Tornado Boy

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Tornado Boy The setting is on the edge of a forest. There should be a tree and a bush with flowers.

Act I Lights up. Two women are picking at a piñon tree. One is older than the other. They are both wearing dresses. It is about to storm. Nialin: Auntie: Nialin: Auntie: Nialin: Auntie: Nialin: Auntie:

Auntie, why do we have to pick piñons? We have to eat. But isn’t food already going to be there? You can’t always depend on other people to do your work. Besides it is good for you. Work is good for me? Yes, work is good for you. You get to be outside. Make new friends. (looks around). There is no one here besides us, Auntie. Sure there are. You’re just not paying attention to them. Oh look one just flew by.

Auntie points to an imaginary butterfly. Nialin pretends to watch the butterfly rest on a flower petal. Nialin: Auntie: Nialin:

That’s a butterfly. I know. And if you listen to him, he might be able to help you. Help me with what? 1|Page


The weather. He can tell you it’s going to storm today. (Smiles)


I can see that it is going to storm today.

Auntie: until I

Then we better hurry up! (She starts to walk west). I’m going to find some cedar. You stay here and pick piñons get back.


But it’s boring alone.


Then you should make some friends.

She walks off stage, heading west. Nialin is poking around at the tree with her basket under one arm. Nialin:

Friend with a butterfly? Has my Auntie gone mad? I can’t talk to animals and even if I could how could they help me?

Tornado Boy appears. He is blue and dressed in a loin cloth, no shoes, and hair in two braids. He is young-looking and attractive. T.B


Nialin: T.B.

(stunned) Who are you? :

Nialin: T.B.


Me, I’m Tornado Boy. (He walks toward Nialin). Who are you? (Extends hand for handshake). I am Nialin. (Hesitantly shakes his hand lightly and pulls away fast).


Nialin: T.B.

Why are you afraid to talk to them?

So are you? Am I what? (Wiping the hand that shook his).


Are you afraid to talk to the animals? I’m not afraid of anything. Show me an animal that talks and I’ll be their friend. I just haven’t seen any talking, so I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the chance.




There are animals all around you who can talk. You can start with... (Looks around and points). Oh look one just flew by. Start with him.

Tornado Boy points to an imaginary butterfly. Nialin follows the imaginary butterfly with her eyes. She pretends he is resting on a flower petal. Nialin:

Who? That butterfly? (Looks directly at the imaginary butterfly). Hello Mr. Butterfly! How are you today?


Oh hello there! I’m great thank you.

The butterfly’s voice is heard from a speaker over head. Thunder is heard shortly after the butterfly speaks. Nialin is in shock. Nialin: T.B.

Tornado Boy, did you hear that?! :

Nialin: T.B.

No. The butterfly just spoke to me! :

Nialin: T.B.


All the animals can talk. You just have to listen to them. They’re already listening to you. (Looks at the sky). Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go now. I’m running a little late. Can I go with you?


Nialin: T.B.

I know. I’m late.

If you can keep up. I can run fast.


I can make you run faster. Try.

Tornado Boy runs off stage, heading east towards the storm. Nialin is still holding her basket. She is looking for a place to put it.



Tornado Boy hold on. I have to put my basket … (Looks at Mr. Butterfly). Mr. Butterfly, can you watch this basket for me? I’ll be right back.


Sure thing, but I might be leaving soon. A storm is coming in from the east.


I shouldn’t be too long.

Nialin runs off stage, east, like Tornado Boy. There is a sound of thunder as the lights fade out.

Act II Light on. Stage is focused on a bush with one flower that is particularly huge. A moth with big wings is singing to the flower in her language, Lakota. A drum is beating to the Moth’s slow and steady heart beat. Nialin is looking for the woman singing. She carelessly pushes moth who is then interrupted and stops singing. Moth:

Well excuse me!


Who is that?


Who did you just touch?

Nialin still can’t see who she is talking to. Moth buzzes in her face. Moth:

Don’t you see? It is I, Moth.

Nialin steps back. Nialin:

I am very sorry Moth. Forgive me for I did not see you there. Were you the lady singing?


(Annoyed). Before I was violently interrupted… (Looks at Nialin) Yes.


Again, I am very sorry. I did not see you there I swear.



Of course you didn’t. (Butterfly looks away from Nialin). Human beings never see the whole picture. You humans fly around wherever you want and push all those smaller than you around.


I did not purposely push you Moth. I was looking for my friend Tornado Boy and well you’re so…


(Interrupts). So what? Insignificant? Unimportant? Easy to push around?




Uh what?


(Nervous). I was going to say small.


(Looks at Nialin and starts to cry). That’s all I’ve ever been to anyone. Small! Here I am enjoying a nice, peaceful evening. All I want to do is pray but I can’t even do that without someone shoving me and calling me names. at the sky) Creator, what is it that I’ve done to deserve this life you gave me? When can I leave this world to be you again? In this world I am small and that is all I’ll ever be.

(Looks up with

Nialin is kind of freaked out. She walks closer to Moth to try to console her new friend. Nialin:

Now there Moth. I am sorry that I called you small. I did not think before I chose my words. You are not small. You are beautiful and I am blind for not seeing you before.


I am beautiful? (She is sniveling).


Oh yes, you are very beautiful. And you can sing beautifully too. What song were you singing before I carelessly interrupted you?


I was singing to the flowers. Thanking them for their nectar. They told me they needed water. Do you have any water?


I am sorry, but I don’t have any water.


Could you bring me water? 5|Page


I am sorry but I can’t bring you any water either.

Moth starts to cry and walks away from Nialin. Moth:

Of course you can’t. I am a small moth; why should any body do anything for me?

Nialin slowly walks towards the direction of Moth. Nialin:

It’s not that I don’t wat to help you Moth. Its just that I have places to go. I have to find Tornado Boy before it gets too late and it’s about to storm and I don’t even know where he is…

Nialin starts to cry. Moth walks over to console her. Moth:

Well its okay little girl. I know what way Tornado Boy went.


(Wipes her tears). You do?


Oh yes. He headed east. I’m sure you won’t have trouble finding him.


I won’t?


Who? Tornado Boy? He’s well known in these parts. (She sounds very confident).


Do you think I’ll be able to catch up with him before the storm comes or should I turn around?


Tornado Boy will protect you… if you find him. If you head east now you should be able to catch up with him before it’s too late.

Nialin looks east then starts to exit. Moth yells at her as she’s about to leave. Moth:

Oh and girl, watch out for snake! Don’t talk to him or he’ll trick you.

As Nialin leaves Moth begins to sing again. The lights fade with the sound of thunder.

ACT III 6|Page

The sound of lightning and thunder is heard before the lights come up. The lights turn on. Nialin enters from the west heading east, more cautious, afraid to push moths or other animals. Thunder is heard rumbling. She is looking around at the scenery calling out for her friend Tornado Boy. A snake is in a tree. He is somewhat hiding from Nialin. Nialin:

Tornado Boy!

She is careful not to step on anyone. Nialin:

Tornado Boy, are you here? Am I close Tornado Boy?

Snake hears her. He’s trying not to laugh. Nialin is getting nervous. She can hear someone. Nialin:

Hello? (Looks around). Is that you Tornado Boy? (A bit excited).


Yessssss…. (He starts to laugh).


Is that really you Tornado Boy?


Sssssure… why not?


Then show yourself to me.

The snake slithers closer to Nialin but she is looking the other direction. Snake:

Ssssssuppossssssse I’m not Tornado Man.


Then who are you? (Scared).


Ssssssuppossssssse I’m Sssssnake.

He slithers up next to Nialin. She is taken back and has to catch her breath. Nialin:

Ahh! (She steps back). Where’d you come from? You scared me.


Ssssnake? Sssscary? Ssssurely you don’t mean that? 7|Page


I didn’t say you were ssssccary. I said you sssscared me.


Haha… Ssssscared the Sssscar-dy Cat. (Chuckles).


Where did you come from?


Where did you come from?


I came from the west. I am looking for Tornado Boy so he can protect me from the storm.


The sssstorm. The sssstorm is eassssst.


I am headed eassssst.


You’re headed for the storm?


I’m looking for Tornado Boy and Moth told me to head east. She also told me… (She looks at snake suspiciously).


Moth! Don’t listen to Moth. Ssssshe criesssss for hersssself.


I like Moth. She is my friend.


No ssssshe’s not.


How do you know?


How do you know?


Why do you always copy me?


Becausssse… it’s eassssy.


Are you trying to trick me snake? Moth told me you would try to trick me. (Steps back).



Trick? Me? (Sarcastically shocked). Pleassssssssse. (Steps aways from Nialin). I have better waysss to ssspend my time. Bessssides human beings don’t need me to trick them. You humans trick yourssselvessss.

Nialin cautiously passes Snake. Snake:

Are you going now?


Yes, I have to find Tornado Boy before the storm. I have to go before it gets too late.


Yesssssss… Easssst…. Ssssstorm.

Snake slithers back to his tree. Snake:

Can you give Tornado Boy a messssssage?


If I find him.


Yessssss. If you find him tell him ssssnake is looking for him.


Ok snake. Good bye! It was nice meeting you.


Sssssso long. (Remembers). Hey girl, when you find the sssstream only drink from it if you are on the easssst ssside.


Or else what?


You tell me.

Nialin exits the stage, headed east. Thunder is rumbling. Snake slithers back in his tree and starts humming. It sounds more like a hiss. Fade out.

Act IV


The sound of lightning and thunder before the lights go up. Lights up. A deer is drinking water from a stream while standing on the west side of it. The stream is a blue cloth. Nialin enters and almost runs in to the deer, who is startled to see a little girl, Nialin is taken back by the deer’s appearance. The deer is covered in blisters. Deer:

Why hello there little girl. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?

Nialin backs away, freaked out by the deers blisters. Nialin:

I’m Nialin.


What is that?


That is my name.




That’s what people call me. What do people call you?


A deer I suppose. (Deer goes back to drinking water).


Then I will call you Deer.


Why do human beings always place so much emphasis on words? Names. What are names? Wouldn’t you be who are regardless of a name? (Annoyed). You call me Deer but that make me more or less than what I already am?


Well before you were just a deer drinking water, now you are Deer, drinking water.


I suppose.


Deer, can I ask you a question?


About my blisters? Don’t you find that rather rude?


Actually I was going to ask you if you’ve seen Tornado Boy. And if so, what direction was he headed? 10 | P a g e

Deer: was so I don’t

(Oblivious to what Nialin said). Well I’ll tell you about my blisters. The first one appeared last winter. It was cold. I thought it was a blister from the wind. I couldn’t find shelter so I mostly spent my time in the open desert. It peaceful. Then I started to get thirsty as more blisters started to appear. I suppose there is a direct correlation but know how to cure it. I tried…

Nialin interrupts Deer because she is in a hurry. She needs to find Tornado Boy before the storm. Nialin:

You can ask Tornado Boy.


Ask Tornado Boy what?


You can ask Tornado Boy how to cure your blisters.


Who is Tornado Boy to you?


He is my friend.


What is a friend?


A friend is someone to talk to in a nice way. And you can laugh together and be happy.


Laugh? What is that?


(Laughs). You don’t know how to laugh Deer? I think you might have more problems than just your blisters. What do you do for fun?


Fun? (Thunder). Hmm… What is fun? I suppose it makes you laugh. Well I’m not sure if I’ve ever laughed before. At least I can’t recall if I have recently… or ever really. So what is it I like to do for fun? Fun. Human beings and fun. Why my ‘fun’ is not fun at all. Everyone is always looking at me like I’m some piece of meat. That isn’t Running all the….

their fun.

Nialin interrupts Deer because she is in a hurry. 11 | P a g e


Oh I bet you are an excellent runner.


I am, aren’t I. (Proud).


What was the longest you’ve ever ran?


One night I was being hunted by a pack of coyote; I ran until the sun rose the next day.


Speaking of running, do you know which way Tornado Boy was running? I really need to catch up with him before it’s too late.


(Thunder). Tornado Boy was running that way. (Deer points east with his lips). East, towards the storm.


I better catch up with him before the storm. (Thunder).


Were you serious about Tornado Boy finding a cure for my blisters?


Maybe. It wouldn’t hurt to ask.


Then I will go with you too.

Nialin jumps over the stream. Deer steps in the water. They both are headed east. Deer:

What is your name again?




Oh yes, Nialin. I suppose we are friends.


Yes You are my dear friend, Deer. (Smiles).


I’ve never had a friend before. This is… fun.

They exit. Fade out with thunder and lightning. This storm is to crescendo throughout the play. It should be really loud. 12 | P a g e

ACT V While the lights are off the sound of thunder and lightning is loud. It carries as the light fade on. A Bear enters sniffing the air. Nialin and Deer enter opposite of the bear. Nialin does not notice the bear, the deer senses something is wrong. The Bear is quiet. He doesn’t move. He is watching the deer closely. Nialin:

And that was how I ended up at that stream with you. (Casual).


Nialin, don’t move. (Stunned. A deer in headlights).



Bear roars. Bear:

I am Bear. Why have you come to my area of the forest?


It is I, Nialin, and this is my friend Deer. We are looking for Tornado Boy. (Voice is shaky).

Bear: taste

I don’t care to know your names. Human Beings always think we animals care to know their name. I don’t care who you are little girl. To me you are any girl and to you Deer (Licks his lips), you are any deer. I bet those blisters good too. (Licks his lips again) I asked you: what are you doing in my part of the forest? (Roars).


Come Nialin, let’s go.


Go? You can’t go. I won’t let you go. You are both mine.


I am not anyone’s.


(Moves closer). Now you are. You are mine.


I’m not sure if I want to be yours.

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I’m not sure if you have a say. Just ask your friend Deer. He knows. I am Bear. What I say- goes. (Thunder). If I say you are mine, you are mine. If I say you will listen to me, you will listen to me. If I say go to the stream and fetch me water, you will go to the stream and fetch me water. (Moves even closer). If I say I am hungry find me food or I will eat you (Licks his lips), Haha you will find me food or I will eat you. (Moves closer). Just ask your friend Deer. He knows. Bear pounces on Deer and start to eat him. Nialin runs for the direction she came from. Thunder and lightning are crashing. Lights turn off immediately. The thunder and rain is still heard with rain and wind.

ACT VI All of sudden it is quiet. The lights turn back on. Nialin is running for dear life. She is not paying attention. She is headed west and she is scared. She runs into Tornado Boy. Tornado boy stops Nialin. T.B.


Nialin: T.B.

Oh my goodness. Tornado Boy, where did you run off to? I was looking for you but instead I found a moth, and a snake, and a deer. Then I met a bear and the bear ate the deer and I couldn’t find you… (Distress). :

Nialin: T.B. and are

Are you okay?

You are safe here. You said the bear ate the deer? Yes. And the deer was my friend. (She starts to cry).


Why are you crying? Don’t you know that is what bears do? They eat deer. But I can see why it is stressful. Human Beings always put themselves in a position where they must choose life or death. Most people would’ve stayed waited their turn to get eaten, but not you. That’s why I chose you to be my friend Nialin. You chose life. You alive! So what are you worried about?

Nialin is sniveling but has calmed down. Nialin:

I was hoping you could help Deer. He had blisters all over his body. 14 | P a g e



Most animals

I could not help Deer. Deer must help himself. It is everyone’s duty to take care of themselves. It is something we all must learn to on our own. It is the most important job the Creator gave us- our ability to take care of ourselves. people don’t know how to take care of themselves and this effects Mother Earth and so we all suffer. The suffer and the water suffers.

He looks down at Nialin. She is still sniveling. T.B.


Nialin: T.B.

I want to go home. :

Nialin: T.B.




You need your family. Not that I don’t have fun making friends it’s just…


Nialin: T.B.

You don’t feel safe with me? I don’t feel safe in here, in this forest.

Nialin: T.B.

Why do you want to go home? That was the last place I felt safe.

Nialin: T.B.

Home? Where is home? West, my auntie and I were picking piñons for a ceremony tonight.

Nialin: T.B.

Why are still sad?

It’s what? My grandma is sick and well, I just want to spend some time with her. Oh no I need to get home in time for the ceremony!


Well then I guess you better wake up. 15 | P a g e


Huh? (Lights out).

VII Nialin is sleeping under the piñon tree. She wakes up freaked out. She doesn’t know where she is. Thunder is casually rolling in the background. Nialin:

What? Tornado Boy?

The auntie comes running in and hugs her niece. Auntie:

Oh my goodness. Nialin! Are you fine?


I’m okay. I just had a funny dream.


What did you dream?


I dreamed I met a boy.

Auntie: Nialin:

Boys are not good for you. He was my friend, Tornado Boy. (She looks up at the sky). Then I met a moth, and a snake…

Auntie: Nialin:

Snake?! You met a snake. You better offer tobacco to the east. He didn’t bother me. He said he didn’t trick human beings because human beings trick themselves… (remembers) Oh no I forgot to give Tornado Boy Snakes message.

Auntie is looking around. She looks at Nialin’s empty Basket. Auntie: Nialin: Auntie:

Nialin, did you do any work? Well.. Well we need to get home before it rains. I guess the ceremony will have to go without our piñons and cedar. 16 | P a g e

Nialin: Auntie: okay. Nialin:

You didn’t get cedar? No. I made it to the edge of the prairie when I saw the Tornado pass. It came right by here I can’t believe you’re Wait, how long have you been gone?


Not too long. (They are both standing. Nialin looks confused.)

Auntie: stuff.

Come on let’s go home. (They walk west). You should tell grandma about your dream. She likes that kind of

They exit.

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