The Mill Creek Chronicle vol 11 issue 2

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MILL CREEK Vol. 11 Issue #2








RANDALL 2019 ISSUE 2.indb 1

12/6/2018 1:57:40 PM


PHOTO:Faith Montgomery Kendall Latney shooting the basketball at the Mill Creek versus Milton game in the Jared Cook Classic.

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 2

12/6/2018 1:57:42 PM

Front Cover: Audrey Douches performing her trio in the Fall Dance Show. PHOTO: Abbie Key Back Cover: Luke Badura and Diana Kim at the end of their duet “Wind Beneath My Wings.� PHOTO: Abbie Key

EDITORS Faith Montgomery Vanessa Medina Abbie Key


CONTENTS PHOTO Courtesy of: Jenna Puszewski

9 421 25 5


PHOTO: Catelin Lee-Parker

PHOTO: Isabelle Harrel

Melanie Davoudlarian Evan Ferrell Isabelle Harrel Sydney Harris Kimani Jackson Madison Jackson Catelin Lee-Parker Peyton Oakes Reagan Rodriguez Maya Willard

Adviser Nora Neff The Mill Creek Chronicle is a student publication of Mill Creek High School in Hoschton, GA. It is distributed to VWXGHQWV IDFXOW\ VWDÉŁ DQG WKH 0LOO &UHHN community in print and online. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual ZULWHUV DQG GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHĂ€HFW WKRVH RI WKH HQWLUH &KURQLFOH VWDÉŁ RU RI Gwinnett County Schools, Mill Creek +LJK 6FKRRO LWV VWXGHQWV IDFXOW\ VWDÉŁ RU administration. Content is designed and edited by student journalists.

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 3


Fast News

7 9 11 13 15

A Possibility of a New Planet Behind the Scenes of YouTube Robbie Randall: A Feature Story Varsity Wrestling Seussification of Romeo and Juliet

17 19 21 23 25 27

Pixar and Beyond Varsity Basketball Real vs. Artificial Christmas Trees Winter Attractions Holiday Recipes Lil Peep


12/6/2018 1:57:43 PM


PHOTO: Creative Commons

By: Peyton Oakes

America’s life expectancy is dropping due to the increase of overdose deaths and suicide rates. Overdose deaths have reached a new high, 70,000, while suicide rates have increased by 3.7 percent, according to the CDC. In 2017, the average life expectancy was 78.6 years old, women having a life expectancy of 81.1, while males had an expectancy of 76.1. The top 10 leading deaths in 2017 were heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, pneumonia, kidney disease, and suicide. From 2016 to 2017, drug overdoses rose by six thousand. The overdoses more often occurred in men rather than women, and the age group 25-54 had the most overdoses than any other age. The biggest increase in overdoses were ages 55-64 between 1999 and 2017. These states were ranked from the highest overdose count to the lowest: West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and The District of Columbia all placed at the

top. While the states of Texas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska were at the bottom of the rankings. Suicide has placed as the 10th leading cause of death. The government says that the rates for men have raised by 18 percent and women by 53 percent. Rates in the rural counties are two times higher than those in urban counties. CDC director, Dr. Robert 5HGÂżHOG VWDWHV Âł:H PXVW DOO ZRUN WRJHWKHU WR UHYHUVH WKLV trend and help ensure that all Americans live longer and healthier.â€? The CDC “is committed to putting science into action to protect U.S. health.â€?


PHOTO: Creative Commons

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 4

Opened on Thanksgiving weekend, North Georgia has invested about $5.5 million into its latest winter wonderland attraction: “License to Chill Snow Island.â€? Built near Margaritaville at Lanier Islands, the theme park is informed to have many fun activities like snow tubing hills, VQRZEDOO ÂżJKW DUHDV FDUQLYDO rides, an ice skating rink, and ÂżUH SLWV IRU SHRSOH WR URDVW marshmallows on.

The president of Safe Harbor Development, Darby Campbell, stated that the company has “spared no expense to make License to Chill Snow Island,� and that the wonderfully themed winter wonderland will be “one of the best winter attractions in the country.� The park will be open from Nov. 16, through Feb. 29, 2018-2019, and ticket prices begin at $24.99.

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On Nov. 26, a lander set to land on Mars back in May reached its destination. Known as InSight, the lander will be stationary, and it has multiple missions. One of InSight’s missions is to determine how much Mars wobbles as it rotates. InSight will OHW RÉŁ UDGLR ZDYHV WKDW FDQ EH PHDVXUHG RQ (DUWK according to CNN. By observing how the frequency of the waves changes, scientists can see the degree that Mars wobbles. InSight will also be able to detect seismic activity on Mars. According to CNN, “InSight will also deploy a seismometer to listen for mars-quakes (like earthquakes, but Martian-style) and for impacts of meteors on the planet.â€? The information gathered from the waves that are picked up by the seismometer will help scientists determine the makeup of Mars’ interior. Scientists will learn about the temperature of Mars through data collected by InSight. The lander will use a jackhammer to dig into the surface of Mars, which will allow for it to get a temperature reading, according to CNN. NASA worked on InSight during the holidays in order for it to be ready for the launch.

According to FOX News, “’While most of the country was enjoying Thanksgiving with their family and friends, the InSight team was EXV\ PDNLQJ WKH ÂżQDO SUHSDUDWLRQV IRU 0RQGD\ÂśV ODQGLQJ Âś VDLG 7RP +RÉŁPDQ RI -3/ ,Q6LJKWÂśV project manager, in a statement released Sunday. Âľ/DQGLQJ RQ 0DUV LV GLɤFXOW DQG WDNHV D ORW RI SHUVRQDO VDFULÂżFHV VXFK DV PLVVLQJ WKH WUDGLWLRQDO Thanksgiving, but making InSight successful is well ZRUWK WKH H[WUDRUGLQDU\ HÉŁRUW ϫ

PHOTO: Creative Commons



He was a beloved friend and longtime creative partner to everyone at Nickelodeon.

Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of Sponge Bob Square Pants, passed away on Nov. 26, at the age of 57. Hillenburg had been diagnosed with ALS last year and paramedics are able to say that it is what caused his death. Nickelodeon stated, “He was a beloved friend and longtime creative partner to everyone at Nickelodeon, and our hearts go out to his entire family. Steve imbued ‘Sponge Bob Square Pants’ with a unique sense of humor and innocence that has brought joy to generations of kids and families

PHOTO: Carlos Cazurro

everywhere. His utterly original characters and the world of Bikini Bottom will long stand as a reminder of the value of optimism, friendship, and the limitless power of imagination.�



2019 ISSUE 2.indb 5

12/6/2018 1:57:45 PM


By: Maya Willard

In January of 2015, astronomers Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown discovered the possibility of a new planet, Planet X, in the outer solar system which they have nicknamed “Planet Nine.” Evidence for this discovery arose from the odd orbits of smaller objects within the Kuiper belt, a region beyond the orbit of Neptune which is thought to contain many small bodies of rock and ice, such as comets. While it is believed to be strong evidence by many astronomers, there isn't any definitive proof that Planet Nine actually exists, as there has been no direct observation, only mathematical research and computer simulations. Planet Nine is theorized to have a very large mass and an unusual, elongated orbit, which would explain the unique orbits of the smaller bodies in the Kuiper Belt. The gravitational pull of a large mass on much smaller masses has the potential to shift planetary orbits. According to Batygin and Brown’s research, Planet Nine may have a mass that is ten times that of Earth and is theorized to be close in size to Neptune or Uranus, which have a diameter of 30,598 miles and 31,518 miles respectively. Research suggests that the orbit of Planet Nine would be far beyond Pluto.

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 6

Pluto’s orbit, on average, is 3.67 billion miles away from the sun. Planet Nine would average 600 astronomical units (AU) away from the sun, which is about 55.8 billion miles. This distance makes it extremely difficult to see that far into the solar system, even with the strongest telescopes available to NASA. Despite the minimal evidence, many astronomers and scientists are excited at the possibility. Jim Green, the director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, expresses his excitement by stating, “The possibility of a new planet is certainly an exciting one for me as a planetary scientist and for all of us. What we’re seeing is an early prediction based on modeling from limited observations. It’s the start of a process that could lead to an exciting result.” Astronomers have begun to use the most powerful telescopes currently available in their search for the infamous Planet Nine. They are hopeful that they will reach a conclusion, even if it requires alternate explanations. “Anytime we have an interesting idea like this, we always apply Carl Sagan’s rules for critical thinking, which include independent confirmation of the facts, looking for alternate explanations, and

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GRAPHICS: Wade Moody

encouraging scientific debate,” says Green. The studies surrounding the solar system are ever-changing and have developed countless discoveries in the last few decades. One such discovery, a dwarf planet beyond the orbit of Pluto, that nicknamed “the Goblin," could help support the theories surrounding Planet Nine. The Goblin was discovered in October of 2015, nine months after Planet Nine was proposed. Scientists and astronomers alike are excited for new discoveries that may occur through further research. “If Planet X is out there, we’ll find it together. Or we’ll determine an alternate explanation for the data we’ve received so far,” states Green. “Now let’s go explore.” Bill Petty, the astronomy teacher at Mill Creek High School, is interested in possible upcoming discoveries. “I believe that Planet X might exist. It would be big news if it turns out to be true,” Petty says.

“All of the objects in our local solar system are controlled by gravity and therefore gravitationally impact each other. Knowing and using this, the new discoveries have led astronomers in the direction of Planet X. Each new bit of evidence leads to an answer.” The discovery of Planet Nine would be groundbreaking since it would be, to current knowledge, the furthest planet from the sun. Despite what little information is known today regarding the infamous giant, it encourages researchers to keep exploring beyond what is already known or accepted and to push the boundaries of current scientific knowledge. It also serves as a prosaic reminder that humans are very small in regards to the universe, and it is important to keep searching for information that is beyond everyday understanding.


2019 ISSUE 2.indb 7

12/6/2018 1:57:48 PM

PHOTOS of Jenna Puszewski, featured YouTuber. Courtesy of: Jenna Puszewski

By: Melanie Davoudlarian



veryday, about a million people go on YouTube and spend their time watching videos uploaded by FUHDWRUV $V PDQ\ RUGLQDU\ SHRSOH ZDQW WR ÂżQG D way to create more money for themselves, a recent VXUYH\ E\ %ULWLVK ÂżUP Âł)LUVW &KRLFH´ VWDWHG WKDW “34 percent of kids ages six to 17 would like to be D <RX7XEH SHUVRQDOLW\ ZKLOH RQH LQ ÂżYH ZLVKHG WR start their own channel.â€? The Pew Research Center states tat 39 percent of teens share their work by creating

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 8

videos on popular topics and uploading them to YouTube. During the brief 13-year history of YouTube, the platform has gained more than 430 FUHDWRUV DQG DOPRVW ÂżYH ELOOLRQ YLHZV GDLO\ 7KHVH people have taken the risk and start uploading videos. Some of these people include teenagers still in high school or early college students. 7HHQDJHUV DUH EHLQJ LQĂ€XHQFHG E\ FUHDWRUV such as Lilly Singh, Jake and Logan Paul, and Felix Kjelberg, better known as his YouTube name

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“Pewdiepie,â€? who are some of the world’s highest paying YouTube stars. By seeing these creators rise to fame and glory, some teenagers try to gain that fame and some extra cash. A lot of young people on YouTube may not be aware of two major concepts of the ÂżQDQFLDO VLGH RI WKH <RX7XEH SURFHVV Because Google owns YouTube, Google keeps a chunk of the money, and the rest goes to the website owners who place Ad-sense ads on the web pages and blogs. Google needs to pay out their Ad-sense revenue, meaning for every $100 an advertiser pays, Google pays $68 to the publisher. The amount of money that an actual YouTuber makes varies between 10 to 30 cents. A creator can make about $18 per one thousand ad view. The two major keys that play a role in FUHDWLQJ D FKDQQHO DQG YLGHRV LV WKH WZR GLÉŁHUHQW ÂżQDQFLDO SDWKV WKDW D FUHDWRU FDQ FKRVH IURP One path is CPM, cost per thousand views. To gain a small amount of cash from CPM, a viewer must watch the ad for at least 30 seconds. The other path is CPC, an acronym for cost per click, which is where a viewer would need to click on the ad. In this case, only a small percentage of viewers will actually click on the ads surrounding the video. 1RZ WKDW <RX7XEH KDV RÉŁHUHG WKH concept of YouTube Red, which allows customers to pay every month to go ad free, the viewer will no longer see the ad that helps the creator get those few cents. Timing is very important when it comes to uploading and creating content for a channel. From actually coming up with an idea, to setting up an area to record the video, editing the video, adding music, and writing a short description, the whole process to create even just one video can take up to 50 hours. Teenagers and college students that upload videos to their channels take a lot of time out of doing their school work. Stephanie Tran (10), a student at Mill Creek High School, talks about her channel and how long it takes her to upload a single video saying, “The time varies. If a video is around thirty minutes, then it takes up to an hour to edit.â€? The amount of time spent on her school work is more than the time she spends on <RX7XEH DV VKH ÂżQGV VFKRRO LV PRUH LPSRUWDQW Being able to balance the amount of school work and the amount of time spent on YouTube can cause some people stress as tests and major events occur as time goes on. Finding

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 9

a way to balance the two is very important. Some YouTubers pre-record their videos so that they only have to make it public which saves time for school work. “I focus on school work during the week and YouTube on the weekends. I upload two to three videos a month,â€? Tran says as she talks PRUH DERXW ÂżQGLQJ WKH EDODQFH EHWZHHQ VFKRRO work and her YouTube channel. Jenna Puszewski (11), is another Mill Creek student with a YouTube channel, under the channel name “Jenna Puhzoo,â€? which has over 19 thousand subscribers. Puszewski says, “ I chose to start posting on YouTube rather than an alternative social media platform merely because it’s an outlet for me to express myself through videography. I’m incredibly intrigued by the entire editing process.â€? She continues on saying, “Before I started posting videos, I would make videos and edit them, but keep them to myself.â€? Puszewski has been editing and making videos since the age of six, and she started to post them on YouTube in May of 2018. It wasn’t until June of 2018 that she started to get serious about the project. Coming up with ideas to make videos isn’t always easy. It can take minutes to days to come up with an idea that will stick. Puszewski says, “I get ideas randomly, and I’ll plan out others. I’ll get an idea, and I’ll be OLNH Âľ, KDYH WR ÂżOP WKLV ULJKW QRZ Âś WKHQ ,ÂśOO ÂżOP it.â€? People such as Enya, found as “enjajajaâ€? on YouTube, Drew Phillips, and Sarah Baska contribute to her humor and inspire Puszewski. Puszewski shares that the reason she creates videos is to make people happy and to spread laughter. She says, “I think it’s so cool to have an impact on people of all ages, and I never take it for granted.â€? She also says that when she’s talking to the people that watch her, it’s like she’s talking to her best friends. As young teens and adults start creating more content on YouTube, it’s important to remember that not everyone becomes famous or creates a viral video instantly. Growing on this platform takes a lot of time and commitment to keep up with the trends and challenges. Being able to prioritize what is important is key to balancing out two time consuming tasks.


12/6/2018 1:57:53 PM


By: Sydney Harris

Gossip is something often associated with high schools. Petty conversations about the motives for the ¿JKW LQ WK SHULRG OXQFK DQG VLGHEDU comments about the sexual history of classmates run rampant through hallways and sometimes even make their way to social media accounts. At the end of the day, gossip is similar to the structure of the internet and how young people interact with the LQIRUPDWLRQ WKH\ ¿QG RQOLQH While students may have trust for certain sources (friends), that doesn’t necessarily mean their information (gossip) is completely accurate. Taking a moment to consider how rumors can impact someone’s view of themselves when they hear it from someone else is important. Popular kids may seem to have it easy in school but there is often more gossip spread about them as opposed to students who only have a few friends and participate very little in campus life. Students like Robbie Randall, seem to have a reputation amongst some of their peers even with peers they have never had personal, face-toface interactions with. Randall has often been included in gossip, to the point that he believes his reputation is that “people think that [he’s] a h**, people think [he’s] a bad person, people think [he] just doesn’t give a f**k about life…. people think a lot of things that just really aren’t true.” Randall communicated that even some teachers treat him as though he is less intelligent “like [he’s] a dummy” because of how he speaks and dresses and they see “some black dude who doesn’t care about getting his education.” This is a struggle for many teenagers because they feel like they will never succeed and meet their parent’s or teacher’s standards.

According to the University of California in San Diego, a study revealed that, “It is the teacher and teacher’s practice and values that have the biggest impact on student achievement.” Teenagers can be impressionable, and place value on what others think of them, especially from teachers and peers. Regardless of rumor or past impressions, Randall cares deeply about his education. Randall plans to be a lawyer, following in the footsteps of his aunts, or an accountant as a back-up plan to being a lawyer. In order to accomplish these goals, he hopes to attend Kennesaw State University or Oregon University. Many of the rumors that have spread about Randall are entirely untrue. He is actively working to change this perception of him. Along with the accusations being false, Randall says he is changing how he interacts with young women. He acknowledges that he may not have shown girls how much they have meant to him and shielded his feelings but that he doesn’t like the severity of the rumors that have been told of his past relationships. Until recently, Randall says that he “never really understood how to have an emotional connection [with girls].” And Randall is not alone in this. Many adolescents struggle with this same sentiment, and this emotional struggle can lead to low selfesteem. This can lead to more serious concerns. According to Dr. DellisAbrams, a psychologist at Selfgrowth. com, “Low self-esteem has been linked to school dropout rates, suicide, and low academic achievement,” all growing ares of concern for people who work with teens. Randall says that he has learned not to let the rumors bother him. He recognizes that the opinions of

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VWXGHQWV DW 0LOO &UHHN DUH QRW VLJQL¿FDQW in the long run of life. What matters to him is that he can do better than where he came from; a place where some of his family members made mistakes and ended up in jail, and where credentials are not based on your ability to succeed in an AP class but rather in your ability to steal a car. He notes that “people struggle and people gotta do what they gotta do to make ends meet. Not everyone is given the same head start or the same opportunities as other people.” Randall says he is trying to come away from that kind of life, which he hopes to do through a college education and a professional career. He tries to look past people who judge him and spread misconceptions without taking the time to think about how this will impact him. Students deserve more than the labels and misnomers people attach to them when they are all going through their own struggles. In order to keep rumors from being spread, beginning a culture of more compassion and less naiveté is a good idea when it comes to speaking about other people’s habits. So take the time to consider how true something heard throughout the halls might be or speak up when someone is spreading malicious information about others.

PHOTO: Sydney Harris

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 11


12/6/2018 1:57:54 PM




By: Catherine Lysaught

After the success of last year, the Mill Creek Varsity Wrestling Team is gearing up for DQRWKHU WULXPSKDQW VHDVRQ &RPLQJ RÉŁ RI D winning record and placing fourth at the Region 7-A duals, the Mill Creek Hawks are looking to dominate the season and come out on top stronger. So far in the 2018-2019 season, the Hawks have had two meets, coming out of both ZLWK WRS ÂżQLVKHUV 7KH WHDPÂśV VHDVRQ EHJDQ RQ Nov. 10, with the Spartan Slam with senior Zach )L[ ÂżQLVKLQJ ÂżUVW DQG VHQLRU /XLV $\DOD ÂżQLVKLQJ second. The team went on to compete at the Frida Duel’s on Nov. 21, where they had a 2-2 record, defeating Clark Central and George Walton Academy, but falling short to Brookwood and Meadowbrook. The team has 12 upcoming meets to ÂżQLVK RXW WKHLU VHDVRQ EHIRUH WKH\ DGYDQFH to the area and state level duels in early Feb.. This season, the team will be traveling around Gwinnett County, Alabama, and Tennessee. Though smaller in size than many of Mill Creek’s other sports teams, the wrestling team is working to establish themselves as a dominant part of the school’s athletic program. Through the hard work and dedication of the coaches and wrestlers, the Mill Creek wrestling team has seen increased and continuous progress. “Last year was a good season for us, but this year our primary goal is bettering ourselves

and our record, as well as working to make a better name for ourselves within Mill Creek,â€? says Nico Prescott (10). The team is under the instruction of head coach Nathan White, who is in the midst of his second season as the Mill Creek Varsity Wrestling head coach. During his two years at Emmanuel College, Coach White helped to coach seven NCWA National Champions and 19 All-American Wrestlers. Mill Creek is looking forward to another successful wrestling season under his guidance and are continuing on the path for many more. One of the biggest challenges that the team faced this season was overcoming the loss of many of last years senior wrestlers and preparing this seasons newcomers. With only 12 wrestlers on Varsity this year, the team had to work harder to continue improving their record and elevating their status. The Hawks had a strong start to their season as two Varsity wrestlers, senior Zach Fix and freshman Grant Turner competed in the 6XSHU TXDOLÂżHU LQ *UHHQVERUR 1& GXULQJ WKH lastr week of October. The Super 32 is a national preseason wrestling competition used by college coaches for recruiting and scouting. “Wrestlers from all across the country will be vying to earn the coveted championship belt that can make you a household name in the high school wrestling world. College coaches from all divisions will be in attendance looking for those wrestlers that will stand out from the rest of the outstanding competition,â€? according to Open )L[ ÂżQLVKHG WKLUG LQ WKH TXDOLÂżHUV DQG 7XUQHU PDGH LW WR WKH TXDUWHU ÂżQDOV $OWKRXJK QHLWKHU PDGH LW WR WKH ÂżQDO FRPSHWLWLRQ WKH Mill Creek wrestling team will continue to strive toward advancement this upcoming season.

PHOTOS: Madie Keener

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 12

12/6/2018 1:57:58 PM

PHOTO: Madie Keener


PHOTO: Madie Keener

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 13


12/6/2018 1:57:59 PM

Romeo and Juliet like Green Eggs and Ham Dr. Seuss and his wild tales band together to form a new love story for the famous couple in Mill Creek’s “Seussification of Romeo and Juliet.� By: Reagan Rodriguez Sophia Denick (11), who plays Narrator 3 in the production.

Liam Sharp (9), as Paris, says, “I feel beautiful.�

K’Sia Orr (10), dressed as The Nurse. PHOTOS: Reagan Rodriguez

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 14

Mill Creek’s theatre class performed the Âł6HXVVLÂżFDWLRQ´ RI :LOOLDP 6KDNHVSHDUHÂśV IDPRXV FODVVLF “Romeo and Juliet,â€? on Thursday, Nov. 15, and Friday, Nov. 16, at 7 p.m.. Originally written by Peter Bloedel, this play took stories by Dr. Seuss and created a new image for the well known tragedy. Instead of a tearful, tense, and mournful tale, Dr. Seuss’ spin creates a whimsical, bubbly, and entertaining comedy that Mill Creek Theatre brought to life. The students practiced long hours after school to act and dance, but most importantly, have fun. Each student was talking and laughing, all the while working hard to complete the task at hand. Oliver Wray (11) played the role of Romeo Monotone. He says, “I think we’ve come a long way in the terms of working together, and I think this is a great group of people.â€? Wray continues, adding, “Personally, I’ve never been the biggest fan of ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ but I think our play is ingenious.â€? Mrs. Lindahl is the head of the theatre department, and her job is to watch over students and push them in the right direction. In order to choose the perfect student for a character, Lindahl “has students audition for every role, DQG WKH\ KDYH GLÉŁHUHQW PRQRORJXHV WR FKRRVH IURP Anyone who is interested can come up and try out for a GLÉŁHUHQW SDUW ´ Lindahl explains the students she chooses for each role have certain characteristics that best illustrates the character’s attributes.

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Oliver Wray as Romeo, and Nico DeJesus (10) as Mercutio. Juliet, portrayed by Kabrie Kyle (10) and Romeo, played by Oliver Wray (10).

Sawyer Rodriguez (11), as Capitulate.

For example, she chose Sawyer Rodriguez (11) as Capitulate, Juliet’s father, because he “has good stage presence, a clear speaking voice, and enthusiasm.â€? While actors are the stars of the play, other students are working hard behind the scenes to make it a magical experience for the audience. Sadie McIntyre (9), ZKR VSHFLDOL]HV LQ VRXQG HÉŁHFWV VD\V Âł:H KDYH RYHU VRXQG HÉŁHFWV WKURXJKRXW SURGXFWLRQ ´ Clara Molnar (11), McIntyre’s partner, tells her story about how she ended up in tech. “When I was a IUHVKPDQ , UHPHPEHU P\ VKRZ ZDV GXULQJ ÂżQDOV ZHHN ´ Molnar says. “A few weeks before that, the production class was putting on ‘A Christmas Carol.’ There was an opportunity to sign up, and I wanted to be involved. All of a sudden, I was put on sound; that’s just how it happened.â€? 7KH WKHDWUH GHSDUWPHQW DW 0LOO &UHHN LV ÂżOOHG ZLWK PDQ\ GLÉŁHUHQW VWXGHQWV (DFK RI WKH SHUIRUPHUV DQG WHFKV work together to build and shape a play for their parents, friends, and various students to enjoy.

Romeo (Oliver Wray) and Juliet (Kabrie Kyle), being married by Monk Larry, played by Niki Wells (10).

SKETCH: Reagan Rodriguez Clara Molnar (11)


2019 ISSUE 2.indb 15

12/6/2018 1:58:07 PM

Mill Creek Dance Presents:

PIXAR AND BEYOND Preparing for Pixar By: Abbie Key

Mill Creek had their annual dance show on Nov. 8, 9, and 10. This year, the dance department went into its childhood and danced to the theme of “Pixar and Beyond.â€? 'XULQJ WKH ÂżUVW DFW RI WKH VKRZ HDFK SHULRG danced to a Pixar movie. Senior Audrey Douches, a student choreographer this year, says, “I feel like both the dancers and the audience enjoyed the Pixar theme because it was recognizable, and fun to represent the characters that they grew up watching.â€?

2019 ISSUE 2.indb 16

The Pixar movies that were highlighted in the dance show include: Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., Inside Out, The Incredibles, Up, and Toy Story. Before the show started, seventh period did the famous lamp crushing the “I� scene that plays at the beginning of every Pixar movie. Douches says she “liked the Pixar theme because it allowed me to represent some of my favorite child characters through a meaningful art form.�

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Jillian Padula says she thinks the Pixar theme was “more enjoyable for the audience because the theme was easy to follow, it was very entertaining, and had lots of funny moments in it.â€? Act two of the dance show had contemporary dances along with some other more upbeat songs and dances. Some songs included: “True Careâ€? by James Vincent McMorrow, “Silenceâ€? by Marshmello ft. Khalid, “California Dreamin’â€? by Sia, “Survivorâ€? by 2WEI, and “Get Me Bodiedâ€? by BeyoncĂŠ. Audrey Douches choreographed and danced to the song “Wavesâ€? by Dean Lewis. Douches says WKDW LW ÂłZDV WKH PRVW GLɤFXOW GDQFH IRU PH WR perform because I had had three one song quick changes before that and danced some really intense pieces, so I was really out of breath. It turned out really nice though.â€? Senior Jillian Padula is a student choreographer who choreographed six dances along ZLWK WHDFKLQJ SHULRG ÂżYH 3DGXOD VD\V Âł7KH PRVW GLɤFXOW GDQFH IRU PH ZDV GDQFH WHDP EHFDXVH LW has a lot of challenging things in it. We have a lot of tricks in that dance, like back walk overs, lots of turns, and tricks that can’t be fallen out of. We’re trained to be perfect so that’s our goal.â€? 6RÂżMD /D]LF D MXQLRU LV D SDUW RI WKH GDQFH VKRZ IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH WKLV \HDU /D]LFÂśV IDYRULWH GDQFH ZDV Âł)LQGLQJ 1HPR´ EHFDXVH RI WKH ÂłGLÉŁHUHQW styles of dance and acting in it.â€? “I love the Pixar theme because I love Disney. It was very fun to try to portray the characters in the movies with our costume.â€? Lazic also says that “dancing at Mill Creek is so fun because you get to show the school dances that you’ve worked on.â€? Grace Stokes is a junior in second period dance who had the opportunity to choreograph a dance to the song “TRNDSTTRâ€? by Black Coast featuring M. Maggie. 6WRNHV VD\V WKDW ÂłLW ZDV D GLÉŁHUHQW H[SHULHQFH choreographing because instead of being told what to do, I was making the decisions, and using my ideas. Overall, it was very fun.â€? Stokes says she came up with the choreography through “inspiration from videos of popular dancers and choreographers, along with other Mill Creek dancersâ€? and “listening to the to the song I chose and imagining a dance to it.â€?

PHOTOS: Abbie Key


2019 ISSUE 2.indb 17

12/6/2018 1:58:14 PM

Nathan Ward (12) shooting at the free throw line against Milton in the Jared Cook Classic. Kendall Latney (11) defending Milton’s point guard.

Jack Kostel (11) and Kendall Latney (11) running to the opposite side of the court after Latney rebounded the ball.

PHOTOS: Faith Montgomery

Boys Basketball

By: Peyton Oakes

The colder weather means it is time for winter sports, and that includes basketball season. Mill Creek’s Varsity Basketball team is UHDG\ WR NLFN RÉŁ WKH VHDVRQ Andrew McConnell (10) is a point JXDUG DQG LV YHU\ FRQÂżGHQW DERXW ZKHUH WKH team will rank this upcoming season saying, “I think we are going to win state because we’ve all been working really hard at practice and are ready for the games.â€? Sebastian Augustave (11) says, “ We are going to have a really, really good season, way better than last season. We are going to have everything. Good jumps, good rebounds, and H[FLWLQJ JDPHV 7KH JDPHV ZLOO GHÂżQLWHO\ EH worth going to.â€? Jack Kostel (11) thinks what really helps the team overall is how close they have all gotten to each other. “We hang out after school, do homework, and we text on the group chat we made a lot,â€? says Kostel. McConnell adds on, saying, “We do a lot of community service together to help us work as a team while we’re helping other people at the same time.â€?

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The record for the past season was tallied down to 13-15. This season, players such as Tobi-Ogun Semore (12), Matthew McDowell (12), Kendall Latney (11) and Kostel are returning from last year’s team and are very pumped to get back on the court joined by their new teammates. Players to be on the lookout for this season are Zion Wimby (12), Nathan Ward (12), Bernard Battle (12), Brandon Fletcher (12), Jayden Marshall (12), McConnell, Augustave and Kostel. Head coach David Allen speaks about how he thinks the boys will fare, saying, “ 2XU UHJLRQ LV GLɤFXOW <HDU LQ \HDU RXW LWÂśV arguably the toughest region. It’s a battle, but I think we have enough returning experience and these guys really seem to like each other.â€? The regular season lasts until Jan. 29, which leaves plenty of time for Hawks fans to ZDWFK WKLV \HDUÂśV YDUVLW\ WHDP ÂżJKW IRU WKHLU ULJKW WR DGYDQFH WR WKH SOD\RÉŁV The strong team chemistry the players have spoken about might even lead them to HDUQLQJ WKH ÂżUVW VWDWH FKDPSLRQVKLS WLWOH IRU Mill Creek.

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Adrianna Morse Q: What game are you most looking forward to this season and why? A: We are most looking forward to playing in the region championship rematch between us and Collins Hill. We want to prove that we can bear them. Q: How do you think the team will do this season? A: I think we will do very well. We are ¿JXULQJ HDFK RWKHU RXW PRUH DQG PRUH every day.

Q: What are your personal goals for this season? A: Personally, I want to win a ring since it’s my senior year. Q: What’s your favorite part about playing basketball at Mill Creek? A: My favorite part would have to be how we are all family and we all love, respect and VXSSRUW HDFK RWKHU RQ DQG Rɣ WKH FRXUW Q: What’s in your gym bag that might surprise people? A: I have laundry detergent in my bag to block any smells. Q: In what area do you feel the team has improved since last season? A: , WKLQN ZH KDYH PRUH FRQ¿GHQFH DV D team than we did last year.

Girls Basketball

Q: What game are you most looking forward to this season and why? A: Collins Hill because it’s always a tough game between two teams who are really talented, and we are 1-1 in region championship wins. So, this year is the tie breaker.

Q: How do you think the team will do this season? A: I feel like the team will do extremely well this season. Our team dynamic is extremely good, and we are all truly family, which helps us on the court. Q: What are your personal goals for this season? A: I personally want to make senior year the best year ever and to truly make an impact on the program because it is my last year to put on that mill creek jersey. Q: What’s your favorite part about playing basketball at Mill Creek? A: My favorite thing about playing basketball at Mill Creek is the camaraderie with it all. The people you meet and the feeling of

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Anna Williams family you get with it all. Also, all the near RSSRUWXQLWLHV LW RɣHUV Q: What’s in your gym bag that might surprise people? A: I keep Downey Unstopopables in a Ziploc bag to keep my bag smelling good. Q: In what area do you feel the team has improved since last season? A: I feel as though our team has grown closer together. We are all each other’s best friends and truly think of each other as family, which helps us when we are on the court. PFKVFKURQLFOH FRP ɲɺ

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“For every tree that’s harvested, they plant at least one, and often two, back. And, this stabilizes the topsoil and fields, and it creates wildlife habitat. Real trees can be reused and recycled. They can be used as mulch, fish habitat, and utilized for stream bank stabilization. And, they decompose in just a matter of a few years, whereas artificial trees will lay in a landfill virtually forever.� −Doug Hundley


By: Catelin Lee-Parker

5HDO &KULVWPDV WUHHV JLYH RÉŁ D JRRG VPHOO DQG teach a lot about biology and science. For a family, picking out their tree together is a great experience and a yearly tradition. Âł5HDO WUHHV DUH EHQHÂżFLDO IRU WKH environment,â€? Doug Hundley, a representative with National Christmas Tree Association says. “For every tree that’s harvested they plant WZR EDFN 7KLV VWDELOL]HV WKH WRS VRLO DQG ÂżHOGV ZKLFK creates wildlife habitat.â€? “Real trees can be reused and recycled,â€? +XQGOH\ FRQWLQXHV Âł7KH\ FDQ EH XVHG DV PXOFK ÂżVK habitat, and utilized for stream bank stabilization. And, they decompose in just a matter of a few years, ZKHUHDV DUWLÂżFLDO WUHHV ZLOO OD\ LQ D ODQGÂżOO YLUWXDOO\ forever.â€? Because of the variety of places to buy trees,

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the cost for a real tree ranges between $25 and over $100, with the average tree costing around $75 to $80. There are a few options as to where the Mill Creek community can purchase Christmas trees. For instance, Big John’s Christmas Trees is a Christmas tree farm where customers can cut down their own Christmas tree to pick the perfect one. There is also Thompson Tree farm, Cooper Tree Farm, Mike’s Christmas Tree farm, and the Christmas Tree lot at The Home Depot. On the other hand, some people prefer DUWL¿FLDO &KULVWPDV WUHHV DQG RIWHQ WLPHV SHW RZQHUV are among this bunch. The reason people with animals PLJKW SUHIHU DUWL¿FLDO WUHHV LV EHFDXVH VRPH IRXU legged friends like to get a taste of the decoration. Dominique Jasper (12) has two dogs and she VD\V ³:H KDYH DQ DUWL¿FLDO &KULVWPDV WUHH EHFDXVH LW LV

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The most bang fir your buck

PHOTO: Faith Montgomery

more convenient and less expensive. It is also easier to manage, especially with two dogs who love to get into things like the Christmas trees.” However, there are many supplements to prevent animals from eating Christmas trees. For example, homes with cats can place orange peels under the trees to repel the cats since they naturally hate the smell of oranges. Pets could also be spritzed with water when they bother the tree so they are discouraged from messing with it. Additionally, breakable ornaments and dangling lights should be placed higher in the tree branches to keep from attracting pets. Still, there are some households that have DUWL¿FLDO WUHHV IRU RWKHU UHDVRQV Nia Howard (11) says, “My mom and I love to reuse the same Christmas tree because it brings deep

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meaning and seasonal value into the room.” $UWL¿FLDO &KULVWPDV WUHHV UHTXLUH OHVV maintenance since they only have to be assembled once a year and don’t require watering. Some households could prefer to buy an DUWL¿FLDO WUHH EHFDXVH WKH\ DUH D RQH WLPH LQYHVWPHQW WKDW NHHSV RQ JLYLQJ +LJK TXDOLW\ DUWL¿FLDO WUHHV UDQJH at $300 t0 $400 in price but last around ten years. However, living trees typically cost $25 to $100 and are thrown out or recycled at the end of each Christmas season. Therefore, real tree buyers in a span of ten years could end up spending around $700 more on their Christmas tree. The decision of which tree is the better choice depends on the buyer’s priorities. No matter what kind of tree a household has, it is clear that the holiday season and Christmas cheer is fun, and makes lots of memories each year.


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Hol i d ay At t ra ct ion s By: Peyton Oakes

Every year around Christmas time, Atlanta holds different events that help celebrate Christmas. Three of the more popular events that are held are the Magical Christmas Shows & Parade, Christmas Events Light up the Night, and Holiday Lights Abound in Atlanta, but there are some other events that are held that people also enjoy.

Fantasy in Lights

PHOTO: Creative Commons

From Nov. 16 to Jan. 5, Callaway Gardens holds a light show called “Fantasy In Lights.” ,W¶V D ¿YH PLOH GULYH WKURXJK OLJKW VKRZ ZLWK a total of eight million lights. Sections inside RI WKH VKRZ LQFOXGH ³6QRZÀDNH 9DOOH\´ DQG “Magical Christmas Garden,” while festive Christmas music plays all around. 844-512-38226

Festival of the Season

PHOTO: James Emery

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The Georgia Aquarium is also getting ready for the holiday season through their “Festival of the Season,” held between Nov. 18 and Dec. 31. The events include “A Symphony of Snow”, “Wake Up Santa”, “Breakfast with Santa”, “ Toddler Time- Holiday Theme,” “Visit with Santa Claus,” “SCUBA Claus,” “The Polar Express 4-D Experience,” and “Tree Lighting.” The aquarium will have a full-on makeover with all the events being held there. 404-581-4000

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Magical Night of Lights Another light show is held at Lake Lanier Islands from Nov. 16 to Jan. 3, called the “Magical Night of Lights.” This light show is a seven mile drive and shows colorful displays of Christmas legends, such as “The 12 Days of Christmas.” This year it will be getting an update with an addition of 19 new displays VXFK DV WKH -LPP\ %XɣHW WKHPHG ³,W¶V R¶FORFN Somewhere” clock. 678-304-3120

PHOTO: Creative Commons

Fernbank’s Winter Wonderland PHOTO: Doug Waldron

Lights of Life

Aside from light shows, Fernbank Museum of Natural History is creating a “Winter Wonderland” in the museum that is held between Nov. 16 and Jan. 6. The museum features more than 30 trees that have been GHFRUDWHG WR UHÀHFW GLɣHUHQW FXOWXUHV DQG their holiday traditions such as Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and North and South America. 404-929-6300

PHOTO: Creative Commons

Marietta’s Life University is hosting the “Lights of Life” from Nov. 22 to Dec. 31. This is one of Atlanta’s oldest light shows. Until mid-December, each car is $5 on weeknights, and $10 on weekends. The show includes over 100 sets of lights. Throughout the 1.5 mile drive, the show includes a 65-foot Santa and sleigh display. 800-543-3202 PFKVFKURQLFOH FRP ɳɴ

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Chri s t m a s Re c ipe s By: Isabelle Harrel

M&M Cookie Dough Stuffed Fudge Recipe from:

With Christmas approaching, there is always a need for recipes to prepare for gift swaps and get-togethers. Luckily, there are many recipes that are both simple to make and satisfactory to party guests. Here are a few for you to try this holiday season.

Ingredients: 24 ounces of white chocolate 1 can (14 ounces) of sweetened condensed milk Ă°ÂťÉœ FXS RI EXWWHU URRP WHPSHUDWXUH

ž cup of sugar 2 tablespoons of milk 1 teaspoon vanilla ò FXSV RI Ă€RXU 1 ½ cups of mini M&Ms Directions: 1. Combine 12 ounces of white chocolate and ½ a can of sweetened condensed milk in a bowl. 2. Microwave the mixture for two to three minutes or until the mixture is melted, taking the bowl out to stir after each minute. 3. Line a 9x13 inch pan with aluminum foil. Pour the mixture into the pan, and refrigerate the mixture until it’s set. 4. Combine butter, sugar, milk, and vanilla into a medium-sized mixing bowl. Stir the mixture until it’s smooth and creamy. 3RXU WKH Ă€RXU LQWR WKH ERZO DQG VWLU WKH PL[WXUH XQWLO LW ORRNV smooth and creamy. 6. Add one cup of M&Ms, and stir. 7. Once the fudge has completely set, press the cookie dough over the fudge in an even layer. 8. Prepare the top layer of fudge just like the bottom layer of fudge. Pour the fudge over the cookie dough, and put the rest of the M&Ms on top. 9. Put the dish in the refrigerator until it’s set.

PHOTO: Isabelle Harrel

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Snickerdoodle Cookies Recipe from: Ingredients: For the cookies: ½ cup of butter (softened) 1 cup of granulated sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon of vanilla Ă´ FXS RI Ă€RXU Âź teaspoon of salt ½ teaspoon of baking powder 1 ½ teaspoons of cinnamon For rolling: Âź cup of granulated sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon

PHOTOS: Isabelle Harrel

Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Add both the butter and the sugar into a large bowl, and cream them together. 3. Add the egg and vanilla into the bowl, and beat the mixture until it’s well blended. ,Q D GLɣHUHQW ERZO DGG WKH ÀRXU VDOW EDNLQJ SRZGHU DQG cinnamon, and sift them together. Add this dry mixture to the wet ingredients, and blend until smooth. 5. Mix Ÿ cup of sugar and one tablespoon of cinnamon together in a GLVK DQG SXW LW Rɣ WR WKH VLGH 6. Roll the cookie dough into balls, preferably about two tablespoons in size. Add the cinnamon sugar mixture on top of the cookies. Place the balls on an ungreased cookie tray about two inches apart. 7. Bake the cookies for about 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from the oven, and let the cookies cool for a few minutes before moving them onto a cooling rack.

Recipe from: Ingredients: 4 cups of milk 8 ounces of white chocolate (chopped into pieces or white chocolate chips) 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint extract (or more/less to taste) Whipped cream (optional) Crushed peppermints (optional) Marshmallows (optional) Directions: 1. Add the milk and white chocolate to a medium sized saucepan. 2. Cook it over medium to low heat, while stirring occasionally. 3. Continue to do so until the mixture reaches a simmer. Make sure the chocolate is melted. 7DNH WKH SDQ RÉŁ RI WKH KRW VWRYH 5. Add the vanilla and peppermint extract, being sure to stir. 6. Pour into mugs, garnish with whipped cream, peppermint pieces, or marshmellows, and enjoy!

PHOTO Courtesy of: Gimme Some Oven

Peppermint Hot Chocolate


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Sleep Deprivation Crisis at Mill Creek By: Madison Jackson PHOTO: Madison Jackson

Sleep deprivation is becoming a prominent problem in America, and is hitting even harder on teenagers in school. The high-intensity schedule of Mill Creek students, combined with late bedtimes, can create VOHHS GHÂżFLWV 7KHVH VOHHS GHÂżFLWV FDQ SURYH FKDOOHQJLQJ WR combat on a local level as the problem becomes common on a national level. Not getting enough quality sleep is linked with an increased disposition for many health problems, such as obesity and substance abuse, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Along with the health risks, sleep deprivation decreases a student’s academic performance and potential. Although sleep is important for all age groups, the National Sleep Foundation has found that the lack of rest DÉŁHFWV DGROHVFHQWV DJHG WKH PRVW DV WKLV LV WKH DJH where the brain is developing rapidly and creating new connections. Sleep is the time of restoration for the mind and body. While the body is busy repairing muscles, the mind is working on storing memories, interpreting the day and clearing out unnecessary information. A factor contributing to sleep deprivation among high school students is early school start times. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that middle and high school start at 8:30 a.m. or later to give students the opportunity to get the amount of sleep they need. Regardless of this, most American adolescents still start school far too early, Mill Creek included. In fact, the conditions may be worse for Mill Creek students because although we start at 7: 15 a.m., most students wake up two WR WKUHH KRXUV HDUO\ WR DYRLG WUDɤF DQG WDUGLQHVV Renee Smith (12) says, “I get up around 5:30 and OHDYH WKH KRXVH DV HDUO\ DV SRVVLEOH ´ +DQQDK &RɤHOG says, “I have to get up extra early because I have to ride the bus, which tends to get to my stop at 5:45.â€? Even though waking up early can decrease the amount of sleep students receive, it’s the combination with

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rigorous schedules that ultimately contributes to becoming sleep deprived. Extracurriculars such as sports and clubs make up lot of Mill Creek students’ free time. Because they are striving every day not only to succeed in school, but to SDUWLFLSDWH LQ DIWHU VFKRRO DFWLYLWLHV LW FDQ EH GLɤFXOW WR ÂżQG WLPH DW QLJKW WR UHVW DQG JHW WKH SURSHU DPRXQW RI sleep. “I usually have three to four hours of homework after school and club meeting and activities about three times a week, so that doesn’t leave a lot of time for me to rest and go to sleep early,â€? says Lauren Davis (12). 7KH LQĂ€X[ RI DIWHU VFKRRO DFWLYLWLHV PD\ EH ZK\ 0LOO Creek continues to begin early against national advice to do the opposite. For high school students participating in interests after school or working, early start times can be EHQHÂżFLDO $OWKRXJK WKH GD\ EHJLQV HDUO\ VFKRRO OHWV RXW DW a time where students can partake in a variety of activities. Because it would be troublesome trying to change the blueprint of the schedule and way of life for the Mill Creek community, working on managing your time and increasing your sleep could be a solution for sleep deprivation. 7R FRPEDW WKH HÉŁHFWV RI VOHHS GHÂżFLWV D SRVVLEOH solution is taking power naps in intervals of 20-30 minutes during the day. According to, sleep cannot be caught up over the weekends. Therefore, it’s best to either get enough sleep during the night, or take naps after a night of restlessness. “If I’m feeling drained after school, I’ll take a short nap after school before I start on my homework. It’s a good way for me to clear my mind and start somewhat fresh,â€? says Chloe Evans (12). It’s important to note that not only the amount of sleep you but the quality matters also. A few hours of R.E.M. sleep is preferable to a full night of restless sleep. Sleep is essential to functioning in the daytime at your optimal potential, so it’s important that students and $PHULFD DOLNH ÂżQG WLPH WR UHVW

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Lil Peep and what happens with his music now that he is dead

By: Evan Ferrell

Rising Rap Star Lil Peep, born Gustav Ahr, passed away at the age of 21 on Nov. 21, 2017, due to a drug overdose. Before he died, he released three albums, “Come Over When You’re Sober, Pt.1,â€? “Hellboyâ€? and “Crybaby,â€? but what happens with his music now that he is dead? The New York Times conducted an interview with Peep’s mother, Liza Womack. She said that she brought his laptop to the Apple store and told the clerk, “My son died. This is him. Take this and put it on a new one.â€? The new laptop was sought after by his producer George Astasio and long time musical partner, Smokeasac. What they found when they received and cataloged the laptops contents, were fragments and complete records of Peep’s music, some of the songs were heard before but many of the records were new to everyone. The two then took it upon themselves to produce this music and make Peep’s legacy live on. 7KH ÂżUVW SODQ ZLWK WKH PXVLF LV WR UHOHDVH D new album on Nov. 9 titled “Come Over When You’re Sober, Pt.2.â€? Most of the songs will be taken from the Pt.1 recordings. Other snippets and recordings will be released on later dates as singles or separate albums. Daniel Michael (10) said “I can’t wait until the new music and albums come out. I have been waiting on new music in general but I really want new Peep songs.â€? Before he died, Peep was on the breakthrough of something with meaning and impact in the hiphop community. Two of his albums, “Hellboyâ€? and “Crybabyâ€?, made the front lines of hip-hop’s openeared engagement with other genres. His style was an emo and pop-punk blend that began to become popular in the rap community. He left such an impact

that mainstream rappers mourned his death, for example Post Malone got Peep’s face tattooed on his arm, Good Charlotte covered Peeps song “Awful Thingsâ€? and musicians from Lil Uzi Vert to Dua Lipa publicly mourned his death. Sarah Stennett, manager of First Access Entertainment, the company that produced Peep’s music, tweeted the night of his death that she was “shocked and heartbroken. I do not believe that Peep wanted to die. This is so tragic.â€? Stennett also talked to Peep’s mom, who said “(She) is very, very proud of him and everything he was PHOTO: Creative Commons able to achieve in his short life.â€? Stennett also tweeted that “He was highly intelligent, hugely creative, massively charismatic, gentle and charming...He had KXJH DPELWLRQ DQG KLV FDUHHU ZDV Ă€RXULVKLQJ ´ Although his career was short-lived, The New York Times claims it was a “Nebulous One.â€? Some students from Mill Creek also got emotional over Peep’s death. Jared Brand (10) said “I used to listen to Peep when I was experiencing a lot of stress over school or robotics. He wasn’t always my ÂżUVW FKRLFH RI PXVLF WR OLVWHQ WR EXW ZKHQ KH GLHG KH became more prominent in my playlist.â€? He had a big impact before his death but after he impacted more people such as Michael. He said “I didn’t start listening to him until after his death but I remember hearing about it last year and listening. Knowing about his overdose and addiction problem makes his songs more powerful, and I think he could have made it really big.â€?


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