PHILADELPHIA —One hundredmiles offtheNewJerseycoastline,thewaterswere vastandseeminglyendless
To the untrained eye, it wasa serene stretch of blue,aworld away from the bustling Jersey Shore. Butamongst waves wasahigh-stakesarenawherelivingmarine resources(LMR) lawenforcementtook place The CoastGuard’sLMR mission affects seafoodenthusiasts and fishermen alike. A succulent seafood dinner cannot makeitto aplate until thefishermencatch it,and it’s the CoastGuard’smission to ensurethose fisharecaughtlegally
From Dec. 9toDec.13, U.S. CoastGuard
Thanks to the growingsupport and demandforleadershipdevelopmentwithin the military spouse community,Military Spouse Advocacy Network(MSAN)is proud to officially announcethe establishmentoftheLeadershipInstituteforMilitary Spouses(LIMS).Theinstitutewillbehome to aseries of free,virtual, and global leadership courses offered in collaboration with Ivy-League universities,top militaryleaders,andimpactfulvoicesinthecommunity Through LIMS,military spouseswill have the chance to apply to fivetraining courses,includingthedistinguishedMilitary Spouse Leadership Development Program (MSLDP),whichlaunchedin2021incollaboration with the National Preparedness Leadership InitiativeatHarvardUniversity,andhasgraduatedover300risinglead-
CutterAngela McShan and its 25 crewmemberstook to the Atlantic to carry out an LMR lawenforcementpatrol, ensuring the sustainability of the ocean’sresources and enforcing federal regulations designed toprotectmarineecosystemsandcommercialfishinglivelihoods
“Our mission is critical to protecting the natural resources withinthe mid-Atlantic fisheries,”saidthecutter’scommandingofficer,Lt.GregorySchmidt,“especiallyensuring thenatural resources aresustainedand also that there’sa balance of theeconomic profit and the balance of the commercial fisherieswithinthearea.
TheCoastGuardistheleadfederalmaritime lawenforcement agency and theonly agencywithboththeauthorityandcapabil-
itytoenforcenationalandinternationallaw onthehighseas,outercontinentalshelf,and inward from the U.S. ExclusiveEconomic Zone(EEZ)toinlandwaters
During thisdeployment, thecrew conducted fiveboardings for fisheries and servedasastrongholdofmaritime law enforcement.
ArmedCoastGuardsmen boarded the fishing vessels using thecutter’soverthe horizon (OTH V) smallboat, the only fast responsecutter(FRC)inthefleetcurrently usingthisupdatedprototypeOTH.
ers with certificates in Leadership in Crisis and MentalHealthAllyship fromPsychHub Newprogramsjoining the LIMS catalog include an advanced leadership programand mental healthtraining in collaborationwith the UniversityofNotreDame NotreDame and its military-connected community areworkingwith MSANtooffercoursesfor militaryspouseswithafocusondeveloping: Ethical leadership skills in supportof professionaldevelopment Skillsthatpromoteandenhanceresilience andmentalhealth. In addition, MSAN will also be offering
an introductory course for military spouses just starting out in their leadership journeycalled the Emerging Leaders Program(ELP),designed to providemilitary spouses with essential leadershipskillstothrive as individuals,athome andwithintheircommunities.
Graduates of LIMS willalsoenjoybenefitsas alumni, including exclusive access to theAlumniNetwork,which providesongoingsupportandresourcesfor military spouses throughevents,monthly workshops,andmentorshipopportunities To learn moreabout each of these programs,includingapplicationperiodsand
Thegoalfortheweekwasclear:toensure fishingoperators complied with federal regulations while fostering mutual respect andcooperation.
“The biggestthing we’relookingfor are thetargetedspecies,”saidthecutter’sexecutiveofficer,LTJGJosephRoth.“DistrictFive provides us with alookoutlistwith known high-risktargetsandrepeatoffenders.We’re also looking for those targeted speciesand theareaofthe ocean wheretypicalgood fishinggroundsare.
Whilesomevesselswerefoundtobefully compliant,otherwerenot.
“Out herewe’re conducting inspections on commercial fishing vessels,” said Petty Officer FirstClass Christopher Banka, a boarding officer.“As far as thefish, we’re looking at sizes,quantity,and ensuring that thevesselshavetheir proper certifications anddocumentation.”
eligibilityrequirements, please visitwww leadershipinstituteformilitaryspouses.org. From VereniceCastillo,President & CEO of MSAN: “Bringingthe Leadership Institute forMilitary Spouses is an exciting opportunity to empowerthese remarkableindividualswithalllevelsofleadership trainingandskillsdevelopment.Byinvesting in their growth, we’renot only enhancing their personal capabilities but also fosteringcommunity leaders whowilldrive real change. Together,weare cultivatinga networkofinspiredleadersreadytomakea meaningfulimpact.”
About Leadership Institute forMilitary Spouses: The Leadership Institute for MilitarySpouses (LIMS) empowers and
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
The first month of the year is special for a numberofreasons includingtheopportunity for a fresh start, as millions of people make NewYear’sresolutionsinanefforttoturnthe pageonthepreviousyear
Martin Luther King, Jr Day is nestled in the middle of January and is another day of contemplation and celebration. Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was an American Baptist minister activist, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and one of the most prominent leaders of the civil rights movement. His leadership was fundamental throughout the mid-1950s untilhisassassinationin1968 Kingpromoted nonviolenttacticsthatincludedtheMarchon Washingtonin1963
The third Monday of January is widely celebrated as Martin Luther King, Jr Day (or MLK Day), and is a federal holiday to honor the life and legacy of this great man. Thedaypresentsanopportunitytocelebrate andhonorDr Kinginnotableways Hereare someofthemanywaystocelebrateDr King andserveinhisname
Give what you can. Donate money or goods to a nearby charitable organization. Thiscanincludedonatingtoafoodpantryor droppingoffclothingatahomelessshelter.
Donate time. Dr King’s legacy is a testament to cooperation. When people work togetherandsupportoneanother,theworld becomesabetterplaceforfuturegenerations Volunteeringtimeatalocalnonprofitorganizationisastart.
Watchthe“IHaveaDream”speech.Dr King was a skilled orator, and this speech is about 17 minutes long Many people know of this speech but may not have listened to it in its entirety nor have fully absorbed its message MLK Day is an ideal time to listen
Promote equality initiatives Racism, segregation and inequality remain a problemeventoday UseMLKDayasacatalystfor change aimed at promoting equality among allpeople
Spearhead mixers and other friendly socials. Dr King espoused a message of kindness and respect for others By bringing peopletogetherfromdifferentbackgrounds, individuals can learn that they likely have more in common than they realize Host special social gatherings that can take place onoraroundMLKDay.
Plantatreeoranotherenduringsymbol AGreekproverbsays “Asocietygrowsgreat when old men plant trees in whose shade theyknowtheyshallneversit. Itmeansthat
planting trees represents actions that will benefitfuturegenerations,eveniftheperson planting them will not live long enough to reapthebenefits Dr Kingfacilitatedgreater racialharmonyandpeaceeventhoughhewas notabletoenjoyitmorefully Plantingatree inhisnamewillbenefitfuturegenerations
Learn more about Dr. King. Visit a culturalcenterthatisofferingaspecialMLK Day exhibit; otherwise, read biographies or watchamovieaboutDr King’slifeandwork.
MartinLutherKing,Jr Dayisacelebration of a man who did great things that continue to benefit generations of people who came afterhim.
Duetothewinterymixandcoldtemperatureslastweekend,TheVirginiaAquarium’s E-Cycling event has been rescheduled to Saturday, February 22 from 9 a.m. to Noon. Acceptable items and all other details of the eventwillremainthesame
As prevously reported in The Flagship:
Dispose of old electronics responsibly at the Virginia Aquarium’s E-Cycling event presented by PRA Group Rain or shine, participantscanrecycleoldcellphones,used vehicle batteries personal electronic items unneeded prescriptions and more. The event will be a drive-through in the Aquarium’s East Parking Lot, with participating vendors including AAA Tidewater Virginia, Goodwill Industries, Virginia Beach Police Department,NexTrexPlasticRecycling,and the911CellphoneBank,whereoldcellphones willberefurbishedanddonatedtovictimsof humantrafficking
Sustainability is a cornerstone of the Virginia Aquarium’s mission, and E-Cycling events like this one provide a responsible andeco-friendlywaytodisposeofelectronic items Thehardplasticinmanyoftheseitems will never decompose in a landfill. In items such as car batteries, the acid or chemicals in the products can end up in the ground or water run-offs and are corrosive and harmful to the environment. Many old electronic devicescontaintoxicsubstancesthatinclude lead, mercury, cadmium, beryllium, polyvinyl chloride, and chromium. When e-waste is tossed into landfills, these chemicals seep into the soil, polluting the ground water and theair
Electronics are made of components that contain valuable raw materials and can be repurposed for new devices when they are recycled.Asaresult,energyissaved,pollution is reduced, and there are fewer greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere. Recycling old devices saves energy It also means that fewer raw materials need to be drawn from nature to create new devices Additionally, reusing electronics can help members of the community who would not otherwisehaveaccess Items that will not be accepted during the event include hazardous waste, CRT
There’s much to look forward to when winter begins
Outdoor enthusiasts may relish a return to the slopes to ski or snowboard each winter while others praise the crisp fresh air and lack of insects as more conducive to activitieslikehiking Winterindeedhasplentytooffer,butsome people find that less daylight has an adverse effect on their mood. The National Institutes of Mental Health notes that shifts in mood and behavior that align with changes in the seasons could be indicative of seasonal affective disorder, alsoknownasSAD.
What is SAD?
Johns Hopkins Medicine characterizes SAD as a form of depressioninwhichindividuals’moodandbehaviorchanges when the seasons change. The NIMH notes SAD is sometimesreferredtoasthe“winterblues.”
Is SAD exclusive to winter?
Though SAD can affect people at any time of year the NIMHreportsthatmostcasesofSADstarttoaffectpeople inlatefallorearlywinterbeforesymptomsbegintosubside during the spring and summer. Johns Hopkins Medicine
notes researchers believe the shorter days and thus fewer hours of daylight that occur each winter set off a chemical changeinthebrainthatleadstoapersonexperiencingsymptomsofdepression.
What are the symptoms of SAD?
TheNIMHpointsoutthat,sinceSADisatypeofdepression, symptoms of the condition include those associated withdepression.Suchsymptomsinclude: Apersistentsad,anxiousor“empty”moodmostoftheday. Thisoccurseverydayforatleasttwoweeks
Feelingsofirritability frustrationorrestlessness
Loss of energy or feelings of fatigue Some also feel as if theyhavesloweddown.
Difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions
Physical aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problemsthathavenoexplanationanddonotsubsideeven aftertreatment
It’s important to note that the above are symptoms of depression that people with SAD may experience Additionalsymptomsofwinter-patternSADinclude:
Overeating that leads to weight gain. The NIMH notes people with SAD may have a particular craving for carbohydrates
How is SAD treated?
People who suspect they have SAD are urged to speak with their physicians Various treatments including light therapy,psychotherapyorantidepressantmedications can help to treat SAD. Individuals may also be prescribed vitaminDsupplements
Can I prevent SAD?
The NIMH notes that since SAD is tied to seasonal changes,peoplecantakestepsinanefforttopreventit.Startingtreatmentspriortoachangeinseasonsmayhelp Manypeopleexperiencedifficultywhenfalltransitionsto winter,andsuchtroublesmaybeattributabletoSAD.More informationaboutSADisavailableatwww.nimh.nih.gov.
Living a happier healthier life often begins in the kitchen. From lunches on the go to sit-down family meals, keeping flavoratthecenterofyourmealplanning iskeytomaintaininghealthyhabits
Based on Mintel’s 2025 Global Food and Drink Trends, experts predict that sweet, sour, smoky and spicy flavors will continuetoriseinpopularityamongfamilies in the United States this year Show your family how much you care with deliciousandnutritiousdishesthatdon’t skimponflavor.Afterall,it’seasiertostick tohealthyeatingwhenyoufindjoyinthe foodsyoushare.
Next time you’re at the grocery store, stock up on pantry staples that deliver flavor and nutrition - without extra time in the kitchen. Whether you’re grabbing asnackonyourwayoutthedoororlooking for ways to add protein to your next meal, Chicken of the Sea Wild Caught Tuna Packets are convenient and flavorful,deliveringkeynutrients
Each packet is 100 calories or less and readytoeatwithhigh-quality,responsibly sourcedproteinmadewithMSC-certified tuna, allowing you to dive into a world of deliciouslyseasoned,leanprotein.
Yourgo-towildcaughttunapairedwith the iconic blend of 18 herbs and spices, Chicken of the Sea Wild Caught Light Tuna Packet with Old Bay Seasoning is a match made in seafood heaven. Perfect for when you’re on the go, the unique combination of flavor, convenience and valuehelpsfightthatpeskymiddayhump, recover from a tough workout or reminisceaboutafavoritechildhoodrecipe
For a quick bite when you’re looking for an easy solution, this Tuna Stuffed Avocado recipe is simple yet satisfying and full of flavor. The protein from the tuna and healthy fat from the avocado help to power you through your day and keep you feeling satiated longer Now on shelves,youcanenjoyleanproteinwitha mixofclassicseafoodseasoninginrecipes likethisone
With the help of the flavor experts at McCormick, Chicken of the Sea Wild Caught Tuna Packet with Chili Lime is a convenient protein-packed snack. The joyful zing of lime and chili spice takes this next recipe to another level and can helpaddaburstofflavortoanymeal. Ifyou’rehostingacrowdorpreparinga snackforlovedones Better-For-YouChili LimeTuna7-LayerDipletsyouindulgein funrecipeswithoutditchinghealthgoals For an extra nutritious touch, serve with choppedvegetables Make mouthwatering flavor the right decision for your body and mind with additional better-for-you recipe ideas at ChickenOfTheSea.com.
Tuna Stuffed Avocado
Total time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2 1packet(21/2ounces)Chickenofthe Sea Wild CaughtLightTunawithOld Bay Seasoning
In bowl, combine tuna, corn and mincedparsley Halve avocado and carefully remove seed. Divide tuna mixture between avocado halves Servewithlemonwedges
After a busy season of groups and gatherings, sometimesanewyearcallsforeasy fillingmeals you can enjoy with your nearest and dearest. Warm, hearty Meatball Tortellini Soup can do justthatasadeliciousone-potsolution.VisitCulinary.nettofindmorewarmingwinterrecipes. Meatball Tortellini Soup
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy” Servings: 6-8
1can(14ounces)dicedtomatoes 16ouncesfrozenmeatballs 19ouncestortellini
2tablespoonslow-fatshredded cheddarcheese 2packets(21/2ounceseach)Chicken oftheSeaWildCaughtLightTunawith McCormickChiliLime slicedorchoppedjalapenosorSerrano chilies(optional) limewedges,forserving vegetablesortortillachips,forserving
In2-quartcasseroledish,layerbeansin singlelayer. Addremaininglayers:Greekyogurt, guacamole picodegalloorsalsa,black olives cheeseandtuna. Addadditionallayerofslicedjalapenos orSerranochilies,ifdesired Servedipwithtortillachipsorsliced vegetables
FALLS CHURCH, Va Do you know what to do when you or a family member feelsick,butit’soutsideofbusinesshoursor it’stheweekend?Shouldyougotoanurgent care clinic or the emergency room, or wait until your doctor’s office is open? Luckily, TRICARE has a service called the Military Health System Nurse Advice Line that can helpwhenyouneedhealthcareguidance.
“TheMHSNurseAdviceLineisanexcellent resource for TRICARE beneficiaries andtheirfamilies,”saidJuliePruitt Branch Chief IntegratedReferralManagementand Appointing, Assistant Director for Healthcare Administration at the Defense Health Agency “Sometimes all you might need is to have a healthcare professional answer a few simple questions to provide you with direction and next steps. By contacting the MHS Nurse Advice Line, you’ll have peace ofmind.”
What’s the MHS Nurse Advice Line?
The MHS Nurse Advice Line lets you connect with a registered nurse by phone, chat,orvideo It’savailable24/7andfreefor TRICARE beneficiaries to use Registered nurses are available to answer your questions and give you advice They can help when you’re feeling sick, worried about what medicine to take for your symptoms, ornotsureifyoushouldseekmedicalcare.
Who can use the MHS Nurse Advice Line?
If you live in the U.S. or in a country outside the U.S. with a military hospital or clinic, you can use the MHS Nurse Advice Line Thisincludes: Active duty service members and their familymembers Retireesandtheirfamilymembers
Note:YoucanusetheMHSNurseAdvice Lineunlessyou’reenrolledintheUSFamily HealthPlan whichhasitsownnurseadvice line It’s important that the sponsor’s and familymembers’personalinformationisup todateintheDefenseEnrollmentEligibility ReportingSystem.LoginviamilConnectto checkthisinformation.
How do I use the MHS Nurse Advice Line?
If you live in the U.S. Guam, or Puerto Rico: Call 800-TRICARE (800-874-2273) andchooseOption1.
If you live overseas: Visit MHSNurseAdvice.comtofindcountry-specificphonenumbers
Youcanalsousethelivetextorvideochat features on MHSNurseAdviceLine.com to getyourquestionsanswered.
Be sure to have your Department of Defense benefit number ready when you contact the MHS Nurse Advice Line As describedintheTRICAREContactWallet Card(seegraphicbelowordownload/print online at https://tricare.mil/Publications/ Wallet_Card), you can find this number on
your ID card
How can the MHS Nurse Advice Line help me?
The MHS Nurse Advice Line can help in manysituations Yournursecan:
Assess your symptoms and give recommendations for the most appropriate steps totakenext.
Give instructions to treat minor issues at home
Help you find the closest urgent care or emergencycarefacility,ifneeded
Help you make an appointment at your militaryhospitalorclinic,ifneeded
Give you an online “absence excuse” or “sick slip” when medically appropriate (subjecttoservicecommandrequirements).
or afamilymemberreasonablybelievesyou’re experiencingahealthemergency,call911or gotothenearestemergencyroom.Ifyou’re overseas,callyourinternationalemergency number
Life can be full of surprises That’s why the MHS Nurse Advice Line is here for you 24/7, even on holidays Whether you’re at home, moving, or traveling, you can unlock your health by calling a nurse if you need healthcareadvice
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.
“A lot of times we’ve run into people just fishing with the wrong type of gear,” said Roth. “This trip we had someone fishing with a net that was too small. We caught it and we’re protecting our fisheries by doing that. With a smaller net, they’re catching a lotmorethingsthatthey’renotsupposedto becatching.”
Asthecrew’sdeploymentshowed,it’snot just the fish themselves that are of interest, butalsotheequipmentonthevessels
“We’ve also run into some safety equipment violations,” said Roth “There’s been expired flares, personal flotation devices that are unserviceable So, we’re indirectly saving a life by ensuring these vessels have thecorrectequipmentonboard.”
AsSchmidtexplained,theCoastGuardis not only searching for illegal fishing during these boardings but also inspecting the vesselstopreventcasualties
“This fisheries mission is important because we get to see immediate impact on thefederalfisheriesandsafetyaspect, said
Schmidt. “When we get on these boats, we notonlychecktheirfishbutalsocheckthey are in compliance with their safety equipment.Ultimately,we’reprotectingtheirlives tomakesurethey’renotasearchandrescue case.”
According to Roth, every single crew membercontributestothefisheriesmission whileunderway
“We have our cooks out there helping to launch the small boat,” said Roth “We’ve got our engineers on the small boat and out doingboardings Ourboatswain’smatesare doing the same thing Every single person is involved in the law enforcement effort as well as the effort to keep the ship running andconductingmaintenance.”
Amidthepatrol,swellsreachedupwards of10feetwithsubfreezingtemperatures
For the crew, the Atlantic conditions are simplypartofthejob
“It can get pretty rough out there,” said Roth.“Especiallygettingonandoffthesmall boatandontothevessels You’vereallygotto take precautions, and you don’t know what kindofdeckyou’reclimbingonto.”
Despitethechallenges thecrewsuccessfully conducted the five boardings over the
“One of the biggest challenges we face is the weather windows when these fisheries are open,” said Schmidt. “Often, we have to strategically plan to get offshore amidst the weather Ourmaingoalistobeabletotarget theseguyswhenit’ssafetogooutthereand the maximum available targets out there withtheweatherandfisheriesbeingopen.
LMR law enforcement is a duty under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the Endangered Species Act and several other federal laws focused on the protection of marine resources
The core objective of these efforts is to provide enforcement to advance national goalsfortheconservation,management,and recoveryoflivingmarineresources,marine protectedspecies,andnationalmarinesanctuaries and monuments. This includes the enforcementofLMRregulationsinaddition tonumerousotheractivitiesthatstrengthen both domestic and international fisheries managementregimes
TheMaritimeLawEnforcementprogram protects America’s maritime borders from encroachment,defendsthecountry’smari-
time sovereignty from illicit activity, facilitates legitimate use of the waterways, and suppresses violations of federal law on, under and over the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States The Angela McShan, a Sentinel-class FRChomeportedinCapeMay,NewJersey is named after the first African American female master chief in Coast Guard history True to its namesake’s legacy, the vessel exemplifies service, vigilance, and dedication.
TheFRC’shaverecentlybeentaskedand given the tools to find the top producers of thecommercialfisheries,whichallowsthem totargetthevesselsthatareseekingthemost fish.
“The crew are skilled operators fully awareofthechallenges,risk,andimportance of the enforcement efforts,” said Schmidt. “It’s something that we take pride in and something that we know has an immediate impact economically—not only among the CoastGuard’sstatutorymissionsbutalsoin termsofprotectingthenaturalresources.”
equips military spouses to become influential community leaders and change-makers Westrivetocultivatestrength enhance leadership skills and inspire collaboration. Through dedicated training and support we envision an alumni network of engaged military spouses who drive