Portfolio Milos Nikolic

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C o n t a c t

Miloš Nikolić -Master of Arts in ArchitectureHochschule für Bildende Künste Städelschule Frankfurt - Dipl.-Ing. ArchitectFaculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade date of birth: m.tel: e-mail:

20/06/1980 +4915110631939 miloskasulnikolic@gmail.com


porfolio showcases several of most recent researches and studio projects designed at Faculty of Architecture of University in Belgrade (Serbia), Goethe Insititute in Belgrade and Städelschule in Frankfurt (Germany), as well as design projects of architectural and urban competitions, interior design and built object. The projects range from educational and cultural, throughout multi-programmic spaces, housing, commercial, urban acupunture to architectural and artistic research. Each project has been chosen for its execution in overall concept, completion and detail of project, and multi-programmic ranges. It includes profesional works after graduating in Architecure Faculty in Belgrade, as well as academic researches and project during study on both schools, Architecture Faculty in Belgrade and Städelschule in Frankfurt.

T a b l e o f c o n t e n t s -ACADEMIC PROJECTS-

ARTS AND CRAFTS CENTER, Wuppertal, Germny.........................................................2 MULTIPLE PUBLIC CENTER, Frankfurt, Germany...........................................................18 CENTER FOR MUSIC AND FOLKLOR ‘‘KRSMANAC’’, Belgrade, Serbia....................24 -PRACTICE-

HOTEL AND BUSINESS CENTER ‘‘MALABO GATE’’.......................................................34 SPORTS CENTER ‘‘COLONY’’..........................................................................................36 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ‘‘CN2’’ , Belgrade, Serbia.....................................................38 TV STATION ‘‘AFRICA 24’’, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.............................................42 -COMPETITIONS-

MUSEUM FOR CONTEMPORARY ART, Novi Sad, Serbia.............................................44 MARKET PLACE ‘‘PALILULA’’, Belgrade, Serbia............................................................50 MIRA TRAILOVIC SQUARE, Belgrade, Serbia...............................................................54 STARA HERCEGOVINA SQUARE, Belgrade, Serbia.....................................................56 -ACADEMIC RESEARCH PROJECTS-

HONEYCOMB..................................................................................................................58 KAYAANISQATSHI ............................................................................................................60 OTHER PROJECTS.............................................................................................................64


Speculative Drawing Simultaneous confrontation between two realm within complexity and contradiction



Date: 2016 Place: Wuppertal, Germany Size:~5.500 m2 Status: Academic Project

This Master thesis project that was produced within Advanced Architectural Design as one of specialisation in Staedelschule is based on interrelation of the facade as a main architectural element and its techniques of conception. Program has tendency to investigate and improve design of domain of ‘’deep facade’’, whereby this ‘’deep’’ should not be misunderstood as a literally and merely geometrical issue, but as a way richer process of abstraction, relation, interpretation, translation, representation and – even more important – an interest for architectural effects and affects. Attempt is to conceive strategies for ‘deepness’’ that are hidden inside the flatness of the facade by itself.

Duality and integrity, unpredictability and unexpectedness, visibility and invisibility as well as the entire process of transformation from one area to the complete opposite were the main issues whose answers have been tried to be provided by this project. In architectural framework this mentioned questions have their offsprings in inquiry: How it is possible that one body contains different one, but at the same time has its own characteristic of a system that it is formed of? Starting from something that exists with it’s own strong characteristics and transform into completely new, not only appearance and form, but behavior and purpose. Project was designed for the town of Wuppertal and placed on location in wider city center, maintaining existing almost neglected building, and transforming into new one. Physical Model


Speculative Drawing St.Ivo alla Sapienza, F.Borromini


Intermediary space as ‘‘leftover’’ between two entities Diagrams which describe transitions and transformations of the same precedent (within one system) open a question of: effects, consequences and established conditions in a point where this, that ‘’double-face’’ interface, interact, meet and generate space in-between.

Untouchable Elements form Mutual Relation Longitudinal Corridor / Inside the Wall

Overlapped Elements Form Mutual Relation Transverse Passage / Inside the Wall

Intersected Elements Form Mutual Relation Poché / Inside the Wall

Untouchable Elements form Mutual Relation Longitudinal Passage / Inside the Wall


Speculative Drawing St.Ivo alla Sapienza by F.Borromini, Rome, 1660. Spatial qualities are being generated by negotiation between two radically different systems as a result of mutual interaction between double-faced fragments.


variable A

variable B

variable C

basic spatial component

horisontal connections between voids

connections between voids

vertical connections between voids

Initial Apparatus Disparity in spatial and visual connection between segments inside the unit

0.00 +3.20


+3.50 gallery



+0.70 workshop




0.00 0.00 +3.50 +3.50


social space +3.50

+3.50 Floor Plan Fusion of homogeneous and heterogeneous spaces in one entity, represented in building’s plan




Physical Model - Detail Reveals the subtle curvature of the generating geometries









- 3.20

section 1-1 +18.50







- 3.20

section 2-2 +18.50







- 3.20

section 3-3 +18.50







- 3.20

section 4-4 Transverse Sections Variety of in-between spaces between two different realms / facades

Transverse Section Detached facade, homogeneous space and uni-directionality versus integrated facade, heterogeneous space and multidirectionality



Homogeneous Space Detached Facade

Heterogeneous Space Integrated Facade


Front Facade Existing building with flat, rigid and strictly justified facade













Longitudinal Sections - diagramatic view Variety of in-between spaces between two different realms / facades

Rear Facade New part of transformed building with flamboyant facade, highly generated from inner space


Longitudinal Section - Detail Hybridisation of new space that has both characteristic of existing and new one has different attitudes, starting from spatial simple to spatial complex


Concave and convex curves that were incurred of generation of ‘’templates’’ led to the facade which is conceived as a set of flamboyant lattice deep structure.

In this way the surface is recognizable as historically contextual, while at second glance it appears ‘‘radical’’ since it is tectonically materialized.

Speculative Drawing Determination of ambiguous space as system of simultaneously confrontation between ‘‘both-and’’ realm within complexity and contradiction

Hybridised space means to ‘’both-and’’ relationship. Ambiguity in a sense that something belongs to both area of diversity. It is not either-or relationship, yet belongs to both realms.



Date: 2015 Place: Frankfurt am Main, Germany Size:~1.500 m2 Status: Academic Project

Based on research of the relation between different entities and promotion multiple conditions with complex and variable relations, at the macro scale, the project is a linking element between different bodies, in this case, couple of surrounding buildings in a business district. Research of Surface-to-Volume transformation, that precedes this project, shows how one single surface can be transformed into mass. Serious of generative drawings later transformed into different volumes of clay objects present how one single surface can form threedimensional volume space where the mass is achieved by increasing the thickness of the wall. Established forms of the sculptures include different surface actuation that results double curvature of the surface. Through this operation of transformation the voids in surfaces and masses become visible that leads to the question of relation between in-and-out space.


Clay Sculpture

Clay Sculpture


defining the grid

defining the flanges

boundaries shifting and felt points

defining the voids

This matrix describes all two dimensional sources used in the generating the form of this project, organised by the transformation of the grid that comes from the research in weaving and braiding field.

Diagrammatic Section Visual connection between different plateaus


Speculative Drawing Peeling and layering of surfaces generate voids in space

Longitudinal Section through the building reveals a level of coherency that enables unobstructed view and connection between different plateaus of the building itself but also link of surrounding existing structures with the new one. Longitudinal Section


Sporadically detached from the ground this project represents a model of creating interiority in outer space as an alternative to open public spaces and open a question of figure-to-ground relationship.


CENTER for MUSIC and FOLKLOR ‘‘KRSMANAC’’ Belgrade, Serbia

Date: 2006 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size:~8.600 m2 Status: Academic Poject

Located in the city center, next to cultural and educational buildings, Centar for music and folklor of The Academic Arts Association “Krsmanac” verify its highly regarded reputation in the society as institution of magnificient importance in education young generation.It is situated directly in front of the existing building of Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. In conceptual way, this project shows the solution of interpolation between object under protection of heritage. Based on research of the relation between different entities, this object interconnects and links multiple conditions among existing surrounding structures.In programmatic concept, this objects presents multi connected cubic chanks assembled as complex coherent structure. Consist of main chamber and other departments, each in different chank, object represents complex figure-to-figure relationship.

Concert Hall Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation


Center for Music and Folklor ‘‘Krsmanac’’


Yugoslavian Film Archive Museum

rotation of unit

change the angle and scale of unit

superposition of units

centralised superposition of units

centralised superposition of units - vertical overview -

centralised superposition and plung of units - vertical overview -

Geometric Genealogy This matrix describes source geometries used in the process of design, organised by centralised superposition and plunging of structural units. The user must gain greater implicit understanding ot the nature of superimposed geometries as he proceeds through the spatial experience.


0.00m - Ground Floor Plan Elevated public ground

13.90m - Floor Plan Entrance to gallery of Concert Hall



Cross Section 1-1 through concert hall and rehearsal room in basement



Detail of structural glass facade


Spatial placement of different materialized tectonic masses generates conglomeration which queries figure-to-figure relationship in discourse.


HOTEL and BUSINESS CENTER ‘‘MALABO GATE’’ Malabo, Equatorial Guinea

Date: 2013 Place: Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Size:98.000 m2 Team: M.Nikolić, Z.Kilibarda, prof. B.Gligić, M. Simović Duty: construction drawings (plans, elevations, details, revetment and armature’s drawings) Status: in progress

Currently one of the biggest running project under construction in capital of Equatorial Guinea, this Hotel and Business Center represents ‘’Gate’’ to the city along the main avenue that leads to new business and commercial distric. Two symmetrical positioned high-rise buildings, go up to +94.30m. In a completely new quarter of Malabo, this building, dominates not only with its size, but materialisation of structural glass towers placed on firmly massive double floor annex, represents significant benchmark with its geometric winged form.

Executive Details of Columns on Level 0.00 Business Center


Executive Plan +18.60 Hotel’s Tower


SPORTS CENTER ‘‘COLONY’’ Smederevska Palanka, Serbia

Date: 2011-2014 Place: Smederevska Palanka, Serbia Size:1.850 m2 Team: M.Nikolić, G.Nikolić, J.Krstić Duty: collaborator designer, executive drawings Status: built

As a result of examination forms and one of the basic postulates of functionalism, that form follows function, there is a facility of the Sports Center ’’COLONY’’. The building is based on modern principles of designing and implementing modern materials, with geometry of dynamic structures, large varieties of form, height and materials that emphasize internal functions. Facades are designed and made by combination of alucobond and fundermax panels. In the context of the building intended primarily sports, in addition to three separate sports hall there and support facilities, shops, children’s playground, and a coffee bar.

Executive Cross Section


Floor’s Details



Date: 2011 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size:~2.800 m2 Team: J.Krstović Nikolić, G.Hikolić Duty: executive drawings of details, plans and elevations Status: built

Designed as one unit block, residential building looks geometrically symmetric, but distinctions are achieved by the different materiality of left and right side of the vertical - entrance axis. The aim was to translate the aspect of the city formal urban condominium housing into contemporary and high-quality appearance of residential building. Emphasis of existing building composition was combined with symmetry, structural proportion and straight lines. Combination of natural stone and Coriolan tiles with metal and glass elements, gives a vivid appearance of this urban building.

Horisontal executive detail window

Vertical executive detail window


Detailed Design First Floor Plan


Detailed Design Cross Section



TV STATION ‘‘AFRICA 24’’ Malabo, Equatorial Guinea

Date: 2014 Place: Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Size:~4.300 m2 Team: M.Nikolić, Z.Kilibarda, prof.B.Gligić Duty: executive drawings of details, plans and elevations Status: in progress

T riangulation as one of the main postulat of deviding surfaces and spaces, resulted in this building’s shape, where clear, simple and recognizable form dominate in the new distric of the capital of Eguatorial Guinea. In a completely new quarter of Malabo, this building, even it does not dominate with its size, represents significant benchmark with its simple and neat form. Glass’ mass, embodied into marble frame, in interior generates void around which building’s facilities are placed.

‘‘V’’ column’s executive detail

Scheme joinery


Column’s executive detail



Date: 2007 Place: Novi Sad, Serbia Size:12.800 m2 Team: M.Nikolić, D. Antić Duty: Complete Design Status: Open Competition Entry

The main idea of conceptual settings of Museum of Contemporary Art, was the aim of competitioning clear functional and physical space of the new museum building and realization of multifunctional indoor public space for temporary exhibitions with possibility of mobility of space for the reason of other activities in culture and education. Giving to walls other function that they have had through the history of architecture, to give them possibilities to be the room for other activities of employed stuff was effort of this competition entry. Opposite, an open and transparent space should be given to visitors of the museum. In that reason the main corpus of the structure is opened and transparent, while the rectangular form of the thick double wall, in which are the spaces for employers surround the area of the permanent exhibition.

Panoramic Overview

0.00m - Ground Floor Plan


Cross Section through temporary and permanent exhibition hall

Right-side Overview


Longitudinal Section through temporary exhibition hall

Street Overview


Mask vs. Veil While Mask covers the face and transforms it by providing an image that replaces the original with a new identity, Veil hides and by merging the exterior surface with the interior body it gives completely new cohesive image that requires both. Intention was to generate architecture that implies seduction and curiosity.


MARKET PLACE ‘‘PALILULA’’ Belgrade, Serbia

Date: 2009 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size:~8.000 m2 Team: M.Nikolić, N.Novaković, I.Mrkonić Duty: Complete Design Status: Open Competition Entry

Conceptual urban architectural design of mobile market place and object on the new square in function of new market; Design of the new public plaza which would be opened during the late afternoons and nights hours and covered space for market area and market stalls which is going to be used during the daylight; Leveling of new design area; Connections between different consumers, sellers and people were main course in designing Market Place ‘‘Palilula’’ for the competition entry. Morphology of the terrain causes good study solution of the site and posibilities of making connections of the important points that are located at different levels. The aim of the design solution was to detect the main flow of movement of the users of market. A small percentage of construction in the proposed solutions in the area of the square-markets, as well as the shape, position and transparency of the set of elements contribute to the overview of vistas and fluidity of movement flows of the users.


Location of Programs



Longitudinal Section through Market Plaza, Indoor Market and Garage




Date: 2013 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size:~6.500 m2 Team: M.Nikolić, B. Nikolić Duty: Complete Design Status: Open Competition Entry

T he main idea of conceptual setting was the idea of forming ​​ a clean environment in terms of design, use basic and simple forms and lines of the compositional elements of the ensemble, the design of urban furniture, and the materialisation of used elements. The distinctive and recognizable element of the Bitef building is taken as a model and a primary artistic expression in the further planning and treatment of partners, such as the disposition of the furniture. Placed on the line bisecting the angle building Bitef fountain with its position and structure reflects the dominant vertical elements of the building directly behind it. In spatial term, the meeting place of wasps Knez Miletina and Drinciceva street, is dropped as well as the bisector the benchmark in space. A greater number of floor lamps and memorial plaque Mira Trailovic into the soil could be characterized as extreme classicist conceived.



Longitudinal Section through Plaza




Date: 2013 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size:~10.500 m2 Team: M.Nikolić, B. Nikolić Duty: Complete Design Status: Open Competition Entry

T he main motive of the element of the architectural concept is a circle. A unique and dominant in its spatial concept, formal and dimensionally visible, large circle, displaced from the geometric center Square, forms the entire area and gives a poetic character, which was one of the main ideas. A design placed playful and jagged structure made up of several circles of different sizes dinamizes the introduction of the main pedestrian treated different paving.The whole area is thanks to Square, tentatively, flat ground, and treated without elevation sloped and vertical obstacle, but as a space for its edge extending integrated streets, achieving the unity of the whole environment and direct contact with the ground surrounding buildings park ensemble. Site

Longitudinal Section through Plaza




Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Date: 2014 Place: Frankfurt am Main, Germany Status: Academic Research Project

T his research is based on an idea of generating grotto-like-space by implementing the modules formed from the basic geometric elements. A combination of spheres and hexagons is taken to form the basic element - the Unit - that creates visual MOTIF which may be combined and repeated in different scales and various ways into patterns. The whole structure consists of two identical layers of mentioned Units. Upper layer is duplicated as mirror along the vertical axes and the elements have gotten their opposite height.



Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Date: 2014 Place: Frankfurt am Main, Germany Status: Academic Research Project

T his research was guided by intention to investigate how one single surface can be transformed into mass. Serious of generative drawings later transformed into different volumes of clay objects present how one single surface can form three-dimensional volume space where the mass is achieved by increasing the thickness of the wall of used surface element. Established forms of the sculptures include penetrations as well as different surface actuation that results double curvature of the surface. Through this operation of transformation the voids in surfaces and masses become visible that leads to the question of relation between in-and-out space











Date: 2013 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 80 m2 Duty: Complete Design, Execution Status: built

Date: 2010 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 60 m2 Duty: Complete Design, Execution Status: built

Date: 2011 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 26 m2 Duty: Complete Design, Execution Status: built

-project supported by Goethe InstitutDate: 2013 Team: K.Shinagawa, B.Stanić, M.Popović Duty: Research, Design, Production Status: built

Date: 2011 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 36 m2 Duty: Complete Design, Execution Status: built

Date: 2006 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 360 m2 Duty: Execution Status: built

Date: 2008 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 90 m2 Duty: Complete Design, Execution Status: built

Date: 2016 Place: New Delhi, India Size: 90 m2 Duty: Design, Counsellor Status: Conceptual Design










Date: 2004 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 10000 m2 Team: I.Mrkonić, N.Novaković, M.Nikolić Status: Architectural Competition

-best student annual design projectDate: 2004 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 1200 m2 Status: Academic Project

Date: 2004 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 1500 m2 Status: Academic Project

- Advance Architectural Design Date: 2016 Place: Frankfurt, Germany Status: Exhibition

Date: 2015 Place: Beijing, China Size: 240 m2 Team: B.Nikolić, M.Nikolić Status: Architectural Competition

Date: 2015 Place: Frankfurt, Germany Status: Exhibition

Date: 2015 Place: Tokyo, Japan Team: B.Nikolić, M.Nikolić Status: Architectural Competition

Date: 2013 Place: Belgrade, Serbia Size: 320 m2 Team: B.Nikolić, M.Nikolić Status: Conceptual Design


C u r r i c u l u m

V i t a e

EDUCATION Master of Arts in Architecture

(German Part II equivalent) Hochschule für Bildende Künste Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, Germany Oct. 2014 -Jul. 2016

Dipl. Ing. Arch.

(Serbian Part II equivalent) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture Belgrade, Serbia Oct. 1999 - Apr. 2006

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3DeLuxe Transdiciplinary Design

SOFTWARE SKILLS AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Rhino + Grasshopper 3Ds Studio MAX SketchUp + V-ray Microsoft Office

AWARDS / ACHIEVEMENTS AIV Best Master Thesis Prize, Nominee

Hochschule für Bildende Künste Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2016

Market Place ‘‘Palilula’’, Finalist

Wiesbaden, Germany Mar. 2017 Designer Architect

Architectural Competition, Belgrade, Serbia, 2009

Nenad Popovic Architekten

Best Student Annual Design Project, Recipient

Göppingen, Germany Jul. 2016 - Dec. 2016 Head Architect assistant and Designing coordinator

Städelschule Architectural Class Frankfurt am Main, Germany Nov. 2014 - Feb. 2016 Students’ Assistant

RMJM / Arhiram

Belgrade, Serbia May 2013 - Oct. 2014 Project Designe and Project Architect

Imotec Ltc.

Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Nov. 2011 - May 2013 Project Designe and Project Architect


Belgrade, Serbia Apr. 2006 - Nov.2011 Project Designe Architect

Museum of Contemporary Art, Finalist Architectural Competition, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2007

University of Begrade - Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia, 2004

EXHIBITIONS Flat Facade - Deep Structure

Städelschule Annual Exhibition ‘Rundgang’ Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2016

‘A Model of Savamala’

Project of Excellence by Goethe-Institut, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013

LANGUAGES Serbian / Croatian (Native Speaker) English (Fluent) German and Spanish (Progressive Knowledge)

M i l oš N i ko l i ć- Ka šu l miloskasulnikolic@gmail.com +49 1511 063 1939

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