A Midsummer Night's Dream 節目冊

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Presented by Department of Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics


指導老師的話 劇場藝術幹部 仙王仙后、帕克 四位戀人 四位仙子 皇室成員們、 工人們 劇情簡介 製作團隊 贊助名單 宣傳照、宣傳片工作人員 特別感謝

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The sophomore students of Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics proudly present Shakespeare’s famous play A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Dreaming is one of the most mysterious and interesting experiences in our lives: we dare to fancy and to adventure in the dream without worrying the consequences. After all, we take control of and are controlled by the reality when awake. Shakespeare describes a crazy but lighthearted romance in his play and takes the audience to relive a wild but glamorous fantasy. As the time so close to summer, let’s go wild with the characters in midsummer night’s dream!

陳怡蓁 老師 This is the 15th annual play performance by the sophomores of the Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics. It’s also the transition year that the responsibility of the production will be passed onto Prof. Yi-Chen Chen whereas I am helping to enable the transition smooth and complete. Every year I sat and watched with the anxiety waiting to see whether the students could make it the best as we all expected. Only till the last moment could I feel the relief that they made it after all the hard work. For the students of this year, I think that I will go through the same torturing process. First of all, the students chose A Midsummer Night’s Dream for production, a difficult play because Shakespeare’s language is not easy to master. Secondly, the play has a complex plot which involves three groups of characters who mix together in different settings. Thirdly, the production will be more difficult because the number of the students is only 20, too few for this big production. However, I believe that they will come through the challenge with learning and gains that only a play performance can bring. No matter what difficulties they will encounter, I have the confidence that they will make it to the end successfully!


楊薇雲 老師

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a famous comedy written by William Shakespeare. You can still see the play in the park or open air theatres during summertime in the U.K or the U.S. I am fascinated with the magic world where Shakespeare leads us to. Some critics say that Shakespeare mocks the blindness of love through this play, in which flower's juice (love-in-idleness) acts as the magic love potion and controls individual characters. The mischievous sprite Puck causes a series of chaos with his unfortunate mistake. This script also explores the idea of a mixing of social classes between royalty, nobility, and commoners. The play has inspired various interpretations over the centuries. In some versions, the setting has been changed into modern times, futuristic fiction or even a mafia adaptation of it. This time we follow the original story background where the dream happens in early Greece. I appreciate my students' hard work for memorizing lines in Shakespearean English and the great teamwork and effort to make this production happen. They make most of the costumes, props, stage set by themselves, take on the role of light and sound design, and also the administrative work. I hope they have good memories making this show as much as how I enjoyed it in my college days.

王珂瑤 老師 3

A midsummer night’s dream is a classic comedy story from William Shakespeare. Shakespeare used the fantasy to create the world with magic and fairies. In the story, we see the beauty of love and how the young people pursue their love as a fool. Sometimes life is unhappy but the dreams give us the hope. Human’s imagination is unlimited. Everything could happen in the changeable dreams. It is interesting to turn the imagination into the show. Also, it is a great experience to join the performance. Hope everyone enjoys it.

導演 Jean It’s a precious experience to participate in this year’s drama. We went through some difficulties in preparation, but all the members faced the obstacles and we tried to overcome it together. I think that’s very meaningful. I’ve learned a lot with the actors and actresses. The things I didn’t know how to do became familiar gradually after so many practices. I realized that cooperation is so important in a drama. And I believed that we can get nice performance on the stage. Midsummer Night’s Dream is a Shakespeare’s classical comedy. It tells us about the dreams of four lovers. This is the drama that suitable for a summer night.


導助 Sue

I never thought that I could be the producer of the drama before I join the stage. But the stage really makes my dream comes true. Thanks for all the people who support us, the staff, the teacher, the sponsor and the audience. Hope you can make a sweet “Midsummer Night’s Dream” and enjoy the wonderful night with us together.

製作人 Stephanie Time files, after three month’s preparation. It’s a precious experience for us to get together and hold the performance. I derived much benefit no matter in substance and spirit from every discussion and rehearsal. Besides, I also realized the importance of teamwork. This performance could not be successful without all of you including the partner, teacher, classmates, and audiences. Thanks for all of you. Tonight will be a special time that you will be unforgettable. Hope you enjoy the show and give us a big round of applause.

舞監 Sylvia




錢思宇 飾

The king of the fairies, desires for revenge on Titania. He sends Puck to obtain the love-potion flower that creates so much of the play’s confusion and farce.

呂欣妮 飾 The queen of the fairy land. She is against with Oberon because of the Indian boy.


吳亦庭 飾

Robin Goodfellow and the closest fairy to Oberon. A genius and outgoing fairy who obeys Oberon's order.


Four L LYSANDER 蔡金龍 飾 A romantic and loyal man who is in love with Hermia.


宋囿諭 飾

She is in love with Lysander and is a childhood friend of Helena.


Lovers DEMETRIUS 芮世洋 飾 A young man of Athens. He was itially in love with Helena but he abandons her to run after Hermia.


黃若瑩 飾

Hermia’s childhood friend. She loves Demetrius but he doesn’t love her.


Four F


A lively and cute fairy who belongs to Titania.

何芷琳 飾 COBWEB

One of the fairies belongs to Titania. She is shy and fear of strangers.

蔡佩軒 飾 10


The fairy belongs to Titania. She is out of control and does whatever she wants.


荊鈺芯 飾

One of the fairies belongs to Titania. She has the tender personality.

郭伊珊 飾 11


錢思宇 飾

The duke of Athens, who is engaged to Hippolyta.


呂欣妮 飾

The queen of Amazon and is forced to marry to Theseus.


何芷琳 飾

Master of the revels to Theseus.




蕭璽恩 飾

Hermia’s father who disapproves Hermia and Lysander's love, and he tries to force Hermia to marry Demetrius.


溫啟翔 飾

The weaver, who plays Pyramus in the comedy.

溫啟翔 飾


張紫嫣 飾

A carpenter, also the leader of the craftsmen. Directed the play "Pyramus and Thisbe", the comedy performed for the duke and the duchess.


莊詠涵 飾


A tinker who is innocent and naive.


The role played by Snout. It was a wall between Pyramus and Thisbe.


A joiner. He is not good at talking.


Snug played the role of a lion.


蕭璽恩 飾


A bad-tempered bellows-mender.

吳其運 飾


Thisbe is a woman who falls in love with Pyramus.

蔡佩軒 飾


A tailor and a little serious person.


Played by Starveling. It is a role with lanthorn, dog, and bush of thorn




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In Athen palace, duke Theseus was planning to hold he and Hippolyta's wedding after several days. Suddenly, Egeus bursted into the palace with his anger. He accused his daughter, Hermia, to the duke because she was against with his wish to marry with Demetrius. She wanted to elope with her beloved Lysander...

在雅典宮中,提修斯公爵正準備在幾天後舉行他和喜波利坦的婚禮。突然間伊吉斯 怒氣沖沖地闖進宮殿!他向公爵控訴他的女兒赫米亞因為不聽從父親的話嫁給狄米屈 耶,正打算與心愛的拉山德私奔 ... In the forest, King Oberon and Queen Titania were fighting for an Indian boy. Oberon was so furious that he used the magic power of the flower to curse the queen. It would make her fall in love with the thing she saw in first sight after she awaked … 森林裡,仙王奧白朗和仙后蒂坦妮亞為了一個印度小童而爭吵。 奧白朗大發雷霆!他決定對仙后下咒,讓她愛上醒來後看見的第一樣東西 ...


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In the other side of the forest, the craftsmen were preparing for the performance on the duke’s wedding. In the middle of their preparing, a monster appeared in front of them. Everyone was defeated and fled. At the same time, Bottom was disappeared … 林中的另一處,工人們正在為了公爵婚禮上的表演做準備。 就在進行到一半時,一隻怪物的出現將他們嚇地落荒而逃,此時波頓也失蹤了 ... The craftsmen backed to their home sadly, looking for Bottom. The monster met Titania in the forest. Was the monster related to Oberon’s curse? 工人們傷心地回到家中尋找波頓的蹤影。怪物與蒂坦妮亞在森林裡相遇了! 他與奧白朗的咒語有甚麼關聯呢 ? Will the craftsmen play successfully on the duke’s wedding? Will Oberon and Titania reconcile? Will Hermia and Lysander become happiness forever? Please look! 工人們能順利地在公爵的婚禮上演出嗎 ? 奧白朗與蒂坦妮亞會合好嗎 ? 赫米雅與拉山德會永遠地幸福嗎 ? 敬請期待 !



監製人: 陳怡蓁 老師


莎士比亞戲劇指導:李伊娜 老師


指導導演: 王珂瑤 老師 導演: 陳慧芹 副導演: 蘇郁婷 舞台監製: 黃芊瑀 製作人: 呂欣妮

舞蹈編制: 莊詠涵


楊堉承、宋書華、李孟哲、林晏湞 何芷琳、溫啟翔、吳其運、荊鈺芯、宋囿諭 燈光組:

陳煒中、蔡佩軒 道具組:

莊詠涵、芮世洋、蔡金龍、蕭璽恩 音效組:

錢思宇、張紫嫣 宣傳組:


贊助名單 破舍 懺雲宗教文物

莎慕噠南洋料理 晴光眼鏡 喜樂早餐 饌煲 嵐媽 可可熊 美而美 老母雞 元智眼鏡 北平烤鴨 公益彩券 租厝大聯盟 全鑫水電材料 晨代の蛋包義燉焗園 香穀子 豆の花 麥克麥克 卡利亞里

橘色小館 微笑的魚 新美屋棉被 斗六嘴大王 興仁牛肉麵 禾果田御手作生活館 第一香火庚の專賣店 啊嗚 九嬸婆 兩披索 萬里香 彩券行 榮星中醫 大學眼鏡 漢堡大師 媽媽便當 和太壽司 蛋糕教授

弘爺漢堡 米可早午餐 三媽臭臭鍋 麻辣大腸麵線 衣樂智魔法洗衣



編劇:呂欣妮、吳亦庭、陳煒中、郭伊珊、黃若瑩 導演:林軒睿、陳煒中 攝影:林軒睿、陳煒中 燈光:李舒凡、林軒睿、陳煒中、蔡佩軒 人肉燈架:李舒凡、林軒睿、莊詠涵 場記:吳亦庭、林軒睿、張悅琪 後製:李舒凡、林軒睿、陳煒中 服裝:何芷琳、宋囿諭、吳其運、荊鈺芯、溫啟翔 道具:吳亦庭、陳煒中、莊詠涵、芮世洋、蔡金龍、蕭璽恩 場地:林軒睿、黃芊瑀、張悅琪 搬東西的工具人:呂欣妮、吳其運、林軒睿、莊詠涵、張悅琪、溫啟翔、蔡佩軒 信紙小幫手 林宛萱、林霈芸、陳玟君

演員 宋囿諭、吳亦庭、芮世洋、黃若瑩、蔡金龍


特別感謝 好心腸的應外人、應外系辦、時光幻鏡鏡頭出租、國立台灣科技大學機械系


海報及宣傳影片拍攝協助: 李舒凡、林軒睿 燈光協助與操作: 翁志盈

字幕操作: 黃如育、 黃靖涵 音控協助: 林宛萱、 費詩媛

服裝道具背景協助: 104 應外系好心腸群組之同學 音效燈光: 彪騏燈光音響規劃執行 應用外語系: 江淑貞 秘書

巫安盈 助教

應外系系學會 元智大學總務處、課外活動組


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