"Old games time machine" 2 - 20 Ă REAS/MATERIAS
Physical education, foreign language, ICT
Which will be the languages used in the project? English INSPIRATION
Have you inspired on any other project or resource? Link them
The aim of the project is international networking and learning about different cultures through the old sport games of our ancestors. We have the opportunity to combine the old traditional sport games from other countries and our physical education curriculum. Students (1115) in their physical education classes could make the material from our old sport games that would be shared with their peers in Europe. After that, students should try out other games and send reports on how we do it. At the end of the school year we will dedicate a whole week to traditional sport games of nations in Europe. This eTwinning project would last from mid-April to mid-July. The most positive impressions and games we could place in our physical education GOALS curriculum for students 11-15 years old.
Implementation of this project, students will improve their knowledge of a foreign language (communication, explanations games, listening and viewing images in English). Complete development of power point presentations, net working, skype, the use of ICT to raise the level of their digital competence. Their physical activity will be the most important component of this project. In this way we will realize the physical education curriculum in the field of motor and functional abilities and provide an opportunity for students to form a team spirit with each other and peer connections with schools in Europe.
Images source: Free use vectors designed by Freepik and Kameleon.
The plan is that students with their teachers explore their old national sports game. In physical education classes, students will use some time to try out these games. Sports games that are chosen will be recorded and explained to students in English or through a power point presentation and sent to peers in Europe for exchange. Received materials the students will try on their physical education classes and make a short clip with the words "How we play your games," and send it back with comments. As many different games better. This eTwinning project would last from mid-April to midJuly. Partner communication would be daily.
At the end of the school year , and the project, we will dedicate a whole week to traditional sport games of nations in Europe. We could make short youtube film about old European sport games and develop a guide to gaming in the context of art. The most positive impressions and games we could place in our physical education curriculum for students 11-15 years old.