Our Green Future

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PUBLISHED : 20th April 2014





OUR THE CANNABIS VARIETIES GREEN FUTURE The cannabis plant can be split into three distinctively different species,, each each varying varying slightly slightly in in

Hemp for Textiles. Hemp for Timber. Hemp for Oil. Hemp for Nutrition, Hemp for Plastic, Hemp for Fuel, Hemp for the Environment!


4.5 metres

SOME UK HEMP RESTRICTIONS & REGULATIONS • No footpaths within 5 miles radius • THC content no more than 0.5% • No public or settlement within 5 mile radius • Must be of 42 strains accepted by EU law (finding a supplier abroad is necessary and difficult) • Fees paid to the Government to ensure restrictions • The hemp is then highly taxed when produced

HYBRIDS By cross breeding the different species of cannabis different strains are produced

The strong

1.5 meters

lengthy fibers from the stalk are up to 80% cellulose

0.5 meters

Welcome, to the best kept secrets of the twenty-first century. Whether you’re a cannabis user or not I’m sure you’ve crossed paths with someone in your life who praises the plant profoundly, for it has deep routes in our lives. After purchasing rolling paper a few years ago and discovering it was manufactured from 100% hemp fibers I made it my mission to uncover and understand the true potential of the cannabis plant. Upon researching I discovered surprising uses for the hemp plant alongside numerous health benefits. Our Green Future is a collection of this research, presented to the public, educating on the quiet cousin of cannabis, the industrial hemp plant. After several years investigating the cannabis plant I became increasingly frustrated by the lack of knowledge, facts and uses concerning the industrial hemp strain solely. The need to produce a factual guide was obvious, an accessible document revealing the versatile uses and benefits industrial hemp and the effects current laws have on the production. The legalisation of the hemp plant worldwide will generate huge economic, environmental and social benefits. The most environmentally damaging big three, plastic, timber and fuel can all be derived from hemp, cutting the emissions and toxins in our lives massively. It will be a long journey, it won’t happen overnight but slowly we can begin to weave hemp into our everyday lives for everyone’s sake. This plant holds so much potential, we need to wake up and rediscover the thousands of uses hemp has. Education is the first step. You, the public, need to learn about this plant and make your own judgements based on the facts and figures. The demand of hemp products will follow and is necessary to kick start our industries and farmers to unlock the hemp potential.

genetic genetic make make up up and and use. use. The The Cannabis Cannabis Sativa Sativa plant plant (tallest (tallest of of the the three) three) has has been been bred bred into into aa huge huge variety variety of of strains, strains, with large variations between each subspecies. Many are grown specifically for their high CBD and THC content, with large variations between each subspecies. Many are grown specifically for their high CBD and THC content, for for medicinal medicinal and and recreational recreational purposes purposes but but did did you you know know that that aa strain strain of of Cannabis Cannabis Sativa Sativa has has been been bred bred that that contains contains such such aa low low number number of of THC THC and and CBD CBD that that ifif you you were were to to smoke smoke aa whole whole field, field, you you wouldn’t wouldn’t get get anything anything but but aa mild mild headache. headache. This This variation variation of of the the Cannabis Cannabis Sativa Sativa plant plant has has been been bred bred for for its its strong strong fibers fibers and and THC - tetrahydrocannabinol The mind altering chemical in cannabis versatile use. It’s an agricultural crop, the oldest known to humankind and aa global versatile use. It’s an agricultural crop, the oldest known to humankind and global CBD - Cannabidiol phenomenon, a compound in cannabis phenomenon, once once you you learn learn the the secrets. secrets. Because Because of of hemps hemps close close relationship relationship with with which has medical effects marijuana it has a patchy history globally and locally. marijuana it has a patchy history globally and locally. The The first first UK UK law law governing governing cannabis cannabis was was introduced introduced by by Henry Henry VIII, VIII, stating it was illegal for farmers not to grow hemp! However soon meet strict criteria concerning after WWII the UK banned where, what strain of hemp you cannabis under the Misuse Of are growing and for what purpose. Drugs Act 1971 and all strains of Only the male plant is permitted the plant became illegal to grow, because the female produces the thus including hemp. Thankfully psychoactive flowering buds, the in 1993 the UK government cannabis smoked recreationally legalised growing of some and medicinally. These restrictions mean few farmers choose to Cannabis Sativa strains for hemp grow hemp and deal with the production, after a successful trail conditions required, as it’s plantain performed well in East difficult and expensive.. Growers Anglia, Southern England. A must be passionate about the valid license to grow is required, crop to peruse, and accept the which is notoriously difficult to obtain and requires at least a CRB governments challenge. As consumers we must demand hemp check before issue. If you are for a greener future. lucky enough to get one you must





Less than 0.5% THC and low CBD content Huge versatile use Stalk contains high cellulose content 80%

Varied THC content. 5-30% Used recreationally and medicinally for psychoactive high

MARIJUANA High THC & high CBD Used medicinally for pain relief, stress & insomnia Recreational use for body high

RUDERALIS MARIJUANA High THC, low CBD Used medicinally and recreationally Smaller, autoflowering plants. ‘Bush Weed’



American farmers are promised a new cash crop with an annual value of several hundred million dollars, all because a machine has been invented which solves a problem more than 6,000 years old. It is a hemp, a crop that will not compete with other American products. Instead, it will displace imports of raw material and manufactured products produced by unpaid coolie and peasant labour and it will provide thousands of jobs for American workers throughout the land. The machine which makes this possible is designed for removing the fibre-bearing cortex from the rest of the stalk, making hemp fibre available for use without a prohibitive amount of human labour. Hemp is the standard fibre of the world. It has great tensile strength and durability. It is used to produce more than 5,000 textile products, ranging from rope to fine laces and woody “hurds” remaining after the fibre has been removed contain more than seventy-seven per cent cellulose, and can be used to produce more than 25,000 products, ranging from dynamite to cellophane. Machines now in service in Texas, Illinois, Minnesota and other states are producing fibre at a manufacturing cost of half a cent a pound and are finding a profitable market for the rest of the stalk. Machine operators are making a good

profit in competition with coolieproduced foreign fiber while paying farmers fifteen dollars a ton for hemp as it comes from the field. Machines now in service in Texas, Illinois, Minnesota and other states are producing fibre at a manufacturing cost of half a cent a pound and are finding a profitable market for the rest of the stalk. Machine operators are making a good profit in competition with coolieproduced foreign fibre while paying farmers fifteen dollars a ton for hemp as it comes from the field. From the farmers point of view, hemp is an easy crop to grow and will yield from three to six tons per acre on any land that will grow corn, wheat or oats. It has a short growing season, so that it can be planted after other crops are in. It can be grown in any state of the union. The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year’s crop. The dense shock of leaves, eight to twelve feet above the ground, chokes out weeds. Two successive crops are enough to reclaim land that has been abandoned because of Canadian thistles or quack grass.

THE HEMP PLANT The hemp plant can be fully utilised, it is 100% useful.

The stalks, seeds, leaves and roots are all valuable materials and can be used throughout industry, for a variety of uses. Even the waste matter of the plant can be put back into the system and used for fuel or animal bedding. It is common theory amongst historians and scientists that hemp was the worlds first agricultural crop and was widely cultivated for different means for thousands of years

The Stems and Stalks

Once extracted from the plant are known as bast fibers or fiber strands. These can be spun into thread, used to make rope or woven into durable, high quality textiles Up to 80% cellulose

Hurds (broken parts of stem core - the pulp) and Shives (core of the stem) The bits left after the bast fibers have been extracted from the stems and stalks. Versatile use from fuel to jewelery to paper to paints & solvents. Add lime to create construction material or combine with hemp seeds to create plastics Up to 77% cellulose



The Leaves

Used for animal bedding, plant fertilizers and stuffing. Can be eaten in salads or drank in tea as popular herbal medicine.


Aid soil conservation, as the plant balances nutrients in the soil, The roots have played an important role in herbal medication for years, to treat arthritis and sprains.


From Popular Mechanics Magazine, 1937: ‘Billion Dollar Crop’



The Big Book of Hemp - Rowan Robinson, 1996


The Seeds


Eaten raw have many nutritional values. Crushed can produce oil, used in beauty & personal products. Can also be processed into fuel and plastics













For thousands of years hemp has been used for linen and clothing. The first evidence of this was found in China around 500AD in the form of cloth. No doubt your older relatives will own some hemp clothing, and possibly still wear it to this day, because the fibers are so


“Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, and sow it everywhere!” Albert Einstein

strong. In fact, when you compare cotton to hemp some may begin to question why we started using cotton on such a huge scale in the first place. Hemp is the worlds oldest and strongest natural fiber and is massively versatile. Depending on how the hemp fibers are treated numerous variations of textiles can be produced, from soft linen to denim. The fibers extracted from the stalk of the plant can be up to eight times stronger than cotton, four times more durable and even contain health benefits, as it is naturally antibacterial and UV protective. Without the use of pesticides and chemicals in either growing or processing the plant environmental impact is significantly reduced. Designers such as Calvin Klein and Ralph Laren acknowledge the potential of hemp, integrating it into their clothings. Levi Jeans pioneered the worlds first jeans, choosing hemp as number one ingredient. Few textiles on the market today are Hemp for textiles doesn’t end with apparel. These strong fibers have made from hemp fibers. Commonly been used in ships riggings and sails for hundreds of years and even more they can be found at a fifty fifty impressive is the discovery of hemp shoes excavated from graves in split with other natural fibers such as China dating back 716C.E.. There has been more recent attempts for hemp bamboo or cotton, to lower the footware, Adidas released trainers in 1995, of which the upper canvas and manufacturing costs. laces were made from hemp fibers. Using a combination of hemp and other fibers is cheaper because of the HEMP COTTON complication involved with growing and supplying hemp. Hemp is also Lengh of of Fibers Fibers more labour intensive as efficient Length of Fibers Lengh 91cm to to 4.5m 4.5m machinery to process the crop is in 3cm to 6.35cm 91cm low demand and therefore low advances. Most of the hemp used in Requires 26% of worlds pesticides the textile industry is grown in Asia, In 1993 over 25,000 tons used Grows organically exported to numerous various Pesticide and fertilizer free countries to be processed, before being shipped to others to be sold, thus causing much Water Requirement Water Requirement environmental controversy. 7,000-29,000 1/kg 300 - 500 1/kg Hemp can be the worlds local crop, nearly every country could grow their own and supply it to their Easily damaged when washed industries within country, then sell and used repetably it to their public. Thus creating local jobs and promoting craftsmanship, Can be washed and used in addition also reducing stress numerous times before any wear on the environment.


“The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this.” Calvin Klein


“I believe that hemp is going to be the fiber of choice in both the home furnishing and fashion industries.” The Guardian


“Help realise the potential of hemp as an alternative to cotton. On an environmental level, this makes sense. Research by the Stockholm Institute has concluded that the ‘ecological footprint’ of hemp is lower than polyester and half that of cotton. Unlike hemp, cotton needs huge amounts of water, herbicides and pesticides to help keep it disease free.” Vice

April, 2014

The benefits using the hemp plant in clothing are surprisingly numerous in comparison to the modern use of cotton and man-made synthetics. Without the use of pesticides or chemicals in either the growing or processing of hemp fibres the impact on the environment is significantly reduced. The outcome: A fine, durable textile superior in quality


“The end of prohibition will indeed unleash a second agricultural revolution, one where hemp produces even more taxable revenue than legalised marijuana, while feeding the world, freeing us from fossil fuels, reversing climate change and restoring our planet’s depleted soils.”

Just to explain, we’re not demanding a monoculture of hemp here - but simply outlying the benefits of hemp for textiles. Currently it’s very expensive and laborious to grow hemp here in the UK because of the restrictions and tax, however efforts have been made. What we should do is weave hemp into our clothing, bit by bit every year, reducing the stress and demand on those more harmful m a t e r i a l s c u r r e n t l y dominating the markets.

George Washington

Using the the fibers fibers from from the the stem stem of of the the hemp hemp plant plant itit isis possible possible to to make make Using wide range range of of textiles textiles and and fabrics fabrics aa wide


replenishes soil with nutrients and nitrogen


Dewey, Lyster H. & Merrill, Jason L.; Hemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material, USDA Bulletin 404. US Govt Printing Office (1916)

The timber industry as we know it is coming to an end, we are running out of

forests to cut down and newly replanted trees can’t grow quickly enough to supply the demand. Globally estimated an area the size of Greece was cut down between 1990 and 2005, and although that rate is slowing slightly it’s not fast enough. The UK alone imported 5.8 million m³ of timber in 2012 and 6.1 million tonnes of paper. These figures are huge, especially as we’re a relatively small country.

toxic and unnatural. Hemp paper 1 requires /7 less chemicals than the current paper process. Not only this but the cannabis sativa plant

only takes up to 4 months to mature and can be harvested every 3 - 4 months.

When you begin analysing the facts and figures its unclear why we began using trees for paper in the first place. We have invested a lot of time and money in the timber industry, creating machines and manufacturing toxic chemicals in an vain attempt to Realistically hemp will not replace all make paper the trees in the world but certainly from trees has a place within the softwood when there industry and paper production. are perfectly To ease the stress on the unnatural paper suited process we are currently relying on. alternatives Hemp has been known as an As a result of this tree timber focus, excellent source of paper for hemp machinery is still in its early thousands of years. Fragments stages. All the restrictions currently of hemp paper have been found in place concerning growing and in China dating back to 140B.C.E. handling the cannabis plant means advancement is limited. In 1916 the and the worlds first book, US produced statics stating Dharani, was printed on 100% hemp paper 770B.C.E.. Countless one acre of hemp will official documents and religious produce up to four times texts throughout human history, more produce than one from ancient Indian scriptures to acre of trees. the Declaration of Independence, An outstanding statement, especially are printed on hemp paper. Its before the years of hemp machinery strong, waterproof, versatile and advancement. Around the wars sustainable. many machines were invented which reduced the manual labour involved When we begin to look at the in hemp production, and further facts and figures, using trees to to increased the yield. The chaos of the make paper is a bit of a joke. The war deterred people from investing cellulose in plants is what we use into hemp machinery, and shorty to make paper, and nearly any after WWII the UK and plenty of other plant has a higher cellulose other countries made it illegal to grow content then trees. the plant. putting an abrupt end to a Trees planted for the promising industry, and thousands of timber industry take 30 years years of tradition. to mature, and even then they Imagine a world made from hemp are only 30% cellulose at most. furniture, card and decking! The other 70% of tree matter Hemp has been making a comeback, is removed and made useful but we must demand hemp for paper. by mixing with chemicals and Potentially we could have a British substances which are damaging, supply of paper, local and organic.


COUNTRIES THAT CURRENTLY GROW HEMP & THEIR NATIVE NAME America Western Australia Britain Canada Chile China - Ma

Denmark Egypt France - Chanvre Germany - Hanf Hungry - Kender

India Italy Japan - Asa Korea Netherlands - Hennep New Zealand

Poland - Konopij Portugal Romania - Cinepa Slovenia Spain - Cañamo Switzerland

Both Henry VIII and Queen

Thailand Turkey Ukraine

Elizabeth I commanded hemp be grown & it was used to pay taxes. The UKs paper money is made from 33% hemp fibers displaying hemps value still integrated within our modern lives.


a small sample of


BAST FIBRES Agro-Fibres Hand Held Fans Composites Plushies Toys CompressionMoulded Bodies Brakes/Clutches Linings Caulking Car Bodies Apparel Diapers Nappies Fabrics Handbags Denims Socks Shoes Trainers Laces Finer Textiles Jackets T-Shirts Dresses Skirts Bags Twines Ropes Nettings Strings Canvass Carpets Geotextiles Riggings Ships Sacking Webbing Biodiseal Plastics Bottles Aprons Lego Blocks Hangers Hammocks Bedsheets Linens Walls Ethanol Fuels Money

Tent Canvass Volleyballs Place Mats Table Clothes Tarps Sails Chairs Shower Curtains Bath Mats Chew Toys Stuffed Toys Collars Compression Moulds Hot Water Bottles Buildings Flats Floorboards Sink Basins Parachutes Fishing Nets Sign Posts Jigsaws Necklaces Sculpture Footballs Plastic Plumbing Pipe Toilet Seats Bracelets Watches Rings Mats Scarves Rugs Tapestries Cloaks Storage Units Toothbrushes Pillows Phone Cases Sofas Frisbee Yachts Dice Chessboards Umbrellas Gasoline Bike Panniers Ping Pong Bats Methanol Cotton Bud Doormats


Cars Automobiles Tablet Casings Bras Backpacks Laptop Bags Art Tennis Rackets Purses & Wallets Camera Bags Hoodies Earmuffs Slippers Underwear Cat Scratch Posts

LEAVES Animal Beddings Mulsh Composts Sawdust Pillow Stuffing Weaving Teas Smoothies Shakes Medicines Cottons Chip Board

Anti-Stress Medicines Salads Seasoning Compost Boxes Packaging Bean Bag Fillings Packaging Pellets Plant Feeds Soil Fertilisers HURDS/SHIVES Animal Beddings Mulsh Mushroom Composts Packagings Fibreboards Insulation Materials Houses Bricks Cements Filter Papers Newsprints Cardboards Papers Rizlas Shot Glasses Notebooks Sketchbooks

PrintingPapers Papers Printing SpecialityPaper Paper Speciality Wool Wool Plaster Plaster FinishingPlaster Plaster Finishing Flooring Flooring Panels Panels FibreglassSubstitute Substitute Fibreglass ChemicalAbsorbent Absorbent Chemical CigaretteFilters Filters Cigarette Coffins Coffins Stucco&&Mortar Mortar Stucco Plastics Plastics ElectricalPlastic PlasticCoating Coating Electrical ElectricalCoverings Coverings Electrical SpeakerCabinets Cabinets Speaker DoorHandles Handles Door Bowls Bowls MusicalInstruments Instruments Musical Cutlery Cutlery CookingUtensils Utensils Cooking Keyrings Keyrings Boxes Boxes CD/DVDCases Cases CD/DVD Shelving Shelving BookCases Cases Book Furniture Furniture Benches Benches Napkins Napkins

Didgeridoos Books Publications Dinner Trays Paper Cups Doors Watering Cans Pet Bowls Window Frames Yarn Jewellery Bible Paper Banners Posters Billboard Cartons Credit Cards Scaffolding Wood Chips Reinforcement Press Board Bonding Agents Kitchen Cabinets Gates Spoons Work Surfaces Cutting Boards Rocking Horses Structural Beams Toy Trains Wood Preservatives Hutches

Milk Bottles Vases Sledges Boxes Sporks Huts Gift Cards Grinders Pegs Coal Chest of Drawers iMac Covers Cutting Mats Coffee Cups Mouse Trap Games Lids Salt & Pepper Shakers Origami Cereal Boxes Paper Aeroplanes Fence Posts Guitars Bird Houses Nest Boxes Forks Lanterns Sealants Stalls Bar Chairs Frames Violins

Envelopes Pencil Cases Bed Frames Bowls Saucepans Straws Toilet Rolls Lunch Boxes Tissues Desks Sieves Wheelie Bins Bins Board Games Stencils Hammers Calenders Socket Coverings Beams Staircases Maps Camera Cases Playing Cards Leaflets & Pamphlets Walking Sticks Baking Parchments SEEDS Birdseed Granola Baking

Soaps Seed Cakes Animal Feed Oils Margarines Milk Flours Salad Toppings Animal Feeds Shampoos Bath Gels Lotions Liquid Soap Sun Creams Bubble Bath Solutions Lip Balms Shower Gels Hand Creams Moisturisers Cosmetics Food Supplements Protein Powders Oil Paints Varnishes Dynamite Sun Blocks Body Butters After Suns Printing Inks Solvents Chain Saw Lubricants

Putty Coatings Erosion Control Blankets Biofuel Biodegradable Plastics Bottles Candles Wax Pet Feeds Burgers Nail Polishes Lipsticks Cooking Ice Creams Breads Pesto Chocolate Deep Heat Rubs Massage Oils Body Scrubs Perfume Oils Medical Oils Crayons Shoe Polish Lubricants Supplements Solvents Waffles Breakfast Bars Cereals Tofu Humus Seasoning Salves Medicine Vaseline Cookies Brunch Bars Trail Mixes


HEMP FOR OIL Crushing and cold pressing the seeds of the hemp plant produces an oil with significant value.

The seeds contain many beneficial health characteristics when eaten raw, when crushed their application can continue to exceed. Before the Dangerous Drugs Act 1971 banned growing hemp, oil from the seed was commonly used in oil lamps, paints & varnishes, and personal care products. It is a natural phenomenon this raw substance has such versatile use. Hemp oil is not considered good for cooking, (because it has a low smoking point) it is the perfect accompaniment on salads and bread, with a subtle nutty taste. If you were to rub the same oil on your skin it would be a perfect natural moisturiser, as well as promoting blood circulation. In fact every skin, hair, cosmetic and beauty product that uses petroleum can use hemp oil as a superior natural alternative. The fatty acids present in the hemp seed are considered to be effective treatments for skin disorders such

Crushing hemp seeds

as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and dry skin. They are is also reputed to reduce irritation caused by nappy rash, cradle cap and UV damage. Furthermore this oil is considered to boast natural anti-aging properties. In the production of hemp oil no harmful chemicals are necessary and no waste is produced. In comparison growing the plant actively reduces large amounts of CO2, as the plant adsorbs this whilst growing giving off oxygen as a by-product. Taking hemp oil further, any product that uses petroleum can substitute it for hemp oil, promoting these miraculous environmental and health improvements. Hemp oil can be used to produce non toxic paints and inks, ridding of the toxic chemicals and emissions - they’d even be safe to wash down the drain. The high proportion of proteins present in the hemp seed make a perfect natural base to produce biodegradable plastics, free of thousands of unnecessary toxic chemicals.

processing of hemp into these various products make it incredibly difficult. EU law only permits 42 strains of the cannabis sativa hemp plant to be legally grown, marketed and processed, with high taxes throughout operation, making hemp awkward plant to work with. The hemp oil is best kept at a low temperature to prevent spoilage so transport abroad is limited and expensive. Therefore hemp oil is not widely available on the UK market, because home grown produce is currently minimal and difficult and over sea sources are too far to be practical, because the cost of shipping and refrigerating is too high. We know of the potential, we know of the benefits, we know of the importance, we must demand hemp oil, we must grow our own hemp.

The current regulations in place concerning the production and

HEMP FOR NUTRITIO In the early 1900’s hemp seed was traded on the global market as a valuable food

product. In China the seed has been held in high regard for thousands of years, and is used in many herbal medicines. The seed can be munched on raw or used in baking for a nuttier taste. Currently the majority of the seed imported by the EU is used in bird feed mixes, (which is fantastic for our garden birds) but we too should be grazing on this substance, it is

massively over looked. Hemp seeds, like the plant, contain a minuet number of THCs, too low to get any spacey side effects from. Yet these seeds do contribute many health benefits and is considered to be the most complete protein in the vegetable world. Some nutritionists even believe a diet of hemp seeds and water is fairly healthy, (althoughnot recommended) because they contain so many key proteins. These simple proteins strengthen the immune system and aid fending off toxins in

In a nutshell (or rather a hemp seed):

All All 20 20 amino amino acids acids Including Including the the 99 essential essential amino amino acids acids human human bodies bodies cannot cannot produce produce themselves. themselves. A A balanced balanced ratio ratio of of omega omega 3, 3, 66 and and 99 The The richest richest known known source source of of polyunsaturated polyunsaturated essential essential fatty fatty acids acids A A high high source source of of phytonutrients phytonutrients Natural Natural source source of of Vitamins Vitamins A, A, B, B, C C and and EE Iron Iron and and Zinc Zinc


Using the oil produced by crushing hemp seeds

HEMP FOR PLASTIC We know the damage plastic is having on our world. You’ve seen the images of dead birds with their stomachs of plastic, and you must have heard of the giant plastic vortex in the ocean the size of Texas.


Hemp seeds are highly nutritious and widely used in baking

the the body. body. The The various various omegas omegas found found in in hemp hemp seed seed are are great great for for brain brain development development and and cardiovascular cardiovascular health. health. The The disease-protective disease-protective phytonutrients phytonutrients found found in in this this plant plant seed seed aids aids the the skin, skin, blood blood streams, streams, organs, organs, tissues tissues and and cells. cells. This This extensive extensive list list of of beneficial beneficial nutrition nutrition gained gained from from eating eating hemp hemp seeds seeds can can help help aa large large number number of of medical medical problems. problems. From From skin skin issues issues such such as as eczema, eczema, heart heart problems problems like like strokes strokes and and high high blood blood pressure, pressure, immune immune deficiently deficiently issues issues such such as as tuberculosis, tuberculosis, and and those those suffering suffering from from unbalanced unbalanced hormones. hormones. The The UK UK does does market market few few food food products products that that contain contain hemp hemp seed, seed, such such as as breakfast breakfast bars bars and and granola granola and and the the seed seed isis openly openly sold sold as as aa baking baking product product yet yet few few know know of of its its health health benefits. benefits. Now Now you you know, know, so so give give itit aa go. go.

The basic building block of plastics is cellulose taken from petroleum, but toxic petrochemical compositions are not the only way to derive plastics. Plastics can be derived from plant cellulose, and since hemp is the greatest cellulose producer on Earth (hemp hurds can be up to 77% cellulose), its almost common sense to make non-toxic, biodegradable plastic from hemp and other organics, instead of letting our dumps fill up with refuse. The pioneer for hemp plastic was Henry Ford in the early 1930’s, who built the model T car, made from hemp plastics. The body of the automobile, (as well as the breaking components, seating material and dashboards for the car) we all composed of hemp plastic, manufactured in Fords secret biomass conversion plant in America. This hemp plastic is ten times stronger than steel, Henry Ford proudly displayed this by whacking his hemp car with a baseball bat causing no dents or damage. This forgotten knowledge has only recently been resurfacing in car manufacturing. German car companies such as BMW, Mercedes and Audi Volkswagen are currently incorporating hemp fibers in their models, for door panels and dashboards. Even more exciting is the production of tractors built from the material it is designed to harvest, hemp! The bodies of these vehicles can be made from 100% hemp fibers or mixed with other materials as a reinforcement aid. A vehicle made from hemp plastic is lighter and therefore takes less fuel to run, adding to hemps advantages economically and sustainably.

Hemp for plastic in everyday use is also possible and superior over many currently used synthetics such as polypropylene (PP) plastic. It is 2.5 times stronger and contains no harmful toxins, unlike some plastics on the market today which are reinforced with glass fibers and contain Bisphenol A, raising several health and safety issues. If all our current plastics were derived from hemp fibers you could purchase something in hemp plastic and chuck the packaging straight into the compost, where it would totally biodegrade and enrich the soil. If the product itself was made from hemp, it is also feasible to compost. Products that give back to the soil. It’s a very different process to our current affairs. Common until the 1930s was cellophane packing material, derived from hemp hurds, which were manufactured into a lowcost, compostable replacement for Styrofoam, one of the most environmentally damaging substances currently in production. We know hemp has potential, the legalisation of hemp production will see a boost in hemp technology and application. The replacement of harmful plastics with renewable, clean alternatives is a must to wean our dependence off petrochemical plastics, which are damaging on so many levels.

Anything currently made from the imported hydrocarbons of the oil molecule could be made from the domestic carbohydrates in hemp Observe your environment, how many products can you see that could be made from hemp?



“ The diesel engine can be fed with vegetable oils and would help considerably in the development of agriculture of the countries which use it ”

“The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today. But such oils may become in course of time as important as petroleum and the coal tar products of the present time.” Rudolf Diesel was worried about the climate of the industrial age, concerned with the soot and waste already evident in the 1900s air. Henry Ford found Diesels work inspiring and pursued an interest producing biofuels. In 1941 he released the first Ford plastic car. The body was made using a mixture of hemp, soy bean and flax and the car itself ran off hemp biofuel. He called it ‘a car grown from the soil’, and wished to market it to the general public as the first peoples car. By the 1930’s Ford Motor Company had successfully created a range of organic compounds from hemp, ranging from creosote to ethyl acetate, however the new prohibition law put an end to this field of research abruptly. With crude oil sources running low around the world it is becoming essential to find alternative sources of energy and fuel. If farmers were to run their machinery off these renewable sources the overall cost of production would reduce,


A typical acre of hemp will yield roughly 48 gallons of seed oil. This is a good yield but doesn’t compare to the production of sunflowers for fuel (60 gallons). So Hemp may not come out top, but this is only one part of the plant. The rest of the plant, such as the bast fibers and leaves can be utilised one hundred percent. Not only this but any waste matter in the


ideas developed and a range of diesel engines were produced that ran off a variety of natural products i.e. the oils from crushed peanuts, to create biofuel. The hotly spoken about subject in current world news. In 1911, a year before his death Diesel said this:

especially if they were to source the plant within the country, meaning self-sufficiently would increase tenfold.. Once hemp is converted into oil, it is easy to turn it into biofuel, simply add ethanol then it can run machinery and cars. Hemp fuel produces 75% less soot and particles than the diesel and petrol we currently use and 50% less carbon monoxide is realised.


Did you know the man who invented diesel, Rudolf Diesel, ran the first engine on nothing but peanuts? Literally peanuts. His

Using a combination of the hurds (the stalks and leaves) and seeds of the hemp plant process can be converted into fuel. If farmers were to run their machinery off these renewable sources the overall cost of production would reduce, especially if they were to source the plant within the country, meaning self-sufficiently would increase tenfold. However the value of the seeds and fibre of hemp is far greater than it’s potential for fuel production. If the hurds and seeds were to be used for lubricants, cosmetics and nutrition the value of the product is increased. So it seems although hemp has fuel potential it is currently more beneficial economically to use the hemp plant for another of it’s thousand uses. However as an alternative renewable source for fuel, hemp is substantially superior for the environment because of its waste reducing qualities.



Value for the Environment Organic Materials Run off Biofuels The World & Peoples Car

int ro ducing

GROWN SOI L from the

“Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?”

Henry Ford




A glance at global issues and h

Hemp has the potential to change the world as we currently know it. By weaving hemp into our industries we can generate a humongous positive impact for our local and global environment.

Further Reading & Interesting References Books Hemp Bound - Doug Fine, 2014 The Emperor of Hemp - Jack Herer, 2005 The Great Book of Hemp - Rowan Robinson, 1996 Online Hemp For Victory - US Government Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jokV8xlJTNE Henry Ford Whacking His Hemp Car With Baseball Bat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srgE6Tzi3Lg Hemp Can Save The World - ELEVATE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rpY-8u8_Iw

When the hemp plant grows it adsorbs C02 and releases oxygen. When the plant is used in building materials, plastics and other durable hemp products it contains this absorbs carbon, preventing it from entering back into the atmosphere. Hemp can further contribute to the decrease of emissions in our atmosphere because it can be home grown. This cancels out the need to ship or fly products thousands of miles, also creating local jobs and businesses. The UK would decrease its spends on imports and could create a thriving industry on hemp products and fuel.

The oil industry is worth millions of dollars annually, however it is our environment that is paying the highest price. Oil is not finite, the industry will end.

We cannot continue to rely on nonrenewable sources of energy which take thousands of years to produce. Biofuels were manufactured years ago with the birth


40 Tons of Seed 8 Tons of cold-pressed Oil ( food, cosmetics, fuel ) 32 Tons of seed cake


( high protein feed, powder, flour ) 400 Tons of Straw 280 Tons Hurd ( building, bedding, paper ) 120 Tons Fiber ( insulation, automobiles ) 400 Tons of Straw


hemps impact of the diesel engine, to run our cars on fuel grown from the soil. Its insanity we rely so heavily on the unnatural manufacturing of petroleum to run our world, its polluting, toxic and damaging. Aforementioned, hemp can be grown without the use of any pesticides or fertilizers which naturally unbalance the nutrients in the plant and soil. The manufacturing of plastics, paper and cotton requires and releases a large variety of chemicals and toxins throughout their life line. Many of these harmful chemicals are washed away during the processing and manufacturing stages of industry, but washed away where? The seas and rivers of our world have become the dead end of the sink hole, its where everything is ending up.

industries. We are making baby steps in the right direction, but the restrictions in place inhibit any growth. The UK does have a few hemp farms, however many are shortly lived because of the difficulties growing the plant here. Not only does it require a lot of money but it seems passion is essential to pioneer through the governments strict licensing rules. The laws regarding hemp need to loosen up and the world needs to be educated on this amazing plant. The demand will follow, the prices will drop and hemp will become part of everyday life.

By weaving hemp into our lives we can gradually begin to repair the damage we have inflicted on our environment. It will be a long time, if ever, until hemp can eliminate petrochemical productions and deforestation but it can certainly decrease our reliance on these harmful


Using 55% hemp in a t-shirt instead of 100% cotton saves over 100 gallons of water

The hurds and shives make fantastic building materials

NOTES & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Document set in Old Style Baskerville and Baskerville Regular Printed: Camberwell, London 2014 Distributed 20th April 2014, Hyde Park Publish Date Online: 22nd April 2014 http://millery.tumblr.com/ DESIGNER: MILLERY WHEELER ILLUSTRATIONS: NADINE GHANDOUR & MILLERY WHEELER


ZigZag Design. Contact: celary@hotmail.co.uk


Hemps strong fibers and durability make it an excellent candidate for building materials. Hemp hurds are easily developed into composite boards for panels, fibreboards, and a range of other timbre-based products. A combination of both hurds and shives produces sustainable insulation material which can reserve heat and energy. The U-value and R-value of hemp, (important measures of thermal resistance in the building industry) are very good in comparison to materials conventionally used. Mix these hemp hurds with lime and you’ve got a lightweight, strong, organic building block. Trail houses in England have been constructed from there renewable substances. Walls and solid blocks are produced at a low cost environmentally and economically. Hempcreate adsorbs C02 from the environment, which slowly petrifying the cellulose contained in the hemp hurds. In 50 years blocks become as solid as rock.

Advantages using Hempcrete - Allows the walls to breathe - Locks in C0 2 Approx 1110kg of C0 2 locked away per cubic meter - High U-value rating - Provides good thermal mass - Sourced within the UK - Renewable resource - Vapour permeable (discouraging mould and humidity) - Rotational, soil replenishing crop

H O P E emp


eoples verything




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