Mills Quarterly, Spring 2020

Page 22

AAMC NEWS & NOTES One AAMC committee, the Alumnae of Color Committee (AOCC), has been showing their support for the College by steadily adding to the Alumnae of Color Endowed Scholarship Fund, created in honor of President Emerita Alecia DeCoudreaux to support students of color. The committee is working hard to grow its endowment to $200,000. The AOCC had quite a successful fundraising campaign in the fall, as well as a fantastic fundraising concert in February featuring Oakland recording artist Kev Choice, singer Jennifer Johns, and the Lucy Kinchen Chorale. You can contribute to the scholarship fund at alumnae The AAMC has also been the beneficiary of Mills graduates’ generosity. We recently welcomed back into our circle of donors a number of alumnae who

A Message from the AAMC President

have not made gifts for more than 15 years. Contributions to the AAMC Fund support a wide range of activities, from events for students to our MillsConnect


networking and mentoring program had hoped to tell to you about all

you are able, please consider support-

(, and we are deeply

the ways the AAMC would cel-

ing our alma mater. College leaders, fac-

grateful to all our donors, new and old.

ebrate Mills students this spring,

ulty, and staff are working tremendously

You can also express your support of

with events like the Pearl M Dinner and

hard to keep the community safe and

Mills and the AAMC by voting for our

the International Student Dinner. But

continue to provide students with an

alumna trustee nominee (see facing page

just before this issue of the Quarterly

empowering education. Mills will face

and inside back cover) or by serving

went to press, the COVID-19 pandemic

additional financial strains as a result of

on a committee of the AAMC Board of

changed everything. Instruction for all

the pandemic. At the same time, it con-

Governors. I encourage you to peruse the

classes moved online, and most students

tinues to address a structural deficit and

AAMC website for a list of the commit-

returned to their homes. Spring events

must seek new ways of fundraising and

tees and descriptions of their activities.

were cancelled or postponed, including

new revenue streams to close this gap,

As spring blossoms all around us, I am

Commencement and the AAMC annual

as President Hillman has noted in her

reminded that Mills College has endured

meeting that would have taken place on

Quarterly letters.

longer than any of us have been alive. It

The AAMC proudly supported the

has been through all manner of crises,

As I write this, at the end of March,

College by extending a $2 million line of

and it will surely weather this pandemic

California remains under a “shelter in

credit in 2017. This loan helped fund two

with integrity and strength. I am grate-

place” order. The campus is closed to all

important academic initiatives: redesign

ful for our donors as well as alumnae

visitors, including alumnae. AAMC staff

of the undergraduate student experi-

who serve the AAMC in various ways to

and volunteers are working from home.

ence, known as M POWER, and the

enrich our legacy and ensure our com-

This situation may change by the time

creation of online degrees for selected

mitment to Mills for the next generation.

you receive this magazine; please email

School of Education graduate programs.


us at for an update.

We continue to look for ways our asso-

Viji Nakka-Cammauf, MA ’82

ciation can help strengthen the College’s

President, Alumnae Association of

financial position.

Mills College

the same day.

We are all confronting unexpected challenges during this pandemic. But if 20


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