AAMC NEWS & NOTES A Message from the AAMC President The past summer was unusually quiet at
Many of us participated
Mills, with just a few students staying on
in President Elizabeth L.
campus to shelter in place. Among them
Hillman’s Zoom videocon-
were several international students. I
ference in June in which she
had opportunities to talk with some of
shared news of the impact
them about the hardships they faced,
of COVID-19 on Mills. The
both financially and emotionally.
pandemic compounds the
In some cases, they had decided not
financial deficits that the
to go home for fear that they would not
College has struggled with
be allowed to return to Mills for the
for more than a decade,
fall semester due to travel restrictions
despite ongoing efforts to
related to the COVID-19 pandemic or
balance the budget by mak-
to changes in US immigration policies.
ing deep cuts and develop-
Yet paying for food, lodging, and other
ing new revenue sources. It
basic necessities in the United States was
also contributes further to
a financial struggle as they had little
lower than optimal enroll-
opportunity to work on campus after
March, and their visa statuses did not
College’s long-term financial
allow them to work off campus. Some
students were further affected by cur-
In light of these difficul-
rency devaluations in their home coun-
ties, President Hillman also
tries or their families’ hardships when
talked about the potential
parents lost jobs due to COVID-19 or
for an enhanced partnership with UC
wish her well in her dual role as a mem-
became ill themselves.
Berkeley, which could be one solution
ber of the College Board of Trustees.
Viji Nakka-Cammauf
Considering the difficult situation for
to Mills’ predicament. Following the
Mills has always been a place of beauty,
these international students, the AAMC
Zoom-cast, the BOG collected ques-
and during these challenging times, it
Board of Governors (BOG) organized
tions and comments about the partner-
is also a place of tranquility. Summer is
a fundraising campaign to help cover
ship from alumnae and hosted a virtual
fast fading and fall is around the corner.
their room and board, medical insur-
town hall meeting on September 17 to
I think these words from Laura Jaworski
ance, and essential needs for the sum-
address these concerns.
perfectly describe fall at Mills:
mer. Find a report about this fundraising
It is a time of great change, and this
effort and others on the facing page. I am
summer, Mills lost Leah Hardcastle
very grateful to everyone for their timely
MacNeil, MA ’51. Leah was a lifetime
and generous participation in our effort;
member of the BOG and a beloved
it has been a great source of support for
alumna who will be missed by many.
each of the assisted students.
We are grateful for her many gener-
An autumn breeze, A string of words, A star-filled sky— All are poetry
During the summer, the BOG and
ous contributions to the AAMC. You
I wish you all good health, safety, and
its committees also worked to create
can find her obituary in this issue’s In
well-being wherever you are sheltering
pandemic-friendly events for this fall’s
Memoriam section.
in place, and I look forward to seeing you
incoming students. Taco Tuesday had a
Finally, I want to close with my con-
different look this year: students picked
gratulations to Adrienne McMichael
up their tacos at the Tea Shop, and some
Foster ’74, our newly elected alumna
of us governors were there to extend a
trustee. The governors and I are happy
Viji Nakka-Cammauf, MA ’82
socially-distanced welcome to Mills.
to welcome Adrienne back to the
President, Alumnae Association
Board meetings and other events this
AAMC Board of Governors, where she
of Mills College
fall will be virtual.
previously served for one term, and to
back on campus when it is safe. Warmly,