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In my interdisciplinary art using textiles and photography, I have been exploring and trusting my pIn my interdisciplinary art using textiles and photography, I have been exploring and trusting my process with abstracted nature, memory, and emotions and how those elements correlate with each other. I create art because it is an outlet for me. For my textiles work, I enjoy creating sculpture, wall pieces, and some wearables out of textiles materials. The materials that I enjoy using the most are roving, fabrics, dyes, and embellishments in my pieces. I also do digital photography of landscapes, nature, and others enjoying life outside technology. I try to capture the real beauty of the world and let people see what they are missing out on when constantly absorbed by phones and screens. Nature is overlooked in our everyday lives so by taking a different approach to nature, I thrive to engage outside viewers. I focus on using these mediums because I find comfort and connection between them and the process that I use.
In my art, I express emotions and meanings I want others to connect with. I go more the abstracted style to get across all of my thoughts in a piece. I keep my art simple and subtle to express the beauty around us and feelings that others and myself have come across throughout certain life situations. Many people overlook nature and how much it has to offer. It takes me to my safe space to find inner peace with myself while doing this practice. My practice revolves around nature, what many of us are missing out on, emotions, and life connections throughout my works.