Graphic Design Graphics is the art or skill of combining text with pictures in adver:sements, magazines, books and other forms of media. It is a crea:ve process which combines technology and art to communicate ideas
Graphic Design • defines graphic design as “the art or profession of visual communica:on that combines images, words, and ideas to display informa:on to an audience.” • A graphic designer is responsible for arranging and using elements on different types of media (such as a poster, a package or a website), most likely with the use of a graphics soGware program
Who is it created for? • Graphic Design is created for everyone. It is involved in many everyday things such as bank cards, :ckets and plas:c bags as well as obvious forms of adver:sement like billboards and flyers. • In the world of enterprise a client will give a designer a brief sta:ng what they want from the designer and terms in which they must abide to. • OGen what the designer makes is for a specific target market and this is a factor they must acknowledge when designing for the client.
Areas Graphic Design covers • Symbols, Logotype & Logos -‐ Symbols and logos are special, highly condensed informa:on forms or iden:fiers. Symbols are abstract representa:on of a par:cular idea or iden:ty such as the Apple Logo or the CBS eye (lol illumina:) • Logotypes are corporate iden:fica:ons based on a special typographical word treatment. • Some iden:fiers are combina:ons of symbol and logotype. • In order to create these iden:fiers, the designer must have a clear vision of the corpora:on or idea to be represented and of the audience to which the message is directed.
• Branding -‐ the promo:on of a par:cular product or company by means of adver:sing and dis:nc:ve design. • The goal of this is to create customer loyalty by establishing and differen:a:ng their presence in their market. • Everyone can tell the difference between Coca-‐Cola and Pepsi visually. This is because their branding techniques have been able to give them a unique corporate iden:ty. It’s the same as the golden arches in the McDonald’s logo
Materials & Media Graphic Designers use • Graphic Designers use various mediums but recently majority oGen use more technological methods such as computer soGware like Photoshop and illustrator in comparison to manual methods like pain:ng and drawing. • It can vary depending on whether it is being used for commercial or ar:s:c purposes • Many though just use a combina:on like James Dawe, who makes digital collages or Mary Winkler who uses paints and soGware. • When designing packaging the material that will be used will be mostly paper, cardboard, plas:c and some:mes glass and metals (but mostly paper to be honest)
James Dawe
Mary Winkler
Ar8sts & Graphic Designers • A graphic designer in comparison to an ar:st works more with computers than with their hands. They don’t do as much physical artwork as an ar:st and oGen are working for someone else and con:nue to tweak their work un:l the client is sa:sfied. • An ar:st doesn’t need anyone’s opinion and their work is created for personal reasons rather than someone telling them what to do. They also use more tradi:onal methods in working. • Graphic designers can be ar:sts and ar:sts can be graphic designers in some cases as the two are similar in some factors, the main differences being just commercial reasons and the use of technology.