Bloom Bloom : Site Specific Installation by Dana Lynn Harper

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Bloom Bloom

Artist in Re sidence

Dana Lynn Harper

Site Specific Installation

The Marlin and Regina Miller Gallery, Kutztown University


January 23 - February 9, 2017


February 9 – March 10, 2017

Artist in Re sidence

Dana Ly n n Har per

Bloom Bloom

The Marlin and Regina Miller Gallery, Kutztown University

Re s id enc y :

January 23 - February 9, 2017

E x hib ition:

February 9 – March 10, 2017

Photo credit: Andrew Fergusen


About the Residency Every year The Marlin and Regina Miller Gallery at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania requests proposals from artists, craftspersons, and designers for the production of an original, temporary, site-specific installation for our exhibition space. The selected artist (or artist team) will be awarded $7,500. The installation will be on view during the beginning of every spring semester. Proposed artwork can be realized in any medium and there are no restrictions on form or content. However, proposals that demonstrate innovation and deep, nuanced understanding of contemporary art, craft, and design are preferred. Proposals must be for a site-specific installation and must differ greatly from a solo exhibition. Preference will be given to proposals that a have a strong student involvement component. All proposals will be reviewed for overall artistic merit, impact on the experience of our students, feasibility within the established time-frame ad budget, artist’s demonstration of ability of ability to complete such a project, and the relationship of the project to the gallery’s mission.


About Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom is an interactive sculptural installation by 2017 Kutztown University Artist-in-Residence, Dana Lynn Harper. A continued exploration of her MFA thesis born in 2013, this piece is her largest working project to date. Bloom Bloom has been exhibited at music and arts festivals across the east coast, the most significant being Electric Forest in Rothbury, Michigan and the VOODOO festival in New Orleans. The work has also shown in more traditional spaces such as Otterbein University, the Columbus Cultural Arts Center, and the University of Kentucky. This tactile piece was created by tying construction flagging tape ribbons into sections of chicken wire, which were then suspended from the ceiling with neon paracord. The tape, alternating in length and color, was individually looped through the wire using a repetitive weaving motion. Large white balloons floated through the space while others hung from the ceiling above the work. Lit from overhead, this piece cast a fluorescent glow across the gallery space.


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens



Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens




Photo credit: Rachel Hammersley

Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Rachel Hammersley



Photo credit: Rachel Hammersley


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Rachel Hammersley 28

Photo credit: Rachel Hammersley


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens


Photo credit: Kayla Stevens



About Dana Lynn Harper Dana Lynn Harper holds a Bachelors in Arts and Technology from Ohio State University. She was a recipient of The Bunton Waller Fellowship from Penn State University, where she received her MFA in 2013. Harper has been an Artist in Residence at Bunker Projects, Second Sight Studio, and Teton Art Lab. In March of 2016, she was awarded a grant through the National Endowment of the Arts to to attend the Women’s Studio Art Workshop. Additionally, she has been the recipient of the ArtPrize Artist Seed Grant, the ArtFile Emerging Artist Grant, Ringholtz Foundation Award, the Greater Columbus Arts Council Supply Grant as well as the Ohio Arts Council Professional Award. Her most recent residency was with ARC Gallery in Chattanooga, TN in September 2016. Harper currently lives and works in Columbus, OH and continues to pursue her artistic practice.


Special Thanks U n i v e r s i t y Fa c u l t y a n d S t a f f

Dean Mowder and Associate Dean Kiec College of Visual and Performing Arts

Karen Stanford Director of University Galleries and Community Outreach Miller Galler y Commit tee

Josh Miller, Miles Decoster, Dan Haxall, Leigh Kane, Amy Pfeifler-Wunder, Rhonda Wall, Dan Talley Photogr aphy

Kayla Stevens Rachel Hammersley Andrew Fergusen C ata l o g D e s ig n

Wyatt Glennon Special thanks to all the KU student volunteers


About Kutztown University The Marlin and Regina Miller Art Gallery of Kutztown University presents significant and professionally executed solo and group exhibitions of contemporary art in a variety of mediums as well as supporting programs, events, and services that will directly enhance the artistic and philosophical development of our students and will contribute to the lives of our residents. We strive to challenge assumptions and stimulate discussion by presenting artwork and programs relevant to the social and cultural life of the general and special populations with within our service area. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, located an hour north of Philadelphia, and two hours west of New York City, has an enrollment of 10,000+ students. Each year, our College of Visual and Performing Arts awards approximately 225 undergraduate degrees in Communication Design, Fine Arts, Art Education, and Crafts. Our Visual Arts programs are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.



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