Vol.l. 9 Vo Vol. Issu Is suee11 su 1 Issue Issue #1
PHOTOS: Abbie Key
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Front Cover: Trinity Ngo (12) expressing herself through vintage clothing. PHOTO: Abbie Key
The Best Buddies Club walking through the cheerleader tunnel.
PHOTO:Faith Montgomery
PHOTO: Abbie Key
PHOTO: Madison Jackson PHOTO: Creative Commons
Editors Faith Montgomery Abbie Key
Vanessa Medina
6WDɣ :ULWHUV Peyton Brooks Melanie Davoudlarian Evan Ferrell Isabelle Harrel Sydney Harris Kimani Jackson Madison Jackson Catelin Lee-Parker Reagan Rodriguez Maya Willard
1RUD 1Hɣ
The Mill Creek Chronicle is a student publication of Mill Creek High School in Hoschton, GA. It is distributed to students, faculty, staff, and the Mill Creek community in print and online. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the entire Chronicle staff or of Gwinnett County Schools, Mill Creek High School, its students, faculty, staff, or administration. Content is designed and edited by student journalists.
Other Stories Included... 5 Fast News 7 U.S./China Trade War 11 Anti-NMDAR 15 Football 17 Softball
PHOTO: Vanessa Medina
27 Reviews
FAST NEWS Br Bringing you the latest news including topics relating to Mill Creek High School, the community, national, and even international events. The Mill Creek Chronicle VWDɣ VWULYHV WR EULQJ \RX LQ WKH NQRZ RI ZKDW LV FXUUHQW trending, and happening in today’s society.
Amazon H2Q By: Reagan Rodriguez
It’s common knowledge that Amazon is a huge online business, bustling with new products, GHDOV RI WKH GD\ DQG LQWHUHVWLQJ ÂżQGV 6WDWLVWD com ranks Amazon “the leading e-retailer in the United States with close to 178 billion U.S. dollars in 2017 net sales.â€? The big question is, which lucky city will be chosen for Amazon’s second headquarters. There are 20 cities left in the running, and Atlanta has made the cut, but the other 19 are close behind, including Washington D.C., New York City, and Miami. Each city wants to capture Amazon’s attention because being chosen FRPHV ZLWK SURÂżWDEOH EXVLQHVV EHQHÂżWV The chosen city is promised over 50 thousand jobs, and a revenue of billions of dollars. According to, “We expect to invest over $5 billion and grow our second headquarters location to be a full equal to Amazon’s current campus. Operation of HQ2 is expected to create tens of thousands of jobs and tens of billions of dollars.â€? It is very important that each city meets Amazon’s wishes. Amazon hopes the second headquarters will be exactly like the one in Seattle, Washington. 7KH ÂżUVW +4 LV PDVVLYH $FFRUGLQJ to CNBC, “It spans 13.6 million square feet across 45 structures in downtown Seattle. By comparison, the Empire State building has 2.8
million.� It also has a rain forest built in. Since Jan. 29, 2018, it has three large glass domes, and each GRPH LV ¿OOHG ZLWK RYHU WKRXVDQG W\SHV RI plants. Amazon said they wanted the space to be XVHG DV D ³UDLQ IRUHVW OLNH RɤFH VSDFH LQ 6HDWWOH that it hopes will spark new ideas for employees,� according to Amazon has yet to decide which city will be picked, but predictions have been made. claims cities Toronto, Ontario, Newark, New Jersey, and Denver, Colorado will not win the second HQ. A survey conducted by Zillow, a real estate FRPSDQ\ VD\V ³-Hɣ %H]RVœ FRPSDQ\ $PD]RQ will either pick Atlanta or the northern part of Virginia.� These predictions are not factual, and whenever and whatever Amazon decides, is their choice.
PHOTO: Creative Commons
In a press conference this week the Starting on Wednesday, October 3, the President will be able to send out nation-wide FEMA said that the system has actually been in place since April of 2012, but they waited emergency alerts. until now to work out all of the issues. This alert was created by President Trump in association with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) system to warn the public of national emergencies. 7KH ¿UVW PHVVDJH VHQW WR DOO SKRQHV ZLOO FRQVLVW RI WZR SDUWV 7KH ¿UVW SDUW ZLOO EH D header that says, “Presidential Alert,” this will be the header for all of the messages. The second part will be the actual message that will say, “THIS IS A TEST of the PHOTO: Creative Commons National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”
New Line Of iPhones By: Reagan Rodriguez
Apple has released its new phone line: the iPhone Xs, the iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone XR. The new phones are for pre-order and were available Sep. 21. The iPhone Xs is a 5.8 inch display and iPhone Xs Max has the largest display ever on iPhone with a 6.5 inch display. Compared to the iPhone 8 plus, the Xs Max has a full screen without the home button, similar to iPhone X released last year. According to Apple’s website, “The glass back allows iPhone Xs to charge wirelessly, and charges even faster than iPhone X.” The new iPhones have a Face ID like the iPhone X, but Apple says, “It’s the most secure facial authentication ever in a smart phone. And now it’s even faster.” 7KH L3KRQH ;5 LV VOLJKWO\ GLɣHUHQW from its siblings, the Xs and Xs Max. Despite the iPhone having no home button and a similar display of 6.1 inches, the XR has a Liquid Retina display, the most advanced LCD (liquid crystal display) in the industry.
Apple states, “An innovative black light design allows the screen to stretch into the corners. So you see true-to-life color from one beautiful edge to the other.” The iPhone XR can be pre-ordered on October 19 and will be available October 26.
PHOTO: Creative Commons
Changes at the Creek By: Catelin Lee-Parker
FOOD In the vending machines now, there are Ă€DYRUHG 'LHW &RNHV VXFK DV )HLVW\ &KHUU\ &RNH Ginger Lime, Twisted Mango, and Zesty blood Orange available for purchase, which taste VXUSULVLQJO\ GLÉŁHUHQW IURP UHJXODU &RNH The Diet Coke is a healthier choice for a school vending machine because they have zero calories and zero total sugar. There are also new kinds of candy in the vending machines, such as Starburst PLQLV GLÉŁHUHQW NLQGV RI pastries. This year, there are QRZ FLQQDPRQ Ă€DYRUHG DQG glazed choices. There are also GLÉŁHUHQW EHYHUDJHV RÉŁHULQJV in the lunch line, such as $TXDÂżQD LQVWHDG RI 'DVDQL ZDWHU $OVR WKHUH DUH Ă€DYRUHG ZDWHU GULQNV at lunch like Sobe Fuji Apple water and Sobe Yumberry Pomegranate water. The new choices are a result of a new vender for the cafeteria. Cafeteria Manager Tammy Baylor describes the reasoning behind the change in vendor by saying, “US Foods could not keep up with the demand, so we went with Pepsi. I like the change; the Pepsi company stands behind Gwinnett county.â€? The guidelines set by United States Department of Agriculture food and nutrition service for school lunch include the rule that in one full school lunch, there can be no more than 850 calories. High school students are supposed to have two servings of fruit and three servings of vegatables as a part of the meal. USDA , the food provider for school lunch states,â€?Our mission is to increase food security and reduce hunger by providing children and low-income people access to food, a healthful diet and nutrition education in a way that supports American agriculture and inspires public FRQÂżGHQFH 1R $PHULFDQ VKRXOG KDYH WR JR
SOAP DISPENSERS A topic everyone seems to notice is the new soap dispensers in the bathroom. In the past, the soap was more of a thick, pink substance. Now, the soap dispensers in the bathroom are foam. Sophomore Delrose Lekeaka says, “The soap dispensers are nice but the soap is not. My hands still feel dirty once I wash them.� On the other hand, Brianna Altan (11) says, “ I love the soap dispensers. The smell and texture of the soap is better because it makes me feel more clean. They are also really fancy; I really, really like them.�
SIGNS At the entrance of the atrium and on the landing of staircases, there are new signs that have the Mill Creek slogan: “S.O.A.R,� which stands for “Strive to Overachieve PHOTOS: Catelin Lee-Parker through Accountability and Respect.� The signs are in MCHS colors cardinal and gold. Nia Howard(11) says, “The banners symbolize the school motto and respect and add a little more color to the school. There should be more banners hanging in the blank spaces around the school where there isn’t anything.� Brianna Altan(11), also likes the presence of the banners because she says, “ I like the banners; they make me ready to S.O.A.R.�
By: Evan Ferrell
Trade War: U.S. vs China
companies, electric bike makers, food The U.S. and China have been mutual equipment manufacturers, and chemical number one trading partners since 2015, companies have all written letters of when China overtook Canada’s place as FRPSODLQWV DQG KDYH WHVWLÂżHG WR WKH the United States’ largest trading partner, government according to China has $500 to oppose the most recent tax on the billion total in imports and exports, which materials the companies need to produce makes up about 15 percent of the United their corresponding products. States’ total trade. For example, Stefan Brodie, the CEO Starting in July of 2018, the United of Purolite, a company that needs to import States has imposed $44 billion worth of FKHPLFDOV LQ RUGHU WR SXULI\ ZDWHU WHVWLÂżHG WDULÉŁV RQ &KLQHVH SURGXFWV VXFK DV WXEHV in front of the U.S. Trade Representative’s pipes, self-adhesive plates, transparent 2ɤFH DQG VDLG Âł%\ IXUWKHU UHGXFLQJ WKH sheeting, and non adhesive plates. supply of these products in the United States, On Aug. 23, 2018 the U.S. has LPSRVHG DQRWKHU SHUFHQW WDULÉŁ RQ &KLQHVH WKH SURSRVHG WDULÉŁV WKUHDWHQ KLJKHU SULFHV for US consumers and a higher level of products turning the formerly $44 billion contaminants in American drinking water, into $50 billion total on traded goods. food chain, waste water, and chemicals.â€? 7KH SHUFHQW LQFUHDVHG WDULÉŁ ZDV The chemicals needed for purifying on 279 products such as chemical products, water are already in short supply, so the new antennas, motorcycles, and speedometers. 7KH WRWDO FRVW RI WKH WDULÉŁ LV DERXW ELOOLRQ WDULÉŁ ZLOO GHFUHDVH WKH DOUHDG\ ORZ VXSSO\ of these chemicals, causing there to be a on imported goods. GHFUHDVH LQ WKH DPRXQW RI SXULÂżHG ZDWHU China responded to this in under produced in the U.S.. KRXUV DQG SODFHG D SHUFHQW WDULÉŁ Other companies, however, are on an equal amount of American goods. wanting more items added to the list of The Chinese Commerce Ministry said that LWHPV WKH 8 6 KDV SODFHG WDULÉŁV RQ 5LFKDUG China “has to continue to make necessary Stinson, the CEO of Southwire, a company counterattacks.â€? that produces electrical wire, cable, and cord Now both countries have imposed $50 billion on each others goods. The Trump PDQXIDFWXUHU VD\V WKDW ÂłWDULÉŁV RQ FHUWDLQ cables would allow the company to remain Administration says they need to “punish SURÂżWDEOH ´ China for the unfair trade practices, such as The Chinese companies are also stealing intellectual property.â€? According to CNN, “The United States DÉŁHFWHG 7KH WDULÉŁV KDYH ZHLJKHG GRZQ WKH FRXQWU\ÂśV ÂżQDQFLDO PDUNHW VR PXFK WKDW has threatened to slap another 25 percent WDULÉŁ RQ DQ DGGLWLRQDO ELOOLRQ RI JRRGV ´ investors are concerned with how slow the Chinese economy has become. However, China says they will respond to this with another $60 billion on American goods. This according to recent data from China’s process won’t end until both nations come to government representatives, the country’s export industry has already started to slow an agreement, but the current negotiations have not produced any deals that are going to down. stick. “To get a positive result from these engagements,â€? the Chinese have to address the negotiations raised by the U.S. and “we haven’t seen that yet,â€? says David Malpass, U.S. Treasury Undersecretary. President Trump says that he doesn’t “expect much from the discussions.â€? He then claims that it will “take time because China’s done too well for too long that they’ve become spoiled.â€? This lack of agreement and the WDULÉŁV FDQ DÉŁHFW SHRSOH DQG FRPSDQLHV Representatives from major motorcycle PHOTO: Creative Commons ɸ
Mill Creek’s Care Closet %\ 0HODQLH 'DYRXGODULDQ PHOTO: Faith Montgomery
A Care Closet which works with Kids Against Hunger, is a new pantry here at Mill Creek High School, which is working to combat the hunger in our community. According to CNN, “Sixty percent of kids rely on school meals as their primary source of nutrition.â€? Jennifer Cox, a biology teacher, sponsors the Interact club, speaks about why she decided to be involved in the club. Cox says, “I was very inspired by the teens, and they had very strong mindsets.â€? She also says, “ If I could do this as a job, it would GHÂżQLWHO\ EH WKH SHUIHFW MRE IRU PH ´ Melissa Lopez is co-president of the Interact club, and she decided to become a part of Interact Club club because, “Spending time with kids and helping those in need was something I really enjoyed. The Christmas event is one of my favorites.â€? This past year, the company “Garden Tourâ€? awarded a total of $4,700 to Farmer Frog, D QRQ SURÂżW RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW ZRUNV ZLWK VFKRROV to grow gardens. This is important to Mill Creek High School because it shows that the school is PDNLQJ DQ HÉŁRUW WR WDNH WKH WLPH DQG SXW ZRUN into supporting those who need it most. These gardens help feed students who may not have fresh produce at home, in addition to teaching students the science of gardening. Farmer Frog helps by donating money to help supply items needed to help make the garden as prosperous as possible, which allows them to continue their goal to try to end child hunger. Their mission statement is,â€?We are growing kids, cultivating community, and nurturing habitat, for all living things, through real food - Sprouting Simple Change.â€? Kids around our community sometimes only have a hot meal at school, and they go home to empty cabinets and a dead fridge. With the fresh produce that Farmer Frog helps grow, the produce can be given to a family
who may not be able to consume some of the rich nutrients produce provides. Food banks allow families to be able to get produce and canned goods that they need in order to have a meal. A local pantry, The Pantry at Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church, which opened in 2009, provides food to residents in need. The pantry is open every Saturday, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The only item that a person needs to bring with them is a form of picture ID. At the Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church, a family up to four people can receive enough food to last a week. The HMUMC Pantry gives out over 2,000 pounds of food each week. The pantry is continually in need of food products to be able to give back to the community. Volunteers and donations are a big part of what keeps this pantry going. Items such as canned meats, canned fruit, jelly, rice, beans, and other canned goods are in great need to continue to keep this pantry going and to help more families. Donations can be GURSSHG RÉŁ DW WKH FKXUFKÂśV SRUWLFR HQWUDQFH Monetary donations can be made online at the Hamilton Mill United Methodist Church website by clicking the donations box. 7KHUH DUH PDQ\ EHQHÂżWV RI KDYLQJ D community garden and food bank. By providing SURGXFH WR WKRVH ZKR FDQÂśW DÉŁRUG LW WKH ÂżJKW to end hunger is getting better and increases HFRQRPLF EHQHÂżWV 2WKHU EHQHÂżWV LQFOXGH LQFUHDVLQJ IRRG knowledge, growing, harvesting, and, cooking. These can be advantages to the youth by providing the basic foundations to be able to start becoming independent. Food banks can also help end hunger by providing a place for people to get free food and helping families out. Both food banks and community gardens help with building community relationships and creating a healthy neighborhood environment.
$QWL 10'$ 5HFHSWRU (QFHSKDOLWLV A disease increasing across the county By: Isabelle Harrel
Recently, there has been an increase in the cases of Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, so clinicians need to be aware of the disorder so that it can be spotted in others, according to The Encephalitis Society. Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis is an autoimmune disorder that happens when the antibodies produced by the immune system harm the NMDA Receptors found in the brain. This means that the antibodies made by the immune system, which is supposed to protect the body, see the NMDA receptors as harmful and WU\ WR ÂżJKW WKHP RÉŁ FDXVLQJ WKH EUDLQ WR VZHOO and symptoms such as movement disorders and memory problems to occur. Medical professionals have been diagnosing Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis since around 2007, and more cases have been documented in hospitals in the past month or two. According to the Anti-NMDA Foundation, the disease is mainly found in young adults and children, but there have been cases where people in their 80s have had it. Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis is found in women more often than in men. Some of the ÂżUVW V\PSWRPV “Medical of Anti-NMDA professionals have Receptor been diagnosing Encephalitis Anti-NMDA Receptor are psychiatric. One of the Encephalitis since most common around 2007.â€? psychiatric symptoms that patients with AntiNMDA experience is seeing things that aren’t there according to The
Encephalitis Society. Patients often times might experience seizures, confusion, and memory loss upon the onset of the disease. $ERXW WR GD\V DIWHU WKH ¿UVW symptoms set in, patients normally develop other symptoms, like a movement disorder and variations in heart rate, blood pressure and temperature according to The Encephalitis Society. While patients may not develop all of the symptoms listed, it is uncommon for them to only develop a few. The symptoms found in patients with Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis are often distinctive enough for medical professionals to notice them and get the patient tested. The SDWLHQWœV EORRG DQG RU VSLQDO ÀXLG DUH WHVWHG WR look for antibodies, and he or she will most likely undergo an MRI, and possibly, other scans as well according to The Anti-NMDA 30% of Receptor Encephalitis women have a Foundation. tumor If someone is diagnosed with Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, then he or she will be admitted to the hospital. There, the patient will be given medications, which are typically enough to treat the disease. The patient will also be tested to see if KH RU VKH KDV D WXPRU /HVV WKDQ ¿YH SHUFHQW RI men with Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis have a tumor, but around 20 to 30 percent of women have a tumor present, which is most commonly an ovarian teratoma according to The Encephalitis Society. Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis can be life-threatening, but patients usually recover.
Though, it can take several months and even years for this to occur. According to a study in Lancet Neurology that was conducted by Dr. Titulaer, who works at Erasmus University Medical center, Dr. Dalmau, a medical 80% of doctor who specializes patients in neurology, and some recover of their colleagues, “80 percent of patients with Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis eventually have partial or complete recovery,” according to the Autoimmune Encephalitis Alliance. However, recovery takes a long time to occur, and patients can have their symptoms reemerge. It is possible for patients to have a relapse. According to The Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Foundation, 14-25% around 14-25 percent of Relapse patients will experience one. Medications may be taken even after the symptoms disappear in order to prevent a relapse. Currently, there is no concrete evidence that proves that Anti-NMDA is hereditary. Still, there is research being conducted that could “There is potentially link the research being disease to genetics, according to the conducted that could potentially Anti-NMDA Foundation. link the disease to The disease is not contagious, genetics.” and there is no known reason as to why certain people get the disease while others don’t. According to the Perelman School of Medicine’s website, “Like most autoimmune diseases it is not known what exactly what causes Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis. There are likely multiple environmental and genetic triggers that make people more susceptible to this disease, something we hope to pinpoint with future research.”
INfOGRAPHIC: Isabelle Harrel
Bringing Back Vintage
PHOTOS: Abbie Key
By: Peyton Oakes
Recently, a lot of students at Mill Creek have been wearing vintage clothing. Vintage FORWKLQJ LQFOXGHV FORWKLQJ IURP D GLÉŁHUHQW WLPH period that are being brought back into style. According to Vogue Magazine, “Cycles and recycles are a common thing in fashion and they KDSSHQ LQ SUHFLVH PRPHQWV XVXDOO\ HYHU\ ÂżIWHHQ \HDUV $OZD\V LQ GLÉŁHUHQW ZD\V EXW QRQHWKHOHVV inspired to a particular era.â€? Therefore, this recent surge in ‘80s and ‘90s styles is normal in the fashion world. The most popular places to shop for vintage-style clothing are PacSun and Urban 2XWÂżWWHUV EXW \RX FRXOG HDVLO\ VKRS DW WKULIW VWRUHV ZKLFK RIWHQWLPHV KDYH VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ GLÉŁHUHQW SULFHV For example, Levi’s jean jackets from 8UEDQ 2XWÂżWWHUV XVXDOO\ FHQWHU DURXQG
However, at thrift stores, the same jacket could be resold for under ten dollars. Everyone gets inspiration from somewhere, whether its from music or makeup, but it could also be for fashion choices. Trinity Ngo (12) says she gets her inspiration from her childhood habits. She grew up watching people wear this vintage-type clothing and grew a liking towards it. “When I was younger, I liked watching movies from the 90’s and 80’s. I always thought the girls looked so pretty. Also, a lot of the music I listen to is 90’s rock and alternative so that sort of inspired me to dress like the artists I like,� Ngo says. Others get their style from Pinterest and Instagram, like 9th grader Cara Hawxby, who says, “I just saw people on Instagram and
Pinterest and thought their style was cute and wanted to try it out.” The idea of wearing vintage clothing can be very special to people, especially Megan Nicius. Nicius is another 12th grader that vintage clothing has impacted. Nicius says, ”Vintage clothing has an incredible sense of authenticity to it which I love. Even though you’re recycling old articles of clothing, you have the option of recreating an old trend or trying something completely new and original. It gives you plenty of freedom to be creative.”
Pictures of: Megan Nicius (12), Trinity Ngo (12), Cara Hawxby (9), ɲɴ
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS By: Faith Montgomery PHOTO: Abbie Key
PHOTO: Abbie Key
Mill Creek Football has gone through a series of changes to the structure of the team. After most of the starting players graduated in the class of 2018, this year’s team has had to make adjustments to be ready for play at a state-class level. Baxley Harris (12), the Hawks’ starting quarterback, is one of many starters who SOD\HG KLV ¿UVW IXOO YDUVLW\ JDPH DW 0HUFHGHV Benz Stadium at Corky Kell, as only seven VWDUWHUV IURP ERWK RɣHQVH DQG GHIHQVH returned this year.
Chancellor Lee-Parker (11), starting running back, says “It was truly a blessing to play in Mercedes Benz and to get that feeling knowing that we might not ever get that feeling back. We really had to take it all in as soon as we walked in. We loved it so much we’re trying to go back there again, hopefully next year, or for state.� According to LeeParker, the team was already fundamentally prepared to succeed this season, despite
PHOTO: Cassidy Hettesheimer
PHOTO: Cassidy Hettesheimer
PHOTO: Abbie Key
PHOTO: Cassidy Hettesheimer
the team being so young. He says, “We just did what needed to be done to be successful for this season. We didn’t care about how young we are.â€? -RVK %DWWOH VD\V WKH PDLQ GLÉŁHUHQFH about the framework of the team is that “sophomores and juniors had to become leaders.â€? Overall, the team is working to become PRUH SK\VLFDO RQ WKH ÂżHOG RU WR ÂłJHW WKDW GRJ RXW RI XV DQG EULQJ LW WR WKH ÂżHOG ´ DV /HH 3DUNHU
puts it. Battle says the team is also working on “focusing on our individual spots fundamentally and doing our job.â€? Essentially, with a team so young, the players have to make sure they connect with RQH DQRWKHU RQ WKH ÂżHOG %DWWOH VD\V Âł7HDP chemistry is very important. If there is no good chemistry, nothing will work. We understand what each member brings to the team, and work ZHOO WRJHWKHU ´ ZKLFK KHOSV WKH WHDP RQ WKH ÂżHOG
SCHEDULE 8/18 vs Walton 8/24 vs Dacula 8/31 @ Norcross 9/7 @ Archer 9/21 @ Duluth
9/28 vs Peachtree Ridge 10/5 @ North Gwinnett 10/12 vs Discovery 10/19 @ Mountain View 11/2 vs Collins Hill ɲɜ
SOFTBALL By: Faith Montgomery
mily PHOTOS: E
Mill Creek Softball has already shown tremendous promise compared to last year’s team at this point in the season. Currently, the Lady Hawks have an 85.7 percent winning percentage, rather than the 50 percent winning percentage of last year’s team. Even during the 2015 season, in which the Lady Hawks won the state softball championship, the winning percentage was 76.5, which bodes well for the current Hawks. Of course, it’s everyone’s dream to win a state championship, so Maddy .RHSNH LV QR GLÉŁHUHQW She’s been dreaming of that moment since her freshman year on the Varsity team. She says, “I’ve talked to the girls already about (wanting) to make it to Columbus. A lot of the girls who are older, this will be their last (chance to go) to Columbus. (The younger players) don’t really get KRZ PXFK RI DQ H[SHULHQFH LW LV EXW , GHÂżQLWHO\
want to go all the way this year.� Currently, according to Max Preps sports, the Varsity Hawks are ranked number one in the state of Georgia. Therefore, if the girls keep playing like they have so far this season, they’re H[SHFWHG WR EH WKH IDYRULWH LQ WKH SOD\RɣV VWDUWLQJ in mid-October. It is expected that North Gwinnett will be the toughest team to face during this season. North Gwinnett, nationally, is ranked sixth, and in the state rankings, they sit at spot number two. This far in the season, Mill Creek has come head to head with the Lady Bulldogs a few times. And, each team has won at least once. Essentially, North Gwinnett is likely the team the Lady Hawks will have to look out for and work the hardest to beat all season. If the Hawks can get past the Bulldogs, a state title is an attainable goal.
“I definitely want to go all the way this year.� -Maddy Koepke
PHOTO: Emily Laycock
3+2726 +DQD 6KHULɣ
SCHEDULE 8/10 at West Forsyth 8/11 at South Forsyth 8/11 vs Brookwood 8/14 vs North Forsyth 8/16 vs Peachtree Ridge 8/17 vs Northside Columbus 8/18 vs Lowndes 8/20 vs Walnut Grove 8/23 at North Gwinnett 8/27 at Collins Hill 8/28 vs Mountain View 8/30 vs Duluth 9/5 at Peachtree Ridge 9/6 vs Collins Hill 9/11 vs North Gwinnett 9/13 at Mountain View 9/15 vs Walnut Grove 9/15 vs Lambert 9/18 at Duluth 9/19 vs Loganville 9/20 vs Peachtree Ridge 9/25 at Collins Hill 9/27 at North Gwinnett 9/29 at Lassiter 10/2 vs Mountain View 10/3 vs Duluth ɲɸ
Almost, Maine Preparing for the production By: Madison Jackson
“Almost, Maine� is a play by John Cariani, comprising nine short plays that explore love and loss in a remote, mythical almost-town called Almost, Maine. “Almost, Maine� will be adapted by the Mill Creek Theatre program for their One Act competition for GHSA in November and as a show for Mill Creek students. Preparation for the competition started in August, with Mrs. Lindahl choosing three to four sample shows for Preliminary Auditions. From these shows, she went on to choose what the Final Production would be based on “what was better suited to our (students’) talents and what we can achieve,� says Jacob Augustin (11). PHOTOS: Madison Jackson
Elaine Whitbeck (11) and John Paul Montoya (11) practicing their scenes.
'DYLG .LUFKKRÉŁ VWHSV LQ DQG KHOSV 6DGLH 0F,QW\UH (9), practice her scene.
Almost, Maine is a series of love stories with a common theme. Elaine Whitbeck (11) and John Paul Montoya (11) portray the lead characters, Molly and Daniel. “Molly has this scene where she’s unsure of her past and future, but she has to face them when they come together,â€? says Whitbeck. 7KH FDVW DV ZRUNHG RQ ÂżQH WXQLQJ WKH portrayal of their characters since August. “My character was destroyed after his
“Taking care of set pieces and making sure everyone is on task and blocking correctly is just as important (as the acting).â€? -Jacob Augustin rejection because [Molly] was the love of his OLIH LW FDQ EH KDUG ÂżQGLQJ WKH GHSWK RI KLV emotions sometimes,â€? says Montoya. While the cast is practicing individual love scenes, there are stage directors, wing managers, and many more helping to bring this production to life. Âł'DYLG .LUFKRÉŁ DQG &KORH 7XOOLV DUH doing an excellent job on costuming the show,
Mrs. Lindahl giving instruction to the cast.
Kaliah Harris (11) and Timeyin Oritsetimeyin (11) running through their scene.
Simm, Colidge, and Lochtenbergh rehearse their scene in full costume.
DQG /HDK :ULJKW LV DOZD\V WKH ¿UVW WR RɣHU KHU help in any area,” says Mrs. Lindahl. Acting is an important part of the production, but components such as, “taking care of set pieces and making sure everyone is on task and blocking correctly is just as pertinent,” says Jacob Augustin (11). Once the cast familiarized themselves with the script and their characters, it was time to add costumes and begin practicing together. “I set the tone and pace for my cast mates in one of my scenes, so I took my notes from Lindahl seriously so that I could execute my part properly,” says Colidge. There is a general and palpable excitement seen in the crew and cast as the production becomes more life like, according to Lindahl. “I love my friends and because most of the cast are my friends, I’m very excited to see how this turns out and to perform for people,” says Lochtenbergh. “Almost, Maine” is a story of love and loss and “is very inspiring and touching,” says Lindahl. Much of the cast is excited to “see a live audience respond to something [they’ve] been working hard on,” says Jordan Rice (10). The opening night was September 27 but the cast will continue practicing until the competition date, October 27.
“I think that the production is in great shape. The students have done a great job throughout the rehearsal process and are really dedicated to strive and make improvements.” -Mrs. Lindahl
Colidge and Lochtenbergh rehearsing scene.
PHOTO: Creative Commons
An opinion piece about the effect of rap culture on teenage lives By: Sydney Harris
Hip-hop and rap music have long been FKDUDFWHUL]HG DV RɣHQVLYH :KLOH WKHUH DUH D plethora of rap and hip hop song tracks that challenge the status quo and dominant culture of America, these genres are usually distinguished by the public as lacking the depth and consciousness that other music apparently has. In the past, Hip Hop and Rap were intentioned towards being thoughtprovoking, bringing attention to the condition the ghetto and the innerworkings of society. John Jay University breaks GRZQ WKH GLɣHUHQFH RI PRGHUQ and conscious rap, where authors Muhammad Bilal, Selisha Dyal, Chris Meyer, Adelaida Preda, and Jonathan Vargas contextualize and explain rap artists’ seemingly harmful ideologies, which are rooted in larger problems and are aimed at illuminating the plights they believe are worthy of America’s attention. Artists such as Tupac and Common are referenced in the study, and are deemed as conscious rappers, due to their attempts to create a positive impact on not only their communities,
but the world as a whole. The work of artists such as Tupac, Common, Dead Prez, Public Enemy, and Lauryn Hill hold a stark contrast to popular music of today, which seems to place more emphasis on money, fame, drugs, disconnected violence, and sex. Modern Hip hop and Rap lyrics, however, are just as important to analyze, as the music blasted by pop and country radio stations. Music artists like Juice Wrld and XXXTentacion demonstrate how many youths deal with social anxiety, depression, and self-hatred, and the work of Lil Pump and 6ix9ine provide insight towards the habits of young people in terms of self-medication, violence, and sex. While the lyrics of today can explain the behavior of youth and give voices to the generation, they can also facilitate harmful ideology and behavior. The most popular current songs casually degrade the value of human life and women’s worth and are problematic towards developing self esteem.
“Lyrics reflect the hopelessness and pain young adults feel.”
Juice Wrld’s songs “All Girls Are the Same,â€? “Lucid Dreams,â€? and “Wastedâ€? shed light on his experience with heartbreak and self-medication, and expose his feelings about women, common in many other pop and rap songs. He calls women “h**sâ€? and other derogatory terms, laments their lack of interest in him, and feels the need to numb his pain with percocets, codeine, cocaine, and liquor because of his experiences with women. However, Juice Wrld cannot bear all of the blame for the poor image of women many other people have, since these themes are common in other artists’ work, including Drake, J. Cole, Travis Scott, Future, Migos, Lil Uzi Vert, and 6DYDJH DOO RI ZKRP KDYH D ODUJH LQĂ€XHQFH due to their massive fan bases and social media platforms. Even rap and hip-hop artists deemed “softâ€? sing these same misogynistic lyrics that impact younger audiences. Artists like Drake are often praised for their popularity, and the ease with which rappers like him can “acquireâ€? women. Yet, Drake’s success among the ladies and his large fan base does not negate the toxicity of his music. 'UDNH Ă€LS Ă€RSV EHWZHHQ DFNQRZOHGJLQJ the power of women, appreciating both their aesthetic and non-physical appeal, and facilitating the sexism of today. In one of his most recent singles, “I’m Upset,â€? Drake raps, “thankful for the women that I know/Can’t go 50-50 with no h**.â€? In this lyric, Drake has made a distinction common in everyday culture, between women and “h**s.â€? The women are seen in this instance as superior to the “h**s.â€? Drake’s appreciation seems to be facile, only fully expressing true gratitude for his mother and women who stay with him even when he is emotionally unavailable or manipulative. This trope of the enduring woman, who deals with whatever Drake puts her through, competes with the “bad b***hâ€? that 21 Savage references in his songs. The enduring woman further perpetuates the idea that women are best suited to please men, teaching girls that they should deal with poor male behavior, staying in relationships
with men who cheat, disrespect, lie, or hurt their partner in general. The “bad b***hâ€? trope, characterized as a woman aiming to please others both physically and relationally, is just as harmful to the selfesteem of young ladies. Although some female artists, like Nicki Minaj and Cardi B, have tried to change the meaning of “bad b***hâ€? to a woman who is ÂżQDQFLDOO\ HɤFLHQW DQG RU LQGHSHQGHQW DQG ZKR is the governor of her own body and choices. But, male artists still hold larger total fan bases than their female counterparts, meaning that their interpretations of women are more LQĂ€XHQWLDO Because of this, “bad b***hâ€? from the male perspective is more commonly used in music: a woman aiming to please others- with her physically appealing characteristics. The impact of classifying women in this way damages the self-perception of young girls. Instead of validating the potential of ZRPHQ LQ ÂżQDQFLDO DQG HGXFDWLRQDO VSKHUHV rappers seem to focus solely on a “bad b***h, cute face, and some nice titties,â€? as seen in “Bank Accountâ€? by 21 Savage. These portrayals ignore the other capabilities of women, making them seem bestsuited once again, to pleasing men. Women should be free to decide how they are depicted over the radio countless times. Little girls should not be subject to the nonsense and profanity spewed by hip hop and rap artists taught to value shallow characteristics. This analysis of popular music, however, is not meant to attack the freedom of speech of black artists. That Black music has been scapegoated for the violence of the ghetto and mistreatment of women is a separate issue, and African Americans are not solely to blame for the destitution and poor psychological and physical conditions that some Black populations endure. This is not another attack. This is a call for responsibility. This is a plea for more conscious music to be blasted through the radio, at football practice, even in stores, rather than the vulgar lyrics that emanate from our speakers. ɳɲ
By: Reagan Rodriguez
Growing up, teenagers go through PDQ\ FKDQJHV WKH\ VWUXJJOH ZLWK ÂżQGLQJ who they are and what they love to do. Stress can be a result of this struggle, and school is a common cause of an increase in stress. According to, “Teens report that their stress level during the school year far exceeds what they believe to be healthy and tops adults’ average reported stress levels.â€? Juggling time between homework, MREV DQG FROOHJH IXQGV QRW PDQ\ NLGV ÂżQG time to relax. Harrison Lucker (11) is a part of Mill Creek’s E.P.I.C. program. He says, “I’m in the engineering program, and every project KDV D WKHPH )RU H[DPSOH ZHÂśOO QHHG WR ÂżQG a way to solve water issues.â€? Lucker adds, “I think it’s a great idea, it just needs improvement.â€? He claims he is stressed frequently because of the more challenging classes that the E.P.I.C. program entails. Stress and anxiety can build up, making it harder for teens to focus on their tasks, causing more stress. According to, “Stress or anxiety disrupts your concentration and can also lead to forgetfulness.â€? Teens can turn to other sources, mainly their phone, to relax. Psychology professor at Hunter College, Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary says, “We already know that teenagers go online to avoid feelings of stress, depression and anxiety, and we also know this strategy has more negative emotional consequences than positive ones.â€? Parents sometimes take students’ phones away as a result, but experts say this might not be the solution. Dr. Dennis-Tiwary says, “If smart phones aren’t a direct cause of teenagers’
PHOTOS: Reagan Rodriguez
mental health struggles, their use might instead be a crucial way in which these struggles are expressed. She adds, “Smart phones keep us coming back for more: for distraction, a message from a friend, news, a funny cat PHPH ´ 6WXGHQWV FDQ ÂżQG RWKHU ZD\V WR FRSH with stress. There is a room in the clinic, the “stress room,â€? which is meant to help students relax after a stressful day at school. The stress room is a private room within the clinic, with a clinic bed, and some LWHPV OLNH D VWXÉŁHG DQLPDO FRORULQJ ERRNV and a stress ball are in a box in the room to help calm students’ nerves. But, according to school nurse Candy Fleming, the “stress roomâ€? doesn’t really KDYH DQ RɤFLDO QDPH DQG WKH FUHDWLRQ RI LW was an accident. “It wasn’t meant to be a stress room. ,W DFWXDOO\ ZDV VXSSRVHG WR EH P\ RɤFH ´ Fleming explains. “But, when they made it, it was too small to put a desk in. It gives you some privacy, and that’s why we allow people to sit in there,â€? says Fleming. Fleming says, “Teenagers are faced with just the normal, regular problems of being a teenager, and then you add all this academic pressure. Social things like dating, friendships, and things like that, is stressful for teenagers, and learning how to cope with that is really, really important.â€?
A box of items given to students to help them calm down and unwind.
7KH VWXÉŁHG GRJ DQG D URFN VKDSHG stress ball are a few items in the stress room given to students to help them relax.
The Vaping Epidemic By: Kimani Jackson
PHOTO: Vanessa Medina
High school, for many, is the place of endless opportunities. For others the stress gives them endless challenges. Faced with the pressures of exams and AP classes, a handful of students began to start using vapes, one of the most easily accessible drugs to teenagers today. Students like Sarah Hernandez (11), think students vape because “[they] want to be calm and mellow while listening to the teachers lecture about whatever is going on that day.â€? The concept behind these claims is that students can become disengaged and inattentive while listening to the teachers talk about the topic at hand. Studies done by Harvard University shows that during school, students are 30 percent less likely to pay attention to the lesson when in a tense classroom setting, meaning that stress can lead students to make poor choices, like vaping. “Our attention spans are short so, ZH SXÉŁ RQH RXW WR NHHS XV IRFXVHG ´ VD\V DQ anonymous Mill Creek student. Due to the advancements being made to e-cigarettes, the National Institute RQ 'UXJ $EXVH KDV FODVVLÂżHG YDSLQJ DV D GUXJ VLQFH WHHQV FRXOG SRWHQWLDOO\ ÂżOO WKH containers with marijuana,tobacco, and other drugs. Statistics shown by the Center of Disease Control also state that vaping among teens has increased since 2012, making it the most sought out drug next to tobacco. The market for e-cigarettes has rapidly skyrocketed due to the extreme number of teens purchasing and reselling them via online or in person. According to the World Health Organization, more than 23.6% of teens make up the population of smokers making vaping the most sought out business in America.
Since 2017, companies like Zebra Smokes have made over 1.3 billion dollars a year from teenagers alone; statements made by the Food and Drug Administration cultivate the argument that companies are purposely marketing to teens in order to expand revenue and raise the amount of young smokers. With the sudden boom of vaping going through the hallways, it’s becoming apparent to not only the teachers, but also to the administrators that the surge of student smokers needs to be taken extremely seriously. Before vaping became so prevelent among students, the rules regarding the use of them were never addressed to either parents nor the student body. As early as 2011, students ere found using vape in the bus lanes and on their way to classes outside the building. Political Systems teacher, Mr. Kiep, VD\V Âł7KH EXV ODQHV ZHUH DOZD\V ÂżOOHG ZLWK students vaping,â€? which in turn lead to “administrators catching kids all the time and becoming frustrated with students.â€? :LWKRXW VSHFLÂżF UHJXODWLRQV regarding this issue, students continue smoking on school grounds, and this creates an unsafe environment for users and non-usrs alike. Principal Lane says, “My main goal for this school and the students is to make sure that we have a safe and secure environment,â€? and due to the drugs circulating within school grounds, “It makes us administrators have to implement rules that shouldn’t be needed.â€? Even though Mill Creek has had a hard lock down aping materials at school, the rate at which students are bringing in vapes raises n important question. What will be done to prevent further damage to the school and the students here?
re•view verb write a critical appraisal of (a book, play, movie, etc.)
PHOTO: Creative Commons
In the last decade, Ariana Grande has VROLGL¿HG KHU LPDJH DV D ULVLQJ SRS VWDU ZLWK KHU ¿UVW WKUHH DOEXPV DQG WKH QXPHURXV KLWV WKDW accompanied them. Armed with producers and songwriters by the likes of Pharrell Williams and Max Martin, Grande’s fourth album “Sweetener” showcases her ability to tie hip-hop, pop, and EDM together with her airy vocals and heavy harmonies. The majority of the 15 tracks on “Sweetener,” including the singles “No Tears left to Cry” and “God is a Woman,” are decidedly not in fashion with current pop tracks and sounds. With artists such as Post Malone, Drake, and Cardi B pushing to dominate every space of R&B, pop, and rap, Grande has seemingly ditched DQ\ DWWHPSW WR SXVK D VSHFL¿F JHQUH IRUZDUG Instead she retreats to a sound reminiscent of the 2000’s era of Pharrell Williams’ production reign. ³6ZHHWHQHU´ UHÀHFWV WKH WUHQG OHVV SRS arena and it’s use of negative space throughout. 'LɣHUHQW IURP KHU RWKHU DOEXPV ZKLFK KDG powerful pop singles, gems such as “breathin”, “borderline”, and “R.E.M.” show the progression and mellowing of Grande’s discography. This album not only serves as a milestone
S w e ete n e r
By: Madison Jackson
in Grande’s musical realm, but also symbolizes a shift in her personal life following the Manchester terrorist attack. The song, “get well soon” conveys how she struggled with anxiety after the attack at her concert and even includes 40 seconds of silence as a tribute to Manchester victims. In an interview with Beats 1, Grande explains, “People don’t pay enough mind to anxiety because we have things to do. It’s why I felt like it was important to give people a hug, musically.” “Sweetener” feels most personal in its evocation of new love — a vibe cultivated by Grande’s public engagement to comedian and Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson, whose name adorns the title of the album’s brief, billowy track. 7KH WUDFN OLVW UHÀHFWV D GHYRWLRQDO WDNH WR herself and others. There are also smaller details UHÀHFWLQJ WKH VLPSOLFLW\ RI VWDUWLQJ DQHZ DQG exploring human connections. “Sweetener,” as a whole, is a fascinating and complex pop album that adds new creative notations to Grande’s already estimable repertoire. “Sweetener” was released on August 17 and is available on most streaming platforms, including iTunes, and Google Play Music.
By: Peyton Oakes
6XJDUORDI 3DUNZD\ ZDV FURZGHG ¿OOHG with hyper little kids and laughing teens on their way to the rides across the street. 7KH OLJKWV LOOXPLQDWHG WKH ÀRRUV DOO the way to the dimming night sky above the KXPRQJRXV IHUULV ZKHHO ZKLFK ZDV TXLFNO\ ¿OOLQJ with eager couples awaiting to get to the top. Walking through the fair grounds was like walking through a gigantic castle, everyone keen on taking Instagram worthy photos and obtaining an adrenaline high while getting on every roller coaster they could spot. The experiences that I’ve gained from going are amazing; the amount of people that came made everything more memorable
Gwi n n ett Cou nty Fa i r
THE N UN VLQFH \RX FRXOG ZDON IRU ÂżYH PLQXWHV DQG ÂżQG RQH of your friends there. In terms of the food stands, the lines did become a little long after a while but, with the giant plates they give you, the struggle of trying to buy what you want was completely worth the wait. Overall, the rides and the lively festivities being distributed throughout the park was ZRUWKZKLOH DQG GHÂżQLWHO\ VRPHWKLQJ WKDW , ZRXOG recommend going to next year. The next time the fair returns will be September 13 to September 23 next year.
PHOTO: Kimani Jackson
By: Kimani Jackson
placing mysterious bells on the tombstones that rang whenever anyone came outside or was “disturbing the peace.â€? The evil Nun that haunts the abbey is one of the leaders of the underworld that has risen. This demonic nun is also the evil presence that appears in “The Conjuring 2.â€? This movie takes place mostly in the dark, VR LW ZRXOG GHÂżQLWHO\ EH RQH WR PDNH \RX VFDUHG of the unknown and possibly nuns as well. “The Nunâ€? is currently showing at the Regal Hamilton Mill Stadium and the Regal Mall of Georgia Stadium.
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7KH QHZ KRUURU ÂżOP Âł7KH 1XQ ´ LV certainly a creepy experience for fans. The movie is about a priest who is sent out with a nun, who has not taken her vows yet, to investigate an “unusual church phenomenaâ€? at an abbey in Romania where a nun supposedly hung herself. 7KH\ DUH VHQW WR WUXO\ ÂżQG RXW ZKHWKHU RU not the land that the abbey is on is holy or not. Surrounding the abbey is a cemetery with all the nuns that had previously lived at the abbey. Throughout the movie, it makes you wonder whether the nuns were buried alive by