Trend Forecasting 2021 - Utilitarian Streetwear Ready-To-Wear.

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Comfort. Practicality. Easy to wear.

The first era of fashion bread utilitarian streetwear, featuring simple lines and minimal trimmings for both men and women.

Historically relating back to the 1940’s practicality has become a trend that has travelled on for decades and but in recent years has become more about self-expression, relating certain aspects back to Hip-Hop underground urban movements in the 1970’s.

Utilitarian streetwear now re-adapts and produing a creation of new meaning with structual, youthful pieces.

If you look at fashion now, you see that the street really leads to everything.

KenzoVogue Private
1. 2. 3.

How to incorporate utilitarian streetwear into your wardrobe

This is a style that can be easily worn today, with connotations to the subcultural streetwear trends emphasising all aspects of work, sports and combat-wear.

Playing with proportions is key, losse and baggy are two different silhouuettes!

Create layering with oversized utility vests balancing the overall look, reflecting the approach to the hi lo style.

• Refresh your wardrobe with balanced oversized silhouettes with #utilitydetails, including large pockets and ring buckles to give a stylish work-wear feel.

• Readapting the idea of combat wear has introduced sports-wear fabrics such as nylon and neoprene, making utility wear more breathable with #fucntionalfuture.

Pantone 467 C Pantone 434 C Pantone 427 C Pantone 403 C Pantone 536 C Pantone 667 C Pantone 417 C Pantone Black 6 C
Essentials for your wardrobe: - Cargo Trousers - Utility Vest - Plain body suits - Chunky Trainers Kenzo Tre by Natalie Ratabesi Private Policy4. 7.6 5.

evolving utilitarian streetwear - the future

The future of this trend will see a prioritised balance between casual streetwear and utilitarian, sartorial structure.

• #elevatedbasics will add newness to utilitarian streetwear, including cargo trousers, utility vest and oversized blazers.

• Oversized silhouettes will still be a main focus and introducing summer materials such as denim and cotton will add structure to hybrid designs.

Comfort and funcntional modular designs.

Utilitarian streetwear will return back to its original roots in some aspects, driving updates within hardware details such as buckles, suits and classic neutral colours.

Key fabrics to keep a close eye on for utilitarian streetwear:

- Soft ribbed

- Recasted denim

- Cotton and cotton blends

Also, with sustainability being a huge importance in the fashion industry we may also see fabrics such as sea weed and algae hitting the high street.

ASOS Nike Gabriela Hearst Gabriela Hearst
ASOS LittleGreenShed
buckle belt
ASOS8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 13.

evolving utilitarian streetwear - designs and colours

Key prints and graphics.

Utilitarian fashion is becoming more of an art form and a way of self-expression through this we will see a new appearance of high contrast panelling within streetwear.

• #re-rootednature will also make an appearance within utility wear introducing more earth tones including brown and bringing back historical colours such as dark greens.

• Arty graphics and cut and sew will make a statement to any utilitarian look, by pairing tight tops with art patterns to oversized trousers you get the hi lo style.

Designs will include brighter colours relating to nature, with silhouettes being larger, with basics being elevated with patterns and tight fabrics such as lycra and polyester blends with elastane to give a skin like look to items such as body suits and t-shirts.

@sabamccoy Maisie Willen Converse X Paria Farzaneh Farzaneh Monad London
Pantone 131 C Pantone 341 CPantone 533 CPantone 159 CPantone 675 C Pantone 2276 C Pantone 484 C Pantone 417 CPantone 229 C Pantone 315 C Pantone 467 C Pantone 535 C Pantone 7541 C Pantone 412 C Pantone 559 C 15. 16. 17. 18.



1. Priavte policy (2021) fall ready-to-wear collection vogue runway (online image). available from <> (accessed 18th march 2020)

2. Vogue Acielle / style du monde (2021) Mens fall streetwear look paris fashion week (online image). Available from < utility-street-style-trends-fall-2021> (accessed 16th march 2021).

3. Kenzo (2021) spring ready-to-wear collection, purple utility wear (online image). Available from < > (accessed 16th march 2021).

4. Priavte policy (2021) fall ready-to-wear collection vogue runway (online image). available from <> (accessed 18th march 2020)

5. Kenzo (2021) spring ready-to-wear collection, large pocket trouser with body suit (online image). Available from <> (accessed 17th march 2020)

6. Tre by natalie ratabesi (2021) fall ready-to-wear balck utility outfit (online image). Available from <> (accessed 17th march 2021).

7. Collusion (2019-2021) Collusuon Rave utility vest in mustard yellow (online image) available from <> (accessed 17th march 2021).

8. Gabriela hearst (2021) fall 2021 ready-to-wear collection, long utility trench coat (online image) available from < ion-shows/fall-2021-ready-to-wear/gabriela-hearst/slideshow/collection#11> (accessed 17th march 2020).

9. Nike (2021) nike air force in white (online image). available from <> (accessed 18th march 2021).

10. ASOS (2021) Obey Big boy webbing belt in black (online image). available from< prd/9232938> (accessed 18th march 2021).

11. ASOS (2021) asos design utility jacket in khaki (online image). available from < et-in-khaki/prd/10459169> (accessed 18th march 2021)

12. ASOS (2019) inspiration and advice, stylish guys in suits and streetwear, male in oversized striped suit (online image) available from <https://www.> (accessed 17th march 2021).

13. Little green shed blog(2020) Style|spring edit with utility wear (online image). Available from < style-spring-edit-with-utility-wear/> (accessed 18th march 2021).

14. Gabriela Hearst (2020) fall 2020 ready-to-wear collection, brown utility suit (online image). available from < fall-2020-ready-to-wear/gabriela-hearst/slideshow/collection#1> (accessed 17th march 2021).


Image references

The consistency project (2020) cut and sew trousers, picture via @sabamccoy instagram (online image). available from <https://www.instagram. com/p/CILYlbyFzOa/?igshid=ffcn9u5y4lpa> (accessed 18th march 2020)

Maisie wilen (2021) pre-spring 2020 lookbook, printed jumpsuit (online image). available from <> (accessed 18th march 2021)

COnverse x paria farzaneh (2020) neutral tones and paisley prints (online image). available from <> (accessed 16th march 2020).

monad london (2020) Monad Autumn winter, phtograpgh by michelle helena janssen (online image ). available from <https://www.anothermanmag. com/info/gallery/9631/monad-autumn-winter-2020/0> (accessed 16th march 2020)


Adz, K and Stone, W (2018) this is not fashion, streetwear, past, present and future. first edition, first published in the united kingdom: thames & hudson ltd, high holborn, london.

Watkins, Hannah (2021) Fast track:checkerboard (online). WGSN fashion: wgsn. available from < fashion/article/90430> (acessed 18th march 2021).

Watkins, Hannah (2021) women’s prints and graphics forecast a/w 22/23: re-rooted nature (online) wgsn fashion: wgsn. avaliable from <https://> (accessed 10th march 2021).

Wharton, Isabel (2021) men’s prints and graghics forecast a/w 22/23: re-rooted nature (online). wgsn fashion: wgsn. available from <> (accessed 10th march 2021).

Park, Marian (2020) Alfaiataria streetwear, collection review s/s 21 (online). wgsn fashion: wgsn. available from <https://www-wgsn-com.ezproxy.> (accessed 10th march 2021).

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