The Flagship 02.20.2025

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Collaboration in action: First responders and military train for crisis situations


NORFOLK,Va OnFeb.5,2025 amultiagencyexercisesimulatinganactiveshooter scenario and improvised explosive device (IED) threat took place at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads Iowa

Estates The drill was designed to test the readiness and coordination of various local and federal agencies, enhancing their ability to respond to complex, high-stress situations The exercise was a collaborative effortinvolvingNavyPolice NorfolkPolice, NorfolkFire,NavyRegionMid-AtlanticFire, NavalCriminalInvestigativeService(NCIS), andExplosiveOrdnanceDisposal(EOD)

“Exerciseslikethisarecriticalinensuring our personnel are prepared for real-world threats Thecollaborationbetweenmultiple agencies strengthens our ability to respond effectivelyandkeepourcommunitiessafe,” said Capt. Mathew Olson NSA Hampton Roadscommandingofficer

The exercise began with a simulated, activeshooterincidentatIowaEstates The scenario unfolded when a suspect entered the area and began firing shots Navy Police quicklyresponded,pursuingthesuspectinto theresidentialarea Duringthepursuit,officersencounteredasuspectedIED,addingan additional layer of urgency and complexity tothesituation Thediscoverypromptedan immediateshiftintactics,requiringcoordination with EOD specialists to assess and

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Chief Aviation MaintenanceAdministrationmanYanda-KalieChandler assignedtoStrikeFighterSquadron(VFA)106,won the 2024 Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic (CSFWL) Chief of the Year award, Feb. 6. The CSFWL Chief of the Year award is given to a person who had demonstrated exceptional leadership Chandler was VFA-106’s Chief of the YearnomineeandhadtocompeteatCSFWLlevel against other VFA nominees in order to win. She was in tears of joy after hearing the announcementofherselectionofChiefoftheYear Chandler was especially grateful for the recognition after having a difficult year losing her mother and her Godmother.

“I’m still in awe, I felt like I had shortcomings betweentryingtotakecareofmymomandstilldo my job, my command really supported me,” Chandler said. “They recognized I was still trying to be headstrong in the game.” Chandler a native of Andrews, South Carolina, has served 23 years in the Navy and is planning to finish out her 30 years to retirement.

“When they say you are ready to retire, you are

neutralizethethreatwhilelawenforcement continuedtheirresponse Followingabriefchase,thesuspectbarricaded himself in his vehicle prompting a tactical response from the involved agencies. In response to the evolving situation, NCIS took charge of negotiations with the suspect in an attempt to resolve the standoffpeacefully Thestandofflastedjustunder two hours, allowing participants to refine andassesstheirprotocolsforcrisismanagement,communication,andthecoordination ofmultipleteams The primary aim of the exercise was to provide participating agencies with an opportunity to experience “real-world” training, enabling them to sharpen their response times, improve tactical strategies,

ready, and I’m not ready yet, with all the new Sailors coming in, I still have more to give and I want to guide them into the future,” Chandler said “My daughteris17andwantstojointheNavyandIwant to be there for her as she transitions into the military.” Chandler came from a small town and wanted to join to see the world. Her aunt was a nurse in Manhattan,NewYork,during9/11andusedtotell her stories Chandler knew she wanted to make a difference.

“I want to be here to help out when the nation calls,” said Chandler

ThemissionofCSFWListoman,train,andequip strike fighter squadrons in order to conduct carrier-based combat and support missions maintain operational control of a fleet replacement squadron, strike fighter weapons school, naval aviation maintenance center for excellence, and administrative control of 14 operational VFA squadrons

ChiefAviation Maintenance AdministrationmanYanda-Kalie Chandler assigned to Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 106 won the 2024 Strike FighterWing Atlantic (CSFWL) ChiefoftheYearaward, Feb.6.(PHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER2ND CLASSJULIANNALYNCH)

and ensure the safety of both law enforcementpersonnelandthepublic.

“The more we train together, the better preparedweare.Thesescenariospushusto refine our strategies and ensure that when a real crisis occurs we’re ready to respond with precision and professionalism, said Lt Shawn Watkins, NSA Hampton Roads securityofficer

The scenarios emphasized the importance of clear communication between the agencies involved allowing for effective coordination. Fire departments were also instrumental in responding to potential hazards and ensuring the safety of all responders, while EOD teams worked

Hampton Roads Transit celebrates Base Express’ 100,000th rider at NAVSTA Norfolk

NORFOLK Va Hampton Roads Transit(HRT)hostedacelebrationJan.29 2025 aboard one of its Base Express buses to celebrate reaching 100,000 riders at Naval Station(NAVSTA)Norfolk.

The event ran from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and included the distribution of HRT-brandedlanyardstoriders CalebSmith,militaryoutreachliaisonfor HRT, organized and oversaw the event. He personallyhandedoutthelanyardstoriders astheyboardedthebus

“Thisisagreatmilestonefortheprogram, andweappreciatethesupportoftheriders,” saidSmith.

The Base Express Blue and Gold routes connect personnel to many major destinations, including the ship piers, the aquatics center andlocationsalongDecaturAvenue, MasseyHughesDrive,andGilbertStreet

TheGoldRouteoriginatesatthebusstop by the Navy Exchange and operates along portions of Maryland Avenue, Dillingham Boulevard, and Gilbert Street. It runs Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with buses arriving every 30 minutes Onweekends,itoperatesfrom9:00 a.m.to6:00p.m.

The Blue Route starts at the Gilbert and FirstAvenuebusstopandprovidesfrequent weekday service along Virginia Avenue, the piers, and Towway Drive It operates Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with buses arriving every 15 minutes The Blue Route does not operate onweekends Thomas Becher, communications manager for HRT, spoke about the success oftheservice

“We are delighted to continue to provide this service to the Navy,” said Becher “We wereprojecting25,000ridersinthreeyears butexceededthatwithintwoyears.”

Becher went on to discuss plans for expanding the service “Right now, we’re looking to increase routes on the base and areintheprocessofplanningandextending routes,” he said. “We’ve been able to attract

dedicatedridershipbecauseSailorshavethe convenience of getting around and off the baseforfree.”

He also expressed his appreciation for the Navy’s support. We truly appreciate the Navy for providing this transportation to Sailors, and we are committed to making itanevenmorevaluableresourceforthem.”

Becher also highlighted a useful tool for riders: HRT’s live shuttle tracking website, available at, which allows

riders to track buses in real-time for added convenience Retail Service Specialist 3rd Class Issac Cardona-Torres,assignedtotheFleetLogistics Center, who has been using the service forayear,hasnoticedseveralimprovements overtimeincludingtheadditionofairconditioningonthebuses.“TheAChasdefinitely made a difference,” said Cardona-Torres. “It’s much more comfortable now. I think it would be great, if they added more stops near the MWR building and closer to some ofthepiers.” Engineman 3rd Class Davis Le assigned totheUSSTortuga(LSD46),alsosharedhis thoughts about the service “This is great! Using the

swiftly to evaluate and neutralize the IED threat preventingfurtherescalation.

This training allowed personnel to practice both offensiveanddefensivetactics,developingtheirability toworktogetherunderhighpressure.Thesimulation also tested the agencies’ capacity to maintain situational awareness, handle negotiations, and defuse a dangeroussituationinatimelymanner

The exercise underscored the importance of a unified approach when responding to critical incidents With a combination of law enforcement, fire, medical,andmilitarypersonnel,theagenciesworked seamlesslytobringtheexercisetoasuccessfulconclusion. The integration of different units—from police negotiatorstofireresponseteams—demonstratedthe value of multi-agency collaboration in safeguarding publicsafetyduringcomplexemergencies

“At the end of the day, everything we do is about protecting lives. This exercise allowed us to test and improveourskillssothatiftheworsthappens,wecan respondswiftlyandeffectively,”saidOlson.

Moving forward, the lessons learned during this event will serve as a foundation for future training exercises and real-world responses, ensuring that all participantsremainpreparedtoprotectandservewith thehighestlevelofprofessionalismandefficiency

NORFOLK,VA(Jan.29,2025) Hampton RoadsTransit celebrates reaching 100,000 riders on
basewith an event aboard one ofits Base Express buses.HRTMilitaryOutreach Liaison Caleb Smith handed out branded lanyards to riders as a thankyou fortheirsupport.
NORFOLK,VA(Jan.29,2025) Hampton RoadsTransit celebrates reaching 100,000 riders on
basewith an event aboard one ofits Base Express buses.Bus driverforHRTdrives Sailors on basewhile celebrating the event.


grant to expand martial arts program


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va A Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story (JEBLCFS) volunteer was named a 2024 Maytag Dependable Leader and received a $20,000 financial grant to be used for the installation’s youth center during a ceremony at the base theater on Jan. 30 Kevin BodawasoneofonlytwoBoys&GirlsClub volunteersnationwidetoreceivetheaward TheJEBLCFSyouthcenterisaBoy’s&Girls Clubaffiliate

For several years Boda, a Virginia Beach police officer, has volunteered his time and expertise to enhance the lives of JEBLCFS youth and strengthen the bond between the police department and the installation Through field trips, tours, and career day demonstrationsfeaturingpolicevehicleand precincttours hehaseducatedchildrenand families

Most notably, he established a summer martial arts program for the youth center, a need he recognized when heat and inclement weather canceled other recreation league activities held outdoors He developedtwoindoorprograms taekwondofor theyoungerkidsandBrazilianJiu-Jitsufor older ones His classes focused on self-defense discipline andself-respect

“Knowing how to defend yourself gives you confidence and ironically it makes you less likely to get in a fight,” Boda said. “Having confidence in yourself allows you dode-escalatesituations.”

Boda knows this from personal experience

“I’monly5’5”butmymartialartsexperiencegivesmeconfidenceinmyinteractions withpeople especiallyinmylineofworkas a police officer I really enjoy passing that confidenceontothekidsIworkwith.”

Boda will use the $20,000 in grant moneytoexpandtheprogramhebeganlast summer He’s reached out to local martial arts schools and CYP will bus JEBLCFS youthtoandfromclasses.

“We are proud of the work and service Officer Boda has provided to our youth and the military community. This honor and the accompanying $20,000 grant for the Little Creek youth program, ensures the lasting impact of his vision and dedication, providing our children with opportunities togrow,learn,andthrive,”saidKellyGreen, JEBLCFSchildandyouthprogramsdirector

JEBLCFS Commanding Offi


Kevin Boda his Maytag Dependable

Award.He also received a $20,000 grant he will use to expand a martial

he started last summerforchildren

Naval Station Norfolk participates in annual force protection exercise


Norfolk,alongsideseveralothernavalinstallations across the Hampton Roads region, participated in the annual force protection exercise Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain (CS-SC25)fromFeb.3toFeb.14

CS-SC25 is a comprehensive two-part anti-terrorism force protection drill, led by Commander Navy Installations Command (CNIC) in collaboration with Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC). This exercise spans all Navy installations across thecontinentalUnitedStates

“Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain reinforces our ability to respond to threats to the base and the more than 300 tenant commands we are responsible for protecting,” said Capt.MattSchlarmann,NAVSTANorfolk’s commandingofficer

This annual exercise was conducted as part of regular training protocols designed to improve coordination and teamwork between commands, various military services, and partner agencies, all with the goal of safeguarding personnel, equipment, and facilities Over the course of two weeks thetrainingsimulatedrealisticthreat scenarios, such as active shooter situations unauthorized base entries, and the deploymentofmockimprovisedexplosivedevices.

“Byrigorouslytestingoursecurityprotocolsandenhancingouremergencyresponse capabilities, we ensure readiness to defend against any threat. These exercises exemplifyourunwaveringcommitmenttomaintaining the highest standards of safety and operationaleffectiveness, saidSchlarmann.

In conclusion, the “See Something, Say Something principleremainedakeyfocus, encouraging individuals to report suspicious activity Additionally, advanced coordination with local law enforcement and first responders helped ensure the smooth execution of the exercise, highlighting the importance of collaboration and preparednessinmanagingpotentialchallenges

DoD Civilian employees can now shop at a select group of Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) stores located in the US until April 4, 2025 In Virginia, the following stores include Fort Eustis and Langley Air Force Base Commissaries, Little Creek Commissary, Naval Base Norfolk, Naval Air StationOceanaandNorfolkNavalShipyard Commissary located in the Scott Center Annex.

Eligibleemployeeswillneedtoshowtheir Common Access Card (CAC) to shop and save Please note that the temporary access isnotopentoDoDCivilianfamilymembers, former or retired DoD Civilians, and does notincludethepurchaseoftobaccooralcoholproductsandaccesstoonlineshopping “The most rewarding part of my job is to service the people who serve us,” said DirectorofthePortsmouthNNSYcomplex MelvinSloane “Allofthoseindividualswho serve in the military and who support our military.”



release, “DeCAhasbeentaskedbytheDoDtoclosely

Since the pilot program was established, Sloane has seen an increase in pedestrian trafficfromtheshipyardemployeescoming overandbuyinglunchandcheckingoutthe store. “I would like to welcome all the DoD employees to shop at the Portsmouth Commissary and I would like to let them know that if there is anything or any questions, they have, I am always available to help,” said Sloane They can call me at 757-215-7740ext.3001oremailmeatMelvin.” The Scott Center Annex commissary’s meat department has butchers, and they cut up to 95 percent of the store’s meats The butcher is available during store hours and customers can request special cuts or anything else

thosefindingstoDoD Thefindingswillthen assisttheDefenseDepartmentindeterminingthefeasibilityofexpandingthebenefitto allDoDcivilians.” For more information, please visit corp CenterAnnexCommissaryHours

NORFOLK Va TheCivilServiceMariners (CIVMAR) who crew Military Sealift Command’sfleetreplenishmentoilerUSNS Kanawha(T-AO196)wereawardedtheNavy Unit Commendation (NUC) ribbon during a ceremony aboard the ship while the ship waspier-sideonNavalStationNorfolk,Feb.7.

ThecrewearnedtheNUCfortheirefforts during the ship’s recent deployment to the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility

“Despite being caught off guard by the sudden deployment, the crew of USNS Kanawha rose to the challenge as Military Sealift Command has done for the past 75 years,answeringthecallofdutywithprofessionalism and dedication,” said First Officer AnthonyCanseco,USNSKanawha’sOfficerin-Charge. “Operating in a contested environment, we quickly adapted to heightened threats ensuring vital fuel deliveries to U.S. andalliedforcesintheregion.

“The crew’s resilience and commitment underscored MSC’s longstanding tradition of supporting global naval operations, even in the most demanding circumstances,” he added.

The NUC is awarded to any ship, aircraft or other unit of the Navy or Marine Corps that has distinguished itself by outstanding heroism in action against enemy forces and is the second highest unit award in the U.S. Navy;behindthePresidentialUnitCitation.

Portions of the NUC citation Kanawha’s crewearnedreadasfollows:

“The Secretary of the Navy takes great pleasure in presenting the Navy Unit Commendation to U.S. Central Command set forth in the following: for outstanding performanceinactionagainstterroristforces from October 19, 2023 to May 30, 2024 The personnelofU.S.CentralCommand(CENTCOM) and its operational forces combatted highly kinetic and asymmetric threats regionalstability,”thecitationreads.

“They protected vital global commerce throughtwostrategicmaritimechokepoints, defended key allies and partners, deterred aggression,andforgedpartnershipsfounded intrustandunityofeffortagainstviolations of international law, it continued. “They provided a crucial naval presence in the regionatapivotalmomentinhistory.”

WhiledeployedKanawhasafelyexecuted, withoutincident,111at-seareplenishments, delivering more than 30 million gallons of marine diesel fuel and aviation fuel, along with 4,696,274 gallons of marine grade oil, transferred 3,389 critical cargo pallets, and transportedfivepersonnelwhilesupporting 14 U.S. Navy ships and 12 allied ships from sixcountries


theNavyUnitCommendationisaprofound honorthatrecognizestheirhardwork,dedication, and the sacrifices they have made,” according to Canseco “Spending months away from family, friends, and loved ones theyhaveenduredlonghoursandchallenging conditions to ensure mission success in a contested environment This award is not just a symbol of their excellence in service, but also a tribute to the personal sacrifices they have made to support the fleet and protectvitalmaritimeroutes.”

USNSKanawhawasforwarddeployedfor 264daysandtraveled55,539nauticalmiles

“While the time away is never easy this recognitionreinforcestheircommitmentto dutyandtheproudlegacyofMilitarySealift Command in answering the nation’s call, Cansecostated. In addition to the NUC, specific crewmembers received individual awards for outstandingperformanceduringthedeployment. The following Kanawha CIVMARs were awardedtheNavyCivilianServiceCommendation Medal, which is an award presented to civilian government employees who go aboveandbeyondintheirwork:FirstOfficer AnthonyJ.Canseco,OperationsChiefNicholas Petrone, Chief Engineer Able C. Reyes,

1stEngineerAlexanderBacalso,CargoEngineerHeshamMohamedandDeckMachinist GerardoB.Gonzales

“The crew is excited to be recognized today and the morale of the crew is really high too,” said Third Mate Alexander Robinson, one of the Kanawha CIVMARs recognized during the ceremony. “We were deployed on a short notice to for a difficult deployment and it was nice to have USNS Kanawha credited just as USNS Supply recentlywas.”

Inaddition,multipleKanawhaCIVMARs were presented the Navy Civilian Service AchievementMedalforoutstandingperformanceduringthedeployment.

Ship Bosun Theo Niang Cargo Bosun HeberitoSantos,AbleSeamanPrevinR.Byrd Jr,AbleSeamanWilliamR.Stephens,Third Officer Alexander Robinson, Bosun David Generette,AbleSeamanAtiyaWooden,Chief ElectricianRandyA.RoseroandEngineUtilityman Ardrian T. Lincoln were awarded NavyCivilianAchievementMedals

The Navy Civilian Service Achievement Medal is awarded to Department of the Navy and U.S. Marine Corps civilians who, while serving in a capacity within the Navy or Marine Corps, are to be recognized for sustained performance or specific achieve-

mentofasuperlativenatureattheequivalent leveloftheNavyandMarineCorpsAchievementMedalawardedtomilitarypersonnel. Canseco offered some advice for CIVMARswhowillbesailinginacontested environment.

“For CIVMARs deployed to a contested environment, preparation and adaptability are key, Canseco said. “Stay informed on the latest threat assessments and operationalproceduresandalwaysfollowsecurity protocolstoensurebothpersonalsafetyand missionsuccess.”

“Trust in your training, your shipmates, andtheexpertiseoftheNavyandMSCleadership to navigate challenges effectively Mentalresilienceisjustasimportantasphysicalreadiness—remainfocused,stayvigilant, and lean on the camaraderie of your crew Above all, remember that your role is criticaltosustainingnavaloperations,”headded. Kanawha is part of MSC’s Combat Logistics Force (CLF) who are the supply lines to U.S. Navy ships at-sea. These ships provide virtually everything that Navy ships require to remain on station at sea including fuel, food, fleet ordnance, dry cargo, spare parts, mailandothersupplies CLFshipsenablethe Navyfleettoremainatseaandcombatready forextendedperiods

Code100TOleadschangeandtransformation to best meet Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s mission

Finance alum Nick Candito once said “Companiesthatchangemightsurvive,but companies that transform thrive Change brings incremental or small-scale adaptations while transformation brings great improvements that ripple through the future of an organization. Approximately two years ago, Naval Sea SystemsCommand(NAVSEA04)madethe decisiontostanduptransformationoffices (100TO) at each of the four public shipyards: Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) as wellasPortsmouth,PugetSoundandPearl Harbor Naval Shipyards. NAVSEA recognized that substantial system transformationwasrequiredtoaddressshortfallsand inefficienciesinshipmaintenance,andthe establishment of Code 100TO was essential to accelerate improvement. This also supported multiple high-level efforts such as Vice Chief of Naval Operations (VCNO) Performance to Plan, NAVSEA strategic improvement plans and Lines of Effort to driveinnovation,improvedataintegration and strengthen our digital capabilities to improveperformanceanddeliveryofships

In May 2023, NNSY officially began standing up Code 100TO with a mission to lead NNSY through change and growth; driving innovation, improving efficiency, and ensuring the shipyard’s long term success. This included reorganizing both the NNSY Innovation Lab and 100PI Process Improvement groups under a

single department, as well as standing up two new divisions to accomplish StrategicandDigitalTransformation.“Currently, Code 100TO is still in a growing period,” saidChiefTransformationOfficerAmanda Gulledge “We are in the process of hiring several positions Today we’re around 35 people andintendtogrowtoabout70once all is said and done.”

The Transformation Office consists of fourdivisions.ThefirstoneistheStrategic Transformation Division (Code 100TO.1) that partners with shipyard and outside stakeholders to deliver strategic transformation through project and change management, coaching, metrics and training.Strategicinitiativesareselectedbythe ShipyardSteeringCommitteeandNAVSEA 04 Industrial Operations These are initiatives that focus on shipyard-wide, large scale, high-level or impact areas Examplesinclude:wartimereadiness,workforce development, job readiness and Inside Shop improvements to start.

“Workforce development is one of the biggest initiatives we are supporting right now,” said Strategic Transformation DivisionHeadMichaelEwing “Weareworking oncorecompetenciesforalltheemployees in the shipyard to ensure everyone is given the training and development needed in order to perform their job successfully.”

The System Improvement Division (Code 100TO.2) supports systems transformationandLeanprocessimprovement.

“Code 100TO.2 has two branches The first one is the Industrial Systems Branch

which focuses a lot on what I would call the Code 900 (Production Resources Department) world. We look at various shop processes, workflows and see how we can support the mechanic, and assure nonstop execution of work,” said Systems Improvement Division Head Bill Harrell.

“The second branch is the Planning and Execution Support Branch, which focuses on support codes such as Nuclear and Non-NuclearEngineering(Code2300and 200),QualityAssuranceOffice(Code130); Supply Department (Code 500); and the Lifting and Handling Department (Code 700). We also focus on what we call the strategicplanningsideofthehousethrough the Operations Department (Code 300) supportingourwaterfrontprojectstoidentify improvement areas to increase efficiency, lower cost, and improve safety.”

The Innovation and Technology Insertion Division (Code 100TO.3) conducts research development, tests and evaluations (RDT&E), innovations, rapid prototyping, new technology insertion and laboratory support

“The Innovation and Technology Divisioninjectsnewtechnologyandequipment into the shipyard We also perform rapid prototyping to solve problems, creating specialized tooling, mockups, and other items that enhance the way our mechanics are able to prepare for and perform the work they are assigned,” said Innovation and Technology Division Head Matt DeLong “Folks tell us what would make theirworkeasierandmoreexpedientwhile

still maintaining high quality. Then we, Code 100TO.3, conduct the research and comeupwithideasforapotentialsolution totheirproblem,ultimatelydeliveringsolutions to the waterfront.”

The Digital Transformation Division (Code 100TO.4) supports advanced digital technology planning development, research,andpilotsforfullscaleimplementation and delivery to shipyard end users

“What the Digital Transformation Division does is bring new capabilities to the shipyard that will enhance our ability to perform at a more productive rate in the future,” said Digital Transformation Division Head Delmonte Spence “Some of the thingsthatweareworkingtowardsisafull AssetVisibilityManagementSystem[using Radio Frequency Identification] (RFID) that will show the location of all material in the shipyard on a digital map, making it easytofindourmaterial.Deliveringdigital crew boards to the waterfront, this capabilitycombinesthevariousappsthesupervisors use each day into one place to plan their work, assign mechanics, and make assist trade requests just to name a few.”

Althoughchangecanbechallengingand transformation even more so, the Transformation Office will continue to work towards Code 100TO’s vision of partnering with stakeholders to reimagine the way America’s Shipyard does business by unleashing creativity to build the shipyard of the future.

Truxtun completes intense at sea training period

training environment. Our ships complete training to be worldwide deployable, and prepared to face a wide range of capable threats in an ever-evolving operationalenvironment.” Integrated phase training events led by CarrierStrikeGroup’s4and15respectively support the Navy’s delivery of combat ready forces that deliver options and flexibility to civilian leadership and combatant commanders to deter adversaries, under-

pin American security, support economic prosperity,andreassureAlliesandpartners “Thisexercisewasanoutstandingopportunity for our crew to come together and to increase our tactical proficiency and confidenceasawarfightingteam,”saidtheship’s CommandingOfficerCmdr JamesKoffi “I am proud of our team’s performance thoughIammoreproudoftheirwillingness tocheckegosatthedoor maintainalearning mindset, and push themselves to be better Sailorseachday.”

Truxtun’s mission is to be ready in all respects to conduct prompt and sustained

combat operations at sea, and on order, to pursue excellence, attack every challenge, andvanquisheveryobstacleintheirpath. USS Truxtun (DDG 103) is a multi-mission guided-missile destroyer with air warfare (AW), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), naval surface fire support (NSFS), and surface warfare (SUW) capability Its ship’scompanyincludesapproximately300 Sailors with an additional 40 embarked air wing personnel assigned to the “Vipers” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM)48

(DDG 103)

Profiles in Professionalism: Personnel Specialist Seaman Timeece Grice

NORFOLK, Va Raised in Norfolk, Virginia, Personnel Specialist Seaman Timeece Grice was always surrounded by the Navy fostering a strong connection to itslegacyandvalues Grice’s stepfather served in the Navy as a logistics specialist, formerly known as a

storekeeper “Watching service members in uniform leftalastingimpressiononmeandinspired adeepadmirationfortheirdedication,”said Grice “Thisultimatelymotivatedmetofind awaytocontribute,whichledmetojointhe Navy.”

Grice currently serves at Navy Reserve CenterHoustonasaTrainingandAdministration of the Reserve (TAR) Sailor providing full-time support to reservists who drill atthereservecenter.Apersonnelspecialist’s

primary responsibility is to manage Sailors’ payandordersforthecommand. “MyroleiscrucialbecauseIhelpeasethe financial stress of many Sailors, enabling them to focus on the Navy’s mission,” she said. “Being able to provide that peace of mind to my fellow servicemembers is incrediblyrewardingandmakesarealdifferenceintheirabilitytoperformtheirduties.”

Grice has only served in the Navy for one year and is already a hard charger During herfirstyearatherfirstcommand,Gricewas

awarded Sailor of the Quarter three out of fourtimes “ServingintheNavymeansIcancontinue to fight for the legacy of my family and my country,” Grice remarked. “It gives me the opportunity to contribute to something greaterthanmyself.”

Grice continues to uphold the Navy’s values of honor courage and commitment, embracing the challenges of service whilemakingameaningfulimpactonthose aroundher


Commander, NAVFAC Atlantic visits NAVFAC EURAFCENT

NAPLES, Italy Rear Adm. Jorge Cuadros, commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic visited four locations across NAVFAC Europe, Africa, Central (EURAFCENT) Feb. 2 Feb.11,2025

This trip allowed Cuadros to meet with installationandregionalleadershipandvisit projects sites at the various installations; thevisitprovidedhimwithadeeperunderstanding of the ongoing missions of the various U.S. military commands NAVFAC EURAFCENTsupports

“I feel very thankful and honored to be back here visiting and I’m consistently impressed by NAVFAC EURAFCENT’s strongconnections notjustwithintheFleet, but also with combatant commanders and our international partners,” Cuadros said. He also emphasized his commitment to

responsiveness saying “I am interested in ensuring that we remain the most responsive SYSCOM [Systems Command] for our customers, and we achieve that through a cultureofaccountability.”

Cuadros’ first stop was Public Works Department Rota, Spain where he made it aprioritytoconnectwiththeteamandgain a firsthand understanding of the installation’sinfrastructureandfutureprojectsthat supportvitaloperations

While visiting Resident Office in Charge of Construction Northern Italy in Vicenza, hevisitedU.S.ArmyGarrisonItalytoseethe progress on the $500 million Army Family HousingprojectandmeetwithseniorArmy andAirForceleadersinVicenzaandAviano AirBase

HisstopinNaples,ItalyprovidedCuadros time to meet with Juliet Beyler executive director U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa and Rear Adm. Brad Collins commander NavyRegionEURAFCENT. His final stop was PWD Sigonella, Italy

wherehegainedadeeperunderstandingof thebase’svitaloperations

“The men and women of NAVFAC EURAFCENTarenotatthetipofthespear, but the tip of the trident, Cuadros said. “EURAFCENT executes missions on three continents, supports missions in numerous countries and executes business with somuchprofessionalismanddedication.”

While at each location, Cuadros recognized the men and women Sailors civilian andhostnationemployeesbypresentinghis commandcoinandotherawardsandtaking questionsfromNAVFACemployees

“It takes a special breed of person to uproot and move here to EAC and do what youdo,”Cuadrossaid.“Wehaveacoregroup of host nation employees across the AOR that have kept and keep us going while our U.S. civilian and military rotate in and out. As your number one fan, I thank you all for whatyoudo.”

This was Cuadros’ first visit to EURAFCENT since assuming command of



Navy Talent Acquisition Group Miami

SUNRISE,Fla NavyChiefInformation OfficerRearAdm.RyanPerry,aFortLauderdale native, administered the oath of enlistmenttofourfutureSailors,fromNavyTalent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Miami, during the Florida Panthers game against the L.A. Kings January29 2025

“It was a pretty cool experience, said future Sailor Yin-to Chan “It was such an honor.” CristelAlpizar,BenjaminRodrigues,Tray-

vaunSwannandYin-toChan,werehonored andrecognizedinthearenabyPerrybefore thefirstpuckdrop Perryadministeredtheceremony,during anexecutiveengagementvisittotheNTAG Miami area of operations Perry’s ongoing visit runs through January 30th, and is focusedonraisingNavyawareness,promoting its 250th anniversary and supporting localrecruitingefforts

“It’s been incredible coming back and reconnecting with my hometown, and the best part of it all was the opportunity to connect with these future warfighters To bepartoftheirfirstNavyexperienceistruly


Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command is the naval shore facilities base operating support, and expeditionary engineering systems command delivering life-cycle technical and acquisition solutions aligned to fleet and Marine Corps priorities NAVFACEURAFCENTsupports fleetcommandersbyprovidingengineering assessments and agile acquisition strategy, constructing and maintaining shore infrastructure, and maximizing force readiness to enhance warfighter capability NAVFAC EURAFCENTservesastheengineeringlink betweentheshoreandtheFleetintheEuropean, African, and Central Command areas ofresponsibility For more information, contact NAVFAC EURAFCENT public affairs at +39 366.695.8800 or NAVFAC-EAC-PAO@

special, said Perry “It’s important for the community to see young people raise their right hand and commit to service I hope it inspires pride and shows that our nation’s defenseisingoodhandswiththenextgenerationofSailorsreadytosupportanddefend theConstitutionoftheUnitedStates.”

The future Sailors were accompanied by ElectronicsTechnician(Nuclear)2ndClass Robert Logozzo a recruiter with NTAG Miami.

“It’s an inspiring action, said Logozzo “EventslikethesemotivatefutureSailorsto keep pushing forward with their decision toenlist.”

With the admiral at this event, it helps to shine a light on the opportunities in America’sNavy, “Tothefamilies,thankyouforsupporting thesefutureSailors—yourroleintheirjourneyisinvaluable AndtotheSailors,congratulationsontakingthisstep You’vechosena paththatwillchallengeandrewardyou,and we’reallexcitedtowelcomeyoutothemost powerful Navy the world has ever known,” saidRearAdm.Perry Interested in taking your first step into America’sNavy?

Bailey earns Military Excellence Award at Recruit Training Command

GREAT LAKES (NNS) Seaman AntoinetteBaileygraduatedasthetopSailorfrom RecruitTrainingCommand,earningtheMilitary Excellence Award (MEA) February 13, 2025

Bailey, from Killeen, Texas, said she enlisted for a variety of reasons, including the opportunity to set herself up for career success

“I was in a spot where I felt like I needed a change,” Bailey said “Prior to joining the Navy I didn’t feel like I had any true stability I’veworkedsinceIgraduatedhighschool but didn’t really have anything to show for it. I couldn’t live comfortably on my own and I really wanted to be able to put myself through school. Joining the Navy will allow metoestablishabetterfoundationformyself I’ll be able to finish school, learn a trade and provideabetterfutureformeandmyfamily.” Bailey 26 graduatedfromHarkerHeights High School, and was a member of the National Honor Society After high school, Bailey attended Western Governors Universityandworkedasafull-timeflightattendant.

The Navy Club of the United States Military Excellence Award is the top award presented to the recruit that best exemplifies the qualities of enthusiasm devotion to duty military bearing and teamwork. The award places her at the pinnacle of today’s newestSailors Baileyisawardedaflagletter ofcommendationaspartofherrecognition.

The award, according to Bailey, is the best possiblefirststeptostarthernavalcareer.

“Throughout my training, I tried to stay focused on the basics like working hard, scoringhighonassessments andbeingready for all of our inspections,” said Bailey “Even though I always hoped for the best, I never actually thought I’d be the one to get recognized. Now that it’s happened, I realize that this isn’t even about me This is a reflection of my parents who have developed me into the woman I am today. It’s also for my RDCs whobelievedinmeandtrainedmetobecome aSailorthat’sreadyforthefleet.”

Bailey’s RDCs (Recruit Division Commanders) are Chief Electrician’s Mate (EMC) Halima Gordon Aviation Maintenance Adminstrationman 2nd Class (AZ2) TyreSpenceandAviationBoatswain’sMate, Aircraft Handling 2nd Class (ABH2) Mark Salas, and they guided her through the 10-weekprocess

“EMC Gordon was someone I looked up to and saw as a role model,” she said. “She alwaystookthetimetomentormeandknew exactly how to motivate me when I needed it.ABH2Salasisalsosomeonewhoheldme accountable and pushed me to always be better I can truly say he helped me to find that toughness within myself and not settle for being mediocre.”

Along with her RDCs, Bailey found inspirationfromherfamily

“My family has always been there for me They wrote me so many letters and they havenoideahowmotivatingitistohearyour name called each night mail call. Just knowing that they were all back home rooting for me helped me during those tough days that weallhave.”

Baileysaidthebiggestchallengeshefaced in boot camp was learning to step outside of hercomfortzone

“The toughest part of boot camp was pushing myself to do things I never thought I could, said Bailey “During week three, my RDCs made me the divisional yeoman. I initiallydidn’twantthepositionoutoffearof not being able to manage the yeoman duties

while being a successful recruit. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but I continued to trust the process and followed the guidanceofmyRDCs Overcomingthatchallenge alongwithalltheothersIfacedinbootcamp showedmewhatI’mcapableof I’velearned to recalibrate what I should expect from myselfinthefuture.”

After graduation, Bailey will attend HospitalCorpsman“A”SchoolinSanAntonio, Texas, for training on basic principles and techniques of patient care and first aid procedures Training at RTC is approximately 10 weeks, and all enlistees in the U.S. Navy begin their careers at the command. More than 40,000 Recruits train annually at the Navy’s only boot camp

USS Boxer (LHD 4)

SAN DIEGO Calif The wasp-class amphibiousassaultshipUSSBoxer(LHD4) marked the 30th anniversary of its commissioning with a ceremony held on the mess decksFeb.11,2025

Thisyear’sthemewas“30yearsandthriving,”attendedbycurrentcrewmembers,past andpresentBoxerleadershiptocelebratethe ship’s remarkable history and the men and womenwhohaveservedaboard

Senior Chief Information Systems Technician Adam Randle highlighted the ship’s storied history and meaning of the Boxer’s Crest. “The Boxer is more than just steel and machinery;it’sahome,alegacy,andasymbol ofstrength,”saidRandle “Overtheyears,this ship has carried generations of Sailors who havestoodthewatch,answeredthecall and upheldthehighesttraditionsoftheNavy I’m proudtoserveaboardherandgratefulforthe camaraderie and resilience of the crew that keepshermission-ready.”

Thesixthandcurrentshiptobearthename Boxer was launched on August 13, 1993 and

commissionedonFebruary11,1995 Sinceits commissioning, Boxer has played a pivotal role in key operations, including 14 deployments spanning both the globe in crises and conflicts humanitarianmissionsafternatural disasters, and continued maritime security effortsintheIndo-Pacificregion.

The ship has earned numerous accolades, morerecentlytheBattleEffectivenessAward; theMaritimeWarfareExcellenceAward;the Command, Control, Communications and Information Warfare Excellence Award; the Logistics Management Excellence Award; theSelfSufficiencyAward;theForceHealth and Wellness Unit Award or Green ‘H’; and the Captain Edward F. Ney Memorial Food ServiceAward.

“Boxer has a proud legacy of excellence fromhumanitarianmissionstocombatoperations, always answering the nation’s call with strength and determination. This ship is a testament to the dedication of the SailorsandMarineswhohaveservedaboardher, embodyingthefightingspiritoftheNavyand MarineCorpsteam, saidCapt.JasonTumlinson,Boxercommandingofficer “Aswecelebrate another year in her storied history, we honor the past while looking ahead to the


Theceremonyconcludedwithacommemorative cake cutting in honor of the ship’s accomplishments

“The true strength of Boxer has always been its crew; past, present, and future The dedication, resilience, and professionalism of the Sailors and Marines who have served aboard this ship are what make her a force to be reckoned with,” said Tumlinson. “Every mission, every challenge, and every achievementisevidentoftheirhardworkand commitment.AswecelebrateBoxer’slegacy we also look forward to the future knowing that with this incredible team, we are ready foranything.”

BoxerishomeportedinSanDiego Boxer’s crewismadeupofapproximately1,200officers and enlisted personnel and can accommodateupto1,800Marines. For more news from USS Boxer, follow us on Facebook and Instagram at, orvisit

SeamanAntoinette Baileygraduated as the top Sailorfrom RecruitTraining Command,earning the MilitaryExcellenceAward (MEA) February13,2025.(COURTESYPHOTO)

NAWCAD Lakehurst signs partnership agreement with Rowan University

Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Lakehurst signed a partnership agreement with Rowan University, encouraging collaborationandaddingtoitsoutreachwith localacademicinstitutions

NAWCADLakehurstExecutiveDirector Sean D. Brennan said agreements like the onewithRowanare“crucialtoourongoing missionofsupportingthewarfighter.”

“Having strong ties to our area colleges providesaphenomenalopportunitytobring newtalentandideastotheNavy’smission,” Brennan said “I’m excited to see this partnershipgrowandthriveforyearstocome.”

During the Jan. 22 ceremony, Joseph Hader NAWCAD Lakehurst Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment Department Head, signed a Partnership Intermediary Agreement on behalf of NAWCAD Lakehurst with the Henry Rowan College ofEngineering Theagreementisanopportunityfortheuniversitytoengageacademia and industry on behalf of the government

For Ensign Jordan Baus achieving his commissionintheU.S.Navywastheculminationofoveradecadeofserviceandperseverance Hisjourneybeganin2008whenhe enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps, serving with the 4th Marine Air Wing and Marine Air Logistics Squadron 41 (MALS-41) in support of C-130J operations After years of dedication, including deployments with theMarineActiveReserves,Bausseparated withhopesofcommissioningasaNavyofficer—a goal that faced multiple setbacks beforehefinallyfoundsuccess

“From a young age, I knew I wanted to serve,” Baus said. “My grandfathers served intheArmyandNavy,andmyfatherwasin the Air Force. Service was ingrained in my upbringing The Navy’s emphasis on challenge and opportunity drove me to keep pursuing my dream, even when things did notgoasplanned.” After spending two years supporting Foreign Military Sales partners on the F/A-18 Hornet program in Kuwait, Baus reenlisted as a boatswain’s mate in the Navy Reserve. His deployment to Djibouti, Africa, as a combatant craft crewman engineer with Maritime Expeditionary Squadron 11 (MSRON-11) proved pivotal. It was therethathewasselectedforacommission, finallypinningontherankofEnsigninJanuary2024

From Marine to Navy Officer

Following his commissioning, Baus attended Officer Training Command Newport,RhodeIsland.Histimeunderthe Naval Education and Training Command (NETC)preparedhimtotakeonleadership responsibilities as an aviation maintenance duty officer, both in his military and civilianroles AtBoeing,Baussupportstechnical publications and maintenance engineering forcriticalaircraftsuchastheC-40Clipper, P-8Poseidon,andKC-46Pegasus,ensuring missionreadinessforboththeNavyandAir Force. “NETC’s world-class training helped sharpenmyleadershipandtechnicalskills,” Baus explained. “I now carry a sense of ownership about my career and a responsibilitytorepresentthehardworkthatSailors

to help facilitate and accelerate technology transfer,transitionandlicensing.

“Our partnership with Rowan gives us access to their vast network of contacts in theregionandhelpsbridgethegapbetween government and industry, helping communicate government needs and bring forth industry capabilities,” said Liberty Tech BridgeCo-DirectorBennyReyes.

ForHader,theeventwasahomecomingof sorts as a member of the Rowan University Classof2004

“It’sreallygreattoseehowthecollegehas progressed There was always a good name associated with Rowan, but now it’s just gainingmoreandmorenotorietywithallof thegoodworktheyaredoing,”Hadersaid.

Before the signing ceremony, Hader and Liberty Tech Bridge Co-Director Kevin Larkins participated in a ‘Tide Talk event. The talk brought the NAWCAD Lakehurst andLibertyTechBridgepersonneltogether withsmallbusinessrepresentatives,Rowan students, the Southern Maryland Tech Bridge, and Capt Michael Kline from the Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment

ProgramOffice(PMA-251)inMaryland,and wasaplatformforopendiscussionslooking at the challenges and opportunities in the defense industry and the role of academia insupportingthewarfighter

Larkins said it was an excellent opportunity to bring the Warfare Center together with small businesses and academia to see how they can support the warfighter. The Tech Bridge initiative started in Sept. 2019 by the Naval Agility Office (NavalX) to help deliver innovative capabilities to the warfighter The Liberty Tech Bridge is a partnershipwithNavalSurfaceWarfareCenter Philadelphia Division and Naval InformationWarfareSystemsCommandPacific.

Larkins noted this was the second Tech BridgemeetingwithRowanandsmallbusinessrepresentativesinthepastfewmonths providing a unique intersection between academiaandsmallbusiness

“When we take a break, the din in the room is how you know you’re successful,” Larkins said. “As we move forward, from a data science perspective, we can look at how many of those connections are result-

inginhelptothefleet.Butfornow,thenew contacts and the conversations make an impact.

Hadersaidthesepartnershipsarecrucial tohelpingtheNavyachieveitsgoals

“The Tech Bridge allows us to have a closer relationship with small businesses and universities, hopefully helping to find the people we need quickly,” Hader said. “Time is not on our side anymore when preparingforapotentialconflictwithChina by 2027, so the availability and the timelinessofthecapabilitiesthattheTechBridge isconnectingwithPMA-251andLakehurst, Ithink,willbeinvaluable.”

“We’re looking forward to continuing and expanding our partnership as we build the future workforce and drive new innovations,” said Rowan University Provost TonyLowman.“RowanUniversityisproud to support the Navy and the U.S. defense industry as a whole, so they have the best andbrightesttalentavailabletodevelopthe world’smostadvancedtechnologies.”

andMarinesdoeveryday.Wewinasateam, andthatiswhereourstrengthlies.”

Perseverance and Pride

Baus journey to commissioning was not easy Facing rejection five times, he often questioned whether his dream would ever come true With encouragement from his mentors, Lt Cmdr Jay Raymond and Lt CamStubbs,herefusedtogiveup

“Completing the final team-building evolution at Officer Training Command was one of the proudest moments of my life,”Bausrecalled.“AftereverythingIwent through, to finally be called a naval officer was incredibly rewarding It proved that perseveranceandhardworkpayoff.”

A Message for Aspiring Sailors

For those considering military service, Baus emphasized the importance of chasingyourdreamswithoutfearofsetbacks “There is no such thing as a perfect life,” he reflected. “But true fulfillment comes from knowing you gave your best in every assignment.Donotwait—chaseyourdreams witheverythingyouhavegot.”

A Testament to NETC’s Mission

Ensign Baus’ story highlights the trans-

formational power of NETC’s training programs which provide service members with the skills discipline and leadership requiredtosucceed.HistransitionfromU.S. Marine Corps enlisted service to naval officerdemonstratestheimpactofperseverance andworld-classtraining “My time in both the Marines and the Navy has taught me that discipline yields results,”Baussaid.“Thatabilitytohoneand exercise personal discipline has shaped me intotheleaderandpersonIamtoday.” FormorestoriesabouthowNETCtransformsservicemembersintofleet-readyleaders, follow @NETC_HQ and visit https://

NSWC Panama City adds new facility to impact fleet subsea and seabed, mine warfare missions

NavalSurfaceWarfareCenterPanama CityDivision(NSWCPCD)continuedits commitmenttowarfightersolutionswith theadditionofitsnewAcousticTestFacilityandInstrumentationbuildingduringa ribbon-cutting ceremony onboard Naval SupportActivityPanamaCity Feb.5.

“The concept for this facility began in 2012 by Dr Joseph Lopes, [NSWC PCD Subsea and Seabed Warfare and Maritime Operations Department deputy,] andMs LisaArrieta,[retiredNSWCPCD employeeandit’sremarkabletoseehow theirinitialconcepthasevolvedintothis state-of-the-art facility The demolition of a former building in 2022 paved the wayforthisnewconstruction,webroke ground in 2023 and now stand proudly to officially open the doors to this new chapter in our history, said Capt Paul Stence,NSWCPCDcommandingofficer. “Iwouldliketothankeveryoneinvolved in this project for their hard work and dedication. This facility is a testament toourteam’scommitmenttoexcellence and our mission to support the warfighter.”

This 1,400 square foot facility will

provideinstrumentation,dataacquisition andelectronicsstagingareas supporting the NSWC PCD Acoustic Test & Calibration Pier Service Cost Center It will enable the Navy lab’s team to develop and test advanced sensors, systems, payloads, and platforms for subsea and seabedwarfareandminewarfaremission areas Thisbuildingwillalsohouseprecisionpositioningcontrolinstrumentation and state-of-the-art analysis equipment that will allow the command to characterize and assess emerging technologies in a cost-effective and controlled underwater environment The facility will also play a critical role in supporting the development of advanced sensors, sensing systems, payloads, and platforms for current and future robotic and autonomoussystems

“The acoustic test and calibration workforcewillusethisfacilitytosupport abroadrangeofprogramsanditwillalso foster collaboration among professionals from various subject matter specialties, enabling us to achieve project and program technical objectives, milestones, and deliverables,” said Dr Peter Adair, NSWC PCD technical director “ThisinitiativealsoalignswiththeChief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti’s Project 33 and Naval Sea Systems

Command’s Strengthen the Foundation Line of Effort to enhance critical infrastructure.

Lopes had the privilege of cutting the ceremonialribbon.

“This[willbe]agreatfacilityforfuture system and [their] development, but, I must first acknowledge Ms. Lisa Arrieta who really spearheaded this project Withouthersupport,[thiscould]nothave been done,” said Lopes “In addition, I want to acknowledge the professionals from our facilities department and our comptroller’s office Their efforts made thisvisionareality.”

This new facility will only further enable NSWC PCD to continuously develop and maintain innovative and combat-effective technical solutions aligning with its strategic plan to DominatetheLittorals

The NSWC PCD Subsea & Seabed Warfare and Maritime Operations Department’s (S Department) mission is to deliver next generation military technologies to increase combat effectiveness and lethality Its focus areas include robotics and enhanced diving, littoral and undersea surveillance, and special mission systems utilizing both manned and unmanned innovations to deter or winconflictagainstadversaries

NMCB 11 Seabees help stranded motorists

Mobile Construction Battalion 11

GULFPORT, Ms Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 11 came to the aid of stranded motorists off of Interstate 10 East outside New Orleans, Feb. 6, 2025 TheSeabeeswereconvoyinghomefrom anexercisewhentheynoticedasubmerged vehicle near the site of a collision and quicklyrushedtotheaidofthetwoelderly occupants inside

“We spotted the car while stopped for a routine check and ran straight over,” said Builder 2nd Class Thomas McLaughlin, who helped with the rescue “The occupants were frightened but felt reassured when they saw us get into the water to help.” After carrying the motorists to safety through waist-deep mud and water, the Seabees returned to the vehicle to retrieve personal belongings

Now safe on dry land, Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Marcos Ramirez assessed all motorists involved in the three-car accidentforinjurieswhileEquipmentOperator 1stClassAndrewWarrencoordinatedwith emergency services

Once first responders took over the scene, the convoy was back on the road and returned safely to Naval Construction Battalion Center Gulfport, Ms NMCB-11, assigned to Naval ConstructionGroup(NCG)2,ishomeportedinGulfport, Ms. as part of the Naval Construction Force. ThemissionofNCG2istoorganize man, train,maintain andequipNavalConstruction Regiments (NCRs), NMCBs, the Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit (CBMU), and the Underwater Construction Team (UCT) to provide supported commanders with expeditionary engineeringforcescapableofgeneralengineering and construction, and limited combat engineeringacrossthefullrangeofmilitary operations

Exercise Cutlass Express 2025 launches across East Africa


U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S Sixth Fleet

VICTORIA,Seychelles ExerciseCutlass Express 2025 will take place throughout East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean fromFeb.10-21,2025

Exercise Cutlass Express 2025 sponsoredbyU.S.AfricaCommandandenabled byU.S.6thFleet,bringstogethermorethan 20 multinational partners for two weeks of training to support collaborative maritime securityoperationsintheregion. Throughout the exercise, U.S. forces will work alongside participating nations to enhance maritime domain awareness, improve international law enforcement capacity and increase interoperability between the U.S. African, and other multinationalpartnernaviesandcoastguards

“CutlassExpresscontinuestoprovidean exceptional venue to collaborate with our

African partners on maritimesecurity,”said Vice Adm. J. T. Anderson, commander, U.S. 6th Fleet. “When we combinethestrengthof our partnerships with thehighleveloftraining provided by exercises like this, we improve theoverallsecurityand economic prosperity of a region that extends far beyond the territorial waters and exclusive economic zones of eachindividualnation.”

This year’s exercise will focus training effortsinMauritius SeychellesandTanzania,thoughinformationsharingandcoordinationwilltakeplaceacrossninemaritime operationcenters(MOCs)locatedthrough-

out the region. Additionally, ExerciseCutlassExpress 2025 is linked to U.S. Naval Forces CentralCommand’s International Maritime Exercise 2025 through information sharing between MOCs to improve theaterto-theater coordination, reduce regional seams, and strengthen U.S. and partnernationcapabilities and interoperability Exercise Cutlass Express 2025 will also runconcurrentlywiththeU.S.ArmySouthern European Task Force, Africa led exercise Justified Accord 2025 in Kenya and

Tanzaniatoimprovedefensecapabilitiesof multi-domain forces and refine crisis and counterterrorism responses, ultimately reducingglobalmaritimethreats Participants in this year’s iteration of CutlassExpressincludeBelgium,Comoros, Djibouti France Georgia, India, Kenya, Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Morocco Mozambique,Senegal,Seychelles,Somalia, Tanzania,Tunisia,andtheUnitedKingdom Cutlass Express is one of three regional maritime exercises led by U.S. 6th Fleet as partofacomprehensivestrategytoprovide collaborativeopportunitiestoAfricanforces andinternationalpartnerstoaddressmaritimesecurityconcerns Commander U.S. 6th Fleet, headquarteredinNaples Italy conductsthefullspectrum of joint and naval operations often in concertwithalliedandinteragencypartners to advance U.S. national interests, security andstabilityinEuropeandAfrica.

After half a century of service to the U.S. Navy, Shawn Morrissey, 69, is looking forward to two things: spending well-deservedtimewithhisfivegrandchildrenand being on the water paddling an outrigger canoe A former Navy salvage diver, Morrissey retired last month from his role as director ofoperationsforCommander NavyRegion Hawaii(CNRH)onJointBasePearlHarborHickam (JBPHH), capping off a 17-year career as a Navy civilian, 30 years as an active-duty service member and four years asamidshipmanattheU.S.NavalAcademy Morrissey is proud of his 51 years with the Navy and emphasized the ongoing importanceoftheserviceanditsmission:

“TheNavydoesthenation’sbusiness,”he said.“Thearmedservices we’rethepeople who protect the sovereignty of the nation and the values that the nation represents That’s the thing I try and remember all the time: ships, submarines, airplanes, and the people that are taking them into combat. Those are the people that should be 100% ofthefocusineverythingwedoeveryday.”

As director of operations, Morrissey oversaw the operations of the Federal Fire Department,PortandAirOperations Force Protection, Safety Operations, Emergency Management, and the CNRH explosive ordnancedisposal(EOD)Detachment.

Originally from Silverdale, Washington, Morrissey graduated in 1977 from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, andworkedasaSurfaceWarfareOfficerfor about three years before transitioning to a special operations officer. He specialized in mixed gas deep sea diving and salvage which could take him to depths of 190 feet underwater on air or about 300 feet using mixed gas to recover submerged aircraft or ships Morrissey said that the people dedicated toaccomplishingthemissionmadehistime asaleaderandsalvagediverworthwhile:

“Themostrewardingpartwasthepeople I worked with over the years I dealt with a lot of different people: good people doing the nation’s business. You knew you were doing something worthwhile all the time,” herecalled.

Salvage operational missions had Morrissey diving all over the world includingoffthecoastofEnglandandintheAtlantic at various points along the east coast but Hawaii came to hold a special place in Morrissey’s heart. Morrissey completed three tours in Hawaii and he and his family were determined to make the Islands their permanenthome.

DuringoneofhisHawaiitours,Morrissey servedasthecommandingofficerofMobile Diving Salvage Unit 1. On another, he was the commanding officer of Naval MagazineLualualei(whichbecameNavalMagazine Pearl Harbor). His last Hawaii tour wasasastaffofficeratUnitedStatesPacific

Command(nowUnitedStatesIndo-Pacific Command)fortheJ3,whichinvolvedplanning coordinating and managing operations

Theserewardingexperiencesdidn’tcome without sacrifice; Morrissey sometimes missedvaluabletimewithhisfamily

“One of my daughters was born while I was gone,” he explained. “You’re away That’s the nature of the business particularly in the Navy when you get a number of deployments.”

During those times Morrissey relied on his wife to take care of the family and he thanked her for her raising their four children a boy and three girls who also share his dedication to service: His son is a Navy doctor in Portsmouth, Virginia; his eldestdaughterisaNavypilotwhofliesthe P-8 Poseidon, a maritime patrol aircraft; his second daughter is a military dentist who works at the Naval Branch Health Clinic Makalapa and at Camp Smith; and hisyoungestdaughterisaveterinarianwho


Despite the sacrifices, Morrissey doesn’t regretjoiningtheNavy Hehadhisheartset onbecomingaSailorfromanearlyage “Being around the Navy, I saw what the Navy did to contribute to the security and safety of the nation and that became somethingIwantedtobe,todo,”herecalled.

Morrissey said it was his father who inspired him to become a Sailor The elder Morrissey was a hospital corpsman who joined the Navy when he was 17 at the end of World War II and retired as a chief petty officerafteronetourinVietnam.

WhentheyoungerMorrisseyretiredfrom activedutyandjoinedtheCNRHoperations department as deputy director, he immediately noticed the “topsy-turvy” nature of job. His daily schedule could change in an instantdependingonoperationalneeds,and constanttechnologicaladvancementsmeant that the enemy could strike quickly and at anytime sohealwayshadtobeready “You can’t afford to be unprepared, he

said “An enemy can be off your shores in a heartbeat. You can’t rely on the fact that you’regoingtohavemonthsorlongertoget readyforsomething.”

Unpredictability aside, Morrissey found his job rewarding Among the highlights during his tenure were managing operations for the Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC),theworld’slargestmaritimedrill held every two years in the waters around the Hawaiian Islands, and managing the operational response to the Red Hill fuel spillandcorrespondingcleanupefforts Morrissey said he loved serving in the Navy asbothaSailorandacivilian.

“SincethetimeIraisedmyrighthand,it’s been over 50 years doing the Navy thing,” he said. “It’s been my privilege It’s what I wantedtodo It’swhatIloveandsoI’mone of those lucky people that got to do what theyloved.”

VMI psychologists research veteran suicide prevention

LEXINGTON, Va According to the CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention, nearly50,000Americansdiebysuicideeach year and about 20% of those decedents are militaryveterans Col.GlennSullivan,associate professor, and Maj. Michael LaRocca, assistant professor in the Department of PsychologyatVirginiaMilitaryInstitute,are extremely concerned with those statistics, andhavereceiveda$150,000grantfromthe VirginiaDepartmentofVeteransServicesto conductresearchonveteransuicideprevention.

AccordingtoSullivanandLaRocca,awide rangeofriskfactorshavealreadybeenidentified that contribute to the suicide rate for veterans ThetwoVMIpsychologistschose to investigate four factors that have not receivedadequateattentionfromresearchers The four include the quality of leadership while on active duty; lack of access or substandard mental health care, or feeling pressured not to seek mental health care while on active duty; post-military occupationalhistory;andexposuretosuicideeither whileonactivedutyoramongone’scircleof veteranacquaintances


“WecreatedasurveyusingQualtrics,aweb based software used by many social and behavioral scientists, and reached out to veterans andcliniciansworkingwithveterans through social media, informing them

of our research and asking the veterans to participate The response was incredible We have data from 250 participants, from allbranchesofthemilitary,includingagood representative sample of female veterans Most of them were enlisted personnel who served between four to six years, and are relatively recent veterans, with an average of10yearsofcivilianlifebehindthem.

Sullivan, lead principal investigator, and LaRocca, co-lead principal investigator, come at the same subject from differentperspectives LaRocca,anArmycombat veteran himself, is studying the leadership the veterans received while in the military and how it affected them psychologically during their time in the service, as well as after they were discharged, and years beyond. “In my experiences in the Army, and before that as a cadet at West Point, I wasalwaysstruckbyhowimpactfulleaders are.Leaderswhoarepositiveandsupportive can have a very protective effect on service members and maintain good morale On the other side of that coin, leaders who are less supportive really miss opportunities to provide encouragement to their followers Service members go through major stressors, particularly if they deploy, and quality leadership can be a buffer against stressors

MyunitinIraqexperiencedlossandpsychological distress That stuck with me and was part of the reason I became interested in psychology I try to draw from my background as a combat veteran to help others


LaRocca teaches leadership to VMI cadets, many of whom will be military officers “I try to hammer home in my classes that leaders really do make or break situations and that effective leadership is more than just the short-term success of accomplishing a mission. It has a psychological impact. No matter how long veterans have been out of the military, they remember their leaders In particular, they remember how strongly their leaders impacted them, whether positively or negatively Leaders don’tneedtobepsychologists,buttheycan be psychologically informed and do things like teaching coaching mentoring and encouragingtheirfollowerstoaskforhelp.”

Sullivan’s scope of the research includes post-military occupational history, lack of access to mental health care, and exposure to the suicide of others He explained that regarding vocation, people who are at most risk are those who work with their hands “In our survey we asked the veterans what they did in the military Were they in one of the military specialties like the infantry or CalvaryScout,inwhichtheyendedupafter four years with some bad joints, bad knees, andbackpain?Skillslearnedinthemilitary don’talwaystransfertothecivilianmarketplace, so many veterans end up working in construction or other manual labor, which is even worse for joints and backs Perhaps they were treated with opioid pain medication, and we know that chronic pain and

opioid pain medication use are risk factors forsuicide.”

Sullivan stated that often veterans may deny being suicidal, yet have many risk factors “The overarching goal of our research is to help clinicians and hospitals who work with vets and organizations like theVeteransAdministrationtobetterreach people who need them but aren’t seeking their help One reason veterans may not seek help is that the VA is only open during normal business hours when most people needtobeatwork.Asimplethinglikehaving evening and weekend hours would help significantly.”

Col. James Gire, head of the Department of Psychology, is pleased to see members of his faculty seizing opportunities like this grant-supported project “Colonel Sullivan and Major LaRocca each add unique perspectives that make their collaboration greaterthanthesumofitsparts.Ithinkthat theirresearchwillhaveapositiveimpacton the mental health of veterans and that the cadets in their classes will be fascinated by theirfindings,”saidGire.

Thoughtheirdatacollectioniscomplete, LaRocca and Sullivan continue to analyze the information. They plan to present their findingstoconferences,thefirstonescheduled for March at the Society for Personality Assessment conference in Denver. They hope to publish their research in peer-reviewedjournals

Preventing pollution from pet waste

NavyStormwaterPollution PreventionProgram

Stormwater pollution results when precipitationsuchasrainorsnowmeltruns over surfaces picking up pollutants like pesticides fertilizers constructionsitesediments pet waste, litter etc. These pollutantscansignificantlydegradewaterquality and threaten aquatic, wildlife and human health. In addition, stormwater pollution impactsourdrinkingwatersuppliesanduse ofwaterwaysforrecreationalactivitiessuch asswimming,fishingorboating Runoff from our lawns, rooftops, and drivewaysenterintothestormdrainsystem. This system discharges directly to nearby streams, lakes and bays without receiving any treatment. Because of this, it is importantforustopreventallpollutants,including pet waste which this article will focus on, frombeingwashedintostormdrains Pet waste is not only unsightly, but also is a health risk to pets, people and our local waterbodies Theproblemisthatpetwaste containsharmfulbacteriasuchasE.coliand fecal coliform, which can make the water unfitforirrigation,drinkingwatersupplies, andrecreationsuchasswimmingorfishing

In addition to potentially causing gastrointestinal illnesses in humans such as Giardia andSalmonella,thebacteriafrompetwaste are harmful to the thousands of species of plants and animals that live in our waterways Petwastealsocontainsnutrientsthat can lead to excessive algae growth in water bodies which in turn can lead to fish kills anddisruptingthewater’snaturalecology. Someimportantstatisticsrelatedtothese issuesinclude: „ Whenpetwastedecaysinourwaterways,

it uses up dissolved oxygen and releases compounds that are harmful to fish and otheraquaticlife

„ Onaveragenationally,thereare0.58dogs per household Each dog produces approximately 0.42 pounds of fecal waste per day, orabout150poundsperyear Justthinkhow much waste is produced by the pets in your neighborhood!

„ A single gram of pet waste contains an averageof23millionfecalcoliformbacteria thatcancausediseaseinhumans

„ A single day’s waste from one large dog cancontain7.8billionfecalcoliformbacteria enoughtoclose15acresofshellfishbeds

„ EPA estimates that 2 to 3 days of pet waste from a population of 100 dogs would contribute enough bacteria and nutrients totemporarilycloseanentirebayforswimmingandshell-fishing Source:EPA1993 Preventing pollution from pet waste can be accomplished by simply using a bag to pickupthepetwasteandproperlydisposing ofitinthetrash.Otherfactsandtipstomake preventioneasierinclude:

„ Alwayscarrywastebagswithyouonyour walkswithyourpets

„ Turn pet waste collection baggies inside out over your hand to use the bag as a glove when picking up the waste, and properly dispose of it in the trash. Or even better if possible dispose of the pet waste into the sanitary sewer system where it will be treated!

„ Always clean up after your pet, even in your own yard Your pet’s waste is NOT fertilizer

„ Bury pet waste in your yards at least 5-6” undergroundawayfromgardensorditches, toallowittoproperlydecompose

Other sources of bacteria include the

wastefromwildanimalsandsepticsystems Because of this, it is important to not feed wild animals such as ducks or geese to prevent them from congregating in one area and causing spikes in bacteria. Also the proper maintenance and inspections of septic systems is also important to prevent bacterialpollutiontoournearbywaterways. Thanksforreadingthisarticleandhope-

Maj.Michael LaRocca and Col.Glenn Sullivan discuss theirresearch
onveteran suicide prevention.

On iberty

The Chrysler Museum of Art nears completion of new expansion for the Perry Glass Studio


NORFOLK Va TheChryslerMuseum

of Art is proud to announce that the expansion of the Perry Glass Studio at 245 Grace Street in Norfolk is set to be completed in early 2025 This reimagined facility will serve as an incubator for glass artists at all levels, offering new and expanded opportunities to engage the community and the Museum’s academic partners in the glass arts Thismilestonerepresentstheculmination ofa$55millioncapitalcampaignsupported byover300donors,theCityofNorfolk,and theCommonwealthofVirginia.Ledbylocal architecturefirmWorkProgramArchitects andthedevelopmentteamatHourigan,this transformative project not only enhances the Chrysler Museum’s international reputation but positions Norfolk as a premier destinationfortheglassarts

“The expanded Perry Glass Studio will

world.” Phase one, which opened to the public in September 2024 added 24,000 square feet to the existing studio The realigned entrance overlooks a beautiful rain garden filledwithnative,salt-tolerantplantings,one ofmanycoastalresiliencestrategies Inside, a welcoming lobby, which doubles as event andretailspace,leadsintoa200-seatamphitheater-stylehotshop,providingafront-row seat to live performances and glassblowing demonstrations The addition of specialized workspaces forindividualglassprocessesandincreased classroom space, will more than double the Studio’s educational and programmatic offerings, enhancing the experience for everyone, from beginners to world-class glassartists


NORFOLK,Va The2025Shamrockin’ in Ghent, St Patrick’s Day Block Party is on Friday, March 7, 2025, from 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m.. This Hope House Foundation event is presented by Southern Bank The eventisfreeandopentothepublicandwill take place on Colley Avenue in Norfolk’s historicGhentdistrictbetweenShirleyand GatesAvenues.TheeventwillbenefitHope

ingtraditiongoinginourcommunity HopeHouseFoundationisalocalnon-profit and is the only organization in Virginia that supports adults with developmental disabilities exclusively in their own homes. Learn moreaboutHopeHouseatwwwhope-house orgorbycalling757-625-6161.



The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:

Norfolk Tides

2025 season begins March 28 at Harbor Park single game tickets on sale now!


The Norfolk Tides are the Triple-A affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles and a member oftheInternationalLeague In2023,Norfolk won the International League ChampionshipandTriple-ANationalChampionshipas thetopaffiliateoftheBaltimoreOrioles The Tides have been affiliated with the Orioles since 2007 and have been a member of the International League since 1969 The Tides served as a New York Mets affiliate from 1969-2006beforealigningwiththeOrioles in2007

Fans can now purchase a ticket online to any of the Tides’ home games, with Opening Day coming to Harbor Park on Friday, March28vs theDurhamBulls Seasonticketsarealsoavailablebycalling 757-622-2222 Tolearnmore visittheSeason Ticket Guide online at https://www.milb com/norfolk/tickets/season-tickets

Third annual Bulls and Barrels Beach Rodeo returns to the Virginia Beach Oceanfront April 12-13, 2025


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The third edition of Bulls and Barrels Beach Rodeo will hit the sands of Virginia Beach on April 12-13 2025 Tickets for this family-friendlyeventgoonsaletoday Friday14 2025 at 10:00 a.m. EST. Hosted by the City of Virginia Beach, Beach Events, IMGoing and True Grit Rodeo, the Bulls and Barrels Beach Rodeo brings traditional American rodeototheVirginiaBeachOceanfrontwith cowboysandcowgirlsfromacrossthecountrycompetinginextremebullriding,barrel racing andminibullriding New this year Colt “Colt 45 Hart and hisminiaturetrickpony,“MagicMike,”will entertain fans throughout the event, showcasing jaw-dropping feats including jumps throughfire.

Voted the Southern Extreme Bull Riding Association’s (SEBRA) “Best New Outdoor Event” of 2023, the top bull riders in the nationwillgohead-to-headforthechanceto win$12,000incashandmultiplegoldbuckles Someofthebest-rankedcowgirlsinthe countrywillalsocompeteinthebarrelracing competition,withthetopfinisherearninga coveted spot in the SEBRA National Finals inSeptember.BullsandBarrelsBeachRodeo isproducedbyIMGoing.

General admission and VIP passes are VIPpasses include exclusive boardwalk seating, VIP t-shirt and seat cushion, rodeo clown meet &greet,andaphotoopportunitywithselect cowboys, cowgirls and Huckleberry, a mini highlandcrossbull.

About Beach Events: BeachEventsisthe entertainment program presented by the City of Virginia Beach, featuring concerts, festivals, and family activities held at the Oceanfrontresortarea.Afullarrayofevents, ranging from the Monsters on the Beach monster truck races to a whole festival withtributebandsinJunetoaholidaylight display along the boardwalk means there’s truly something for everyone Beginning in May through Labor Day Weekend, the wildly popular Live! On Atlantic program thrills audiences right on the sidewalks of Atlantic Avenue with magicians, jugglers, musicians costumed characters and more. When it comes to entertainment “all the world’sastage”attheVirginiaBeachOceanfront,andmostofitisFREE!

Perry Glass Studio from Page 1

of Work Program Architects “It is a community stronghold that can withstandchallenges—whetherenvironmental,economic,orsocial—whilecontinually welcoming artists, students, and the public.”

Phasetwo,whichisfocusedonremodeling the original space is on track for completion in early 2025 The Chrysler Museum looks forward to celebrating the completion of the Perry Glass Studio with a grand opening weekend from March 28—30, 2025 The weekend will featureadynamiclineupofevents,performances, and visiting artists showcasing theStudio’senhancedcapabilities For more information about the Perry Glass Studio’s programs events and classes, About The Chrysler Museum Of Art: The Chrysler Museum of Art brings art andpeopletogetherthroughexperiences

that delight, inform, and inspire. Internationallyrecognizedforitscollectionof more than 35,000 objects, including one the largest glass collections in America, theMuseumalsoincludesfreeadmission, the state-of-the-art Perry Glass Studio a full-service restaurant, shop theater works on paper space and oversees the historic Myers House The Museum boasts an ambitious schedule of exhibitions,events,andprograms,andhasbeen nationally recognized for its commitment to inclusion through its innovative gallery host program. For more information, visit Follow on social media @ChryslerMuseum to receive the latestupdates

Visitorswatch artisans atworkin the ChryslerMuseum ofArt’s PerryGlass Studio (PHOTOCOURTESYOFTHE CHRYSLERMUSEUMOFART)

Cozy, comforting recipes to take on the cold

If blustery conditions are giving you the blues, come inside fromthecoldforawinterwarmupinthecomfortofyourown kitchen.Cold-weatherfavoritesthatarebaked,roastedorslow cookedareusuallyequalpartseasy,deliciousandfilling,making themperfectsolutionsforchilly,snowydays

Add a bit of comfort to your weeknight menu with this LoadedChickenBakethat’sreadyinabouthalfanhour.Ashort listofingredientsandallowingyouroventodomostofthework foryoumeanit’sidealforsavingtime(andmoneyatthegrocery store)whilestillsatisfyingwinterappetites

Serving as the hearty base is READ German Potato Salad, made with thinly sliced potatoes and bacon in a traditional sweet-piquant dressing. While it’s delicious when served chilled, heated or at room temperature on its own, it can also bethestaroftheshowinfamilymeals.

For another true cent saver, try Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Beets This savory side dish highlights the flavors of theseasoninarecipethat’saseasytoassembleasitistoenjoy withlovedones

Picked and packed at peak ripeness antioxidant-rich Aunt Nellie’s beets are pickled with a delicate balance of sweetness andvinegarforahomemadeflavorthat’sperfectinthisroasted side that can accompany winter meals of all sorts Versatile jarred whole pickled beets are always in season, meaning you canenjoythemchilled,warmedorworkedintorecipes.

Loaded Chicken Bake

Recipe courtesy of Hungry In LA

Prep time: 20 minutes

Cook time: 15 minutes

Servings: 8

„ Nonstickcookingspray

„ 2cans(15ounceseach)READGermanPotatoSalad

„ 4cupsshreddedrotisseriechickenorothercookedchicken

„ ½cupheavycream

„ ¼teaspoonsalt

„ ¼teaspoonfinelygroundblackpepper

„ ¾cupshreddedsharpcheddarcheese

„ ¼cupscrumbled,cookedbacon

„ Frenchfriedonions(optional),plusadditionalforserving (optional),divided


Lightly coat 9-by-13-inch baking dish with nonstick cookingspray

SpreadGermanpotatosaladevenlyindish Topevenlywith chicken. Insmallbowl,stirheavycream,saltandpepper.Pourmixture overchicken.


Bake 15 minutes, or until casserole is bubbly Let stand 10 minutes Topwithadditionalonions,ifdesired.

Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes & Beets

Servings: 4

„ 1jar(16ounces)AuntNellie’sWholePickledBeets

„ 2largesweetpotatoes(about1pound)peeledand cubed(½-¾-inchcubes)

„ 2-3tablespoonsextra-virginoliveoil

„ 1teaspoonkoshersalt

„ ½teaspoonblackpepper

„ 1redonion,slicedabout¼-inchthick

„ 2freshrosemarysprigs plusadditionalforgarnish

Preheatovento400F.Drainbeets.Discardliquidorsavefor anotheruse

In large bowl, toss sweet potatoes, olive oil, salt, pepper and onionuntilcoated.

Placesiliconematonbakingsheetorlinewithaluminumfoil. Pour contents of bowl onto baking sheet in single layer. Remove rosemary from stems; sprinkle over vegetables Bake 30minutesuntilpotatoesarealmosttender. Add beets to baking sheet Return to oven 10-15 minutes or untilpotatoesarefork-tenderandbeginningtobrown.Garnish withadditionalrosemary,ifdesired.

Save time with an easy

A warm, cozy meal may seem like a burden to make after busy winter days, but Skillet Lasagna lets you skip the craziness ofhomecookingwithaneasy,one-potsolution.Discovermorecomfortingrecipesthat letyoureclaimeveningswithlovedonesby

Skillet Lasagna

Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy” Servings: 4-6

„ 1poundgroundbeef

„ 1tablespoononionpowder

„ 1tablespoongarlicpowder

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper,totaste

„ 44ouncesmarinarasauce

„ ½cupheavywhippingcream

„ ½cupricotta

„ 1½cupsfrozenspinach

„ 9lasagnanoodles

„ 1cupmozzarellacheese

„ bread,forserving „ Parmesancheese fortopping(optional)

In large skillet or Dutch oven, brown ground beef with onion power, garlic powder and salt and pepper, to taste. Drain excessgrease Mixinmarinarasauce,heavy whippingcream,ricottaandspinach Breakuplasagnanoodlesandaddtoskillet. Cover and let set over medium heat 10 minutes Stir and top with mozzarella cheese Coverandletset10minutes Serve with bread and top with Parmesan cheese,ifdesired.

What you need to know about glaucoma

Morethan4.2millionAmericanslivewith glaucoma, a leading cause of vision loss in the nation. Although there is no cure for glaucoma,earlydetectionandtreatmentcan stopthisconditioninitstracks

“Glaucomaisaleadingcauseofvisionloss and blindness in the United States, but it’s estimatedthathalfofpeoplewithglaucoma don’t know they have it,” said Michael F. Chiang M.D.“Glaucomahasnoearlysymptoms andtheonlywaytocheckifyouhaveit is to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam. There’s no cure for glaucoma, but starting treatment as early as possible can help stop visionloss.”

Regular eye exams are among the best lines of defense because symptoms may not appear until the disease has progressed significantly Knowing more about how to spot the condition and what you can do about it may help protect your vision in the longrun.

Glaucoma is actually a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve in the back of the eye and cause vision loss and blindness The most common type in the UnitedStatesisopen-angleglaucoma.Other, less common, types include angle-closure glaucomaandcongenitalglaucoma.

Learn more about glaucoma from the experts at the National Eye Institute in honorofGlaucomaAwarenessMonth.


For some people, glaucoma is the result ofanothermedicalcondition,butthat’snot always the case While experts still aren’t sure exactly what causes open-angle glaucoma, it’s believed to be related to the pressurethatbuildsintheeyewhenfluiddoesn’t drain fast enough. Over time, the pressure causes nerve damage, which then leads to visionloss

Risk Factors

Glaucoma is not preventable and can affect anyone However, some groups of people are at higher risk, including those overage60-particularlyHispanicorLatino

individuals African American individuals over age 40 are also at greater risk as are peoplewithafamilyhistoryofglaucoma.


Early on, most people do not experience any symptoms of glaucoma. Over time, you may start to notice disruptions to your vision, such as blind spots or decreased peripheral vision (what you see from the sides of your eyes) in one or both eyes This loss may be especially prevalent closest to your nose Symptoms typically progress so slowly that people get used to it and don’t realizetheirvisionischanging,whichiswhy

so many people with glaucoma don’t know theyhaveit Intense eye pain, nausea, red eyes and blurry vision are all potential signs of angle-closure glaucoma, and immediate emergencytreatmentisnecessary


The only way to properly diagnose glaucoma is through a dilated eye exam, including visual field testing to check your side vision This routine test is painless and involves looking straight ahead while your doctor checks how well you can see objects off to the side or at the top

or bottom of your field of vision.

Treatment Without treatment, glaucoma can eventually lead to blindness Treatment won’t undo any vision damage, but it can stop it fromgettingworse Treatmentmayinvolve prescription eye drops to reduce eye pressure.Othertreatmentoptionsincludealaser procedure or surgery to help fluid drain. Vision rehabilitation services and devices mayhelpifvisionlossaffectsyoureveryday activities Find more information about glaucoma

Dental Program

FALLS CHURCH, Va If you’re a TRICARE Dental Program member, you mightneedtoseedifferenttypesofdentists for specific tooth and mouth problems Luckily, the TDP, administered by United Concordia,offersawiderangeofspecialists inCONUSandOCONUSlocations

To find a specialist near you, check out the Find a Dentist tool on United Concordia’swebsite(onlineathttps://www.uccitdp com/member/seeing-a-dentist/find-a-dentist?content=member-fad).

“Before you go to a specialist, it’s a good ideatomakesurethespecialist’sservicesare covered,” said Douglas Elsesser, a program analyst with the Dental Program Section of the TRICARE Health Plan, at the Defense Health Agency “A TDP network dentist can submit a pre-authorization request on yourbehalftodetermineyourout-of-pocket costs.” Here’s an easy-to-understand guide to thesedentalspecialties

1. Endodontists

These dentists are experts at treating the insideofteeth.Ifyouhaveseveretoothpain or need a root canal, an endodontist is the person to see They use special tools to fix the soft inner part of your tooth, including thenervesandbloodvessels




These specialists do surgery on your mouth, jaw, and face They can remove wisdom teeth or other difficult-to-pull teeth.Theyalsoputindentalimplants(artificial tooth roots) and can fix jaw problems or facial injuries If you need any kind of surgeryinyourmoutharea,you’lllikelysee thistypeofdentist.

3. Orthodontists

Orthodontistsstraightenteethandfixbite problems They use braces clear aligners, and other devices to move teeth into better positions Thiscanimprovehowyourteeth look and work. If your teeth are crooked or yourjawdoesn’tlineupcorrectly,anorthodontistcanhelp

4. Pediatric dentists

These are dentists just for kids from babies to teenagers. They take care of children’s teeth. Pediatric dentists know how to make dental visits less scary for kids They’re good at spotting and fixing problems in growing mouths and can teach kids howtotakecareoftheirteeth.

5. Periodontists

Periodontistsfocusongumhealthandthe bones that support your teeth. If you have serious gum disease or loose teeth or need a deep cleaning under your gums, a periodontist can help They can also do gum grafts(addingtissuetoyourgums)andplace dentalimplants

6. Prosthodontists

These dentists specialize in replacing missing teeth and restoring damaged ones They make and fit things like crowns (caps for damaged teeth), bridges (fake teeth attached to your real teeth), dentures (removablefaketeeth),anddentalimplants If you’re missing teeth or have badly damaged teeth, a prosthodontist can help restoreyoursmile


Multi-specialist groups

Some dental offices have many different specialists working together This can be helpful if you have a complex dental problem that needs more than one type of expert.Forexample,youmightneedanoral

surgeon to remove a tooth and a prosthodontist to replace it. The type of dental service you receive and the sponsor’s pay grade will affect your cost-share, as described in the TRICARE Dental Program Brochure (online at If you have questions about your dental benefits orneedhelpunderstandingwhat’scovered, you can visit United Concordia’s website or call them at 844-653-4061 (CONUS) or 844-653-4060 (OCONUS). Remember:Takingcareofyourteethand gums is an important part of your overall health. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek help when you need it.

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