can, learn as much as you can, dive into your interests There are so many differentavenuestotakeinthisbusinessand noneofthemareincorrect.Youknow there arepeoplewhowenttoschoolforthis who arewildlysuccessful.Therearepeoplewho didn’t go to school for this, who are wildly successful.SoIwouldsayaslongasyoulove itandyouhaveapassionforit,noonecantell youotherwise Justkeepgoing Yiorgoisanarts,entertainmentandsports writer A stage TV and movie actor he is also a sports entertainer educator motivational speaker writer storyteller and columnist.
ChineseNewYearisaculturalphenomenoninChina.Infact,theNationalMuseum of Asian Art indicates Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China, where a 15-day celebration incorporates age-oldtraditionsincommemorationofthe nation’s culture and history. Chinese New Year also has a global footprint, and celebrationsinvariouscountriescommemorate thisuniqueeventthatheraldsthearrivalof spring and the beginning of a new year on the lunisolar calendar Onenotabletraditionassociatedwiththe Chinese New Year involves animals That tradition is traced to an ancient Chinese poem that told the story of 12 mythical animals that descended from the heavens in a particular order The Rat was the first animal to arrive and help celebrate the coming spring and the Pig was the last to make its presence known. Each Chinese NewYearcommemoratesadifferentanimal fromthatancientpoem,whichiswhycelebrations are often characterized as “Year
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with a traditional wonton dish
The Chinese New Year is a unique celebrationwithaglobalfootprint.Whilemany ofthemoreawe-inspiringcelebrationsmay occurwithinChina,thatdoesn’tmeanthere aren’t ways to commemorate this unique event elsewhere. Celebrations can even take place at home, where individuals can whip up homemade Chinese fare to lend their festivities a more authentic feel. This ChineseNewYear thosewhowanttobring this unique event into their homes can try the following recipe for “Deep-Fried Pork Wontons”courtesyofLines+Angles
Deep-Fried Pork Wontons
For the filling:
Vegetableoil,forfrying For serving:
Mixedleafsalad;cabbage,lettuce andcoriander Sweetandsoursauce
Instructions: 1.Mixtogethertheingredientsforthefilling,stirringinonedirectiononly
2.Placedoublelayersofwontonwrappers in front of you in a diamond shape. Place a little of the filling on the bottom half of the dough.Foldthebottomcornerofdoughover the filling and roll it once Take the outside corners and bring them together, sealing with a little water Stand the wontons on their flat bases and gently separate the two top flaps Repeat with the remaining wrappersandfilling
3. Heat about 4 inches oil in a deep pan until gently bubbling, then fry the wontons inbatchesfor3to4minutesoruntilgolden brownandcookedthrough Drainonpaper towelsthenserveonbedsofthemixedleaves withthesweetandsoursaucealongside
Tip: This recipe may also be steamed or boiled.
of the (Animal Name). Chinese New Year celebrants will commemorate the Year of the Snake in 2025 According to National Museums Liverpool, the snake is wise and intense. The Snake emphasizes physical beauty, which is why it’s often associated with vanity Travel China Guide adds that the snake carries meanings of malevolence cattiness and mystery but also notes that some in China believe a snake found in a courtyard is an omen of good luck. In addition, Chinese mythology characterizes the creatoroftheworldashavingahumanhead andthebodyofsnake. Compatibility is another notion associatedwiththeanimalsoftheChineseZodiac thatfeaturesoprominentlyinChineseNew Year celebrations The Snake is considered most compatible with the Rooster, which the poem suggests was the tenth animal to descend.ThePig(twelfth)isconsideredthe leastcompatibleanimalwiththeSnake. Chinese New Year is a notably unique celebration.In2025,theChineseNewYear beginsonWednesday,January29
DentalProgramcontractwillbringchanges andimprovementsstartingMarch1.United Concordia will continue to administer the TDP However, they’ll offer new services and lower costs for many members If you haveTDPcoverage you’llseethesechanges in your February bill for coverage effective March1.
“These changes reflect our commitment to providing quality dental care. We’re also making this care more affordable for our members,”saidDouglasElsesser,aprogram analyst with the Dental Program Section of the TRICARE Health Plan, at the Defense Health Agency “We’re expanding access to care and embracing new technologies to betterserveourmilitaryfamilies.”
What’s changing?
The new contract brings three main improvements:
You’ll find more dentists near you to choosefrom,includingspecialists.
You can now meet with dentists online forcheckups,planningyourcare,andother basicservices
The TDP is a voluntary dental plan. It’s available to active duty family members, National Guard and Reserve members, and theirfamilymembers UnitedConcordiahasdentistsin:
Guam U.S.VirginIslands
OCONUS Preferred Dentists You can use this tool to search for a provider in your country
How much will I pay?
Monthly premiums are decreasing with the new contract. Your monthly premium depends on your sponsor’s status (active duty,SelectedReserve,orIndividualReady Reserve)andthetypeofenrollment
Single:Onefamilymember,excludingthe sponsor
Family: More than one family member excludingthesponsor
Sponsor and family: Applies only to Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reservemembers
These monthly premiums are in effect through Feb. 28, 2026 Here’s what you’ll pay:
Sponsoronly:Notapplicable Single(onefamilymember,notthesponsor):$8.65 Family (more than one family member, notthesponsor):$22.48
Single:$11.53 Family:$29.98
Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve(Mobilization)
Individual Ready Reserve (Non-Mobilization)
Survivors continue to have no premium payments
As mentioned in the TRICARE Dental Program Handbook (online at https:// www.tricare.mil/Publications/Handbooks/ dental), TDP is a pay-ahead program. This
means you’ll begin paying the new rates in February,forcoveragestartinginMarch. Remember: Dental coverage is separate from your TRICARE medical coverage To getTDPbenefits,youmustbeenrolled.Your sponsor must have at least one year of militaryservicelefttoenrollintheTDP
Do you want to learn more about your TDP coverage or these changes? Visit the TRICARE Dental Program page or United Concordia’swebsite YoucanalsocallUnited Concordia: CONUS(inthecontinentalUnitedStates): 844-653-4061 OCONUS(outsidethecontinentalUnited States):844-653-4060
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.
Source: American Heart Association
IntheU.S.,1in3adultsisatriskforanewly recognized syndrome that comes from a combinationofheartdisease kidneydisease, type2diabetesandexcessbodyweight.This cluster of conditions, called cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic (CKM) syndrome, is an example of how problems in one part of yourbodycanaffectotherparts
To avoid CKM syndrome, health experts suggestpayingcloseattentiontofourofthe American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 - blood pressure, lipids body weight andbloodsugarlevel-whicharecorehealth factorsthatimpactyourmetabolichealth.
Good metabolic health means your body usesenergywellandkeepsthesefactorsina normalrange However,whennumbersare off in one area, it can affect others, raising your risk for heart disease, stroke, kidney diseaseanddiabetes Consider these tips from the American Heart Association to help keep your core healthfactorsundercontrol.
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, happens when the force of yourbloodpushingagainstthewallsofyour blood vessels is too high. High blood pressureisaleadingcauseofheartdisease stroke andkidneydisease
Becausehighbloodpressuredoesn’thave symptoms, the only way to know you have it is to get your blood pressure checked Healthy blood pressure is below 120/80 If yourbloodpressureis130/80orhigher,talkto yourdoctoraboutcheckingyourothercore healthfactors
Lifestyle changes can help reduce high blood pressure One example is a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating pattern that’s low in fat and rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairyproducts Losing10poundsandreducing alcohol consumption can also reduce bloodpressure.
Cholesterolisawaxysubstanceyourliver makes then circulates in the blood where
your body uses it to build cells and make vitamins and hormones. You may also get cholesterol from eating animal products If there’s too much cholesterol circulating, yourriskoftype2diabetes,heartdiseaseand strokemayincrease For optimal CKM health, your LDL cholesterol should be below 100 and triglycerides below 150. Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body If your triglyceride level is 135 or higher talk toyourdoctoraboutdecreasingyourrisk. Losingbodyweightandincreasingphysical activity decrease triglyceride levels In addition,DASHandMediterranean(plantbased, high-fiber, low-fat) eating patterns supporthealthyLDLandtriglyceridelevels
Healthy weight may be determined by body mass index (BMI) a number that
represents your weight in relation to your height.Extrabodyfatcanmeanahigherrisk for many health problems including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterolanddiabetes CKMsyndromestartswhenBMIis25or higherandwaistcircumferenceis88centimeters or higher for women and 102 centimeters or higher for men Aim for a BMI between18.5-25. To lose weight and keep it off start by setting realistic goals Understand how much and why you eat, manage portion sizes, make smart snack substitutions and bephysicallyactive.
High blood sugar can slowly damage the kidneys Infact,diabetesistheleadingcause ofkidneydisease anditincreasestheriskof heartattackandstroke
Blood sugar is measured in two ways: a fastingbloodglucosetest(shorttermblood sugar) and an A1C test (long term blood sugar control). A normal fasting blood glucoselevelis70-99andanormalA1Clevel is below 5.7%. Fasting blood glucose above 125 and A1C of 6.5% or higher means you havediabetes Habits that help you avoid high blood pressure, weight gain and high cholesterol also keep your blood sugar in check. These areespeciallyimportantifyouhaveafamily historyofdiabetes Learn more about CKM syndrome and how to manage your risk at heart.org/ CKMhealth.
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