CEL Conference Programme

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LOCAL MARKETS, NEW RESPONSES A Sea Change for Services THE HOME IMPROVEMENT AGENCY ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2010 10th and 11th November 2010, Birmingham

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Day One:


John Timpson CBE, Chairman Timpson Ltd

Sue Adams OBE, CEO Care & Repair England

This conference will explore the potential for housing support services to respond to the new government strategies and lead local communities to meet the challenges of the future. Following the change of government and the largest public spending cuts in a generation there is no doubt that those who commission and provide public services are entering a new era. Service providers and commissioners will be required to focus on responding to change and demonstrating quality and value to their communities. But with change comes new opportunities. Vulnerable people will still need support and there are real opportunities for people-centred services such as home improvement agencies, to thrive and stake their place in local communities as power is devolved. This year’s conference will use the themes of ‘Quality’, ‘Innovation’ and ‘Efficiency’ to draw out best practice and development opportunities for delegates. We will explore how housing support can help to grow the ‘Big Society’ and the role of innovation as a sustainability tool. Delegates will also get the chance to discuss the role that social enterprises will play in the future of housing support, private sector finance for housing interventions and how the sector can respond to the efficiency savings agenda. Delegates will gain knowledge, insight, and practical resources to help them build on their successes, respond positively to change and develop the resilience they need to achieve sustainability.

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At a Glance


Day One Wednesday 10th November 10.30am to 10.45am Brunel Welcome and introduction to the conference Andy Chaplin, Director, Foundations

12.10pm to 12.55pm Brunel The Big Debate: innovate or consolidate? Chaired by Andy Chaplin, Director, Foundations

10.45pm to 11.20pm Brunel Opening Address - Neil McDonald, Director of Housing Standards and Support, Department for Communities and Local Government

12.55pm to 1.25pm Brunel Inspirational speaker Paul Kennedy, CEO, CEL Group

11.20am to 11.50am Brunel On the crest of a wave? Sue Adams OBE, CEO, Care & Repair England

1.25pm to 1.40pm Brunel Closing remarks Andy Chaplin, Director, Foundations

11.50pm to 12.30pm Brunel Delivering high quality services in challenging times John Timpson CBE, Chairman, Timpson Ltd 1.30pm to 2.30pm Clubhouse Building the Big Society: developing services with the community 1.30pm to 2.30pm Arden Suite Energy efficiency: an indepth look at home energy retro-fitting


Day Two Thursday 11th November

1.30pm to 2pm Bentley & 3pm to 3.30pm Bentley Accessible and adapted housing: the future of housing support 1.30pm to 2pm Smallbrook & 3pm to 3.30pm Smallbrook National Evaluation of Handyperson Services 2.10pm to 2.40pm Bentley & 3.40pm to 4.10pm Bentley Social marketing: the future of prevention



3pm to 4pm Arden Suite Improving homes in the private rented sector: the warm arm of the law 3pm to 4pm Clubhouse Personalisation for caseworkers


10am to 10.55am Brunel The new health sevice: lessons from the pharmaceutical industry in engaging with GPs


10am to 10.55am Bentley Private finance for home improvements and repairs w f



2.10pm to 2.40pm Smallbrook Improving efficiency: collective procurement of aids and adaptations f 3pm to 4pm Brunel New structures for the new order: the social enterprise model

10am to 11.30am Arden Suite Resources Hub


10am to 10.55am Clubhouse Quality, efficiency and innovation in delivering support for choice 11.10am to 11.40am Brunel Equality Impact Assessment



11.10am to 11.40am Clubhouse Good practice in collecting and using client feedback


11.10am to 11.40am Smallbrook Improving efficiency: collective procurement of aids and adaptations f 11.10am to 11.40am Bentley Taking a business approach to handyperson services b Key


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Masterclass Fringe Briefing Workshop

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Day One: Wednesday 10th November 2010 Conference Opens


Coffee and exhibition viewing - 9.30am to 10.30am

Breakfast briefing (ticketed session) Clubhouse – 9.30am to 10.15am

An exclusive ‘breakfast briefing’ with the Department for Communities and Local Government will be held on the morning of day one to discuss charting a course for the housing support sector. This is a ticketed session, maximum 40 delegates.

Plenary sessions

Brunel 10.30am to 12.30pm

Welcome and introduction to conference Andy Chaplin, Director, Foundations

Opening address: The Government’s priorities and the role home improvement agencies can play

Including a video message from the Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, Minster for Housing and Local Goverment. Neil McDonald, Director of Housing Standards and Support, Department for Communities and Local Government

On the crest of a wave?

In this session, Sue examines the long view regarding the market for home repairs and improvements. Sue draws particular focus on the rising number of low income home owners, and considers the range of possible responses by the HIA sector. Sue Adams OBE, CEO, Care & Repair England

Delivering high quality services is challenging times

It is a time of immense change for organisations which provide publicly-funded services. John Timpson, Chairman of Timpson Ltd and The Telegraph’s business ‘agony uncle’ will use his business experience, management expertise and passion for community centred services to advise delegates on how to survive and thrive on the challenges ahead. John Timpson CBE, Chairman, Timpson Ltd

Lunch and exhibition viewing – 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Breakout sessions

1.30pm to 4.10pm

Building the big society: developing services with the community Clubhouse - 1.30pm to 2.30pm (ticketed session)

The responsibility for building the Big Society has been placed squarely on all of our shoulders. In this workshop Wayne Tsoi from Wirral Council will deliver a masterclass session on how Wirral have been making in-roads to achieving real community engagement in developing their services. Wayne Tsoi, Wirral Council

Energy efficiency: an in-depth look at retro-fitting Arden Suite – 1.30pm to 2.30pm (ticketed session)

This session will cover the basic measures required to make a home energy efficient; the skills needed for retrofitting; qualification frameworks and accreditations; what the retrofitting market currently looks like and how it is likely to develop over the next few years in line with the new Green Deal for households. Luke Smith and Bill Taylor, Fusion 21

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Accessible and adapted housing: the future of housing support Bentley – 1.30pm to 2pm and 3pm to 3.30pm

Newham HIA’s latest development is the Accessible Housing Scheme which matches people, vacant properties and accessibility across all tenures. This session will help delegates to consider how HIAs can develop their remit to include accessible housing registers. Stephanie Brann and Helen Manning, Newham Home Improvement Agency

National Evaluation of Handyperson Services Smallbrook – 1.30pm to 2pm and 3pm to 3.30pm

The University of York have been commissioned by DCLG to undertake an independent national evaluation of the handyperson services funded through ‘Lifetime homes, lifetime neighbourhoods’. This session will cover the findings of the evaluation so far. Karen Croucher and Karin Lowson, University of York

Social marketing: the future of prevention Bentley – 2.10pm to 2.40pm and 3.40pm to 4.10pm

This session will enable delegates to be clear about what social marketing is and how it could be used to encourage behaviours and attitudes that complement the work of home improvement agencies, handyperson services and commissioners. Hilary Berg, Corporate Culture

Improving efficiency: collective procurement of aids and adaptations Smallbrook – 2.10pm to 2.40pm

The squeeze on public spending means that getting the best deals throughout supply chains is more important than ever. Over the last few months Foundations and Procurement for Housing (PfH) have piloted the adoption of collective procurement practice for aids and adaptations. This fringe session will give delegates access to the best practice identified so far. Alan Heron, PfH and Doug Stem, Foundations

Coffee and exhibition viewing - 2.30pm to 3pm

New structures for the new order: the social enterprise model Brunel – 3pm to 4pm (ticketed session)

This session will help delegates consider whether the social enterprise model is right for them. It will cover how a successful social enterprise operates; how to become a social enterprise; the approach of local commissioners to engaging with social enterprises; the funding options social enterprises help organisations to access and the future of social enterprises. Ceri Jones, Social Enterprise Coalition

Improving homes in the private rented sector: the warm arm of the law Arden Suite – 3pm to 4pm (ticketed session)

This session will focus on fuel poverty and explore some commonly occurring issues, taken from the private rented sector, and look how HIAs can work to resolve these problems. The session will also cover top tips for energy saving and take a look at how recent government announcements will change the nature of energy efficiency and fuel poverty assistance. Kelly Lee, National Energy Action and Malcolm Ramsay, Foundations

Personalisation for caseworkers Clubhouse – 3pm to 4pm (ticketed session)

The role of caseworkers in providing direct support to vulnerable people and the continuing focus on personalisation means that HIAs will work more regularly with people using personal budgets, individual budgets and self directed support. This masterclass will enable delegates to be clear about what personalisation means for them and their clients and be able to distinguish between different funding systems. Liz Heaven, Skills for Care and Maxine Shakespeare, Coventry City Council

Conference Closes Dinner and Disco

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– 8pm to 1am


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Breakout Day Two:Sessions Thursday 11th November 2010 (10:00am to 11:30am)

Conference Opens


Coffee and exhibition viewing – 9.30am to 10am

Breakout sessions 10am to 11.40am Resources hub Arden Suite – 10am to 11.30am

The resource hub is an open session to allow delegates to spend time accessing a range of resources and advice that can help to practically improve commissioning, the quality of services and service development. Resources available will include, FEMIS HelpDesk Live, Foundations NEW interactive commissioning and procurement resource (exclusively launched at the conference), the Handyperson Financial Benefits Toolkit and advice on accreditation. Our new technical support staff from Greenwich HIA will also be on hand to discuss any technical queries or practice.

The new health service: lessons from the pharmaceutical industry in engaging with GPs Brunel – 10am to 10.55am (ticketed session)

The recent health white paper introduced changes to the health service that will see the role of GPs changing to become commissioners of community and support services. In this session delegates will benefit from expert insight as a pharmaceutical research company shares practical insight on how to engage with this complex and diverse group of professionals. Jackie Morgan, Adelphi Group

Private finance for home improvements and repairs Bentley – 10am to 10.55am (ticketed session)

This seminar will provide delegates with up to date information and insight from finance professionals on the latest developments in equity release products and community finance solutions. Martin Hockly, streetUK and Joe Dumont, Community Development Finance Association

Quality, efficiency and innovation in delivering support for choice Clubhouse - 10am to 10.55am (ticketed session)

The FirstStop team will present its partnership model for enhancing the quality, efficiency, reach and value for money of home improvement agencies by embedding high quality, expert housing options advice into their service offerings to commissioners and individuals alike. The workshop will include time to explore how the FirstStop proposition can be introduced into a variety of HIA settings and how the FirstStop team can help raise expectations and opportunities locally. Sue Terry, John Galvin and Daniel Pearson, FirstStop

Equality Impact Assessment Brunel – 11.10am to 11.40am (ticketed session)

This briefing session, for both HIA and handyperson service staff and local commissioners, will cover what Equality Impact Assessments are; who can carry them out; good practice in undertaking an assessment and the impact they can have on decision making processes. Michael Keating, Local Government Improvement and Development Agency

Good practice in collecting and using client feedback Clubhouse – 11.10am to 11.40am (ticketed session)

The University of York will deliver a practical session on improving client satisfaction forms and service evaluation practice in the context of the ‘Big Society’. This session will provide practical advice and guidance on how to make the most of these tools. Delegates are invited to bring their own examples of satisfaction forms and other feedback mechanisms to share or seek advice on. Karen Croucher and Karin Lowson, University of York

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Improving efficiency: collective procurement of aids and adaptations Smallbrook – 11.10am to 11.40am

The squeeze on public spending means that getting the best deals throughout supply chains is more important than ever. Over the last few months Foundations and Procurement for Housing (PfH) have piloted the adoption of collective procurement practice for aids and adaptations. This fringe session will give delegates access to the best practice identified so far. Alan Heron, PfH and Doug Stem, Foundations

Taking a business approach to handyperson services Bentley – 11.10am to 11.40am (ticketed session)

This briefing will help delegates think about how taking a business approach to handyperson services could be central to their future success. It will cover understanding the local market; being clear about what a service does; good procurement skills and considering efficiencies and synergies. Chris Wade, Yorkshire Housing

Coffee and exhibition viewing – 11.40am to 12.10pm


Brunel 12.10pm to 1.40pm

The Big Debate : innovate or consolidate?

Do you believe that the core strength of the HIA sector is its ability to change in response to the needs of local communities? Given the squeeze on public spending, do you think we need to look for creative solutions to support vulnerable people that don’t cost the government anything. Or Do you think that when times are tough, focussing on what an organisation does best is the surest way to survive - and that if the HIA sector keeps changing, we risk diluting our identity, our purpose and future success? This panel debate will give you the opportunity to test your own and others’ ideas and concepts for the future of the housing support sector and reflect on what kind of response your organisation is taking. Chaired by Andy Chaplin, Director, Foundations

Inspirational speaker

Paul Kennedy, CEO, CEL Group

Closing remarks

Andy Chaplin, Director, Foundations

Lunch and exhibition viewing – 1.40pm to 2.40pm

Conference Closes


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Event Sponsors & Exhibitors Ashby Building Consultants - leading the way to a faster DFG delivery. Providing professional expertise to the disability sector by creating tailor made solutions. Providing an efficient service to H.I.A’s. and L.A’s. with bespoke schemes. We survey, design, prepare plans, schedules and obtain building regulation and planning permissions as necessary. w: www.ashbybuildingconsultants.co.uk e: ian@ashbybuildingconsultants.co.uk John Merison is a leading Midlands based Property Service Company with over twenty three years experience in the Building and Maintenance, Facilities Management sectors, also specialists in all types of Disabled Adaptations, for both commercial and private customers. We provide our Customers with a complete service provision all under one roof and we personally look after the whole project, using our own fully qualified trade’s persons. w: www.jmbmc.co.uk Aidapt are installers, manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of equipment for the elderly and less able. Now designing and installing bathroom adaptations within an eighty mile radius of our Croydon offices. e: adaptations@aidapt.co.uk t: 01689 800820 AKW is a leading provider of level access showers and kitchens for the elderly and disabled, partnering with a number of social landlords, contractors and merchants. AKW deal with every local authority plus all major housing associations and ALMOs in the UK. w: www.akw-medicare.co.uk t: 01905 823298 Astor-Bannerman take great pride in the quality of our services and equipment, and in our ability to provide innovative solutions to people with special needs. With a comprehensive product range of standard and bespoke equipment to suit our clients and a specialist understanding of sometimes very complex needs, Astor-Bannerman provide a cost effective solution. At this year’s conference Astor-Bannerman will be showing the Shower Buddy, a new product for the UK. e: info@astorbannerman.co.uk t: 01242 820820 Contour - When it comes to adaptation solutions to assist the elderly or less able, the choice available from Contour Showers is impressive. As well as having a lifetime guarantee, all our shower trays feature Microban® antibacterial protection. Low level step in or level wheelchair access, our superior range offers the ideal solution for almost any bathroom adaptation. w: www.contour-showers.co.uk e: sales@contour-showers.co.uk t: 01606 592586 Corporate Culture - leading communications and behaviour change for 25 years. Our skills are marketing strategy, managing complex communications projects, and the creative delivery of words and design. We use these skills to deliver social and commercial benefits for our clients. Our in-house creative, PR, research and planning teams support the development and implementation of social change campaigns. w: www.corporateculture.co.uk Go Independent is one of the UK’s leading specialists in the supply of showering, bathing and associated equipment for the elderly. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of products including our EVO chrome shower doors and shower trays which ensure that any bathroom installation is both practical to use and pleasing to look at. We pride ourselves not only on the quality of the products, but on the reputation we have built with all our customers over the last 25 years. w: www.goin.co.uk

idapt planning

Idapt focuses predominantly on Design for the Disabled. In 2008 the company launched a low cost, easy to use design tool for assessing disabled Adaptations. Since then the product has gone from strength to strength and used throughout the UK and overseas. Additionally, Idapt offers full consultancy services on all aspect of Adaptations from feasibility to Project Management. w: www.idapt-planning.co.uk

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Impey UK – Committed to Improving Lives. At Impey we focus on lifetime requirements - not just on the needs of today. Our specialist bathing products continue to perform year after year, providing peace of mind for the end user and at a very attractive whole-life cost for the client. Please visit Impey on stand 6. w: www.impey-uk.com t: 01460 256080 RWE npower is a leading UK energy company that recognises the importance of operating in a responsible manner. Our Health Through Warmth (HTW) scheme operates in 15 areas, helping vulnerable people, not just npower customers, who have cold and damp related illnesses by arranging installation of heating and insulation measures funded by a range of sources, including the unique HTW crisis fund. w: www.npower.com PfH is dedicated to supporting the effectiveness of the housing sector through its ability to achieve savings and helping to make the sector more efficient through innovative methods. As a member led organisation, PfH generates substantial savings by harnessing the collective purchasing power of housing organisations. By reducing procurement costs, providers can reinvest resources in front-line services, decent homes and vibrant neighbourhoods. w: www.procurementforhousing.co.uk Response Electronics have been supplying Security Products & Wireless Alarm Systems for over 20 years. We specialise in providing complete Security support solutions, especially for the elderly or vulnerable and offer a full training package to organisations such as Age Concern, HIA, Handy Van, Crime Prevention and Local Authorities. w: www.responseelectronics.com e: richard.samways@responseelectronics.com t: 01252 451622 Stannah is a family-run British company which has been making pioneering products since 1860. We are the world’s leading stairlift manufacturer with an unrivalled reputation for quality, integrity and service. We uphold this reputation by applying recognised standards to every product we make. Come and see us on Stand 3. w: www.stannah.com e: business_development@stannah.co.uk t: 01264 364311 streetUK works in partnership with Local Authorities, Housing Organisations and Regional Consortiums to assist in delivering local housing strategies and securing the governments decent homes standard by providing access to finance for low income and vulnerable homeowners. We are uniquely positioned to provide a 1st class service with our experience of being a Community Development Finance Institution and providing portfolio management software and Back-Office solutions to a wide variety of institutions and organisations for over ten years. w: www.street-uk.com

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