


Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic
On Dec. 13, members of the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic (NAVFAC Atlantic) Wardroom toured the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT) Expansion Project. This transformative infrastructure initiative is designed to double tunnel capacity between Norfolk and Hampton, Virginia, addressing regional transportationdemands
The HRBT Expansion Project with a budget exceeding$3.8billion,willexpandthecurrentfourlane capacity to eight lanes, supporting both vehicleandmaritimetrafficduringitsconstruction.The Wardroom began their visit at the HRBT Welcome Center, located at 9401 4th View St., where they weregreetedbytheprojectteam.Thevisitincluded a briefing on the project’s scope, budget, funding, impacts timelines challenges and the specialized machinerydrivingtheinitiative Keyelementsoftheprojectincludeacementplant, “Katherine,”theslurrytreatmentplant,and“Mary,” the tunnel boring machine (TBM), which are integral to its success Mary, a 46-foot-diameter, fully electric, hydraulically propelled machine, is named
ByJCKreidel Naval Facilities Engineering Systems
Command Atlantic
Have you ever asked yourself would it reallymatterifIwashere?
Youmightadmityou’vehadsomeformof an exasperated moment on the job, where you just don’t see what impact you have particularly while slogging through paperwork. We muddle through as we can, working on a deadline, rushing to get to the bottom of the to-do list, but few get quite the “It’s a Wonderful Life” validation as Steve Anderson,NAVFACAtlanticsecuritymanagerhad thisyear As a part of his many duties, Steve routinely approves overseas travel requests
after NASA pioneer Mary Jackson, the first Black female engineer at NASA honoring her significant contributions to aeronautics and space programs Katherine,theslurrytreatmentplant,isnamedafter NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, who played a pivotal role in calculating trajectories for spacemissions,includingJohnGlenn’sorbitalflight in1962.Operating24/7witha50-personcrew,Mary andKatherineworktogethertoadvancetheproject’s progress The Wardroom’s tour began with a visit to Katherine where they learned how slurry—a watery mixture of mined soil, sand, and silt—is transported from the tunnel to the surface for processing The slurrytreatmentfacilityseparatesmaterials,producing dirt “cakes” as a byproduct. To date, tunneling operationshaveremovedmorethan1.5millioncubic yardsofmaterial,equivalentto100,000truckloads
Next, the group toured the North Island project site where they viewed the completed first tunnel andexploredthesecondtunnelunderconstruction. Inside the tunnel, the Wardroom observed Mary in action and engaged with her crew, who provided insights into daily operations and the intricacies of
for employees which requires exhaustive paperwork. Running through his checklist on one such recent request, he found some missing information and dialed the applicant’s phone number hoping to quickly knockoutthetaskandbeontothenext.
Instead,hedialedonenumberoff andan elderlywomanseveralstatesawaypicksup
“I typically never do that, but for some I reversed two of the numbers and called the wrong person,” says Steve. “I’m really good at writing the number down before I dial it.PainstakinglymakingsureIgetitright.”
What could have been easily dismissed as crossed wires between strangers, Steve sensed something bigger was at play than his to-do list. Rather than re-dialing to get tohisintendedparty,he’stalkingwithBelle Cherry She’s alone, afraid, and in need of
medicalattentionandStevewillsoonprove tobewhatshecallsherguardianangel. Perhapsmoststunningofall:noneofthis would have happened if not for the help Steve received after his near-fatal heart attack a year prior. Without his colleagues’ swiftactions Stevewouldn’thavebeenthere forBelle Luck, fate, whatever you call it, a day of paperworkbecamemuchmore.
“Igottherightwrongnumber,”saysSteve. Thefirsttimehecalls,hecanhearitinher voice Hervoiceisweakandtroubled. “Shetellsme,‘I’mnotwhoyoucalled,but IneedhelpbecauseIfellandI’minjuredand Icanonlyuseonearm, recallsSteve. Thinkinglikeasonwhocaresforafather
Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic NORFOLK, Va Vice Adm. Rob Gaucher, commander, Submarine Force Atlantic (COMSUBLANT), announced the COMSUBLANTwinnersofthe2024Battle Efficiency(“E”)Competitionawards Jan.1. The Battle “E” competition is conducted to strengthen and evaluate both command and overall Force warfighting readiness and to recognize outstanding command performance. The criterion for the Battle “E”Awardistheoverallreadinessofacrew toexecuteitscombatmission.
COMSUBLANT Battle “E” winners are the following:
USSNorthDakota(SSN784), Commander,SubmarineSquadron TWO(CSS-2)
USSFlorida(SSGN728)(GOLD), CSS-16
USSTennessee(SSBN734)(BLUE), CSS-20
USSTennessee(SSBN734)(GOLD), CSS-20
Special Category
Shipyard Readiness
Special Category
Submarine Readiness
Engineering Red “E” winners:
USSHymanG.Rickover(SSN795), CSS-4
USSMaryland(SSBN738)(BLUE), CSS-20
White Weapons “W” winners:
USSHymanG.Rickover(SSN795), CSS-4
USSFlorida(SSGN728)(GOLD), CSS-16
White Strategic “S” winner:
USSTennessee(SSBN734)(BLUE), CSS-20
Navigation Red and Green “N” winners:
USSFlorida(SSGN728)(GOLD), CSS-16
USSTennessee(SSBN734)(BLUE), CSS-20
Green “C” winners:
USSFlorida(SSGN728)(GOLD), CSS-16
USSMaryland(SSBN738)(BLUE), CSS-20
Electronic Warfare Green “E” winners:
USSNorthDakota(SSN784),CSS-2 USSHymanG.Rickover(SSN795),
HRBT Expansion Project from Page 1
The visit concluded with the Wardroom expressing admiration for the technical complexity and innovative solutions driving the HRBT Expansion Project. Despite facing challenges, the project team is making steady progress, demonstrating innovative engineering and construction techniques to enhance regionalconnectivity NAVFACistheU.S.Navy’ssystemscommand responsiblefordeliveringandmaintainingfacilities utilities and infrastructure that support naval operations worldwide Wardroom members find tours such as this invaluable for understandingcutting-edgeconstructiontechniques,learningaboutinnovativetechnologies, and gaining insights into the complexities of large-scaleengineeringprojects For more information about the HRBT ExpansionProject,visithrbtexpansion.org.
with medical issues, he’s immediately worried Belle has suffered a stroke Steve asks many questions about her condition, tryingtocalmhernerves
“When I first started talking to her, she didn’treallywanttogiveupanyinformation because she doesn’t know who I am,” says Steve. “I’m just some random person who called her by mistake, but you know I went withwhatshewaswillingtoshare.”
Atfirst,itwasjustherson’sphonenumber Withoutherglassesandherunabletodialout with her dominant arm injured, it was the firstnumbershecouldrecitefrommemory Steve calls her son, Allan, on another line. Hegetsonlyvoicemail.Meanwhile,hekeeps losing Belle Steve calls several times before shecanpickupagain,havingtroublewiththe answer button He tells her he couldn’t get through to her son. In turn, she starts giving him the phone numbers of other people she knows
“Shewasrememberingthenumberswhich made me feel better that she was cognizant and alert, he says More confident her injuries were physical, Steve offered to call anyoneshewantedbuturgedhertoshareher
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner
USSNewHampshire(SSN778),CSS-6 USSBoise(SSN764),CSS-8 USSDelaware(SSN791),CSS-12 USSFlorida(SSGN728)(GOLD), CSS-16 USSAlaska(SSBN732)(GOLD),CSS-20
Supply Blue “E” winners:
USSTexas(SSN775),CSS-2 USSOregon(SSN793),CSS-4 USSNewHampshire(SSN778),CSS-6 USSMontana(SSN794),CSS-8 USSIndiana(SSN789),CSS-12 USSFlorida(SSGN728)(BLUE),CSS-16 USSMaryland(SSBN738)(GOLD), CSS-20
Personnel White “P” winners:
USSNorthDakota(SSN784),CSS-2 PCUIowa(SSN797),CSS-4 USSAlbany(SSN753),CSS-6 USSMontana(SSN794),CSS-8 USSHartford(SSN768),CSS-12 USSGeorgia(SSGN729)(BLUE), CSS-16 USSRhodeIsland(SSBN740)(BLUE), CSS-20
Medical Yellow “M” winners:
USSTexas(SSN775),CSS-2 USSVirginia(SSN774),CSS-4 USSPasadena(SSN752),CSS-6 USSMontpelier(SSN765),CSS-8 USSCalifornia(SSN781),CSS-12 USSFlorida(SSGN728)(GOLD), CSS-16 USSTennessee(SSBN734)(GOLD), CSS-20
On-time periodic maintenance requirements (PMR) and KMRC accomplishment isessentialtomeetingsubmarineforcereadiness goals PMRs and KMRCs help ensure the material readiness of the force and are critical inputs to completing the engineering analysis necessary to get more players onthefieldbyextendingoperatingintervals reducingidletime andreducingdepotavailabilitydurations The KMRC “K” is a first-time Subma-
fullnameandaddressso911couldbecalled. Televisiondramasaside,triangulatingcell phones isn’t always accurate and it’s best to have a physical address to dispatch first responders He was worried that without full names and addresses law enforcement woulddoubtanycallhe’dmakeproactively So two times he made phone calls to strangers on her behalf Two times, no answer
Throughouttheordeal,Stevecan’thelpbut thinkofhisownmedicalemergencyalmosta year to the date earlier. His heart attack had taught him many lessons, chief among them the value of community In the moment, he wasdeterminedBellewouldfeelthesame.
“On the fourth time I called her I told her I’mnotgettinganyone Yousoundlikeyou’re getting weaker I’m really concerned that if youpassoutorsomething,I’mnotgoingtobe abletohelpyou.Yougottotrustme.”
On another line, he calls the police in her hometown and at first, he’s routed to the non-emergency dispatch. He tells his story andatfirst,it’sclearthey’renotbelievinghim. A guy in Virginia doing paperwork accidentallycallaladywho’sfalleninPennsylvania? He’scalledherseveraltimesover,ratherthan justgoabouthisday? Dispatch eventually passed Steve to the
757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil
rine Force-wide award acknowledging the performance monitoring team (PMT) site that bests supports the fleet and KMRC accomplishment. The PMR “P” is a firsttime TYCOM-specific award acknowledging the submarine squadron with the best assignedsubmarinePMRperformance
KMRC “K” winner: SubmarineSquadron15/PMTGuam PMR “P” winner:
“The competition for these awards is as always, extremely keen,” said Gaucher “These awards should be a source of great pride to each and every crew memberBravoZuluforajobwelldone.”
The Battle “E” competition recognizes commands that attained the highest overall or departmental readiness to carry out assignedwartimetasksasaunitoftheAtlantic Submarine Force and is based on a yearlongevaluation.
For commissioned ships in the shipyard beingawardedtheBattle“E isreflectiveof overall readiness to meet production milestones throughout the year and the crew’s combat readiness as indicated per the CTQM, pursuit of underway time for the crew, crew-shipyard relationships, inspections,audits,etc.
These ships were considered the most ready for combat throughout the year and were judged based on their warfighting readiness; mission accomplishments; self-assessmentsandabilitytoimprove;ability to innovate; and resiliency in executing theship’sschedule
The Submarine Force executes the Department of the Navy’s mission in and from the undersea domain. In addition to lending added capacity to naval forces the Submarine Force, in particular is expected to leverage those special advantages that comewithunderseaconcealmenttopermit operational, deterrent and combat effects thattheNavyandthenationcouldnototherwiseachieve
The Submarine Force and supporting organizationsconstitutetheprimaryundersea arm of the Navy Submarines and their crewsremainthetipoftheunderseaspear
“While he was talking to me, he was running the data or having someone run the data and it turned that the name that she gave me matched the name of the person that owned that house in their city records andthephonematchedher,”saysSteve.“So, he said, ‘Well, we believe you. We’ve already dispatched someone while we were talking toyou,sothey’reontheirway. Therelieffloodin.Nearlyanhourhadgone by, talking to Belle, earning her trust, trying tomakeconnections Thedesksergeanthad manyquestions “Ithinkhethoughtitwassohardtobelieve that a person would take as much time as it tookme,”hesays Those who work with him know that tenacityandthatnomatterhowlongittakes, hewillhithismark.
“I am not surprised at all that Steve went out of his way to help a complete stranger,” says Capt Ben Miller, Vice Commander, NAVFAC Atlantic. “It’s his refusal to give up on anyone regardless of the situation that makeshimanextraordinaryherowhoalways doestherightthingwhenotherswouldhave walkedaway.”
“IfIseesomeoneinneed,I’mgoingtohelp them,” says Steve. “I think it was even stronger since my heart attack because so many
Thankstotheswiftactionsofhisco-workers, who quickly summoned help, and the paramedics who rushed him into surgery, Steve would later learn a mere 30 minutes was the difference between tragedy and a newleaseonlife
“IfIhadn’thadgottenhelp Iwouldn’thave beenabletohelpher Ithinkitwaspartofme, givingback,youknow.Therewasnoquestion inmymindwhenitfirsthappenedthatIwas goingtohelpthepersonaslongasittook.”
ToBelle,andherfamily,Stevesoobviously matters.
“If it wasn’t for him being so diligent, following through, staying on the line with her, calling me back several times, I don’t know how long she would have been lying there, saysAllanCherry Since that day, Belle has recovered from her injuries and Steve continues to check in on her. Steve and Allan have chatted on the phone several times and plan to meet in personinthefuture.
“Everything’sinterconnected,”saysSteve. “You know, in my mind there’s no way that wasn’tdivineinterventionbecausethere’sso manydigitsinaphonenumber Icouldhave easilydialedanothercombination.”
ByJenniferGoulart Naval Medical Forces Atlantic
After 41 years of federal service, Beverly Hendricks,asystemsaccountantwithNaval Medical Forces Atlantic is retiring on Dec. 27 leaving behind a legacy of dedication, resilience andmentorship Hendricks began her federal service career through a summer work program in high school, encouraged by her mother What started as a temporary opportunity turned into a lifelong calling “My mom alwayssaidgovernmentjobsprovidedsecurity,” Hendricks said. “She was so proud whenmybrotherandIgotthosejobs andit gavemeasenseofstabilityearlyon.”
Her first job was at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, where she prepared lesson plans andsetupclassroomsfortrainingprograms Hendricks credits early mentors Alfreada McCray, the lead secretary in her office, andClarenceGary,whomshefondlycalled her ’office dad,’ for helping her grow “Ms. McCray taught me how to use computers and navigate the changes in technology and Mr Gary was a protector who gave me wisdomandconfidence,”Hendrickssaid.
One of her proudest moments came in 1988whenshesecuredapermanentfederal position. “That was such a big deal,” she stated. “It meant benefits, earning leave, and, most importantly, providing health insuranceformyseven-month-oldson.My motherwassoproudofmethatday.”
Over the years Hendricks weathered severalReductioninForcewaves,butcredits friends and former supervisors for helping herstayinfederalservice “Youneverknow who’swatchingyou,”shesaid.“I’velearned that people see your drive and willingness togetthejobdone Thosewhowatchedme helpedsecuremycareerduringtoughtimes, andI’llalwaysbegrateful.”
Hendricks’ career highlights include her roleintransitioningthefinancialsystemsat NavalMedicalForcesAtlantic,whichearned her team the Undersecretary of the Navy FinancialManagementAwardforfiscalyear 2022.“Thatwasachallengingbutrewarding project,”shesaid.“It’sincredibletoseewhat youcanaccomplishwiththerightteam.”
Known for her humor and helpfulness, Hendricks hopes her colleagues remember her as someone who always cared. “I tried toshareknowledge makepeoplesmile and supportanyonewhoneededhelp,”shesaid. “Mistakes happen, but it’s about learning and moving forward without being a strain onyourcoworkers.”
Asshepreparesforretirement,Hendricks is looking forward to a new chapter filled with personal pursuits She plans to take karate classes to stay strong, explore new
certifications,andspendmoretimewithher family “It’s time for me,” she explained. “I want to walk when I want, read as long as I want,andcontinuelearningsoIcanpasson knowledgetoothers.”
Reflecting on her 41 years of service Hendricksofferedadvicetothenextgeneration of federal employees “Give your best, share what you know, and never shy away fromtasksoutsideyourjobdescription,”she said.“Theyearsflyby,somakethemcount.” Hendrickssaidherfederalservicefulfilled her mother’s dream of security for her familyandgaveherchildrenasolidfoundation. “This career has been a blessing,” she finished with a smile “It’s provided for my family taughtmychildrenthevalueofhard work, and surrounded me with incredible peopleI’llneverforget.
As she
ByWarrenDuffie Office of Naval Research
ARLINGTON,Va ForScottBewley,the missionofNavalXissimple
“We want to build, lead and sustain an ecosystem that promotes innovation not only within the Department of the Navy [DoN] but also the broader Department of Defense[DoD], hesaid.
Bewley,NavalX’sdeputydirectorofbusiness operations, gave his remarks while leadingaprofessionaltalkatthe2024Naval Science and Technology (S&T)/Combat Systems/Technology, Systems and Ships Symposium held Dec. 9-12 in Arlington, Virginia.
Hosted by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the American Society of Naval Engineers, the symposium enabled attendees across the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, industryandacademiatomeet,discussand learnabout“NavalS&T:FromIdeatoMaritimeDominance.”
During his presentation, Bewley gave an overview of NavalX. Founded in 2019, NavalX, which is led by Director Capt. Joel Uzarski, is ONR’s accelerator department responsible for centralizing and streamlining the innovation pipeline at naval organizations and establishing smoother collaborations between the Naval Research andDevelopmentEstablishment(NR&DE), academiaandindustry
NavalX also helps the NR&DE leverage the commercial market and attract private investments to hasten and reduce the cost for defense acquisition and deployment of technologies that provide capabilities to the warfighter, employ agile best practices in contracting that accelerate awards and provide flexibility and speed in technology maturationandadoption.
“Our success is directly aligned with the success of the entire defense innovation ecosystem,” said Bewley “We partner with naval labs, programs and warfare centers to support technological transformation in
Toachievethis,NavalXworkscloselywith theDoNTechnologyTransfer(T2)Program OfficeaswellastheSmallBusinessInnovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business TechnologyTransfer(STTR)programs all locatedatONR.
The DoN Technology Transfer (T2) Program Office oversees the policies, guidance, designations and training for the DoN T2 professionals who foster collaboration between the Navy and Marine Corps, government agencies, industry and academia The SBIR program provides the Navy and Marine Corps with innovative advances in technology created by small businesses while STTR transitions productsdevelopedbybothsmallbusinessesand researchinstitutions
Bewleyclosedouthistalkwiththetopicof TechBridges ApartnershipinvolvingONR, NavalX,theDoNT2ProgramOffice,andthe Navy’s systems commands, Tech Bridges serve as regional innovation hubs where
warfare centers, government, academia andindustrycanteamupandworktogether on technology research, evaluation and commercialization as well as economic andworkforcedevelopment.
Eachhubenableslocalprojectsdesigned to solve pressing problems and technology needs identified by the DoN There are 18 TechBridgelocationsworldwide 17inthe U.S.andoneinLondon,England.
“At the end of the day, we want to add moreplayerstothefield,”saidBewley “They could be larger, more established companies,startups,nontraditionalcompanies We wanttoensuretheDepartmentoftheNavy has access to the best possible technology andcapabilitiestoaddressoperationalchallengesandstrategicpriorities.”
Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications
On December 11, 2024 a Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) drill was conducted at the NSA Hampton Roads (NSAHR) to verify the readiness and capabilityoftheinstallation’sresponsetosexual assault incidents This training exercise aimed to ensure that sexual assault victims haveaccesstovitalsupportservicesandthat the installation’s personnel are well-prepared to respond effectively to such critical incidents SAPR drill was multifaceted: it was designed to evaluate the SAPR program
Naval Support Activity South Potomac
Guardiansatthe19thSpaceDefenseSquadronmarkedthefifthanniversaryofthenation’s newest service branch during a birthday and cake-cutting celebration Dec 17. The Space Force and the 19th SDS in particular already have a rich history of accomplishments and traditions and the ceremony honored the unit’s storied past as both a former Air Force and Navy command. The Guardians overall focus, however, was on the future: their challenging, growing mission to safeguard American interests in the increasingly-contested spacedomain.
“Today we get the opportunity to join as a collective team with our members at the 19th and our Dahlgren partners from around the base to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the United States Space Force’s establishment, whilealsohighlightingtheaccomplishments, both past and present, that have been made in our nation’s efforts to operate in a secure and stable domain,” said Sgt. Austin Terry, a missionchiefatthe19thSDS.
Those efforts at Dahlgren and elsewhere beganwellbeforetheofficialestablishmentof theSpaceForceonDec.20 2019.Terrynoteda longlistofAmerica’sspacemilestones from creationoftheAirForcein1947 tonavalaviatorAlanShepherd’sfirstspaceflightin1961,to Col. Nick Hague becoming the first Guardian todeploytospacein2024
Lt Col.JoseAlmanzar,commandingofficer,
at NSA Hampton Roads, ensure swift and effective victim assistance, and test the installation’s overall response capabilities By simulating a sexual assault scenario, the drill provided valuable insights into the response times coordination between SAPR Victim Advocates (VA) the Sexual AssaultResponseCoordinator(SARC),and theCommandingOfficer(CO),aswellasthe useoftherequiredreportingprocedures
The drill began with a briefing to all participants, including the Drilling Chief Duty Officer (CDO), SAPR VA, and the SARC Followingtheinitialpreparation,the scenariounfoldedwiththevictimcallingthe SAPR response line From there, the SAPR VAcoordinatedthevictim’sneedsandbegan
the notification process, including informing the SARC and NCIS The Commanding Officer was notified by the SARC, and the CDOwasinstructedtoinitiatetherequired reporting protocols including the drafting and submission of the exercise situational report. The Sexual Assault Prevention and ResponseDrillatNSAHamptonRoadswas acrucialexerciseinensuringthattheinstallation is fully equipped to handle incidents ofsexualassaultswiftlyandeffectively The drill tested every aspect of the response process—from victim advocacy and medical care to law enforcement notifications and command reporting procedures The exercise not only verified the readiness of
extended birthday greeting to the Guardians and noted the challenges of the branch’s first five years, from COVID to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “In spite of all those things going on,”hesaid,“wewereabletodeliverwhatwe promisedwewoulddeliverforthenation:we unified military space capabilities under one service, we elevated space to be on par with other natural domains, and we’ve delivered focusedspacewarfightingcapability.”
Almanzarnotedthatcitizensarestilllearning about critical role played by the Space Forceinnationaldefense,inlargepartbecause it accomplishes its missions quietly, reliably and effectively “We have to let the American publicknowaboutthethreatstoourwayoflife in space,” he said. “They need to understand whythey’vestoodupanindependentservice.” Almanzar said he is confident that both the Space Force and the 19th SDS will meet any challenges present and future. “The Joint Force relies on us, our nation depends on us, and our families count on us to get this right, hesaid.“Thenationdependsontheworkyou do each and every day, but you do it with ease andprofessionalism.”
WhiletheSpaceForceisyoungcomparedto otherservicebranches,itsfutureisverybright indeed.“Youdon’thavetobeasciencefiction writer to see where we are going,” Almanzar said.“Ourfuturewillbeasbusyasitisexciting Takestockofwhatyou’reaccomplishing.You arewritinghistory.”
Happy birthday, Guardians and Semper Supra!
theSAPRteambutalsoprovidedacomprehensive evaluation of the installation’s abilitytosupportvictimsofsexualassaultwhile maintaining strict adherence to Navy policiesandprocedures
Byconductingsuchdrills theNSAHamptonRoadspersonnelcontinuetoimproveits capacitytoaddresssexualassaultissuesand reinforce the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for all service members
Ifyouneedsupportorneedtorefersomeone,youcanfindallSAPRpointofcontacts athttps://tinyurl.com/2s37xrsw
ByWarrenDuffie Office of Naval Research
ARLINGTON Va What role does scientificandtechnologicalinnovationplay in providing critical capability to Sailors and Marines around the world? How can theNavalResearchandDevelopmentEstablishment anditsdiversearrayofpartners bestaligntothewarfightingprioritieslaid outbytheSecretaryoftheNavy(SECNAV), ChiefofNavalOperationsandCommandant oftheMarineCorps?
These were powerful underlying themes at the 2024 Naval Science and Technology (S&T)/Combat Systems/Technology, Systems and Ships Symposium held Dec. 9-12inArlington,Virginia.
Hosted by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the American Society of Naval Engineers(ASNE),thesymposiumenabled attendees across the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps industry and academia to meet discuss and learn about “Naval S&T: From Idea to Maritime Dominance,” particularly focusareascrucialtotheDepartmentofthe Navy Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Kurt Rothenhaus gave a joint opening keynote address with Rear Adm. Tom Dickinson, program executive officer for Integrated WarfareSystems
“ONRappreciatesthechancetoteamwith partners like ASNE to help shape research outcomesthatsupporttheFleetandForce, saidRothenhaus “It’saprimeexampleofthe partnerships between industry, academia and government that are needed to rapidly discover and deliver for the Sailors and Marineswehavetheprivilegeofserving.”
Additional speakers included the Hon. Carlos Del Toro SECNAV; the Hon. NickolasGuertin,assistantsecretaryoftheNavy forResearch,DevelopmentandAcquisition (ASNRD&A);andViceAdm.ScottPappano, principalmilitarydeputy,ASNRD&A.
ThesymposiumshowcasedtwoONR-led discussion panels held Dec. 10 and 12, respectively focusingonscienceandtechnology
TheDec.10panelwastitled“NavalPower: ScienceandTechnologytodeliverinanera of strategic competition and technological change.” ONR Executive Director Dr ThomasFuservedasmoderatorandparticipantsincluded:
Dr Michael Pollock, department head, ONRC5ISRT
Dr KnoxMillsaps,departmenthead,ONR
Dr Gregory Orris, Naval Engineering
Focus Area lead, ONR Sea Warfare and Weapons
This event touched on topics such as recognizing the current state of strategic competition with peer adversaries and the need to be agile in an ever-changing environment; the importance of the Naval S&T Strategy in building partnerships, creating a culture of S&T excellence and enhancing maritime dominance; and the need to revitalize basic research and collaborate with industryandacademicpartners
The Dec. 12 panel was titled “S&T to improve the lethality, survivability and affordabilityoftheFleetandForce.”Moderated by Capt. Steven Tarr III, the military deputyinONR’sSeaWarfareandWeapons Department,itfeaturedthefollowingpanelists: BenBouffard,deputydirectoroftheNaval SeaSystemsCommand’sTechnologyOffice NeilGraf,programlead,ONRManTech
Dr Jennifer Wolk, acting department
Thiseventdiscussedissuesandchallenges surroundingsustainment,maintenanceand manufacturing;theimpactoftheColdWar’s end on the U.S. military shipbuilding and industrialbase,aswellassubsequentstruggles; and how innovations such as additive manufacturing are crucial to naval maintenanceandrepair InadditiontothemainS&Tpanels,other ONR-relatedprofessionaltalksincluded: Sandy Landsberg, Naval STEM Coordination Office executive and a divisiondirectorinONR’sC5ISRTDepartment, gaveapresentationaboutNavyAI.
Scott Bewley, NavalX deputy director of business operations and Capt. Eric Hutter ONR Global executive officer provided overviewsoftheirrespectiveorganizations
In a presentation titled “The Future of Naval Weapons,” Capt. Jesse Black, commanding officer of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), discussed the mission and organizational structure of NRL, its history and connection to Thomas Edison,
past technological successes and advances, and its current role in developing groundbreaking S&T capabilities for the Navy and MarineCorps
“Improving not only the lethality, survivability and affordability of our current and future system is not an easy task,” said Rothenhaus “However by teaming early andoftenonacommonnorthstar wehave shownwecanachieveincredibleresultsfor ourSailorsandMarines.
The broader purpose of the 2024 Naval S&T/CombatSystems/Technology,Systems and Ships Symposium aligned with the NavalS&TStrategyreleasedearlierthisyear bySECNAVDelToro Thestrategyservesas sailing directions for strengthening collaboration with industry, academia, and partners and allies to cultivate groundbreaking scientific research and accelerate delivery oftechnologicalinnovationtotheNavyand MarineCorps
Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications
ByPettyOfficer1stClassHeathZeigler Naval Medical Leader & Professional Development Command
a directorate of the Naval Medical Leader and Professional Development Command (NMLPDC), held its graduation ceremony forclass24010inYorktown,VirginiaonDec 13th,2024
Thegraduatingclasswascomprisedof13 SailorsandSoldiersfromboththeU.S.Navy andU.S.Army.
“It was a great experience getting to know all of them and working with them,” saidCmdr JoshuaKeil,Dean,TOPS “They were an exceptionally talented and disciplinedgroup”
Theceremonyincludedopeningremarks from Capt Katharine Shobe, commanding officer of NMLPDC, followed by closing
remarksfromKeil,asthiswashisfirstgraduatingclassasthedean “My first class as Dean was a real treat,” said Keil. “Class 24-010 performed exceptionallywell.”
Keil, Shobe and NMLPDC Command MasterChiefOwenHondorfpresentedeach graduate with their certificates of completionasOpticians
U.S.ArmySpecialistJean Tobanda-Barragan
HospitalCorpsmanThirdClass LamartiaThompson
U.S.ArmyPrivateSecondClassDani Lopez-Gomez
U.S.ArmyPrivateSecondClass ChristopherMsezane
“For the students, it wasn’t just about learning to fabricate and dispense eyewear or assist in treating ocular disorders,” said Shobe. “It was about sharpening skills that will save lives, boost mission readiness, and enhance the human weapon system. They now hold 29 of the 30 credit hours requiredforanAssociate’sDegreefromthe Uniformed Services University’s College of Allied Health Sciences, a testament to the invaluable partnership between NMLPDC and USU, ensuring that their training is
recognized both within the military and in thecivilianworld.”
Since its founding in 1995, TOPS has developed opticians to support clinics on sea and shore as well as the
ByUnitedStatesFleetForcesCommand Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command
NORFOLK, Va The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSSCole(DDG67)returnedtoNavalStationNorfolk, Dec.23,afterbeingdeployedformorethansevenmonthstothe U.S.NavalForcesEurope AfricaandU.S.NavalForcesCentral Commandareasofoperation.
Cole deployed for 224 days to the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Gulf, providing deterrence and defensetoU.S.Alliesandpartners
Theshipservedasanairdefenseunitforstrikegroupforces in the Red Sea and worked closely with Allies and partners during a variety of missions, contributing to stability in the region.
“IamproudofthedeterminedwarriorsofColeforcontinuing this ship’s legacy of outstanding service during a challenging combat deployment,” said Cmdr Matt Faulkenberry Commanding Officer USS Cole “Cole demonstrated professionalismandlethalityacrossalldomains.”
Cole supported ballistic missile operations in the Levant region, firing interceptors alongside USS Bulkeley on Oct. 1. Additionally,ColewasengagedincombatoperationsintheRed Sea,earningastarontheship’sCombatActionRibbon
U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations encompasses about 2.5 million square miles of water area and includes the Arabian Gulf Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, and parts of the Indian Ocean. Theexpansecomprises20countriesandincludesthreecritical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal and the StraitofBabalMandebatthesoutherntipofYemen.
NAVEUR-NAVAF, headquartered in Naples, Italy, operates U.S.navalforcesintheU.S.EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEURNAVAF,andemploysmaritimeforcesthroughthefullspectrum ofjointandnavaloperations
Military Sealift Command Mariner first to promote to Third Mate under pilot training program PageB2
ByTellyB.Myles Supervisor of Shipbuilding Newport News
NEWPORT NEWS, Va Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion, and Repair, Newport News (SUPSHIPNN) had the pleasureofwelcomingMs.SabrinaLemire, Director of the Force Improvement Office (FIO) under the Office of Warfighting Advantage ThisvisitmarkedLemire’sinaugural trip to the Hampton Roads Naval Sea Systems (NAVSEA) commands, where she brought the vision of the FIO to the forefront,emphasizingNAVSEA’sdedicationto problemsolvingandprocessimprovement December11,2024
NAVSEA is strongly committed to enhancing problem-solving strategies and sharingbestpracticesacrosstheEnterprise. UnderLemire’sleadership,theFIOensures that all Regional Maintenance Centers, Warfare Centers, SUPSHIPs, public shipyards, and other subsets of NAVSEA are leveraging their collective experience to drive improvement. Lemire collaborates closely with the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Problem Solving and Process Improvement Director, James Mosier, to aligneffortsacrosstheNavyandsharethese insights via the NAVSEA FIO Community of Practice on MS Teams, said Larry Miller, SUPSHIPNN, Process Improvement &
InnovationManager During her visit, Lemire met with SUPSHIPNN Commanding Officer Capt Hannah Kriewaldt, Executive Director Mr Todd Bockwoldt, and Command Master ChiefMikeAvalonetodiscusshowtheFIO can assist SUPSHIPNN in tackling local challenges This meeting generated several promisingideasandlaidthegroundworkfor a more structured support system focused on training and process improvement. This initiative aims to reshape the Rapid ImprovementEvent(RIE)process,remove barriers for stakeholder participation, and streamlineproblem-solvingefforts Lemire’s tour included a walk-through
of the Newport News Shipbuilding and the Submarine Modular Outfitting Facility, providing her with a first-hand look at submarine construction in various stages ofassembly Inadditiontohervisit,Lemireintroduced SUPSHIPNNto“MakingWaves,”amonthly flyerproducedbytheFIO Thispublication is designed to introduce or reinforce skills techniques and processes that facilitate effectiveproblemsolving The FIO is dedicated to teaching and sharing resources to empower the workforcewithdiverseproblem-solvingskillsets tailoredtolocalstrategiesandapproaches
U.S. Naval Community College
The U.S. Naval CommunityCollege(USNCC)hasreleased its“UnitedStatesNavalCommunityCollege StateoftheCollegeAY23-24AnnualReport
30 NOV 2024”, outlining outcomes and achievements that occurred from September2023toJuly2024
The report illustrates the progress that USNCC has made toward its mission to enhanceoperationalreadinessandimprove warfightingadvantageoftheNavalservices, throughnaval-relevantdegreesandlifelong learning for active-duty enlisted Sailors Marines andCoastGuardsmen.
USNCCPresidentRandiCosentino,Ed.D., noted “we are excited to release this year’s report as it supports our commitment to transparency with our students, partner institutions, the naval services, and other stakeholders as we continue to grow the USNCC.”
TheUSNCCAY2023-2024reportdetails thesekeyachievements including:
Offering 100% virtual, flexible and naval-relevant programs to a globally deployed student body of 4,600+ service members consisting of 84% Sailors, 11% Marines,and5%CoastGuardsmen,reflectingUSNCC’scommitmenttomakingeducationaccessibleacrossthenation’smaritime services
Achieving significant program outcomes including a 95% course passing rate an annual retention rate of 61%, and a student satisfactionscoreof90%.
Awarding a combined total of 15,000 transfer credits, enabling students to acceleratetheireducationalandcareergoals
Enabling 92 students to fully complete an academic program and earn a credential, including 80 USNCC Naval Studies Certificates and the inaugural cohort of 12 associatedegreesgrantedbyourpartners.
Expanding available programs to a total of 15 associate degrees and 18 certificates from 11 associate degrees and two certificateprograms—alldesignedtoprovideclear pathwaystoadvanceddegrees
The outcomes, accomplishments, and ongoing improvements highlighted in the USNCC AY 2023-2024 Annual Report reflects USNCC’s dedication to enhancing the nation’s operational strength and the readinessofU.S.warfightersthroughhigher educationforenlistedpersonnel.Duringthis period, USNCC continued its work toward Initial Operational Capability while simultaneously working on its accreditation USNCCreceivednotificationonNovember 21,2024,ofitsdesignationasaCandidatefor AccreditationbytheMiddleStatesCommissiononHigherEducation
The mission remains focused on equipping the tri-service naval force with the skills knowledge values andlifelonglearningrequiredtonavigatethecomplexitiesof themaritimedomainandachievesustained career success These continuous improvementeffortsarepropellingUSNCCforward, laying a foundation for boundless opportunities for both individual service members andthenavalforceasawhole
Thefullreportandpressreleaseareboth available online for further details The United States Naval Community College is theofficialcommunitycollegefortheNavy, MarineCorps,andCoastGuard.
About USNCC: The United States Naval Community College provides education programs to active-duty enlisted Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen. Founded in 2019 the college is dedicated to enhancingoperationalreadiness supportingwarfightingadvantage andempoweringlifelong learningforthemaritimeservices
Since its inception, USNCC has been focused on developing programs that align with the operational needs of the naval services Itsacademicofferingsincludeassociate degrees and certificates in fields critical to military and civilian careers such as naval studies aviation, cybersecurity data analytics,engineering healthscience logistics,organizationalleadership,andmilitary studies For more information about the United States Naval Community College and its programs,pleasevisitwww.usncc.edu.
A Military Sealift Command Civil Service Mariner (CIVMAR) became the first to promotetothirdmateunderthecommand’s AbleSeamantoMateTrainingProgram.
Civil Service Mariner Carlos Santillan earnedhisthirdmate’slicenseaftercompleting more than 25 classes at the Maritime Professional Training (MPT) School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and passing the U.S. CoastGuard’slicensingexaminOctober. Santillan,aSacramento,California,native joinedMSCasanordinaryseaman(OS)about 10 years ago He says he learned about the program while serving aboard USNS Salvor (T-ARS52)lastyear
“My ship’s master talked with me about it and encouraged me to apply My father is a captainandhemovedupfromOSaswell,so I saw it as an opportunity to follow his footsteps I left the ship in January and my first class was in February I had classes every week up until July I studied for a couple of monthsandtooktheexamattheCoastGuard Regional Exam Center in Long Beach, California.”
“At some points, the classes were difficult but the most stressful part was the exam at theCoastGuard,hecontinued “Ifeelrelieved
U.S. Naval Community College
QUANTICO Va The United States Naval Community College (USNCC) was notifiedonNovember21,2024 that it has been granted status as a Candidate for Accreditation by the Middle States CommissiononHigherEducation(MSCHE),aglobalinstitutionalaccreditorrecognizedby theU.S.DepartmentofEducation. This is a critical part of furthering USNCC as the official community college of the U.S. Naval services, providing world-class education to enlisted Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen deployed aroundtheworld.
MSCHE candidacy is a significant step in the multiyear accreditation process, signifying that an institution meets rigorous standards for educational quality and institutional effectiveness This milestone also affirms that USNCChastheorganizational capacitytodeliveronitsobjective of accessible and relevant higher education tailored to the unique needs of its working adult students USNCC is grateful for this moment that reflects the college’scontinuedcommitmenttoacademic excellence,institutionalgrowth,andsupport ofenlistedmaritimeservicemembers
havingpassedeverything Igotmylicensein handandI’mexcitedtosailwithitandpracticemynewjob.”
This is a game-changing milestone for MSC and the pilot program which allows the command to reward, train and promote unlicensed CIVMARs and address manning concernsinthefleet.
“Itisnosecretthatweneedtoimproveour manning situation, especially in our critical rates By finding ways to train and promote our best unlicensed mariners into licensed officers, we can have direct positive and impactonthatsituation, saidMSCCIVMAR ProgramManager,CaseyL.Chmielewski.
SatillanisoneinafirstgroupCIVMARSto beselectedfortheprogram nineothersare still in training They were all selected based on packages they submitted that included a personalstatementonwhytheywantedtobe a mate for MSC and recommendations from theirchiefmateandmaster
While going through the program, the CIVMARsareplacedintrainingstatus They continue to earn pay and accrue leave MSC paysforalltrainingexpenses,travelexpenses and ancillary costs The CIVMARs have no out-of-pocket expenses Upon successfully obtainingtheirlicense,theyarepromotedto thirdmatetosailwithMSC
into its people,” said Chmielewski. “Just the schoolhousetrainingalonecostsupwardsof $25,000 per student. On top of the lodging travel and salary costs it’s close to a $75,000 investmentperstudent Butitisabsolutelyan investment that is worth it to train our best mariners and provide our people a unique pathwaytoadvancement.”
MSC is working to enter into a formal contract with a single maritime training center that will allow them to have a more structured,pipe-linetrainingschedule These classeswillallowmoreoftheirCIVMARsto beintrainingtogether Itwillalsoallowthem to move into a formal selection process that standardizes the application and selection procedures “Idonotknowofanothermarineemployer that invests this type of time and money into itspeopleanditisaprogramthatIamincredibly proud to see implemented. We have some of the absolute best unlicensed mariners in the world, and to be able to provide themapathwaytoadvanceintoourlicensed community,andtodosowithoutanyout-ofpocketexpensestothem,isjustoutstanding It is critical that we continue to find ways to improvetheirqualityoflifeanddemonstrate our organizational commitment to them,” saidChmielewski.
“Candidacy status is a testament to the dedication and professionalism of our entire team, said USNCC President Randi Cosentino, EdD. “Ultimately, the impact of our institution is based on the strength of ouracademicoutcomes,theintegrityofour operations, and our unwavering focus on equippingthenation’snavalworkforcewith the knowledge and skills needed to excel in theirmissionandtheircareers Thisprocess is a key next step to achieving our vision.”
Accreditation by MSCHE ensures that institutions meet high standards in areas such as governance, academic rigor, student outcomes, and resource management As a candidate institution, USNCC will continue
to refine and demonstrate its capacity to meet the standards of the next phases of the accreditationprocess
“The goal of USNCC is to remove barriers to education for our enlisted personnel,” saidUSNCCProvostRebeccaJohnson,PhD.
“Being granted candidacy status demonstrates that we are building the foundation necessarytoachieveaccreditationwhichwill be key to fulfilling our mission of providing accessible,relevant,andaffordableeducation toourstudents.”
“Thisisjustthebeginning,”addedUSNCC President Cosentino “We are committed to helpingbuildalegacyofmaritimeworkforce productivityandwarfightingsuperioritythat willserveourdefensecommunityforgenerations.”
The United States Naval Community College provides education programs to
active-duty enlisted Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen. Founded in 2019, the collegeisdedicatedtoenhancingoperational readiness supportingwarfightingadvantage and empowering lifelong learning for the maritimeservices
Since its inception, USNCC has been focused on developing programs that align with the operational needs of the naval services Itsacademicofferingsincludeassociate degrees and certificates in fields critical to military and civilian careers, such as naval studies, aviation, cybersecurity, data analytics engineering healthscience logistics organizational leadership and military studies For more information about the United States Naval Community College and its programs,pleasevisitwww.usncc.edu.
ByMichaelMorris Naval
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic has awarded an $80 million contract to CH2M Hill, a Virginia Beach-basedsubsidiaryofJacobs Thefirm will provide comprehensive architectural-engineeringservicestosupportenvironmental compliance at Navy, Marine Corps, and other Department of Defense installationsworldwide
The contract competitively procured via SAM.gov, underscores NAVFAC Atlantic’scommitmenttocomplyingwithawide array of environmental laws, regulations, and executive orders at the federal, state, local,andinstallationlevels Proposalswere evaluated through a transparent selection process,withCH2MHillchosenfromthree submissions
The contract covers NAVFAC Atlantic’s
ByAlanaDemo Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
The Inside Machine Shop’s Cold Spray teamatPortsmouthNavalShipyardrecently made repairs to a defective component found during maintenance and overhaul of USS North Dakota (SSN 784). Using the coldspraymethod,theserepairsweremade in record time and with significant cost savings.Effortslikethisensuretheshipyard moves with urgency and purpose towards deliveringcriticalassetstotheNavy’swarfighters. Once the deficiency was identified and traditionalrepairmethodsweredetermined to be unsatisfactory, Mechanical Engineer Dan Fraser and the Cold Spray Team were giventhedifficulttaskoffiguringouthowto repair the component using the cold spray process Historically such repairs have required PNSYtooutsourcetheworktodevelopand completecomponentrepairs Theseoptions impact schedule, with additional weeks of processing time, or replacement costs of approximately$1million.
Dissatisfiedwiththeavailableoptions,the ColdSprayteamdecidedtorepairthedefectivecomponentthemselves Afterconducting the necessary qualification testing they were able to make repairs in less than four days for approximately $15,000 - a massive costsavingsforPNSY
entire area of operations, including the continental United States and locations outside the continental United States It includesabaseperiodandfouroptionperiods,potentiallyextendingtheperformance periodthroughDecember2029
Thefirsttaskorderundertheagreement, valuedat$648,453.36,focusesonmunicipal separate storm sewer system construction site inspections at Hampton Roads installations Work is expected to be completed by February 2026 Funding for the project comesfromfiscalyear2025operationsand maintenance appropriations which will expireattheendofthefiscalyear
The contract supports NAVFAC Atlantic’s environmental compliance programs, including petroleum storage tank and asset management, oil and hazardous substance spill preparedness, toxic and hazardous materialmanagement airqualityandClean Air Act compliance, solid and hazardous waste management, and Clean Water Act
“This strategic investment highlights the Navy’s proactive approach to ensuring compliance with environmental requirements and effectively mitigating risks to publichealthandtheenvironmenttoensure the well-being of communities across its operational areas,” said Wesley J. Bauman, contracting officer’s representative. “With this contract, the Navy continues its ongoing commitment to balancing environmental responsibility with ensuring its critical operationalmission.”
NAVFAC Atlantic, headquartered in Norfolk, oversees this contract as part of its mission to balance environmental stewardship with operational readiness across its installations and operational areas. This initiativemarksasignificantstepforwardin supporting environmental compliance and restorationeffortsworldwide
“Being part of the Cold Spray Team has been an exciting and rewarding experience,”saidColdSprayMachinistHowardC. ScullyIII.“Helpingdevelopandimplement this modern repair method has completely changed how we handle critical fixes, making repairs faster and more efficient.
Seeingourfirstcold-sprayedpartapproved forshipboarduseisahugemilestoneforthe team and the shipyard I’m proud to have contributed to this achievement and look forwardtomoreinnovationswithcoldspray technologyinthefuture, saidScully Fraser and the Cold Spray Team were
determined to beat the production time and they did so successfully with a groundbreaking process that out-performs what was traditionally used for this application “TheneedforthisrepairwasASAP,andthe time to develop and perform a cold spray repair was comparable to traditional repair techniques, but significantly more durable,” said Fraser “The repaired component will be installed shipboard, marking this the first shipboard component where a cold spray repair was developed in-house without using an outside vendor Shop 31 rose to the challenge of accepting work using a new process with a very tight deadline and succeeded. The exceptional teamwork between the shops, project team, and supportcodes,includingQualityAssurance, Sheetmetalshop,andMechanicalEngineering weresignificantfactorswhichdrovethis repairtosuccess.”
The Inside Machine Shop’s Cold Spray teamexcelledbyputtingforwardtheir“Get Real Get Better mindset, demonstrating continuous learning and improvement in completingthisrepair Theireffortsresulted in an innovative solution that is more durable than other methods and establishes a new standard in production time The team’s timely repair directly contributes to the overall mission of growing the force by gettingplatformsinandoutofmaintenance on time and back to the Fleet ready for the intensityofcombat.
ByDarrylOrrell Center For Security Forces
TheCenterforSecurityForces(CENSECFOR) proudly announces that Master-atArms1stClassPatrickHill,assignedtoNaval Technical Training Center (NTTC) LacklandinSanAntonio Texas,isthecommand’s 2024SailoroftheYear(SOY),Dec.12
Established in 1972 by Chief of Naval OperationsAdm.ElmoZumwaltandMaster Chief Petty Officer of the Navy John Whittet, the SOY Program annually recognizes outstanding performance worldwide for afloat and shore-based sailors, active and reserve.
Hill,anativeofFortHood,Texas earneda bachelor’sdegreeinphysicaleducationfrom the University of South Alabama in 2013. HelaterenlistedintheU.S.Navyandbegan basic training in 2015, and following graduation, he pursued a career in the enlisted master-at-Armsrating “I was truly humbled and honored to be
selectedastheCENSECFOR2024Sailorof the Year,” said Hill. “When I first heard the news,Ihonestlydidn’tknowhowtoreact— it was a mix of disbelief and deep gratitude This recognition means so much to me becauseithighlightsmyhardwork,personal dedication,andcommitmentandreflectsthe exceptionalleadershipandmentorshipI’ve receivedthroughoutmycareer
While assigned as an instructor at one of the Navy’s largest apprenticeship schools, Hillservedastheleadingpettyofficerforthe Training Support Department, overseeing 24sailors,includingfourfirstclasspettyofficers, and led the training and development of184students
“MA1 Hill’s impact was far-reaching,” as noted in Hill’s SOY nomination package endorsed by NTTC Lackland Commanding Officer Capt. Christopher Breckenridge “Petty Officer Hill sets the standard by which excellence in the Navy should be measured, anchoring the Navy’s mission through his unparalleled leadership and
relentless pursuit of personal and professionalmastery.”
Before being stationed at NTTC Lackland for instructor duty, Hill served with thesecuritydetachmentatNavalAirStation Lemoore in Kings County and Fresno County California. He also served aboard the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), homeported at Naval Base Kitsap in Bremerton, Washington Whenaskedifhehadtoselectoneperson who had the most significant impact on his navalcareer,Hillreplied,“I’vehadtheprivilege of working with many fantastic leaderswhohavesupportedmethroughoutmy career and it’s incredibly difficult to name just one. However, if I had to I’d say it was retiredMasterChiefIraWenze.”
Hill further shared that although Wenze passedawayafewyearsago,thevoiceofhis long-time mentor echoes in his heart and mind, and Wenze’s influence continues to guidehimtothisday.
willing to learn, shared Hill as a shout-out toSailorsinthefleetpursuingthehonorand prestige of being selected as SOY by their commands “Success doesn’t come overnight—it’s about consistently putting in the effort, seeking opportunities to grow, and maintaining a positive attitude even when times get tough—a steady relentless pressureisthekey.
Hill has already set his sights on his next career milestone: advancing to a senior enlisted position. In that position, He knows he can have a broader impact on the command and his Sailors He is committed to continued growth as a leader and prioritizinghisteam’sneedsandmission.
The Center for Security Forces provides specialized training to more than 20,000 students annually in Force Protection, Expeditionary Warfare, Code of Conduct, Law Enforcement, and Small Boat Operations It has training locations worldwide andisknownforitsmotto:“WhereTraining BreedsConfidence
Surface Combat Systems Training Command
NORFOLK, Va Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) Hampton Roads (HR) leadership held a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the official turnover of the newly renovated building N-25 onboard Naval Station Norfolk (NAVSTANorfolk),Dec.09
Themorethan$24millionbuildingrenovation took seven years to complete due other NAVSTA Norfolk projects In 2017, the installation and Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education made it their number one priority due to the poor conditionofthehistoricbuilding
“We have all put in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to make this day a reality,” explainedSCSTC’sInfrastructureReadiness Director N4 Mr Mark Wright “The project was a complete overhaul. Each section was taken down to the studs. Updates to thebuildingincludedbringingituptocode, installation of a complete heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, and replacingelectrical,plumbing,andflooring Wealsoreplacedtheentireroof.”
The107-year-oldbuildingiscomprisedof two separate sections The original section was constructed in 1917 and the second was built in 1968 In 1918 building N-25-A became the “General School,” containing various schools including training courses formachinist’smatesandmetalsmiths
The Clendenin family was in attendance as well to honor their father and grandfather, Mr William Allen (Al) Clendenin. Clendenin retired from active duty in June 1967 after 26 years of dedicated service and embarked on his civilian career in August 1967astheseniorlearningevaluatorforthe Electronics School located in N-25 Upon retirementfromcivilserviceinAugust1985, hewasawardedtheprestigiousNavySuperiorCivilianServiceAward.OnJuly8,1987, theNavyrenamedN-25as“ClendeninHall” in honor of his many years of service to the Navyinthefieldofelectronicsandcommunication. Today,thenewlyrenovated90,000square footbuildingservesashomeforSCSTCHR Populated throughout the building are labs andclassroomssupportingvarioustraining including Radar, Anti-Submarine Warfare,
andMiniature/MicrominiatureElectronics Repair Thefacilityalsoprovidesofficespace forpersonnel.
“We are thrilled with the renovation but also appreciative of the historic significance of this building,” said SCSTC HR’s CommandingOfficer,Capt.RileyMurdock. “N-25hasbeenpartofthetrainingcommunitysinceWorldWarIandtoday,thisfacility willonceagainbeutilizedtotrainwarfighters.”
Surface Combat Systems Training Command(SCSTC),headquarteredinDahlgren, Virginia, falls under the Naval Educa-
tion and Training Command (NETC), led by Rear Adm. Jeffrey Czerewko. SCSTC is a training organization that consists of 15 global learning sites and detachments Its mission is to provide the U.S. Navy and our allies with highly trained warfighters to maintain, operate, and tactically employ surface combat systems across the spectrumofoperations Annually SCSTCdelivers training to over 37,000 U.S. Navy Sailors aswellasinternationalSailorsfrom27partnernations. For information about Surface Combat Systems Training Command, visit https://
www.netc.navy.mil/SCSTC FollowSCSTCon https://www.facebook.com/SurfaceCombatSystemsTrainingCommand https://www.linkedin.com/company/ scstc/ https://www.instagram.com/scstc_hq/ The Hampton Roads Naval
Commander, Navy Recruiting Command
NationalActiveComponentEnlistedRecruiter of the Year, Damage Controlman 2nd Class RheannHietpas,assignedtoNavyTalentAcquisitionGroup(NTAG)Jacksonville wasadvancedto DamageControlman1stClassinasurprisemeritorious promotion ceremony by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) James HoneaattheStrikeGroupCommissioningCeremony at the Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C. Dec.12,2024
“When CNO said my name, I was in shock I rememberthinking‘wowthatpersonissolucky’,” said Hietpas “When I realized it was me I was shocked frozen. When I finally stood up and walked towards the CNO I kept thinking this was a dream this isn’t really happening to me Everything I was working towards, all the late nights, early mornings and weekend workdays were paying off in this moment The impossible was made possible by the CNO and CNRC [Commander,NavyRecruitingCommand].”
What made the promotion even more significant is that Damage Controlman (DC) don’t promote solely on advancement exams Instead, their advancement opportunities are tied to available billets, which is different from many other Navy ratings DC’s fall under the Detailing Marketplace Assignment Policy (DMAP) where theycanonlyachieveearlyadvancementthrough
Advance to Position (A2P) or early advancement through Command Advance to Position (CA2P). Hietpas, a native of Kaukauna, Wisconsin, is currently in a billet that is not an advance topromotebillet.
“When I was getting pinned, I looked straight aheadandwasbreathingdeeplytochokebackthe tears,”saidHietpas “InthatmomentIwasthinking about how amazing it is that the CNO and MCPON are literally right next to me with their attention on me! Thinking back to this moment now I still get emotional. I achieved something thatIwastoldIcouldn’tbysomany.”
Navy Talent Acquisition Group Jacksonville falls under Navy Recruiting Command in Millington, Tennessee. NTAG Jacksonville’s area of responsibility includes more than 30 Navy Recruiting Station and Navy Officer Recruiting Stationsspreadover144,000squaremilesofFloridaandGeorgia
“I’mstillinawethatthe33rdCNO,firstfemale CNOmappedme,alongsideMCPON,”saidHietpas “I couldn’t be more grateful for this experience.”
To learn about careers, joining the Navy, and thelatestincentives,visithttps://www.navy.com.
Navy Recruiting Command consists of a command headquarters two Navy Recruiting Regions, Navy Recruiting Reserve Command, and 26 Navy Talent Acquisition Groups that serve more than 970 recruiting stations around the world. Their mission is to attract the highest quality candidates to assure the ongoing success ofAmerica’sNavy
WASHINGTON D.C. Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Washington representatives joined more than 6,200 industry professionals at the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Federal Small Business Conference (SBC) in NewOrleans,Louisiana,November19-22.The conference connected federal agencies with small businesses in architecture engineering, constructionandfacilitymanagement
“Theconferenceprovidedaninvaluableplatformtoengagewithourindustrypartnersand federal agencies, said NAVFAC Washington OperationsOfficerCapt AtiimSenthill “Hearing directly from our small business counterpartsabouttheirchallengeshelpsusidentifyand removebarrierstoentry,ultimatelyexpanding ourcontractingcapabilities.” NAVFAC Washington’s participation included dedicated booth presentations and matchmaking sessions with small business representatives. The command focused on emerging opportunities in sustainable construction,includingenergy-efficientmethods,renewableenergysourcesandeco-friendly materials.
TheSAMESBCfeaturedinteractivesessions onartificialintelligenceapplicationsinconstruction and cyber security risk mitigation alongside strategic networking opportunities with smallbusinessleaders.Participantsengagedin discussions about innovative partnerships for complex logistics projects and learned about the Office of Small Business Programs APEX Acceleratorsprogram,whichprovidestraining for businesses seeking federal state and local governmentcontracts.
“Our participation in this conference directly supports NAVFAC Washington’s commitment to expanding small business opportunities, said Small Business Deputy
Tastymeals to help kick off the NewYear right! RecipesforItalian CrustedSalmonwith CreamyTru
What away to start 2025 in the Hampton Roads Area. SevenVenues Broadway in NorfolkSeries is so very proudtopresent “TINA-The TinaTurner Musical”,the Broadway National NorthAmerican Tour live at Chrysler Hall January 7th-12th fora totalofeightperformances
ThereallifeTinaTurner’supliftingcomeback storyisverywellknown and documented.Tinabrokeracial,sexistandageism barrierstobecomethetrue,globalqueenof Rockn’Roll.Themusicalfeatureshermuch lovedsongs that Tinahas won12Grammy Awardsfor
“TINA-TheTinaTurnerMusical”,originally opened at theAldwych Theatreon London’sWestEnd in 2018 and the BroadwayproductionopenedinNovember 2019 with both shows starringHampton Roads ownAdrienne Warren. And speaking of Adrienne, Iamveryproud to announce
that Adrienne Warren is returning home to perform“Tina: ATina Turner Celebration with Adrienne Warren”withthe Virginia Symphony on March1st,2025 at Chrysler Hall. Stay tuned, Iwill be interviewing Adrienneintheupcomingweeksaboutthis incredibleshow. The production of “TINA- The Tina TurnerMusical”wasnominatedfor12Tony Awardsandthecriticshavebeenravingever since.The Daily Beast said, “Preparetobe ecstaticallyblownaway!”Nottobeoutdone, ABCNewsdeclared,“Mind-blowingandlife changing. Astory that needs to be shared, especiallytoday.”And the NY Times said, “I’ve rarely heardanaudience with this mightyaroar.” Formoreinfo about tickets, dates and timesandhowtoenterthedigitallotterygo to https://www.sevenvenues.com/events/ detail/tina
With us today is thestarofthe show, 23 year old Jayna Elise whoplays Tina Turner
to tellusall about her exciting adventures with thisiconic once in alifetime role and theprivilegeoftellingTina’sstory Yiorgo: Thankyou Jaynafor beingwith us today. Tell us,why should people come andsee“TINA-TheTinaTurnerMusical”? Whatwilltheysee,hear,andexperience?
Jayna Elise: Thank yousomuchfor having me.I thinkpeopleshouldcomesee “TINA-TheTinaTurnerMusical”because it’saninspiringstory.Ifeellikepeoplegetto knowmoreaboutTina’slifewhilealsoexperiencing hergreatesthitsand hergreatest songs. AndI feel likewestaytruetohonoringherlife.AndIthinkwhatalotofpeople willnoticeisthatalotofthecostumesmirror thesameones that Tina wore during the exacttimes,and people love to pick up on that. And from the lighting,tothe cast,to themusic,itistruly Ithink,a really great musical.
Y:Sowithoutgivingtoomuchaway,even though obviously alot of it is well-known,
tell us alittlebit aboutsomeofthe partsof herlifethat’stouchedoninthemusical.
JE:What’sreallycoolaboutthismusicalis thatalotofTina’searlierlifeisexposed.It’s kindofliketheentiretyofActI.Sofromthe time that she’s discovered, her relationship with hergrandmother, to herrelationship with IkeTurner and just kind of thetumultuous things that she went through during that time,towhenshe firstgoestoLondon andstarts becoming the Tina Turner that weknowandlove.Itreallyisacompletearc ofherlifestory Y: You, of course,playTina. Super Congratulations.How exciting!How did youevengoabout preparing forthis kind ofarole?Canyoutalkalittlebitaboutthat?
JE: Iactually hadthe privilege of Zurin Villanueva,who didthe lastnational tour as Tina, reached out to me and said, “Ifyou need anything…”,and gave me really good
NORFOLK,Va. —Comingoff of abig year and the success of his2024 TheBe FunnyTour,Comedian Nate Bargatze has announced66datesforhis2025BIGDUMB EYES WORLD TOUR thatwill include stops in North America, Europe,and The MiddleEastincludingastopatScopeArena in Norfolk, VA.The newtour will include all new material with more dates tobe announcedsoon.Formoreinformationand tickets,visitnatebargatze.com TicketsforNateBargatzeBigDumbEyes WorldTour on June 8atScopeArena can be purchased nowatthe ScopeArena box office andatTicketmaster.com.For more information,pleasevisitSevenVenues.com
Hailed as “The NicestMan inStand-Up,” by The Atlantic Magazine and “One of the FunniestPeople,”byCBSMorning,Grammy nominated comedian, podcaster,director and producer Nate Bargatzeissellingout shows and breaking venue attendance records with morethan1.2 million tickets sold on his The Be FunnyTour.Heis currently the #1 earning comedian in the world according to Pollstar’srecent report, and #12 in overall livetourtickets sales, putting him in thecompany of Coldplay, MadonnaandU2 Bargatze recently hosted SaturdayNight Live for the secondtimeinone year,torave reviews with Vulture.com asking the question, “Has Nate Bargatze Cracked TheSNL code?” Bargatze hosted SNL for the first time in 2023,securinghigh ratingsfor the program with Vanity Fair calling him, “A GreatSaturdayNightLiveHost,”andEntertainment Weekly exclaiming,“AfrighteninglyfunnyHalloweenepisode.” This Fall, Nate will co-produce aholiday varietyspecialwithLorneMichaelsforCBS which will air 12/19.Healso announcedhis
newbook from Grand CentralPublishing, BigDumb Eyes:StoriesFromASimpler Mind,settobepublishedMay2025. In 2023,Bargatze brokethe attendance record at BridgestoneArena in Nashville. Thenextmonth, he alsobroke the record for ticketssold at The Delta Center in Salt LakeCity—thehighestamounteversoldby acomedian at the venue. In 2024 he broke 20totalarenarecords Nate’sfirstsolo one-hour Netflixspecial, TheTennesseeKid,premieredgloballywith rave reviews in 2019.In2021, he released his critically acclaimed second Netflix special, The GreatestAverage American,
which received aGrammynomination for BestComedyAlbum.In2023,Natereleased hislatestand thirdone-hour special, Nate Bargatze: Hello World, on Amazon Prime whichnow holds the recordasAmazon’s most-streamed originalcomedyspecial in itsfirst28daysofviewership Bargatze wasrecently signedtoUniversalMusic Group Nashville as theirflagship comedianundertheirnewCapitolComedy label. He also recently performed twosold out shows at The Hollywood Bowl with Jerry Seinfeld, JimGaffigan andSebastian Maniscalco Bargatze’scomedyisbothcleanandrelat-
able,evident in his 13 appearances on The Tonight Show Starring JimmyFallon, the most appearancesbyany comedian.He also appeared on Conan fourtimesand has appeared on Seth Meyers and JamesCorden’srespectivelate-nightshows In 2023,Bargatze unveiled Nateland Entertainment, afamily friendly content companywhereheproduces standup comedy specials,showcases,sketches,and scriptedepisodiccontentforfilm,television, podcasts,musicandmore. RaisedinOldHickory,TN.,Natecurrently resides in Nashville,TNwith his wife and daughter
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
NORFOLK,Va NorfolkFesteventsisproudtopresent its2025SeasonofEvents,acelebrationofmorethan40years of bringing dynamic waterfront festivals and events to the community Tickets for the 2025 Season of Events will be available for purchase starting Monday, January 13th, at 10 a.m.atFestevents.org ApresalefortheNorfolkWaterfront Jazz Festival will begin Friday, January 10th, at 10 a.m. for previous year’s ticket purchasers with a lineup announcementonTuesday,January7th.
The season kicks off in early May with the 17th Annual Spring Town Point Virginia Wine Festival (May 3 & 4), followedbythe35thAnnualBayouBonVivantCajunMusic &FoodFestival(May16-18).
The49thAnnualNorfolkHarborfestMusic,Food&MaritimeFestival(June6-8)isthelongest-runningfreemaritime festivalintheUnitedStates ItwilltakeovertheDowntown Norfolk Waterfront in early June with a Parade of Sail live music, fireworks, family activities, culinary experiences, andmuchmore.
June also welcomes the 5th Annual Juneteenth Festival inthePark(June14)withculturaloutreachinitiatives,family-friendlyactivities,careerdevelopmentopportunitiesand muchmore.
Don’t miss out on the 42nd-anniversary celebrations for
tipsonhowtotakecareofmyvoicebecause that is I think, something that all of us that playTina,wekindof notstrugglewith but thatisthebiggestthing ofjusttakingcareof thevoiceandeverything.
JE: I think one of the things that I did to prepare for that, I was on American Idol earlierlastyear,andIwassingingeveryday on that show and doing interviews and just using my voice all the time, and so I think thatkindofbuiltmystaminaup Butnotonly that, the physicality of this show is also just as tremendous When I got the call that I had been accepted for the part, I immediately got in the gym and started running on the treadmill, singing the songs, obviously starting the choreography and everything, and just kind of training my body, because Tina, she was one of the greatest performersofourgeneration,andsothatpartisjust as important as being able to sing songs. I didn’tknowhowtaxingitwas.Ikindofhad to change my entire life and perspective on what it really means to be able to take care ofyourself,whichisgood.
Y:Yesindeed,youweresogoodonAmerican Idol. So talk a little bit about that transition process How did you go from a few monthsbefore,beingonAmericanIdoland making it to almost the very end, to getting theleadroleofTina?
JE: My process was very different from what a lot of other people on this show and just in general may have gone through. But I actually received an email about three weeks, like a month after Idol had ended, anditwasfromNathanielRicciorepresenting Tina and asking me to audition for this show. And I just thought it was really cool becauseIwas,one lookingforsomethingto reallysinkmyteethintoafterAmericanIdol. AndthenalsoIloveTinaTurner Iloverock music in general. I grew up on classic rock, soIthoughtitwasjustreallycooltokindof be able to play homage to, you know, Tina Turnerinthisway.
JE: Everything was virtual. I sent in videos of me singing, doing a side from the script, and also some videos of me dancing. And then I did a Zoom callback. And by the time I’d done the Zoom callback, they said, it’syoursifyouwantit.AndIwaslike,yeah, of course I want it. And we went to New York, me and Sterling Baker-McClary who playsIke,weallwenttoNewYorkforaboot camp That’s where everything started and unfolded and just enveloped into the world ofTinaTurner
Y: Once you were told officially you got the part, who was the very first person you shared the news with and were they very supportiveaboutyoubeingintheentertainmentindustry?
JE: My mom Tisha Brown. I definitely called her then I got on a three-way with my mom, my grandma, and my aunt. And thenwealljustscreamedonthephone My mom was very supportive and was actually kindofthedrivingforcebehindthat.When Iwasyounger,Ilivedwithmygrandparents while my mom was in the military It was a verydifficultbutalsointerestingtime Weall livedtogether Soshewouldseelittleclipsof me singing at talent shows and things from when I was really young And then when she was able to come home and I was able tomoveinwithher shewaslike,youknow, youcanactuallyreallysing Isthissomething that you want to do? I think it would be fun forustodolittleYouTubevideosandstuff IstartedpostingYouTubevideosandthey started gaining traction during the early YouTubedays Andsooneofmyvideoswent viralanditgotamillionviewswithinthefirst year of its release People started reaching out.IwasabletoworkwithTylerPerryand do different things So I think from a young age I was kind of taught that you can make moneyinthisindustryandIdon’treallyhave to choose what I want to be I can be in this industryandstillsurvive.
Y: Hold on, you worked with THE Tyler Perry?Iamsuchahugefanofhiswork.Tell usaboutthatwholeexperience
JE: It was in 2014, I was 12 years old and I starred in his play, “Madea’s Neighbors From Hell.” One of his casting directors hadseenavideoofmineonYouTube Tyler wassuchapleasuretoworkwith Iwasinit withKimaniJacksonandoneofthefunniest momentswehadwaswithTylerhimself We were doing a dress rehearsal and Kimani’s
theFourthofJulyGreatAmericanPicnic&Fireworks(July 4) and the Norfolk Waterfront Jazz Festival presented by SentaraHealthPlans(August22&23).Previousyear’sticket purchasers will receive early access to Jazz Festival ticketingstartingat10a.m.onFriday,January10th.Othernotable summertimeeventsincludethe24thAnnualNorfolkLatino Music&FoodFestival(July19),andthe5thAnnualNashFest 757Music&FoodFestival(September13).
The2025seasonwrapsupinthefallwiththe36thAnnual VirginiaChildren’sFestival(October4),the37thAnnualFall TownPointVirginiaWineFestival(October18&19),andthe 12thAnnualHolidayYuleLogBonfire&ChristmasMarketplace(December6).Joinusforamemorableexperienceat Town Point Park. Find the complete schedule of the 2025 SeasonofEventsbelow.
Stay up-to-date with Festevents on social media at @ Festevents or on Festevents.org for information on additionalnewprogrammingandevents,includingbands,family entertainment,andinteractiveexperiences
Norfolk Festevents also produces the annual summertimeeventsinOceanViewBeachPark,includingtheShore Thing Independence Day Celebration & Fireworks, TGOV Friday Nights, and Big and Bands on the Bays, in addition to operations at TowneBank Fountain Park in Downtown Norfolk Visit OceanViewBeachPark.org for more details onOceanViewevents
2025 Season Of Events
SpringTownPointVirginiaWineFestival Saturday&Sunday,May3&4,2025
BayouBonVivantCajunMusic&FoodFestival Friday-Sunday,May16-18,2025
NorfolkHarborfestMusic,Food&MaritimeFestival Friday-Sunday,June6-8,2025
JuneteenthFestivalinthePark Saturday June14 2025
FourthofJulyGreatAmericanPicnic&Fireworks Friday,July4,2025
NorfolkLatinoMusic&FoodFestival Saturday,July19,2025
VirginiaSymphonyOrchestraConcertinthePark Sunday,July20,2025
NorfolkWaterfrontJazzFestival Friday&Saturday,August22&23 2025
NashFest757Music&FoodFestival Saturday,September13,2025
VirginiaChildren’sFestival Saturday,October4,2025
FallTownPointVirginiaWineFestival Saturday&Sunday,October18&19,2025
HolidayYuleLogBonfire&ChristmasMarket Saturday,December6,2025
ABOVE: DariusJ.Manuel, TaylorBrice Deidre Lang and the cast ofTina -TheTina TurnerMusical.(PHOTOBY JULIETACERVANTES)
LEFT:Jayna Elise playsTina inTINA-TheTinaTurner Musical.(COURTESYPHOTO)
knees were ashy Tyler just ran with it and eventually it became a moment in the play whenweofficiallyputiton.
Y: That’s incredible You are so blessed. Let’s talk about Tina. What is your favorite part of the show that you are in and you get todoeverynightandcan’twaittoplay?Also doesyourfavoritepartchangefromtimeto time?
JE:That’sfunnythatyouaskthatbecause Ithinkinthefirstact,thatparthaschanged forme NowIwouldsayprobablytheendof actoneisstartingtobecomemyfavoritepart and that’s when we sing the song called, “I Don’t Wanna Fight.” When I was listening tothesongwhenIwaslearningit,Irealized that it’s kind of a true summation of Tina Turner’slifeandlikereallytheturningpoint that you know she realized just who she is andthatshedidn’thavetobeinthatabusive relationshipwithIkeTurneranditfallsata pointintheshowwhereshechoosesherself The sentiment and the emotion that I feel duringthatparthasalwaysstayedthesame andit’sjustkindoflikeareliefyouknow it’s kind of become a place where I also release emotionally anything that has been botheringmethroughtheweek.
Y: What is your favorite part of the show that you are not in but you love to either watchfromthesidesorsingtoitintheback?
JE: Well it’s funny that you ask that because I’m literally only off stage for one scene SomyfavoritesceneiswhenIamon the stage, I have no speaking lines and it’s when John Carpenter is speaking to Roger Davies and they have just seen the Tina showcase I won’t give away too much but they’re conversing and the actors that play that,IjustlovebecauseIgetfrontrowseats toiteverynight.I’mjuststandingonstagein thebackofthemandIjustlovewatchingthe nuancesoftheiractingwhenI’mbackthere becauseitchangeseverynightyouknowand I just love seeing the little emotive changes that they make in their faces or their physical changes that they make. It’s just really great to watch and I don’t even think I’ve ever told them that but I admire that every night and yeah it helps with my acting and myenergyaswell.
Y:Let’s talk about the other actors a little bit. Sterling you mentioned. What is it like workingwiththestaffandsomeoftheother actors?
JE:WhenIfirstgotthisroleIlovedeverythingaboutitbutIamalsoaveryemotional person and I feed off a lot of other people’s energiesandIthinkIjustprayedtoGodand
I was like please let everyone be cool. God definitely answeredmyprayersandwe have a really amazing cast. I meaneveryoneisreally,truly so sweet and we really look out for each other So just to shout out a few: Sterling BakerMcClaryheobviously plays Ike Turner but he’s nothing like his character and it’s really just a joy to work with him every night. I just know every time we worktogether,wejustreally feed off of each other on stage and we’re alwayscheckinginoneachother.Oneofthe really key points of this show is that there’s alotofthoserawmomentsofabusethatIke andTinawentthroughandsoyouknowthat meansalotoffightchoreographyforusand he’s just been the best partner to learn fight choreography first and then do it on stage every night. He’s just been the best partner todothatwith.
Our crew is just amazing We had a stint where we were just doing one-nighters pretty much for like three weeks and that canbetaxingonthecastitselfbutthecrewI meanespeciallybecausetheyloadinatthree in the morning and have to do the whole show and then they load out at two in the morning so that you know they don’t really getmuchtimeandtheyreallyhelditdown. OnepersonthatI’vereallylovedgettingto knowisKristenDaniels,whoplaysRhonda, who was Tina’s best friend and just kind of picking those moments with her recently We’vebeenhangingouttooandit’sjustbeen really fun. I mean I could go on and on and list so many more people but those are just a few people to shout out and a lot of this amazingcastandcrew
Y: Okay let’s learn a little bit about you. Wheredidyougrowupandwhatmadeyou fallinlovewiththislineofworkofwanting tobeinthemusicentertainmentbusiness?
JE: I grew up in D.C. and I always really lovedsinging WhenIwasyoungitwaslike the first two costumes that I ever got were a Hannah Montana costume and a doctor’s costumebecausesomehowmusicandmedicine just made sense in my brain. I grew up singing and doing lots of health related things WhenIwasinhighschool,Iinterned fortheNationalInstituteofHealthandIdid lots of things with John Hopkins but music kind of chose me Like I said, I grew up with my grandparents moved in with my mom and I started taking music seriously. My mom was the driving force behind just everything that you see, I’ve done today. So fromworkingwithTylerPerry,toKidzBop, toAmerica’sGotTalentwhenIwas14 I then took a break and went to Duke Ellington School of the Arts in D.C. and honed in on everything Then I moved to L.A pursued songwriting and then once again you know you make plans and God says well actually no I was like I’m just gonnabeasongwriter,Idon’treallywantto beanartistandthenIauditionedforAmericanIdolandIrealized,wellactuallyno,you can be an artist, you can do everything, you
Y: That’s actually the perfect transition. TellusaboutyourAmericanIdolexperience JE:SolikeIsaid,IhadauditionsforAmerica’s Got Talent years ago and I made it to thesemi-finalstherebutthecastingdirector thathadbookedmeforAmerica’sGotTalent hadbeenreachingoutaboutAmericanIdol for a few years. I moved to L.A. and L.A. is likeadifferentbeast.Ineededtosingandso IauditionedforAmericanIdolthefirstyear and I didn’t make it to the top 24 which is likewhereeverybodywantstomakeitwhen theyauditionforAmericanIdol.It’slikethe finalsandIonlymadeittothequarterfinals I remember the first year that I auditioned when I was walking out of the room and they told me that I wasn’t going to make it, LionelRichiewasoneofthejudgesthatsaid, “We’ll see you again.” And I said to myself you will and looking back on that I actually didn’t think anything of that you know. In my head I was yeah, you’re gonna see me at theGrammy’sorsomething Buttheyinvited me back next year, I competed again and it was just incredible All the judges are really nice but Lionel Richie was the best. When theysaythatheisAmerica’ssweetheart,the AmericanIdol,hereallyis!
Y: How about a wow pinch me moment ortwothatyoucan’tbelievethislittlegirlof yougottoexperience?
JE: I have to say that the first ever wow moment that happened to me was when I was11yearsold.Itwasmyfirstprofessional performance ever I was really nervous. I got to perform with “Snarky Puppy” (an American, jazz fusion band) and later on this album, “Snarky Puppy Family Dinner VolumeOne” anditwonaGrammy “Snarky Puppy”gotalltheseamazingartiststogether andwewereabletoperform.Iwasn’tonthat albumbutIwasontheDVD.Iwentoutand intheperformanceIthinkIkindofblacked out. I was 11 years old and so nervous. My whole family was there too It was at one of myhometownsandbytheendoftheperformance, everybody in the theatre stood up and it was my first standing ovation ever There were 2,000 people there. I was like ohmyGod,Ican’tbelievethisishappening anditwasjustinsaneforthattobeoneofmy firstexperiencessingingliveoutinpublic.It wasincredibleandIstillamnotoverittothis day. I’m just so grateful that I got to do that andsogratefultothoseguys And I guess another wow pinch me moment,thesamethinghappenedrecently on this tour with Tina. We were playing another theatre, 2,000 people came to see us in Louisiana and I mean we had a really great show. They were an amazing crowd anditgottotheend,theyreallyenjoyedthe showandtheygaveusallastandingovation IthinkitwasdifferentbecauseIgottoshare that with everybody that was on stage and our whole crew, sharing the energy with everyone on the stage and it was wow, yes wedidit.
Yiorgoisanarts,entertainmentandsports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.
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Source: Fresh Express
Aroundthestartofanewyear,manypeoplearesetting their wellness intentions, from incorporating a variety of greens into meals to boosting daily step goals, drinking morewaterandpracticinggratitude
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Thekitallowsyoutoindulgeincrunchygarlicbrioche croutonspairedwithgardenfreshcrispyromainelettuce delicate sprinkles of truffle Parmesan cheese shreds and creamydressing,transformingeverybiteintoasensation tobesavored.
With more than 100 varieties of fresh, healthy and convenient ready-to-eat salads, Fresh Express can also provide recipe inspiration and support on your journey towardahealthierlifestyle Theuniqueblendoflittlered and green baby butter lettuces in the Sweet & Crunchy Salad Blend is perfect for adding to Grilled Zucchini Nachos a delightfully tasty alternative to traditional nachos. This veggie-forward version offers a healthier dinnerideaoraneasysnackforgamedaygatheringsand othergroupcelebrations
Visitfreshexpress.comtodiscovermorethan380fresh recipesandfindastorenearyou.
Italian Crusted Salmon with Creamy Truffle Caesar Salad
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2
2teaspoonschopped freshrosemary
1bag(9.3ounces)FreshExpressTwistedCaesar CreamyTruffleCaesarChoppedKitSalad
Heat oven to 425 F. Line sheet pan with parchment paper In small bowl, combine garlic, lemon juice, rosemary, honey and salt In another small bowl, combine breadcrumbs,walnutsandoliveoil. Place salmon on prepared sheet pan. Spread mustard mixture over fish; sprinkle with panko mixture, pressing toadhere.Lightlycoatwithnonstickcookingspray Bake12-15minutes oruntilfishflakeseasilywithfork. Place greens from salad kit in large bowl Drizzle with dressing;mixwell. Evenlydividesaladamongtwoplates Topwithsalmon. Serveeachwithlemonwedge,ifdesired.
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes
Servings: 4
1bag(5ounces)FreshExpressSweet&Crunchy SaladBlend
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FALLS CHURCH, Va Do you get your prescriptions at a military pharmacy in the U.S.? You should know that the Defense Health Agency is upgrading to a new prescription refill system at military pharmacies ThenewInteractiveVoiceResponse systemwillhelpstandardizerefillnotices.
“DHA’s commitment is to deliver exceptional care anytime, anywhere, always, including our pharmacy services,” said U.S. Air Force Lt Col. Julie Meek, deputy pharmacy program manager, Informatics Integration Branch, Pharmacy Operations DivisionattheDefenseHealthAgency Meek is managing the transition to the newsystem.
“We embrace opportunities like this to take advantage of available technology and betterfulfillthatpromise,”shesaid.
This change means your military pharmacymayhaveanewphonenumberforits prescriptionrefillline Tofindyourmilitary pharmacy’s refill phone number, check the military hospital or clinic’s website The pharmacy’s old refill number will automatically transfer to the new refill number untilthetransitioniscomplete (Note:Ifyou typicallyreachyourpharmacybycallingthe military hospital or clinic’s main line, you can still do this by selecting the pharmacy option.)
Ifyougetprescriptionsatamilitarypharmacy overseas this upgrade will happen later in 2025 You don’t need to check for a newphonenumberyet.
Youcanalsorefillyourprescriptionsusing the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Follow thesesteps:
1. Log in to the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.
2. Click on the “Rx Refills” tab at the top menu bar of the homepage. You can see all your prescriptions that are ready for refill inoneplace
3. Choosewhichprescriptionsyouwantto refill.
4. Pickwhereyouwanttogetyourrefills
5. Seewhenyourrefillswillbeready
Want to learn more about managing your prescriptions in the patient portal?
Check out the TRICARE Newsroom article “MHS GENESIS Patient Portal Makes Refilling Prescriptions Easier”(online at https://newsroom.tricare.mil/News/ TRICARE-News/Article/3847462/ mhs-genesis-patient-portal-makes-refilling-prescriptions-easier).
It’s important to know this transition won’t affect any of your existing prescrip-
tionsorrefills Allremainingrefillswillmove overtothenewsystem—forexample,ifyou have two refills left on a prescription now, you’llstillhavethosetworefillsoncethenew IVRsystemisinplace
Remember: At a military pharmacy you cangetuptoa90-daysupplyofmostcovered drugs as described in the TRICARE PharmacyOverviewFactSheet(onlineathttps:// tricare.mil/Publications/Fact-Sheets/pharmacy_overview).
Source: American Heart Association
Thelastdecadehasseenasurgeincardiovascular risk factors such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity, each of which raises the risks of developing heart disease and stroke These trends areleadingresearcherstoconcludethatthe prevalenceofcardiovasculardisease(CVD) willcontinuetorise
More than 60% of U.S. adults will have some type of CVD by 2050, according to forecasted projections from the American HeartAssociation,whichiscelebrating100 yearsoflifesavingserviceastheworld’sleadingnonprofitorganizationfocusedonheart and brain health for all Additionally, total costs related to CVD are expected to nearly tripleinthattimetomorethan$1.8trillion.
The increase will be driven by an older more diverse population, but these risk factors are rising even among children and adults
“Werecognizethelandscapeofcardiovascularhealthwillchangeoverthenextthree decades because of the coming tsunami of risinghealthcarecosts,anolderpopulation living longer and increasing numbers of peoplefromunder-resourcedpopulations,” said American Heart Association volunteer Karen E. Joynt Maddox, M.D., M.P.H., FAHA “Yet these are still leading causes of deathanddisabilityintheU.S.”
While continued systematic changes are neededinscience,policyandhealthcare,the majorityofCVDispreventableatanindividual level. You can help turn the tide on the dire outlook of CVD while improving your own health by following and encouraging others to follow the American Heart Association’s “Life’s Essential8.”
Eat better Aim for an overall healthy eatingpatternincludingwholefoods,fruits andvegetables,leanprotein,nuts,seedsand cookingwitholiveandcanolaoils
Beactive. Adults should get 2 1/2 hours ofmoderateor75minutesofvigorousphysical activity per week. Kids should have 60 minuteseveryday,includingplayandstructuredactivities
Have more questions about this new prescriptionrefillsystem?Contactyourlocal militarypharmacytolearnmore.
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.
Quittobacco Use of inhaled nicotine delivery products which includes traditional cigarettes electronic cigarettes and vaping, is the leading cause of preventable deathintheU.S.
Get healthy sleep. Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Children require 10-16 hours for ages 5 and younger, includingnaps;9-12hoursforages6-12;and 8-10hoursforages13-18
Manageweight Achievingandmaintaining a healthy weight has many benefits
Body mass index is a useful gauge Optimal BMI is less than 25, but less than 18.5 is
consideredunderweight.Youcancalculateit onlineorconsultahealthcareprofessional. Control cholesterol. High levels of non-HDL, or “bad, cholesterol can lead to heartdisease Yourhealthcareprofessional can consider non-HDL cholesterol as the preferred number to monitor, rather than totalcholesterol,becauseitcanbemeasured without fasting beforehand and is reliably calculatedamongallpeople Manage blood sugar Most of the foodyoueatisturnedintoglucose(orblood sugar) your body uses as energy Over time high levels of blood sugar can damage your
heart,kidneys eyesandnerves Manage blood pressure. Keeping your blood pressure within acceptable rangescankeepyouhealthierlonger Levels less than 120/80 mm Hg are optimal. High blood pressure is defined as 130-139 mm Hg systolic pressure (the top number in a reading)or80-89mmHgdiastolicpressure (bottomnumber).
Findmorewaystomanageyourhealthin thenewyearandbeyondatheart.org.
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